NO the electric universe model does not say gravity does not exist. I have always known for about 7+ years that gravity is a result of electromagnetism. Turns out that is wrong, gravity is a non existent force. What holds on the planet is the force from the electromagnetism, that is created from all surrounding Stars/planets/realms. (Tesla stated, earth is not a planet, it is a realm, a place)

Clif your the only other human who speaks properly about so many things my head used to explode. Now it expands! LOL As a fellow researcher and lover of learning, I get so much inspiration from you and motivation to keep moving on. Thanks sir, your no God or Hero but it is refreshing to know there are at least 1 human functioning correctly as I see it that is. Excellent information sir!

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David - Some time ago (yrs) Clif mentioned Ken https://www.youtube.com/@kathodosdotcom (Theoria Apophasis)

He does appear to have a detailed understanding of the ether / electromagnetism which I don't fully grasp

A magnet can be made by aligning (cant recall the correct word) a suitable metal's 'polarity' ie of all it's smallest parts (atoms?)

But large magnets can be seen to have an effect on 'un-magnetised or non-magnetic' material

His largest magnet puts a pulling pressure on his eyeballs for example

The planet's large mass exerts such a powerful magnetic field (eg holding the moon in orbit) that piffling objects such as man get stuck to it.

Well worth watching some of ken's visuals on his ferro-liquid displays of 3D magnetic fields - toros hourglass (which goes through the magnet), plane of inertia (rather than poles) - the ether, the dialectric - Tesla understood all this and thus could imagine churning the ether to manifest electric power from it.

So now I have serious doubts about the existence of electrons and photons, I think its tripe, but rather we detect disturbance in the ether when we see - the ether is where electromagnetism has its effect

Why shouldn't I place my faith in Tesla even if I can't understand it all - Tesla invented all this stuff on an understanding of the ether - rather than present day physics which denies its existence but can't show you any of its particles

As Ken says, particle physics is a religion

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Ken Wheeler is a genius

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Andrew, thanks I really enjoy him, I have not known his real name though. He is one of the closet type who is always there connecting. Yes I heard him talk about many subjects. Alchemy and Metaphysics discussions were most interesting.

Clif has often spoke of how our science is not based on facts like it should be. Majority of it is theory based and all arguments are to prove their beliefs. lol Majority of the things believed by many of the "so called" best are misinformed at best. Religion is a good way to put it for sure. haha I have to go along with that one.

We can speculate or go about proving the truth ourselves with available data. We NO LONGER have to sit back and hear tripe or nonsense of any kind. I hope to repair my body a bit and dive into various research proving what I can at home. I will be limited until things starting happening like Silver, I only have 70 ounces but I am a poor retired guy haha. My adopted son takes care of me for the moment. A lab is in the future get back to serious work. Plasma experiments, hopefully a Safire Project type thing but super small scale. Multiverse is incredible how it works, I love it all.

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Take a look at this video,....it's about Magnetic Reversal and Evolutionary LEAPS! It's scary stuff, but also really cool!


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I teach 7th Grade Science. Recently teaching physics / Laws of Motion and I pondered the questions about gravity. Like why does that happen ? Kids asked me just last week if I believed in space aliens, I said does the universe end? They said no, so I said to them then their must be life out there somewhere we just don't know them yet. Quite often I ponder questions about Science to them, such as if a nucleus of an atom was the size of a basketball the electrons would be 5 miles away. I asked them what was in that space . . . . .. a kid said God.

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I view the universe like a giant basketball and we are somewhere inside that basketball. It is expanding outward at the speed of light and is defined by the microwave background that forms the "skin" of the basketball. The microwave background is the result of the original big bang. Someday, I hope the scientists and astronomers can use the microwave background variations to pinpoint the origin of the big bang where I think they will find "the active vacuum" coming into continual existence thus accelerating the expansion of the universe(the so-called dark energy).

There is nothing "outside" of that basketball because creation has not reached it yet. There was nothing before the big bang because time did not exist.

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Your big bang is bullshit.

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Well, the particles sure did hit the fan. 🤩

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No no no, it was a wave.

