Simon is a praying mantis. His cloning process was much trickier and took 3 farts to complete.

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From Simon's own words in an older video: He is human, Reptilian (not all are bad), and Mantis.

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3 farts .. really?? Simon, could smell you off a distance!

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Now that statement was brilliant!

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I laughed my ass off trying to read this out loud to hubby. Thanks Uncle Cliff for pointing out the absurdity in the rawest, wryest way.

For y'all in this thread that don't git the joke, please cut down on refined sugar and get more sleep and sunshine. Oh BTW Uncle Clif can help ya with the sleep part.

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OMG!! I just read it to mine and he sat there so still and I'm having trouble reading while laughing!!!

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Let me guess, he farted didn’t he?

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OMG, me too! 🤣🤣🤣

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Yep i go to sleep every time i try to listen to his BULLASHEETA

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Yes his gobbledygook inane rant sounds like a bad attempt to reproduce a Dr Seuss children's book. It put me to sleep after the first paragraph!!!

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I love the way you put a thought or an idea across.

Truth with a little sarcasm.

And sometimes a slap across the face with a good "SNAP OUT OF IT"

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2.5B clones around the globe today

Clones are made in China, Italy, and Antarctica

Clones can be grown in 5 months

Clones have no Soul, only memories are transferred

Black eyes and boots (the new black eye) show they have been updated with new information, memories, or outlook

Larry Page is the most senior member of the Illuminati, Soros was demoted

White Hats don’t use clones, only Black Hats

Known celebrities and elites with clones:

Bill & Hillary Clinton

Joe and Hunter Biden



Pope Francis

Nancy Pelosi

Chuck Schumer

Bernie Sanders

Kamal Harris

George Bush

Liz Warren

Jeff Bezos

Bill Gates

Tom Hanks

Will Smith

Taylor Swift

Britney Spears


Alyssa Milano

Greta Thunberg

Bette Midler

Robert DeNiro

Rob Reiner

Ben Swann

Whoopi Goldberg

Jim Carrey

Angelia Jolie

Johnny Depp

Katie Perry

Lady Gaga

Kanye West

Shepard Smith

Zac Efron

Robert Mueller

Barbara Lee

Chris Wray

Anthony Scaramucci

John Brennan

Jim McDermott

Mazie Hirono

John Lewis

Pramila Jayapal

John Podesta

John Kerry

Adam Schiff

Andrew Cuomo

Eric Swawell

John Hickenlooper

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Cheri Bustos

Catherine Cortez Masto

Mark Pocan

Jamie Harrison

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Phil Murphy

Vladimir Putin (unconfirmed, but stated by Trump as different)

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MC, That just seems kinda impossible to me, and I go in for most all of

what were former conspiracy theories. Wait, its all of them, now.

We are obviously evil enough TO create clones, but I do not think we are smart enough.

I believe it could be done via existing natural processes

but that would create babies and not full adults the same age.

I aint buyin yet, MusicCity, but I do think plastic surgery of similar

look alikes is most alikely. Then your 5 month time frame

begins to make sense, the time to heal from face surgery.

Just a guess of course. Best from OR

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I understand cloning is a big red pill to swallow, but the idea of thousands of actors running around in masks, is one of the dumbest things ever heard. The fact that they don't just entertain this theory, but have whole-heartedly bought into it without question, is quite disturbing. Joe is already dead, and a mind-controlled clone is president. Adverse mental effects can be from rapidly aging the clones to be elderly. If you've been told they are actors, you are most likely following frauds who can't comprehend what's really happening with cloning. Larry Page runs the cloning program now and cloning has been around since the Nazi and Eisenhower days.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Thanks, I never said masks I said plastic surgury. This, we are good at. Just show me the patents on growing a body that quickly? Whover invented it will have wanted to protect the invention. We are not that smart. They patented all the vaccines, the methods, the chemtrail equip and planes, there is always a paper trail.

