I am ex-Israeli raised in a secular jewish family. I've been thinking about this exact thing a lot in the last 2 months (ever since discovering all this). There were always things I disliked and disagreed with - like jewish claiming that they are the chosen people and that the gentiles (I hate that word) are less than them - but since I lived in a secular environment I wasn't affected by most of these...

I don't know who I am now racialy or religion wise but I do know this - I am a human with love in her heart for this planet and all kind humans living on it. I believe in god (and it doesn't matter to me in which way as long as I am not hurting anyone) and I believe all humans are equal to each other and have the same right to live on this planet.

I will not defend or make an effort to preserve the jewish religion and customs if they are satanic.

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I am the same like u, and am totally accepting what you expressed

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Some real research on Jews

How did Ashkenazim become White-Eligible? (Jewish Communities of Color Part I)

Henry Abramson

78.2K subscribers


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My mother rejected her "Jewish" faith. I was raised a "Jew"-hating-"Jew". She will tell you that Jews are treacherous backstabbing thieves, and become even more so as the dollar amount rises. Both of her parents were "Ashkenazi".

I never hated "Jews", or any group for that matter. I've always judged humans, and I do judge them, one at a time. I loathe collectivism.

Like DS, I don't know if I have Semitic blood. I don't really care. I have volition.

Like DS, "I am a human with love in [his] heart for this planet and all [benevolent] humans living on it."

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That is my fathers up bringing too

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It's possible to live a good life without either religion or a sense of racial identity - though you might acquire one or both of those. But without a human spirit and love for the planet and each other, there's little point in being here.

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Without a human spirit? What do you mean by that comment

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I mean that there are many people in the world today who don't relate to their humanity and who hope to merge with machines and/or live in a virtual world. I think these people are in danger of losing their connection to their own and other people's humanity.

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agreed 100%

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There are many among us without souls... mostly those who rule us, their families and all involved in the satanic, Luceferian movement... they are behind the oppression of humanity... for thousands of yrs!

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you said exactly what i was about to say before reading your comment.

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I was born Catholic,....and raised Catholic,.....and after learning all the EVIL the Catholic Church has done in the name of Jesus, the pedophilia ect.....I left. I was in a deep dark place for a while,...then I notice my 18 yr old daughter had decided to be Pagan. Wiccan to be exact. She was into Goth stuff and I decided I needed to know what exactly being Pagan was. And I bought a book called "Simple Wicca" and I read it. And I fell in love with the Wiccan Faith. Yes, it's a new (NEO) Pagan Faith,....and not an organized Religion really, it's mostly practiced in very small groups or alone even. But it is all about exactly what you said above,....loving the Divine, in what ever form you feel closest too it. Love all humans and animals and plants and stones....LOL! you get the picture, right? It's an EARTH BASED Faith. Love of the Earth, the Cosmos and everything in it. Even the stones have souls! I highly recommend that people who have lost faith in their religion look for one that makes them happy. I believe that there are many ways to be in touch with the Divine Energy that makes this Universe run,....as many faiths are there are people! And Religions that act as if they have a monopoly on God? That is just wrong!!

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Not to be cheeky, but why the seeming need to belong to any religion or group at all? Why not just follow your inner moral compass?

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Like how Schwab Soros Gates Stalin Dalmer Gates Obama Trudeau Pedophile Priests and Pedophiles on and on HOW THEY USE THEIR MORAL COMPASSES😵‍💫😳

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Are you saying anyone who is religious has no moral compass or the Kumbayah of joining a religion would have changed those listed or you just felt like dribbling bs

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Millions of people have been taught to believe that one god is the "only god" and all the rest are "False Idols". Duh. How else can you control the People? You have to unite them all under one set of RULES. And you change them whenever you need to control the people, as people get unruly sometimes. The church you go to has it's reasons to keep you thinking their god is the ONLY one.....it keeps you subservient to their Rules and it gives them a way to punish you if you decided not to follow the Plan,...they say you are sinning against their God! They have you fooled! You work hard and have little, but you put your little bit of money in the bowl on Sunday for them,.....the Catholic church is the richest corporation in the world! It owns more land than Bill Gates and they have more GOLD than any nation on the planet. But they give very little to those in need. And often the churches that do give and care and love their fellow humans are the POOREST churches in the world.

