Clif i agree the collapse will have been due to the withdrawal of money, this is as you note the weffers current game, but this game has been played by them since the bronze age, they are the same people/families. They are called the Babylonian Radhanites, they are a cartel of mellenia. please see this wonderful article with Proof of the pagan “Jewish” Radhanite Bankers would have been in that stash in the tens of thousands of cuneiform records of contracts, which included interest bearing loans.
Very interesting, thanks Cliff. I can only listen to so much politics and different colored hats. I think you are onto something. Tartaria Australia expose the same theories, the m/Wefers wipe us out every 2,000 years or thereabouts, then we have to start all over again. What we have to work out now is how to stop this alleged final war in 1,000 years time. We've obviously not drained the swamp enough or with enough finality.
Realize that "money" doesn't really exist or have any meaning apart from what value and meaning we attach to it--- an idol. If someone carved an image out of wood, would you bow down and worship it? People on this literally worship money and bow down to it every day. They believe in it. They are forced -- by coercive governments -- to work for it. None of us ever really think about it, and discover that it is just hokum. This is what enslaves and limits and harms all of us. Every single man, woman, and child on Earth is harmed by their false belief in money. What we should believe in and therefore give value to, is the Creator -- whatever name you use to describe the Ordering Force of the Universe, that makes our life and every good thing possible. And after that Magnum Mysterium--- which we should worship with thankfulness and awe --- weshould value creativity, compassion, good will, love, honesty, justice, and other intangible things which nonetheless make life worthwhile. Find a way to trade goods and services, yet keep in view what is truly of value? The only possible honest money that could ever exist, would be a currency based on the value of all commodities and all labor. It's the only way to fairly or adequately symbolize the value of the goods and services we trade --- not by arbitrarily comparing everything to one commodity, but by symbolizing a tiny fraction of the value of all commodities, including labor. Then the world does not belong to those who have the gold or those who have the oil or those who have the wheat (as in Ancient Sumeria)---but instead it belongs to everyone on Earth as a means of trade, as it should be.
Interesting concept - one that I've explored as well. What if "money" did not exist? (There's a rather fun scifi novel on this exact concept, Voyage to Yesteryear. Read it 3 times.) It wouldn't matter, without a fundamental shift in cultural paradigm/species conditioning/extensive propaganda, these conflicts and disruptions will continue, as the human race grows in relation to its soul. The nature of humanity is competitive, and even with its orientation to positivity, karma is attached to all actions. Therefore, while the ideal is so damned appealing and logical that I/we don't understand why everyone else can't see it, there is - karma. Choices, debts, soul growth, payments - probably the ultimate purpose of humanity is to work this out - individual, tribal, politically, psychologically, spiritually - so we muddle along, doing the best we can, hoping to inspire others to think, consider, see through the BS, understand there has to be a higher standard . . . . Well, enough said. We all know this. The war goes on, and we are still here.
Money is the most resellable commodity at market prices.
Gold and silver were naturally selected by people trading with each other as the most efficient things to use as money.
The demand for gold and silver was there BEFORE they become money.
If I bartered my meat for all the other goods I need and I'm left with some meat I know will go wasted otherwise, I will be inclined to barter it for gold, silver, pearls, and other nice things that last. And if I have these nice things I could be willing to give them out to get what I need (food, etc.)
When enough people start doing it, gold and silver become money. People start to accept gold and silver because they expect to be able to buy things with them with ease
Money is important though, because it gives different groups of people something they can trade for supplies they need that they may not grow where they are. It doesn't have to be metal though, just something not very plentiful. It will be very interesting to find out what our next currency is! I like the Gold Backs that some states have,....they are beautiful and made with real gold. I have a bunch.
Currency is not Money! There are definite/definitive differences. For one- Money in your hand has NO THIRD PARTY LIABILITY!
