Really can't wait until we get past this nonsense, dissolve the financial system, and get on with the business of building an actual economy.

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Hope you're right. But some claim TPTB want economic collapse/WW3 so they can 6uild 6ack 6etter. Clif appears to believe the opposite.

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Clif knows that's what the WEFers want, but he also feels they will not win and get their WARS or their Financial RESET. We're going to have to have a RESET,...but it will be each Country on their own. Like Russia did and China is going to have to do. The currency SCAM is crashing,.....so we will all have to move to a new Currency of our Sovereign Nation. No one wants a GLOBAL CURRENCY except the WEF/DAVOS GROUP/G7 Elites! The reason we are all, in every Country, fighting against them, is to make sure it doesn't happen. Spread the word. This war is Global.

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Thank you for clarifying Clif's views. If a financial crash will finally defeat them- then bring it on!

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That is his interpretation of the data. Reading ALTA for years and seeing it occur leads to one's own perspective through Clif's lense.

I came to the same conclusion though, it won't matter where you are... You can't hide from this. So get out the popcorn and enjoy wherever you are!

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They want it. Will they get it?

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No. I don't think so. As Clif has said the next few years are going to be miserable,....and we should all be preparing,......get your Prepper Skills honed,......that's what we are doing. We even moved from a bigger city on the East Coast to a tiny town in a different state, so we wouldn't be caught in a food shortage and crime wave that will follow that....if you can, leave the big cities now! Get food in to Mylar bags and get cans....every time you shop,....get some extra cans and store them away. Most people are not going to be ready. And protecting our food and our homes will become very important. You can't feed every one and then watch your own family starve. If you don't have weapons yet,....get them. And then get your Ammo so you can defend yourself and your family. As hard as that will be,.....you will have to defend yourself. This is not something we ever dreamed we'd have to live through! So, I don't blame you if it seems nuts,.....but it is coming unless President Trump and the other White Hats have some plan,.....and I do not know about that. So, prepare!

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Build Back Better is BBB = 222

I guess 222 also = 6

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“build back better” with small “b” appears as 666.

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How? I thought "b" was always "2"

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If assigning a number value because it is the second in the group of 26 that may be so, but clearly the small “b” can be used as a symbol for a “6” if you’re conveying a covert message in plain view to all without the unwashed masses being none the wiser. Symbolic language is how certain folks who wish to stay in the shadows communicate. That is why so many cannot understand the Bible because the Bible does not mean what it says in obvious simple interpretation. The truth of it is hidden in symbolic language that cannot be discerned in the English translation.

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That's interesting. I was reminded that the Carbon atom is 6 electrons, 6protons, 6 neutrons.... 666

So what are CARBON CREDITS ???

The WEF'ers want to price everything in carbon. They want a CBDC.

Put a NFC chip in your hand for payments?

Put a Neurolink in your brain?

Things are about to get weird...

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Wuild Wack Wetter= 666

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Carbon atom is 666

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1) What's water's number? 2) Reminds of the Demiurge in the gnostic account.

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I'm with ya on that. Bring on the pain.

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I know lots of good people from Beyond Mystic who believe in this Gesara non-sense. Don't get me wrong, I like the people from BM and I subscribe to their insider access pass, but I don't get the fascination for a hoax like Nesara/Gesara. It's completely unworkable even IF there was some fund of money (supposedly left from St. Germaine).

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I prefer UFO's and "hidden technology" 😅

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Same here. I have yet to see an explanation of Nesara/Gesara that passes the smell test. Those that promote it have an appealing narrative but no evidence.

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They lost me at 'all everyone's interest payments will be paid back'. I'm like, with what and what about people who pay rent? It's totally absurd but people half awaken and get lazy. It's basically like picking a religion, only in this case their Gods are the 'white hats'.

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Same thing with the Quantum Financial System. As much as we'd all love for these things to be true,.....they can't be. It would be too easy and it would be too much like a Global System again. Can't work. We need our own monetary system! OURS. A United States Currency that's not a DEBT/TAX Scheme.

