I'm having a good time too Clif. I keep telling people stuff I hear from you.

BTW, the consensus is I'm a conspiracy theorist (guilty) and you're crazy.

I think you're the most interesting man in the world.

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The Wizard of Oz tried to educate the public and expose the Khazarian mafia.

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The man behind the curtain.

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Read this the other day: ¨NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY! PATTERN RECOGNITION¨. Always the same Modus Operandi! The so-called elite are inbred degenerates who think WE are stupid. Yet, who creates value? Certainly not those grasshoppers!

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I'm about to officially cross the line, looking forward to being regarded as insane AND get major predictions wrong! ;-)

But then of course there is little real info on me online whatsoever, and fortunately our dog lets me use his Protonmail account haha

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I put out a normie alien warning quite a while ago. I haven't told anyone about the moon yet.

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Hehe, cool!

I have done 1 official prediction only, posted in October 19 on Linkedin that everything was falling apart & buying Bitcoin and metals was the only way forward :-)

I do consider another one very soon, especially if Bitcoin goes parabolic!

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I get along pretty well with my neighbours. They all think I'm nuts. You have to tell them about this stuff even knowing that they won't believe it.

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I'm finding this information is no longer 'woo' for me. It makes more sense than just about anything else I hear and I've heard a lot in 74 years.

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I feel the same Donna. I’m hungry for truth and weary of the lies.

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Truth will prevail, and lies and deception will eventually fail.

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Clif is pure BS !

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So why do you follow and listen to him?

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James is just looking for attention!

Can we block people on Substack?

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I just answered my own question.. I blocked him. Don’t care what he thinks.

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Why would he lie about something so important?

Do you believe everything he says is a lie?

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I so agree... sad though...

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Clif is a boring lunatic !

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Projection is a bitch...

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Amen Donna! 🙏 🌻💛

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Yea! You looked FANTASTIC last night! Thanks for the great interview with JC and Snippy! https://rumble.com/v3ceox2-livestream-wacky-woo-with-jsnip4-and-jean-claudebeyondmystic.html

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Thanks for that link, didnt realise Clif had been interviewed!

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Clif WAS the show. He talked a bit about his research on shungite & w/i 48 hours the grift crew over there was selling them- at a "discount" of course. For Jean Fraud's sake, I hope he's just greedy and not as slimy & dishonest as he seems. Still can't believe I wasted 2 years listening to their shit.

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The Shungite actually works. I have made two necklaces out of it and I keep it on the Wi-Fi system and in “Fort Knox”...AKA my bra. 😎

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We're used to low level analyses from Clif. This interview is more of a world view.

I would recommend this to everyone here. Listening to it now, I'll be listening to it again.

Thanks for the link Suzirhae.

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Thanks for the link.

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Clif High comes on around 30 min mark in Jean Claude Wacky Woo with JSNIP4 show 08/30/23 https://rumble.com/v3ceox2-livestream-wacky-woo-with-jsnip4-and-jean-claudebeyondmystic.html Talks about US military will be actively working to clear Antifa, illegals & Khazarian Mafia in 3 waves. Military grab & tag op will be short. Jean Claude asked about Canada. Clif says AmRev2 American Revolution2 morphs into Global Rev1. Suggested scenarios like “newly liberated California” going North to free parts of Canada.

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Clif High comes on around 30 min mark. Talks about US military will be actively working to clear Antifa, illegals & Khazarian Mafia in 3 waves. Military grab & tag op will be short. Jean Claude asked about Canada. Clif says AmRev2 American Revolution2 morphs into Global Rev1. Suggested scenarios like “newly liberated California” going North to free parts of Canada.

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Thank you for posting the link.

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Now I know the true meaning "ignorance is bliss". Sometimes I really wish I didn't know/believe the things that I do. I've been on this scent since 9/11/01. I don't really know what to do with what I know to be true. It has caused depression and anxiety. Yet, I'm ready to fight these bastards and don't fear death. I hate evil, and it's everywhere I look. This world needs a PURGING.

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And the purging it will be 2040 Phoenix Phenominom. Archaix.com. Facts to back it up!

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Ashkenazi Strange Fruit swinging from lamp posts for Christmas

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Ah Billy!

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74 here. 29 year veteran of the US Forest Service as a field botanist. Lots of fucking miles and plenty of observational opportunity and contemplation.

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Hi, as a former Forest Service employee, what is your opinion on certain "creatures" that have been/are being seen pretty much all over the World? The reason I ask is I have recently come into possession of a photograph (digital) taken in a small forest in Kent, UK by a relative that was camping there. It's of a creature in a tree which resembles something they call the Rake. Here is the video of the "still" pic that was taken along with the location and a short explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC096mWtHrM

Play in full screen for the best view.