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Sinusoidal, triangle or square? I think Cliff is partial to square. 😜

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I'm going to go with A and C.

That looks like a simple question but it's not. Are we saying that there are 22 trillion events each second? If we just looked at those I would say sinusoidal. In the interim, can we call it the interim? I'm going to call it that. In the interim there is no time, but there is a shift at least because everything is destroyed and recreated as it's next incarnation. So kind of like a catastrophic event. There is no time but during run time there is only one event. Is there? Only one event? If so why do we grant it a segment of time? Time is perceived as a sequence of events. What is the wave in the interim, do we count that? Is there a positional reference during the interim? Does cartesian space even exist there? Don't we need time to plot a wave?

I'm going to go with a sinusoidal square wave. And if the reasoning is not clearly explained above it's because I have no idea what I'm talking about, but it was fun.

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Your flat Earth is bullshit.

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If there were no-thing before the big bang... then there must have been a void with no reference... the beginning. How did the void 'leave' all potential and no time to be where we are today? Is it consciousness? Every consciousness has a different frequency/time. Every moment in contemplation opens an opportunity/realm of existence.

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LOL! That was what I used to think, and my first reaction to "Does the Universe end? Was that the CMB was the end. Now I don't know what I know. It's kind of exciting.

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Yeah, and you have all these theoretical physicists running around talking about strings and micro-dimensions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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The other connundrum is the other end. What does it mean saying time did not exist before the big bang when time ceases to exist 22 trillion times a second?

What happened 4.5*10^-10 seconds before that?

Clif has some 'splainin to do.

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Einstein was a fraud.

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So is my bloody bank manager!

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Yes, that seems to be the concensus.

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Clif, Long time lurker,much gratitude for your dedication to humanity,I've never posted before,hopefully this shows up.

I think you're on the cusp of some major discoveries,which may have been deliberately buried in our his story.

I've recently gone down the Tartarian rabbit hole in a huge way,I'm not an academic,nor do I have a great understanding of physics,electricity,science etc,but I have a good nose for evil & a lie.

Your thoughts on time,magnetism,energy etc sound a lot like what the Tartarians had apparently mastered and were very aware of.

Most of the Old World buildings were built with high towers,metal posts & receivers at the top, capturing the ethereal energy in the atmosphere and channeling it down to the magnetic earth below,. I've read it described as similar in function to a spark plug. fwiw idk.

All the towers in old cathedrals etc were usually tied into steel rebar in the structures whereby they had free passive heating. There is also much evidence that that power was harnessed and used in free lighting and electric railway systems.

The Tartarians were extremely focused on magnetism,sound frequency,vibration and developed it's application to heal & create a sense of wellness in their societies.

There were literally 10s of thousands of huge bells collected and destroyed over time,those bells resonated with frequencies chosen for healing and soothing to mother nature & human beings.

In the 1950s Rockefeller had the standard tuning of ISO 432 Hz which has been demonstrated to align with mother nature, changed to ISO 440 Hz; no doubt done for nefarious reasons. Probably putting humans in a constant state of angst,but possibly causing cellular damage over long exposure.

There are many Tartarian researchers who are of the opinion,that when that advanced society was eliminated and their knowledge hidden,Tesla was chosen to receive their knowledge and passed it off as his own.

There have been discussions that Tesla's conscience was bothering him that he knew the free ethereal energy the Tartarians had mastered and harnessed, would benefit humanity,he was preparing to share it with the world,and he died shortly after.

Hopefully this shows up and may possibly help you along your path of discovery.

You've got a great mind and a beautiful soul,I couldn't remain silent in shadows,just in case another viewpoint and crumbs may help you along for your floating RV,lol.

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Clif knows all about the old world theories, there are so w old videos of him discussing it all. Absolutely agree w you the Tartaians had a life we cannot even dare to imagine. I do believe we are rediscovering it now and will be up and running within a decade

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Mar 23, 2023
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On one Telegram Site I see posts from


which shares similar information and pictures 😉

Another Telegram Site


shares astounding information on Magnetism, Copper Coils in Crop production and Health.