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Yep, everyone seems to have a Quantum scam, ..... Even Russel J. Gould has one lol

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I’ve been monitoring NESARA grifter sites like Intel Dinar Chronicles and their spin is up to 32,000 rpm in trying to keep the grift alive.

The ‘gurus’ are beginning to panic that the con is up and there is no QFS and no magic jackpot redemption of their worthless Zim, Dong, Dinars.

The mood is getting uglier and the excuses are getting bigger, Tier 4B any day now…

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Basically, if it has the word quantum in it, it's bullshit. Including physics.

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Hmmm, that last sentence reminds me of shit show TBJ has let other people turn her "brand" into. Now, instead of reading tarot on dumb shit, w/JC pretending to be surprised by the answers after he pretty much directs her to the answer he wants (which he still does on the occasion they actually read the cards)- the shows are mainly sales pitches for ever more expensive products, new websites and lots and lots of excuses, justifications and explanations for they had NO CHOICE but to go all PPV. JC not allowed to even speak her name on his channel- yet anyone else can have her on as guest, pirates can put her shows on their channels without penalty- but they keep up with the hypnotic, spellcasting spiels EVERY single program for the past 2-3 weeks. So very fortunate for them that YOUTUBE waited until they had their new websites ready to roll, before they took out TBJ channels. The cards haven't decided yet if she was too dangerous (if it was the DS that took her out)- or too over the target (if the WH took her down). I was huge fan, now I get a headache watching them frantically trying to convince all the loyal followers that they are legit and the fans should cough up some significnt $$$ if they want continue to receive their guidance, products, "intel" (my ass)- and openly laugh and giggle (mock) when people are calling themselves addicts and going through J & JC withdrawals. My dogs don't mind me watching them though, they get extra walks after I watch, so I can get rid of bs energy they put out now. LOL, just realized I'm going on a bit more than intended for off topic comment- oh well. Carry on. Love Clif and his insights, and so many insightful commentors also.

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Suckering People into the whole “Organic” Scam is pretty much a dead giveaway. I’ve done Organic Comparison Testing on my Smallholding, plus been surrounded by people trying it, and the only ones it works for, are the Wealthy owners of fairly large farms, who do well from the artificially high prices they get for “Organic “ products. Fact is, Soil needs NPK plus other nutrients to be put in a balanced state, BEFORE you SDI the Plant food the plants need to grow properly. Plants do Not Have a Food Fetish ! And you can’t grow root vegetables effectively with 5:5:5 Seaweed Fertiliser or blood fish and bone , because they are Really Hungry Plant food Consumers, and the amount they Need, has not increased since artificial NPK Fertilisers started being used intensively in 1820- They are why there was the Victorian Golden Age of Agriculture. If I’m Wring, Then Israel would not have been able to make the Desert Bloom, with Drip Agriculture Would it ? We’ve been Lied to for Profit for the few, and the impoverishment of the many, with Organic. See Sri Lanka for the disaster from switching to Organic, the Government had to Flee the Country. Bob.👍

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I sometime listen to Markz he promotes this scam full-time 3 YouTube a day. Every day he claim his sources are not saying anything or blah blah blah then he mentions what's happening in Iraq them voting on certain things every week its a new line. he's smooth says he never ask for money but has option for super chat etc... plus he promotes everyone's merch. he has a friday donation day its for the needy I just caan't believe how fucking stupid people are i sometimes listen to these scammer but would never give anyone of any of them a red cent. these people belong in jail

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From the IDC grift site you get statements like these

“ Tues. 19 July Explosion at Hoover Dam. Lots of dams need to go for GESARA NESARA to restore earth energy and removes blockages. Hoover Dam is one of them that needs to be destroyed. We’ve told you it was coming. Just watch the water! Great floods incoming! https://www.theepochtimes.com/apparent-explosion-reported-at-hoover-dam-witnesses_4607974.html”

A basic application of logic would say this is insanity, and I’ve seen the NESARA crowd steadily becoming more unglued as time went on.

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The Beyond Mystic lot are all spiritual karens. There may once have been genuine truth or authentic audience, but now it's spiritual karens and God help anyone who tries to speak truth to them. How about good old Phil Godlewski, who gives zero actual information that most of us don't already know.

