Ahhh, a fool in harlequin! 👏 ha! I am an esoteric mathemagician! 🧙♂️ and I can smell YOU, Bubba Jimbo. Listen Stinky, we are pi in the sky, you are just an angry pimp...le.
Clif, after going down many hi-ways & bi-ways, with not a little B.S. thrown in along the way, is finally getting to the nitty-gritty.
And not before time. He's become a minor 'guru' to many and has a duty of care. He knows this. He's a responsible adult, if a little wacky.
It's all one. We are all one.
Clif is getting it.
"This is Perfect. That is Perfect. Perfect comes from Perfect. Take Perfect from Perfect the remainder is Perfect. May Peace & Peace & Peace be everywhere
It started way back when bread got fefined and now it's made with cardbaord. White flour can be used as a form of glue so. The bitter substances were taken out of fruit and vegetables. Now we have empty food nutrition wise. Our "caveman" bacteria was destroyed which has altered our brain.
Thanks Clif. I too have had an attitude towards Supreme Conciousness. I, being a part of the Source, have a mandate to create, in a body/mind that is afflected with stuffs. It has taken decades to get out of social programming to finally reach the Spirit within and my soul agenda. Shit, what a fucd up ride. HOWEVER, to reach this awareness and Conquer my bs, leaves me with a better possibility for my next go round of being wiser, quick to change and dam intouch with Source.
I am so thrilled to finally get out of my diapers and experience my first day of kindergarten.
Yes, I choose to be here, at this time, with my forever self. What love the Source has for my human expression. No judgement at all. If there were judgements it would have to judge itself, for I am from it.
Nope. Having children is a vital necessity of living & part of living as an evolutionary evolving human. If you haven't done it, back you come! It teaches you many things being a parent. One is that It makes you look to the future, providing for them, & what they will receive on this planet in their lives. Result-you make life better for them. The current education system is communist, to create slaves & robots. Rely on the state, above all, don't think (critically), ask questions, explore or invent. And don't have children!! Whilst we don't know your reasons for not having kids, if the brain washing of the younger generations has decided the younger ones to not have babies, then civilisation is at risk. And the evil wins (since that is what they want). Gotta think from all angles & learn. Urantia papers gives a great perspective on our universe. It is free. Cheers.
Well aren't you just Almighty God to make such a statement as a matter of *fact* as if any human can *know* such a thing
I was the product of a multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma, & after spending my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother, then was rescued by her family only to be alternately bribed & punished in attempt to deny any of it happened instead of receiving treatment or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma.By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there rather than back home after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative Identity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing up police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing very well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries to receive opiates (before oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. The two men were brothers with some uncles on the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families, It was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a fed himself & had some of his own connections, & I was held for several days while negotiations were made.
Anyway, I never could create a stable life to plan for children & I never did get pregnant by accident (despite not staying on birth control- my gynecologist had implored me not to get pregnant until married because she said my internal damage from physical trauma & infections combined with my small structures would make for very complicated pregnancy. I would have to be able to not work, & maybe be off my feet altogether in late term). I have a lot of feelings about my husband missing out on kids now that I'm too old, but I never did feel the ticking clock.
Now that I do finally have a stable life with a stable & loving partner, perhaps there will be an opportunity to take in some children or teenagers in desperate need of a loving home. We are finally ready to move on to our dream home, so if it is meant to happen someday, we'll have plenty of room.
Either way, when my time comes I definitely will be looking to avoid that moonbase soul recycling center, no matter how many of my loved ones are waiting there for me in the waiting room. Making the most profound attachment possible as a human being on earth just might result in less attachment to life on this planet, & an easier time telling it goodbye. Of course, I assume if I do make it out, after a "time," the WHOLE cycle starts over again & I'll be plankton or something.
Anyway, I believe I'm a soul, not a human body; only but a visitor to this strange ball of physicality. But I'm damn sure not so afflicted with the folly of hubris as to think I *KNOW* 🤣🤣🤣
I know only that which I know....& don't know that which I don't know....the latter is undoubtedly infinite ! My soul embraces yours in love & acknowledges & validates your life's experiences......You must be an incredibly evolved soul to have endured so much & survived....not only survived but continue to embrace life & be able to love.....I See You & I applaud you....x
Thank you! I have recently decided I'm going start to writing my own Substack this year, after my husband asked me why I only read & comment on other writers here. I'm starting with some poetry for the New Year written over the weekend, but I've been dragging my feet to actually post it 😆
It probably needs some music or at least a beat to fully make sense, so I'm hoping folks will be able to get the rhythm of it- as well as the tongue & cheek of it- with some well-placed emojis....
Not knowing is the clear meditative state which opens up one to knowing. Everything is a paradox. Thinking one knows is at the level of thought and feeling one knows is at the level of emotion.
Knowing is an act as we are creative beings. But it needs to be in alignment with reality. The soul and spirit are also bodies we create with our conciousness.
Tara, you are assuming a situation that does not align with the subject matter here. The meat suits embodying Supreme Consciousness that Clif is opining about (males in this particular instance) are here now, may or may not have offspring. But the previous embodiments of S.C. Or the one before that, or the one after this one may. Offspring during the current embodiment has NOTHING TO DO with a humans wisdom, learning, evolvement in the here and now. Each one of Clifs readers may have had SCADS if offspring in those other OTHER lives and none in THIS LIFE. Dont you think????
We have a small family. The Abolition & reduction of family is a mistake. The bonds are important. Blood bonds are strongest. We aren't solitary creatures.
Dickens wrote Scrooge in 1842. The ELites by that time were complaining about over population. Which means they whispered it generations sooner.
Feminists are learning that the almighty job is a poor companion as you age. The narratives pushed on msm against family and children are a slow brainwashing
Everything has and is about breaking up the tribe. The seperation is started right at birth which is to put the baby in the cot to seperate the bond with the mother. Opening the way for the Mkultra. The mess and activity in a kindergarten teach kids how to mess up their minds as does the devices to destroy their attention span and to bring in the blue light. Then the false information itself they are brainwashed with they will need to unlearn. I mean what kids books don't have some form of bs in it but some are better than others.
I agree, in terms of what's best for human life on planet Earth. But I'm looking to get away from here & stay with source. At least until the cycle probably just starts again, anyway.
My husband asked me recently why I'm not writing my own Substack, & occasionally folks here in the comments sections ask me if I plan on writing more here about my life. So I've decided 2025 is the year, but I plan to start with some light poetry I wrote over the weekend.
I was the product of a multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; after spending my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother, I was (by the grace of God) rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished in attempt to deny any of it had ever happened instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation, for my considerable trauma. By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there rather than back home after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT ME there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative Identity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing some police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing very well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & suffered spinal injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. The two men were brothers with some uncles on the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families, It was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had some of his own connections, & so I was held for several days while negotiations were made.
Anyway, I never could create a stable life to plan for children & I never did get pregnant by accident (despite not staying on birth control- my gynecologist had implored me not to get pregnant until married because she said my internal damage from physical trauma & infections combined with my small structures would make for very complicated pregnancy. I would have to be able to not work, & maybe be off my feet altogether in late term). I have a lot of feelings about my husband missing out on kids now that I'm too old, but I never did feel the ticking clock.
Now that I do finally have a stable life with a stable & loving partner, perhaps there will be an opportunity to take in some children or teenagers in desperate need of a loving home. We are finally ready to move on to our dream home, so if it is meant to happen someday, we'll have plenty of room.
Either way, when my time comes I definitely will be looking to avoid that moonbase soul recycling center, no matter how many of my loved ones are waiting there for me in the waiting room. Making the most profound attachment possible as a human being on earth just might result in less attachment to life on this planet, & an easier time telling it goodbye. Of course, I assume if I do make it out, after a "time," the WHOLE cycle starts over again & I'll be plankton or something.
Anyway, I believe I'm a soul, not a human body. So extinct DNA doesn't concern me. I'm more focused with getting back to source, than participating again in this particular experiment 😁
It's taken me a long time to have a sense of humor about it all, but I suppose I still get slightly triggered... from time to time. And I have a horrible habit of needing to explain myself, for which I'm still in therapy so as not eventually drive my poor husband right 'round the bend.
Jokes aside, I do agree that people should generally not only have children, but prioritize doing so. I didn't get a lot of the normal experiences or things that, as I child in this society, I always expected I would as an adult. But I accepted a long time ago that, for whatever reason, I was never going to fit in with- or likely ever be capable of- the kind of lives most people lead, & it took some time to make peace with that. But I have certainly never advocated that anyone emulate my path.
Disagree with Clif on always incarnating as one gender only. I am female this time around and remember lifetimes when I was male. I have mostly lived as an ordinary person, but did have one life as a king in Denmark (one of my Viking lives.)
Follow Jeff Berwick on X and Bitchute. His description of this as a video game is a good metaphor. I agree with the Upanishad's description of the Universe as the outbreathing/inbreathing of Brahma. I think Source plays these mind games as what it does to keep itself occupied. Clif's idea that it is seeking novelty also has merit. IMO Source sets up the video game with a set of rules. When the game plays out, Source ponders the results (sort of like our life review at the conclusion of each incarnation.) Then, Source decides on a different set of rules, starts a new game, on we go. The cycle, from our perspective, is eternal.
