My 'take' on the non-physical experiences Clif is talking about on the other side of the 'membrane,' is that the chaos and the voices he referred to might very well be the voices and thoughts of demons! The chaos might also be a not so intense level of hell!
In addition, just for what it's worth, I got booted off You Tube commentaries because I wrote that Bill Gates deserves to be hanged by the neck until dead. Frankly, I'm done with as much of Y.T. as I can manage, because the moderators there apparently don't want to hear the truth, but only 'nicey, nicey' compliments regarding obvious criminals.
I have to disagree with you. Hanging is far too humane for Bill Gates...I am thinking that a slow, draw-out period of micro-injections would be a better form of execution---with maximum pain extending over the longest amount of time as the goal. This would actually be a service to him and the Ontology---as it would give him ample time to contemplate his failures, as well as burn off SOME of his Karma through excruciating pain.
There's no time to play around -- drive a picket through that demon's heart, cut off its head then burn it on a pyre, otherwise they keep coming back. I trust in the science of the middle ages when dealing with this insidious filth.
LOL! That was one helluva funny film. I think I've seen it at least 3 times. Ole Jack Nicholson played 3 different roles in it and, as usual, did a masterful job.
Most disincarnates are suicide victims, they can't go back bc they destroyed the body before time by way of their illusiory ego and they can't re-incarnate bc of the residual impressions of experience that were slated for this life so they need to possess the drugged or drunk to do things as simple as brushing their hair ... very tedious and it can take 1,000's of years. If you can see places of drug taking and bars are filthy with dis-incarnates hovering about them. These older disincarnates that have gained a certain amount of potentcy are what is referred to as 'demons' but really there is no such thing as a 'demons' persay. Not a popular topic as we have that programming from the media & Hollywood etc but really it's correct. Lol
My understanding is along similar lines; that suicide is the greatest 'sin'. We are given, at birth, a certain number of breaths and our 'duty' is to live for that exact period of time and it cannot be a single breath more than allotted.
Suicide is an abrogation of that Law and carries its own consequences, possibly becoming 'lost souls' if you like (I'm not judging here...what would I do if I had a terminal disease and was living in absolute agony? I don't know).
Anyway, Clif is on the money with karma. Every thought, word & deed has its consequence, now or later. Our present situations are PRECISELY the result of previous actions. The rope out of the swamp is correct action, in each moment. Know thyself. It's a hard road to hoe.
I've considered that sort of approach as well and honestly, can't argue against it. BUT, maybe by doing so we're being too kind and helping him avoid some REALLY bad karma. Of course there are scads of others who deserve karma similar to Gates, Dr. Fauci for one, but any others who knowingly participated in the COVID scam, either via the production of the ingredients in it or with knowledge of forethought, understood the potential harm, but promoted and/or administered the kill shot, surely to include MANY, MANY doctors and nurses. fully deserve to, at least. be hanged..
Careful what you think let alone state! We're talking Karma here. "Name not the well from which you wish not drink."
Gates will get his just reward and I might add IF he truly feels what he's doing is correct and right, for whatever reason, the backlash will be negligent, like the hangman that feels he is doing society a service and performs his duties to also feed his family ... don't be fooled, intent is Everything and there is nothing that isn't known! Lol
🤣 ahhh, come on now, that'd hardly be fair! 😅 Actually, and I'm in no way psychic but I am getting the feeling a past life he was Gandhi... kinda looks like him to and it's said the face changes little from life to life... would explain a lot! 😅 that's imagination for ya!
It may not have occurred to you, and not that it should, but perhaps Gates and the others are motivated beyond their control because of past actions in past lives that were the very opposite of the actions they take now. It's like someone murders me and in a subsequent life I'm impelled to murder them.
Remember, none of this is by chance or purely the work of tyrants. Sure, in their own minds they may well be tyrants but All this is governed by the Spiritual Heirachy for necessary experience both individually and collectively, like the necessary 'evil' of war ... there are reasons to long to explain here, (read God Speaks & Discoirces - Meher Baba for a full explanation). They are merely pawns in His game, obviously.