In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”
Money is UNENCUMBERED, Currency is not. Currency is not MONEY! However MONEY can be used as currency. All currencies ever created have always reached their intrinsic value of $0. There are still some newly created currencies that are still in use but they ALL have lost most of their value in just a few decades. Take the US FEDERAL RESERVE "NOTE" for example (which is not MONEY); it has lost over 90% of its value in just 100 years!!! Currency is not MONEY but Money can be used as currency. Today's FIAT Currencies are nothing more than a "Note Of Debt"- They have Monetized debt! All monetization schemes throughout history have failed! Gold and Silver are MONEY, have been for 6000 years, and silver is money under the constitution. In all that time they have held their relative value (even after centuries of manipulation)! During Roman times the Romans paid their workers an ounce of gold a month and it is said that an ounce of gold could buy a nice Toga and shoes. Today, could you survive on an ounce of gold (2500$ Canadian) if you had to, and could you buy a nice suit and shoes for that? The answer is yes, now that's retaining value- after thousands of years!
Gold is a Tier 1 regulatory capital asset with supreme collateral precedence over foreign currencies and treasuries!!!
GOLD AND SILVER ARE "MONEY" EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST CURRENCY! Education is the way to FREEDOM! FREEDOM from our financial oppressors! FIAT is currency created out of thin air in a fraudulent Fractional Reserve System, and if you think that is responsible; YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!
7 characteristics of REAL MONEY
(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).
(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.
(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).
(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.
(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.
(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).
(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.
Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.
Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.
“For the naive mind there is something miraculous in the issuance of fiat money. A magic word spoken by the government creates out of nothing a thing which can be exchanged against any merchandise a man would like to get. How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” — Ludwig von Mises.
And now Gold is being re-monetized;
Brandon White: Gold re-monetization is much closer than many realize
There is no cost to exchanging money (Gold) directly between 2 entities. Cost only becomes reality when you develope third party liability, (like having a broker hold your gold)! Money has no third party liability when you hold it in your hand!
How interesting. For whatever reason, Clif shares my opinion that academia is the new stupid.
I long ago noticed that PhDs were pretty much stupid and had little grasp of the real world. Back-checking, I perused a published list of PhD disertations, which were unbelievably disconnected to reality or relevance.
More recently (ie post 1990), I have noticed unanimous academic support for free trade and globalisation generally. Ditto, elitism. But the real cruncher is overwhelming academic belief in the "safe and effective mRNA jab" narrative.
Is it possible to be more stupid? I don't think so. Being talked into mass suicide does not denote intelligence.
Conversely, the WEF line that they are eliminating "useless eaters" seems to be targeting academics, bureaucrats, politicians, journalists, doctors, nurses, and scientists... who are, indeed useless eaters. So what do we have here? An endemic vicious cycle? It seems to me that the eugenics agenda contains the seeds of its own destruction. Now, where have we heard that phrase before? Oh yes, Khazarian Marx. How aout that?
Conclusion: All we have to do is sit back and wait for them to all die. Then crash the party and eliminate whomever was responsible for launching this mess in the first place.
Apparently, people with fancy College degrees are much easier to BRAIN WASH too. It's strange, I'd have thought they'd have been less easy! Glad I never got any fancy College Education.
Ain't you the sharp one, DoF. Your intuition is right. University education is more about brainwashing than education. As more people draw this conclusion it will be denied by the elite and reform resisted, which will precipitate the burning down of universities. Extreme, but thats how humanity works; if the powerful don't turn their heads they will lose them. It was ever thus. The legal history of England reflects this reality beautifully.
You're wrong on most of what you report. Also, you change your narrative and hope people don't remember the last bullshit you spouted that never came to fruition. People, check out his predictions of the year past, all of it never happened. You're a fraud and a piss ant predictor of bullshit.
I see the paid (or worse bored and unemployed) Trolls are alive and well, in the comments section today, shouting in their capitals, 'cus nothing says truth like SHOUTING!!!
Time to get over the PC programming, it's just one more facet of the mind control. designed to destroy families and then society. Feminism was funded by the CIA. Women need to go back to feminine strengths, men need to go back to masculine attributes. Neither one precludes being strong, courageous, intelligent, competent, compassionate, loving, kind, gentle, protective or any other. Men and women can, and do, and should encompass all of those attributes. As to birthing children- women ARE THE ONLY ONES who can, and women should be the ones nurturing and caring for their own children- which does not preclude the father from participating, any more than the woman is precluded from contributing to his work. A family is not a damn competition, it should be a team with the common goal of cherishing the child, raising it to be a self-sufficient, healthy critcal thinking, loving, honest, compassionate adult. Teenage males, especially nowadays, need to learn better skills & values, as do females. Construction trades would be excellent skills for both male and female to learn young. Far better activity than staring at their smart phone that is making them dumber by the day. I could tell you a true story about a teenager who literally could not function when the computers were down at his job one day, but maybe another time.
