Love your stuff, Clif. You are a balanced right brain and left brain guy, and that is what makes you special. I am on the Elohim thing too. I have been unlearnign all I have learned in the 67 years of my existence. I was a Catholic with a personal experience of God, and disturbed to discover how evil and blind the Vatican hierarchy is. I have already been through the hyper novelty stuff. I went crazy, except crazy is awake. My Normie friends are going to wig out. Thanks!

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Me too! Catholic Church and school was never even as a child rational. To do the same things week in and out but go in this closet tell this person in a "Butchers" costume your "sins" to be forgiven? That math don't work. And to top that as a child I watched adults get drunk in the basement after church while a sermon was just given on don't drink the "bitter wine"!👀👀

I was seven. At 60 I'm getting closure through knowledge of how the "Psyop" worked. And don't forget "Tithing" what God needs my money?

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False "pope" Frankie is pretty much exposing what the catholic church is.

What a vile commie turd.

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Jan 14, 2024
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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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I was a catholic child. I gave 6 we got a new priest at our Parrish. We (3 friends) Girls wanted to be alter girls. We said it's not fair that the boys get to be there and not us. So we started the 1st all girl to serve the priest. What we didn't know was this priest was a Pedo and loved little boys. I believe we were place in front of him to prevent others from being harmed. For when we approached him he was very Keen to have us instead of boys.

Life is funny but now I see I was guided by source. 🙏

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If you want to help break "Catholics" out of this mind control, you can send them this very short video or the second link is the St Pete's basilica virtual tour where you can go thru the #2 tour area (the crown of the snake head) and find the double doors going out from downstairs (the catacombs) to the general public area and ask them why would they put 2 inverted crosses on those doors??? The inverted cross is anti Christ spirit.



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Yeah I've seen that ugliness. And Dr. Ardis puts a great step by step back to the Vatican concerning COVID 19

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I grew up Catholic in Catholic schools and the whole nine yards. They never got me. When I didn't see flames over my head at my confirmation I thought this is bull. But I had fun with the other girls quizzing the nuns on how far you could go with boys before it was a mortal sin. I got caught by a nun when a girl passed me a note in Algebra class telling me all about her date with a boy where things got pretty advanced. I was the world's biggest virgin, but I wanted to know EVERYTHING. In detail. The nun made me explain. I thought I would die. The girl got thrown out of school but for some reason I didn't. I guess the nun could tell I was just a little bit totally curious. In elementary school, I also used to make up sins in the confessional because I ran out. I never confessed that though. Once when I was bringing some baseball equipment to the priest's house for the weekend, I saw the priest who served my first communion in a clutch with a woman through the front door curtain. When he answered the door he was literally sweating and looking scared. I never told a soul. I don't think I knew that they would have crucified him on the front lawn. The whole thing didn't really register, that's how naive I was. One time because I hated to go to the Friday school mass, I hid in the bathroom, sitting on the tank with my feet on the seat. A nun came in and looked around for slackers but didn't see me. Catholic school was a riot, but I was too young to really appreciate that at the time. Yes, youth is wasted on the young.

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Silly was the entire event looking back. Do you agree? As far as a creator God I can only come to the conclusion that EVERYTHING was made including these bastards we're going to have to wipe out?????

It's not a stable thesis for me.....

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I want to add something else. In this kerfuffle about the EL, it's getting assumed that none of their story was true. Actually, I think the EL turned a truth into a ferocious lie for their own benefit. As an aside, if the Khazarians are EL, that was what they were famous for when they were in the Ukraine area they came from. Identity theft (and murder and various other forms of mayhem.) We see it in the cabal today. But if there really is a Creator, which relatively few deny outside the woke community, then the EL stole "his" identity. I'm also talking about the parts of religion used for social control which is just as bad and also EL inspired. The EL took truths that are there and morphed them into a monster untruth. Which is why in this forum some can't keep the baby and throw out the bath water. Because they write the whole thing off as a lie. Like the cabal loves to do now, for them there's always a truth inside a huge deception. There are truths at the core of religion but the outer shell is lies. Nothing Biglino says contradicts this. I did read him.

The TRUTHS are love shown by behaving fairly to others, being helpful, having compassion, generosity and so on. These are timeless truths that the EL twisted so badly that we see people say they are bullshit too. They're not. They're actually characteristics of the creator, in whose image we were made. But the EL made him something else. So there's unweaving to do and not suckering into all the punishment, and retribution attributed to God....all that shit is EL, and they put it in all the scriptures, Old and New Testament. Ain't so.

