Happy 2023 Clif and Everyone! Here we go!...


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That's a pretty accurate summation, Clif.

May I add a couple of observations:

The inventor of IQ tests, Alfred Binet, stated that these are only useful for measuring degrees of mental retardation in children; which is why he created the test, to assist his colleagues demonstrate the impact of love and affection on early human development. "IQ tests cannot measure adult human intelligence becaise it is not linear" he said. But the Eugenics society fell in love with IQ because it enabled them to progressively promote profiles of gullibility and elitism (academics) and propagate their devisive policies. Lifetime propaganda institutions. Neat.

We now have a world led by idiots, neurotics, and sociopaths, which would seem to indicate the NWO elites have been quite successful. Thus, to rescue the world, and to restore sane and effective education, we need to burn down the universities. Figuratively, of course.

Another thought... In 1973, NWO leader David Rockefeller annointed Rupert Murdoch as his successor. He sponsored the Australian to become an American citizen and to take over tax avoidance and global media. When David died in March 2017, Murdoch bacame Global Emperor. But he has created the illusion that Tedros, Schwarb, Gates, Fauci and associates are the leaders. Why? Because that paints a bullseye on their collective foreheads. Rupert ain't into assassination.

Why should we care? Because few seem to rrealise that the media is the real enemy. The media has controlled politicians and everybody else, which has been very evident during the covid/mRNA crisis.

Conclusion: Eliminate the media, and the WEF and its allies falls over.

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Agreed. And I believe the media uses subliminal programming to dumb us down. It's unethical if not illegal, but who is going to stop them. Each of us has to turn that shit off.

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Now that is what I call a timely warning.

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I believe subliminal programming is being used on TV., not just print ads.


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I don't understand why I sudenly neeeeeeed a Burger King. If I don't get a Burger King soon I will kill someone.

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Happy New Year Clif and all Humans!

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Live long and prosper, humans!

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Check this case out: 22-380 Supreme Court may remove President Biden and hundreds of others from office--a different way.

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I'm not getting my hopes up - based on the track record of judges decisions over these past 3 years

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Even if there's few judges who are not corrupt they are not going to open themselves up to ridicule, ostracism, or even to endanger their very lives by ruling against the status quo. I trust no politicians today. Not a single one. Especially not ones that are thousand miles away from my hometown and no didly squat about the situation in my near surroundings. We need to have control of our governments in our local areas.

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I already sent my letter the Supreme Court Justices. It needs more exposure, this is a loaded gun pointing straight at 385 or 388? corrupt individuals in our government. Problem is if we remove them. How do we replace them? Using the same corrupt voting system? We need to fix the vote.

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Who says they will be missed. The government is bloated as hell!

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They need to be voted in by us. See what people don't understand because they don't know their constitution, Bill of Rights or declaration independence, is that we choose government they don't choose us. Original government was only supposed to have about 19 responsibilities that was it now look at it it's like 6,000 so government is a little inflated and needs to be popped. We don't need 388 corrupt satanists

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Why the hell would you want to replace them? Let the states run their own business- and if they didn't learn anything from watching the other traitors go down, replace THEM by recall, tribunal or whatever lawful methods are available.

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Clify how do we fix the vote?

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Jan 3, 2023
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Get rid of all government. Government is slavery. Get rid of the Federal Reserve and fraction Reserve banking. Usury is against God's law. Whether you believe in God or not it's immoral to charge interest on money you have lent to your neighbor or family. So much has to be I'm done that has been forced it upon us for the last 6,000 years. To dismantle this Matrix is not going to be easy. I think we will have a collapse of not only our society but of civilization worldwide. I don't see it bright future. I see a lot of suffering and chaos. Few will survive but many many will die

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Yes I think so too. Just keep the Finance to split up the money to communities, They will get a lot more that way......then instead of mayoral systems at the head of communities, have a council of elders.

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Greg Hunter interviews Mr Brunson regarding Brunson vs Adams ... on the Supreme Court docket for Jan 6. Learn all about it on USA Watchdog.com with Greg Hunter who is such a great man; a real journalist.

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I thank you for another eye-opening 34 minutes of what 2023 may bring. I have the knot that I just tided to the end of my rope. Bring it 2023!