Sometimes, listening to Clif's podcasts, I feel like I've just gone a round of some martial arts, but mentally. Interesting juxtaposition between Bronze Age decline and the current war and the aftermath. It's everyone's fear that so much change will be required - without conceding anything to the MF WEFers, so many resist change. We make our belief/insistence/support known, using info platforms, or it will be done for us. This is the 2nd American Revolution, to sustain our Constitution and Republic. What/how do we recover? Expect? Demand? Will not compromise over? We're shaping the future, if only we can make ourselves heard where it needs to be
Didn't the horse/mule economy get replaced by the automobile economy in a matter of a few decades? Concurrent with the change from gold/real bills to fiat i.e., the rise of the Federal Reserve Bank
They don't need machines to dig up the lithium, they have child slaves; Siddharth Kara is an author and expert on modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. Look for his new book, "Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives," on January 31, 2023.
Worth noting I think. In the Second Punic War, when Hannibal in added Italy over the Alps, His Army was an unstoppable force until they overwintering at Naples. They were ever the same fighting machine After, and Rome gave great praise and honours to the Women of Naples for their efforts. Fast forward to Napoleon's Army besieging Naples, which became stricken with Syphilis to such an extent the Siege of Naples had to be abandoned. Now Fast Rewind to .pompeii and recent examination of the skeletal Remains from 79 AD, and guess what they found ? Yep a very high incidence of people suffering from Syphilis. visible in the bone damage. Clearly, Syphilis was not brought back from the New World (where apparently an extremely mild form of Syphilis existed, which acted as a vaccination against the severe form brought in from Europe apparently) which begs a question imho - how did Syphilis come into being , was it a Created Bioweapon by any chance ? 🤔
As with AIDS, depravity breeds VDs. Hannibal had a failure of nerve at the gates of Rome; Naples was neither here nor there. Of the Veni vidi vici, he only made two thirds, and that was never enough.
This is a tremendous lecture. Like Jon Rappoport's podcasts, your flowing words produce images. It's like a picture book enwrapped in a story book. I think both the best Writers & Speakers...produce Travel.
I don't think people like you or he studied history so you can wear a mortar board. But you draw on the past, bring it to the present, for the purposes of "present" or presence study, for the farther purposes of future creations.
Thanks Cliff. Somehow I totally missed this part of history; that is, the breakdown/collapse of the Bronze age. I always just assumed it was due to the Iron age. I will look more into what you are discussing here.
Clif i agree the collapse will have been due to the withdrawal of money, this is as you note the weffers current game, but this game has been played by them since the bronze age, they are the same people/families. They are called the Babylonian Radhanites, they are a cartel of mellenia. please see this wonderful article with Proof of the pagan “Jewish” Radhanite Bankers would have been in that stash in the tens of thousands of cuneiform records of contracts, which included interest bearing loans.
Hello Humans, Hello Humans
Just ass kickin good. Thank you Brother, Fuzz
Thank you...
Very interesting, thanks Cliff. I can only listen to so much politics and different colored hats. I think you are onto something. Tartaria Australia expose the same theories, the m/Wefers wipe us out every 2,000 years or thereabouts, then we have to start all over again. What we have to work out now is how to stop this alleged final war in 1,000 years time. We've obviously not drained the swamp enough or with enough finality.
They cull humanity just like we cull cattle or chickens. That's all we are to them,....something to be managed.
Both are monetary systems and both are evil.
Money was invented to divide.
Money was not invented - it was adopted! 7 characteristics of REAL MONEY
(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).
(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.
(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).
(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.
(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.
(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).
(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.
Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.