You follow their rules because you think they really care about your Soul/Spirit, (just like the CDC and the FDA?) and you might go to "Hell" if you don't obey. They have fooled many for thousands of years. They don't want you to know that there is much more to you than what they tell you! That you are a wonderful, natural, intelligent animal with a Soul link to the Divine all by yourself! That you have powers that make it totally un-necessary to have a go between to touch the Divine. They don't want you to know that there are many, many different Gods and Goddesses/all are just different ways to speak to the Divine; because it would take their power and control away from them if you knew. You would not NEED them to talk to your God any more. You could do it all yourself. There are many different people, from different back grounds and Countries with a variety of customs and beliefs who all speak to and worship and thank the Divine Energy that powers the awesome planet and solar system we live in. Humans have been around a lot longer than the Christian religion. Be open minded and think about what they have been preaching at you for years in order to keep you believing in THEIR plan. It's the same things that Klaus Schwab and George Soros and Yuval Noah Harari are telling you in the World Economic Forum today. You will own NOTHING,....and you will be happy.".

Do the things the KM/Church say and do seem like they are working for the GOOD of humanity? "By their FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM" it says in your book. What do you think of their FRUITS? These people have warped and skewed their minions so badly, they aren't even natural creatures of the planet any more! Their "rules" that they tell you are for your own good, have caused so much pain and suffering and death! So many priests are pedophiles, because they make priests go against their inner NATURE by being celibate, so they take out their completely natural Sexual Frustrations on children instead. So many nuns buried babies beneath their Monasteries,...because they weren't allowed to follow inner NATURE either,.....they had to hide their mother instincts, their need to have children and families,...and if they fell off the wagon and had sex, the evidence must be killed and hidden. (how these people lived and live with themselves, I do not know!) They tell you over and over again,...no instincts are allowed! You must fight those evil instincts! These Religions expect people to remove themselves from the very planet that gave them life, remove yourself from the instincts that make us what we really are. There is nothing good about that, it is corrupting the Natural World with EVIL. And holding people's lives in their hands, when we are meant to be free! We are no different from every other thing that lives on this Earth,...we are not better, we don't have more right to live,....the only real reason we are here is to create a warm, safe nest, (HOME) to raise our children in. Just like every other animal on the planet! Raising the next generation should be the most important thing we do.

But the KM doesn't want that. Everything they do is to destroy the family, the safe "nest", the security of a place to raise your family. Why do you think they let the FBI break down your doors and take you out of your home in handcuffs? The armies of the church did the same things! The KM's Rules are to keep you from having a Safe Place,....a place that our Constitution gave us! This is why they are destroying our Country. We are the last place left with a Constitutional Right to have a save place to raise a family. To keep the things we have worked for and to be happy!

If people have families and children and homes,....they will protect them from the KM and their evil agenda. So, they have always worked to destroy the family. They tell every one they should not have to be male or female! They should be able to choose any made up sex they please, you know why. Gay people may adopt a baby, but they don't make babies. Trannies don't make babies. The KM makes it look like even wanting a family is a SIN! How can you be so selfish? Devote your LIFE to their God. Put your desires last they say.....it's the right thing to do! It's what's best for humanity.....it all sounds so familiar doesn't it.

Power hungry people always say things like that,....just like our current illegitimate government. They have families, safe nests to raise their young in,.....and all the money in the world! But you aren't important enough to have home to raise your family in,....you are meant to be subservient to them, the Elite. I don't think the Church's or the Government's "FRUITS" show them to be working for the good of Humanity, no matter what they SAY in words. Their WORDS are lies. Their "fruits" look pretty evil to me. And if PAST PROVES FUTURE,......the future looks pretty Grim! Even now there are huge grave yards near Catholic Homes for the Poor being found all over Europe. 1000's of baby and child skeletons buried in mass graves. Some abused, some experimented on, and other horrific things that the Evil KM do to little children, all done in the name of the Church. Under the guise of caring for the poor and unwanted. They are still doing it now.

The things the Church has done in the name of their god are pretty bad,....their crusades were not to bring god to heathens! But to destroy every other faith and bring the masses down onto their knees to worship their "One god" for Control,...and the Witch Hunts and Witch burnings were to take the power in villages away from the Healers who were almost all women,... and who saw their evil for what it was. In many European villages and towns there were NO WOMEN LEFT ALIVE! Not one! And that is just the tip of the Ice Berg. The Catholic Church was just as evil as the Pagan's who worshiped the god Ba'al. Their sacrifice of Children, any one's children, has been the basis for more evil that I can even put into words. That is because, under their Robes and Hats,....they are the Khazarian Mafia,....nothing has changed at all. I think our whole government currently runs on child trafficking and pedophilia and child sacrifice. It's a very lucrative trade you know, more so than Drugs is. And the sale of full term babies, which they are now allowing to be murdered after birth,....that's the most lucrative of all!

Why do you think they keep pushing for full term abortions now? And they all go to Easter Mass too! Their pride knows no bounds.

