Welcome to Wash and Dry in the Universe, bitches.

Time to GROW UP and take responsibility.

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Yup. Stop admitting to an arbitrary birthday and quit celebrating infancy. A birthday is a member ship to their erroneous cult!

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Guess I'll skip my 51st comin up in 22 days then...

Back to ZERO.

And I've taken to lower case letters for my name so I can avoid their maritime law BS.


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Your beginning is fertilization to the present. Never admit to a birthday and always autograph first, middle initial last name. The initial period is for the time before conception (implantation into mother's uterine wall) and ends the sentence/separates you from the last/industrial name and the period is used for convenience and consistency in there merchant system per the Chicago and government style manuels.

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I'm not so worried about "THEM" anymore. Not jumping through ANY fucking hoops.

Actually, when I got married in 2012, I wanted us to change our last name to Rellys after our dog at the time, Sasha Rellys.

Neither of our names sounded as good taking the others', so we kept our own.

YOU don't get to know what they are! Not that I really care or am afraid of ANYTHING.

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Astrological birthcharts calculated using both time & location are not arbitrary! There is also a plethora of arbitrary crap out there masquerading under the calling card of "horoscopes." Best to learn about the archetypes & time cycles for oneself.

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Fertilization is specie specific man's beginning not the conception date they give the tertium quid. A birth (berth) is for a ship.

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Decades ago, my then-Mother-in-Law told me that for many years she would cut the roast in half before baking it. One day, a friend asked,"Why do you cut the roast in half before baking it?" She explained that she'd followed her own Mother's apparent ritual of cutting the roast in half before baking it. But her friend's question prompted her to ask her Mother, "Why?" Her Mom''s answer came back, "I cut the roast in half because I never had a pan that would hold a whole roast."

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Perfect illustration of Clif's story, in a nutshell. Rituals based on incomplete data perpetuated ad nauseum and enshrined in tradition.

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Nailed it once again Clif. Well put.

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But they are deaf whereas we (hopefully) are just dumbfounded.

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62.5% are mute when it comes to speaking truth to the de facto.

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We are mesmerized.

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Maybe there is another term that describes interfacing with an unfamiliar context with which, depending on circumstances, we wish to engage. Drat that clif! He has become adept at being dumbfounded? Confounded? Perhaps that is a clue to comprehending visitors? Who practices recognizing when they need their respectfully intrigued muscles toned up? Sara Westall was just describing what happened when she visited Dubai and observed that the residents she was around did not queue up when they wanted to transact for something. they just marched up, picked what they wanted and waved money at the vendors. Imagine driving like that before hopping in a car in a foreign culture. To her credit, she did not wade in and start teaching the heathens how to get in line and take turns. She acknowledged in herself and her culture that we conduct our transactions differently, and avoid conflict by mutually agreeing that the first person in line will be the first to get service.

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Spoken as only Uncle Clif has the ability to do. Teach the truths with colorful stories. Thank you.

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Cousin cliffy

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It is currently 93 degrees at 7:30pm, humidity 3% wind moderate at 15 mph, and ozone reading of 61 in the unhealthy category i live in southern New Mexico, not far ( about a hundred miles or so from El Paso where the ozone has soared much higher. This crap has been going on for days. It is not normal. It is my 5th year in the Rio Grande valley and as disgustingly hot it got last year-- next week we will get August heat combined with this Ozone shit. In Mexico, it is much worse-- Readings of 125 for Ozone & a few days ago there were reports of over 109 monkeys falling dead out of trees from the heat ---they reported the temps of 113 but no mention of the contaminated air

It is very hard for me to function as I have to go outside to tend my animals and water trees . I am elderly,, handicapped and have weak lungs. There is no mention of ozone on the news -- there is no advice given to wear charcoal masks.Are millions of people just shrugging their shoulders? Or are they afflicted with Covid brain disease?

. i ordered face masks that have a layer of activated charcoal because studies show they absorb 95% of ozone

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Do you have sufficien water access that you can run a cold bath? I do not handle high heat well, and when I lived in Southern Iowa where temps get over 100 and humidity got above 90% I started to shut down. I was advised to sit in a tub, fill it with cold water and soak until I lost enough body hat that the water no longer felt cool. If climbing out of a tub is a risk or you cannot spare the water, you can try soaking your feet and legs in a bucket of cold water, or your hands and arms in a basin filled above elbow level. Sitting in front of a fan was also helpful, and of course doing outdoor chores at dawn. I hope you and your critters have the protection of a ramada. On the ozone issue, I have no experience remediating for that. Thank you for the tip about the charcoal filter mask to reduce ozone. How do you gauge the ozone level?