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Same thing, actors with plastic surgery or actors in masks - sounds ridiculous. People are not aware of how advanced black hat technology is.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Clones created by plastic surgery is much more plausible than growing a human body in 5 months to adulthood.

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Just imagine all the work needed to control all these look a likes then. What a nightmare that would be. Rapid cloning in 5 months is real. Whether you believe it or not and take the red or blue pill is up to you. Consciousness is transferred to a clone from the host either through the eye or foot.

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Yup. And years before they needed them too!

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Let's hope the Depp clone uses deodorant.

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You forgot the Anne Heche clone debacle

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she is just straight up ugly.

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I have to disagree with Adam Schiff. No clone could be THAT stupid!

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Please provide supporting evidence.

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look and ye shall find

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Not quite how it works. You make the claim you support you claim when challenged or you default to no claim.

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Oh Noes the Claim Police....reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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How about you try American dialect of English. Use actual words that make sense.

All cops know who the bad cops are!!. If you speak up or stand up you get no back up. Therefore they all close ranks with the thin blue line around the bad cops. There are no good cops only those that wished they were good... misprision of felony

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Evidence please

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Neee Naaaa Nee Naaa Nee Naaa Neee Naaa. Best Evil Minion Fire Department impression . 👽

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Surely your joking - you think technology this advanced or any other advanced military technology is freely available in the public domain.

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If there is not supporting evidence. Then it is just more bullshit, from a high source. Pun intended.

Why is one batch of unsupported bullshit any better than the lies we get from de facto.

Just because you can does not mean you should. It is just more divsersion. on bitchute not ABC

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Ya because ABC gives you evidence? You think… their evidence is all bs. Maybe your new to this age and someone needs to tell you…don’t believe anything for yourself. Do your own research and use your discernment no matter where you may get your news, no matter what the evidence it. Being fed evidence and accepting it without research is a big part of how we got here.

Obviously this has upset you, then you should use that energy to drive you to the truth.

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I did not say ABC provides evidence. I am not new. see www,orsja.org. I do my research and provide evidence to all of our claims and proof of service. I do not prognosticate, High does. Opinion is one issue, A declaration is another.

When you make an assertion you cannot support you lose your claim. I investigate those things that may be investigated. People that talk fantasy such as JFK jr is alive, DJT is a good guy, and USMCA is better than NAFTA have a following that wants to think something. Cognitive dissonance.

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A little touchy are we? I didn’t say you being upset about this article was a bad thing. It’s heathy to be unsettled. So go on with your bad self. Do your own research on the clone wars to what you can find to credit or discredit this article.

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deletedAug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022
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Would a Pair of races, and an ice cream that has only been licked once do ?

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OMG, did you forget Queen Lizardbreath? Or did I miss it in the list; and that is quite a list by the way, even longer than TBJ's.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

I read a book 30 yrs ago, and the author had to write it as fiction, he indicated that they (deep state) were growing human clones in a very short, accelerated time period. A few years after, we saw the sheep clones come forward. I guess I will leave this one open ended, because I would like to know who, how and when they negotiated for the advanced technology to accelerate human body growth and the ability to transfer consciousness into a clone? Then I remember every time I have looked a Zuckerberg's eyes!!! (and Jen psaki's eyes). Both make me think "clone"!

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2.5 billion clones?!!!

Oh, c’mon!

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It was said that Reagan was replaced w/a clone when he was shot! And i do remember he changed his tune at that time, And Nancy became an Alcoholic!!!

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Begun, the clone wars have!

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Will there ever be an Open Season? I sure wish so

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a conscientious objector I am

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Beat me to it

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Clif, when I was reading this I was getting waves of gonzo journalism flowing through my being. Hunter S Thompson (RIP) has nothing on you. That was fun to read!

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Thompson may have been the only one to do more acid than Clif!

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Hey Clif,

Love your insights but sometimes, ... sometimes...?