This idea that there is and can be only ONE GOD/ONE RELIGION is just propaganda. A means to Control the masses. I think there are as many evil religions as there are good ones,....lets just hope the Good ones Win this war finally. And preferably without Armageddon/nuclear war.

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So option 2, you actually think going to church would have changed them.

Wackadoodle much?

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Some real research on Jews

How did Ashkenazim become White-Eligible? (Jewish Communities of Color Part I)

Henry Abramson

78.2K subscribers


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OR you could be just wrong

For what is about to hit this planet … you will want to know those who do know their God and who have a relationship/monopoly on Him … Read His journal it’s all laid out what “they” have started and will continue to unleash on this rock upon humans …I pray when He taps your shoulder and you’ll know when God touches you respond to Him

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The bible was written by men. Human men. Every time they want to push an agenda, they have a Council and add/remove or change something. You can have faith that your God is telling them what they should do every time they change it, that's up to you. But that's not my religion, and I don't believe it. I think that the KM which owns all organized religions, tweaks their "Rules" when ever they want to change what people do or think. And just like the Plandemic, people take the bait and change their behavior. Sorry. I used to be you,....but I've learned all that was a LIE.

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Question for ya … kinda off topic … I have no hands and haven’t quite mastered using my feet to write … So my friend is writing down my autobiography as I dictate to her … who wrote my book literally who penned my book?

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Exactly. I explain it similarly, if you have a pen in your hand and I hold your hand to guide how and what you write, who wrote what is written? In the end one can seek truth or harden their heart to it. God is. Once I realized He interacts with us personally it was just fun. He is always there.

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Hiya Jill … Thanks for the support

and taking the time to share it … He said a delusion would be spread that people would be given the truth and if they chose to blind eye it or not bother or call it a lie He then allow the delusion to set to the point they can no longer receive the truth

About 60% are in the latter and it’s heart sickening

Be blessed

Brace yourself

Look to Him … Psalms 91 our true hope

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Good question. You answer it, because the question is for you, not for me.

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What.. silly peeps

Bottom line you don’t like the question cuz you see the answer … my friend wrote it just as the 40 God chose to use as His hands … Good Luck


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funny you should bring that up the bile again warns about people twisting and changing his words as the Jews have done when they paid Cyrus I. Scofield, an attorney who was barred for corruption and was an alcoholic who ditched his wife and moved to another state and claimed to be a preacher suddenly after writing his first book " rightly dividing the word of truth " before writing the Scofield Reference Bible where he was paid handsomely by a secret society of Jewish men to over represent them as gods chosen people and everything about Israel being the holy land promised to them which is the excuse they use for the evil acts they commit upon the Palestinians today and have been since WW2 as well as twist a lot of what was really being said in the KJV bible to mislead people. Then this secret society of Jewish men paid to begin the mass printing of this version which is still what a lot of preachers use today when they study the bible. Thats why still to this day the bible is the most printed book by fay in the world and once again it was men with an evil agenda who did this not god as he warned of it so your beef with god should really be with the zionist jews and not god but you are doing exactly what satan wants you to do... Talk about taking the bait lol the funny thing is I used to be you but that changed when i started seeing things i heard preached about for years start to become reality right in front of me which is hard to deny unless you enjoy lying to yourself

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Yep...& that ain’t the half of it — Full fruition now, after *Gaza*.

Read more about it. And the roots of Zionism, both in and out of the church. Why Tora-only observing Jews reject it. Very pertinent now.

Pray for peace. Pray for those Jews and the people of Iz / Pal. Pray for the Christians captured by false end-times dispensational teaching.

Pray pray pray.


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Kinda hard for animals to write it. There's the Infinite monkey theorem, though, so maybe that could've happened. No typewriters around back then, so could've been scratched on rocks. But 'human' men? Maybe you should look up the etymology. This is dealt with in a lecture by Fr. Ripperger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fB4W5LKltY at around 53:00 he begins discussing what the concept of 'authorship' means, and how it happens - what 'inspiration' is. Modernism is the general topic.

And it doesn't get changed. It gets re-translated, usually by idiots who can't read Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. But it doesn't get changed.

