Simply put, this makes me smile 😁

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Just don't build your hopes up too high. Cliff's doses of hopium rarely come to fruition.

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Still smiling 😁

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Feb 24, 2023
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"he's been wrong every single time"

Well this is untrue. So how should we 'perceive' you at this point? As a liar? Or in the same way you have judged others? If we know that Clif has been right more than one time, yet you say he is wrong every single time, then who is liar here? And who should we avoid listening to?

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I think we should just hold our tongues and not incite arguments on those that still can't see how things are shifting. They ARE shifting. look how far we have come in such a short time. First we had to convince people that wars arent always fought with bullets and bombs (whew dodged that one), then we had to get them to understand 5GUW. Now MANY MORE people are understanding and talking about it. Things are finally shifting.

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Fair enough. But it is worth it to think on whether or not what is defined as 'humanity' is what is capable of being awakened from the dead. In this sense, Clif is total correct that the 'awakening of humanity' is and has been ongoing but not all who are called are 'chosen'.

Luke 9

59 Then He said to another man, “Follow Me.” The man replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” 60 But Jesus told him, “Let the dead bury their own dead. You, however, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

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You didn't read what I wrote, did you?

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"The FLIP will occur over this next month.

The FLIP peak last about six/6 months, into Fall."

Not a chance.

The Globalists who run our sickly country just disenfranchised 80+ million Americans in broad daylight, TWICE, and Americans barely mumbled about it. They just released bio-weapons upon Americans and the world, of their own creation, and humanity...well, they just die, and convulse, and die, and go to the hospital again, and complain of 'long covid', and die some more. There's no fighting back. I still can't find many who believe that they've been intentionally harmed. "I don't believe in those conspiracy theories!" They're talking about Ohio, balloons, what an asshole Putin is, how awesome Putin is, the price of eggs, etc. Even the ones who have lost loved ones say and do nothing...NO THING...THEY DON'T CARE TO KNOW. They don't WANT to know.

Anyway, the Globalists will most certainly 'change the subject' soon with a massive war, another "pandemic", economic collapse, food supply issues, etc., etc., simultaneously.

Mark my words: People will not be talking about, "vaccines" or some mythical, "Nuremberg 2.0" stuff by year's end. Not in the way that Clif thinks. They will be talking about the basics; about stuff closer to home, like food, shelter, personal safety, the next "virus", their empty bank accounts, the draft, nukes, etc.

Who watches the watchers? Who sits above the ones who perpetrated global democide? Who is going to bring the most powerful families/tribe to justice?

Ain't happenin', folks. Not with the current crop of humanity.

I do believe that they will bring back their MVP (player, as in, thespian), Donald Trump. He will be brought back solely for the purpose of leading the, "God and Country" types off to the massive war I mentioned above. We are going to war with Russia/China--been saying it for almost six years now. He's been strangely hanging out 'in the wings' for this very purpose--they're keeping him warm. They have the "left" ready to go to war, which is amazing, now they just place Trump back at center stage to rally the other side's war meat. They will have their culling.

With what do you cover up global democide?

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Well, lets all curl up and die. Not. We are creator beings. Remember the Preacher in the movie Titanic? In the movie, while he was dying, he said, "I'm going down!" and a second or two later, in his dying breath, "he popped back up to the surface and said, NO!, I'm going up".

I don't know who the controlled opposition is, I will leave that open. I only know who I am and what I can do. For now, that is to create something better.

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Thank you Mary. I actually agree with both of you. It’s only what we each can do that has any value to humanity; it’s not going to wake up on its own but we can wake up ourselves and those around us who are ready, and start over as we mean to go on.

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Amazing that you are with us Clif.

I love your work, trying every time I get to get normies to listen to you.

Thank you

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Soon they will not be able to ignore what is happening. I've been saying that for several months now, as I have been sensing what Clif has described here so well.

Once the 7-11 is out of cheetos, and the zombies and robbers rule the streets, they will have no choice but to wake up. That time is coming soon.