I also believe, as does Bruce Cottrell, that Source sends out these fractals of Itself as 'seeds' by which It grows. The side effect is that the process also increases Love. Each incarnation of ours grows our seed so that eventually we dissolve back into Source. I have heard channeled info from a highly evolved race of beings that say they deliberately slowed down their ascension because the next step is conclusion of growth and their individual consciousness dissolves into Source and they do not want that yet.
Dig, grow and enjoy Life. I plan to not come back to Earth until conditions here are much improved. I am totally fed up with so many lifetimes where evil ones eff me up over and over.
So the memory of you as male, in my understanding, in previous lives, comes from your Doer. That is but one third of your triune being. DOER KNOWER THINKER. We are too big to shove into these meat suits. Even the DOER is too large. So it is split into 12. There are 6 of each sex. Here's where it gets tricky. You, now, in this body's Life, are but one -twelfth of the whole of the DOER, so technically, you are the 'doer-in-the-body'. You are in a female body so you say, but have memories to some degree of being male embodied. Perfectly natural. It is because your memories are NOT held in this embodiment, through which you are now expressing as the doer-in-the-body. Rather these memories are held at the DOER level, up in the triune. You are the duodecima that is active in this body's Life . It is really well detailed in (i think) the second chapter of Thinking and Destiny. By percival. Free pdf on line.
Thanks Clif. I had bought the Thinking and Destiny book to read, forgot I bought it and bought a second one! LOL, Universe thought my son needed a copy. I started on it, but I will get it to the top of the stack and begin again. I appreciate your input.
I agree. We do not incarnate as one sex only because that would be a very redundant experience. Consciousness experiences itself in human form in this dimension as both male and female, a balance of experience.The Universe is all about balance. We are also concurrently experiencing other "lives" in other dimensions.
I did past life regression and remembered both female and male incarnations so I also don't agree with him on that...but maybe he has always been male...
I would like to hear Clif's ideas. He has stated that the circle has 6 male and 6 female and alternates the sexes for incarnations. I'm not saying that it incarnates alternating every life. I have been both. Some souls prefer masculine, some prefer feminine lives. This offers yin and yang. Maybe at a later time he will expound on this, I would be interested in hearing it. In this existence, I am in a female body, but "feel" more masculine as a soul. Let me be clear, I have NO inclination to deviate my chosen gender. I have lived this life as a female. Anyway, both sexes have tough life issues, so it isn't a piece of cake which ever existence you choose as a soul.
II am in a female body and enjoy that, but I also love doing and being interested in so defined “masculine” things, like woodwork, machines, driving tractors, using chainsaw, V8 engines, Not that they could not be female interests, but they have a testosterone about them!
Totally relate to "feeling" more masculine than other women. In part it is my intellectual nature, discomfort with emotions, & tomboyishness (at least until puberty made me look like Mae West & ruined my athleticism, lol) but also from early childhood sexual trauma. I would have been a perfect target for today's gender nonsense because I HATED the process of becoming a woman! But a few years into puberty I fell in love with my ultra-feminine body. I'm SO grateful that stuff wasn't around back then. I don't think even us staunch gender critical women have yet to wrap our heads around just how much these children are having taken away from them forever. It might even be the biggest loss a human being can suffer.
Yes there is such an attack on our younger generation. I think because they are actually holding a very important spiritual impulse for the future to do with the transformation of the Ego to the I Am. If the adversarial spirits can divert that destiny then it will be a great blow for human consciousness and its evolution. If there is no sense of self and they call themselves "they" then the impulse can be detoured altogether.
Men can't feel feminine just as much as women can't feel masculine. The feminine side of a male is totally different than the masculine side of a female. The 2 are opposites. For starters there is no penis
Yep,I’d go along with most of what you say! My belief is that this time around I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth and not get harassed by control freaks, so far so good until I became aware of the game that others have been playing. It didnt interfere with my fun, in fact the bankers games have given us all a bit of fun with our credit cards!, but now I see the bastardry it pisses me off. And I am tired of the noise pollution. Still if I now actually use focus and intention, I can indeed just enjoy Mother Earth and let all the other crap play out on some other stage in the game!
I agree with Clif only because I believe that we are remembering our multidimensional selves when we think we've been both men and women. I understand that the "mother soul" from which all of come from would have all the memories of all the lives those of her family has lived and that would always be available to those who seek. I individual fragment, piece of soul incarnating, say as me is a women and always will be that part of the polarity in duality, although I do remember lives as being male. Just wanted to share my perspective.
I’m not sure that’s a bad thing, considering that we are dealing with the Elohim Cargo Cults and their fallout. It actually seems to be beneficial for the Bigger Picture, by eliminating all of the clutter.
I understand when young people go through the atheistic phase, but generally speaking, if as a fully grown adult you can't see (or at least feel) the obvious existence of God, something has gone horribly wrong.
Suzirhae is replying to a conversation about supreme consciousness, so I take it she understands the implications. I take her comments to mean “release from religion”, which does not equate to “I don’t believe in God”. I think Ayn Rand would consider this position. She was a thinker and would welcome a healthy discussion
I don't read as 'believing in a deity' is what informed Rand's work - I think it was Communism and not anything related to atheism. If you were raised in Soviet Russia, well then having a particularly positive attitude would be very difficult at best.
Bingo. If you can't see or feel beyond the grit as a fully developed adult, something has gone wrong for you. And don't ask me to prove God exists because faith is precisely the point. If you can't simply sense God on your own, there's probably not anything I can do to help with that.
based on what Ive read of gnosticism so far kind of makes me wonder if she actually understood the meaning of "atheist" or was it just the best description she could come up with that demonstrated in her time what she believed?
She was not a Communist insofar as what she preached in her novels. She proposed the opposite in that every man for himself. She was fiercely opposed to those with ability providing for those without;the Marxist theory, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". From Wikipedia: "She said the individual should "exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself" ...Rand opposed collectivism and statism, which she considered to include many specific forms of government, such as communism, fascism, socialism, theocracy, and the welfare state." --
She was as cold as the Siberian tundra, and portrayed no emotion or altruism in her belief system. However, her views on government and individualism ring true to my ears. Also, the belief charity should be up to the individual and not enforced by the state upon the public. Many of her timeless and enduring quotes apply to the present as we inch closer to our own ugly Soviet system with the same ugly people whom require it to cling onto power.
That hyper-individualism she promoted is one of the reasons The West is in the pickle it's in. The phrase "No man is an island" existed long before her, and will persist long after.
That said, again: Take what works, leave the rest.
But then collectivism breeds the hive-mind which is quite scary. It can cause one to take or administer a shot that is lethal. Individualism makes one more responsible for the consequences of their own actions to others and themselves.
Yet it is in line with our present epoch of Consciousness Soul where individual Ego Consciousness reaches its peak and like the knights in the Grail story on meeting another knight on our journey we pull down our vizors and go in for the joust. I have not read her but I can imagine how her perspective has arisen. This is happening everywhere on the net and in this posting. We hold the 12 points of the Zodiac which makes up our round table and we search for the Grail from the point of the fixed stars but ot is the development of Soul through the movements of the planet's affecting our earthly journey that shapes and develops our souls that is the true necessity and this is what provides the conscious path of the initiate. Parsifal had this wish in built although raised away from the world it actually helped this wish arise more purely out of his pure heart without any teaching from the world. The Arthurian stream held the space for the arising of the Consciousness Soul so that while these knights hold tge space and create the path the individual Soul finds its own path through the forest to the Grail castle. So while this is held by the council of twelve in our souls, meanwhile our Parsifal Self has left home and our divine childhood amongst the nature spirits has been left behind when we discover the white knights riding in the forest. We want to be like them we go out in tbe world and cause mayham and do damage to others in our quest to achieve our Ego ambitions. All the time we are held by the spiritual hierarchies and our choices awaken us to that which is outside our egoic sphere and how our actions affect others and send us either deeper into the wasteland into Klingsors castle or the other way into greater conscience where we can at last ask the question out of a certain wisdom humility and compassion, " What Ails thee? And Who does the Grail serve? It is the journey of the Ego that goes from enriching itself to the sense of the I Am gained through the suffering and trials of life. So I reveal that I am with Clif to a point but not so existential regarding the outcome for humanity. Perhaps Clif has gone through the Fire Water Air trials and is on the edge of realising the central epiphany of his initiation. Perhaps He needs a Trevrizent to enlighten him that the knights code was what prevented him from asking the Question while in tbe Grail Castle. There is more awaiting you than this stoic existential existence. Clif is interesting because he believes in Spirit but rejects the translations of the Books of the Judaeo Christian tradition. I can understand that as these texts have been tampered with by certain cults and their original meaning cannot be understood with modern minds
So easily. However our individual connection to nature still exists if we throw away all the accumulated intellectual knowledge then we can find our pure kokoro that will help us ask the question and grant us the second experience of the grail castle where we can put ourselves in harmony with all that is and so live in the Eternal moment in the Grail castle in a state of grace and healing.
Yes - Ayn understood basic incentives - what made people productive, and what made them uncooperative and lazy! She was raised in the former Soviet Union - she understood the nihilism that accompanied communism. We are having our own communist revolution - a silent revolution. No one walking around with red flags with a hammer and sickle. Just the woke and nihilistic ideology that many people in the west have bought into to - it's the same thing, but in 1917, it went by such names as Marxism, Communism, etc.
