Omg Clif you crack me up, thanks for raising my vibration 🤣

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That raised your vibration? Wow, it must have been really fucking deep in the hole.

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I didn't mention vibrations; I DO go deep in focus as a rule. It bears fruit depending on the reason for the focus.

Some call that mediation. I don't 'go there', spent too much time in a Buddhist monastery. Dharma center, and kneeling in prayer at Mass. Religion isn't my 'game'.

Been there done it, thankful for the experience, now move forward.

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Sorry, I was replying to Leilanikrmkr's comment when I referred to vibrations. Funny, though, I clicked on the link in your comment and saw it was one I watched also.

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There is a doctor, scientist, who many follow or question. I do NOT follow, but I WILL listen, IF and only if they speak intelligible, well formed thoughts. I've worked closely with physicians for decades so have my own filters via experience.

I don't sense he is a Kerry, Mel, Charlie, or the like- ilk. Not on this topic that he seems to have skin in the game.

This man has been targeted, almost killed, railed against, yet when he talks he speaks with specificity and intelligent lexicon. He chooses his words carefully. He annoys me but I'll respect his knowledge and experience as I do Uncle Clif. There are not too many people in that category. I can count them on my hand.

While I watched, I found myself remote viewing what he would say next and got a good score.

So, in this latest presentation, he suggests without saying it, just laying out his facts, 'What have they got to hide and why?"

(the interviewer's voice sounded like a Fulford voice anomaly.)

Must be the position of his teeth versus a computer voice-over.

It tells me that a huge KM 'goof' or CGI is coming and this man is pissed because the goofy, clever cabal ignores the facts.....Oh wow. surprise me.


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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

I saw one of her video's a while ago. She really does state that she has been given CONTROL of the world and she is calling the shots. Its funny, but you must get suckered by these types during your life long initiation process, so she is serving a purpose. Mine was David Wilcock in 2001-2002. They get you by always having some things you can verify as true, wrapped in a bullshit sandwich. In the end you learn and move on.

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And then there soon comes a point in which you spot and smell these imposters from a hundred miles away, go with your instincts, and never even deal with them as anything more than the subject of an instructive essay.

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Exactly. Its getting harder to find anyone authentic anymore that is still producing content. So the next step is to go back to books recommended by known authentic individuals.

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Woot, Woot - you go Clif. I'm a woman, and think femisim is a JOKE - felt this way for over 30 years now

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Feminism was sponsored by the Rockefellers, because they wanted women to get a job, not because they wanted them to be treated equal to men, so they could tax the other half of the population as well, which they weren't able to do before. The allegedly idealistic, humanitarian layer they smeared on top of their campaign just served to conceal the underpinning motive of their plan.

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I don't even know Kim and who cares about her it's Clif's thoughts that interest me. He's a smart dude for sure!

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Kim is the high ruler of the universe who got hold of Penny Kelly and assauged her ego to the extent that Penny decided Trump et al are the bad guys. I cannot respect Penny now because of how easily she was taken in plus, she's not admitted she was fooled. Ego is no less prevalent in little old ladies who play the sweet and innocent act. Kim is a fucking prick.

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Thank you! Elsewhere, where I no longer go, I got chastised for speaking that same truth and disappointment about Penny Kelly. Yes, Kim is an effing prick but, for me, Penny is too cringeworthy to even give that much consideration. And when she refers to Clif as "Cliffy," it's clear she's infantilizing him and attempting to diminish him. I hate that shit. She'll say it's an endearment; I'll say, "In your dreams, 'lady'!"

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The sweet old lady schtik, it's really all she's got. I think calling him Cliffy is her way of name-dropping... i.e. see how close Clif and I are! And when she reads cards, has to look up the meanings in a book. Makes me laugh. But honestly, I think her heart is in the right place, just her ego getting in the way.

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Julio, agree on Penny's foolishness in assigning herself a 'big sister' position to clif. Clif is a wise warrior, and the only person who has rightful authority to call him any name ending in 'i', 'ie' or 'y', would be his wife. Doubt that even his mother would call him such, though she holds great affection and love for him.

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You misgendered me. I'm going to call the whaaaaaambulance. 🤣

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Oh, sorry for getting your name wrong~

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No problem! Just teasing the gender-obsessed. "Juli" is half of my first name: Juliann.

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deletedMay 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022
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I work in a blue industry. I feel your pain--and mine because I get punished by some of them. Freelance work disappears. Karma's coming, though . . . (What I've observed is that these insistent people (the kids, their groomers, etc.) are exceedingly selfish and self-absorbed. They haven't progressed past the oceanic feeling of infants, of "me, me, me and my feelies." They are narrow, insecure, and not too bright, either. I think a good deal of the blame belongs to the indoctrinators. Educators have long been banished.)