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Sounds like we are headed down some big rapids on The River of Life, hold on tight and try to steer away from the big falls. May my fellow humans arrive safely through this one. Thanks, Clif, for your insights we'll need all help we can get.

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Thanks Clif. Looking forward to normie eyes opening, not being able to un-see

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Always great and thought providing

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Love u Clif!

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Happy New Year all...been missing your posts Clif!

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Thanks Cliffy 😊 2023 here we go...

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If the banks and derivatives collapse what happens to all our mortgages and debt? Sure all our money will be gone, but not the debt right?

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Another thought is when the house investigations the Fed Reserve. That’s going to spell out a lot too of our debts

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What makes you think anything but wasted time and money will come out anything the congress creatures do? Haven't you seen enough yet?

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Jan 3, 2023
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Sorry if it came of that way- I do get intense at times, but not meant to be directed at you specifically or personally. It was meant in a more general sense.

I am aware of the 22-380 deal. Although I love the idea that is being promoted, I am fairly certain that it doesn't matter a hill of beans if the SC hears, and rules on it, as they have no enforcement authority whatsoever. So I have been trying to figure out how and by whom a favorable ruling would be enforced? Would every state legislature have to remove their own congress creatures (considering that most of them are just as swampy, that seems unlikely; or have the county sheriff's or US Marshal remove them?

It would be absolutely stunning- or maybe thrilling is a better word- if such a ruling would suffice to allow the military take control. OMG, that would be amazing!

The first thing I thought of when I heard about this case was a remote viewing where there was a scene in a large building, possibly a capitol building or other large gov facility where people in business attire where running out into a hallway. They were crying, vomiting, falling to their knees. All of them apparently in great distress and/or fear. It seems like the exact scenario you would expect to see in DC if and when the military had or was given the authority to go in and haul all their asses out of there. Which is exactly what needs to happen, in my opinion. Also reminds me of when Piglosi said she would "drag him out by his hair" when they were playing out that false narrative about DJT planning to not leave the WH at the end of his term, totally a figment of their fevered imaginations.

So I'm in favor of the attempt with the SC, spend some time almost every day imaging a version of that remote viewing and how it might get to that point- but it's all guesswork and REALLY wishful thinking & intention on my part.

As to this Friday, I just learned today that 6 Jan is the Feast of Epiphany. I had never heard of that, so I am doing some research on it. It does make me wonder, though- will we have some sort of epiphany on Friday? If so, what will it be? Such interesting, exciting and often scary times we are living right now!

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Jan 3, 2023
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In what sense is The Fed a non-profit organization, please?

Wikipedia: "The federal government sets the salaries of the board's seven governors, and it receives all the system's annual profits, after dividends on member banks' capital investments are paid, and an account surplus is maintained. In 2015, the Federal Reserve earned a net income of $100.2 billion and transferred $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury,[22] and 2020 earnings were approximately $88.6 billion with remittances to the U.S. Treasury of $86.9 billion.[23]"

Who are The Fed's shareholders? How much are they paid annually in dividends/interest?

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Jan 3, 2023
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So it's a non-profit that makes big profits and pays generous dividends. Got it :)

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Jan 3, 2023
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If the banks are gone who's the debtor going to pay?

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How do you pay a debt with a debt note anyway? Those are ALL fraud mortgages based on fractional reserve banking. The fraud behind the "debts' make them odious. We will have a Jubilee.

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Yep, banks hold the mortgages as well as the Deeds. Banks collapse and mortgages can't be paid.

Everyone else: Weeeeee Jubileeeeee !!!

Me: Deedless, Government steps right up and outlaws private property ownership.

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Well, I guess if we continue to allow them to do as THEY please and not what WE please, we deserve what we get. Hardest part about our new world is going to be: getting used to not being babysat, abused and bullied by the stage 4 cancer known as BIG GOV

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The hardest part of our New World, will be surviving past the door to door weapons sweeps. It will be messy !!

