Ascendancy of the "Conspiracist", I think that is what Clif is saying.

Imagine you had a crazy cousin who was telling you the virus was a man made bioweapon, he was tiresome, hasn't shut up for 2 years. Now, that same dork is telling you that the Ukraine leadership is actually a bunch of lying and evil B'stards, its not the Russians who started the "war".

Well there will be a lot of hurt, discombobulation and wailing... as Clif warns..... its going to be challenging for many.

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Thank you, Dr.Paolo! This has been hurting me since I landed on the planet. Child of the 60s. Born an Observer. Started down the rabbit hole with this crazy ass shit storm in 2016. The only one in my "now Tribe" family that actually believes what I am saying and not calling me a conspiracy theorist is a handful of friends and my dad. He's 90. He gets it.

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Stay strong. So many are brainwashed by the DeepState Media. Keep telling your truths.

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Lucky you ...my kids think I am mentally retarded and took the Jibby Jabby Mirco Chip!!

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So did my kids. I am heart broken. We don't talk about it anymore. My youngest and me sought counseling. We are resolved to respect and love each other for as long as we are both still alive.

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I am in a very similar situation as you. Child of the 60's too. I am that crazy cousin, aunt, mom and grandmother of the family. There are a few of my family that kind of get it, but none like me. Most think I am cray cray. That's ok. Some day, hopefully very soon, I can say I told you so and then help them adjust. I have no friends that get it. Kinda sad for them really, I am ok with it.

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Ok, but isn't saying "I told you so" simply going to perpetuate the wheel of karma? My ego really wants to say "I told you so," too, but then I THINK about how that only makes me as bad as them. I THINK we all need to fight the urge to say "I told you so" when it all goes down and, like Clif says, put an arm around the normies and show them the way.

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You are right and I probably won't do that and try to help them as much as I can. But oh how I want to. :)

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So true, we all think we want to say that but even in the small ‘wins’ where someone lately has started seeing a little clearer I haven’t said anything at all part from encouraged them. That taught me I never would say I told you so when truths start being evident and I really really thought I would!

Tbh we will all be so compassionate and so overwhelmed by their pain I think we will jump straight into helping mode.

As I see it - people who think clearly can’t help this they are empathetic by nature.

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I hear you. Believe me, I hear you.

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It’s called enabling and you’re no better than those manipulating their convo all this time. Best friends tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear no matter the consequences to themselves. Janine explained it best, something about they need to face it and take full responsibility for what they’ve done or it doesn’t count for their karma. That includes apologies for the zeal they had in condemning others.

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I agree, Scott. My ego wants to say it, but love has to have the say so.

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I’m gonna tell ‘em “I tried to tell ya” anyway, karma be damned. The fact that I get to tell them so is the true karma. After decades of having my ego bruised by society it will be my karma to do so.

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Well said...

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I am hoping and praying they will say, "Mom, you tried to tell us before it was too late." I will have to love them through the consequences. They have been my all and sweet women, they are.

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You echoed my experience here exactly, except I fell into a rabbit hole when Clinton was governor of Arkansas (1990+/-) and people started suiciding themselves, and the common factor was close relationship with the Clintons. Prior to that, my conspiracy antenna was activated by the Watergate incident, meeting E Howard Hunt and his son in my mother’s home shortly after the plane crash of his wife, Dorothy. And Hunt’s deathbed confession of being one of the “hobos” on the grassy knoll on a certain day in Dallas. 

Point being, every five years or so, there are incredible conspiracy scandals that occur, the difference nowadays is that the entire gamut of mass media is controlled by a very few gate keepers of information. And every day the Internet is being scrubbed to keep the masses unaware and stupid. 

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can relate to you ...

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(didn't realize we were cousins:)

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Dr. Paolo is a dedicated follower of Clif High, he thinks that "The Awakening" has started to quicken. You can read more here: https://www.cureforcovid.world/cadavre.htm

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I see you think there will be a Cure in Apr 2022. In order to take it, people will have to acknowledge there is an issue and admit they were wrong. In CA at least, that seems to be a big ask by next month. A lot of them seem to be stuck on just taking off their mask. Two days ago, a young pretty dental hygienist horrified me by saying she is over the mask and can’t wait until jabs are approved for children starting at 6 mos old, so EVERYONE WILL BE VAXXXED and she can take it off!