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Adrenochrome. I used to believe it was an urban tale. However, one can either do a little research and read the white paper released by the Chinese Government on Blood plasma and its unusual ability to reverse aging. Or if you prefer visit the Rockefeller Scientific research institute online and read their study on the subject. They took an elderly mouse and connected its circulation system to a younger mouse. This resulted in a rejuvenated elderly mouse for the duration of the experiment. Yes both mice died eventually. If your into research there is also a paper from the same institution on 5g and its ability to separate oxygen from the blood stream when radio waves are aimed at mice.

In short CLIF this world is fucked up. It doesn't matter if you a little off regarding the time frame. Its not if it happens but when. For those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. For the rest of us...

I will see you on the other side. To Valhalla and beyond my Woo brothers and sisters. This life is only limited by our flesh much adventure to be had past this mortal existence.

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Nostradamus was a little off on timelines too...but a lot of what he said has come to pass. In that same vein, much of what the Bible says has come to pass as well. So timelines, shmimelines, things do happen when you can see it happening. Its not in our time, its in HIS time.

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When first mention of this was made in Terry Gilliam’s film, “Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas” I thought They wee making up shit. Turns out it was just predictive programming courtesy of Hunter S. Thompson. And then my lightbulb moment came with vampires and related stories, films, tv series, etc. Vampires = the elites. It’s so obvious now. In the overturning of the iceberg, I hope that all these evil creeps fall off into oblivion where they belong.

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I am ready!! Please please please get here soon!! I’m so excited. It’s payback time...it’s my personal “I told you so” tour. Wakey wakey normies 🙀

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The normies will need your patience and help when it comes time to transition. Treat them with kindness and understanding, because we need them on our side. And this 5GUW is, more than anything, a battle for the mind of the normie.

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I’m a reformed normie with two jabs who went down the rabbit hole almost two years ago; have had a little luck waking a few people but not the ones who truly count which is my family. I’ve been very patient and not pushy but I can’t even get a few syllables out before they shut me up. It’s lonely and sad but yes I will be gentle.

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Hang in there, knowing you are not alone. We are actually the majority. They will eventually come to you for answers to their questions.

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Thanks...actually here in Substack is where I don’t feel alone...sooo many awesome writers and followers!

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Dave is absolutely correct. They will come to you; they know you are there. They aren't ready yet... yet. You can't teach anyone anything they are not ready to learn. But one day, not too far into the future, they will be ready and they will come to you. And what a glorious time that will be!

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I kind of envy some of you who have been awake a long time but it is a burden when so few are with you. There is so much you have to balance with not trusting much anymore and seeing the world in a different/negative light but in some ways I’m more positive...maybe just more spiritual.

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Welcome aboard Fizzygurl - hang in there indeed. Substack has wonderful peeps.❤️

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Thank you 💖

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We could use more writers. Please consider this. Thank you.

An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems


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the years just gives us more time to build on experience sometimes wisdom but definitely education about a lot of topics. At least I/m not to cantankerous or set in my ways. Us "old farts" got to stick together for the sake of the ones younger then us. Example: My oldest daughter wants to start a garden, she is actually sending airplane tickets to ship me to Tx to help her. Yesterday I texted her a question: "do you know difference between straw & hay?"

Her text to me: "no".

OMG eye roll, eye roll. She is not stupid but lacks "Experience/Knowledge in this area.

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I had to just laugh out loud at the hay vs/ straw. I think most of my "wisdom" has come from all the mistakes!! Soon 7 decades of mistakes . . you learn . . I had a lot of formal education to unlearn too.

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Dear Fiz; When the opportunity comes (and it will) let your normies know that their arrival on the planet at this particular time is for a reason. That includes all of us. No one is here without purpose. We may not know exactly what we're supposed do, but we know what side we're on. We are going to win, for it is written. Be brave!

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Thank you. You wonder though how damaged their brains are that they can only think at surface level. All it took was a bit of curiosity and skepticism on my end.

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Good on you Fizzygurl, welcome to the other side 🥰

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Thank you. It’s my unending spy novel.

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Tough spot to be in! 🙏 I feel Clif is right about 'The Flip'. Just made some content about it for my own audience. May you be 'not alone' soon enough. I know the feeling. It's been a long time coming.

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same here and i'm an RN for 55 years!!!