According to Meher Baba all experience must be exhausted before full consciousness can be achieved- that makes perfect sense to me. I mean, what could possibly qualify the drop soul in illusion to become The Ocean?
There are many stories of murderers becoming Perfected in India, even St Francais in France had two murderers and a rapist among the Fransiscan brotherhood and I think two of them were canonised. That story in itself is revealing. Lol
Ohh, it really does. In fact it's so simple that most cannot grasp this and due to conditioning are blinkered and look no furthur that TV accepted nonsence. What I expounded on here has been clearly documented in ancient literature not to mention Meher Babas contemporary unique clarity but few bother to look beyond Hollywood and the herd acceptance which invariably is incorrect. Lol
Intriguing. Thank you......suppose somebody oughta take words like, "free will" out of the bible, if that's the case. Mustn't there be some degree of sovereignty at some level in the heavens...only explanation I have for chaos...and the downstream will. A delusion? After all, highly complex bitches are used to a wide berth on the event stream, right?
There is no need to take out free will, that still exists, there is still plenty of free wheeling in creation and individual lives but within certain necessary tram lines. It'd be like us travelling on a train to a series of destinations. Within the train we can sleep, dance, draw pictures, read, listen to music, eat, you get the point, but not beyond the limitations of the tracks and the pre-ordained destination, rather like us here in meat suits on Earth in specific social conditioning... The Spiritual Heirachy on one level influences thoughts of minds and on another level feelings of hearts for the necessary experience for All, from the ant to the elephant, all have a specific 'pod' of impressions to exhaust.
Really God Speaks and the Discources aught to be compulsory reading as it answers so so many of the old queries nothing else seem to address and to complete to satisfaction. No coersion, just sharing that pearl and seriously it's not my place to do that ... that's my freewheeling I guess. Lol
I find that lynch mobs forget so many details. Bill Gates changed our internet world by giving us the software. So all these ideas that we need to harm him is out of balance. Karma is a bitch, let her bitch slap him and think no harm for him. for when you judge anyone, that judgement is stuck on you. Seems there is this very unsavory atmosphere where we want to hang everyone we think are wrong do-ers... I hate to read that crap. sure where the wrong, but to hate and perpetuate hate keeps you down on their level, always. Lynch mobs, witch hunts, mob justice.... do not get on the wrong side of it... and all sides are wrong.
Well, yes, there is that. He buried his 'good' (theft that it was, as I understand it, that he 'pitched' well despite it's failures). The hate is his living karma. I just want him off my planet...unless he is transformed to a human being.
has he already tried to change something; i think gates may have been born a female; and they way back then transitioned 'her' into 'him'; melinda looks like a man posing as a woman; and gates looks like a man that was born a woman;
interesting; how about some 'art of peace' dealing with contention; never withhold that which belongs to another; if ones karma is by i to de-Liver; so, i will and not withhold that from it's recipient; there are those that have this to do; to de Liver by and through 'karmens/karma' to those appropriate receivers; for the perfecti; cathari are here;
Google owns/operates Youtube. Google is a radical left gaggle of scumbags.
They have long been a censorship machine supporting the left, Big Pharma, Big Defense, Big lefty media... and the genocidal, land-stealing scum of Zionist Israel.
True indeed on ALL counts. However, of late I've seen a few clips that are highly critical of Zionist Israel, but I suspect it's being used to see how many are really their enemies. I'm confident, based upon the numbers show in favor of harsh action AGAINST Zionist Israel, that a tipping point shall soon be reached when the majority of reasonable people, world-wide, shall come to fully realize that Zionist Israel is a fully Satanically led Israel
You might want to extend that to All Western governments and worldwide actually, the apparent detractor governments simply playing their part in divide and rule.