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Elana Freeland's book "Geo engineered Trans humanism" How the environment has been weaponized by chemicals, electromagnetism, & nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology.

A must read for all interested in Tesla technology. The old Newtonian, Einstein physics is shit

the military is using this new (Tesla physics).

This book is the most fascinating of all information out there!

Read and learn


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Met her at a presentation she gave in Taos, NM, circa 2014. She's amazing.

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Thank you.

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So then you're saying the Earth sucks.

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Big ones.

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That's a given, man.

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Speaking of floaties, last month during the afternoon of February 19, my neighbor and I were sitting on her deck overlooking Lake Buchanan in the Texas Hill Country. The lake was like glass, which is fairly unusual. A few boats were sitting out there, no doubt fishing or just enjoying the mild day.

Next thing we knew we saw two people zipping across the water at high speed on what could have only been hoverboards! They left no wake and were silent. At one point one of them lost his balance and fell into what would be a very chilly lake, but seemed to nearly spring back onto the board (or whatever it was) in a matter of seconds.

Needless to say we were flabbergasted and unfortunately so shocked we didn't get a picture with our cell phones. They were probably about 300 yards or so away so a picture wouldn't have been much help anyway. We were truly grateful we saw it together because otherwise no one would believe what we saw. I swear we were both stone cold sober, but could have used a drink afterwards.

Fort Hood is not too far away and sometimes conducts rescue training in the lake. We may never find out what we saw but what Clif said here reminded me of that incident. The lake has not been calm enough since to check for a rerun, but if there is one we'll definitely grab our phones! There are lots of lakefront homes but probably not many people sitting on their deck in February, nice weather notwithstanding.

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That was the bug out for a holiday. Poor dears, they don't get out much. Spend most of their time calculating banking fraud.

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That's what we figured. 😂

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I love your idea. It reminds me of ideas we had 10 years ago or more. Energies for which we possess sensitivity have very disparate ranges (see Nanoneuroscience, 2009, Woolf, et al., 2009, page 9). The brain transduces all those energies into membrane potentials and action potentials, but consciousness is likely mediated by a range of physical vibrations (e.g., molecular vibrations in the THz range to complex magnetic field dynamics in the 0.5-100 Hz range). We argued that consciousness only appeared every fraction of a second, at 40 Hz, the intervals being "unconscious." We noted that gravity is a problem in quantum mind theory. We amend our concept of gravity to something Roger Penrose invented in our paper "A Quantum Approach to Visual Consciousness," Trends in Neuroscience, 5: 472, 2001. All these ideas are theoretical and there needs to be more openness. Patent protection is the reason the "real" discoveries are kept secret. You need to be in the "club." I was not because my husband was not. Funny that the men said I could get in the "club" if I would sleep with them. Not entirely my idea of a merit-based promotion. I know first hand, many of these guys are idiots. My colleagues are not among them (i.e., good guys).

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Just watched a Michael Salla program with Dan Willis and Dr. James Schwartz, discussion of electromagnet discoveries, researchers and inventors probably "taken out", and more. They had done a 2nd one that he posted to rumble after about 10 min on the YT and when I went to watch that one, it was "disappeared" and not even in the wayback machine. Will try to find again later, might just be a temp glitch in rumble, as they don't censor much, but given what was revealed in the first YT, I can only imagine what I missed.

Found them: from 3/20 https://rumble.com/v2dnux4-ending-the-century-long-suppression-of-alternative-healing-free-energy-and-.html

From 2/27, w/Dr. Schwartz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxmd1NyjdwM

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Thank You for the links

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Pretty sure the Electric Universe model also says there is no gravity, nor dark matter; but there is electromagnetic force throughout.

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For those curious as to why there are so many cerebrally deficient scientists, academics, and professionals in the world, who cannot think out of the quantum or pathology boxes, perhaps this history might help you. (Sorry about the paste). It also helps explain how Clif thinks outside that box, because was never infected...


IQ tests were invented by Alfred Binet in the early 1930s at a time when the French were leading the world in their studies of early childhood development (actually, the English-speaking world has yet to catch up).