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Thats not true at all... You should really look into Cyrus I. Scofield, who wrote the Scofield Reference Bible which is the most used study bible which he was paid handsomely by a secret society of wealthy Jewish men to over represent them as gods chosen people who are promised the holy land of Israel which is what they used to justify the evil they do to the Palestinians since WW2 as well as twist a lot of what was really being said in the KJv bible before Scofield revised it. He was an alcoholic attorney who was disbarred for corruption who then ditched his wife and moved to another state and was suddenly claiming to be a preacher. His first book a few years before that was titled " rightly dividing the word of truth " but that's just a coincidence right ? Also have you never heard of the dead sea scrolls ? lmao

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local woman swaps one version of paganism for another, more news at 10

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Those people did not commit those evil acts in the name of Jesus that's what satan would like everyone to think to get people to do exactly as you have done and turn your back on Jesus and put your faith in something like Wicca which sounds great but takes credit from god and his work honestly. None of it would be here for us to love if god had not created it or us and to not give thanks or praise to the one who created it all because the hearts of some men are evil is messed up really in my opinion. You don't need a church or a specific religion to have a relationship with god he knows whats in your heart

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DS - You are on the right path by admitting there is much more to know. Personally, I would tell you that the Hebrews that we know from the Bible, and their religion, are not "satanic". Modern Judaism has strayed far from that original faith.

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Modern as in Jesus time?

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I think Dave means that since the Holy Church was infiltrated by the Khazarian Mafia. Way back,....I think like most faiths, Judaism it was created to bring peace and rules to society. To make it a better place to live,....to raise a family and to have a home. But after the KM moved to Europe from the Ukraine, where they were no longer wanted,.....they swore they would destroy Russia, and the EU. They were having trouble doing that, so they wrote to a Sage back in Israel I think,....to get advice on how to destroy Russia and Europe. The advice they were given was if you want to destroy the Church, you must join the Church, move up in it and then you can change it and destroy it from within. They were told the same thing about the Royalty in all the European Countries,....if you want to BE the royalty, you must marry/breed into it and become it, then you can control it. Same thing with the Banking System,.....if you want to own it and control it, the best way is by moving into it and then moving up and owning it,..then you can do as you wish to control it. It was good advice! It worked so well, that the KM are in every big corporation, own every single big bank, run almost every Country in the world, including OURS. They have been single minded about this,...and since they marry close relatives only, to concentrate their wealth in Families,.....and they are willing to play the LONG GAME,....they have almost WON the War already. But now, since President Trump lost the Election,....all kind of things have been coming out into the light. They aren't working under darkness any more. They have had to rush their NAZI WORLD ORDER because Trump screwed up their TimeLine. I'm not even sure President Trump really knows any of this! I think he wasn't even expecting to win the election. Hillary was supposed to win! In many ways, this reminds me of The Lord of the Rings......everything changed when Bilbo put his hand on the ONE RING in the goblin tunnels,......just like everything changed when Trump won the Presidency. Sometimes the Divine does small things that make a HUGE difference in the balance between Good and Evil. I'm not big into astrology,....but this is called the AGE of Enlightenment,....AGE of Aquarius. It's supposed to be an era where all secrets will be revealed. I'm sure some of them will be Awesome things! And some of them will be very horrible things. But at least we will see what has been hidden for 1000's of years. Were there awesome Civilizations on this Earth way before us? Magnificent cities, amazing inventions,....and a glorious past that we never knew about? Because most of that has been kept from us,....we have only seen what the KM wanted us to see. As Clif says, it's going to be a very interesting and exciting Future,.....but first we have to get past the Ugliness of the next few years.

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Now, over a year later, do you think he knows? ...Trump knows.😎 — Has all the evidence. & We know too. They are toast. Being removed or hobbled (over several years) ...It’s their last, desperate gasp. Faking it & winging it now. But they still have claws & fangs & are cunning so they can still hurt. ..., so be careful — but confident and courageous ! Wise as serpents & gentle as doves. Armor of God always.

(...& Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, self-aggrandizing pundits pushing false new bibles, posers, band-wagon hoppers, half-truth tellers, outright liars & black-pillers.)

God Bless!

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Good for you DS. All religion is a Control mechanism......they tell you what to do, and when, and ALWAYS have a hand out. Once you take "organized" out of Religion and go with Spiritual, all the Control mechanism is gone and ALL people the world over are the same. We ALL want the same things.......A family, a home, sufficient food, a bit of fun once in a while, friends and Something (a job) to keep our minds active. I am so glad that you are open minded enough to see the truth without blinders.....THAT takes guts but it is REALITY....and we all have to step up and take reality face on.....All the best in your journey.

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but if thats what she is doing why the Blasphemy saying things like people don’t need a group, church, religion or a named entity to have FAITH they are righteous and right. Which seems to align with this new age thing where people are telling themselves that they don't need god and are god themselves which the bible warns will happen before he returns. its wicked men who are behind all that negative that makes religion and church look bad even Jesus the one time he lost his temper was because what the church was doing claiming it was in the name of god. Not every church is the same way theres good and bad churches just like people so to claim that all religion is a control mechanism is a pretty bold statement. Just changing a single word wouldn't magically do away with control mechanisms cause wicked men im sure would still find a way to control regardless of what word you use lol. I've also never had a good church tell me what to do but they do preach about write and wrong or good and evil. Theres 10 things they teach that we shouldnt do which are all pretty much common sense to anyone with good morals anyways but god gave us free will and I can leave church and go kill people if i choose to do that. Also every church ive been to might pass around something for donations which is needed for upkeep of the church and survival in most cases for the preacher because most of the time they don't have a normal job so they gotta do something to pay bills and put food on the table, but thats not forced and honestly ive never given anything and i've never been treated any different for not giving.