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I dunno what happened to that show.

It's all Tarot and the like.

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Basically, the lowest 10% IQ of the audience pays out 90% of a show's income, so people like David Zublick et al hammer at the lowest IQ population. Even shows that start out as appealing to the intellect at some point go this way. Beyond Mystic is example number one.

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I agree with your assessment. As they say truth mixed with lies even if unintentional are still lies. I do like the Leak Project for the same reasons I liked BM few years back. It's also interesting that Rex at Leak project does have sponsors and ads that pay for his lifestyle which looks damn good. Donations are a personal thing imo so I don't name call ~ however the new tarot by Janine site $5 month had 1750 comments on 1 of 3 videos thats over $8700 I know it's not free for tech build & support but that's big money from multiple sources to spread the daydream of a white hats financial system saving everyone. It sure hasn't saved China or Sri Lanka

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Very little tarot these days, and even then most of that somehow manages to work in the sales pitches, justification, explanations and complaining. Lots of us used to enjoy it. Forgetting it was ENTERTAINMENT. Now those still watching and not realizing the changes are freely claiming to be addicted and going through withdrawals- not even hearing what they are saying themselves.

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Must admit I’m enjoying watching Sailboat channels at the moment, but a surprising number of those are basically soft Porn for donations to the Channel. Still, there are quite a number of good ones out there, that are helpful with ideas for my next boat, plus been able to contribute ideas for others too. It passes the time until the Next Shoe Drops. Bob. 👍🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇺🇸🇨🇦

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I thnk I agree. I know when I started getting a different vibe from that crew, I fought it, thought I was just being negative. Now I listen to my intuition, not theirs or the sadly obsessed echo chamber in their comments section. When you start using people like Fulford & Phil, among others, to confirm your "reads", then something has gone very wrong with her "connection". Even now, I want to believe she began with authenticity, and was somehow ensnared or drawn away from that. She is only human, and just as susceptible to deception as the rest of us. Hope she finds her way back.

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As Clif says, it's just another Global Currency/Monetary System. How will that help?????????

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Hypothetically, it would eliminate debt and inflation. Money is not supposed to lose value over time the way ours does. Because debt has resulted from fraudulent contracts, it should be eliminated. Inflation is a major disincentive to saving money and its part of the FEDs plan to rip us off without us even feeling it. Americans have lost about 25% of their savings through inflation in the last 18 months (there is no way to really measure inflation but the best measure is the average increase in the cost of goods (gas, milk, eggs, cars, houses, ect.) A new gold-backed financial system would be a return to sound money which we desperately need.

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The Beyond Mystic thing is a massive grift. Feeding gullible people full of hopium and shilling their links to buy physical silver (telling these folks that silver will go to $600+. I doubt it ever go past $50 again).

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They are merely parroting Bix and Clif. Silver will skyrocket and by now you ought to know why.

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CLIF, by the way, is the one who's calling for $600 Silver...

That's where Beyond Mystic got it from ....

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Yes, I know. Clif is almost always wrong though. And silver will never "skyrocket". It's extremely plentiful and the people that run the world depend on cheap silver for their " green agenda ", batteries, solar panels etc. And then there's synthetic silver (from a lab) which is almost identical to real silver.

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Im off that boat something about JC is off. The people he cycles through there... I just don't like it. I still follow snippy and his Andy but everyone else...

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There is a US government web page for NESARA, so there is some reality behind it. I would assume that an exchange rate of 1500/1 (Dinar/$) is artificial and temporary. If the IMF loses control I would expect those currencies to float, or normalize. Back in the 90s when the DINAR got crushed, a lot of people thought it was worth it to invest a small amount for a potentially huge payout. When the artificial ceiling is removed, who knows how high the Dinar could float? The grift comes into it when people who are holding large amounts of Dinar no longer want to wait for the float, and they try to get rid of it at a premium selling the expectation that it will revalue. I think Benjamin Fulford was the only person to get prosecuted for what a lot of people were doing. Now it appears that all of these fiat currencies will get flushed together and the Dinar will never revalue. The dollar is going to be as worthless and the Dinar and Dong.