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The Kazarian were not the Elohim. The Kazarian were the name stealing foot soldiers who were acting out or imitating the action of the EL. Start there and go backwards in research

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In the literature on it, there is some question about the Khazarian/Ashkenazi group being EL hybrids. There are Askenazi Jews who have said publicly that they were told they trace back to an off world race who gave them the right to rule the world. It's certainly in their scriptures that they were given that right by "God" and in Genesis that the Eloihim bred with their women. That's what I meant.

Is that the only comment you have on my comments??

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I think this site threw your comment down to another thread as it often does. I think you are responding to an earlier post I did on the Creator and the EL. Right now it's under the post I made about Catholic schools. No telling where this will land, but I'll do my best.

As to the point you make, I think Creator creates consciousness, or maybe extends 'his' consciousness outward into another self aware form. In that way, he is you being you....BUT you as you get to make choices. Is your life not a series of choices you made? The belief framework you chose included, because that's a choice too and many things we think we didn't create come right out of that. The EL made the choice to exploit the niche of psychopathy at the expense of other consciousness. That was their decision and they are exploring it to the max. Creator didn't "make them do it", nor will he punish them for doing it, although apparently there is blowback like karma, which is just a mechanism by which we have to experience what we did to others ourselves. Probably the EL will at some point have to deal with that. If we wipe them out we will have to deal with it too. But we could just stop them, checkmate them. We're under no requirement to go along with their program. That's what our lesson has been here. I don't think life is about lessons, just creative action. But when we blunder into a miscreation we have to uncreate it.

In the past, we apparently made another choice, not just NOT to be psychopathic but to be victims of it. We're coming out of that now and are resisting. Good for us. But Creator didn't make us do that either. It's a choice. So choice is the factor you were missing. We were created to make choices and explore options. Theoretically we should be having fun and if we're not, don't blame Creator.

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I believe that my creator never intended for “organized” religion; it’s another man’s-made, successful, mid evil tool used to divide and conquer (much like race, gender, income, education, etc).

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Bullshit. The Holy Roman Catholic Church gave me the best education far and away better than my public school peers. The Irish Sisters of Charity were strong and ethical women who took no shit from those big 8th grade boys. I learned to sing in an astonishing choir from Latin hymns to the bliss that comes in the chorals of Handel's Messiah. Confession was no big deal because I am a paladin in rl. Your congregation sucked buddy and I suspect you are a Jew. BTW, the Jews destroyed my Church. It was overtaken and demolished by 1970. Read the Confessions of Augustine, read (if you can read) the great works of Pope Gregory 1. Mr. High is Jewish despite what he claims and the Jews killed an incarnation of the LOGOS.

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sounds like the conversations needed are starting. That's a good thing!😁

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The first Bible is available on Amazon soon. 1440 before the Vatican corruption took up the crusades. And BTW your Jew problem is your Catholic Church problem also.

I suggest you READ the Vatican's own translation experts life work. His name is Mauro Biglino author of "The Naked Bible". There's not one word for God in the Bible.

The word used is Elohim/aka Space aliens.

Start reading now with all the facts before calling bullshit.....

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Opinions and assholes. Did you read Massachusetts v Vatican?

100s of abused children.

How about Catholic Charities? Sued for the abuse of children in their care. So you might have had a good experience you are one, I know of thousands

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66, I hear you, unlearning at a rapid pace.

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There is no hierarchy to truth as the Catholic church would have you believe. All humans are flawed and their hearts are deceitful. Truth is beyond thought, free from the past. When the mind is free of attachment to the past, to thoughts, to materialism, it can be free to see reality, or truth. Jesus, Emanuel, God in flesh, lived a life free of all attachment and showed what love is... selfless action in truth. God is love and truth. That is why Jesus is the Way of how to live your life because He is pure Love and Truth. No man, no religion, just a Way.

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Hogwash. "Jesus" is a myth, developed to control the dullard masses.

Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible" and wake up.

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Col Mac Knows what? You did not need to reply to convince me of anything. Believe what you want. You will find out one day. Be respectful. Thanks.

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You deserve respect? Then stop spewing your BS myths here... this is not a religious site, ask Clif. You are trying to earn "God points"... very craven.

Afraid to read Biglino?

