If you hear "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you", run!

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Ruby Ridge anniversary reminds us just how lovable the Federal Bureaucracy Insanity really is.

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Lots of grifters in the ranks of the Feds - as I young lad (many years ago), I served as a Marine officer and then after the Corps did a spin at Never Say Anything. Now, in the 80's, things were marginally better. The heavy duty, ultra grifters had not quite made the scene yet, but we were government just the same. As I look back on this time I can see that plainly humanity has not really evolved to a higher life form. The civilians at Never were inveterate clock watchers (I was) because there was little else to do that was worth while. The peacetime 80's military was far more competent in those days - no trannies and the 'affirmative action' was held to some reasonable level at that time (no women in combat roles). Many of the senior Marines in the 80's had served in Vietnam (many in combat) and they were generally humbled by seeing the shear incompetence and stupidity of the 'Feds' that created the disaster of the Vietnam War. I would like to see humanity evolve - but overall, I just don't see it in the cards for now.

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Hi. In London we refer to the Police as the 'Filth' Begins with 'F' as a lot of things do these days!

Bless you Clif

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The “feds” = is another F word that by any other name is just as foul!

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Yep, words have meaning. They do not necessarily have to be correct. Feds and Federalists are a bit of a misnomer.

The 13 originals formed a Confederation and perpetual Union and named their Confederation and perpetual Union, The United States of America. Any other name is not us. That group created The United States of America's Constitution and with it they created the United States. Which is a government service company.

In the Lincoln era they eliminated Amendment 13 TONA. Wrote a new 13 and 14 both are bogus and you can look it up. We have had color of law since March 1861 Federally and since November 8, 1910 on Oregon. We are nullifying the color of law, de facto, incorporated, illegal and illegitimate State of Oregon and United States Inc.

There are 33 States and 17 territories, lawfully and Constitutionally. Possession by a pirate does not change ownership. Find or form your own Jural Assembly.

See Athens, Tennessee 1947 and then www.orsja.org. We will help you, no fees we are in this to return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2022.

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<<We hear this in the UK, where the residents and subjects of the Queen routinely call their government “the Feds”.>>

I'm an ancient Brit and I've never heard this. I think you are mistaken. And please stop putting an apostrophe in "its" when it's the possessive pronoun. (Remember: it's going to lose its loose nut.)

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Australia (where I'm from) IS a real federation - of 6 states and 2 territories. The Federal Government has responsibility for national and international affairs and the individual states are responsible for the local stuff, like education, health, social services, roads, general infrastructure within the state..

The UK(where I've lived for 30 years) is a 'kingdom' containing England and the first three invaded colonies whose cultures and people they attempted to annihilate (they didn't just fcuk over brown and black people) + a few islands around the mainland. Neither I, nor anyone I know, calls the UK government, or its appendages, 'the Feds'. It is an affectation that may have seeped into the sad vocabularies of people who watch too much American TV, but that is all. It is not in common use here.

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No offense, Sir clif Man.


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Thanks Cliff...good stuff!

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the idiot wokesters think they will protect them from those who love freedom.

As strange as that may sound...

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F the Feds and the Mother WEFfers…abolish them all!

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I know why. Billions upon Billions implanting an unseen narrative of "Why They Need Us", as depicted in the 1984 film.

The invisible Matrix of Mass Formation Psychosis is very real.

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right again......as per usual....thanks Clif

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Speaking of the Royals, the news announced this am that Wm/Kate and family will move out of London, to have a more 'normal' life and to be closer to the queen. It must be time to move out of the big cities if you are in the EU. What are the linguistics on this if not biased as a result of censorship? Thank you for bringing data points to us so that we may get the picture and be aware.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Hello Clif, and greetings people. I've enjoyed this post, and it's causing me to expound tangentially.

