Hello chromies

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It would be funny if he started saying that, but 'Hello Humans' is his intro.

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How about: hello humans goodbye jews

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Easy to say, but that's all.

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Hi John

What do you mean ?

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It seems fairly straightforward but I will expand. It is easy to say goodbye to a problem, but it's not likely to disappear just because you said that.

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Goodbye addiction....goodbye war ..goodbye hate.... Yah

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Thanks mate, I have a good brain but a bit slow.

Yup indeed, no quick fix here.

But we must help the none jews understand that there is nothing wrong by calling out the criminal jews.

Many are struggling with this.

The MSM / Hollywood / Social engineering jews have brain washed the planet not to talk bad about jews, giving them free rein to rob us.etc…

So we must verbally call out these jew criminals every chance we get

Once we have a critical mass, the universe will take over.

Like they say, focus on the question. If the question is clear enough, the answer will be obvious.

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Faith without works is dead[ly]

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"Hello chromies" was the new intro he started in a recent post.

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Just the Chromie post.

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What’s a chromie?

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Likely derived from "homie," it's someone who has the same chromosomes as you do (i.e. are of the same species)—as opposed to an alien who wouldn't.

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Now I know, thanks

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And also related to "Crony" - someone that you work with to do something nefarious.

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Based on Clif High's discussion of the matter, I don't think that is what he had intended by his neologism.

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🏆 1st comment award

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I love it Clif. You are saying exactly the same thing I have been telling my friend and family for the past 2 decades. Esoteric Christianity is the highest wisdom on earth and I pray all of the secular churches go away in the next 80 years as you say, for teaching the false, literal exoteric interpretation of the Scriptures which is 180 degrees opposite the truth.

The fundamentalists who teach the literal, historical interpretation of their Buybull, destroy the true transcendent message of the Bible. Our Creator, Universal Mind is: omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, sexless, formless, dimensionless, motionless, never changing eternal MIND! These first three qualities are always mentions, but the other attributes that follow, are never addressed. They do not know they exist, nor can they explain the science exposing these attributes. .

Xtian exotericism as taught in most all churches, say their Gawd is, out there somewhere, up there somewhere, out in space somewhere, etc. and same with baby Jesus, who never walked this planet as well as the Kingdom of Heaven which the Mythical Christ told us in the Scriptures, is "WITHIN", not out there somewhere!

Our Creator is claimed by these secular churches to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. However, not a single secular xtian in recorded history has ever told us how that is possible in our 3d Electric Universe of Motion. These first three qualities are always proclaimed, but the other attributes that follow, are never acknowledged or addressed. They do not even know they exist, nor can they explain the science exposing these attributes.

The fake psyence of einstein and his degenerate metaphysical ilk is being exposed and debunked! The insane foundations of quackademic psyence from the: Big wank, black holios, dark fecal matter, dark fecal energy, nuke atoms, inward pulling mythical gravity, curved space and time, gravity waves, gravitons, quantum quackery and 10 to the 500th version of Id string theory psychosis create a huge list of idiotic theories, based on these lame and fully debunked foundations. Quackademia is provably a fraud to the core and we therefore need the true science of Nature to replace the lies of science.

Russellian Science explains in great detail how Universal Mind centers and bounds all Cubic Wave fields of Space from the spiraling Electric Galaxies to the 9 Octaves of geometric crystals of light, which we call our electric Elements, all is created the same. Our Universe is a Holographic Electric Light Matrix, aka "HELM"! Our creator is at the HELM for all eternity, centering and bounding all motions from the smallest to the largest, which explains Universal Omnipresence!

The grandeur of our Universe explains the other two attributes, which are even acknowledge by the secular churches. So, we have a beautiful Science that explains all of Creation, the very opposite of the satanic, agnostic and atheist psyence puked out in quackademia and the idiot box, movies, magazines, books, etc. ad infinitum.

Esoteric Christianity as taught by the geniuses like: Gerald Massy, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell and most important of all Neville Goddard, interfaces perfectly with Russellian Science, so that we have the perfect marriage of Science and Spirituality!

We have our Creator's Science of the Electric Universal Hologram now and one of the most important aspects to our age, is that it proves free energy runs our entire Universe. We as Creators, made in the Image of Universal Mind have created many forms of free energy technologies which have been intentionally suppressed by the: energy barons, war mongers, tptb and subhuman central banking parasites. Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, TH Moray to name just a few of the inventors, who never saw their world changing technologies come to market.