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If you actually read my comments I state my view is not based on religion. Cliff, however, states outright that Jesus is a space alien. Right. I have a graduate degree in philosophy and comparative religions. I've read every type of thought. Krishnamurti and Buddha are the closest a human mind came to freedom from attachment. Hate is part of attachment. So is evil.

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"I will find out one day"? Sounds disrespectful and a bit threatening... no?

Grad degree from some woke commie dung-heap... like Harvard?

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Krishnamurti said "Truth is pathless land." HIs entire teaching was about not living under any authority whatsoever. When you see what is, what is changes. That's it. Go back, Joe, and read it without looking for authority.

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U G Krishnamurti or J Krishnamurti …?

Just for clarification.

Thank you.

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Oh yes this is a religious site.

It's the site of the all new Cliff High Cult.

Good luck with that.

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I can't see that it's a cult, but there is some holding Clif's ideas up and getting mad if you don't go along. And there are many who cut Clif's stuff to ribbons without negative response from Clif. Cult really means like a system of coercion near slavery, usually draining the pockets and limiting the social contacts of its adherents. The Kool Aid kind of cult. It's too strong a word for this site by far. Worst you will get from Clif is a punch in the face if you are in his presence and go against his ideas, at least that's what he says. Seems to be ok here for some reason. I think Clif just wants everyone to know what a badass he is, something no one is overweeningly impressed with.

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F-0ff, ahole troll.

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He recently did an interview with Paul Wallis of The 5th Kind. Great to see people like this, coming from the same angle of etymological interpretation, coming together to verify what they're saying.

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I have suggested Biglino to most people that spew their "christianity"... no takers yet... their fear is a stench.

I'll look up Wallis.

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I found a couple of his on my best free site, I'll start with this one


Sounds like it will be VERY close to the Biglino "Naked Bible"...


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I can't say I blame them. They went all in on their entire life with that 2,000year old Roman emperor psy-op. Lasted that long, it must be pretty good mind control. But yes, I do understand the aggravation of trying to wake them up. Been kicked out of some People's Rights groups for touching on their trauma-bond that they call truth.

Here, I already have it cued up to watch later:


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Yes, fear makes for aggression and judgement.

Most people have been frightened of death... and will convenience themselves of anything to moderate it.

LOL!! That Youtube will curl some hair,,, IF any of the pompous cowards will view it!

Here is the Biglino book:


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But then, are you not really taking Biglino's book as a "bible", as an authority? I pray to the One God that everyone receives illumination on whatever path they follow.

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Well. he translates teh writings that became the bible... but I do not use it as a replacement, no. It sort of invalidates the bible, as currently written... yes, sad for fervent "christians", which is why so many refuse to read or discuss it.

No problem, if faith makes one feel better, even if misguided... maybe that's not a bad thing... unless we talk about the toxic talmudic judiasm or islam... those people are nutso and dangerous.

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Jan 13, 2024
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Jeeze, 4 hours??? Too long. I read around 3/4 of Biglino's "naked Bible" and I am convinced.

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I was raised in a non denominational church. I know first hand there are plenty of Christians that if it was revealed to them that the El are exactly what Cliff says they are it would not put a dent in their faith like he believes it will. Jesus' message can be taken completely independent from Judaism, the Elohim, and even YHWH. As many on this thread have stated. Jesus referred to the Creator as his father not some fallen angel or physical god. I personally have held similar perspectives about the Elohim for decades, like Cliff I believed them to also be space aliens for many years. Now a days, I don't even think space is real nor do I think 'Aliens' are from space. All that space fantasy shit could be real, but I've seen no evidence of the sort that didn't come from authority. Nor have I seen any evidence of a curve.

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"Jesus' message can be taken completely independent from Judaism"

No offense, but that is total rubbish. The Jesus myths are totally connected to Judaism.

But, of course, believe what you wish...

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No offence taken. What you say is technically true, when looking at the specific language of the text (original text, not just bullshit translations). However, one can read between the lines. Put yourself in the context of the times, especially for Jesus who was born a Hebrew. Get to the spirit behind his message and not the explicit specifics. Jesus never instituted any doctrine, rituals, or religion in any way, those were his followers who did that. Read the gospels and understand the meaning of his message. It is not about Elohim. It's about how a human should behave in this realm to best purify his spirit. "Followers of the Way" were what the first Christians referred to themselves as, they were not religious, but simply followed the teachers of Jesus. This is incredibly valuable wisdom that should not be thrown away, mocked, or scoffed at simply because people had the wrong idea about what certain 'deities' were. Do so at your own peril. Jesus was not the only source of this wisdom throughout history, but is easily the most prolific and pure source of it in our current collection of surviving history.