Indeed they do, imo & ime, put out certain lines to see who is a fifth column so under the fog of war they can be taken out. Old tricks are the best ehh, Pol Pot knew to kill off the intellegent, wise and free thinkers and he was not alone, we see it repeated again and again. Thanks for the heads up. Even this platform is dangerous in that regard, thanks for the reminder but then nothing of importance dies! . . . I've often thought that fact alone must really piss off the bloodlines making up the 'Seven Dwarves,' the Master sorcerer's that make the Elite middle management, re; Lauren Moret interview with Professor Hamamoto, (even Clif mentioned the dwarves on Dr Lee Mericks show), we keep on coming back with past knowledge as an intuitive wisdom and they just get more inbred! 🙄😅
This has been a fascinating thread, thank you Sy ... btw, I've always called my older brother Simon 'Sy'... interesting but I'm 64, probably old enough to be your father 😃
what do ye mean by 'take'; is this 'take' to mean to i that ye par-'take' of 'hyperspace' Invite & Offer; are ye 'accepting for value' when ye are speaking of ye 'take'; accepting the value of what ye par 'take' of; where ye bite with intent and chew with motive;
those chewy little shrooms; those happy puffy bites of fume from the 'canni' yes i can; get there, there to hyperspace, where the scales fall off yo face; yo deception and lies lose their face; you can not hide in hyperspace;
You raise an interesting proposition when we consider that in every eternal now moment, we have the inherent energetic responsibility to ourselves, to the collective, and to the quality of the event stream located on the ‘other side’, in the context of what becomes the future manifestation of our personal and collective reality, to strive to attain mastery over our own thoughts and actions - to choose wisely so to speak.
The master will be able to positively contribute to the event stream, seeding divinely charged, high quality thought and action, beyond the principle of harmlessness.
Thus, if we can reach a level whereby we operate, and contribute dharma through right thought and action, then we positively charge our own individual, collective, and broader ontological feedback loop as far the quality and integrity of the event stream that emerges down the line.
This demonstrates the great responsibility we up all have, in becoming adept at sourcing our own thoughts, taking right action, and making a productive, rather than a destructive contribution to the creation as a whole.
Yeah, went through that with Mom. No fun, expensive and they dope em up so they don't have to deal with any agitated slinging. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yeah, and dad is healthy as a horse with dementia. Oh, the house wolves chased a six point buck yesterday morning on our walk and luckily came back. I was a nervous wreck for about 15 minutes. Oh joy.
I did some pheasant Hunting in my younger days with my Lab/springer spaniel ,"Lady". She'd see a jack rabbit and same 15 minutes of panic Suzirhae. Horrible feeling in your gut not knowing if you'll ever see em again.
Well done! May I be the first to recognize your excellence in coming in first on this Saturday morning ! I see after failing yesterday( which Cliff had pointed out is a good thing) you've allowed the universe (ontology) to teach you a lesson. Keep the typing strokes short announcing yourself to the clan and you may win! 🇨🇦😉
You knew you hit hyperspace back in the 70's when your parents thought a mental institution and psych meds was the solution to bring you back to ground control. "Major Tom quote"
My mentition was racing fast as the adrenaline rush of 1st comment award had my whore moan at the finish line. 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
This is the fourth time Clif has used an image of a young woman with long dark flowing hair dressed in a Gi. What does she represent? Is he romanticizing youth, beauty, vitality or being nostalgic for his own lost youth? Is he fighting, exploring or trying to develop his intuition, receptivity or nurturing qualities? No matter what she represents her presence is producing a rich, vibrant and more profound Clif High.
Monkey....youth is never never never lost. We're kids on the playground, at least until we're called in at dark. Play, Monkey....that woman could be at coffee tomorrow.....