My Go-To is “Atlas Shrugged”. You might also enjoy Lionel Shriver’s “The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047” it actually talks about the boarder wall keeping all of the Americans in. Both books are excellent descriptions of what Communism creates in society. We are all getting who we elected and hard. Cheers!
Not convinced that the blue states are due to citizens just keep voting blue no matter who, so much as city political machines controlling outcomes to keep them blue no matter who is actually voted for.....
Congratulations Suzirhae. 🎊 I see you were not snoozing this morning so here's your 1st comment award & trophy 🏆 what's this now, 2 out of 3? I better sharpen my pencil ✏
I just returned from a walk with my best friend, Mr. Arlo, the dog in my life, snow-covered grounds, a cloudy sky, and a 29’ temp in the air, and it just started to snow again...cheers
ever noticed, that only well to do people welcome and praise this concept and on the other end of the human condition, the miserables, lament it in submission?
And somewhere in the middle, are those who question it and what about the quackery on free will, you can do what you want and somehow, none of it has any meaning in the end.
Also, I would like to hear a satisfactory explanation of "I chose to come hear" for he experience, that explains the suffering of a child beeing raped and murdered?
I'm a survivor of early childhood trafficking (repeatedly raped as a small child) & witnessed my own mother's murder at the hands of our traffickers. I was incredibly fortunate to have had her family come looking for & rescue me (although why they allowed her to keep me when they knew how she was living is beyond me). And unfortunately, instead of acknowledging & treating my trauma, my family chose to simply claim none of it ever happened, alternately using punishment & bribery to shut me up about it; by 17 I was in a psych ward struggling with a fragmenting personality, terrified for my sanity when the doctors dug up the corroborating police & medical records & finally assured me of my own memory. They told me I was having a perfectly sane but complex PTSD response to my circumstances & was actually doing quite well to not be simply sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
And yet.... Somehow the notion that I chose this life & came here willingly rings true to me. I had always assumed that I must have been monstrous in a previous life to earn such punishment. Maybe I was, who knows. But when I was introduced (many years ago) to the idea that I chose this life, it was a💡moment for me because it simply had the ring of truth. For those of you who have never experienced hearing/feeling that "ring of truth," it's simply an intuitive, instinctual thing I cannot really convey with words. It must be experienced.
You might assume that I was just absolving myself of having been so horrible in a past life as to deserve my suffering, but at the time I continued to act out the belief that I deserved to suffer so horribly through my own self-destructive behaviors. I have regrets when it comes to how, as an adult still deeply mired in early childhood sexual trauma, I ended up hurting others while harming myself through things like prostitution, & I certainly don't miss any of it, but I absolutely do not regret the experience & wouldn't trade what I learned from it for anything. I seemed to need to understand, as an adult, the life my mother brought me into as a child. Now instead of assuming my life's suffering is about punishment, it feels more akin to being sent to the gym for training. And I am SO STRONG now! So did God sent me to this gym? Apparently (to me), but maybe I agreed to come here to get so strong after all 🤔
As I've said..I don't know, however I feel sometimes that we become 'so strong' because the alternative is so abhorrent....We need for there to have been a purpose for our suffering & extreme trauma, otherwise what is the point of it ? Not everyone survives it or even in the same way, some end their lives, some continue to inflict trauma on others & some of us survive & use it to make a better life for ouselves & others....the variations are endless.
I do feel we are part of a greater consciousness, all of us connected but to me the matter of 'by what design' we arrived here & the circumstances we ended up in....is still in question....I trust one day to experience a definitive answer, until then it's all speculation, in my humble opinion......x
I've always heard God won't give you more than you can handle, but I have seen some folks who would appear to suggest otherwise, sadly. But yeah, I have definitely had that "well, what other choice do I have?" feeling often in my life. Many thanks for seeing & understanding such an odd experiencer as myself🌹
For the most part, I’ve lived the other side of the human condition you refer to. Peasant, serf, etc. I’ve often wondered if I would feel differently if my life circumstances had been - mmmmmm, more affluent, without so much struggle just to live. Not conclusively just yet - I don’t think I would feel or see things that much differently because ‘I’ see the forced existence via the initial spark, over which this part of the essence was not asked if it wanted to participate. How could it have been asked and been able to reply before it was so unceremoniously sparked into existence by whatever? Where is any freedom in that? And then forced, under this duress to supposedly make choices - of any kind.
Walk a half mile in my shoes, any of us could say. As is also said - question everything - as far back as your mind will take you.
And if by some obscure chance we were asked & we agreed to participate......then at the VERY LEAST....we should have complete access to our memories of having done so & why we did.
This whole idea of where some people seem to have access to these memories & others don't......Doesn't pass the sniff test...if that is the case, then it's obviously not a level playing field & something is messing with us.
Soul Contract ? .....show me NOW, where I signed, where I consented to all of this & if you can't show me & I know nothing about it, then it's all bollocks !
Just like in this life 'they' say we've consented by our ignorance.....really ??? When 'they' change the language to mean something 'other' than what the actual words mean....when we say No to something & 'they' go ahead & do it anyway....Where we don't know how the monetary, political & deep state etc. really work.....and that's somehow our fault because we've been manipulated, indoctrinated & brainwashed.....and unfortunately ignorant of how the 'game' is played...
No, no, no.....I'm calling utter BS on that !! Hmmm ! There seems to be a familiar ring to it, of 'victim blaming' whilst the perpetrators gets away scot free again & again....
Well, Jesus Christ actually said he had to come here to *ransom* mankind! I think it's actually related to the Watchers usurping from humanity our birthright, through Adam, of dominion over planet Earth, through their Nephilim sons with human women. Are you familiar with Timothy Alberino? He has just released his own compilation of the Book of Enoch, with the guys from the Blurry Creatures podcast as coauthors.
Weellllll, I walked past the Jesus story a long time ago. There is SO much more. The picture is infinitely bigger than that story. Even bigger than the Enoch story, and most of the others perpetrated today. Perpetrated? Yes, perpetrated on the populations for the purposes of so-called order and control.
I just think it's an interesting phraseology with interesting implications. But yes, there's a whole lost history, before the vapor canopy was destroyed, possibly by Tiamat, when a black-haired, black-eyed lunar society may have seen Saturn in place of Earth's Sun. Yawn. Old news (please go check out ARCHAIX if you want to be on the cutting edge of ancient information). But you assume I am ignorant because I mention the role of Jesus Christ.🙄 Don't you know what happens when you make assumptions??? 😂
Exactly ,or the people tortured to death in dungeons in days of old. Burned at the stake, babies ,toddlers getting some cancer? We choose to experience this? An infant hasn't lived enough to have a learning experience..I thought that's what this time ,on this plane, was meant to be???
I think when we find out the real reasons for the torture, abuse, murder & diseases....especially of infants & children...animals & those who can in no way defend themselves etc. ......Then we are not going to be 'happy' !
Best to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, psychologically & spiritually for that time, when we do hear the answer.....if we are able to cope sufficiently to listen......much love ...x
I have a strange feeling I may have practiced sorcery (not magick, sorcery, ie, attempting to warp forces to one's own will rather than learning to bending to God's will) min my previous life. I hope not 😔, but I just get that feeling for some reason.
Forty years ago I had a spontaneous (not drug induced) memory of being a distraught and powerful entity that caused a fire conflagration on a population of ‘my people’ in some very distant past. I’ve pondered that often with sadness for my actions. As if what we experience here and now in this lifetime was not enough… as you well know.
Interestingly enough, I just had a 4 day fever last week while LA burned. 24 years ago I lived in WLA near Santa Monica and the 405.
Experiences in this life come from actions in the last life. In this world most people do the wrong thing for monetry gain but we are here to laern to do the right thing.
I've heard all kind of reasons for the type of lives we get to experience..and I don't think anyone really knows for sure. And when it come to religion ,God and creation..I ask myself why? What's all this for ? An experiment? Kind of sick what some people and animals are made to go thru. I have to remember the famous George Carlin bit..
" you do bad ,you're going to be punished, you're going to burn in hell..all these terrible things , but know HE still loves you". Seems like some screwy teachings to me. Then there are some that say this is all a simulation...I don't know what to think or believe. I myself ,although don't follow or practice Eastern religions ..I find the explanation of our time on earth is to reincarnate after death, each time to learn and come better each time to eventually reach the end ,the prize, nirvana...
I like and agree with your first paragraph, but not the second. There are so many stories, some via religion, others myth, others culture and customs similar to the one you’ve pointed at, each saying THAT one is THE way. Some simply fantastical. Maaaaaybe, it’s all imagination…so, pick one? Or is ‘picking one’ even necessary.
Every once in awhile I think I know something… :)!
Yeah, i dont agree with Clif on that one. The Supreme Creator IMO is just Being, the Energy of All, it doesnt choose for us, it doesnt judge. It IS the life force that we all play with. But certainly here in Containment Earth, we are affected by the choices, consciousness, of the others, if we are unaware. If aware you start to use the energy to create for yourself, or at least not get caught up in the energies of the others and their thoughts and games. You learn to navigate in the Field, maybe thats the purpose, How to Captain your own ship in this Local Consciousness of Earth.
