Language is the ocean Clif swims in, ALTA is the net he uses to capture/filter "fish", we are the lucky recipients of current insights, TRUE history lessons, and future trends and predictions, all delivered with a grainy, dark yet very funny sense of humor. Quite the necessity as we gambol thru this Big 'ol Ugly, dontcha know?

Fantastic post, mate.

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It is clear from this that you are not aware of the work of Tim and Lee Hooker presented at the Megalithomania Conference of 2009 where they share their discoveries in Ukraine. They claim proto-cuneiform writing that may date back to 20,000 years ago in an area known as Aratta. The link is https://youtu.be/hPiuS6UUc1Q

I would also refer you to the channel Plumtree Productions who claim to have found evidence of tribes in New Zealand predating the Maori who were red headed. They also claim to have evidence of giant Phoenician vessels travelling to locations in the South Seas.

Finally, I am sure that l have also heard of written language being found on Easter Island, but have no precise recall of the source of that information. Hope this may help

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Do you honestly believe what you typed

You really think he’s “unaware”

Do you know what this man does for a living lol

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It's clear from what Clif wrote that he is quite likely unaware of the information that was provided by Jean. That's most likely why Jean provided it.

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The fact that Clif did not mention Tim or Lee Hooker is not evidence that he is unaware of their work. Based on Clif's encyclopedic knowledge of the Khazarians, I would assume he is quite aware of most things involving Ukraine.

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The language is Rongo Rongo and its pictographic.

It matches almost exactly the pictographs used in Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan where the radioactive skeletons were found......


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In the last ten minutes of this video suggestion, she talks about healing chambers in mounds and Arkaim, which provoked the thought of today's Orgone boxes or Orgone Energy Accumulators. A healing device for the human body's electrical field. Some of these ancient mounds have many theoretical healing chambers....Just a thought I wanted to share.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Yes, you're probably right. Aren't pyramids, temples, mosques and churches also kinds of Orgone boxes? Isn't one of the functions for which they were all built to be places of healing? Don't spires, pagodas, minarets, etc act as antennas for etheric energy, which create an energy bubble beneath them? Isn't that why some churches have labarynths under their spires/towers, so that people could move slowly around the bubble, bathing in the energy and receiving healing?

Why not have your own bubble of healing energy at home?:


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Cathedral is derived from cathodes & stained glass windows were added to disguise the true purpose of the openings. Very large bells resonating in the healing centers were confiscated & hidden or destroyed. Tolling bells were healing...frequencies, currents, metal spires to capture or conduct...? Sorry my knowledge is limited on how it all works, but I know it's all connected. It "resonates" in me.

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Wasn't stained glass used to affect the frequency of the light entering the church? I hadn't thought about the role of church bells in healing - that's interesting. I'm not saying you're wrong about cathodes; but I thought "Cathedral" came from the Greek word for "Chair," so a cathedral church is a church containing the throne/chair of the bishop and/or was the bishop's seat of power, so to speak.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

What we know as churches aka cathedrals were built to harness energy from atmosphere (aether) via conductive metal spires & air currency flow through openings & vibrations from tolling bells. Free energy & healing from electrified water which was used to water municipal plants. Those raised granite or marble bowls of water in the entrances weren't originally to bless people or for quick baptisms. They were for people to drink the electrified water, which increases plant growth & is healing for us. Root words like cath (cathode, cathedral, catholic, catharsis) and watt (as in wattage hence water) give great clues as to original meaning. Any religious claims like the chair for catholic bishops were added to info to disguise what was. They are usurpers of the truth. Living water mentioned in scripture and structured water advertised today are much more than we realize. Meant to add that many are discovering rapid plant growth in their survival gardens by placing metal rods (copper?) in surrounding ground. Harnessing that free energy (that's always been available) to rapidly grow gardens & is far superior to bagged fertilizers, is being rediscovered. Called electro-culture farming.

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"'The Redheads' New Zealand Ancient History Documentary"


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Just to be one up, as kids we called Maori with green eyes and blond hair Whaka-blondes. It was a well-known phrase among rural people, although not so much known in the towns. There are entire families like this still, today.The red hair people were Moriori. It seems this is not so well-known today.

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Do you know its fate in the on-going war with Russia? It would seem one of the goals of kinetic war is to erase history as in Iraq. Another "smoking gun" clue in the great reset conspiracy theory.

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Actions to erase human history are really annoying.

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Hey Jean, yes, VERY interesting video on the Ukraine megalithic monuments. I second your recommendation.

Also, ditto regarding the New Zealand documentaries. Search "Skeletons in the Cupboard" for those.