Binet invented his IQ test to measure degrees of ‘mental retardation’ in children (the terminology of the time). His colleagues had arranged for abandoned mentally retarded children to be adopted by adults.in a home for mentally retarded adults. All of the children, stimulated by the love and affection bestowed by the adults, went on to live independent lives. Three went to university and one actually received a degree.

Thus, Binet had created the tests to assist his colleagues measure the children’s cerebral status as accurately as possible.

Meanwhile, the American Eugenics Society considered these new IQ tests could be useful in demarcating who should live and who should die. An offshoot of their society, the American Association of Psychiatrists, was encouraged to approach Binet. Binet angrily explained that adult human intelligence is not linear and therefore cannot be measured.

Bad public relations regarding their activities in Nazi Germany forced the Eugenics Society to change their name to Planned Parenthood and Family Planning and visible links between eugenics and psychiatry also were blurred. Later observers felt the psychiatrists should have been more interested in the startling French research revealing links between love and affection and intelligence development but this was not to be.

Both schools of thought, eugenics and psychiatry, rejected Binet’s assessment and IQ tests were developed by applying the cerebral profiles of the psychiatrists at the theoretical peak of the intellectual spectrum, with practical people in the middle, and inferior humans at 100 points and below.

Not surprisingly, the passage of time revealed that the high IQ individuals were markedly unproductive, which was explained away by classing such considerations as the value judgement of people whose priorities matched their intelligence quotient: therefore irrelevant. Catch 22 had been invented.

With the formation of Mensa, it was assumed that the amalgamation of the most intelligent individuals in the world would rapidly solve all of humanity’s problems. Unexpectedly, it was found that, not only could they not find any meaningful consensus, they were unable to organise an efficient meeting in which to document their brilliance.

More down-to-earth thinkers have since confirmed Binet’s conclusion: that human intelligence is metaphorically global, commencing as a speck sometime during embryonic development and expanding outward with the accumulation of experiences. They also considered intellectual balance to be more important; ergo, a person whose generalist range of experiences caused his sphere of intelligence to expand equidistant from its centre, would be better able to communicate with other people and to apply his knowledge evenly across the full range of problematic situations. In a word: balance.

They finally concluded that the only credible measure of intelligence is productivity.

The global shrinks, being innately elitist, rejected this as scientifically inconvenient. Supported by other elitists, they inflicted this test on global education practices and commenced streaming children and adults into preordained futures; careers, status, and incomes.

The elitist movement exploded in influence and has taken over the world.

Unsurprisingly, the outcome of this insanity has not been good. The gap between rich and poor is now vast, and the middle class has disappeared. There have never been more wars.

People who, in saner times, would have been regarded as harmless eccentrics and idiots, now grace their titles with PhDs. The stupid and the sociopathic have coalesced to rule the world.

People who are high performers and producers are typically of “middle IQ range”, which debunks the very concept of IQ. Nevertheless, universities and science institutes reject all criticism with the unassailable logic “we are more intelligent”. They have morphed into bastions of ideology more reminiscent of dogmatic religions, and many academics have had to be hastily silenced by their faculties for suggesting the execution of scientific heretics and non-believers.

This schism has come to the fore in the intensely repressive debates of anthropogenic global warming, digital currencies, PCR tests, mRNA vaccinations, banning of HCL and Ivermectin, the application of Remdesivir and embracing of WOKE. This repression has now encompassed doctors, medical bureaucrats, politicians, and the general public.

All discussion and debate, the benchmarks of science, are now replaced by dogma, with dissenting doctors deregistered, and some state medical officers assassinated. Members of the public have been beaten and arrested, sacked from their jobs, and many harassed into suicide.

This is a tune that started with IQ tests and eugenics and appears to be finishing on the same two notes.

The leaders of elitism and eugenics are showcases for their philosophy: Klaus Schwarb, Bill Gates; Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Adern, and Justin Trudeau. Few people have ever inspired such disgust and contempt in humanity.