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Your candor and keen insights are acknowledged and greatly appreciated. 😎👍

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“Ex-israeli”? Because you realised you could no longer condone the ethnic cleansing, land theft and extortion?

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Wiremu Harpuka, Please don't tell me (or assume) why I left Israel. I have many reasons for doing so and I have no obligation to share them with you as I don't even know you.

I will tell you this - I, like many other Israelis and Palestinians would like to just live in peace together. Most of us were born into this conflict but have no will to keep it going.

I've been objecting to the actions of the Israeli government for decades just like many many Palestinians object to the actions of Hamas. We the people are only suffering from all of this and they (the Israeli government and Hamas) only keep gaining profit and power from the situation. I suspect the KM are also behind this conflict and I guess they have been fuelling it for years making even greater profits from all the others.

The last time we had a real chance at peace was in 1995 and that vanished with the assassination of PM Rabin (which might have been done by the KM as he really threatened their plans with the actual possibility of peace in the middle east).

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It looks like all of our Countries are in the same boat,....the KM own and control every one in power. And rape and pillage Country after Country!

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By KM do you mean Khazarian Mafia? It's a cope and a shameful one as well. Jews have had one hell of a long time to do something about it. Peace.

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Yes. The KM is made up of many people,.....The Nazi Scientists that didn't get hanged in the Nuremberg Trials, George Soros who was a "jew" and pretended to be a Nazi so he could steal all the Wealth from the European Jews during the Holocaust, to Rothschild and Rockefellers and Clintons and Bushes and Gates and many many others. We don't even know who the top of the Pyramid is. I mean KM and their top level puppets. They are a group of very Wealthy Men who have been working to control this planet for 2000 years. Who they are changes,....their names change, their locations change, the name of their Organizations change.....but the Bloodlines of the People who CONTROL it all never changes.

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I could never live as you tried to and then use this "it's just nasty administrations" line to excuse my complete lack of integrity. It's cowardly and tired. Anyway: israel is finished, those racist Settlers and armed Kibbutzers aren't coming back with their multiple passports.

This Khazar thing is an egregious exercise in keeping responsibility at arms length and keeping oneself safe from condemnation.

It's all over; condemnation is the risk of standing up to genocide, the massacre of innocents.

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Like, but don’t agree with your unfair judgement of the writer, whom you do not know. Easy, buddy.

Peace in your heart to you.

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Praying for peace between all people. Especially now, for the people of your homeland, both Arab and Israeli. Chris Paul says that every govt has a good twin and an evil twin. I think that’s mainly true. I pray that Israel/ Palestine will be governed by a moral people. And that MAGA will come to mean: Make America Good Already!


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The fact that we live in a particular place doesn't necessarily imply that we condone or support everything (or even anything) that's done by the government. Governments, all around the world, are largely disconnected from the wishes of the people. Most of us support some things, condemn others; there are few clean hands. It's difficult to leave the places in which we were born, and if we can, the places we go to are seldom much better. I'd like to change many policies of my native place, but the fact that I continue to live here and to love the place and people, doesn't make me personally responsible for what others do or what the government does. We all do what we can, where we can, to bring about a better world.

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What’s your native place and what type of policies would you change?

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We are writing regards the Occupied Territories of Palestine. It's quite simple.

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Must have been fascinating when the Green Pass health “apartheid” was a thing.

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You are a secular Ex Israeli Huh? find out what SECULAR Israeli are all about! watch this eye opening astounding interview !


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Just watched 30 minutes of some TED talk thing with that vicious little turd smirking away as everything he said was an outright lie.

But Zelenko certainly seems a man of integrity.

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So you know nothing of Judaism and are running to conspiracy theories.

Jews being Chosen to act as a nation of priests doesn't make us better. You have clearly never read the Tanakh/ Hebrew Bible.