Lastly, the Easter Island text is called Rongo rongo. At first blush it appears similar to the Mohenjo Daro script, but the jury is very much still out on that.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

I'm searching for their name, cause I remember a video on it...

But The G and YT aren't being helpful with "Maori predecessors" as search parameters.

But that's true EVERYWHERE, ain't it! None of the so-called "natives" or "indigenous" were ACTUALLY first. Plus, they're just the survivors of past cataclysms.

We get all over the place in this world...

I think it might have been through Freddy Silva. I pull Missing Lands down.

It's not the name I remember, which I believe started with a "W".

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Look for "Skeletons in the Cupboard" on YouTube. There are two parts for that, and also a third video by the same people which I think was a prequel to the "Skeletons" documentary.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

Thanks, I'll watch.

I know all about the redheads, but always intriguing to get expanded viewpoint.


Finally got to that video, via third in this series by Asha Logos.

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The indigenous are the closest to the Originals as there are many that still walk that way of life to this day... which is still closer than any of us... food for thought before you discount the plethora of knowledge they carry in their various oral histories.

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I discount nothing. The myth of human progress is a shadow overlying actual events.

Thank goodness this time is different. We won't have to start over with rocks and sticks again.

Integration and transformation.

No, I dig many of their ways of life and being over "civilization".


Here, where we live there are the Ute. Southern Arapahoe where we were before.

Chiefs Niwot and Ouray were amazing human beings. Each knew many languages to try and keep peace and transparency. Chipeta was also impressive.

I'd rather kick it out in the wilderness with them than live in any misbegotten cities!


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Why are the mystery people EVERYWHERE seemingly always red headed?

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Very interesting link worth the watch. Thank you.

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Suppose, Extra Terrestrial means more land or extra or other lands? Suppose we ... human beings were visited or colonized by these others...suppose we did not speak because we were equipped with the ability to communicate with everything in our realm including each other in mindful silence? Suppose the "gift of language and writing were the first effort by these "visitors" to block our capacity which was far advanced from their unnatural mechanisms and was the first interference with our privacy? I knew a couple when I was coming up who did not speak to each other. I was a child so I may or may not have been seeing what I remember and could easily be ignored. However I was a solitary and serious child and would leave my playmates often and go and sit on the porch with this couple. They would let me sit with them in silence. The man would seem to hear or take note of something get up and go into the house and bring a throw for his wife or some lemonade for us. Other times she would get up and bring him something a book or something??? I felt very calm with them and safe. Now after reading this I remember then and it makes me wonder if they were what we were before the parasite kind came?

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I had the same exact thought. The colonizers needed a way into the telepathic conversation they couldn't take part in so they 'gifted' it as special while they implemented the infrastructure of money, commerce and finance as a means to enslave us to do the labor they were not equipped to do aka "overworked" god. That telepathic conversation (to include instinct & intuition) was likely a symbiotic bond between ALL livings beings i.e. plants, animals, etc. so we weren't disconnected from nature, we weren't lords or masters over it but a part of it.

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No leaders no followers: People who follow are fools and people who lead have fools for followers. The question arises then how the intuitive were seduced or gas lighted? Distortion by "poisoning possession or inbreeding? " By a group whose minds and emotions were not accessible to the host?....They could also be void of emotional and creative structures? So there was nothing to "read". And yes plants, animals, We had no need of documentation we could access all we needed to know from everything in our realm.. What we call synchronicity is part of what we were capable of. "before we fell and mingled with the parasites and become "beast" The good news is that I feel we have a natural prime directive that causes us to be capable of restoration. In the same way my mothers Peace Rose "a hybrid" gave in over years to returning to it's original form. Becoming a vigorous and vibrant RED climbing rose. Smile I'm glad this idea was also yours...it's fun when that happens!

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We always hear that telepathy is how aliens communicate. We're capable of it. I have experienced it with and without assistance from fun guys, and it's something they can't allow us to know well, because they can't control us, if we communicate that way.

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In 1960, Kaneto Shindo made the Naked Island. In the standard length production, there was no dialogue. Fascinating, and very watchable.

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I'll take a watch ..Thnak you

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I'm more interested in the technology WITHIN.

Also in developing both versions of NVC. Non verbal communication and non violent communication.

And in the language of nature and The Birds.

Veils dropping, portals opening, consciousness EXPANDING.

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It's all good, but I too particularly enjoy clif's little tech talks.

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I don't it's about a false dichotomy

Do you know about Ken Wilber's AQAL?

I think that would give you a larger integral frame to have a context of communication when it comes to the subjective and objective of the individual and collective

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I haven't read him for years, but I watched his excellent discourse on SAND about stages of spirituality and maturity.