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Great info. Started with...wouldn’t say that. There are ancient orders that implement this kind of thing, can be found to sponsor or fund it. For example look at the oaths of the Jesuits. The papacy claimed, by papa bull, all the land, all the $, all the souls and went on to implement that ritual...in the 1600’s The papa still wears the 3 tiered crown...he’s got the whole world in his hands, Christian soldiers off you go to war...we’ll make the uniforms/costumes as we’ve done before.

You may enjoy The Cult of the medics on bitchute..it’s essentially from Tsarion’s protege who was Maxwells protege...Fagan’s...etc. Knights hospitalers =1200’s :)

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Thank you! "People who, in saner times, would have been regarded as harmless eccentrics and idiots, now grace their titles with PhDs. The stupid and the sociopathic have coalesced to rule the world."

Brilliantly stated.

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Yes, and aided by the ever serviceable mainstream publications of all kinds advancing (extremely expensive) college education as the way to success. My guess is that the young are reconsidering that now.

If we look at who's actually advancing thought and reversing important purposeful errors, and who also skipped the PhD, we find Cliff who uses his sharp mind everywhere, Nassim Haramein in physics (who overcame all odds to win the best paper in physics a few years back) and the 4 horsemen...John west, Robert Bauval, Graham Handcock, who exposed mainstream Egyptology hiding of a very ancient lost civilization that changes feigned history. 4th horseman, geologist and geophysicist, Robert Schock, got the PhD, but rocked Egyptology by geologically dating the Giza Sphinx at an honest 9000 years old and maybe older, rendering it NOT built by pharonic Egyptians. So who carved it?

Shit's shaking the foundations, boys and girls! And more and more often it's not PhD's shaking it.

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Hey, thank you.

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Where the hell were all you women with functioning brains when I was looking for a wife? Seriously. Margaret, you have opened up a pandora's with that information. As soon as I have cut sufficient globalist throats, I will delve into this fascinating topic. Apart from fomenting sedition, I am also the researcher on Aboriginal Law, which goes back 10 or 20 centuries and, unlike western regulatory systems, it works. Unfortunately, I live in the country that is almost as corrupt as Ukraine so it is hard to get traction on any project.

Hilariously, at age six, I was diagnosed as mentally retarded by the nuns, and by sixteen I was in the saddle working cattle. Yet, with a dozen careers ranging from labouring to public servant, and safaris, to top-selling residential sales consultant, I quickly learned that the education system was itself a dumbing-down system. Currently, I am preparing to establish Yolngu University, which will be under a large tree and attended by everybody simultaneously. No teachers. And 200 Ks from civilisation.

You are right. We are going to bring elitism and corruption to its knees and replace it with unfettered human development.

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Ah, the idiocy of academia! BF Skinner, a lauded PhD in psychology, built his infant daughter a box where all of her needs were met, the perfect environment. It came to be called a Skinner box. It seemed to be a parental SUBSTITUTE. Never heard much about the daughter thereafter, presumably she's still in drug rehab.

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So, someone who produces Whoppers at Burger King is smarter than someone who reads all the books and produces nothing? For some reason, I still want to be the one who has read all the books. I think Clif would agree with you if you limit your idea of productivity to producing novelty, because universe is more interested in novelty than anything else. What produces novelty? Genius does. Novelty can be either philosophical, artistic, or scientific. Wisdom, Art, and Science, are the primeval state of man (said William Blake).

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Love this topic!!! Thank you Clif.

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You don't need a theory that is true to make progress. You need a theory that is closer to the truth than the one you're currently using. I cannot claim knowledge of reality, but rather, I must accept that I have working assumptions about it which serve me. I have working assumptions about gravity that serve me. I was hoping this audio would help me revise them, but it has not.

Because I cannot know that levitation is impossible, I have a working assumption that it is possible, given the right mindset in the right circumstances. I have no working assumption about whether or not levitation requires technology. My working assumptions about gravity include the assumption that the universe is full of love, and gravity is one of the simplest expressions of it.