Powerful AJ... this is my personal focus. I call consciousness, or this presence that surrounds us and is us as The field of information that we all tap in to. We have been influenced and conditioned by control systems that mess with our perception of this field of information. This control system attacks our imagination, the very thing we are endowed with in order to bring forth the experiences of life. This system holds back from us our creative ability by feeding us lies that constrict our movement and our own intuitive exploration of reality
I don’t know this specific answer, but I hold that all so-called creation is “here” or exists, under duress. Supposedly sparked into existence, or fractalized or some such thing without consent - how could there be consent when there is supposedly nothing to be consulted? Then “spark!” There “you” are - be grateful. WHAT?!
The idea is that we're all tiny pieces of that Super Consciousness that were still integrated into a single being when the decision was made to break up into tiny pieces to engage in novelty.
Depending on how your life “choice” is playing out….WHY? Thats always my question. Why did I come, My life has been provided for all the way enough to have enough, but I have had no desire to do anything grand, have any labels owise known as grand qualifications, no kids not by choice, and I have the privilege of watching all the crap go down. Couldnt I have done that from the other side?
So far, 61yrs old, the best I can figure is we were forced, ... as some sort of twisted punishment. lol
No, no, no, not the skin suit, anything but that, please, have some mercy !!! Next thing you know yer gettin' slapped on the ass. Starting out on the many decade incarceration.
As a female, the terrible understanding may whisper through a different channel: we are the eternal mothers of creation and destruction, not only wearers of the flesh but weavers of the infinite tapestry, feeling the threads of the Supreme Consciousness as both our burden and our purpose, binding us to cycles of birth, nurture, loss, and renewal, endlessly harmonizing with a Universe that demands both surrender and fierce grace.
Well apparently not me. Supreme Consciousness must have decided I didnt need to do those things in this female incarnation this time! Very freeing. Instead I take up those experiences of cycles, renewal, nurture, loss by gardening
Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan is the most influential book ever written on the Japanese "Way of the Warrior." A classic study of Japanese culture, the book outlines the moral code of the Samurai way of living and the virtues every Samurai warrior holds dear. It is widely read today in Japan and around the world.
There are seven core precepts of Bushido: Rectitude: "The power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering."Courage: "Doing what is right."Benevolence: "Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity."Civility: "Courtesy and urbanity of manners."Sincerity: "The end and the beginning of all things."Honor: "A vivid conscious of personal dignity and worth."Loyalty: "Homage and fealty to a superior." Together, these seven values create a system of beliefs unique to Japanese philosophy and culture that is widely followed today. Inazo Nitobe, one of Japan's foremost scholars, thoroughly explores each of these values and explains how they differ from their Western counterparts. Until you understand the philosophy behind the ethics, you will never fully grasp what it meant to be a Samurai—what it meant to have Bushido. In Bushido, Nitobe points out similarities between Western and Japanese history and culture. He argues that "no matter how different any two cultures may appear to be on the surface, they are still created by human beings, and as such have deep similarities." Nitobe believed that connecting Bushido with greater teachings could make an important contribution to all humanity—that the way of the Samurai is not something peculiarly Japanese, but of value to the entire human race.
With an extensive new introduction and notes by Alex Bennett, a respected scholar of Japanese history, culture and martial arts with a firsthand knowledge of the Japanese warrior code, Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan is an essential guide to the essence of Japanese culture. Bennett's views on this subject are revolutionizing our understanding of Bushido, as expressed in his Japanese bestseller The Bushido the Japanese Don't Know About.
Born in 1970 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Alex Bennett received a doctoral degree from Kyoto University in 2001, and another from the University of Canterbury in 2012. After working at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, and then Teikyo University's Department of Japanese Culture, he is now employed as a Professor at Kansai University where he lectures on Japanese history and culture.
"In fact, spoiler alert, it turns out that no matter how bad your experience is in this body’s Life, you asked for it. You chose to do it. Not lying. It’s fact. You brought yourself here...Suck it up. Life stinks, hurts, beats the crap out of you, wears you down, erodes your body, your mind and your energy. It exhausts you. It fucks over your mind, assaults you with hormones, bad body days, horrible mind problems, evil cunts in the ‘game’ messing with you, all that shit and so much more you cannot imagine it. But you chose to do it." I concur Sir. Now, taking that one step further, some signed up to be cowards. They chose to get in the way. Peace.
Indeed, but some won't even touch a saddle. I mean, people don't have to be violent or lash out, but at least have "an opposing opinion" of some sort. Everyone's heads are nodding "yes," no matter how absurd or asinine. Courage in words is easy, no? Or at least stop nodding the head. Especially when there is detriment afoot.
We are so easily influenced! In sales, especially face to face, when you get closer to the close, start to ask questions that you know the answer to is yes and then nod you head up and down with the affirmative answers. Get them to nod with you and then ask for the sale, while nodding. Even if they want to say no, when they are nodding up and down yes, it is hard to say no. Try it! shake y9ur head up and down while saying "No" It is hard. We all want to buy, we all want to agree with each other, We all want to be liked. Agreeing is the easiest way, even to our detriment! Hey, saddles hurt after you have been sitting in the for a while.
Thank you Clif. I came to this realization in 2002, after the birth of my second child. I had a dream that was more an experience, and I never forgot it or the lesson. The Last Samurai is one of my favorite movies. It's the moment he realizes it's ALL perfect.
We are all just cherry blossoms blowing in the wind.
Seems i always lean toward art and creativity... artists work with constraints... paper size, crayons or paint, lighting, etc. Everything is limited to the materials and also mindset. I veiw life the same.. its the present constraints or opportunities that are for use. Sure its obvious to me that i am a Creator Source art project. Nothing more or less. The return to Creator is not a thought to me. I have memories of other lives or what might be called selected memories from within this bubble of human experiences as i now sense those thought are not always specifically mine! What is the point of the direction i an presented with... its in the journey and i refuse to get ahead of myself. I need all my acuity to stay alive, at least for now. As a fan of sci-fi fiction, its a bit disconcerting to see it becoming our world. I am a tree hugger. My lungs hate all this electricity...
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you put yourself in this situation. What the hell? Just be glad you didn't come back as some blood crazed pedophile mother f'er like Billy boy psychopath Gates. Thank conscientiousness I couldn't come back as the evil bitch Hilary, that's off the table. Only hope I always make the choice to come back as a helper and not a destroyer. AHHHHHHH!
Love ya Uncle Clif. Thank you.
There is no 'supreme' in consciousness
There must be that which was first, always has been and always will be
Can't be anything that was 1st..who made the 1st? Always just was ...
Was? How can a just is be a was?
Speak for your own Self, not mine
In the Pizza Universe you are a foolish man 🤷 are you just a simple Pastafarian?!? 🤌
You insult me, based on your own Self, not mine. Fukoff.
No need to insult you , you do a good job all by yourself
Ahhh, a fool in harlequin! 👏 ha! I am an esoteric mathemagician! 🧙♂️ and I can smell YOU, Bubba Jimbo. Listen Stinky, we are pi in the sky, you are just an angry pimp...le.
Clif, after going down many hi-ways & bi-ways, with not a little B.S. thrown in along the way, is finally getting to the nitty-gritty.
And not before time. He's become a minor 'guru' to many and has a duty of care. He knows this. He's a responsible adult, if a little wacky.
It's all one. We are all one.
Clif is getting it.
"This is Perfect. That is Perfect. Perfect comes from Perfect. Take Perfect from Perfect the remainder is Perfect. May Peace & Peace & Peace be everywhere
Thanks for including the passage from Isha Upanishad:
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya Purnamevavasheshyate
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
That is perfect, this is perfect, perfect comes from perfect
Take perfect from perfect, the remainder is perfect.
May peace and peace and peace be everywhere ~*~
Spam with a dangerous link
It didn't look so DANGEROUS to me, just a commercial for a book.
It’s still spam , same message with different names . Could be this NY agent that is a publicist for books . I know the owner of one company.
My iPhone gave my a heads up that those type of links are not to be trusted
Did you report it? If you are truthful with your comment, you should
Yes of course. But it changes it’s name and I report all I find . Ok ?
It started way back when bread got fefined and now it's made with cardbaord. White flour can be used as a form of glue so. The bitter substances were taken out of fruit and vegetables. Now we have empty food nutrition wise. Our "caveman" bacteria was destroyed which has altered our brain.
Thanks Clif. I too have had an attitude towards Supreme Conciousness. I, being a part of the Source, have a mandate to create, in a body/mind that is afflected with stuffs. It has taken decades to get out of social programming to finally reach the Spirit within and my soul agenda. Shit, what a fucd up ride. HOWEVER, to reach this awareness and Conquer my bs, leaves me with a better possibility for my next go round of being wiser, quick to change and dam intouch with Source.
I am so thrilled to finally get out of my diapers and experience my first day of kindergarten.
Yes, I choose to be here, at this time, with my forever self. What love the Source has for my human expression. No judgement at all. If there were judgements it would have to judge itself, for I am from it.
Are we having fun yet?
I'm hoping not having had children here helps me make my way out of the matrix & stay out! 😂
Nope. Having children is a vital necessity of living & part of living as an evolutionary evolving human. If you haven't done it, back you come! It teaches you many things being a parent. One is that It makes you look to the future, providing for them, & what they will receive on this planet in their lives. Result-you make life better for them. The current education system is communist, to create slaves & robots. Rely on the state, above all, don't think (critically), ask questions, explore or invent. And don't have children!! Whilst we don't know your reasons for not having kids, if the brain washing of the younger generations has decided the younger ones to not have babies, then civilisation is at risk. And the evil wins (since that is what they want). Gotta think from all angles & learn. Urantia papers gives a great perspective on our universe. It is free. Cheers.