So, you regularly converse and engage with extraterrestrials aboard space craft, but its just plain silly to consider the DoD/medical mafia had perfected mammalian cloning and embryo growth acceleration ever since the world 'was informed' (permitted to know) of the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep (as complex a mammal as humans).

Well then, were should my incredulity end when it comes to the WOO?

p.s. Riddle me this? How many freaking dopplegangers of HRC could there be in the world?

<signed> Swimming in the Woo. Please throw me life jacket

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"Tis a very good point!

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Those clone fuckers are really stupid.

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The purported Dolly The Sheep was presented Scientifically & bolstered Medi-ally, as a "clean 1-2-3 shot, as easy as sweet pie.

Buuttt...in actuality, & hidden in laboratory reality, many grotesque manifestations, were birthed initially.

Ya never can tell, who's who.


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Watch X-Files Season 8 and see the mistakes they make breeding humans and aliens! YIKES! I think maybe we have time before they send in the CLONES.

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Ditto on the YIKES !

A true beating & pulsing heart,

In its Human Waveform,

Is your best bet !

"Hello Humans, Hello Humans."

Guess he's limiting his message, to US.

Thank you for the heads up.

Have a Great weekend.

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You too Paul!!

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Thank you !!

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Once again Clif has been suckered into believing a lie. We all know that no one is flawless or perfect. Clif has good information on most subjects especially the Khazarian Mafia, he's spot on! But Billy Meier? Nope Clif, you got suckered into believing the lies that the Khazarians put out against Billy. His information is genuine. In the books, 'UFO... Contact From The Pleiades Vol. I & II, you'll see excellent photography from the 1970's, way before computer enhancement. The most advanced technology of the time was used by scientists to examine and verify as real the photos. There is also information about our celestial ancestry and space ship propulsion which I'm amazed Clif would discredit. Billy Meier was an innocent, contacted for his pureness of heart. He's a good soul. He was taken advantage of and his story and character were bastardized by the people who keep us in the dark. Use discernment with all you hear and read. Don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

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Where is the actual...evidence that his relatives are in a photo?

Since Clif's track record of accuracy in predictions is rather poor, and doesn't even remotely compare to things like:


...taking Clif's word for anything is indicative of poor judgment, "beliefs" without facts.

Regarding the only photo that he could be referring to, the people in the photo were apparently identified...and had no connection Clif's family. Especially since the year the photo was taken doesn't correspond to his claims.

So many people fall for profiteering charlatans like Clif - and then take great offense when the singularly authentic UFO contacts, still ongoing for over 80 years, and the man at the center of them, are easily proven to be authentic.

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Exactly how is Clif a profiteering charlatan? I think you have him confused with some people he KNOWS but doesn't appear to associate with any longer (TBJ & the Jean Fraud crew). Or with some of the people he has called out or criticized (Fraudlewski, Ward, Parkes). Did you pay for a subscription here? Does he shill non- stop on his videos? I've heard him recommend books and videos, for those interested in knowing more, and he has ONE product he is involved with, that he researched, developed and tested on himself before making it available to the public, not to mention all the free info he has given to those dealing with cancer- all his own research and development, again tested on himself. If you want a charlatan I can name several you can watch & read ( in addition to those named above), and they are ALL profiteers. How about you prove him wrong? Because I get the feeling Clif High has been studying, and doing more for humanity since he was a child, than YOU will ever accomplish. Look up the definitions of profiterring and charlatan and get back to me. If all you have is a NASA blog page, that is pathetic.

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If you have actual evidence for your claims I'd be glad to look at it. Otherwise, just as is the case with Clif's claims about a photograph that he can't present, unsubstantiated claims aren't relevant. The burden of proof is NOT on me to prove that a photograph doesn't exist. The burden is on Clif to prove that it does.