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Well we have always had the cure. Don't you think it is interesting that ivermectin has been the cure for respiratory diseases for years. It is on the NIH website as a cure for covid , and yet....No one talks about it. There are many papers out now, talking about ivermectin for cancer. I am not sure if there is a cure for stupid though.. I have an aunt and uncle who got sick from the vax. Thrombocytopenia and blood clots. They are both lucky to be alive. NO ONE in my family, will accept what has happened, despite the new release of Pfizer documents. I do think this is a spiritual test of some kind. I may or may not do a I told you so.... Probably only to the assholes that would not let me around them or my family. Wouldn't mind giving them a piece of my mind. I'll tell you!! I do not claim sainthood under the circumstances. But I admire those who commit to classy. It just probably won't be me. LOL!

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You are absolutely correct. The 1st step is to acknowledge that you may have made a mistake. At Christmas, my sister demanded I take a lateral flow test to attend the family get together. My counterproposal was that I would do her test if she conducted a D-dimer test I would supply and supervise. She never got back to me.

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D-dimer blood clot test. Has she shown signs that she got a ‘real’ shot? Is she a medical professional who could get signed off by a colleague without actually getting it?

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I have not seen me sister since December 2021. What I can say is that the whole of her family most likely received the "booster" in the lead-up to the holidays. Their young family dog subsequently suffered "epileptic episodes" and had to be destroyed. Their Vet explained that collie dogs do have a history of such decline, the whole family were grieving but accepted this explanation....it might even be true.

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It's interesting that you see a cure next month, as I know of an Indian doctor who has invented a product called NanoSoma that makes your body reject anything that is not "YOU" and his astrologer told him the product would "take off" in April 2022. I guess we'll see whether this is what you're talking about.

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This is interesting as it may not be a reflection of the efficacy of the product, but the result of a sudden massive desperate search for something, anything to thwart the effects of the vaxxx. If true, we may be looking at an overwhelming shift coming very soon.

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1) For me, it went like this. In the beginning, it was hard to miss those who worked into the convo they took the vaxxx, w the dual purpose of showing pride and outing those who didn’t respond in kind. Then, all pumped up by propaganda and ea other, only the nicest didn’t feel free to think, and most likely say out loud, the unvaxxxed were Granma killers. They justified their disdain, resentment and unusually hateful feelings w the solid belief that the unvaxxxed were scared, weak or otherwise purposely not doing their part and were to blame for those who got sick, especially when the first breakthroughs started. The vaxxxed ate up that they no longer had to keep up the lie they felt great all the time, while also doing their part to continue blaming the unvaxxxed. With even the mass media announcing herd immunity in Aug 2021 due to the NATURAL immunity of masses of unvaxxxed, most of which didn’t experience any symptoms, the race was on to get C should the great unvaxxxed have something over them. Breakthroughs were a good thing, they were double immune!

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2) To today, their guiding light, the media, has run out of ways to keep the vaxxxed on the side of right and make the unreasonable reasonable, so it has abandoned C for a new narrative. Hello to proudly wearing a mask AND turquoise blue and yellow. All that hate, judging, blame and anger being redirected toward Mother R while it’s getting harder to deny that nagging neck ache, friends’ weird ailments and actually dying for a cause that is at the end of its news cycle, about to be abandoned all together. They are realizing they may have given their life, and promoted their friends giving their lives, for a cause that no longer exists, that may not have ever existed at all. They were fooled, big time. I can’t imagine being a parent who shot their kid w pride. Gosh forbid, instead of continuing to follow the media, they should look inward, acknowledge the ugliness festering there, and let it pass out of them instead of just redirecting. Fortunately, it seems more and more are tired of being told they need to hate and comply to stay in the club.

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3) Those still trying to not be wrong and cluster w what was once their like minded brethren are going to have less and less people to cling to until only the truly deranged, not just brainwashed, are still in denial. That will be full circle, the end, when there is a total flip of who is considered crazy.