Well aren't you just Almighty God to make such a statement as a matter of *fact* as if any human can *know* such a thing
I was the product of a multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma, & after spending my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother, then was rescued by her family only to be alternately bribed & punished in attempt to deny any of it happened instead of receiving treatment or at the very least validation for my considerable trauma.By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there rather than back home after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT me there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative Identity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing up police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing very well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & received back injuries to receive opiates (before oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. The two men were brothers with some uncles on the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families, It was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a fed himself & had some of his own connections, & I was held for several days while negotiations were made.
Anyway, I never could create a stable life to plan for children & I never did get pregnant by accident (despite not staying on birth control- my gynecologist had implored me not to get pregnant until married because she said my internal damage from physical trauma & infections combined with my small structures would make for very complicated pregnancy. I would have to be able to not work, & maybe be off my feet altogether in late term). I have a lot of feelings about my husband missing out on kids now that I'm too old, but I never did feel the ticking clock.
Now that I do finally have a stable life with a stable & loving partner, perhaps there will be an opportunity to take in some children or teenagers in desperate need of a loving home. We are finally ready to move on to our dream home, so if it is meant to happen someday, we'll have plenty of room.
Either way, when my time comes I definitely will be looking to avoid that moonbase soul recycling center, no matter how many of my loved ones are waiting there for me in the waiting room. Making the most profound attachment possible as a human being on earth just might result in less attachment to life on this planet, & an easier time telling it goodbye. Of course, I assume if I do make it out, after a "time," the WHOLE cycle starts over again & I'll be plankton or something.
Anyway, I believe I'm a soul, not a human body; only but a visitor to this strange ball of physicality. But I'm damn sure not so afflicted with the folly of hubris as to think I *KNOW* 🤣🤣🤣
It is WELL past time for Substack comments sections to get an EDIT BUTTON! 🔘
I'm going to assume most of you can handle a few typos
I know only that which I know....& don't know that which I don't know....the latter is undoubtedly infinite ! My soul embraces yours in love & acknowledges & validates your life's experiences......You must be an incredibly evolved soul to have endured so much & survived....not only survived but continue to embrace life & be able to love.....I See You & I applaud you....x
Thank you! I have recently decided I'm going start to writing my own Substack this year, after my husband asked me why I only read & comment on other writers here. I'm starting with some poetry for the New Year written over the weekend, but I've been dragging my feet to actually post it 😆
It probably needs some music or at least a beat to fully make sense, so I'm hoping folks will be able to get the rhythm of it- as well as the tongue & cheek of it- with some well-placed emojis....
Not knowing is the clear meditative state which opens up one to knowing. Everything is a paradox. Thinking one knows is at the level of thought and feeling one knows is at the level of emotion.
Knowing is an act as we are creative beings. But it needs to be in alignment with reality. The soul and spirit are also bodies we create with our conciousness.
Tara, you are assuming a situation that does not align with the subject matter here. The meat suits embodying Supreme Consciousness that Clif is opining about (males in this particular instance) are here now, may or may not have offspring. But the previous embodiments of S.C. Or the one before that, or the one after this one may. Offspring during the current embodiment has NOTHING TO DO with a humans wisdom, learning, evolvement in the here and now. Each one of Clifs readers may have had SCADS if offspring in those other OTHER lives and none in THIS LIFE. Dont you think????
Some have a different form of children where they spend their energy.
We have a small family. The Abolition & reduction of family is a mistake. The bonds are important. Blood bonds are strongest. We aren't solitary creatures.
Dickens wrote Scrooge in 1842. The ELites by that time were complaining about over population. Which means they whispered it generations sooner.
Feminists are learning that the almighty job is a poor companion as you age. The narratives pushed on msm against family and children are a slow brainwashing
Everything has and is about breaking up the tribe. The seperation is started right at birth which is to put the baby in the cot to seperate the bond with the mother. Opening the way for the Mkultra. The mess and activity in a kindergarten teach kids how to mess up their minds as does the devices to destroy their attention span and to bring in the blue light. Then the false information itself they are brainwashed with they will need to unlearn. I mean what kids books don't have some form of bs in it but some are better than others.
I agree, in terms of what's best for human life on planet Earth. But I'm looking to get away from here & stay with source. At least until the cycle probably just starts again, anyway.
Beautifully written
Thanks 🙏🏻
My husband asked me recently why I'm not writing my own Substack, & occasionally folks here in the comments sections ask me if I plan on writing more here about my life. So I've decided 2025 is the year, but I plan to start with some light poetry I wrote over the weekend.
It depends, having kids can break one's karmic cycle if they are protected from all the shit in the world.
You are just going to go extinct as DNA
I was the product of a multigenerational pattern of abuse & trauma; after spending my early childhood years being sex trafficked until I witnessed the murder of my mother, I was (by the grace of God) rescued by her family, only to be alternately bribed & punished in attempt to deny any of it had ever happened instead of receiving treatment, or at the very least validation, for my considerable trauma. By 17, I finally ended up in a psych ward because I chose to go there rather than back home after my grandparents TOOK ME TO the local runaway shelter & LEFT ME there. I was diagnosed with severe CPTSD & was well on my way to Dissociative Identity Disorder- my grandparents never could understand why I was always calling myself by different names, but they did sometimes accuse me of being schizophrenic (but never took me to anyone to attempt to find out). After seeing some police & medical records provided by another family member, the doctors sat me down to explain that my condition was a perfectly sane reaction to my situation & that I was doing very well to not be sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
By the age of 20, I was a passenger in a flipped car & suffered spinal injuries severe enough to receive opiates (before oxycontin & the pill mill days). Oh, & did I mention that I was born addicted to the heroin my mother used? So I discovered my ultimate dopamine button to escape the pain when I found myself utterly unable to allow my soulmate all the way in. He was a man, after all, like the men who raped me every day in exchange for a roof over our heads & food in our stomachs until they killed her in front of me & then attempted to sell me off. The two men were brothers with some uncles on the local Sheriff's department, all from some fucked up family connected to a bunch of other fucked up trafficking families, It was the brothers' mother who had set up my sale. Luckily my grandfather was a Fed himself & had some of his own connections, & so I was held for several days while negotiations were made.
Anyway, I never could create a stable life to plan for children & I never did get pregnant by accident (despite not staying on birth control- my gynecologist had implored me not to get pregnant until married because she said my internal damage from physical trauma & infections combined with my small structures would make for very complicated pregnancy. I would have to be able to not work, & maybe be off my feet altogether in late term). I have a lot of feelings about my husband missing out on kids now that I'm too old, but I never did feel the ticking clock.
Now that I do finally have a stable life with a stable & loving partner, perhaps there will be an opportunity to take in some children or teenagers in desperate need of a loving home. We are finally ready to move on to our dream home, so if it is meant to happen someday, we'll have plenty of room.
Either way, when my time comes I definitely will be looking to avoid that moonbase soul recycling center, no matter how many of my loved ones are waiting there for me in the waiting room. Making the most profound attachment possible as a human being on earth just might result in less attachment to life on this planet, & an easier time telling it goodbye. Of course, I assume if I do make it out, after a "time," the WHOLE cycle starts over again & I'll be plankton or something.
Anyway, I believe I'm a soul, not a human body. So extinct DNA doesn't concern me. I'm more focused with getting back to source, than participating again in this particular experiment 😁
Good for you , then ignore my Walrus comment. I’ll work on getting my foot out of my mouth.
It's taken me a long time to have a sense of humor about it all, but I suppose I still get slightly triggered... from time to time. And I have a horrible habit of needing to explain myself, for which I'm still in therapy so as not eventually drive my poor husband right 'round the bend.
Jokes aside, I do agree that people should generally not only have children, but prioritize doing so. I didn't get a lot of the normal experiences or things that, as I child in this society, I always expected I would as an adult. But I accepted a long time ago that, for whatever reason, I was never going to fit in with- or likely ever be capable of- the kind of lives most people lead, & it took some time to make peace with that. But I have certainly never advocated that anyone emulate my path.
"as *a* child"
Having fun? You betcha.
Disagree with Clif on always incarnating as one gender only. I am female this time around and remember lifetimes when I was male. I have mostly lived as an ordinary person, but did have one life as a king in Denmark (one of my Viking lives.)
Follow Jeff Berwick on X and Bitchute. His description of this as a video game is a good metaphor. I agree with the Upanishad's description of the Universe as the outbreathing/inbreathing of Brahma. I think Source plays these mind games as what it does to keep itself occupied. Clif's idea that it is seeking novelty also has merit. IMO Source sets up the video game with a set of rules. When the game plays out, Source ponders the results (sort of like our life review at the conclusion of each incarnation.) Then, Source decides on a different set of rules, starts a new game, on we go. The cycle, from our perspective, is eternal.
I also believe, as does Bruce Cottrell, that Source sends out these fractals of Itself as 'seeds' by which It grows. The side effect is that the process also increases Love. Each incarnation of ours grows our seed so that eventually we dissolve back into Source. I have heard channeled info from a highly evolved race of beings that say they deliberately slowed down their ascension because the next step is conclusion of growth and their individual consciousness dissolves into Source and they do not want that yet.
Dig, grow and enjoy Life. I plan to not come back to Earth until conditions here are much improved. I am totally fed up with so many lifetimes where evil ones eff me up over and over.
