There is a terrible understanding that awaits men who think very deeply about our common shared reality.
Many interesting aspects present themselves for examination on the way down to that terrible thought. These include the discovery of the ability to have awareness of the Eternal Now, and the never ceasing event-stream. There is so much territory for exploration, and power, within the Eternal Now, that you could fill out all your time there just noting the wonder that presents.
The Terrible Aspect comes into view as you dive deep into the woo of it all, swimming down into the Now. This aspect arises from the awareness that ALL Life in this Matterium is but fractional parts of an infinite, not able to be reduced, Supreme Consciousness.
Your local consciousness, that which is the Life in your body, is but a small fraction of the Supreme Consciousness.
As such, you are eternal, perpetual. You are not able to be destroyed.
Yes, your body will die. You will get another. A good/bad aspect of being Life, in the body, in the Matterium. We wear out these suits of flesh. Occasional visits to the tailor are required.
Think of what this means. You are as eternal as is Supreme Consciousness. But, you are not a ‘free man’. You cannot destroy yourself. All you can do is to kill off this body.
All that does is to recycle you through processing.
This means that you are not free to do as you wish. There are physical constraints in this Matterium that prevent you, the doer-in-the-body from altering the conditions by removing yourself from the Experience. Yes, you can check out of this Matterium experience, as Life-in-the-body, but you will then discover yourself as still Life, just not in a body. And awaiting another turn…
So as a man, you then get the idea that the bastard Supreme Consciousness is running this show. It dawns on you that there are no ‘accidents’, nor ‘coincidence’, that everything that happens in this Matterium, in this ‘game of Life’ does so because it suits the Supreme Consciousness that it should.
There is ‘free will’, but you are not a ‘free man’ if you cannot refuse the experience. In fact, spoiler alert, it turns out that no matter how bad your experience is in this body’s Life, you asked for it. You chose to do it. Not lying. It’s fact. You brought yourself here.
Suck it up. Life stinks, hurts, beats the crap out of you, wears you down, erodes your body, your mind and your energy. It exhausts you. It fucks over your mind, assaults you with hormones, bad body days, horrible mind problems, evil cunts in the ‘game’ messing with you, all that shit and so much more you cannot imagine it. But you chose to do it. This is all part of the process and the goals of this body’s Life experience within this Matterium within this iteration of the Supreme Consciousness’ experiment.
At some point, many lives as a bald guy later, you learn stuff. Yes, you are only male, and always will only be incarnated as a male. There are reasons we need not explore now. This is why not to presume you know how it is to be a female. You’ll never know. Never experience it. Don’t think you have their experience of emotion. It will always be foreign, external to you. This participates in the Supreme Consciousness experiment. It sets up certain conditions.
As you learn stuff, things fall into place. Maybe you get weary. It happens as a man. Life experience is hard, harsh, and eroding as a male body. Your awareness finally, all things in this Matterium, including timing are not ours to control, is gifted to you of an interesting idea.
If this view is correct, it stands to reason that as a male body in this experience, knowing it is all Supreme Consciousness doing its thing, we doers-in-the-body may, just may, have our Live experience ‘work’ better, if we were to harmonize with the Supreme Consciousness, and its goals. Such as they may be perceived by us, recognizing we don’t know squat about what is going on at THAT level up there.
Harmony. Daily exercises in harmony with Universe. As it may be perceived.
Does not mean there is not contention, strife, fighting, pain and suffering. This attitude of harmonizing with Universe/Matterium does mean that you have no emotional attachment to the outcome. It ain’t your problem how this shit works out. You did your best choosing in that moment. Rest is up to Universe.
You still suffer, experience the consequences. Do not fail to grasp this point. But you will have far fewer karmic after effects. And no emotional attachments to how it does work out.
It ain’t your fault. You have never had any fucking control over the outcome of any damn thing anyway.
Then, one day, another think happens, of course, Supreme Consciousness puts it there for you. The idea is clean, pure, pristine, crystalline in its perfection….you discover the ‘point’ to your experience. The ‘purpose’ to your Life.
It makes so much sense. You see why it is there, and how men had discovered this same path over time. It was there all of this body’s Life, and it took this long for you to stop stepping over it, and to see it.
To serve the Supreme Consciousness.
It is not mine to reason why. It is mine to do, then die.
I decide in that Eternal Now. I own the Right to Act.
I am the doer-in-the-body.
I am Samurai.
I serve.
Then you will look around. You will see this strange look in the eyes of some men you never before noticed.
One day, you will see that look staring back at you from the mirror.
Welcome. Brother.
Life will get a bit more complex now that you see. Be warned.
Love ya Uncle Clif. Thank you.
Disagree with Clif on always incarnating as one gender only. I am female this time around and remember lifetimes when I was male. I have mostly lived as an ordinary person, but did have one life as a king in Denmark (one of my Viking lives.)
Follow Jeff Berwick on X and Bitchute. His description of this as a video game is a good metaphor. I agree with the Upanishad's description of the Universe as the outbreathing/inbreathing of Brahma. I think Source plays these mind games as what it does to keep itself occupied. Clif's idea that it is seeking novelty also has merit. IMO Source sets up the video game with a set of rules. When the game plays out, Source ponders the results (sort of like our life review at the conclusion of each incarnation.) Then, Source decides on a different set of rules, starts a new game, on we go. The cycle, from our perspective, is eternal.
I also believe, as does Bruce Cottrell, that Source sends out these fractals of Itself as 'seeds' by which It grows. The side effect is that the process also increases Love. Each incarnation of ours grows our seed so that eventually we dissolve back into Source. I have heard channeled info from a highly evolved race of beings that say they deliberately slowed down their ascension because the next step is conclusion of growth and their individual consciousness dissolves into Source and they do not want that yet.
Dig, grow and enjoy Life. I plan to not come back to Earth until conditions here are much improved. I am totally fed up with so many lifetimes where evil ones eff me up over and over.