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Well said. This precisely my current predicament.

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Er, thanks for that artless explanation.

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It does hurt already, but I'm grateful for your reminder that all experience is Universe initiating us. If indeed there is a coming ascension of humanity, it will be those who endure to the end, meaning whose wills have been honed and bolstered by these experiences so that we may be able to endure and navigate the coming realities. It's probably not unlike being born: you don't want to leave that warm, floating ease and safety for an unknown and harsh world, but the goal is evolution not comfort. Once you recognize that that is the goal, experiences make more sense.

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the worst hurt, for me, is the lost and damaged relationships because I can see things that they can't or won't, and these are lifelong relationships I value and don't want to jettison. I keep hoping. And it keeps hurting.

Oddly, none of the horrible revelations about incredible evil in the world, duplicity, corruption, satanic machinations.... none of this comes as close to hurting me as does the harm to my loved ones and relationships (because I seek truth, no matter where it leads).

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I have lost my brother because he is way left and so woke that he believes all the narratives. He absolutely will not look at any possibilities that he's been lied to. Has now been triple jabbed +a new booster. I think he suspects something is wrong with his health, but it easier to pick a fight with me an say FU and say he never wants to talk to me again and hang up. All I can do is let him be and hope he buys a clue.

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so sorry about your brother. My triple-jabbed sister (who knows, maybe a 4th she hasn't told me about?) just revealed to me a bunch of health issues including possible cancer and cardiac. She does not connect any of this to her being a guinea pig, and it's useless for me to say anything (I already tried, early on, and strangely enough she said FU, also). This is honestly the cruelest thing.

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I’m so sorry to hear this from you two (and others). It’s upsetting, to say the least. I, too, have a totally woke sister who works in healthcare and has had 3 jabs….and will not, cannot connect her mounting sudden health issues to the jabs.

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Same with my 2 Children

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Same with my son. 😭 Heartbreaking.

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Both my children have been jabbed. My daughter the RN is the worst of the 2. I just don't bring it up anymore. So far they have been healthy, other than she had mild Omicron in January. I am very sad about it.

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😢. me too. same with my adult son.

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My problem to but with my own Children!

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I have noticed that people will do anything to maintain their personal delusion, no matter the cost. Clinging to false narratives because of the lack of the capacity to discern or even the capacity to attempt to discern the erroneous context of said narrative.

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Normalcy bias. What I say to him threatens his whole understanding of the world and how things work. We all have had to go through this at some time (often time and time again) but a percentage of us have been willing to go through that and re-examinine as we learn that things aren't as we though or were told. That is an important element of species diversity = not all the lemmings will follow each other over the cliff, or there would be no more lemmings. In a seminar 25 years ago the presenter said, as an example, "when a mouse follows a trail back to its den, but one day a fallen branch has blocked the trail, the mouse will retrace its steps from the beginning several times to reset the "new normal" in its brain. We do the same when we examine the branches that have fallen in our way, but many decide to not look and pretend the new information doesn't exist. They are likely the ones who will suffer or die from being unable to cope with the coming economic and societal collapse, globalist's agenda the Plandemic with its manufactured viruses and dangerous injections which, parish the thought, may actually be the cornerstone of the eugenics plan.

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Hi, Dani et al. Yes. I never knew until, oh, 1999-2001 that working at thinking (and seeing) clearly would be such a lonely endeavor. Luckily I’m an introvert and do not need human reinforcement as much as some…but! Being human does usually mean we require some social interaction eventually.

I can endure the scorn & ridicule (I’ve become used to it) but what’s most difficult is the realization that to have interaction with most of my friends & family members means I must keep most of my thoughts to myself. I never wanted a tatto but lately I’ve been contemplating getting a small one: SMH

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You are not the only one that must keep their thoughts to themselves. Judging from the comments that I have read here, many of us are in the same boat. It is what it is, and unfortunately, we just have to make the best of it.

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Yes...I am NO WAY an introvert BUT I am a Loner!!