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The Awakening is coming, the Leftists zombies and sheep are waking up and know something is very wrong.

I didn’t hear a word about this Anti war protest in DC.

The Cabal are not going to be happy about their sheep waking up, Clif might very well be right about the 3% of normies being jolted awake.

Anti-War Protest in Washington D.C. Garners Support of Conservatives, Libertarians, Leftists! Protesters Demand “NO MORE FUNDING TO UKRAINE!” Exclusive VIDEO!


‘ The rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. was largely ignored by the Main Stream Media and dubbed a “Pro-Putin” rally. ’

‘ Leftist rally speakers were definitely baffled yet thankful for the heavy conservative rally-goer turnout.

“It’s just so weird,” said Code Pink’s Media Benjamin (a darling of what many people consider the far left). “The people who I thought were the peacemakers were the progressives and the Democratic Party, but on this one they’ve become pro-war. So I don’t align ideologically with the people in Congress who are calling for an end to the weapons, but I want to get everybody in Congress to say that. And I think the polls are shifting that show now that it’s only 48% of Americans in the latest AP poll that want to sent more weapons to Ukraine. That means the majority of American people either don’t or don’t understand. And that means that Congress and the White House are totally out of sync with what the American people are thinking now.”

The left-leaning Benjamin continued:

“It’s absolutely bizarre, I never thought I’d see this happen. I always thought that the people that I have been aligned with for decades now—people like Barbra Lee from California who was against the US military response to the 9/11 attacks—you know, I thought people like her, like “The Squad”, they would be the ones… the progressive caucus which has 100 members of Congress. But when they came out with their letter with 30 people signing it, and then withdrew it within 24 hours, it’s been really hard to get any of them to speak out.”

‘ I don’t agree with Matt Gaetz about anything related to domestic issues,” said Max Blumenthal of The Grey Zone. “But his (Gaetz) bill, the Ukraine Fatigue Act, is a breath of fresh air. And what we’re doing, those of us who come from the left, is that we’re hounding the squad. Because they’re supposed to do the same thing, but it turns out they’re controlled by the Uniparty.’

Here is a detailed list and explanations of the demands of the rally-goers and organizers:

1- Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine

The Democrats and Republicans have armed Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in weapons and military aid. The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, and is pushing us toward a nuclear WW3. Stop funding the war.

2- Negotiate Peace

The US instigated the war in Ukraine with a coup on its democratically-elected government in 2014, and then sabotaged a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March. Pursue an immediate ceasefire and diplomacy to end the war.

3- Stop the War Inflation

The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

4- Disband NATO

NATO expansion to Russia’s border provoked the war in Ukraine. NATO is a warmongering relic of the Cold War. Disband it like the Warsaw Pact. The war is accelerating inflation and increasing food, gas, and energy prices. The US blew up Russian gas pipelines to Europe, starving them of energy and deindustrializing their countries. End the war and stop increasing prices.

5- Global Nuclear De-Escalation

The war in Ukraine has brought us to the edge of WW3 and nuclear war with Russia. US intelligence agencies estimate a one in four chance of nuclear war, which would plunge the world into nuclear winter and kill almost all life on Earth. Adopt a no-first-strike nuclear policy. Drawdown nuclear weapons worldwide.

6- Slash the Pentagon Budget

Half of the federal discretionary budget goes to Pentagon. The military budget is $857 billion per year, and the Pentagon just failed its fifth straight audit. The Pentagon can only account for 39 percent of its $3.5 trillion in assets. Cut the military budget in half and return those funds to the American people.

7- Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State

The CIA and deep state are an unelected permanent government of intelligence agencies that run our country outside of constitutional and democratic control. They surveille Americans, manipulate the media, curtail free speech, blackmail politicians, infiltrate activist organizations, torture people, overthrow governments, and assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Abolish the CIA and deep state and restore a government of, by, and for the people.

8- Abolish War and Empire

War and empire subjugate billions of people around the world to enrich a small group of elites. In just the past two decades, the US has waged and backed wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and other countries. End all US wars and regime change. Stop all military aid to other countries. End drone strikes. Close all US military bases abroad. Bring all US troops home. Build a world that guarantees every person freedom from war and empire in place of the collapsing US hegemonic world order.