If this had happened the sick minds that run our world could never have run the global warming, climate change hoax/agenda/enslavement psyop on humanity! We would not have to stomach all the illiterate libtards, wo have never said a single word about free energy technologies, because they lack the intellectual capacity to do the research required to know all about them! We would not be facing satanic mongrels who are obsessed with controlling every single breath we take using their climate change, clean green psychosis/psyop! The poor, dumbed down, fools who worship at this quckademic "trust the psyence" altar just want to stop all: oil, coal, gas, propane, methane and farming, so they can all just lay down and die to save Mother Earthy!

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Agreed. More terminology: Intelligent Infinity, ie The Law of One, or perhaps there is a “charge” around the last phrase as it has shown up with some questionable characters. But I remind myself, Tis not the messenger, Tis the message.

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yes, Kris! wasn't it the false opposition shill, david wilsuckcocks who pushed the so-called "Law of one", the most?

"""“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.” (from session 4)

The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions, between Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra, speaking through Carla Rueckert. Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago. Ra says that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results.

The material was channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. It has been published in book form, and the books can be freely downloaded from L/L Research’s library or purchased from their online store or from Amazon*. The methodology that L/L Research used to contact Ra is described in detail in the introduction to the original Book I. """

I do not trust channelers at all. I used to have an awesome documentary made by former channelers claiming that after all they did they finally realized the entities they channeled were all demonic.

This claim made by the law of one, I find repulsive and a lie:

"There is: no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity.

According to another master piece of autonomic typing (channeling), the OAHSPE, all earthly gods are etherians who are evil and have enslaved mankind to their kingdoms on Earth and after death to their etherian Kingdoms above Earth, only to be recycled again through more incarnations to these false gawds.!

I tend to lean this way if we are talking about channeled material. That is the main reason all of my core work has been in the provable Science of the Electric Universe Cosmology, since it is based on Sacred Geometry. The OAHSPE actually supports much of the Electric Universe Cosmology, minus the ether! But, all channeled material is suspect and I do not trust most of it.

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Ahhh it charged you, The Law of One…. I too do not trust channeling at all. I was warned against it long ago when informed of the astral realm with its discarnate entities that exist in wait for bodies of flesh and bone to overtake. We are using words here, and words can be extremely limiting when speaking of such massive concepts, such as divine mind or cosmic intelligence or infinite energy. Ontology is another word that seeks to put order or form upon that which is formless. I am aware that the law of one was brought forth by our misled David Wilcox, but I do not support him - never have. The information is bigger than Wilcox or anybody that’s possibly channeled it. But just think if there was a force of energy, like Cliff says, that wants to communicate with us? How would we get it? And would we recognize it when we heard it? I have come upon it by different entities. And it’s not like I’m repeating what so-called Ra has said. He is just another personality that I could care less about. Knowledge is not to be owned. Again to me, it’s not the messenger. It’s the message. I come into the law of one information through the Christ teachings and Christ/Kryst/Krist is not an entity but a consciousness; an ontology, if you will. And interesting “you” speak of this information trying to come through Egypt. That is confirming for me. Judge me as you will. I have no attachments, and there are way too many words in this comment section. Peace to you

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well said and I agree! I have found Neville Goddard's teaching to be of the highest order. When you realize the Bible is not about a man 2,000 years ago, rather the christ within each of us, you have access to all. The Bible is a psychological drama that speaks to each of us directly, not one man 2 millennia ago.

I discovered Neville's teachings a little over a year ago and it has changed my life for the better. I truly feel born again, after learning what Neville and Abdullah, his teacher taught us!

If you have not listened to Neville., you may wany to give him a try. I feel it set me free for sure!

Many Blessings

Calen Tanner Lightheart!

I did find this material regarding so-called Ra, interesting just the past few days:


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I'm not sure about reptilians, but that king of england looks like a lizard.

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that TV series "V" seeded the narrative.

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Thing Chas the Turd, I call him. Vile creature and his concubine.

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royal blood is like the chosen one's -- rid the planet of the demons

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I commend anyone who can explain reality in a simple way, based on many sources of information. I have never heard anyone speak about these things at length and not lose me in the explanation(s). Some of it is very useful to me, some not.

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Having just read first 160 pages of Thinking & Destiny, the part of Doers in the body makes sense. However in my opinion Clif is well spoken on these topics, at least to the way I'm able to process things. Some prefer stepwise explanations. Perhaps a short story could do well... maybe the Ontology is suggesting this to me.