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I don’t think the ancient religion of Judaism is satanic. You are correct - the Jewish people weren’t actually chosen - it was the Israelites, if we’re being specific. With proper understanding, it’s easy to see that God “chose” the Israelites as His people (actually, he chose a guy who lived in Ur and worked as an idol maker and created a nation from him) because He’d given over the populations of earth to the watchers after the Tower of Babel. There’s nothing “more special” about an Israelite than any other human being. He chose to make a group of people separate from the others, and placed rules and restrictions on them, just as the other “gods” (watchers) had upon their people groups: in order to show who they belonged to. “Gentiles” is a weird word that I don’t know where it came from, but they had to be called something. Guess it’s better than “ashtray.” It was a term designed to generically name all others. That’s it. If you remember that God has never viewed any person or people above others in value or worth, then you are in the right track.

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I left out the part where the other gods made their people do child sacrifice, temple orgies, and other disgusting things.

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Not just the "Other Gods". The Christian God (or rather people in his name) have done as much damage or more damage than most other Religions on the Planet put together. Don't forget that.

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Actually, it’s those other “gods” who have corrupted the earth. Show me how the episcopal religion or Greek Orthodox, or Methodist or Baptists or Presbyterian, Anglican, Quakers, etc have done all this damage you claim. Go!

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Here is an interesting website I fell over,...what is Religion?

"What is the basic purpose of religion?

Religion is designed to focus the people's attention and energy on a single, unchanging, uncompromising and invisible supreme being who allegedly created an inferior human race just for some extra companionship and love for himself and then supposedly foisted a set of oppressive and in some cases arbitrary rules on them, which if broken would be met with unimaginable punishment.

This keeps the followers in a continuing state of fear and compliance.

They are afraid to question the intentions of this invisible being and they are afraid of even expressing their own individuality in many cases. Christians and others are taught that they have virtually no power to do anything except pray, worship and do good deeds.

They are taught to practice self denial and are told that their own will is totally irrelevant. Religious followers believe that they are yielding their will over to a benevolent cosmic individual who has single-handedly created the whole universe and has their best interests at heart when in fact they are handing over their will and freedoms to hidden groups of religious elites for the elites own personal gains.

It appears that religion must constantly degrade and humiliate its followers in order to glorify and elevate its god. Unfortunately many people appear eager to give away their power to authority and seem to have a need and even a desire to be ruled and disciplined by it.

Worshipping gods is futile and is nothing more than an ancient primitive custom practiced by weak minded and superstitious people. It has no place in the 21st century. The reason we have life in this world is to experience life in this world, not to spend our entire lives studying an old book, looking up to the sky and worshipping an invisible ruler in another realm.

The main method by which Christians in particular are trapped and deceived is with the messiah or saviour story. This is linked to the 'original sin' story which is designed to impose a large amount of guilt onto the whole of humanity. The believers are then so grateful that they have been saved by the son of God nearly 2000 years before they were born that in some cases they abandon all reason, logic and good judgment to obey and worship this god and his son.

Anyone who believes this story is indeed lost because to believe that a god would send his only son to help us, only to see his son get tortured and murdered, and then instead of unleashing all his wrath, simply absolve us from all crimes past and present, is pure madness to say the least.

Where is the lesson for us in that? What has been achieved? There is no lesson or purpose because it's all about mass psychological enslavement and disempowerment.

The so called god that we are expected to worship is undoubtedly just a dictator strawman concocted by the religious elites for the purpose of controlling the masses.

If there is a prime creator in this universe then it is unlikely that he would interfere and impose on us by foisting his arbitrary laws, let alone need and demand our frivolous worship and blind obedience. Neither of those things requires any level of mental aptitude or creativity. The intelligence and skills that's been given to many has gone totally to waste.

Many have lowered themselves to the pointless practice of hero worship.

Furthermore, Christianity, Islam and a few other religions are polarized religions. They are polarized against each other. One is believed to be good and the other is seen as bad. The funny thing is, is that each one thinks that their's is good and the other's is bad. In most ways they're both bad. The only good kind of religion is a neutral and all loving one.

Polarized religions have been devised by influential elite leaders to play the people off against each other. That way the elite can defeat and enslave the population practically without lifting a finger.

Religion is like a drug to some. And they need a 2000 year old hero to save them - from themselves that is!

The churches don't permit their followers to have any real truth and knowledge because that would empower the people too much so they spoon feed them kiddie stories, half truths, distortions and even lies and the followers value it highly even though they must spend the rest of their lives just making sense of it.

The irony is that religion is pretty much man made, so mankind has really brought this onto themselves.

The religious elites are not totally to blame because many people actually enjoy listening to mystical sounding stories, performing rituals, customs and traditions, playing polarity roles and dramas and waging battles against what they perceive to be a devil boogie man. They also have a secret fetish to be dominated and ruled with an iron fist by a supreme ruler or king.

After all these centuries people still haven't learned to take back their power and start taking responsibility for themselves ."


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To be honest, I enjoy rituals and traditions and Customs too, but in my faith they don't depend on any actual God. They are simply my love for the natural world around me and the cycles of the seasons.