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Messy, but not for long. Humanity has almost completely rejected their rulership as valid; they are resorting to bribing people with their wanning assets, but those who take these bribes will be found liable of Treason as well. We don't understand how completely it has been rejected because the people who speak the Truth are routinely censored in ways that will simply boggle the minds of humanity in the future. People from the future will be astonished that this was acceptable practice or that we actually lived in a system this corrupted. The Right of Self Defense SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. It was divine and granted to every living lifeform by God as a right of birth here. It is not 'negotiable' unless we wish the total end of all humanity.

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Yikes! I hope it doesn't go there- but I have thought about how that would look.

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Jan 3, 2023
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If you can't tell the difference between a common criminal and your government, you need to treat them both the same. Remember that a person only 'owns' something they can defend. If you can defend it, they don't own it and if you can't, they do.

US Constitution, Article 11: Any act directed against a person, apart from the cases and without the forms determined by law, is arbitrary and tyrannical; if attempt is made to execute such act by force, the person who is the object thereof has the right to resist it by force.

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Looks good on paper, ..... not so much in application.

I'll be sure to remind them of your points, as I am being herded into a train car to a FEMA camp. I imagine they will find it amusing.

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Everyone has a choice. : )

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"

- The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Maybe start organizing your local/neighborhood militia now?

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I hope you are right, Clif

Show us how...

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BUT I THOUGHT THIS WAS CONSPIRACY THEORY!!! Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Wall Street Journal Provides Troubling Data Suggesting COVID Vaccines ‘May be’ Causing COVID Variants to Evolve https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/pandemic-vaccinated-wsj-reports-covid-vaccines-may-causing-covid-variants-evolve/

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Wait..., wait Aren't these Covid vaxxes safe & effective?

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NO! BUT THIS FOOL STILL THINKS MASKS WILL SAVE YOU; Dr. Zeke Emanuel on MSNBC: Covid Vaccines Don’t Work Against New Variants; Only Thing That Reliably Works Are “Really High Quality Masks” (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/dr-zeke-emanuel-msnbc-covid-vaccines-dont-work-new-variants-thing-reliably-works-really-high-quality-masks-video/

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Wow! Everything is reaching new levels - even stupidity.

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I saw that statement the other day on video, it was a face palm moment to realize that there are people STILL dumb enough to believe that clown. Apparently he overlooked those 130 studies that show masks are a failure at stopping viruses.

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He also doesn't listen to the whitehouse; Biden's Covid czar: "There is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well."


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Jan 3, 2023
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Correct. Bio terrain is another term for our body. It is our responsibility to make sure we don't put into our bodies whether it's through inhaling, through skin absorption or what we put in our mouths. Toxins are everywhere. When we put too many toxins in our body Aid overwhelms our immune system. Vaccines are just another toxin. Do not take them.

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In other word, vaccines are a bioweapon. A virus that can't be isolated or found (covid) doesn't exist, so it can't create variants... can it?

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That may be true but does it really matter? It appears to be true that "they" are able to manipulate something in or about us that can make us sick and/or kill us, whether it's called a virus, a spike protein, a change in our biofield or whatever?

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So how do we survive this? Not everyone is a millionaire with vast assets.

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Grow your own food and find commodities you can trade to get what you need. What services can you provide to exchange for goods? Store away precious metals.

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I live on 60th floor and don't have a balcony. Any other ideas, please? Man cannot live by watercress alone ;)

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Make new friends- diary farmers, produce, meat; hunters & fishermen who bag more than they need; local bakeries (or again farmers and orchard owners). Those under appreciated farmers who have managed to survive the government and corporate attacks thus far are finally going to receive the respect and gratitude they have always deserved. Consider organizing a community garden in the neighborhood.

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I live in a metropolitan area of several hundred square miles with a population of forty million. Not many farmers, hunters or fishermen around here, nor is there any land for a community garden. While I could choose to uproot my family and re-locate to the countryside and start afresh, 40 million of us could not. Maybe one day they will all have to do just that; but it won't be pretty :(

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I'd say to be pretty ugly when 40 million City dwellers will try to escape the prison they have been living in all their lives.

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try 4Patriots website, they sell a small box to grow 8 types of greens at a time indoors, and the seed pods you need. You just supply the water and electricity. $180 to start out.

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I think that's good advice but not everyone can grow food. How do I find commodities to trade? What services would be valuable in this situation? I'm trained for legal work. And won't precious metals be hard to transport if you have to leave quickly? Thanks for any ideas.