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So agree! Penny is a con and like a few others 'name steels' from Clif's work over and over.

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Pennys predictions seem to have dropped off as clif has been making far fewer videos.

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I noticed that last time I held my nose and listened to her for a few minutes.

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Penny is a conartist also.

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I remember when her manager, what's her name (in Oz, then Canada), was begging $$ to help Penny move. Who the eff knew it was to a *second house* in another state. Made it sound as if she was escaping communist Michigan. Scammer indeed. For me, the proverbial straw was when she cried about how her poor kids had to repay their student loans. Really? Personal responsibility? If you're stupid enough to make Penis Envy or Elastic Genders your major, you will most assuredly not find a good job in those or similar "fields," and I personally have no mercy on you. And that the kids would be STUPID enough to overpay for a university education again leaves me bereft of sympathy. Did they not earn any scholarships to defray the cost? I mean, c'mon. Mommy's so smart and all. Why didn't they go to industrial arts/construction trades schools? [Which reminds me for another time of an anecdote about my journeymen friends back when I lived in Jersey City.] I repaid my student loan, and I sure as hell don't want to pay someone else's, especially the children of an engineer. Engineers are well compensated. Wanting taxpayers to foot the bill for her kids, Penny shows us she still has a heavy Democrat/Socialist mentality. Terrible judgment, zero discernment, and so forth.

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You just put my thoughts into words!!!

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Haha same, have NFI who that is (and so be it, why even give a shit about a dickhead)! ;)

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FUCKING LOVE CLIF HIGH! Please remind me not to get on his bad side. 😊

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Dickhead is not a gender specific word :)

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I am a woman and have followed Clif’s work for many decades, and I have occasionally interacted with him via email. I’ve always found him to be kind and patient regarding genuine questions/ignorance and concerns or thoughts about a topic. What he does not tolerate is fools. When someone comes at him with foolishness or arrogance, they best be ready for some straight talk. This quality is one of the things I’ve most valued all these years about Clif’s take on the world. There are a lot of individuals gabbing away on the internet these days, but only a few of them communicate from a genuine place within themselves. He is one of those few.

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"There are a lot of individuals gabbing away on the internet these days, but only a few of them communicate from a genuine place within themselves. He is one of those few."

Best comment of the lot IMO. I owuld love to meet someone who has followed clif for decades! God bless.

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I’m almost envious you discovered him so long ago !

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LOL, Clif. Who in their right mind would take Kim, Michelle or Kerry seriously? Same applies to Charlie Ward, Simon Parks and numerous male grifters. They have all been 90%+ wrong or well off base to be generous. They are not relevant to the real world and are best simply ignored. There are much bigger fish to fry and focusing on these tiny minnows in a sea of sharks and whales strikes me as a loss of focus on your part to what is important. This stuff is a sideshow. Lets move back on to the main events please.

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Do you think Clif has more credibility than any of those people you named? He's also wrong 90% of the time...

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Clif comes across as more grounded, much better educated and he frames the big picture prediction trends well. In terms of his predictive linguistics stuff, he is way off and looks as bad as they do. Everybody has their sweet spot the excel at, and you just have ignore the rest.

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Totally disagree. In the past year or so Clif has been right about many predictive linquistic timelines, some to the very day encompassing big events. Sometimes he is a few days off but presages his predictions with a few day window. His long term trends are prescient.

Many of his crypto predictions also manifested, although a number didn't. As he has iterated, massive censorship has affected the accuracy of some of his data but if there's one guy I listen carefully to, it's Clif.

I don't agree with everything he says since I am also a critical thinking non yes-man, but of all the personalities out there in the megaverse, Cliff is #1 on my respect list. Because he speaks his truth and doesn't give a shit what I or anyone else thinks.

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Thanks for the good laughs! And so well said. We can all apologize later if she pulls off her grandiose plan to save the world.

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It might be said that there are some people who use their crotch as a crutch. Either way they are acting as dickheads!

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These cunts better not come to Glasgow, our local language has a whole spectrum of uses for good cunts and bad cunts..!!🤣

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Or Edinburgh……. 👍👌

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ha.. ha.. ha.. pls expand more.. it may cure my stress..

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My opinion: Please carry on calling people out! And thank you, brother!

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He’s calling her s simple name and she can’t deal with it so she has flipped it around. Typical narcissistic behaviour

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Again you make me smile..:)

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OMG ... LOL! Good One! - Thanks.

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What a coincidence! I'm the 69th "like" 😃

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