Tangent point regarding your handle: One can certainly know a lot, but no matter how much one knows, there is infinite amount of knowledge one does not. What exactly do you know? There are only 2 things I can be certain of: Energy exists, God exists (God as in the creator of all). Everything else could be illusion. The human mind is easily tricked, the human ego is a wolf that can grow very strong if fed too often. Humility can protect us from such traps. Traps which will significantly slow down the purification of our Spirit. You really don't know anything, nor do I.

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I fully agree with " You really don't know anything, nor do I."

Difference is, unlike YOU... I do not continue to spew my opinions on this sort of stuff (mythology) BECAUSE I don;t know what's what... You don;t either, but you blah blah with laughable stuff... "It's about how a human should behave in this realm to best purify his spirit." Really?? LOL!!! Nonsense. It (new testament) is about morality and demonizing human natural instincts and urges, mostly sexual stuff, recriminations, threats of hellfire, etc... to control sheep.

"Jesus was not the only source of this wisdom throughout history, but is easily the most prolific and pure source of it in our current collection of surviving history." Absurd. He spoke very little, considering he was supposedly a deity and had unlimited power... why didn;t he change the world? Heal all of the sick and crippled? Why just heal a very few, raise a couple from teh dead... change water into wine... do a multiply the fish thing, one time only... instead of ending hunger worldwide?

Why were out "spirits" designed (by "Him") to be so wicked and flawed? Purification? Right.

Hey, cling to your myths... but spare us the BS, eh?

BTW: In your mythology, Jesus never renounced his Jewish faith in any way.

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Oh that's funny ColMac, hubby just had me order this book from Amazon.

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Boglino "translated" 19 books of the Old Testament and published 2 volumes containing it. (He has published other stuff.) Have not heard that he translated anything involving the New Testament. Not that I"m disputing Jesus may have been a "ringer," but given the Elohim nature (nasty, mean, vicious, human flesh-eating), logic says they were not involved in that scenario. I hear Boglino is very ill, so he may never get around to it, even if he's interested.

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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I only got around 3/4 through Biglino's "naked Bible"... enough to feel comfortable that the "bible" of today is hopelessly corrupted and really pretty much worthless.

teh New testament doesn't say much anyway, just a sort of laughable morality scolding.

And what would YOU do if you had the power of God? heal a few... raise one or two from the dead? Change water into wine? A few other tricks?

Or... would you change the WORLD... heal everyone, especially the kids... change the PEOPLE, all of them... the NT stories are fairy tales... mythology... any honest person with a decent intellect knows this.

hey, I wish we DID have a benevolent, forgiving "God", that spoke to us often, loved us, healed us, destroyed evildoers, made the world into a paradise. But... no soap!

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MorgueOfficial proves what you say.. ✔️

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There are fools aplenty who deny that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God.

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Please learn and go to the source material, before you become catatonic from truth. The space alien war on the moon will be coming to earth soon. I see it almost every night. Please as we do care about you.

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Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. There’s absolute proof — from source materials — that aliens are battling each other on Earth’s moon.

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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I believe that I can discern a fake (deceptive, satanic, luciferian, lying) “new heaven and new earth” from the real thing. The real one is in which righteousness dwells. This present world system — or New World Order — is one in which psychopathy dwells. Even though the psychopaths are mostly invisible & hidden, their works are readily apparent.

What happens in the timeline between the Fall of Babylon and when Earth becomes the dwelling place of Righteousness, Moral & Ethical Uprightness, Integrity, Freedom from the presence of iniquity?

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I certainly cannot agree with assessment that all humans are flawed and their hearts are deceitful. Quite the opposite. In my travels over 67 years, and there are many, I have found that the majority of humans actually have good hearts and they want to feel like they are being useful and that their life counts for something.

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The "Jesus philosophy" (for lack of a better identifier) is part of a long tradition of "truth seekers" going back to -- I've no idea what the oldest philosophy is/Clif may know as he's researching those writings -- a "universal" truth or set of principles to life/thinking. Humanity has been "discovering" them with each successive civilization. There are always those "independent thinkers" who pass on their wisdom, and then humanity comes along and turns it into a dogma. Bullshit tenets that are control mechanisms. "You will think this way and no other." Catholicism is bad about that, but so is the Southern Baptist Church. One of the big questions of the Roman church about 1000 yrs ago was whether Jesus owned his own clothes or were they donated? Thus, could the Roman church own stuff? (We see how they settled that one!)