I am American. America was established as a Christian country by the Puritans. In those times, pre-President George Washington, it was impossible to serve in government without honoring Jesus as Lord and worshiping Jehovah God as the sovereign creator of all that is. The Bible simply states God is going to clean up Earth and restore it as paradise forever. What Ceasar (aka Government) has become is a "name stealing global crime syndicate" where privately named babies get their identities taken by STATE OF STATE (i.e. STATE OF DELAWARE, e.g. your home STATE, that company on D&B with billions of your wealth hidden in the CAFR.) and Corporation national governments (i.e. UNITED STATES) and turned into public debt transmitting utilities (FIRST M.I. LAST in caps). These "taken" names are put through a fraudulent conversion into becoming three kinds of LEGAL PERSON, (foreign, domestic and non-profit) and the defenseless babies grow up expected to stand-in as a Trustee (should be Beneficiary as Donor) of its own ESTATE TRUST (corporate equivalent to a franchise) and grow up trying to defend against having all assets pilfered the rest of his or her life. Just as they've sought to meld the 50 indepenent nation states into one big single pile called "the United States" they have systematically defrauded you and I into melding ourselves into the mess, and waving its "war time" flag without even having a clue about its "peace time" flag. How can the swindle keep going? Answer: Lucifer/Satan/evil minions/lies/murder. Now we have WEF/UN/CDC/NIH/Fake Govt/Media all championing the continued theft of our unalienable rights, etc. We allow ourselves to be converted away from God's Kingdom on earth and cast ourselves (in NAME only) into man's fictional kingdom (OZ) in place of eternal blessings prepared for us all. BUT NO! Christ proved Gov't will kill us after torturing us. We've become property of Caesar (aka Pope, Queen, Bank, Jail) by Declaring ourselves "as a Citizen Stand-in" by sending in 1040 forms, I9's, W2s, etc. We lead them to believe that this is how we want to be governed from external forces which have gladly made us out to be INTERNALS. We can all solve the problem, each one of us, ourselves or in groups, by, a.) correcting thy political status, b.) recording thy declarations of state national standing, c.) publishing thy reconstructed self for 60 days, d.) stop using civilly dead language to describe thy self, e.) govern thy self in peace and harmony, f.) record thy blessings in thy family Bible, g.) stop voting as A CORPORATE FRANCHISE PERSON in the post-1871 Corporation that continues to "make believe" that [it] is our legitimate government over the People, h.) cancel thy voter registration by writing to that State Board of Elections and/or County Auditor nearest where you would vote. We can start living as people over the government that we institute to protect our rights to our bodies, our lands, our children, our property, our international trade. We've been duped since the days of Lincoln, and the American Reconstruction was hijacked during the 1860's. The Republic was lost. Democracy is NOT what the founding people desired, for they knew it would demolish any hope of lasting freedom for the early American republic. America's last true presidents were all before Lincoln. What we have now is a fake "Brandon" who doesn't even look remotely similar to the Joe of the past. All kinds of alternative media spew the wakeup call, but who is imparting the solution? Solution: reconstruct American back to the unincorporated government that we are owed, where we empower our elected public servants to perform limited functions. Not this horrible police state & central bank brood of vipers and thieves. Might be time for me to boot up a new channel. Channels I've liked include sedm dot org, famguardian dot org, theamericanstatesassemblies dot net, ecclesia dot org/truth, usavsus dot info and unrulystatesofaffairs dot com.

As for Gov't employees in office, go read "4 U.S.C Sec 72" and get yourselves back where you belong without me. You belong in D.C. which is why Maryland and Virginia sacrificed 10 square miles, etc. for the work we want you to do in defending us against all enemies domestic and foreign.

Let's send 87,000 gun toting thugs after the Congress/Central Bank/Deep State that has enslaved generations.

Thank you Clif High for your tireless work in waking people up. Really enjoyed your podcast where you spoke of the things people can do with getting their paperwork together at the American States Assemblies.

That is like a narrow road that leads to life.


Reader i8

P.S. America had at least 14 Presidents prior to George Washington, according to the Moors...


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