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Oh, yea, we are going to get blue skin - if Claus get his way. We're probably going to get gold skin too - If Claus and Bill get hold of some goldfish genes they can add into us. By the way, if you overuse silver water - you get blue skin !

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Ionic or colloidal?

I want blue skin so the mother DEWers can't get me.

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Well, what is the difference? Search for blue skin, using colloidal silver, on the internet. Take a look at my substack : https://roy696.substack.com/.

Will do some work on silver there in the future, in the way it functions. All know the Dracula hates silver bullets. You know too, I hope. Why is silver given to a new borne, like a spoon.

I am doing experiments.

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I'm kind of stalled at how you know when you have ionic silver, I'm doing experiments too. Something you can do with a laser to know, have to set it all up again. When your water is saturated with ions it carries on to make colloidal. That's the point at which I want to stop the reaction.

I've been playing with making Chlorine dioxide lately. Making it no problem, the problem here is I haven't got a clue how to dose it.

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Thanks but I can't use Telegram. Every time I try to fire it up it puts one of those scan thingies up on the screen and tells me to take a picture of it and log in with my phone. Alas I do not have a smart phone. That I apparently can't use Telegram without one is a reason I want nothing to do with it anyway.

Call me strange but I just don't want to carry a device that spies on everything I do. I don't understand why anyone does and I despise Telegram for requiring it.

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Not strange at all. I actually commend you for that. Try this one;


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I have telegram on laptop- never asks me to scan- but pia always wanting to do updates (like brave browser) which I mostly ignore.

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A pretty good overview of MMS from woman who worked with Huble for many years, & if I remember correctly also gives some refers for CDS sites. And Jim Humble.com

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Please have a look at "DIY With Chlorine Dioxide," by Brian Stone:


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You NEED TO GET Jim Humble's book and read it before you start. Everything else on the net is not only baloney, but dangerous. This woman Linda's site says to start by taking 7 drops! People said that made them throw up and stopped taking it. No duh! They poisoned themselves! Funny how that website was at the top of the first search page....unless you are goo gle and like to poison people...

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Someone dropped this link: https://theuniversalantidote.com/ above. I've actually listened to all that before. They recommend very small doses.

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I think there is a good video on that on Brightion.

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Yeah, I've seen some. Gotta go look for it again, seems I didn't download at least one of them.

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Hi John! I think I have seen you all over, but maybe it is a common name.

Back to science : What we see as an ion, is an atom, loose ???

We split these atoms lose in a current push ? Like Volt.

Red / ox

That is what we call Ions.

Then we have reactions, mostly with O2. Ox in a way.

Ions, are not good for us, until they do reactions, else they can be radicals - not good.

SO silver - colodial - is a form of silver that does not form radicals, but is being used as a source for food. In our system - same with Iron, copper, and the rest of it.

Thank you for coming my way. I am going to travel tough, your substack, always interesting.

I am from Norway, so expect, wrong spelling. 


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I just used John Galt here, it was an unfortunate choice. I used to use it for burner phones. So there are John Galts all over the place and they aren't me. Who is John Galt?

Yes, as you know an ion is a single charged atom. My understanding is that when you use electrolysis you will create those until your solution is saturated and then they will combine and become colloidal. The reason I want to make ionic silver is to combine it with a rosemary tincture. The rosemary will subsume the ions to create what appears to be a 'food' molecule containing the silver ion as a payload. Sucked into a cancerous cell this silver ion will attack the cancer. I'm a ways off from achieving this but when I get it right there is a distinctive colour change in the tincture when the combination takes place. This is from Mike Adams.

My substack is just me rambling, there is no plan. Not really that fond of writing.

I've been to Norway, had meetings in Oslo and Stockholm so I took advantage (as I always would) and went to visit a friend in Alta. Cool place, a small town with an airbus in the driveway. Buddy had a fully automatic rifle in the foyer, militia. Went to the North Cape. Lotsa stories about that trip.

I have motorcycles. Before Europe was trashed I thought that riding up the Norwegian coast would be the trip of a lifetime. I'm getting old and Europe doesn't appeal to me as much as it did back then.

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Nice to hear, that you liked Norway - a special place for shure.

I was in the army up there - Finnmark - Sør Varanger ! GSV - Border.

Learned a lot - to hate the Russians first  - then end up with a Russian girlfriend - that changed me. Travel to Russia, and met a lot of nice people.

