I Never get enough, as always Thanks so much for the Education.

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And to top it off today mercury went retrograde. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜. Don’t work too hard. Stay woo. We love you

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That was today 😲 Crap! I thought We had till the end of the month before that

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Thanks for the Heads-up! In Austria two days ago the crash of health system got into msm. In Viennese emergency rooms the first patients died due to long waiting times. They spend approx. 5000€/person on all the Covid-scam, so there is no more money left for the hospitals. The pressure on staff got so big, that they finally went public. Austria used to have one of the best health system worldwide, seems that this is over. No one of the politicians feels responsible, lets see when some more normies wake up.

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That is huge news . This is the first that I have heard of this . Thank you for posting this info. I hope it gets out on UK media ( joke ) so the normies swallow this . I've been to Austria 20 yr ago ( Salzburg ) , so pretty and clean. Just inquisitive , how high are you're energy costs. Here in the UK they are 3x higher now ( gas and electric ). The UK government has stopped the cost of living payment now so the energy price is ridiculous .

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+) https://www.meinbezirk.at/ottakring/c-gesundheit/foto-zeigt-gestapelte-patienten-in-der-klinik-ottakring_a5994195#gallery=null // Tue. or Wed. the ORF (like BBC) sayed that there is no staff shortage. Media changed narrative, so there is now a shortage. The unvaxxed labour force is missing all over the system, especially in health care. These ppl. are highly pissed off and don't forget. Another cause is the massive amount of immigrants from Arab countires building up at least since 2015. And finally we have a lot of 'injured suddenly' in vaxxidents (only a guess).

+) My net energy costs (excl. usage charge) per kWh went up from 7 to 25 cents. Govnmt installed a price cap at 10 cents for the first 3000kWh per year. So energy providers make their profits and normies are paying it over taxes and not via energy bills. Same with gas/heating - here we have a lot of public local provider. They didn't rise up the prices dramatically but make losses (payed again by taxes). The authorities are really nervous about the situation, we had a payout (helicopter-money) of 500€/person last fall to cover rising living costs and keep the masses calm. They want to avoid another wave of protests like we had last year against the overall vax mandate.

+) There are state elections in Salzburg on 23rd April, results might be interesting/funny. Let me know, if you want a short summary on Sun./Mon. about that.

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Thank you so much. It's good to hear real numbers. Yes I would like to see the result of your election. I hope it's the one that the Austrian people voted for , not a rigged election like so many are !

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In the state of Salzburg a smell of Weimar is in the air. The 'far-right' FPΓ– reached 25%, the communist KPΓ– had a comeback with over 11% in Landtag (state parliament), first time since 1949. This two parties are the only winners with +18% in sum, they have non-vax-mandate and peace-in-UA common. Before postal voting (this scam gets more and more popular, approx. 12% of all votes) there was only one coalition possible without far-right/left. Now there is one more with a one-vote majority in Landtag. Most likely there will be a conservative-right (Γ–VP/FPΓ–) coalition.

In 2023 allready three elections were held on state level. Three governors lose 8-10% of votes, three governors stay in power. Nevertheless the fact, that "normie-parties" start loosing more and more votes (-18% last Sunday, yeah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4dSQozed2w&t=311s !), gives faith. Or hysteria to polticians and msm, die drehen oncemore am Rad (turning the wheel ~ freaking out).

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Thank you so much for posting this . It's interesting to see how these corrupt politicians can smell defeat amongst other parties . They know the games up by the response of the public .. These Normie Parties are walking the plank but we need that final push to sink them. It's taking time but the general feeling of the public against the politicians is encouraging .

Really appreciate this information that you sent. It's great too see what is happening in Austria from someone who lives there who has the real perspective . Keep turning the wheel , thanks .

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Listening to Clif, I feel the draw of my childhood growing up around north Seattle....I'm 61, now, and feel I need to move to better position myself for the uncertainty, while comming to terms with the certainty of my life and times culminating into this seemingly last period I have, returning to my pacific northwest roots.

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We love you Clif! Thank you so much for sharing all of your important insights with us! I can relate with your greenhouse duties. I have a bunch of plants I am readying for planting outdoors in mid-May.

Blessings always!

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When I was a child, I swam with gators at my Aunts lake house. I’m 64 now & I won’t swim with them anymore .. Humans are to blame !! We are the worse animal on this Earth

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Just have to throw in a sibling or two to keep the gators full before you go in...