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Perhaps Universe is prompting you....

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Either way is better than "god" as there are so many preconceived notions...

(no edit buttons on this thing! LOL)

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Erik, I was able to pull up Harold Perceival’s Thinking &Destiny and have had it open on my browser for a week. But Ive only read the forward so far. Might have to order the book ultimately, or speechify the text to convert into audio for my phone. Did you enjoy the first 160 pages so far?

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Yes, enjoyed, and still reading. Emailed to a physical kindle because it's hard for me to read in browser w/ other distractions available in nearby tabs. I like how Percival gradually builds up the ideas step by step. Even though I prefer stories, having a meticulously explained section followed by short conclusion to section is useful. I've found the thoughts in the book to be helping me sort through and appreciate what is right in front of me and also how my local perception or local consciousness fits into larger whole, as well as to be a bit more introspective about events in my personal life.

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There's actually an archive online that has the entire book in audio format broken down into each section so its many many many segments of like 20-40 mins plus. Tried listening to it for a bit but just couldnt take the robotic lifeless voice that was used as the narration so i just bought the book and read a bit of it, not fully yet though as it is a tough book to read with so much interweaving and having to understand one part to get another so on so forth.

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Needs to use palabarals

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I think it is Clif wife's birthday on the 7th December, so please wish this wonderful lady a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me, hope she is well. Love your talks Clif, they help my life to be improved. Thank you!

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I mean a . . . very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Love your talks too Clif, you improve my day (and my life). Thanks so much!

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I would wish her well Cliff.

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I've been training myself to lucid dream for about a year now. It gets real interesting as the blurring of the dream and waking state can occur. Museum of Tarot who is a sound decent guy on YT sells a device apparently for lucid dreaming and it has very good reviews. But if you can get there without the electrical stimulation from devices then it's even better as one learns more about the differences of states one can be in and what it means. Where one can go from that state as lucid dreaming leads to astral travel which is to wake from the lucid dream. My Dark Explorations on YT tells the truth about lucid dreaming.

The parasitic consciousness exists and it's utilized by many but most of them that use it have no idea what it is.

Clif is correct, everything he is saying he is onto it.

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I stare at my hands for about 30 seconds before I turn the lights out and go to sleep. Then when I'm dreaming and I see my hands I know that I'm dreaming and my dreams turn lucid!

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The next step is to wake up from the lucidity and leave the dream. Repetition of intention seems to be the key, with the right timing one can literally fly around the world over landscapes or enter some kind of similar world to this one then interact telepathically with other beings.

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what learning or source had this Idea?to look to the hands.

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I can't remember. I read it somewhere. But I tried it and it works!

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This helps one become aware of the astral body while dreaming.

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Hey clif

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It’s my birthday 🎁 🥳Your wife’s too! Make sure to say Happy Birthday from me!!! 🥰God Bless and thanks for the vids today 🤗

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My birthday too. I wonder how many we are ??

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Maybe the Jehovah witnesses should be schooled by Clif.

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My family are still JW and they are seriously brainwashed by their archonic overlord.

Here for them if they ever want to wake up.

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Eyup... don’t be trying to speak Lancy now. Yer not from theer lad!

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To put it succinctly Clif I've abandoned all the crazy fucking fairy tale religions.

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Hello Clif, hello Clif!

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You are a Godsend, Clif

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Yippee it’s TGIF and audios from Clif.

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Take it up with Clif.


Clif talks about Jews or "Elohim cult or Khazarian Mafia." In a negative light, but he himself differentiates cabal Jews from neighborhood Jews, they are ANOTHER SPECIES in his mind.


Clif on Man in America interview.

35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews."

His theorizes that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in K M. The K M were created BEFORE the creation of Adam & the successful generations of Adam.

Neighborhood average Jews are to the "Cabal" Rothschilds as neighborhood Christians are to the Cabal "Christians" Clinton's or Obungholes who ARE the cabal. Average Joe Jew and Average Joe Christian have NOTHING to do with the Cabal!

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Yeah yeah, whatever. The PROBLEM is -- the "regular jews" participate fully and HAPPILY in the destruction of OUR people. There is absolutely a WAR on -- and you cannot keep pretending that the FOOT SOLDIERS of the khazars are not EQUALLY dedicated to wiping us out!!

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Did I miss the UFO battles last week? Anybody hurt?

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