9- Restore Civil Liberties

Restore the constitutional liberties taken from us in the name of war and empire, including freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. End mass surveillance, repeal the Patriot Act, and restore the right to privacy and habeas corpus.

10- Free Julian Assange

The US is charging Julian Assange with espionage and criminalizing our right to publish information that challenges the military-industrial deep state. He is imprisoned in the UK and being extradited to the US. The CIA plotted to assassinate him for exposing US war crimes. Free Julian Assange and all political prisoners.

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The Gateway Pundit is the only 'news source' I support and routinely read. I'll follow links posted by others to articles of interest, but TGP is the one that most reliably covers what used to be called 'all the news that's fit to print.'

I also follow several substacks, but I consider them more as editorial pages for deep-dives into what is going on.

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And GP leaves no stone unturned. Good luck keeping up with all their stories! Epoch Times is pretty good too.

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Thank you, I wish I could show them anything. I open my mouth and before I can get a few syllables out, they shut me up. I’m disappointed in my ex who lives near my daughter and grandson, I’m elsewhere with my son...I no longer think he can protect them, he doesn’t want to hear anything, I think they all gossip about me as conspiracy theorist. They live an hour from E Palestine and he said Dewine said the air and water is ok...that’s not protecting if you’re believing the gov’t and not investigating. I bought my daughter an air purifier and reverse osmosis system for the water...I do what I can to protect them.

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She said "when your people are ready." They have to come to you; you can't impose your ideas on them.

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Fizzy; Sometimes it is best to let sleeping dogs lie. What you can do for your family right now is to educate yourself, so that when they have questions, you'll have the ability to answer them with some degree of knowledge. The latest episode of "The Highwire" #308 is one of Del's most informative ever. Visit: thehighwire.com. "Global Research News" presents written articles by academics, activists, doctors and experts in subjects like climate change, vaxes, geoengineering, globalism and the war in Ukraine. If you prefer videos, "Forbidden Knowledge TV: the Archives" have some of the most popular videos. Alexandra Bruce is a dedicated, truth seeking journalist. Some of Clif's videos are shown there. "The Corbett Report" has been around for a long time, informing people of the "nuts and bolts" of current events and situations. There...that should keep you out of your own head for a while and give you information you will need. What I did to wake up some of my friends, is print out articles relevant at the time and leave them lying around my friend's houses. On the coffee table, kitchen counter, etc. It got some of them curious. You'll be able to reach many of your people to wake them up but you may not be able to wake them all. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to convince others to look at their world from an alternate point of view. It is really about perspective...not blame or who is right or wrong but about clear, rational thinking and what is best for "ourselves ad our posterity" I wish you luck!

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I have seen Clif and Del mentioned so many times but other than this being the first time I’ve read Clif’s stuff, I’m not familiar with both but I will get up to speed because I’ve heard so many good things. Thanks for the info!

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It is all coming out now. What would have gotten you banned from Twitter just months ago is now being covered on the MSM. "Slowly at first, then all of a sudden."

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This and all the other beautiful missives is why you have come back 3 times to the Matterium, you are NEEDED in this most unbelievable period in history.

Y'all recall Flip Wilson? Order in da court, order in da court, cuz here comes da judge, here comes the ( Nuremburg ) judge.

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You know what!

I can't frickin wait.

Let the mayhem begin.

Time to wake the fuckers up.


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Some mayhem would be welcome. The hardest part of war is the waiting.

I hate waiting.

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Boom 💥

Maybe that's why I'm so fucking freaked out at the moment.

Even to the point where I'm almost afraid of myself.

Trying to stay calm.

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Strangely enough, this is the calmest I’ve felt in awhile. Something has definitely shifted.

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Interesting times are a bit of an emotional roller coaster as it turns out.

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it's driving me crazy...BRING IT!

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Been waiting on this since I saw JFK shot live on TV!

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I was sitting in the 6th grade when JFK was shot but I saw Oswald murdered live on TV at my grandmother’s house in Dallas. This reckoning is way overdue.