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It was a real act written back in the 90's and did involve stuff like bi-metallic currency, 0% target inflation, etc. And Clinton indicated at one point he might support it. But it never went to congress.

Of course it's a silly stretch to then claim with no evidence it'll be brought back, and this will be done as a way to benefit all of humanity. A little observation shows the purpose of financial systems from "authorities" (who all turn out to be agents of the same entities when you dig) is always enslavement and control of the bottom of the pyramid by the top - exactly as shown on the $1 bill.

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Yeah it's hard to argue with this.

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there is not much I would accept as reality from US gov websites right now. If and when we get through this mess, and still have a US gov, maybe then I'll pay attention to what they have to say.

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NESARA is as real as medbeds are…

Also sites like this one hurt their cause more the help it.


The more your read it the more ‘off the charts’ it sounds.

Just like Elon Musk’s Starlink project is the basis of the new Quantum Internet.

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Jul 21, 2022
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I can't find it anymore. I use Presearch/duck duck go/. I'm going to search my browser history now, because I was on it but its been a while. It didn't have a lot of info but it was a dot gov website. Possibly it's been taken down.

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Apparently, there isn't one anymore. I don't have it in my browser history. On the gov website today there is a history of other people searching for it, but that's all. So, Sorry. My mistake.

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Is it on the archive.org website?

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No, that archive is for works with an expired copyright. It might be interesting to check google records for laws or patents that mention NESARA.

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Jul 21, 2022
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There is no indication that NESARA was ever passed into law, however, it is intriguing that several deep state controlled fact-checking media outlets say that it is a cult and a conspiracy theory. If St. Germaine appears to me in a dream or a vision I will let you know.

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"1. This footage is from Shandong Province, not Henan.

2. Tanks are being moved for some sort of training exercise. Its a military base town. That's why unarmed men in hi vis vests are seen controlling traffic, instead of hundreds of infantry."

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Actually that’s makes sense because you don’t see the usual chaos with bank runs and in China such videos usually don’t make it out past the Great Firewall of China, especially if there is spreading unrest.

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same old shit then. nothing to see as usual

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Pleas Dear God! Let the WEF go down and disappear! Thanks Clif!

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The 2005 USA Bankruptcy Act provides that USA bank deposits are property of the bank (you depose your money to the bank). You are a junior (to all derivatives) unsecured creditor of said bank. China is just catching up to us. FYI China's central bank is a Rothschild institution. So is Russia's, Ukraine's, UK, Germany, Canada etc. I am aware of only three central banks not of the Rothschild sort - North Korea, Cuba and the very evil Iran who has not attacked ANYONE in the past 200 years. How many have we attacked? Is anyone keening track? Clif's articles are always fun. Something to look forward to in this crazy world. THANKS CLIF!

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From what I have read, only 'Time deposits', aka 'Savings' accounts are property of the bank. Not so with 'Demand deposits', aka 'Checking' accounts. They are 2 totally different financial instruments/entities, and are legally treated differently.

That does not mean the banks will abide by that distinction when they start failing.

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well, for those of us who scrape by paycheck to paycheck, let's just hope the US banks wait until 2 days after payday to crash, so I'll have already paid all the month's bills and withdrawn what little is left in cash for gas & groceries...

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Tanks for banks

It always stank

Like shit....

Here in Amerika still exist many

Oh, so many morons

Counting their funny money

Rise up, or at least look up, you fucking imbeciles to say shit since you have been eating it by the mouthful for many decades while dreaming or scheming your life away believing it's all about the mother fucking money

Ed Dowd formerly of Blackrock, not a black whore, the stage name for whom, Hunter fucked while smoking meth, but the behemoth flim flam funny money scam rock 'em sock 'em soak 'em rob 'em blind org, has experience making money by the barrel full of billions for the upper managerial class which he said is beginning to see the house of cards is about to tumble. His point of astronomically engineered inflation while the funny money phony pissing green puss petro dollar remains strong will collapse the developing world, then ravage its way through the Europe Pee On Union and land on the shores of Uncle Flim Flam Sam.