Humans love to be told what to do. They crave an authority to organize their lives rather than live "righteous" lives by making a decision to "do no harm." Humanity is so insecure, it is afraid to depend on being "right" unless some "enlightened" authority reassures them. Anybody with enough charisma and a half-way decent argument will convince people to adhere to anything. (Covid, IES, global warming, BS pronouns.) The independent thinker, the human who cuts through ALL the BS to the core truths, has no need of any of it. And makes no apology, isn't going to feel guilty about it or change his mind, and hasn't got time for those desperately clinging to something -- anything! -- that makes them feel better/worthy/sanctified/righteous/right/entitled.

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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You're imbalanced to think so... let me guess - you live in your mother's guest room and are waiting for the alien invasion. Bwahahaha!

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My first wife's maiden name was Ramirez. She was hot. You just set out to be offensive. Nothing more than that, just a puta bitch.

Now I have to figure out how to filter you out.

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Click on her name to go to her page. Click on the three dots and choose the "Block" option. Easy :)

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I tried to block also but didn’t work

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If by "didn't work" you mean you can still see her comments, maybe the system only blocks comments made after you click "Block"? I don't know - just a guess.

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Dead easy, but it doesn't work.

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Shoque, horreur!

It doesn't work in what sense? In that you can still see her comments? Maybe it only works for new comments made after clicking "Block"?

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Jan 13, 2024
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I don't remember this Bo guy. He seems to have quite a reputation.

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John, Avoir, standing ovation!

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Yes, the mute and block functions here are no damned good.

I don't hear from Tia anymore tho... hope she is OK... gal has a lot of juice... and sharp claws! 🤪

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Someone muted me, and the only effect it has is that I can't like her posts.

I try to stay on the good side of Tia. She will be along.

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Yeah, I will be very careful with that tiger... I mostly agree with her comments... when I don't, she can be a bit... er... volatile. I have scratches on my face and ass to prove it.

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You remind me of that famous martyr, Claude Balls :)

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She left a paranoid delusional moron… no wonder and you’re surprised??? Bwahahaha!!! What an idiot you are...

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Wow... the cuntasaurous squeals!

Go buy a gallon of vinegar and a corn cob... and get busy.


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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 couldn’t have said it better myself 👏🔥

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I guess I am too easily irritated... 😏

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No it's the dildo stuck up your keister giving you the problems... stop being a homo... you homo!

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Keep bleating, smelly pig.

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I am 67 years old. I am retired from a long career. I have two degrees. I live alone. Your reply is personal and offensive. It's called Ad Hominem attack, and it is what offensive and ignorant people do when they can't engage in a conversation.

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You are offensive... your cult membership to Elohim "aliens" is offensive. Your Clif High Guru is offensive with his foul-mouthed attacks on anyone that gets attention for whatever reason... attacks to compare himself as being better. His frequent claims he will lead an armed rebellion and kill people... his being paranoid someone is always following him. You should be ashamed at your utter stupidity and gullibility... obviously your "two degrees" are worthless as many are. Bet you have no abilities for math or physics which require critical thinking. You're diplomas are worthless given the result they've had on your thinking. You are a disgrace, you are man ignoramus... do something constructive for humanity instead of wasting your brief time on Earth following a psychopath like Clif High... develop some good sense you idiot!

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Same here Peter and I'm same age as you. However, I was brought up Presbyterian and hubby (72) was Roman Catholic. Told me when attending Catholic school, the things nuns would say, you will go to hell if you do this or that, so must follow our rules!! He knew something was wrong and had many questions, but dare didn't ask because he would get punished. I was shocked to find out later about the fake Pope, Pedophilia and of course with all the blood stuff. So now we don't believe anything in the Bible as it was revised so many times. My husband read several books written by Historians regarding the Bible and it's all BS. So yes, Religion is going to fall big time and many will get slapped hard with the awful truth.

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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Likewise, I Ieft and became involved in the teachings for the New Age by Dr.George King, which you might like.

Check, drgeorgeking.org

My book "Metaphysics and The New Age"

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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You must have felt all the vibes of us needing a new “fix” of your info drops! Makes my day!!!!

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New Moon today

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happy to see another podcast!