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I have several she can”borrowβ€πŸ˜‰

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Lol πŸ˜‚

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I understand people having that sentiment. I’m changing to think that we’ve been molded by our enemies, the [KM], to be that as they also programmed us to believe it. As more and more truth emerges, I’m believing more and more that humans are not inherently at odds with nature, that in fact, we have the ingenuity and natural proclivity to meet our needs in harmony with nature. We have a lot of lies to uncover, process, and deconstruct, though. Many generations of work.

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I guess I feel gators are pretty scary too! I prefer swimming with the dolphins myself. You must be one hell of a woman Sheryl!

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Your last two sentences: the WEFfers agree. That's why they want all 8 billion of you dead except for a few hundred thousand slaves. Uncle Klaus wants to know when you plan to commit suicide, so he has one less "worse animal" to deal with.

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HOW, pray tell, do you swim with gators - or is that a joke?

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Not hard over in Lakes ! Fl is my home state but, Gov. Sucks 🀬 & NO not Joke !

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Speak for yourself

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Olmpic Peninsula Craigslist...darn it, felt the urge to look for housing, again, Clif! You reminded me of my past raising free range chickenz and wabbits......And living the country life with nature....I'm stuck in a Canyonville, Oregon subsidised housing for those that are captured by the system! I want my freedom and do not ever want to be domesticated!!! What-ta-do???!

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If we honored natural law, you would just go where you wish and live as you might. Civilization is an institution of 'rules of the game' (civil law) that proudly upholds our "Rule of Law." To win, we all decide to trust each other so that we may do away with these laws (did a chill go up your spine?) and revert to freedom. But everyone is so fearful of losing their stuff, their safety, to be free. Didn't a founding father say that? Those who trade their safety for security will have neither? This is how you would escape, Todd: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oNXXnZ5hNMxz/

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Not sure who first said that; they were correct.

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Cliff said it! I guess that is all we need to know. He is a Pirate after all!

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Hearing you huffing and a puffin just makes me want to get out there and help. I think 2 70 year olds together can accomplish so much more then 1!! Love ya, Sharon

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Love the Sun Set pic and the Horizontal Horizon!

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Thank you Clif for dedicating your precious time to help us, really thank you so much! I pray that you will be around to witness everything that you desire! We need your brilliant mind in the rebuilding process!

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As long as people don't lose their shit and go all Mad Max we shall survive transition to simpler and more harmonious existence easily.

Thinking hoarding or guns and ammo and such stockpiles are feasible or sustainable is silly. But knowing there's PLENTY to go around to make it through to repattern the paradigm will be the key. And KINDNESS still through all.

NOT the FEAR of every man, woman, or whatever for themselves.

Then we'll get rid of all the BULLSHIT.

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That's the spirit . A bit of positivity doesn't go amiss ! No fear , just hit it head on.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Funny 😁

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Yep. Prepare now for sure! Last week, I bought a big 50 pound bag of bone meal for the garden for starters. I'll be posting an update on my garden soon. This was my last update in January on my bog at PublishOx:


Things are coming along really well. We have an early spring going on here in southwest Ontario. Except today, of course. It's windy, cloudy and looks like rain. The temps dropped a bit too. So no update for a few days yet. AND No, it's not climate change, it's Canada.

Cheers, my fellow Clif fans!

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Apr 22, 2023
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i Robbin. It's true that it's a lot of bone meal which I intend to stock away for a couple of years (in case prices go higher). I have a decent sized back yard with a grafted plum tree and grafted apple tree as well. I maximize my space to plant as much as I can. I guess I like the idea of being independent. It's been a few years now and every spring, I get veggie plants popping up everywhere because seeds fall out or got thrown into the compost pile. You recognize the leaves after a while. I also have a small makeshift greenhouse I built myself in about 6 hours 3 years ago. It works great. I have I have two types of lettuce in there at the moment + strawberries and chives, some flowers. I clipped some leaves for a salad a couple days ago. Got flowers and bushes, haskap, Saskatoon berry and blueberry. It's such a neat feeling to go grocery shopping in your own backyard. Cheers!

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Thank you Clif

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Thank you, Clif! I don't have the words to adequately express my gratefulness for what you do for humanity so just... thank you!

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