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Silver and gold are sold in very small amounts. If you have dirt and seeds, you can grow nutritional items. You don't need a full blown farm. Even sprouting broccoli seeds is highly nutritional and no dirt is needed. Turn legal work into lawful work. Start studying common law. That's what America's law actually is. https://commonlawyer.com Start making lists. What can you make? What do you know how to fix? What kinds of lessons can you teach? How could you help people? Skills, knowledge, logistics, understanding.....

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That's all very helpful. Many thanks. Happy New Year :)

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Yes, much better suggestions than my reply.

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Learn Life skills. Legal work is not a life skill. This legal system we have set up is to administer rules and regulations of a failed system.

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try 4Patriots website, they sell a small box to grow 8 types of greens at a time indoors, and the seed pods you need. You just supply the water and electricity. $180 to start out.

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If legal work is the only skill you have to barter, now is good time to gain new skills. Anything you always wanted to do or learn? Now's the time to do what you love, the legal field is going to have to be completely revamped and re-trained as well. Most of it is utterly unlawful and corrupt, just like academia, banking and government. Eventually, everyone is going to have to grow at least some of their food & medicinal plants. Might as well start learning now- YT sucks, but they do have many great DIY, homesteading and gardening in unique situations type channels.

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Jan 3, 2023
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That's a good place to be in the high desert away from big cities when Millions will flee into the countryside. Just be prepared to defend yourself and your farm. Good luck

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Jan 6, 2023
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If I was 20 years younger I would go there too. I'm now 67. I hope you're enjoying your life there and freedoms that we are losing here in the land of the free and the brave. I hope you noticed the sarcasm. Take care.

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Jan 3, 2023
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All my plants develop a fungus and die. How can I prevent this? I had to throw ally tomatoes out.l last year.

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Probably a soil issue if it is all of your plants. Most plants have natural built in defenses if grown in good soil. Do some research, many good gardening channels on YT

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Jan 3, 2023
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Thank you! I've had such a hard time gardening the last few years. Feel like growing our own food will be a necessity soon tho.

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There's a passage in the Revelations that people will be throwing their silver into the streets. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth and the merchants will wail when they see Babylon burning. This system of mercantilism and capitalism is collapsing.

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Get rid of all of your debt if possible.

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Well, I'm ok on that front. Why tho? What do you think will happen to people with debt?

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If the currency hyperinflates, it is likely that interest rates will rise at the same time to unaffordable levels. It is entirely possible that a typical family could be bankrupted by one month's interest payments. They could lose everything :(

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That sounds catastrophic. What are people supposed to do? In this possible outcome, crime rates will rise to unmanageable levels, all social decorum will fail.

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Yes, hyperinflation is indeed catastrophic and history tells us that it is unavoidable, a mathematical certainty, sooner or later. The is a very good book about the hyperinflation which Germany suffered exactly one century ago:


There is not much you can do except try to get out of debt and put any cash you have into precious metals, unencumbered land and buildings, barter goods.

Tragically, hyperinflation will be the fast track to slavery for most of us :(

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I'm sorry, what do you mean slavery?

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Pretty sure that if you owe money on a car and can't pay, it will be repossessed.

Then consider a mortgage...will it go into foreclosure if you lack funds?

Paying rent every month could also be considered a debt. Will more people end up homeless?

The only "free pass" might be if you owe money on your credit cards.

Maybe medical bills too...worse than can happen is lousy credit rating and a collection agency.

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Usury is a sin, I've been told. So it will be interesting to see how the whole debt slavery thing works out.

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I think on that case, we're all screwed. I imagine there will entire communities of homeless people.

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There already is unfortunately.

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I think that is the point of the WEF.

"You will own nothing, and be happy."

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I might own nothing, but I will definitely not be happy.

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Charge your credit cards to the max and DO NOT pay them off. It is not immoral. The banksters robbed all of us for all our lives. We were enslaved. Time to bring these motherwheffers down. Usury is against natural law.

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2/3 of the people are going to die. That's just a fact of life when you have civilization collapse events happening. It happened many times in the past. Just think about the humans that built the pyramids and the vast skills and knowledge they had to build such monumental structures. Where are they now?

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