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Jews and non-Jews alike, we are in for one colossal mind fuck, and I for one could not be happier.


Clif has Real Eyes

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Pat, this about sums it up. I couldn't have said it better except --> Bullseye !

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Does anyone know anything about this White Rabbit Cult that Cliff said Ward belongs to? I never heard of it....

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All I know is that Charlie Ward is an obvious charlatan.

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I'd like to know more about this as well. He admits that until he was a young man he was brought up in a cult but I can't find out about this one and keep being referred to a music group.

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Visit Dark Journalist, he answers a lot of information. I think a good journalist.

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he was raised as Plymouth Brethren afaik until he escaped

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Dark Journalist goes into depth to explain a lot about this and other stuff

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Yes, it is the picture of the adrenachrome chemical looks like a rabbit. Also, more about it....Alice in wonderland, white rabbit. Again, Dark Journalist goes into depth about the background information under x-series Alice in CERN mystery school wonderland, also Gigi Young covers some of it. Unbelievable deep, goes way back. This stuff is so convoluted.

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Yes, I have the same question and was looking for an answer here in the comments. Does anyone know with certainty?

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Mary just now

Visit Dark Journalist, he answers a lot of information. I think a good journalist.

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Thanks. Been reading & watching Clif for over a year and never ran into that term.

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Thanks Clif, for recommending The American States Assembly to correct your political status! I am the Coordinator for Ohio and have been involved with this for a number of years now. We are Americans! American State Nationals who uphold the peace and the Public Law. We are in the process of reconstructing our Republic as the founding Fathers intended. Each State has their own Coordinators and Recording Secretaries who can help those interested through the process of correcting their political status! Thank you bunches Clif!

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Go here to take this course https://training-sia.americanstatenationals.org/ it will help you to get a much clearer picture of what it means to correct your political status! The cost is very minimal.

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already started.. on section 3..i see why they want to dumb down all the kids and parents

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Thank you for posting. Just signed up!!

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I reached out to ASA in my area this morning, Clif. This is all so new and daunting. I will have to act as my own spokeswoman once I do this. So much to learn, understand, integrate and use to explain my new status. My daughter is 18. I want to tell her about ASA, too. She is so weary of my updates about the daily events that I have been awakening her to for the past 2.5 years that she may well thwart any attempt I make to suggest this path forward. I do not see any alternative except slavery to follow unconstitutional, corporate law. I so hope that the ASA can help those of us who want to correct our status by giving us simplified language and thorough understanding of how to go about this and to speak for ourselves. I get tongue-tied when I am stressed. Clif I wish you would have a Zoom class for those of us who want to meet you!

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Bonnie, it is daunting. You are not alone. Just do a little each day. You will find your people who are doing the same - they can help you articulate and defend your status.

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Do you have the coordinator for Florida? i sent a message one day ago with no response. i want to fix my status asap..

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Ralph is the Coordinator for Florida. Give them a cople days. we have been really busy, especially since Anna was on SGT Report recently. We have had a lot of referrals. But if you do not hear something in the next few days reach back out to me and I will see what i can do to get you connected.

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Any chance you could put a link here for Ralph in Florida ?

Ty much

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Hi Gloria, thank you for weighing in and for the service you are doing us. How can we reach you? Find your email? That said, how can we find a way to contact each other via sub stack. Is that possible, would you know?

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Hi Bonnie, I am so glad you are interested! I know this can all be a bit overwhelming, However, if you take this process in small steps it's not so daunting. This course is very helpful and easy to get through: https://training-sia.americanstatenationals.org/ It helps you to get accustomed to the different meanings of the words and what it means to be back on the land and Soil. You get an Affirmation of Completion at the end. You will need the course to qualify for the Vendor Cards when we get them rolled out. I suggest you go there. I only follow Clif on Sub stack. Have been following him for years now! I love his work! He's the Cats Meow!

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Thank you, Gloria!

I love Clif, too! I only found him a year or so ago, but I am a always heartened by his observations and research tips.

Gloria, on another note, someone on Clif's Telegram chat group said, The process Anna V R uses leaves you vulnerable to Maritime law." Would you help us understand what this means? I know there is another group, "Commoner Law Group," that also helps with American national status. Would you be able to clarify the difference between CL group and ASA group? Thank you for considering if you are so inclined. And thank you for the work you are doing in Ohio!!

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Actually Bonnie, When you do the paperwork to correct your political status and remove yourself from the corporation you are actually PROTECTED from THEIR Maritime Jurisdiction. Because NOW they do not have "jurisdiction" over you.