Clif attacked Billy Meier because Meier's singular authenticity as a UFO contactee - for over 80 years! - has been independently authenticated for decades by real experts and not based on unsubstantiated claims:









Additionally, Meier has - since the late 1940s - published the most impeccably accurate, error-free predictions of anyone in history. Here's a sampling pertaining to astronomical information Meier published up to DECADES before NASA "officially discovered" it:


We have over 200 more examples, including Meier's foretelling the COVID pandemic - and dangerous vaccines - in...1949; the warnings about the coming war with Russia because the US is now - secretly - fighting in Ukraine, an undeclared act of war that will ultimately leaad to our country’s complete destruction.

I suggest you read:


BTW, the UFOs seen at ECETI are secret military craft from Area 51, no ETs involved. Why would I say that? Well, in 2004, James Gilliland asked me (at a New Age-UFO expo in San Francisco) to show his videotape of the craft (lights-in-the-sky) to Billy Meier to ask for Meier's opinion. Meier reported that I brought him the video and the extraterrestrial Ptaah gave his evaluation:


Clif High - who has NO evidence whatsoever - is followed and believed by many people who have little to no experience in serious research, investigation, etc. I wouldn't bother with him except that Clif High, in his envy, jealousy and pursuit of profit, decided to attack Meier:


When confronted on his attacks, like other quacks, Clif resorts to spewing nasty language and making more inane comments, which are apparently sufficient "evidence" for his followers who lack discernment. Another person on this forum criticized this video because it was two minutes long:


Of course it's already well beyond the attention span of 99% of people in America. And also of course, despite Meier having taken 1,200+ pre-digital UFO photos, films, videos, etc., Clif High - who has ZERO evidence - attacks him.

If people here want to amuse themselves with such charlatanry as Clif High indulges in, that's up to them. If they're interested in the real truth - which they can determine for themselves with a bit of research, they now know where to find it.

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Cliffs brain can’t deal with Truth.

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Aquarian Age, the human beings on this planet ( except for a few of us at this moment in time that are scattered all over the world ) can't deal with the Truth! It's going to take a few more hundreds years for the masses to deal with the Truth and start living it! 'BEAM' Billy Eduard Albert Meier HAS/KNOWS the Truth, but the masses don't want to KNOW THE TRUTH!

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When you write back, please provide a comparable quality and quantity of your...evidence.

In my 43 years of research, I've heard a lot of claims, conspiracy theories, etc. The problem is they're never accompanied by any specific, significant, previously unknown...evidence. I don't have any "beliefs" about it, I just like credible, substantiated, factual...evidence.

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In Scientology you can find out the truth. Why do you think they've worked so hard for decades to bad-mouth it, discredit it, trying to obliterate it, attack it? They've been quite successful, haven't they? It blows my mind that even critical thinkers echo the MSM talking points - with no knowledge of it whatsoever. Yes, we live in a world of lies. And they want to keep it that way. But knowledge is available.

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Well how do you get your own self cloned? I want one!! Then I can go do what I want and leave my clone with my husband……😜

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Love your comment. Most creative and original! Who cud have thunk it! 😜 😜 😜

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What a lying coward. He had the chance to try to substantiate his defamatory claims but, of course, ran away, folded, and spewed bile from the sidelines.

See: https://youtu.be/33hw1rbvorQ. & http://bit.ly/31gwNag

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Animation, Recording, CGI = clone

The image is not real fake. I've noticed . The internet and TV is part of the matrix

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"Biden's piss poor clone collection" rofl!

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For those who want to know how wrong Clif is about Billy Meier's singularly authentic contacts with the Plejaren, still ongoing - for over 80 years - SEE these:



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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Oh, for fuck's sake give it up. Clif still has more credibility than you, or your lame references and 2 minute video. If that response from Clif on your blog is legit, it just shows he doesn't suffer fools. Why should he? You are probably on more shitlists than just his, with your useless prattling.

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The sad truth about Clif ‘down right lying’ High: https://theyflyblog.com/2022/08/phony-futurist-freaks-flails-folds-and-flees/

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