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Cliff, no one is telling you what to do. My brother also died and he did see light and felt pure love. Your spirit is rebellious, which is how you will experience yourself when you depart this material plane. There is pure good and pure love as there is pure evil and hate. The "space aliens did not create themselves. They are creations, hybrids, spiritual dark entities in flesh and are rebellious spirits that only know to seek out who they can deceive, manipulate, control, destroy and kill. They hate all that was created and themselves can only manipulate and rearrange but never truly duplicate and create what the One true God has made. When you come to realize the difference between the creation and the Creator you won't see and mock Jesus Christ and those who love and honor Him. That is my prayer for you.

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The saatanist's TURNED america into BABYLON according to thier 7 tenents as a reason to have BABYLON FAL...to bring in THIER VERSION of a " new heaven and new earth." thier NEW WORLD ORDER. its a bastardazation of the true meaning. do not be fooled.

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Joe, really, check out Thomas Campbell's book, "My Big Toe." You can view YT videos by the score as well. Obviously, there is a source, but it isn't dressed up by humans and called a god or the god.

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wether Christ was alien or not does not change the things taught by him according to the mistranslated bible. Love, compassion, being honest, taking responsibility, and taking a whip to the money changers!! are all good the way I see it. Common sense, the ability to say no, and have courage to speak your truth and defend yourself even if others say it is extreme.

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So what do you need Christ for? If you see for yourself what he spoke about, you stand alone and do not look to anyone at all to tell you what to do, what to be. Virtue is a habit. No choices. No deliberation. No gods.

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losing my mind people are screwing with me so bad and my phone is shut off please ... give me some sanity

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The sanity will come. I have been through hell with being stripped of false beliefs, but once that is purged, peace and love and truth flood in. Don't give up. What you seek is already in you to be realized.

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The devil will try to attack you with fear and doubt. God will destroy them for you. You just have to trust in God -- personally.

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They thrive on fear and doubt. Love and happiness makes them ill.

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Thank you for this I really needed to hear something like that I appreciate it

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No. you were obviously confused an insane before... now you're really tripping dude... wash that woke pink out of your hair and move out of Portland! ASAP!!! LOL

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Lose the cell phone. You'll be surprised how good that feels. I have a land line only and I just changed the number on that.

Sorry you're having a hard time.

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Clif High on war:

"Wars are organized by bankers. Battles are part of contention that will resolve themselves in a way unlike a war, which is always a negotiated settlement imposed by the banking authority when they have made enough money or they are tired of spending money on this particular activity.

Wars don’t end on their own. Wars are guided to a conclusion by the bankers who are financing both sides. The conclusion always favors the bankers but not any of the participants in the war. Everybody gets fucked over by wars, except the bankers.”

That's one wise piece of genius insight succinctly expressed right there. Those words should hang on the doors of every high school, legislature and military academy! Thank you, Clif!

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So true. So succinctly stated. The description Should be considered as “fact”.💌🕊️

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I’m reasonably sure that organized warfare preceded banks. Therefore, the statement “Wars are organized by bankers” is irrational (at best). Maybe the author is neither wise nor ingenious nor succinct. But Clif certainly has his (or her) fan boys and fan girls, aka sycophants.

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“ COVID “ is “ DIVOC “ spelled backwards. A Hebrew word meaning possession by an evil spirit . 🙈🙉🙊

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So in denying COVID responsibility Fausti, by infernal logic, may be asserting demonic DIVOC responsibility. This shed any light?

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Oh Clif,

Move to S.E. USA…

I love St Mary’s GA…near JAX FL…

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Spend as much time as possible in Nature every day away from electronic devices, stay grounded, bare feet on Earth, and sungaze daily. It's essential to empower and protect ourselves:


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I'm barefoot most of the time, not a fan of shoes. But there is really cold white stuff on the ground outside.

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We use grounding blankets. And occasionally stand in flowing creeks

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These? https://earthingcanada.ca/product-category/grounding-blankets/

I have EMF paint on my den walls. It's grounded. I installed a steel roof recently, I should ground that.

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No ,we just got electric heating blankets redirected the wire to a ground plug. Sleep on nightly

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Innovation! Laudible.

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Living in Hawaii, I have not worn shoes for years. Touching trees, outdoor animals, rocks,, and crystals will ground you even where there's snow. You can eat root vegetables and use essential oils, too.

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Nice talk, Clif. Stay dry!