Thanks for scouting out this area of life. I have always been curious as to why a few daughters of mine took mushrooms and laid down in a forest to experience them with a group of other people. They were in high school at the time. Perhaps they still experience this now in a more protective environment. I would be too afraid to experience this as having experienced seeing/ experiencing something of the occult as a young woman a few times. Years later I'm now involved in helping others through hospice cross-over with their off world experiences of the beyond. Who would have thought! 🇨🇦
Thanks for this insight. I listened to my mother and her tiny voice who was coming out of a coma speak about the colours of uniforms that were being worn on the field. It was gray on her side. Hers had been blown off and she was naked on a stretcher being carried off the field. The sights and sounds she was relaying to me as well as her fear. She had not spoken for 3 weeks or moved and was presumed by the major hospital to be brain dead. I talked them into keeping the iv connected as they wanted it turned off after 5 days. I knew she was there in her stillness. A massive cerebral hemorrhage. My mother was a nurse but was no historian. I never saw her pick up a book in 50 years and read it. Imagine gray uniforms on a field under attack. She came out of the coma. It's amazing how the brain and consciousness work! I will keep your comment in mind. That's fascinating! I guess whether I'm afraid or not we are all going there with voices chatting away, no body and no turning it off. 🇨🇦
Wow, brings to mind a question about risk. How much and what quality of risk do we put into the event stream, as a generalization? Isn't there risk in everything, and therefore the event stream is not knowable until collective actions amalgamate....? Isn't risk a degree of free will? Hmmmm...chewing.
Off world experience. I read where DMT kicks in just before crossing over/death.
Certain drugs can trigger DMT where the mind processes novels of information in 22 trillions of a second. Imagine that DMT 😳 not turning off for two months.....
Greetings and Salutations Woo Bunch. While being schooled near Memphis had a roommate take us mushroom collecting in a cow field. Retrieved a grocery bag of shrooms went to buddys house boiled them and used the juice to make koolaid. Never laughed so much in my life , stomach muscles hurt for days. Hope Karma was laughing too. Have a fun Saturday Komrades
A day without ☕️ coffee is like drinking a cup of clif and realizing "white bird in a golden cage ...." oh man what a trip. AHHHHHHH! Far out man I'm totally digging this shit. "There ya go man, face miles of trials with smiles. It wriles them to perceive that you perceive the web they weave. So keep on keeping on." "God damn the pusher man. " If I could I would spend my life hunting down pedophiles and ending their worthless lives. Woo that was almost a dry acid trip. Time for coffee ☕️ and wake up.
Greetings Fellow Humans -
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Do you pay Clif for your ads or just spamming the comment section on every one of his posts???
Love u on tube
My 'take' on the non-physical experiences Clif is talking about on the other side of the 'membrane,' is that the chaos and the voices he referred to might very well be the voices and thoughts of demons! The chaos might also be a not so intense level of hell!
In addition, just for what it's worth, I got booted off You Tube commentaries because I wrote that Bill Gates deserves to be hanged by the neck until dead. Frankly, I'm done with as much of Y.T. as I can manage, because the moderators there apparently don't want to hear the truth, but only 'nicey, nicey' compliments regarding obvious criminals.
I have to disagree with you. Hanging is far too humane for Bill Gates...I am thinking that a slow, draw-out period of micro-injections would be a better form of execution---with maximum pain extending over the longest amount of time as the goal. This would actually be a service to him and the Ontology---as it would give him ample time to contemplate his failures, as well as burn off SOME of his Karma through excruciating pain.
There's no time to play around -- drive a picket through that demon's heart, cut off its head then burn it on a pyre, otherwise they keep coming back. I trust in the science of the middle ages when dealing with this insidious filth.
The final solution as in, When Mars Attacks
LOL! That was one helluva funny film. I think I've seen it at least 3 times. Ole Jack Nicholson played 3 different roles in it and, as usual, did a masterful job.
Most disincarnates are suicide victims, they can't go back bc they destroyed the body before time by way of their illusiory ego and they can't re-incarnate bc of the residual impressions of experience that were slated for this life so they need to possess the drugged or drunk to do things as simple as brushing their hair ... very tedious and it can take 1,000's of years. If you can see places of drug taking and bars are filthy with dis-incarnates hovering about them. These older disincarnates that have gained a certain amount of potentcy are what is referred to as 'demons' but really there is no such thing as a 'demons' persay. Not a popular topic as we have that programming from the media & Hollywood etc but really it's correct. Lol
'Most disincarnates are suicide victims'
My understanding is along similar lines; that suicide is the greatest 'sin'. We are given, at birth, a certain number of breaths and our 'duty' is to live for that exact period of time and it cannot be a single breath more than allotted.