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Eunice, I hope you are managing. I remembered clif mentioning that UV-C was increasing. I checked with Mr. AI and was told that UV-C produces ozone in the stratosphere, and benefits us by breaking down oxygen, or O2 and other oxygen containing molecules to form O3 or ozone, which breaks down the UV-B radiation that would otherwise strike Earth's surface and form toxins that can cause skin cancer, cataracts and other skin injuries. So the aggravator is apparently, UV-B. So, a little less O2 for you lungs, but more protection for your eyes and skin.

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It is not a matter of less oxygen, because it is replaced by a very caustic imposter. Ozone destroys tissue and can permanently damage your lungs and other organs. This is very serious if you are elderly and have lunga that are damaged by previous illness .Life is miserable with high temps, very low humidity, drying winds and inability to breathe

The charcoal masks which filter out Ozone are hard to wear because of a nonwoven material that is hot against your face

I gave never experienced such miserable conditions and it is only getting worse.

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You are what you perceive. (Cognitive bias?)

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which can be improved when using a different perspective.

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How about the Lead poisoning in Pompeii... Deaf, Dumb and mentally scattered from the poison used in all cooking ware and lead pipes ... They didn't bother when the Volcano exploded???

Now we have LED poisoning for the global Pompeii event.


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This situation clearly shows us how senses that we never realized we had, that were deliberately nulled have rendered us to a state to where we are unable to make simple comprehensive connections to the reality of the reality that we are submerged in.

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Migration and Immigration How did they get here?

By groups.

When a Muslim says, “I am your friend.” To an infidel, they are lying to you. Which, is fine as they are required to kill, convert or collect a fee from Infidel men. Lying, cheating, stealing or killing an infidel is correct with Islam, Sharia, Koran. Women are chattel. But, you cannot be a friend to an infidel.

Or they break their faith to the Koran or Islam. They cannot be a friend to an infidel and be a proper muslim. It is required of a muslim to be proper and keep the word of their prophet as written in the Koran. All of it !! You cannot pick and choose. Should a phrase from the Koran be in conflict with itself; always take the latest phrase. All the peaceful phrases are at the beginning all of the Jihad phrases are later,

The McCarran Walters act 1952 and 1965. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mccarran%20walters&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dqh87FqxQUo/Vlmv35zclNI/AAAAAAAAKTU/-gdDbH_DcWA/s400/tony%2Bmeme%2Bimmmigration%2Bact%2B1952.jpg&atb=v382-1

An immigration Act. McCarran was from Nevada my born on State. I was a Freshman at Reno High School 1952. It declares that those with a cultural / political / religious pre disposition to overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government may not be on the land and soil of The United States of America. Islam has sharia which requires them to have a different jurisdiction and to convert any other jurisdiction to sharia and Islam preferably by Jihad.. Time for them to go. Take a look at Minnesota and Michigan. One cannot lawfully be in our de jure government or de facto governance or even be on the land and soil of any state or territory and be a muslim and we have two in the House of Representatives .

A muslim cannot take an oath to an infidel organization or constitutions that is an Islamic requirement.

Barry Sotorro (sp) #44 flew plane loads of muslims into our states every night for years. That is a bunch of Somalis and others. Barry happened for 8 years and they all acquiesced to it and we let it happen to us.

Better read the 1st Amendment again. What you think you know for true is what SCOTUS has said. That is for a less than 10 mile square, forts, ports and needful buildings. Not applicable on the several states. Islam is a culture of laws and rituals to cover every aspect of life. That includes the pre meditation of overthrow and destruction of any other form of life style, government, religion, culture or people. You see it clear. Then think no that cannot be. There are good muslims.

All cops know who the bad cops are. However, if they stand up or speak up, they get no back up. So, they all close ranks with the thin blue line, around the bad cops... There are no good cops only those that wished they were good. Misprision of felony. That is what you see when you see the blue stripe on a facsimile of our National Ensign.

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And you find this religious belief to somehow be different to that of the men with funny little hats?

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Personally, I think the [KM][DS] Z'ist name-stealers infiltrated ALL the major religions, inverted, perverted, revised them all to fit their various agendas, INCLUDING the divide & conquer & mind-kontrol the masses.

That sharia, infidel et al brutality & psychopath shit sounds like it's straight out of the Talmud, just reworded for the different groups. Every group has different names for their prophets, their "Savior" and it ALL comes from the deranged Elohim Worship Cult. To cause conflict, confusion, division, delusion, mayhem & murder under the guise of religious fervor & righteousness. It's ALL BULLSHIT.

Probably going to take a long time for them to grasp, accept & denounce the delusions, though. Like Christians who celebrate the torture & murder of Christ w/cannibalistic rituals & scapegoat their sins unto him (like EWC do with chickens, heifers & humans).