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Has anyone else wondered what was so so so ENORMOUSLY COMPELLING that every single leader of country after country forced lockdowns on their peoples and mandated an experimental BIOLOGIC vaccine be shot into their veins? Citizens who also happen to be their most valuable GDP/Income asset outside precious metals/minerals? I mean - GLOBALLY. Short of Sweden, I'm talking 100% world leaders, Allies and foes both, in total consensus. THIS HAPPENED. We witnessed the outcome of this agreement. Furthermore, even drug dealers test product content and quality before they hand over the cash, right? Which means every country's leadership had those vials tested before they handed or billions of cash for the vaccines. No way around it - THEY KNEW and were in agreement. How? We can't even agree on sports teams between states and we're to believe all these leaders came together and agreed to a very expensive Project and operated in tandem. Now the question I have is, why? What was/is big enough, scary enough and/or deadly enough to motivate a country's leader to the point of literally killing and maiming their entire population? Mental health qualifies under 'maim'. How many had to watch their folks die behind a sheet of plastic in care homes, witness seniors married eighty years separated for their 'health'??? On the flipside, what 'reward' would even be big enough? I may not be wording this correctly but a Threaten-er can't have a porn tape on everyone and I don't buy a 'reward to comply' scenario. It's a question deserving of attention if there's any hope in anticipating what shape/color the next threat will take or what direction it might lob from were goals not fully achieved via the perceived global pandemic.

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Perhaps there was an organized effort to cull and enslave humanity by wannabe overlords uniting for such a purpose. Of course there will be a falling out at the top of their pyramid scheme and it will crumble, setting free all those upon whose backs it was built.

Denying the ether and Creator, changing hertz from harmonic 432, fluoridating water, enslaves humanity to a base realm.

Thought is energy and has gravitational pull. Time is a tool more than a rule.

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Fits with the walk out of someone's plan, yes, but still doesn't address 'big picture'. We are talking about an entity which is ALL about long-term planning, right? So what's the plan/gain of a long term move to reduce population at such a grand scale plus shoot fertility into the aether for a few generations... Doesn't add up. There's something missing. Call this Part A. Part B is equally important, if not more so. It goes to a fundamental understanding of a species. WHAT incentivized 195 country's leaders to ALL agree to kill/maim their entire populations? Who benefits from, at minimum, from a mentally unbalanced population? Who's giving an axe to chop the 'Victor's' wood to someone angry and unstable? Who's serving the Victor? The angry and damaged? Something's missing. What's the probability that out of all the psychopaths on earth that literally 195 of them all snagged the top positions in their country, simultaneously? Not likely at all imo. But I like the input and brain cell cycling. Keep thinking and share please because I am not able to let this be. It is a side thought/itch I sense is important.

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Rifley, you are articulating questions that I have too but that I couldn't even articulate, thank you!

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I've no pride here. Please spread this question for the best chance to have a hypothesized answer. Key. Thanks Eileen!

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I always thought gravity didn’t exist, that’s why I think the Earth is flat;)

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I always liked geometry, and maps, that's why I studied Geodesy. The shape of the Earth.

Flat r not us.

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South Florida installing giant 5-G towers disguised as Pine Trees. Gee...no one will notice.


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Yes - same here. 5 G Towers disguised as pine trees in Sierra NV mountains. Yeah- I barely noticed. Can’t tell at all. 🙄

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Yep, you barely noticed, the pine tree idea worked then didnt it!

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They are all over China. You can't got a mile without seeing one hidden somewhere.

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All thru n fl too. They love putting on top of water towers too. I have a blushield device and I do feel that it's actually doing something for emf harmonization.

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They are all over China. You can't go a mile without seeing one. They also make an effort to hide them.

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So why do they need to do that, huh? Are they trying to be aesthetically pleasing? Or they trying not to have them destroyed?

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Your concept of consciousness at 22 trillion times per second might be "universal consciousness" or the sum total of all information about patterns that occur in nature and their relationships. Human consciousness might be a subset of that larger storage. Just an idea.

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Start checking Nassim Haramein. He's another physicist who went through the smaller door. FB https://www.facebook.com/Nassim.Haramein.official/

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So our world is ether and ore.

Do atoms exist?

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How funny! ether ore, "either or" - language play.

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You got it! Thank you for explaining it for those who might not have got it.

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How funny! ether ore = either or (language play)

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