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If you're a loner, you're probably introverted, which doesn't mean you're shy and retiring (that's the Freudian idea), but the Jungian idea is that an introvert gets his/her psychic energy from within themselves, whereas an extrovert gets it from the world and other people. An introvert needs to be alone at least once in awhile to recharge, whereas an extrovert needs to go out to a party to recharge.

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Me to a T. I call myself and extroverted introvert. I am definitely not shy and retiring. I love to go out with my friends, who are so different than me. In other situations I sit back and observe. But I HAVE to have my alone time to reflect, research and learn and recharge.

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I do that by spending most of my day with my 5 horses, partner and 2 dogs....either taking them out for "walks" (in the case of the horses a full on gallop!!!, or the dogs a ball throwing expidition.

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You are SO RIGHT!!!!!!! I see what you mean...me and my partner are so alike in this regard we are almost joined at the hip as in Soul Mates.....after 26 yrs one would expect that??? ....BTW Gender combinations has NO relavance in this regard!

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Like this analogy :)

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Very true, Dani. It's like loving children; you have to let them find things out on their own, get hurt, fail, bounce back, etc. It's not easy but unconditional love demands it. Also, take heart in the fact that everyone will awaken sometime; perhaps those who are not yet awakening to this are being saved from insanity or suicide that would result if the truth hit them all at once. As Clif once said, don't seek enlightenment; enlightenment is terrifying (i.e., to know the truth about the world and yourself etc.); seek liberation.

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Enlightenment to EVIL is terrifying, but nesesary to destroy it, so buckle up and be brave!

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Amen. Makes for a lonely life. Children lost to the propaganda and brainwashing. Immediate family members laughing every time I open my mouth, which I have learned to keep shut. My wish is that one day they will all wake up from a goods nights sleep, and wonder WTF is going on. I will be there just smiling and staring into the distance.

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Right on!

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Amen. Right here with you!

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Wow. Thank you for that "It's probably not unlike being born: you don't want to leave that warm, floating ease and safety for an unknown and harsh world, but the goal is evolution not comfort."

Wow. The goal in life is evolution, not comfort. That helps a lot. Thank you.

Thanks Clif for your ideas and the time you take putting them into words. I know its a difficult process, but when I force myself to compress ideas into words, I obtain clarity. :)

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I feel like I’m not progressing. Not evolving. Like it’s just a battle after the battle which I have to fight. It sometimes feel “same shit - different day”. Like, what’s the point? After cv, I thought, people would wake up slightly. But no. Slogans changed from “stay at home - save lives” to “istandwithukraine” even if I have no idea where on the map it is. I despair. Is this part of evolution?

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It's part of your initiation; if you get through it, you evolve. If not, you have to "wait for the next bus," as it were. Hang in there. Osho once said, love yourself and meditate is all you need do. By that he meant, recognize that your experience is yours alone ("love yourself"), so accept it unconditionally, and pay attention to what's happening ("meditate"---or as Clif said, think deeply). You'll be ok. One of the glories of getting older is knowing that you can get through stuff---because you always have, right? Trust that.

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My friend is constantly sending me articles that deal with Russian "disinformation" on the Ukraine special ops. She has bought into MSM hook line and sinker. I made a comment about the pregnant crisis actor and got my head bit off. That started it all. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut. Everyone around me just doesn't see it. Am I wrong? My gut tells me different.

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Trust your gut! And be thankful for what you are able to see.

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Thank you Clif ... again and again for all You do for us humans 💥❣

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Been living in the age of Aquarius my entire life. Got me into a crap load of trouble with the normies. Lost many friends over the years. Its a relief to know the “ Go along to get along mentality “ will be a thing of the past and humanity will finally be able to be the creative beings we were meant to be so we can actually get things done! 😍

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Cliff, you are awesome. I laughed my butt off reading this one. So on target. As for "this may hurt", don't you think a lifetime dealing with all the people who can't think (and the results of their inability to think) hasn't been painful already. Especially and including dealing with those who only think they can think. Thank you for brightening my day....again.

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right. we are already used to hurting. bring it on.

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Brilliant. Cogent, clear, True - a delight. God bless.

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I have a crush on your writing. Thank you for this issue.