Realize that "money" doesn't really exist or have any meaning apart from what value and meaning we attach to it--- an idol. If someone carved an image out of wood, would you bow down and worship it? People on this literally worship money and bow down to it every day. They believe in it. They are forced -- by coercive governments -- to work for it. None of us ever really think about it, and discover that it is just hokum. This is what enslaves and limits and harms all of us. Every single man, woman, and child on Earth is harmed by their false belief in money. What we should believe in and therefore give value to, is the Creator -- whatever name you use to describe the Ordering Force of the Universe, that makes our life and every good thing possible. And after that Magnum Mysterium--- which we should worship with thankfulness and awe --- weshould value creativity, compassion, good will, love, honesty, justice, and other intangible things which nonetheless make life worthwhile. Find a way to trade goods and services, yet keep in view what is truly of value? The only possible honest money that could ever exist, would be a currency based on the value of all commodities and all labor. It's the only way to fairly or adequately symbolize the value of the goods and services we trade --- not by arbitrarily comparing everything to one commodity, but by symbolizing a tiny fraction of the value of all commodities, including labor. Then the world does not belong to those who have the gold or those who have the oil or those who have the wheat (as in Ancient Sumeria)---but instead it belongs to everyone on Earth as a means of trade, as it should be.
Interesting concept - one that I've explored as well. What if "money" did not exist? (There's a rather fun scifi novel on this exact concept, Voyage to Yesteryear. Read it 3 times.) It wouldn't matter, without a fundamental shift in cultural paradigm/species conditioning/extensive propaganda, these conflicts and disruptions will continue, as the human race grows in relation to its soul. The nature of humanity is competitive, and even with its orientation to positivity, karma is attached to all actions. Therefore, while the ideal is so damned appealing and logical that I/we don't understand why everyone else can't see it, there is - karma. Choices, debts, soul growth, payments - probably the ultimate purpose of humanity is to work this out - individual, tribal, politically, psychologically, spiritually - so we muddle along, doing the best we can, hoping to inspire others to think, consider, see through the BS, understand there has to be a higher standard . . . . Well, enough said. We all know this. The war goes on, and we are still here.
Nature of humanity is not competitive. We are trained to think competitively from birth.
yeeaaaa! NO!
Money is not a thing, is a property of things.
Money is the most resellable commodity at market prices.
Gold and silver were naturally selected by people trading with each other as the most efficient things to use as money.
The demand for gold and silver was there BEFORE they become money.
If I bartered my meat for all the other goods I need and I'm left with some meat I know will go wasted otherwise, I will be inclined to barter it for gold, silver, pearls, and other nice things that last. And if I have these nice things I could be willing to give them out to get what I need (food, etc.)
When enough people start doing it, gold and silver become money. People start to accept gold and silver because they expect to be able to buy things with them with ease
Hence its ADOPTATION!!!
But it is not an adoption based on nothing.
Humans played with many things as money and the end result was gold and silver because, in the long term, they worked best for the people using them.
Money is important though, because it gives different groups of people something they can trade for supplies they need that they may not grow where they are. It doesn't have to be metal though, just something not very plentiful. It will be very interesting to find out what our next currency is! I like the Gold Backs that some states have,....they are beautiful and made with real gold. I have a bunch.
Currency is not Money! There are definite/definitive differences. For one- Money in your hand has NO THIRD PARTY LIABILITY!
In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”
Money is UNENCUMBERED, Currency is not. Currency is not MONEY! However MONEY can be used as currency. All currencies ever created have always reached their intrinsic value of $0. There are still some newly created currencies that are still in use but they ALL have lost most of their value in just a few decades. Take the US FEDERAL RESERVE "NOTE" for example (which is not MONEY); it has lost over 90% of its value in just 100 years!!! Currency is not MONEY but Money can be used as currency. Today's FIAT Currencies are nothing more than a "Note Of Debt"- They have Monetized debt! All monetization schemes throughout history have failed! Gold and Silver are MONEY, have been for 6000 years, and silver is money under the constitution. In all that time they have held their relative value (even after centuries of manipulation)! During Roman times the Romans paid their workers an ounce of gold a month and it is said that an ounce of gold could buy a nice Toga and shoes. Today, could you survive on an ounce of gold (2500$ Canadian) if you had to, and could you buy a nice suit and shoes for that? The answer is yes, now that's retaining value- after thousands of years!
Gold is a Tier 1 regulatory capital asset with supreme collateral precedence over foreign currencies and treasuries!!!