So the memory of you as male, in my understanding, in previous lives, comes from your Doer. That is but one third of your triune being. DOER KNOWER THINKER. We are too big to shove into these meat suits. Even the DOER is too large. So it is split into 12. There are 6 of each sex. Here's where it gets tricky. You, now, in this body's Life, are but one -twelfth of the whole of the DOER, so technically, you are the 'doer-in-the-body'. You are in a female body so you say, but have memories to some degree of being male embodied. Perfectly natural. It is because your memories are NOT held in this embodiment, through which you are now expressing as the doer-in-the-body. Rather these memories are held at the DOER level, up in the triune. You are the duodecima that is active in this body's Life . It is really well detailed in (i think) the second chapter of Thinking and Destiny. By percival. Free pdf on line.
Thanks Clif. I had bought the Thinking and Destiny book to read, forgot I bought it and bought a second one! LOL, Universe thought my son needed a copy. I started on it, but I will get it to the top of the stack and begin again. I appreciate your input.
I agree. We do not incarnate as one sex only because that would be a very redundant experience. Consciousness experiences itself in human form in this dimension as both male and female, a balance of experience.The Universe is all about balance. We are also concurrently experiencing other "lives" in other dimensions.
Yes, the entire Ying-Yang! 🤷
We="the other me's" Soul mates gives me meaning to the term "go fuck yourself"
That's what I heard you can come back as a different sex male or female
I did past life regression and remembered both female and male incarnations so I also don't agree with him on that...but maybe he has always been male...
I would like to hear Clif's ideas. He has stated that the circle has 6 male and 6 female and alternates the sexes for incarnations. I'm not saying that it incarnates alternating every life. I have been both. Some souls prefer masculine, some prefer feminine lives. This offers yin and yang. Maybe at a later time he will expound on this, I would be interested in hearing it. In this existence, I am in a female body, but "feel" more masculine as a soul. Let me be clear, I have NO inclination to deviate my chosen gender. I have lived this life as a female. Anyway, both sexes have tough life issues, so it isn't a piece of cake which ever existence you choose as a soul.
II am in a female body and enjoy that, but I also love doing and being interested in so defined “masculine” things, like woodwork, machines, driving tractors, using chainsaw, V8 engines, Not that they could not be female interests, but they have a testosterone about them!
I definitely prefer being female. And relate to female energy more. I understand what you are saying though.
It could have been how I was raised also.
Totally relate to "feeling" more masculine than other women. In part it is my intellectual nature, discomfort with emotions, & tomboyishness (at least until puberty made me look like Mae West & ruined my athleticism, lol) but also from early childhood sexual trauma. I would have been a perfect target for today's gender nonsense because I HATED the process of becoming a woman! But a few years into puberty I fell in love with my ultra-feminine body. I'm SO grateful that stuff wasn't around back then. I don't think even us staunch gender critical women have yet to wrap our heads around just how much these children are having taken away from them forever. It might even be the biggest loss a human being can suffer.
Yes there is such an attack on our younger generation. I think because they are actually holding a very important spiritual impulse for the future to do with the transformation of the Ego to the I Am. If the adversarial spirits can divert that destiny then it will be a great blow for human consciousness and its evolution. If there is no sense of self and they call themselves "they" then the impulse can be detoured altogether.
Yeah, what would a woman like to have for a day or two? And what good work would they have implemented with it?
Men can't feel feminine just as much as women can't feel masculine. The feminine side of a male is totally different than the masculine side of a female. The 2 are opposites. For starters there is no penis
A lot of that is bs and many spirits will say anything to get your energy.
Interesting. 👏
Yep,I’d go along with most of what you say! My belief is that this time around I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth and not get harassed by control freaks, so far so good until I became aware of the game that others have been playing. It didnt interfere with my fun, in fact the bankers games have given us all a bit of fun with our credit cards!, but now I see the bastardry it pisses me off. And I am tired of the noise pollution. Still if I now actually use focus and intention, I can indeed just enjoy Mother Earth and let all the other crap play out on some other stage in the game!
I agree with Clif only because I believe that we are remembering our multidimensional selves when we think we've been both men and women. I understand that the "mother soul" from which all of come from would have all the memories of all the lives those of her family has lived and that would always be available to those who seek. I individual fragment, piece of soul incarnating, say as me is a women and always will be that part of the polarity in duality, although I do remember lives as being male. Just wanted to share my perspective.
Hmmm... a King Of Denmark....
Are you sure you didnt incarnate as Marie Antoinette... since THAT seems to ne the typical female hallucination ?
I always thought the preferred past incarnation was Cleopatra. 😁
Or Napoleon, or jesus!
I agree...there are no limits within consciousness. We can be all 32 genders if we like. For sure, I remember being different genders.
Channeling is bullshit.
Clif explains this elsewhere.
So you were an Inuet? That's who lived in Greenland, then later some Vikings, but not long. 🤔
Good morning Woo Crew! I believe that it might be a good time to reread Ayn Rand books. It’s looking pretty grim right now. Love you all!😘
Rand was an atheist. That unfortunately misinformed much of her work. That said, take what works, leave the rest.
I’m not sure that’s a bad thing, considering that we are dealing with the Elohim Cargo Cults and their fallout. It actually seems to be beneficial for the Bigger Picture, by eliminating all of the clutter.
I understand when young people go through the atheistic phase, but generally speaking, if as a fully grown adult you can't see (or at least feel) the obvious existence of God, something has gone horribly wrong.
Suzirhae is replying to a conversation about supreme consciousness, so I take it she understands the implications. I take her comments to mean “release from religion”, which does not equate to “I don’t believe in God”. I think Ayn Rand would consider this position. She was a thinker and would welcome a healthy discussion
Religion is OG Mind control. Even the word "God" itself is mind control.
I don't read as 'believing in a deity' is what informed Rand's work - I think it was Communism and not anything related to atheism. If you were raised in Soviet Russia, well then having a particularly positive attitude would be very difficult at best.
I'm sure that had a lot to do with it.
Wasn't Ayn a "Do as though Wilst" Aleister Crowley type of person? Jewish Dad sold drugs and was a chemist.
To a certain extent. She presented as a grit believer IMO.
Bingo. If you can't see or feel beyond the grit as a fully developed adult, something has gone wrong for you. And don't ask me to prove God exists because faith is precisely the point. If you can't simply sense God on your own, there's probably not anything I can do to help with that.
based on what Ive read of gnosticism so far kind of makes me wonder if she actually understood the meaning of "atheist" or was it just the best description she could come up with that demonstrated in her time what she believed?
Entirely possible. Unfortunately she isn't available for comment.
It was probably also a big consequence of being born into the Soviet Union.
Another BINGO!
She was not a Communist insofar as what she preached in her novels. She proposed the opposite in that every man for himself. She was fiercely opposed to those with ability providing for those without;the Marxist theory, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". From Wikipedia: "She said the individual should "exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself" ...Rand opposed collectivism and statism, which she considered to include many specific forms of government, such as communism, fascism, socialism, theocracy, and the welfare state." --
She was as cold as the Siberian tundra, and portrayed no emotion or altruism in her belief system. However, her views on government and individualism ring true to my ears. Also, the belief charity should be up to the individual and not enforced by the state upon the public. Many of her timeless and enduring quotes apply to the present as we inch closer to our own ugly Soviet system with the same ugly people whom require it to cling onto power.
That hyper-individualism she promoted is one of the reasons The West is in the pickle it's in. The phrase "No man is an island" existed long before her, and will persist long after.
That said, again: Take what works, leave the rest.
But then collectivism breeds the hive-mind which is quite scary. It can cause one to take or administer a shot that is lethal. Individualism makes one more responsible for the consequences of their own actions to others and themselves.
Yet it is in line with our present epoch of Consciousness Soul where individual Ego Consciousness reaches its peak and like the knights in the Grail story on meeting another knight on our journey we pull down our vizors and go in for the joust. I have not read her but I can imagine how her perspective has arisen. This is happening everywhere on the net and in this posting. We hold the 12 points of the Zodiac which makes up our round table and we search for the Grail from the point of the fixed stars but ot is the development of Soul through the movements of the planet's affecting our earthly journey that shapes and develops our souls that is the true necessity and this is what provides the conscious path of the initiate. Parsifal had this wish in built although raised away from the world it actually helped this wish arise more purely out of his pure heart without any teaching from the world. The Arthurian stream held the space for the arising of the Consciousness Soul so that while these knights hold tge space and create the path the individual Soul finds its own path through the forest to the Grail castle. So while this is held by the council of twelve in our souls, meanwhile our Parsifal Self has left home and our divine childhood amongst the nature spirits has been left behind when we discover the white knights riding in the forest. We want to be like them we go out in tbe world and cause mayham and do damage to others in our quest to achieve our Ego ambitions. All the time we are held by the spiritual hierarchies and our choices awaken us to that which is outside our egoic sphere and how our actions affect others and send us either deeper into the wasteland into Klingsors castle or the other way into greater conscience where we can at last ask the question out of a certain wisdom humility and compassion, " What Ails thee? And Who does the Grail serve? It is the journey of the Ego that goes from enriching itself to the sense of the I Am gained through the suffering and trials of life. So I reveal that I am with Clif to a point but not so existential regarding the outcome for humanity. Perhaps Clif has gone through the Fire Water Air trials and is on the edge of realising the central epiphany of his initiation. Perhaps He needs a Trevrizent to enlighten him that the knights code was what prevented him from asking the Question while in tbe Grail Castle. There is more awaiting you than this stoic existential existence. Clif is interesting because he believes in Spirit but rejects the translations of the Books of the Judaeo Christian tradition. I can understand that as these texts have been tampered with by certain cults and their original meaning cannot be understood with modern minds
So easily. However our individual connection to nature still exists if we throw away all the accumulated intellectual knowledge then we can find our pure kokoro that will help us ask the question and grant us the second experience of the grail castle where we can put ourselves in harmony with all that is and so live in the Eternal moment in the Grail castle in a state of grace and healing.