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Mar 16, 2022
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Me three 💕🇨🇦

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Four!! 🇨🇦 Many of us don’t write anymore, let alone read. Can’t read a book? Start with a Substack! Turn off the TV….focus for a while

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Five!! Thanks Clif! Its been a long lonely journey, but I am beginning to see people wake up and ask more questions.

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Great piece again!!! Wisdom that pours out of this man is amazing. Unfortunately so many people want quick headlines, and move on without any thinking. Glad to be part of this community where thinking is in abundance.

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Wanting quick headlines - I can relate to that. I'm thinking of not reading news any more, but I'm afraid I won't know what's going on in the world, or at least purportedly what's going on in the world.

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In the end, if you want to know what is going on then you will have to read and research. If not, listening to great people will help. Just make sure they produce facts of what they are saying.

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So good to finally know that I have not wasted my 73 years of being laughed at and called a 'conspiracy nut' or that my 'tinfoil hat is slipping'!

The best one yet: "You have no tolerance for a differing opinion!"

That's not true, I enjoy a good solid discussion, however, I expect to be challenged by someone who thinks critically rather than spewing the latest propaganda from MSM, social media or most recent town gossip.

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can so relate ... I get this too ' you think you are always right and your information is the best ' .. and ' you are always right - everyone else is wrong' ... BUT , they do NOT go beyond this ... into debate and critically thinking about what I am sharing with them and what information they have gathered. I do like debating! I realize now how, at least in America, we have NOT been educated on how to have real discussions ... to listen to one another without 'reacting'. It is greatly amplified now in the emotional-social learning being pushed in the public school system.

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Which brings to mind, my most favorite response to my opinion(s): First the look; cold wide-eye stare, set facial expression and then this: "Wellllll, there is really nothing that can be done about it. All we can do is pray. (sigh)"...Insert eyeroll from me.

As a child, (in a family of 9) we were taught early on to question everything and believe nothing, especially from the government. We also were taught how to pray and read the Bible; attended church at least 3 times a week (it was our social life).

In spite of all of that, my parents, especially my Mother, always found a way to "do something" other than pray. She was famous for telling us when arguing that God will take care of everything..."God helps those who pick themselves off the ground, dust off your pants and get back on that horse..." In other words, don't use God as your excuse for your poor performance.

We were never trusted "beyond the point that you are human"...quoting my Mother.

I have watched over my lifetime, the intentional total destruction of Christian Community Churches (regardless of the religion) and the nuclear family unit.

Now we all get to pay for it and more; rough times are ahead for all of us.

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It’s called getting out of your own mind. This too shall pass. For better or worse, everything is just a phase, including pain. Hang in there. Are you able to vacation? Perhaps you may put a different view in front of your eyes, your mind. It is interesting how travel changes your everyday reality. New appreciation for home life and work or travel too far and often and leaving becomes habit, the itch starting once a month, every couple weeks and maybe every couple of days. No one needs more pain of missing home and those associated with home and the comfort and regularity it provides, but a few hours and day trips to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go may be just what the dr ordered. Home, Time, Money, Objects, we don’t own any of it. Fate owns those things, we are just able to use them while we are here. So, as Schnip would say, Lick Your Ice Cream.

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Thank you Cliff

I personally have been going through the grieving process of our civilization for quite a while. And yes it hurts. It starts with denial, continues with realization anger and sorrow

The best part is we all end up in the WOO together

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Love this line: “ most people, have very little need for thinking clearly as clearly most people don’t often think, and certainly, often don’t think clearly.”

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As a clear thinker I appreciate Clif thinking clearly as well as thinking clearly myself.

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Some Lead-Some Follow and many stay behind. It will take a while for the stay behinder's to mentally catch up. They will deal with their karma not our job, just send LOVE

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Some lead, some follow, many stay behind and some of us bugger off in the direction of our own choosing. We're different, fiercely independent and somewhat introverted. We could possible save the world, but feel it's a waste of time because 99% of the people on the planet are selfish idiots and not worth the effort.

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Energies are making my unpleasantries, the world has been a joke for decades to me.

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Totally agree with you - it's been many decades!!!

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Thank you, Clif. You ALWAYS make me think!

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