Suicide is an abrogation of that Law and carries its own consequences, possibly becoming 'lost souls' if you like (I'm not judging here...what would I do if I had a terminal disease and was living in absolute agony? I don't know).
Anyway, Clif is on the money with karma. Every thought, word & deed has its consequence, now or later. Our present situations are PRECISELY the result of previous actions. The rope out of the swamp is correct action, in each moment. Know thyself. It's a hard road to hoe.
There are no accidents in the Universe.
I've considered that sort of approach as well and honestly, can't argue against it. BUT, maybe by doing so we're being too kind and helping him avoid some REALLY bad karma. Of course there are scads of others who deserve karma similar to Gates, Dr. Fauci for one, but any others who knowingly participated in the COVID scam, either via the production of the ingredients in it or with knowledge of forethought, understood the potential harm, but promoted and/or administered the kill shot, surely to include MANY, MANY doctors and nurses. fully deserve to, at least. be hanged..
American Indians had some great execution procedures, peeling all his skin off would be a great starter
Careful what you think let alone state! We're talking Karma here. "Name not the well from which you wish not drink."
Gates will get his just reward and I might add IF he truly feels what he's doing is correct and right, for whatever reason, the backlash will be negligent, like the hangman that feels he is doing society a service and performs his duties to also feed his family ... don't be fooled, intent is Everything and there is nothing that isn't known! Lol
You maybe right, but he`s a big pussy with a lot of cash it would be good fun to have a fist fight with him at least.
🤣 ahhh, come on now, that'd hardly be fair! 😅 Actually, and I'm in no way psychic but I am getting the feeling a past life he was Gandhi... kinda looks like him to and it's said the face changes little from life to life... would explain a lot! 😅 that's imagination for ya!
Careful with them Mushrooms fellow Woo enthusiast although just as probable as the King James Bible is Gods word.
It may not have occurred to you, and not that it should, but perhaps Gates and the others are motivated beyond their control because of past actions in past lives that were the very opposite of the actions they take now. It's like someone murders me and in a subsequent life I'm impelled to murder them.
Remember, none of this is by chance or purely the work of tyrants. Sure, in their own minds they may well be tyrants but All this is governed by the Spiritual Heirachy for necessary experience both individually and collectively, like the necessary 'evil' of war ... there are reasons to long to explain here, (read God Speaks & Discoirces - Meher Baba for a full explanation). They are merely pawns in His game, obviously.
According to Meher Baba all experience must be exhausted before full consciousness can be achieved- that makes perfect sense to me. I mean, what could possibly qualify the drop soul in illusion to become The Ocean?
There are many stories of murderers becoming Perfected in India, even St Francais in France had two murderers and a rapist among the Fransiscan brotherhood and I think two of them were canonised. That story in itself is revealing. Lol
You might be right, but somehow, I suspect it really doesn't work like that.
Ohh, it really does. In fact it's so simple that most cannot grasp this and due to conditioning are blinkered and look no furthur that TV accepted nonsence. What I expounded on here has been clearly documented in ancient literature not to mention Meher Babas contemporary unique clarity but few bother to look beyond Hollywood and the herd acceptance which invariably is incorrect. Lol
Intriguing. Thank you......suppose somebody oughta take words like, "free will" out of the bible, if that's the case. Mustn't there be some degree of sovereignty at some level in the heavens...only explanation I have for chaos...and the downstream will. A delusion? After all, highly complex bitches are used to a wide berth on the event stream, right?