Yes - Ayn understood basic incentives - what made people productive, and what made them uncooperative and lazy! She was raised in the former Soviet Union - she understood the nihilism that accompanied communism. We are having our own communist revolution - a silent revolution. No one walking around with red flags with a hammer and sickle. Just the woke and nihilistic ideology that many people in the west have bought into to - it's the same thing, but in 1917, it went by such names as Marxism, Communism, etc.
Yes. Love Ayn Rand’s books
She definitely puts things into perspective!
What book by her should one start with do you think?
My Go-To is “Atlas Shrugged”. You might also enjoy Lionel Shriver’s “The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047” it actually talks about the boarder wall keeping all of the Americans in. Both books are excellent descriptions of what Communism creates in society. We are all getting who we elected and hard. Cheers!
Not convinced that the blue states are due to citizens just keep voting blue no matter who, so much as city political machines controlling outcomes to keep them blue no matter who is actually voted for.....
Get some fresh air and sunshine. I am heading out for a walk with my 4 doggos. Remember, this too shall pass.
Congratulations Suzirhae. 🎊 I see you were not snoozing this morning so here's your 1st comment award & trophy 🏆 what's this now, 2 out of 3? I better sharpen my pencil ✏
I just returned from a walk with my best friend, Mr. Arlo, the dog in my life, snow-covered grounds, a cloudy sky, and a 29’ temp in the air, and it just started to snow again...cheers
Yes, yes, yes Cliffy san. But my only gripe is that I chose to come here. I keep hearing, reading this crap. How does anyone possibly know that.
ever noticed, that only well to do people welcome and praise this concept and on the other end of the human condition, the miserables, lament it in submission?
And somewhere in the middle, are those who question it and what about the quackery on free will, you can do what you want and somehow, none of it has any meaning in the end.
Also, I would like to hear a satisfactory explanation of "I chose to come hear" for he experience, that explains the suffering of a child beeing raped and murdered?
I'm a survivor of early childhood trafficking (repeatedly raped as a small child) & witnessed my own mother's murder at the hands of our traffickers. I was incredibly fortunate to have had her family come looking for & rescue me (although why they allowed her to keep me when they knew how she was living is beyond me). And unfortunately, instead of acknowledging & treating my trauma, my family chose to simply claim none of it ever happened, alternately using punishment & bribery to shut me up about it; by 17 I was in a psych ward struggling with a fragmenting personality, terrified for my sanity when the doctors dug up the corroborating police & medical records & finally assured me of my own memory. They told me I was having a perfectly sane but complex PTSD response to my circumstances & was actually doing quite well to not be simply sitting somewhere catatonic & drooling on myself by then.
And yet.... Somehow the notion that I chose this life & came here willingly rings true to me. I had always assumed that I must have been monstrous in a previous life to earn such punishment. Maybe I was, who knows. But when I was introduced (many years ago) to the idea that I chose this life, it was a💡moment for me because it simply had the ring of truth. For those of you who have never experienced hearing/feeling that "ring of truth," it's simply an intuitive, instinctual thing I cannot really convey with words. It must be experienced.
You might assume that I was just absolving myself of having been so horrible in a past life as to deserve my suffering, but at the time I continued to act out the belief that I deserved to suffer so horribly through my own self-destructive behaviors. I have regrets when it comes to how, as an adult still deeply mired in early childhood sexual trauma, I ended up hurting others while harming myself through things like prostitution, & I certainly don't miss any of it, but I absolutely do not regret the experience & wouldn't trade what I learned from it for anything. I seemed to need to understand, as an adult, the life my mother brought me into as a child. Now instead of assuming my life's suffering is about punishment, it feels more akin to being sent to the gym for training. And I am SO STRONG now! So did God sent me to this gym? Apparently (to me), but maybe I agreed to come here to get so strong after all 🤔
As I've said..I don't know, however I feel sometimes that we become 'so strong' because the alternative is so abhorrent....We need for there to have been a purpose for our suffering & extreme trauma, otherwise what is the point of it ? Not everyone survives it or even in the same way, some end their lives, some continue to inflict trauma on others & some of us survive & use it to make a better life for ouselves & others....the variations are endless.
I do feel we are part of a greater consciousness, all of us connected but to me the matter of 'by what design' we arrived here & the circumstances we ended up in....is still in question....I trust one day to experience a definitive answer, until then it's all speculation, in my humble opinion......x
I've always heard God won't give you more than you can handle, but I have seen some folks who would appear to suggest otherwise, sadly. But yeah, I have definitely had that "well, what other choice do I have?" feeling often in my life. Many thanks for seeing & understanding such an odd experiencer as myself🌹
For the most part, I’ve lived the other side of the human condition you refer to. Peasant, serf, etc. I’ve often wondered if I would feel differently if my life circumstances had been - mmmmmm, more affluent, without so much struggle just to live. Not conclusively just yet - I don’t think I would feel or see things that much differently because ‘I’ see the forced existence via the initial spark, over which this part of the essence was not asked if it wanted to participate. How could it have been asked and been able to reply before it was so unceremoniously sparked into existence by whatever? Where is any freedom in that? And then forced, under this duress to supposedly make choices - of any kind.
Walk a half mile in my shoes, any of us could say. As is also said - question everything - as far back as your mind will take you.
And if by some obscure chance we were asked & we agreed to participate......then at the VERY LEAST....we should have complete access to our memories of having done so & why we did.
This whole idea of where some people seem to have access to these memories & others don't......Doesn't pass the sniff test...if that is the case, then it's obviously not a level playing field & something is messing with us.
Soul Contract ? .....show me NOW, where I signed, where I consented to all of this & if you can't show me & I know nothing about it, then it's all bollocks !
Just like in this life 'they' say we've consented by our ignorance.....really ??? When 'they' change the language to mean something 'other' than what the actual words mean....when we say No to something & 'they' go ahead & do it anyway....Where we don't know how the monetary, political & deep state etc. really work.....and that's somehow our fault because we've been manipulated, indoctrinated & brainwashed.....and unfortunately ignorant of how the 'game' is played...
No, no, no.....I'm calling utter BS on that !! Hmmm ! There seems to be a familiar ring to it, of 'victim blaming' whilst the perpetrators gets away scot free again & again....
Just my thoughts.....much love LinMaree....x
Well, Jesus Christ actually said he had to come here to *ransom* mankind! I think it's actually related to the Watchers usurping from humanity our birthright, through Adam, of dominion over planet Earth, through their Nephilim sons with human women. Are you familiar with Timothy Alberino? He has just released his own compilation of the Book of Enoch, with the guys from the Blurry Creatures podcast as coauthors.
Weellllll, I walked past the Jesus story a long time ago. There is SO much more. The picture is infinitely bigger than that story. Even bigger than the Enoch story, and most of the others perpetrated today. Perpetrated? Yes, perpetrated on the populations for the purposes of so-called order and control.
I just think it's an interesting phraseology with interesting implications. But yes, there's a whole lost history, before the vapor canopy was destroyed, possibly by Tiamat, when a black-haired, black-eyed lunar society may have seen Saturn in place of Earth's Sun. Yawn. Old news (please go check out ARCHAIX if you want to be on the cutting edge of ancient information). But you assume I am ignorant because I mention the role of Jesus Christ.🙄 Don't you know what happens when you make assumptions??? 😂
Exactly ,or the people tortured to death in dungeons in days of old. Burned at the stake, babies ,toddlers getting some cancer? We choose to experience this? An infant hasn't lived enough to have a learning experience..I thought that's what this time ,on this plane, was meant to be???
I think when we find out the real reasons for the torture, abuse, murder & diseases....especially of infants & children...animals & those who can in no way defend themselves etc. ......Then we are not going to be 'happy' !
Best to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, psychologically & spiritually for that time, when we do hear the answer.....if we are able to cope sufficiently to listen......much love ...x
What is happening to them is that they did the same thing to others in past lives.
I have a strange feeling I may have practiced sorcery (not magick, sorcery, ie, attempting to warp forces to one's own will rather than learning to bending to God's will) min my previous life. I hope not 😔, but I just get that feeling for some reason.
Forty years ago I had a spontaneous (not drug induced) memory of being a distraught and powerful entity that caused a fire conflagration on a population of ‘my people’ in some very distant past. I’ve pondered that often with sadness for my actions. As if what we experience here and now in this lifetime was not enough… as you well know.
Interestingly enough, I just had a 4 day fever last week while LA burned. 24 years ago I lived in WLA near Santa Monica and the 405.
Experiences in this life come from actions in the last life. In this world most people do the wrong thing for monetry gain but we are here to laern to do the right thing.
I have heard that called karma for similar past life actions. I don’t know - just have heard that.
