The artificial malfunctioning heart of the WEF. The WEF knows the price of everything and the value of nothing

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Yeah they still wither to decrepitness and die like everyone else. Sad they inflict evil everywhere they go.

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Thank you Cliff! This resonates with me. Although I don’t understand it completely I innerstand it all.

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Yes! It's sheer poetry!

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"I Innerstand", ... that's gold right there !!

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In 40+ years of driving I've placed only one bumper sticker on one of my vehicles.

Back Story:

Who - me, early 20s/KS girl/just moved to Southern California.

What - sticker (last one) quote "Oh No Toto, I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore".

When - late 80s. Where - grocery store. Why - fate.

How? - Of course I bought it and placed it right under KS plate.

Result - It definitely received attention! Beats once popular (70s) "Shit Happens".

Alas, Today is the day for a new bumper sticker and it should (my view) read:

"Masculinity creates and maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and maintains Life"

- Clif High

Of course living in Washington state, King county who knows how many would object. If someone will make it I'll buy it and put it on my bumper. Clif?

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It's perfect!! I just HAD TO SHARE ON GETTR

"Masculinity creates and maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and maintains Life"

- Clif High

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My favorite bumper sticker of all time is "Go to your studio and make stuff."

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A favorite bumper sticker: “Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult” 🥳

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Y = life

H = giver [ feminine ]

W = law

H = giver [ masculine ]

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Anyone with access to a Cricut can make it.

I also like; the one comment, opposite of Fuck Off = Fuck On Brother

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Mean people suck. Nice people swallow.

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Me too, love it.

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

I've only ever put one sticker on my bumper and that was a KMET rock radio station sticker that I had had for some years and had not used yet. The radio station KMET in Los Angeles no longer existed by the time I slapped it onto my work van. The other was an old black & red "D.A.R.E. To Keep Kids Off Drugs" sticker and the only reason I used it, ...... was because it was already on the van when I bought it and I left it on there so the local police Wouldn't pull me over to search my work van looking for roaches in my ashtray. lol It worked very well.

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Clif, you're on my "Quality" list of thought provokers and teachers to learn from. Your site is one place however, that I hope for "quantity". Forgive me for wanting more of a good thing 🥰 Thank you once again for your insights 🥰

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When the WEF celebrates transhumanism (i.e., hybridizing with machines to achieve superior intelligence), they miss the simple point that rarely does a machine last forever. The human spirit can live forever. God is alive. We are alive. We are not a carbon footprint. Plants thrive on carbon. What nonsense are they spewing. Who raised them? I think it is a parenting problem. Most WEFers had fine parents. Nonetheless, the parent taught them that they were persecuted and would be persecuted over and again, for no good reason. Not a good lesson. Everyone and every group has been persecuted. You get over it. You succeed anyway for yourself and your family. You work for what you need and maybe a little more. You DON'T work for way, way more than you need, not unless you fear others will persecute you. Oh mother-WEFers, repent your paranoid ways and join the human race. We are all trying our best to be strong, to take care of ourselves and our families, without harming others.

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They never had to work for anything, that's the problem. Overindulged, entitled, arrogant, petulant perpetual infants.

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"Most WEFers had fine parents."

LOL! Most of the WEFfers are from the generationally wealthy families, ie, bloodlines. Klaus is a Rothschild descendant.

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and his Daddy was a Nazi

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You hit on something. His mother, Marianne Rothschild Schwab, was a banker's daughter. Repeatedly these sights deny connection. One site popup had this message:

Dear Reader,

The Zekelman Holocaust Center has noticed increased visits to this webpage in connection to a conspiracy theory surrounding World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. These claims have been proven false. The language in question comes from a conspiracy theorist’s book written in 1992...

Repeatedly I saw this in site searches. "page not found, 404, oops"... this was a common name (I don't think so). I don't buy that because this Isaak changed his name which had something to do with a house he occupied. Can't imagine a whole bunch of unrelated Jews decided to use the same surname relating to "House at the Red Shield". Maybe used in place of an address or family crest. Not sure. Thanks for bringing this connection to light!