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Tia your right on. It really pisses me off it took 60 year to see it. But now I can't unsee it. Lady Babylon has an interesting twist. Jesus hung out with young boys. Pedophile link perhaps. Plenty of that going on . Saw it first hand a Notre damn in Indiana. Christopher Bjerkne has much zionist history and connects it to the church. Very interesting times indeed. Never imagined years ago when Clif said new info would come out it would be so crazy and mind blowing. Have a great day

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No Martin this is not a religious belief that is written here: Migration and Immigration How did they get here?

By groups.

When a Muslim says, “I am your friend.” To an infidel, they are lying to you. Which, is fine as they are required to kill, convert or collect a fee from Infidel men. Lying, cheating, stealing or killing an infidel is correct with Islam, Sharia, Koran. Women are chattel. But, you cannot be a friend to an infidel.

Or they break their faith to the Koran or Islam. They cannot be a friend to an infidel and be a proper muslim. It is required of a muslim to be proper and keep the word of their prophet as written in the Koran. All of it !! You cannot pick and choose. Should a phrase from the Koran be in conflict with itself; always take the latest phrase. All the peaceful phrases are at the beginning all of the Jihad phrases are later,

The McCarran Walters act 1952 and 1965. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mccarran%20walters&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dqh87FqxQUo/Vlmv35zclNI/AAAAAAAAKTU/-gdDbH_DcWA/s400/tony%2Bmeme%2Bimmmigration%2Bact%2B1952.jpg&atb=v382-1

An immigration Act. McCarran was from Nevada my born on State. I was a Freshman at Reno High School 1952. It declares that those with a cultural / political / religious pre disposition to overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government may not be on the land and soil of The United States of America. Islam has sharia which requires them to have a different jurisdiction and to convert any other jurisdiction to sharia and Islam preferably by Jihad.. Time for them to go. Take a look at Minnesota and Michigan. One cannot lawfully be in our de jure government or de facto governance or even be on the land and soil of any state or territory and be a muslim and we have two in the House of Representatives .

A muslim cannot take an oath to an infidel organization or constitutions that is an Islamic requirement.

Barry Sotorro (sp) #44 flew plane loads of muslims into our states every night for years. That is a bunch of Somalis and others. Barry happened for 8 years and they all acquiesced to it and we let it happen to us.

Better read the 1st Amendment again. What you think you know for true is what SCOTUS has said. That is for a less than 10 mile square, forts, ports and needful buildings. Not applicable on the several states. Islam is a culture of laws and rituals to cover every aspect of life. That includes the pre meditation of overthrow and destruction of any other form of life style, government, religion, culture or people. You see it clear. Then think no that cannot be. There are good muslims.

All cops know who the bad cops are. However, if they stand up or speak up, they get no back up. So, they all close ranks with the thin blue line, around the bad cops... There are no good cops only those that wished they were good. Misprision of felony. That is what you see when you see the blue stripe on a facsimile of our National Ensign.

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X took this down? Why? It never said anything about the bio-weapon shots.

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How’s it going? It’s a great time to ponder the Idiocracy of the Universe! Love you guys!

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i would like to comment but my spelling is bad , i have dislexia and i can;t think in a box . what i really like abuot you, is and really appreicate that you are willing to give humanity a gifted of all of your stuidys over the years humanity needs to learn ,but it needs good teachers. i think thah is humanitys biggest problem.( i am good in math ) though

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There is a technique developed by Paul Dennison, a reading skills therapist that will assist with improve the flow of information between your body and brain that can be very helpful for people who are dyslexic. He published a simple, inexpensive book designed for vision challenged people, including kids with various learning and performance challenges that is very easy to follow and leads you through simple exercises that improve that information flow through body and brain, and helps untangle dyslexia, challenges with balance and movement, breathing and vision. If you like it and it helps you, there is a more complex set or exercises that require a therapist certified in the learning method Dennison developed. It is called Edu-Kinesthetics. When we were in training, Dr. Dennison told us that people who are dyslexic are often good with math and thinking outside of boundaries. He observed that some early learning techniques force us into patterns of thinking and physical expression that counters the natural flow of information through our body and brain, and the result is fatiguing, complicating and frustrating. Good Luck with it Troy. The techniques made reading, writing and keeping my balance much easier and happier for me !

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So kind of you to share this. Ive also found that Dr Dennison's Brain Gym exercises have helped me a lot.

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There are none so blind as he who will not see.

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When you witnessed something shocking that shakes you to the core and you don’t know what to do with it. Then use it to form a new religion. Perfect. Thank you, Cliff.

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