There is no need to take out free will, that still exists, there is still plenty of free wheeling in creation and individual lives but within certain necessary tram lines. It'd be like us travelling on a train to a series of destinations. Within the train we can sleep, dance, draw pictures, read, listen to music, eat, you get the point, but not beyond the limitations of the tracks and the pre-ordained destination, rather like us here in meat suits on Earth in specific social conditioning... The Spiritual Heirachy on one level influences thoughts of minds and on another level feelings of hearts for the necessary experience for All, from the ant to the elephant, all have a specific 'pod' of impressions to exhaust.
Really God Speaks and the Discources aught to be compulsory reading as it answers so so many of the old queries nothing else seem to address and to complete to satisfaction. No coersion, just sharing that pearl and seriously it's not my place to do that ... that's my freewheeling I guess. Lol
Nope. Just shut him in a small chamber where we can keep feeding his killer mosquitos into it.
Or line up a bunch of his jabs for he and his family to take.
Simple really.
Yep, I agree.. how about the Marburg?.. bleeding out from his eyes, ears and nose.. slowly.. 😁
Leave it to the momma bears, he will die a slow one, a fingernail at a time, bring back old school torture for him.
I find that lynch mobs forget so many details. Bill Gates changed our internet world by giving us the software. So all these ideas that we need to harm him is out of balance. Karma is a bitch, let her bitch slap him and think no harm for him. for when you judge anyone, that judgement is stuck on you. Seems there is this very unsavory atmosphere where we want to hang everyone we think are wrong do-ers... I hate to read that crap. sure where the wrong, but to hate and perpetuate hate keeps you down on their level, always. Lynch mobs, witch hunts, mob justice.... do not get on the wrong side of it... and all sides are wrong.
Well, yes, there is that. He buried his 'good' (theft that it was, as I understand it, that he 'pitched' well despite it's failures). The hate is his living karma. I just want him off my planet...unless he is transformed to a human being.
Great! Reread your reply for it is just for yourself.
how would that transformation take place;
It probably would happen when Gates, himself, realizes his need to change something. But i do not know.
has he already tried to change something; i think gates may have been born a female; and they way back then transitioned 'her' into 'him'; melinda looks like a man posing as a woman; and gates looks like a man that was born a woman;
interesting; how about some 'art of peace' dealing with contention; never withhold that which belongs to another; if ones karma is by i to de-Liver; so, i will and not withhold that from it's recipient; there are those that have this to do; to de Liver by and through 'karmens/karma' to those appropriate receivers; for the perfecti; cathari are here;
Google owns/operates Youtube. Google is a radical left gaggle of scumbags.
They have long been a censorship machine supporting the left, Big Pharma, Big Defense, Big lefty media... and the genocidal, land-stealing scum of Zionist Israel.
True indeed on ALL counts. However, of late I've seen a few clips that are highly critical of Zionist Israel, but I suspect it's being used to see how many are really their enemies. I'm confident, based upon the numbers show in favor of harsh action AGAINST Zionist Israel, that a tipping point shall soon be reached when the majority of reasonable people, world-wide, shall come to fully realize that Zionist Israel is a fully Satanically led Israel
You might want to extend that to All Western governments and worldwide actually, the apparent detractor governments simply playing their part in divide and rule.
Indeed they do, imo & ime, put out certain lines to see who is a fifth column so under the fog of war they can be taken out. Old tricks are the best ehh, Pol Pot knew to kill off the intellegent, wise and free thinkers and he was not alone, we see it repeated again and again. Thanks for the heads up. Even this platform is dangerous in that regard, thanks for the reminder but then nothing of importance dies! . . . I've often thought that fact alone must really piss off the bloodlines making up the 'Seven Dwarves,' the Master sorcerer's that make the Elite middle management, re; Lauren Moret interview with Professor Hamamoto, (even Clif mentioned the dwarves on Dr Lee Mericks show), we keep on coming back with past knowledge as an intuitive wisdom and they just get more inbred! 🙄😅
Well said.
