I was not surprised by the news…but I was not discouraged either, as so many seem to be??

The Dark side will spin their narrative trying to put out the flames of illumination

and the sheeple will be relieved to let that wind blow thru their minds…they are, after all, becoming so comfortable with the darkness, enjoying the luxury of not yet having to abandon their delusions.

Loved reading your analysis, Clif. Thank you!

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Loved the "enjoying the luxury of not having to abandon their delusions". So true!

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all confessions under oath that the fbi is truly a corrupt organization, Durham is building a case to fry bigger fish.

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I was born in Minnesota and spent my childhood there fishing, hunting and helping with the family business, I loved to eat the fried fish … I know, 😉 not the same..

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Sounds like the lakes region.

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Practically the whole state is lakes... can't go too far without at at least one or 2. "Land of 10,000 Lakes"

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Lots of filthy lefty Marxists there too... full of America-haters... I mean electing a sewer roach like Illness Omar... Really??

MN stinks.


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I live in a far west suburb of Minneapolis. Massive voter fraud within the cities of Mpls and St. Paul. Plus, plenty of loony leftists living in the cities. Outside of the twin cities and the first ring of suburbs and the city of Rochester and Duluth, the state is RED. There's no way Keith Ellison would have won his election as the Attorney General without massive cheating! Same goes for Angie Craig and Tina Smith!

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I think OR and WA have the same problem... a far-left population center ruins it for everyone else... even CA is sort of in the same boat... I wish there would be more succession, like part of OR tried... I think to join Idaho... the red parts should LEAVE the messed up states... dramatically limiting their power...


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Red state with a Blue center. Only thing MN has going for it is the beautiful scenery. Their gov sucks.

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Lol, this is true. I'm referring to the area's of Detroit Lakes, Brainerd, or Walker areas mostly.

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14,073 lakes, or there about in Minnesota.

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How does that work, when you lose your cases? Anybody, who followed Giuliani & his RICO cases back in the day in NYC, which I did because I lived in the area, can tell you this is NOT how RICO cases are built or even won. So, how many years do the American people have to wait before he tries to take down the really big fish. And when & if he ever does HRC & companies attorneys will be much more highly paid & skilled. This is just unrealistic "hopium" at this point.

RICO cases, like G-Mans, are built with solid small victories which snowballs uphill, where smaller Cappos & foot soldiers start turning states evidence on ea. other making the net ever tighter & nowhere to hide. Building airtight cases. People who say this don't know how this all works. I'm not a lawyer, but I do know enough from lived experience. Once these folks get off, that's it. They'll never be tried again. They walk amongst us enjoying the Supra Privileges of the cabal, while the Lilliputians, are subject to their law.

It's only a matter of time before this whole exercise of the people observing if they'll have any modicum of equal justice, slides sideways into the kinetic (3rd GWF). I can't predict how that plays out, but our Concord & Lexington moment is on the horizon. You can be sure of this. It always does. It's just history. Most citizens are just letting it play out because most American people are smart & will observe before they irrationally act. Like JFK stated once, [paraphrase] "people will only take so much until they're back into the corner."

If we think winning the midterms will change this, & now we're supposed to put our hopes & trust in politicians "AGAIN," then you're disillusioned. Oh, it's a start, but as long as the Global/Domestic apparatuses are still intact to wield power (blackmail, bribery, extortion, murder, threats, justice tampering) then people don't understand operational imperatives & "lines of effort." They don't intend to ever let us have free elections again. This is a zero-sum game for them. They have already murdered 100s of thousands & wreaked countless unmitigated damage. It's time for Americans to take a "Reality Bite!"

People are smoking Crack!

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"So, how many years do the American people have to wait before he tries to take down the really big fish"

You will have to wait as long as it takes

"They don't intend to ever let us have free elections again. This is a zero-sum game for them. They have already murdered 100s of thousands & wreaked countless unmitigated damage."

They only have power when WE allow them to have power

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That's right brain, they don't stop until we make them stop. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be as magical & painless as folks w/o lived experience think.

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Having to go through being tried is a form of punishment in itself. People understand when the legal system cannot help but spring leaks. The main thing is getting so much evidence on the record.