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Nothing can stop the Great Awakening. Therefore, nothing can stop what is coming. When you pull a band-aid off that has been there too long, it kinda hurts. But it's the only way. You don't tug on it gently, that just prolongs the pain. There is only one way: you yank it off in one quick motion. Right off!

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I find soaking them in hot water works very well. lol

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Buckle up, Awakened.

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wu-wei means DO NOTHING, which does not seem to compute in this instance. WEF & CCP et al know what is coming their way, with or without Nesara/Gesara, meaning whether they exist or not. The world is being split in two (memories of Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus, Cayce, Gurdjieff, Steiner, and the like). Meanwhile, they want as many minds/souls as possible. They'll get some but not all of us. One cannot lead without loyalty. Loyalty cannot be coerced or forced, else it is oppressed slavery. Who in the world among us votes for oppressed slavery?

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Who votes for slavery? Those who lack a true self and support authority, even monotheism.... They are slaves to whoever tells them what god, etc wants them to do.

It's monosciencism these days that has the most growth of their followers...

And when will clif ask himself why we don't get real clear videos of UFOs despite having cameras everywhere? Same reason why there were no annunaki etc... In 100 years, books will be written on how we had giants with powers to kill and destroy (military with tech). Who says that it didn't happen before?

No need for space people or gods to explain those myths. Distant history is like a blurry photo of a shiny "ufo"

... The interpreter is what fills in the detail of the story.

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Giants have something to do with it. The Smithsonian spent a fortune to destroy the evidence. We've got buildings with 50 ft. doors. What does that tell you?

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What action is virtuous in this situation? The Taoist principal of non-action is about not breaking yourself against impossible forces. Like a tree that bends in the wind. Because it bends, it doesn't break. Another illustration is a crooked tree. All the trees that grow straight get cut down, but a crooked tree may have a chance to get big. It was the tree's disutility that allowed it to survive. If you're unusable you may escape damage.

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I've been bingeing books on eBay and expanding my library the last few years with financial collapse in mind. That's the thing I'll miss the most, should EVERYTHING collapse. But now, I have tons to read, or trade, so GO

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Could eat a book, ... but it might need marinade.

Meaning, No One will trade you Anything you need, For a book they Don't Need.

Just saying.

Unless maybe it's an extremely informative home gardening book. lol

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I'm not worrying about food or shelter or even concerned over much with company. Aiming higher than that.

We're not cave people anymore, and the earth is ripe with abundance. Rediscovering ancient wisdom.


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Well, there are a ton of university libraries as well as the library of Congress (if it doesn't get nuked lol) so I imagine books will be easy enough to find after a collapse of society.

"We're not cave people anymore" hmmm, that could drastically change with a little effort.

Of course, if you are not worried about food and shelter, then I imagine you might be out in the country, away from the potential melee of urban settings, with plenty of supplies ready, to get through the long haul, in which case gathering books is likely a good idea, even if just to have something to stave off boredom after a total collapse, by having something good to read. lol

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Much more subtle than that.

And so many things in the mix!

As this paradigm is collapsing, possibilities for other realities at an all-time high in this lifetime of mine, the potential is staggering if it could be focused.

This is BIG. Unprecedented.

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"They" have been spending a whole LOT of effort trying to keep Everyone from focusing on the same thing. If that can be overcome, then I think things would be vastly different. But that's the catch, as there is so much complete and total distraction caused by the many miseries "they" intentionally cause. Yes, Focus will be the key.

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Hey cliff I want to thank you for the information you provide us out here in the woo. On this email I agreed with everything you said about China and the US.. We're kinda screwed.

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Clif, thanks.

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Currencies tied to the U.S. Dollar by decree... Sri Lanka? Panama? China? who's next?

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Clif's 03/21 video, Dinner With Trump lays out Fed/FRN debt note dies in 2022. At some point replaced by US Treasury $, pegged at 1912 (or 70's) price level. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iecFq6fkRpGB/

Thinks QSOC has planned transition & timing. Will be rapid rebuild with no more Khazarian Mafia, stealing our "'effort, labor, capital".

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