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Love your podcasts!

Stay safe!

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Cliff you are spot on. You inspired an investigation into this topic. Thanks




A lot of people, those of lower lumens, are gonna have trouble digesting the obvious. The "spell of religion" is so ingrained; and the people have been completely, emotionally and spiritually broken. They can't read the "scriptures" and comprehend "what exactly" they are reading. They think a physical, murderous, evil, blood thirsty, material being is a god. A evil, covetous being that likes gold, silver, women, children, the lands of others, and Bar-B-Que [Burnt offerings].

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It's all aliens right now. If alt news doesn't transition over they're going to be left behind and will have to mop up. https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/cnn-brings-the-world-alien-disclosure

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Here’s a little bit of Florida history that will explain the Miami incident; 334 Atlantic Avenue in North Miami Beach’s Atlantic Isle community features a private island, seven bedrooms and six-and-a-half bathrooms, and 350 feet of water frontage. But its biggest draw could be its history.

The estate was once used as an underground casino and bootlegging operation during the height of prohibition in the 1920s, according to the listing agents with ONE Sotheby’s International Realty. The story goes that the house was run by associates of notorious Chicago mobster Al Capone. This house now belongs to Zelensky. They have brought over hundreds of Ukrainians to South Florida and the people are rioting. A kid was paid $200 to walk around in an alien suit on stilts. Yea, we are the news now. Mom talked to her handyman in Miami. Love you guys! Always be kind to the Secretary’s, janitors and field crew!🥰😜😍😘😎Love you Woo Crew!

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Most definitely reaked of distractification bullshit. That being said, on the 7th (the night of the 6th) I had the craziest dream about 10 to 15 foot giants in a mall, surrounded by ornate European Greco Roman and Gothic architecture, that looked like Understanding Conspiracy's jester-clown-nephilims. It was one of those dreams that was super vivid (but not lucid) and there were groups of giants with black and white body paint all over them performing for people. As I left the mall I started running into humans dressed up like the giants like it was some fucked up cosplay. What's nuts about this is the only thing I saw about the event in Bayside was some 30 second short that just showed cops lining up outside with maybe an "alien" headline.

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That bit of curiosity sated. Thanks!

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Ok John, here’s some more of the story; Capone had houses all over the country. They started at the Headwaters and went to the southern coast. Many of them had tunnels down to the water, so that they could move booze during the Prohibition. The government took the properties when they arrested him for tax evasion. Some of those properties mysteriously ended up in very influential hands. If you know what I mean, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Sometimes you can spot a couple of Humvies on Google Earth. The neighbors are really pissed off that the main road keeps getting blocked. Hugs! Stay Woo!!😎

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I am from the bit jutting south on the north shore of lake Ontario. During prohibition there was a lot of booze running through there heading south across the lake.

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I believe you! I am from Bemidji, MN and Capone had properties all over the place! One of my friends ended up with an antique wicker chair set from his estate. It’s a small world! 😜😘😍🥰😎

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There's an island in the middle of Lake Ontario called Main Duck. Has a very interesting history. It's a park now, has a nice little harbour. Used to be owned by an American who ran a casino there. During prohibition it was a waypoint for smugglers.

I went to school with the son of the lighthouse keeper. Now it's automatic.

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He had a place here in Nova Scotia as well so i have been told

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I think that it’s very “Scoobie Doo” if you really think about it!!😜👽👆🥰😎

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Jan 11, 2024
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As a former Catholic, I agree with what you’re saying, but I just want to mention for others that read this that it is damn hard to erase lot of that indoctrination that they put us through. I’m 81 years old and I knew as a child, that this just did not compute, especially the confessions. I’m at peace now with the truth but I still get these niggles in my mind that say “what if I’m wrong? “. It’s bizarre but I figure it’s because we were so brainwashed! Anyway, it’s good to see discussion on this subject. It’s very much needed.❤️✨

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The Spiritual Mind Versus the Physical Brain is something we all have to work on , but its doable

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Check this people . Tge Noahide Law prohibits idolatry and blasphemy but only Jesus is blasphemy according to the Talmud . You can worship any other god , goddess , Angel or elemental . Worship Jesus and the penalty for transgression of any Noahide Laws is decapitation . Lastly , all Christians , including the best of them are to be killed . ( The Talmud : Abhodah Zara , 26b )

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Clif I'm sure the El hate it when the Ecuadorans shoot their hoverboards.

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