I've heard all kind of reasons for the type of lives we get to experience..and I don't think anyone really knows for sure. And when it come to religion ,God and creation..I ask myself why? What's all this for ? An experiment? Kind of sick what some people and animals are made to go thru. I have to remember the famous George Carlin bit..
" you do bad ,you're going to be punished, you're going to burn in hell..all these terrible things , but know HE still loves you". Seems like some screwy teachings to me. Then there are some that say this is all a simulation...I don't know what to think or believe. I myself ,although don't follow or practice Eastern religions ..I find the explanation of our time on earth is to reincarnate after death, each time to learn and come better each time to eventually reach the end ,the prize, nirvana...
I like and agree with your first paragraph, but not the second. There are so many stories, some via religion, others myth, others culture and customs similar to the one you’ve pointed at, each saying THAT one is THE way. Some simply fantastical. Maaaaaybe, it’s all imagination…so, pick one? Or is ‘picking one’ even necessary.
Every once in awhile I think I know something… :)!
That's what I want to know? Everyone saying a similar thing but with variations, very confusing to me ...I'm too woo to knoo...❤️☮️
I don’t know where this rumour began but it’s taken legs and I’m not buying it.
I agree, it is like saying we gave up our power to come in here and be at the whim of this Supreme creator... who the fuck is this Supreme creator?
Yeah, i dont agree with Clif on that one. The Supreme Creator IMO is just Being, the Energy of All, it doesnt choose for us, it doesnt judge. It IS the life force that we all play with. But certainly here in Containment Earth, we are affected by the choices, consciousness, of the others, if we are unaware. If aware you start to use the energy to create for yourself, or at least not get caught up in the energies of the others and their thoughts and games. You learn to navigate in the Field, maybe thats the purpose, How to Captain your own ship in this Local Consciousness of Earth.
Powerful AJ... this is my personal focus. I call consciousness, or this presence that surrounds us and is us as The field of information that we all tap in to. We have been influenced and conditioned by control systems that mess with our perception of this field of information. This control system attacks our imagination, the very thing we are endowed with in order to bring forth the experiences of life. This system holds back from us our creative ability by feeding us lies that constrict our movement and our own intuitive exploration of reality
I don’t know this specific answer, but I hold that all so-called creation is “here” or exists, under duress. Supposedly sparked into existence, or fractalized or some such thing without consent - how could there be consent when there is supposedly nothing to be consulted? Then “spark!” There “you” are - be grateful. WHAT?!
good observation how could there be consent when there is supposedly nothing to be consulted...
what a word game they play with us.
Lol..we 'all find out soon enough!
The creation is also the creator, it's that simple. How could the 2 possibly in any way be seperate?
And who are “they”?
The idea is that we're all tiny pieces of that Super Consciousness that were still integrated into a single being when the decision was made to break up into tiny pieces to engage in novelty.
Depending on how your life “choice” is playing out….WHY? Thats always my question. Why did I come, My life has been provided for all the way enough to have enough, but I have had no desire to do anything grand, have any labels owise known as grand qualifications, no kids not by choice, and I have the privilege of watching all the crap go down. Couldnt I have done that from the other side?
So far, 61yrs old, the best I can figure is we were forced, ... as some sort of twisted punishment. lol
No, no, no, not the skin suit, anything but that, please, have some mercy !!! Next thing you know yer gettin' slapped on the ass. Starting out on the many decade incarceration.
Well said, Clif
With Respect,
Don't let the Bastards wear you down
Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down by The Toasters is a great tune if you like ska
As a female, the terrible understanding may whisper through a different channel: we are the eternal mothers of creation and destruction, not only wearers of the flesh but weavers of the infinite tapestry, feeling the threads of the Supreme Consciousness as both our burden and our purpose, binding us to cycles of birth, nurture, loss, and renewal, endlessly harmonizing with a Universe that demands both surrender and fierce grace.
Well apparently not me. Supreme Consciousness must have decided I didnt need to do those things in this female incarnation this time! Very freeing. Instead I take up those experiences of cycles, renewal, nurture, loss by gardening
Halfway through audible of Musashi that I read years ago...
Great trilogy with Toshiro Mifune if you don't have the time...
Eiji Yoshikawa's "Musashi", translated by an American diplomat, is sublime 🤌
What book would that be? Thank you!
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. The Samurai Trilogy films directed by Hiroshi Inagaki.
Thanks for that other recommendation! Haven't read it...
Are you referring to this book: Bushido: The Soul of Japan ,by Inazo Nitobe ?
Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan is the most influential book ever written on the Japanese "Way of the Warrior." A classic study of Japanese culture, the book outlines the moral code of the Samurai way of living and the virtues every Samurai warrior holds dear. It is widely read today in Japan and around the world.
There are seven core precepts of Bushido: Rectitude: "The power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering."Courage: "Doing what is right."Benevolence: "Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity."Civility: "Courtesy and urbanity of manners."Sincerity: "The end and the beginning of all things."Honor: "A vivid conscious of personal dignity and worth."Loyalty: "Homage and fealty to a superior." Together, these seven values create a system of beliefs unique to Japanese philosophy and culture that is widely followed today. Inazo Nitobe, one of Japan's foremost scholars, thoroughly explores each of these values and explains how they differ from their Western counterparts. Until you understand the philosophy behind the ethics, you will never fully grasp what it meant to be a Samurai—what it meant to have Bushido. In Bushido, Nitobe points out similarities between Western and Japanese history and culture. He argues that "no matter how different any two cultures may appear to be on the surface, they are still created by human beings, and as such have deep similarities." Nitobe believed that connecting Bushido with greater teachings could make an important contribution to all humanity—that the way of the Samurai is not something peculiarly Japanese, but of value to the entire human race.
With an extensive new introduction and notes by Alex Bennett, a respected scholar of Japanese history, culture and martial arts with a firsthand knowledge of the Japanese warrior code, Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan is an essential guide to the essence of Japanese culture. Bennett's views on this subject are revolutionizing our understanding of Bushido, as expressed in his Japanese bestseller The Bushido the Japanese Don't Know About.
Book by
Alexander Bennett
Born in 1970 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Alex Bennett received a doctoral degree from Kyoto University in 2001, and another from the University of Canterbury in 2012. After working at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, and then Teikyo University's Department of Japanese Culture, he is now employed as a Professor at Kansai University where he lectures on Japanese history and culture.
"In fact, spoiler alert, it turns out that no matter how bad your experience is in this body’s Life, you asked for it. You chose to do it. Not lying. It’s fact. You brought yourself here...Suck it up. Life stinks, hurts, beats the crap out of you, wears you down, erodes your body, your mind and your energy. It exhausts you. It fucks over your mind, assaults you with hormones, bad body days, horrible mind problems, evil cunts in the ‘game’ messing with you, all that shit and so much more you cannot imagine it. But you chose to do it." I concur Sir. Now, taking that one step further, some signed up to be cowards. They chose to get in the way. Peace.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
-John Wayne-
Indeed, but some won't even touch a saddle. I mean, people don't have to be violent or lash out, but at least have "an opposing opinion" of some sort. Everyone's heads are nodding "yes," no matter how absurd or asinine. Courage in words is easy, no? Or at least stop nodding the head. Especially when there is detriment afoot.
We are so easily influenced! In sales, especially face to face, when you get closer to the close, start to ask questions that you know the answer to is yes and then nod you head up and down with the affirmative answers. Get them to nod with you and then ask for the sale, while nodding. Even if they want to say no, when they are nodding up and down yes, it is hard to say no. Try it! shake y9ur head up and down while saying "No" It is hard. We all want to buy, we all want to agree with each other, We all want to be liked. Agreeing is the easiest way, even to our detriment! Hey, saddles hurt after you have been sitting in the for a while.
Sales and marketting are evil.
You forgot to mention "bad hair days"
Maybe so - but still, any choice is under, let’s say, ‘first sparked’ duress.
All of it is fraud and duress. You are correct ;)
Thank you Clif. I came to this realization in 2002, after the birth of my second child. I had a dream that was more an experience, and I never forgot it or the lesson. The Last Samurai is one of my favorite movies. It's the moment he realizes it's ALL perfect.
We are all just cherry blossoms blowing in the wind.
Is that the movie that takes place in an old west town where a circus lives?
Thanks for the morning thought with coffee! Love your work, miss your audios.
Seems i always lean toward art and creativity... artists work with constraints... paper size, crayons or paint, lighting, etc. Everything is limited to the materials and also mindset. I veiw life the same.. its the present constraints or opportunities that are for use. Sure its obvious to me that i am a Creator Source art project. Nothing more or less. The return to Creator is not a thought to me. I have memories of other lives or what might be called selected memories from within this bubble of human experiences as i now sense those thought are not always specifically mine! What is the point of the direction i an presented with... its in the journey and i refuse to get ahead of myself. I need all my acuity to stay alive, at least for now. As a fan of sci-fi fiction, its a bit disconcerting to see it becoming our world. I am a tree hugger. My lungs hate all this electricity...
Profound & true - if only some had even a small inkling! 🕉️
I don't sad to say...
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you put yourself in this situation. What the hell? Just be glad you didn't come back as some blood crazed pedophile mother f'er like Billy boy psychopath Gates. Thank conscientiousness I couldn't come back as the evil bitch Hilary, that's off the table. Only hope I always make the choice to come back as a helper and not a destroyer. AHHHHHHH!