This has been a fascinating thread, thank you Sy ... btw, I've always called my older brother Simon 'Sy'... interesting but I'm 64, probably old enough to be your father 😃
what do ye mean by 'take'; is this 'take' to mean to i that ye par-'take' of 'hyperspace' Invite & Offer; are ye 'accepting for value' when ye are speaking of ye 'take'; accepting the value of what ye par 'take' of; where ye bite with intent and chew with motive;
those chewy little shrooms; those happy puffy bites of fume from the 'canni' yes i can; get there, there to hyperspace, where the scales fall off yo face; yo deception and lies lose their face; you can not hide in hyperspace;
You were nipping at my hooves like a Blue Healer doggo but no cigar today TJ Smith 😢 💔 😔 😪 😞 😭
Love how I got to give up the jackass title and position.
Just because I'm no longer the jackass or class clown, doesn't mean I'm not still the 🃏
I'll gladly take over your Jackass Clown 🤡 title....... Monkey sling or not
You've owned it for weeks now.
Self elected.
I can't even read or care about all the comments like you do.
And I always used to be so fast, but with a QUALIFIED comment. I'd listen at 2X speed and comment as it went and I felt inspired.
Mostly liked to get in early in case people wanted discussion or dialogue. I give a flying fuck about being first or who likes my comments.
Well now what did Thumper's Mom say?
Dunno, but if it's some old person saying, it's probably "if you don't have anything good to say..."
If that were true, most of the comments wouldn't be there.
What did Bambi's mom say?
NOTHIN. Cause she's DEAD.
Folks just didn't recognize the brilliance of your qualia
Pearls and swine.
The WWW is a limited hangout.
Thank you Clif.
You raise an interesting proposition when we consider that in every eternal now moment, we have the inherent energetic responsibility to ourselves, to the collective, and to the quality of the event stream located on the ‘other side’, in the context of what becomes the future manifestation of our personal and collective reality, to strive to attain mastery over our own thoughts and actions - to choose wisely so to speak.
The master will be able to positively contribute to the event stream, seeding divinely charged, high quality thought and action, beyond the principle of harmlessness.
Thus, if we can reach a level whereby we operate, and contribute dharma through right thought and action, then we positively charge our own individual, collective, and broader ontological feedback loop as far the quality and integrity of the event stream that emerges down the line.
This demonstrates the great responsibility we up all have, in becoming adept at sourcing our own thoughts, taking right action, and making a productive, rather than a destructive contribution to the creation as a whole.
We can choose to send vibrations of peace.
She not real real. Looks ai
Ohhh, Ms Karma; my b gf
Btc, my ai gf
It's an AI rendition of karma.
When you do it, you’re dealing with demonic spirits.
I’m here, I have been up since 4:15 talking to mom about assisted living…ugh. This really sucks.
Yeah, went through that with Mom. No fun, expensive and they dope em up so they don't have to deal with any agitated slinging. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yeah, and dad is healthy as a horse with dementia. Oh, the house wolves chased a six point buck yesterday morning on our walk and luckily came back. I was a nervous wreck for about 15 minutes. Oh joy.
I did some pheasant Hunting in my younger days with my Lab/springer spaniel ,"Lady". She'd see a jack rabbit and same 15 minutes of panic Suzirhae. Horrible feeling in your gut not knowing if you'll ever see em again.
Well done! May I be the first to recognize your excellence in coming in first on this Saturday morning ! I see after failing yesterday( which Cliff had pointed out is a good thing) you've allowed the universe (ontology) to teach you a lesson. Keep the typing strokes short announcing yourself to the clan and you may win! 🇨🇦😉
I'm not the first to recognize your first place. I guess Red slipped in by a whisker again. More lessons to be re learned! Too many key strokes! 🇨🇦
Good tip there "Blonde Blue Eyes"
You knew you hit hyperspace back in the 70's when your parents thought a mental institution and psych meds was the solution to bring you back to ground control. "Major Tom quote"
Recall your numbers please lol.😏
My mentition was racing fast as the adrenaline rush of 1st comment award had my whore moan at the finish line. 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
This is the fourth time Clif has used an image of a young woman with long dark flowing hair dressed in a Gi. What does she represent? Is he romanticizing youth, beauty, vitality or being nostalgic for his own lost youth? Is he fighting, exploring or trying to develop his intuition, receptivity or nurturing qualities? No matter what she represents her presence is producing a rich, vibrant and more profound Clif High.