"Isaak Elchanan who took the name Rothschild from a small house he occupied at the southern end of the Judengasse called zum Roten Schild ("House at the Red Shield").


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Letsrock, Concerned Grammy: You are correct that a few WEFers come from extremely wealthy families, but many come from middle-class families. I read up on those WEFers whom I know and those WEFers whom I don't. My theory is that it isn't extreme wealth that makes the WEFers do evil things, it's their paranoia that any money in the hands of other groups is a threat to their group. Decent members of their group continue to support the corrupt ones at the top of the pyramid even when those decent ones share our values. We need to stop the evil. We need to focus on stopping the bad behavior. Attacks that increase WEFers' paranoia or their supporters' paranoia fuels more bad behavior. Yet, appeasement doesn't work. I don't have the answer, I simply think doing what's been done in the past didn't work. We are being labeled as haters as a means to provide cover for the worst kinds of evil behavior. How do we overcome and win?

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It's their bloodlines. It's IN them. They are descended from evil. Genesis 6 tells the tainting of the bloodlines.

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I like your last sentence. Wouldn’t it be great if they saw the light?

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Thanks Mucho Clif Man.

So recognizing binary states or relationships would be novel, and

the binary opposite of telling someone to “Fuck Off,” would be telling someone to

“Fuck On!”

Fuck On Brother!

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Love it! Fuck On Until the Day you Don't.

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Seems that most of the ones that didn't get the memo are lower echelon WEF minions, who keep on performing their previous instructions... whether successful or not.

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I resonated with this piece: Well written, thank you!

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Thank you for your tireless efforts Clif!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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A beautiful text! Next question would be what are the human qualities in fact. And true human qualities aren't they actually God's qualities? Not sure whether novelty is the most important....but a beautiful point anyway. BTW, look at all this matrix/system- it is actually made to exactly deprive us from novelty- to make us live and work in the same place (or the same cage if you wish), stay in the "comfort" zone, discourage travel and discovery, feed standard propaganda and BS at standard schools, don't think out of the box and so on. While we do thrive on novelty ourselves isn't it. Anyway let's cultivate the human qualities!

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Ya either got an innie or an outie - if ya screw that up and try to change it, well that's a you thing.

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Beautifully put Clif 🙌🏻

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Yes, ever since our creators made us our world has been binary. One good one evil. One who wanted us to be devine (perhaps), one who wanted us to be robots. (Although both wanted us to be slaves apparently) Even the "Bible" originally contained the idea of a duality of God - good and evil.

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023

Wow! Thank you Clif! I am super glad to know you. You have a beautiful mind!

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quality (1928 freezer worked till our house burned in '96) stymied consumerism - quantity. Now are garbage dumps are full, the oceans have islands of plastic, beaches are littered, etc. I am so ashamed that most humans think they have to have new instead of refurbishing. Finding new ways to use what we already have is novelty.

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"Use it up, wear it out, make it work, or do without" ~Mike Adams

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did not originate with Mike, it was folk wisdom from the Depression.

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I figured as much, but that's just where I heard it recently and had to put a name on it.

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While there has always been the issue with the brainwashing of consumerism, most people have no problem with paying for quality items that will last decades. The problem is the manufacturing has turned to cheap labor using cheap, plastic parts that don't last. Often times, it's much less expensive to purchase a new product than trying to refurbish a product that was made from crap to begin with.

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That's some good WEF propaganda you got lodged up in that noggin. Does it keep you fearful or up at night, as designed? Maybe you could paddle out to that island of plastic and float on it to drift off to sleep. Good luck with your search.

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Cliffie, or anyone else reading

We must create merch with a saying on it something in the lines of

“I’m in it for the novelty “

Or “I am novelty “

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I'm in it to learn from my mistakes so i don't have to make the same ones over again in my next life. May your Metempsychosis be an good one.

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