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wOw. I'm a toddler compared to everyone here, just started discovering all this over the past couple of years (the single good thing to come out of c o V i d. Any comment(s) on how "changing one's status" relates to Canadians? I do believe every elected person swears an oath to The Queen, so it can't be good. Any info on where to go digging would be much appreciated. Tx.

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You are very very welcome!

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Hi Gloria, I just read on Clif's Telegram chat that ASA does not help with Maritime Laws that govern us. Would you mind speaking to that? What does that mean exactly?

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The reason is that we claim our American State National status and maritime laws do not apply to us. If you go here: https://training-sia.americanstatenationals.org/ you will learn what it means to be on the Land and Soil claiming your birth right political status!

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Thank you for taking the time to answer me, Gloria!!

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Gloria, would you happen to know the contact in Tennessee?

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Gosh, I do not have their name. But just go to this page: https://states.americanstatenationals.org/ and click on Tennessee.

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would you happen to know the coordinator in North Carolina? or how would i phrase my search? without getting the " run around"?

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I forget the man's name on North Carolina. We have had a lot of inquiries recently given Anna's appearance on SGT Report. Did you go to https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ and click on States. Then you can click on North Carolina and a contact box will come up. While you are waiting to hear something take this course: https://training-sia.americanstatenationals.org/ It will give you a very good understanding of what it means to correct your political status and come back to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction! So happy you are interested! Take Care! Gloria

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thank you Gloria , i will check that out ! i need to talk to a person ( well versed in the legality off this thing) in order to make up my mind to totally renounce and move back to my home country or fight this thing here as a real American ,

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As of yesterday after a few days of rest after my return from my home country, i realized my home country is worse ( governments and restrictions and the oppression of the WEF, and TV brain washing there, I have now made contact wit the NC state assembly , and have asked to start procedure's on renouncing my corporate status and file to return to the 1776 Status as an American . wish me luck . none of my history or "worked" for benefits will be affected , of course I still have to find out if i qualify , since i was a green card holder for a long time and only in 2004 became a "registered " social secutity slave ( little did I know then).

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Heather I tank you so much , for this little nugget. Now i can get me some answers. Of what i ran into on line, it didn,t sound promising and some were downright frightening ( to make us stop looking and doing this , no doubt). LOL again thank you so much.

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I also am in NC, I have my paperwork done but like you I dont completely understand implications.

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a little scary isn,t it? i mean I can and will live my "free Life" somehow, but i need to know what is waiting for me .And, can I or shouldn,t I risk too much at this stage of my life , you Know? I will get back with you about an asnwer i asked for on the site you referred to me , i asked about losing benefits or other govermental pensions i enjoy now. Talk soon!


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Gloria My name is Yvonne and, if you can, could you tell me who is CA's state rep and how to reach him, please

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They have more than one coordinator. Satya Orion is who I am most familiar with. Here is the link for the contact page: https://states.americanstatenationals.org/california/contact2/

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Thank you so very much for such a quick reply

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I've heard of and looked into this previously, unfortunately go figure it out yourself isn't helpful to most people which is basically what I was told when contacting my state coordinator. Suggested reading would have been helpful and there is tons of information on Anna's site but it's not even close to being easy to navigate. That being said I think reclaiming your status is the way to go.

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indeed, as i am now looking into it, i have questions i need answered before i give up on things i may not want to give up on, because it took all my life and that of my deceased husband to gather . I need this information first , in order to move forward, or not . So , wish me luck on getting to the truth of this and what / why is it beneficial? , and not just to say I AM A FREE citizen now , that doesn t pay the bills. What can I do with my newfound "freedom" and how will i be pestered and cajoled into doing things that may lessen my life's enjoyment from then on , you know?

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How long ago was that James? We now have Recording Secretaries

Here on Ohio we can help people through the paperwork process. I have helped many myself.

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About a month ago, I realize they probably get swamped with questions and I'm not talking about the nesara gesara stuff, but it would be nice if there was somewhere to get info like does your social security disappear or what do you do at tax time,if you have minor children that don't live with you and receive any kind of state aid will they cut them off because of what I do, stuff like that.

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I think Michael Savage is beginning to have an inkling of understanding that he is Khazarian and not Jewish by DNA. I don't think many "Jewish" people will be ready to acknowledge this revelation and may act vigorously to refute this claim.

Excellent analysis.

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Clif must be one of the few individuals who could pull off this piece with such clarity and logic. Thankyou - it’s interesting that several of my Jewish friends have fallen away through the reveal in the past year and one Jewish friend TOLD me about the Khazarians but she has been persecuted and cut by most of her Israeli brainwashed friends. This was a fantastic piece by Clif.

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Yes Clif is a marvel. I suspect Benjamin Fulford reads his substacks too

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