Monkey....youth is never never never lost. We're kids on the playground, at least until we're called in at dark. Play, Monkey....that woman could be at coffee tomorrow.....
It's karma.
Referencing the idea of the carrot and the stick, she is the carrot offered by AI.
Thanks for scouting out this area of life. I have always been curious as to why a few daughters of mine took mushrooms and laid down in a forest to experience them with a group of other people. They were in high school at the time. Perhaps they still experience this now in a more protective environment. I would be too afraid to experience this as having experienced seeing/ experiencing something of the occult as a young woman a few times. Years later I'm now involved in helping others through hospice cross-over with their off world experiences of the beyond. Who would have thought! 🇨🇦
Thanks for this insight. I listened to my mother and her tiny voice who was coming out of a coma speak about the colours of uniforms that were being worn on the field. It was gray on her side. Hers had been blown off and she was naked on a stretcher being carried off the field. The sights and sounds she was relaying to me as well as her fear. She had not spoken for 3 weeks or moved and was presumed by the major hospital to be brain dead. I talked them into keeping the iv connected as they wanted it turned off after 5 days. I knew she was there in her stillness. A massive cerebral hemorrhage. My mother was a nurse but was no historian. I never saw her pick up a book in 50 years and read it. Imagine gray uniforms on a field under attack. She came out of the coma. It's amazing how the brain and consciousness work! I will keep your comment in mind. That's fascinating! I guess whether I'm afraid or not we are all going there with voices chatting away, no body and no turning it off. 🇨🇦
Wow, brings to mind a question about risk. How much and what quality of risk do we put into the event stream, as a generalization? Isn't there risk in everything, and therefore the event stream is not knowable until collective actions amalgamate....? Isn't risk a degree of free will? Hmmmm...chewing.
Off world experience. I read where DMT kicks in just before crossing over/death.
Certain drugs can trigger DMT where the mind processes novels of information in 22 trillions of a second. Imagine that DMT 😳 not turning off for two months.....
Thank's Clif!🙏❤️👏
I don't think Clif belongs to Thank. Did you mean thanks?
A close 3rd Redpill. Didn't you take home the cake yesterday?
Just had to throw in those emojis huh??
Still can't wait for the complex bitch to catch up with Bill Gates & Company, though.
Great video unwashed!
The great unwashed link is absolutely brilliant.
It's a video of Clif driving to town for supplies
Greetings and Salutations Woo Bunch. While being schooled near Memphis had a roommate take us mushroom collecting in a cow field. Retrieved a grocery bag of shrooms went to buddys house boiled them and used the juice to make koolaid. Never laughed so much in my life , stomach muscles hurt for days. Hope Karma was laughing too. Have a fun Saturday Komrades
Hilarious! Now I'm sorta wishing I was a kool kid, mushroom neophyte that I Clif says, next life, maybe.
I think my dogma got ran over by my karma. Thanks cliff
"Everybody is a ground hugger if you take enough of it"
I couldn't stop laughing as Clif is absolutely spot on
A day without ☕️ coffee is like drinking a cup of clif and realizing "white bird in a golden cage ...." oh man what a trip. AHHHHHHH! Far out man I'm totally digging this shit. "There ya go man, face miles of trials with smiles. It wriles them to perceive that you perceive the web they weave. So keep on keeping on." "God damn the pusher man. " If I could I would spend my life hunting down pedophiles and ending their worthless lives. Woo that was almost a dry acid trip. Time for coffee ☕️ and wake up.
Clif slipped in a coffee comment today..... did you notice?
Clif drinks/drank chaga tea and called it coffee
Or maybe he sluurped it in. Not sure.