Back to chemistry : I understand-You want to capture silver in a tincture - for easy access for our cells.

Well, the way to do this is, is not easy. You want the silver ions to release - steadily, over time through the intestines. I know, just my idea.

So then we need a substrate, that can hold silver and release it slowly.

 I am thinking of seashells - blue shell as an example, grown in a silver rich environment.


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Start with Methylene Blue +CS

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Overuse? Nobody should be swallowing colloidal silver at all. It doesn't work when swallowed. It only works topically, as a mouthwash or as a gargle.

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Ancient Britons painted themselves blue with wode. Wonder if they were paying homage to a of forebears

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metholene blue fish pond shit and ER

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You need to clerify - confusing for me !

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Were you aware India supposedly landed on the moon in the last week or so?

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Yes. They are setting up a call centre.

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Well at least we know where they are now...

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Aaand they don’t need encrytion. Ever tried to speak to someone from a call centre in the Hindu Kush?

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May you live in interesting times.

Yes, that's a curse.

Or what Cliffy refers to as "novelty".

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FlatEarthDave.com is offering 3 Btc for anyone who can PROVE the Earth is a Ball - I have no idea.

On another head, what they showed of the India & China moon ops were TOTALLY FAKE.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee and realizing you are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. AHHHHHHH!

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hey Sir, thank you very much for this flash of information, you are a genius, take care.

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no shit! I'm 85.

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65 here. Just a young buck.

Stopped by yesterday to see an old friend I haven't seen ages, 85. He remembered me with a little prompting. Outside, shirtless working on his loader. His doctor says the only reason he is still alive is that he works so hard.

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Yea for you !!

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The "less awake and aware" is a more accurate observation of the masses.

In MANY ways.

Existential identity crisis.

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Thank You Sir,

Highly Compelling, Hello Humans Hello Humans

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no, that is where you go wrong. We, me and you and all of us are de jure, that is the natural state. Identified as men and women with our progeny. They / we / you / any of us must expatriate from that natural state of being. Which by the way has two definitions in Spanish, to be. I expatriated to become a U.S.Navy man and discharged that contract. I enter their court with a Claim of Conusance. I am among the we that are no longer deceived. yo soy un hombre sincero.

Person may be the 1st person singular of people. However, I have that covered in videos, cable TV, youtube and www.orsja.org. The court of original jurisdiction that needs to be addressed is December 24, 1860 South Carolina must rescind their secession. Then we as a lawful de jure government , unincorporated, The United States of American in Congress Assembled exists. Not de facto but de jure original jurisdiction from the beginnig . I think we can find our way thru the truth. Now sort it out the real from the fraud. Leaving no stone unturned. Article IV Section 4.

There has been a lot of evil done and it needs to be cleaned up. I'm 85 I cannot putz around with you people. as juxtaposed to moving giant strides in sussing out the diorama of this holographic existence on a globe when the preponderance of evidence indicates a a flat plane with a dome .

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I am never wrong during mercury retograde Also I don't want to be part of your group that are de jure. I know who shot John Kennedy and I have not been in a natural state since, A gov. I am on point and aware . I will never be I a natural state being an American.b After they burnt Maui The next day Nordstrom had black cut off T-Shirts in the mens department. with Maui on the front next to Obey clothing.

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you are not on Oregon so no issue with joining. They had t shirt with DJT mugshot in 1/2 hour. They are killing and incarcerating us. We are men and women with our progeny on the land and soil the de jure original jurisdiction. Are you aware of that?

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No what you have said makes 100% total awareness to me. I am here in Caifornia. Clueless on what is the truth going on anywhere else. They are spraying us with toxic chemicals. In the morning there are dead bugs everywhere and bees. I thought de jure was a form of French occupation . I will do my research so I don't appear to be so dumb forgive me for my lack of understanding. What can I do to help??

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Good I have several contacts on California. Black's Law 6th edition page 416. It is published at www.orsja.org

email ronvrooman38@gmail.com I'll start you out on a good track. where on California?

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THANK YOU RON. I am located in Diamond Bar California, near Orange County. Ready.

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I understand what you have stated BUT what do you mean."you People". This english is that plural or singular and who are you all taking about. Yo soy un hombre sincero. That makes since. What is," Putz "is that another one of those english words. Where is Article 4 Section 4 is that near the Bible.

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You people are people other than those actively seeking a Constitutional republican form of government. Person is not just 1st person singular of people. It is also the ALL CAP VERSION OF YOUR NAME, corporations, partnerships fictions. Putz is a slang Yiddish term for prick as opposed to petzila (sp) which is little prick. Prick is vulgar slang for penis.

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