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It goes way, way further back than that. Overdue nonetheless. (I was in 4th grade, heard the announcement at school. Saw the same video feed as you, Ruby going across the parking garage and putting the gun to Oswald's gut. Pretty obvious even to a 9 year old that someone was hiding something...)

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Our whole elementary school was in tears

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I was also in fourth grade...my teacher couldn’t even speak..she wrote the story on the board. You know how kids interpret things, I was way off on interpreting her story.

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Rickie Don - I too was sitting in my 6th grade classroom, after lunch, when the teacher informed us. Then, just as you, I was at home watching TV the day Oswald was shot, and saw it live. We were witnesses to the coup perpetrated by the cabal.

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me too. i was sent home early from 6th grade. watched the t.v. for days after it happened. the KM had him killed. ive been awake over 40 years. everyone for many years thought i was crazy. no, just ahead of my time. thank you clif!!!

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2 nd grader here

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I was in kindergarten or grade one. Winnipeg. I remember my 'Canadian' mother cried.

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all of us of age at the time remember where we were except ONE PERSON

that would be GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. hmmmmmm

and what did JFK jr. name his magazine???? GEORGE

do you think that he knew??

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I think he knew lots of things, that's why he's dead.

He should have known better than to parade in an open car with no protection, considering what he knew.

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He didn't make the Secret Service detail get off the car.

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School was dismissed. We cam home early. Mom was crying and we all had a real cryfest. As a youngun it was very scary, very uncertain time.

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Yeah. Sitting on our living room floor, a rare sick day out of school.

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God bless Clif High.

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Hold the line fellow humans.

Thank you So much Sensei Clif. ♥️

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My very “I don’t want to hear about it” husband has been busy waking up all of a sudden, he’s been pointing things out that he’s read, subjects he didn’t want me talking about previously. He’s surprised me as to how much he’s silently transitioned. I still can’t get him to buy into Chem trails but we can get to that later. I’ve felt both elated and just plain weird about his sudden knowledge. I told him there is much more to learn but we will get there. Amazing!!!

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Holy shit I can't believe the peak of the big ugly is almost here. I can feel it, I feel weird as fuck, I can't explain it. The truth from the age of aquarius is starting to get noticed by the normies and I see it flowing all around us. Watch Dr Malone with Aubrey Marcus from a few days ago, he sees the war, he sees the khazarian mafia, he just doesn't know their name but he knows something really fucked is going on. Poor normies, they won't have years to digest this shit like we did. Thank you from Chile Sensei.

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I started this journey, thee years ago with Chris, it’s only fitting that he is speaking words of wisdom at this point in time. Thank you for sharing this one, excellent timing, as usual. Love ya sweets!😍🥰😘

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I've been waiting for this "FLIP" for 38 years.

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“When You See It, You Won’t Forgive”

Part 3 of an investigative report on human trafficking in Ukraine

The witnesses in part one of our series said that organs can be removed from a donor’s body and prepared for transport in as little as seven minutes, and that there was an emphasis on speed as the surgeons were faced with a practical conveyer belt of bodies.

He pauses again, a haunted look in his eyes. “On the second… they got carved up,” he says quietly. There is a break in the video, probably to allow the man time to recover. The video resumes as he answers another question that may have been asked off-camera. “Like discarded waste, either just kept in pits or taken out somewhere and buried. And those guys, you know, were talking about them [the children] as if they were slaughtering some livestock, like a piglet or a rabbit. They were like ‘yeah, we brought them,’ as if it was some farm, you understand?”


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Yes, and we will build a world where this will never happen again. Where children are cherished and protected by *everyone.* We had a version of that when I lived in the mountains - a young girl raped, body of the rapist never found. Just like that.

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These are the atrocities you don’t want to think about but once you open that door, you can’t close it.

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One must never forget.

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Love it, Clif! And just fyi, my copy had all the links and visuals broken so it was just text. I give you so much credit for trying to explain to people what is actually going on when they are suffering from paycheck amnesia. God sure knew who to bring back from the dead! Sending you all good vibes and gratitude for all of your hard-won, wonderful work (and for sharing it with us!)

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Wow! Hit em hard! WOO!

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