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I fear you a right. But I hope Clif is right.

It is very tough looking at this, because while we go ¨look at the corrupt FBI¨ the sheeple have a draft blowing from one ear to the other.

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Listen to some sound military minds on this. I like & listen to Cliff; I just disagree w/ this assessment. I think people are hoping too much & twisting themselves into pretzels trying to fit it into their confirmation bias. I served over 22 yrs active, Green Beret 1st & 5th SFG(A). My last tour was under Col. Miller, former ASECDEF, 2 tours in IQZ. This is not how legal victories are won. The deck is stacked, & the sooner people realize that then they will be better be suited to face the hardships to come. We cannot get to the crown w/o the cross.


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"I served over 22 yrs active, Green Beret 1st & 5th SFG(A)"

unfortunately you served the deep state cabal's agenda under the guise you were serving the USA

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And you're a moron

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lol, you always know when you win a debate when the other person resorts to name calling LOL

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'They walk amongst us enjoying the Supra Privileges of the cabal', but do they really? I chose to think they were picked up and flown some place else. Love dreams

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I could not have said it better, also lived in NY and watched it unfold. My fear at this point is we are looking at the left and right wing of the same bird. It seems they want a civil war due to their brazen, blatant actions and choices of characters in this circus. They are almost pocking and prodding, escalating in response to the publics passivity. It's like they are saying "come on make my day, I just want to label you a domestic terrorist, lock you in a FEMA camp, pump you with vaccines and re-education curriculum. If we don't respond to re-education our bodies will be used for soylent green to fead school children.

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Yes he is! I wish more people could see that and understand.

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You yourself Clif are a torch bearer of the highest order . Thanks for all ur tireless work for humanity . Much respect from the land of Oz

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Durham is a RICO expert and that is where he is going with all of this pursuit. The little guys like sussman and danchenko will probably end up suicided and they will not be the only ones. Evil is imploding to it's demise because Good always wins at the very end...IMO.

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at least they will have given testimony beforehand

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Clif knows what's up. Good analysis!

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I have been ridiculed for years by lifelong friends and continue to assure them that I'll be there for them on the other side.

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EVERYBODY NEEDS to listen to the X22 report! Between Clif and X22(dave), I think they have their fingers on the pulse of it all. These two are TRUE PATRIOTS!!! In my humble opinion. I thank The Creator for the both of them.

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I depend on both to understand this crazy movie! Cliffs sense of humor at the ridiculousness of all this is priceless.

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Same team, different jerseys. Play on brothers.

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Please ! I got weary long ago of listening to Dave attempt to make every single new development, seem like it was all part of Trump's 5D chess master plan, using lame generalizations and weak excuses. The only thing the X22 Report is good for, ... is the "I Do Believe" drink slamming game, .... and Dave didn't come up with it. lol

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How right you are! When my emotions work their way to the forefront and I realize I am loosing my logical-thinking balance I catch a couple X22 videos. And then there’s Clif of course, as well as some other excellent substacks…

Richard the Saint, Burning Bright, 17sog, Technofog

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Clandestine also puts out a column. But my 1st thing in the AM guilty pleasure is Sean of the South, who keeps me grounded in reality as it is lived.

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Thanks for adding Clandestine to the list. I subscribe there too

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Link to that? (recent?)

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The link for clif on x22 mentioned above - ??

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I don’t recall Clif ever being on X22.

X22report is on rumble.

(It won’t let me post a link?)

Or X22report.com

Clif High has a bitchute ch

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Yeah I checked x22 on Bitchute - someone made a comment about an interview & sounded recent - I don't ever miss a clif if I know about it!

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Oct 24, 2022
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Wonderful Clif, can’t wait for the next chapter 🙏

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It's all in the sauce.

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Excellent! What a story!

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This is a world class chess match. Most spectators are mediocre at checkers.

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Thank you Clif. Awesome as always👏

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Hey Clif,

Happy Durham is pushing on into the truly dark continent. By the way thanks for the Prussiagate tip, endless food for speculation.

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Thanks for providing some light !

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Outstanding! And we hope more to follow!

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I hope the last light will be an arc light, burn them all to ash.

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