All about INTEGRATION. I know.

I'm also about unlimiting the Self. Languages, especially words, are very limiting.

I'll check into it though, thanks!

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Thank you for yet another eye-opening, mind-expanding essay!

Much happy reading to you!

बहु शुभं पठनं भवद्भ्यः

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I know not whether it is Clif or his AI Chat mate nowadays. Interesting either way. However I must say I enjoy his podcasts much better. no Chat Robot could talk the way Clif does.

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was thinking the same — like both and love his recorded drive chats

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Peaceful Greetings!

New reader? Clif has been vibing, writing, speaking like this for decades--if not more.

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Clif: An amazing compilation on basic contributions to language history. Years back, I had written a screenplay about some stolen WWII gold that ended up with the Mangyan tribe on one island in the Philippines. It was more a light-hearted crime drama that I had 'attached' Richard Harris to and Warner Bros offered to back. In the development time that almost always comes after all the deals are made, a very smart known artist thought we should go to the library and look up the Mangyan. In doing so, we discovered that the tribe had ties to Phoenician traders 8,000 yrs prior who gave them their written language. Included were the word for teacher: 'tudor' and others that have found their way into English.

Sadly, Richard Harris died just before we were to start production, but I have always been impressed with studies of languages such as the one you have provided in such detail. I can't help but wonder if the global tradings of the Phoenicians had similar influences. Thanks for the education! Rob

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Ingo Swann in one of his last lectures discussed the importance of Sanskrit for the future. Scientist William Tiller was in the audience, and Swann mentioned scientist Michael Persinger, from Laurention University, (oddly deceased). Recommend the lecture. Although it has horrid audio. https://youtu.be/0cOEY-c7_gI

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Thanks for this, I had heard about Ingo Swann, never saw him lecture. I recommend this one as well, and the audio, while it gets muddy at times, is still listenable.

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Clif, do you think that the languages that were only "given" in speech, and not in written language were original languages not given by the Aliens? Perhaps that's why they only had a spoken language? Perhaps the Aliens did not get to the Maori? It's seems to be a much more Human language, one without writing and making lists and keeping records. A language really for humans to speak to humans only.

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Sanskrit origionally included the pronunciations in the design... and the pronunciations from the different mouth positions caused secretions in the hypo thalamus then pituitary g

lands that internally produced the chemical energy of understanding... this is why mantras are never translated...

Yet this intellectualism if the language musses the point...

For example the release of endorphins in some mantra recitations... samidi inducing.

More here


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Thank you Clif

Just to add about Maori language: the sentence made out of the five vowels,each only once used, is: Au e Io : meaning I am of this Universe

Such simple magnificence ❤️

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So it seems that humans were designed to read a certain type of writing style/method? How the eyes move from symbol or word as the text is decoded in your mind? Every word matters, choose your words carefully!!!

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Thanks Clif. I wonder how the written language of Freya's people described as the first language and the first written language comes into this. If what is written in the Oera Linda manuscript is correct, which I am convinced it is, then all the languages ​​described here have evolved from this root language. I hope you weave the Oera Linda manuscript much more in your lessons to us in the future because it is the story of our own people, our roots. Roots are so incredibly important, and the parasites have done everything they can to deprive us of them, to make us weak and confused.

With gratitude for all that you do and much love. /Maya

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What about the sound different languages make in different parts of our body? Some 30 yrs ago I found out about 'ostéophonie', a french word which means the languages we speak travels through the bones to different parts of the body. For instance, the English language vibrates in the head, the French language in the torso and the Russian language throughout the body. This tells you a lot about these 3 groups of people when they talk. What's in the head, eyes, brain, ears, so can I say the English are a lot in their head? In the torso you have the heart, lung, stomach, liver, intestines, and is this why French are so taken by food, discussions of all kinds, great lovers, etc. The Russians are lucky because when they talk the sound of their language vibrates throughout. The latter originated from sanskrit. I would love your take on this Clif. It tells you a lot about the different people by the language they use.

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ice age cave drawings, 40k years old. Direct correlates for some shapes in Paleo-Hebrew, earlier Phoenician, and depictions of plasma z-pinch on stone from around the world. Some are assuredly representations of forms from cymatics, so would represent sound. Sounds are known phenomenon from some atmospheric plasma displays. Nordic runes can be read as Paleo-Hebrew.

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Ancient British (= modern Welsh) writing (Coelbren) also.

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did AI write this? a distinctive lack of .....cohesion, and no asides. Humans digress, it's what makes us human...

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