GOLD AND SILVER ARE "MONEY" EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST CURRENCY! Education is the way to FREEDOM! FREEDOM from our financial oppressors! FIAT is currency created out of thin air in a fraudulent Fractional Reserve System, and if you think that is responsible; YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!
7 characteristics of REAL MONEY
(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).
(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.
(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).
(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.
(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.
(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).
(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.
Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.
Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.
“For the naive mind there is something miraculous in the issuance of fiat money. A magic word spoken by the government creates out of nothing a thing which can be exchanged against any merchandise a man would like to get. How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” — Ludwig von Mises.
And now Gold is being re-monetized;
Brandon White: Gold re-monetization is much closer than many realize
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth -, not starting, AND not going all the way." ... Buddha
Divisible? Is that the same as fungible?
A commodity is fungible because a unit of it can be substituted with another unit of it (they have the same value).
Fungibility is not absolute.
I can track bitcoins, I can track gold and silver.
But it has costs.
You can see the contents of any bitcoin wallet for free.
There is no cost to exchanging money (Gold) directly between 2 entities. Cost only becomes reality when you develope third party liability, (like having a broker hold your gold)! Money has no third party liability when you hold it in your hand!
You can see the UTXOs, more difficult to link it to people.
Also, it depend on how you use it.
In BSV we can threat Outputs as small bills, in BTC they MUST threat Outputs like fat checks.
It gives you much more informations
seeing isn't fungibility!!!
no! fun·gi·ble
Learn to pronounce
(of a product or commodity) replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"it is by no means the world's only fungible commodity"
Learn to be polite
Well, that's 8 then. Because money should be fungible. That's why bitcoin is not money, it's not fungible.
Most of all, (9) Money should be discarded.
One BTC is not replaceable by another BTC?
Actually Money was created to Unite under Centralised State Cintrolled Minted Coinage, to enable The Stealing of Wealth through Taxation. 😕
WRONG! That is what currency was created for!
How interesting. For whatever reason, Clif shares my opinion that academia is the new stupid.
I long ago noticed that PhDs were pretty much stupid and had little grasp of the real world. Back-checking, I perused a published list of PhD disertations, which were unbelievably disconnected to reality or relevance.
More recently (ie post 1990), I have noticed unanimous academic support for free trade and globalisation generally. Ditto, elitism. But the real cruncher is overwhelming academic belief in the "safe and effective mRNA jab" narrative.
Is it possible to be more stupid? I don't think so. Being talked into mass suicide does not denote intelligence.
Conversely, the WEF line that they are eliminating "useless eaters" seems to be targeting academics, bureaucrats, politicians, journalists, doctors, nurses, and scientists... who are, indeed useless eaters. So what do we have here? An endemic vicious cycle? It seems to me that the eugenics agenda contains the seeds of its own destruction. Now, where have we heard that phrase before? Oh yes, Khazarian Marx. How aout that?
Conclusion: All we have to do is sit back and wait for them to all die. Then crash the party and eliminate whomever was responsible for launching this mess in the first place.
Apparently, people with fancy College degrees are much easier to BRAIN WASH too. It's strange, I'd have thought they'd have been less easy! Glad I never got any fancy College Education.
Ain't you the sharp one, DoF. Your intuition is right. University education is more about brainwashing than education. As more people draw this conclusion it will be denied by the elite and reform resisted, which will precipitate the burning down of universities. Extreme, but thats how humanity works; if the powerful don't turn their heads they will lose them. It was ever thus. The legal history of England reflects this reality beautifully.
Hello Humans, Hello Humans!
You're wrong on most of what you report. Also, you change your narrative and hope people don't remember the last bullshit you spouted that never came to fruition. People, check out his predictions of the year past, all of it never happened. You're a fraud and a piss ant predictor of bullshit.
I’m glad you pointed this out because I’m so gullible I would never have the critical thinking to discern this....🙄
Thanks for being the guardian of our free thought. Oh, and why are you here again?
I know......exactly 😂😂😂😂
Everything Clif has said about the evil jew has come true
I see the paid (or worse bored and unemployed) Trolls are alive and well, in the comments section today, shouting in their capitals, 'cus nothing says truth like SHOUTING!!!
I think construction is the single best job for all teenage males.
You're out in the elements. Tanned & fit.
You learn, how to do stuff, on the dusty ground.
And a valued career, can be made, for those men, who choose to stay, as Teachers.
Imagine The World that can be constructed, from the ground floor.
The Industry & Civil Engineering of it all !
One size fits all work. Perhaps all women should work in kitchens or birth children. Stunning.
Time to get over the PC programming, it's just one more facet of the mind control. designed to destroy families and then society. Feminism was funded by the CIA. Women need to go back to feminine strengths, men need to go back to masculine attributes. Neither one precludes being strong, courageous, intelligent, competent, compassionate, loving, kind, gentle, protective or any other. Men and women can, and do, and should encompass all of those attributes. As to birthing children- women ARE THE ONLY ONES who can, and women should be the ones nurturing and caring for their own children- which does not preclude the father from participating, any more than the woman is precluded from contributing to his work. A family is not a damn competition, it should be a team with the common goal of cherishing the child, raising it to be a self-sufficient, healthy critcal thinking, loving, honest, compassionate adult. Teenage males, especially nowadays, need to learn better skills & values, as do females. Construction trades would be excellent skills for both male and female to learn young. Far better activity than staring at their smart phone that is making them dumber by the day. I could tell you a true story about a teenager who literally could not function when the computers were down at his job one day, but maybe another time.
For You Tia:
You Should Be A Substack Writer !
It this is about construction work, of course women can do it !
In my day, 40+ years ago, it was a mainly male occupation.
But times have indeed changed.
When driving on roads undergoing construction, I often notice women working side by side men.
Sometimes directing traffic. Once driving a huge asphalt paver !
Best Wishes.
Sometimes, listening to Clif's podcasts, I feel like I've just gone a round of some martial arts, but mentally. Interesting juxtaposition between Bronze Age decline and the current war and the aftermath. It's everyone's fear that so much change will be required - without conceding anything to the MF WEFers, so many resist change. We make our belief/insistence/support known, using info platforms, or it will be done for us. This is the 2nd American Revolution, to sustain our Constitution and Republic. What/how do we recover? Expect? Demand? Will not compromise over? We're shaping the future, if only we can make ourselves heard where it needs to be
Didn't the horse/mule economy get replaced by the automobile economy in a matter of a few decades? Concurrent with the change from gold/real bills to fiat i.e., the rise of the Federal Reserve Bank
They don't need machines to dig up the lithium, they have child slaves; Siddharth Kara is an author and expert on modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. Look for his new book, "Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives," on January 31, 2023.
Yes that’s a dame abomination of the Slave trade for sure just shared Intel on same subject
Worth noting I think. In the Second Punic War, when Hannibal in added Italy over the Alps, His Army was an unstoppable force until they overwintering at Naples. They were ever the same fighting machine After, and Rome gave great praise and honours to the Women of Naples for their efforts. Fast forward to Napoleon's Army besieging Naples, which became stricken with Syphilis to such an extent the Siege of Naples had to be abandoned. Now Fast Rewind to .pompeii and recent examination of the skeletal Remains from 79 AD, and guess what they found ? Yep a very high incidence of people suffering from Syphilis. visible in the bone damage. Clearly, Syphilis was not brought back from the New World (where apparently an extremely mild form of Syphilis existed, which acted as a vaccination against the severe form brought in from Europe apparently) which begs a question imho - how did Syphilis come into being , was it a Created Bioweapon by any chance ? 🤔
As with AIDS, depravity breeds VDs. Hannibal had a failure of nerve at the gates of Rome; Naples was neither here nor there. Of the Veni vidi vici, he only made two thirds, and that was never enough.
Dear clif,
This is a tremendous lecture. Like Jon Rappoport's podcasts, your flowing words produce images. It's like a picture book enwrapped in a story book. I think both the best Writers & Speakers...produce Travel.
I don't think people like you or he studied history so you can wear a mortar board. But you draw on the past, bring it to the present, for the purposes of "present" or presence study, for the farther purposes of future creations.
Thanks Cliff. Somehow I totally missed this part of history; that is, the breakdown/collapse of the Bronze age. I always just assumed it was due to the Iron age. I will look more into what you are discussing here.
Always informative!