Today’s deep thought: mom and I are seeing Henry Kissinger as the bad guy behind the curtains. He is the man who started everything in China that we are seeing today. You cannot get into this spider web without bumping into him. Love ya sweets! You are rocking it! 😜😎😘😍🎯🔥💯
They are the same people, and they are all in the same inhuman psychopathic group/club.
Those who know who, what, and where they are happen to be their worst nightmare which is why those psychopaths want to kill the ones who know who, what, and where they are.
You will probably find this revealing and entertaining scoop from one of my favorite real journalists Johnny Vedmore. They can run but they can't hide.
“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution (the murder of 100 million Christian Russians and the theft of all their assets) – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
—The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything today is Jewdified. Our senses are alive to all the races. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords; all that is light today is child of our spirit.
Let the Goyim hate us: Let them drive us out: Let our enemies laugh at our physical weakness: We cannot be driven out any more. We have eaten ourselves into the peoples. We have vitiated the races of the Europeans. We have tarnished and broken their power; we have made everything of theirs foul, rotten, decomposed, decayed."
He lied. These 'Jews" have not one shred of Israelite DNA in them. They are not Semites at all. They are Ashkenazim, remants of the Khazars who were driven into Europe and Russia by the Mongols in the 13th century, but not before their Emperor adopted the Jewish religion to end religious bickering. Zion is a fraud. The real Semites are treated badly by them... Sephardi, Misrahim, Palestinians.
I don't have any emotional attachment to any jews, fake or real. They are all benefiting through the murder of humanity. I care only about Whites because I am White. I will let semites care about other semites. To me, they are all evil and without a single redeeming quality.
YES! 95% of so-called Jews (Khazarian) have no right to be in Israel! At all! They are Talmudic jews, read a bit of the Talmud, they HATE the goyim! A far cry from the Sepharadic Jews. Talmud no better than the Kran. My friend was married to a Moroccan Jew who went to Israel to help build the country, they were very very RACIST towards the Sepharadic Jews. Another Jewish friend confirmed that (she was Jewish from Polish origin)... On the other side, Chart of Hamas says to push all Jews into the sea. In my books, not so! I always defended Israel...
The situation is complicated by people who have settled on an entity to hate, and nothing will deter them. They hate Muslims, or Catholics, or Masons, or Jews, or Communists, or socialists, or capitalists, or Fascists, or Nazis. Yet when I question them, none have any idea what most of these groups really are, or were.. I hate no group, but I will cheerfully kill people who hurt the innocent. All of those groups contain that kind of people.
Henry Makow is a Jew from Canada and he writes everyday on his website about what satanists the Jews are...they use and abuse humanity...that said I would never condemn with such a wide brush stroke...surely there are some Jews with redeeming qualities and goodness...they just aren't out there with ones we see destroying the general population with wars, disease, weaponized medicine, theft, deceptions, pedophilia and know...all that DEVIL SHIT...
Intended normal lifespan ~120yrs. Much has been/is done to shorten that. The evils aren't subjected to those methods & have access to much hidden. Also adr en Oc hR ome.
Funny how all these vile, disgusting, creepy, humanity hating pigs are all older than dirt - Kissinger, Schwab, Fauci, Soros....proving the devil gives them long life...which means the one of the worst one of all Bill Gates - crepto Jew - will probably successfully destroy food production so there is never anything ever again healthy for humans to eat...just his bugs and lab grown garbage "meat" and GMO poison plants... heaven forbid the whores & pigs in CONgress ever stop him...
On top of that buying up all kinds of land. Even China has bought up mills in Maine where I came from the Boise paper company sold thousands of acres of our pristine land and Rangeley Maine.
Serve them their own dishes! Funny they wanted all of us to lose our freedoms, and they can't even walk down the F street without an army of body guards. Talk abour freedom!
Brendon O'Connell, he's the one who pulled the string on that one and has been on the run for literally decades now in an effort to get the information out there... some limited hangout kid published much of his research in a book that's making the round, obviously he has little recourse given his situation... thinking her name is Whitney Webb, something like that. She's pulled key elements from HIS work and is putting it out there as her own. Probably best just to look him up and take in the content from the source, an Australian ICU nurse from Perth. His channel on Youtube: "Brendon Lee O'Connell"
True. And then there WAS d.rockefellow - until he had his 7th heart transplant. I always wonder if they might not have put his brain in a bottle and hooked it up to a computer so he could continue his mishief. The two of them had their fingers & thumbs in many subversive operations. They started many of the worst organizations, etc - under the cover of doing 'good'. haha. The R Foundation is a real pit of those long skinny legless creatures who slither around & bite people with toxic fangs - kinda like vxeens.
I always believed in God. But only searching to learn the truth and finding the abject EVIL made HIM real to me, and answered so many questions, and connected so many dots. And it confirmed to me that what I called 'intuition' was always HIS message If it came in quiet time.
Henry Alfred Kissinger KCMG is a German-born American politician, diplomat, and geopolitical consultant who served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. A Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938, Kissinger excelled academically, receiving his BA degree summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950, studying under William Yandell Elliott. He …
Look up "Brendon Lee O'Connell" on youtube or "KAY GRIGGS MILITARY ASSASSIN'S WIFE INTERVIEW ON JEFF RENSE" on bitchute. Don't think you'll be disappointed with what you find further.
No he wasn’t. But he like many German intellectual types who immigrated to US were existentialists. They brought this depressing philosophy to America and some became very influential. And one, Kissinger, became a fire starter. Much like Soros. Same type.
Existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre treated Simone de Beauvoir horribly, having 3somes with a young girl which Beauvoir also treating badly! But you know, they are above us peons, and do not have to abide by the same rules (it is so passé!!) Hahahaha!
I concluded that after WWII, the nazis moved to the Americas. They stole billions and were able to buy their way into USA and Canada - the operation we call Paperclip. Infiltration, continued experimentation and growth in prep for the Fourth Reich . . . and here we are today.
Not sure "the US has embraced him". More like he is a pet of the LuciFEARian cult/cabal/mob/club/group. Notice that a lot of the big players have very strong Nazi accents. And yes, like Lyn says, "Fourth Reich".
Bravo! Thank you for laying all of this on the line for these people. It is all coming together and all coming out and we will watch it wither and die. Which side will you be on?
I have a -lovely- leftie friend who is a green and start waking up to the fact that electric cars and green agenda are a con. Her husband is waking up also. We have to give them time and be nice -unless, that is, they showed intentions to park us in concentration camps for non-compliance! You THREATENED ME? NO MERCY! I give you the FINGERS! Together with my forearm!
Absolutely! Read an article 1 or 2 years ago, in the way of Beware of the good guy who just wanted to be left alone. And Beware of the cold anger of good people which builds up and then! BOOM! In short, do not pull the tale of the Fing LION! But it is too late!
Good luck for walking the street to go to your favorite restaurant!
You are terrified! Army and cops!
What if I tell you Mother Wefers that your protection is in fact your jailers. How do you know they are protecting you? How do you know they are not guarding you? They are people like us guys. They know what you have in store for the children...
Have you ever thought about it, that your protection is in fact your enemy???? You can go nowhere without being surrounded by them, yet they may be a threat, cyborgs.... Hahahahaha!
The days , weeks & months ahead will blow the minds of “ Normies “ we can just watch them turn tables as they were lied to n took POSION jab . I say they created this and they will destroy their works , get popcorn n pillow lay back n watch
I will caution you that they will never give up. Nothing is going to stop them from pursuing their plan for total and complete global genocide of the nations. All aspect of the COVID agenda are is the WEF. Even if they appear to take a hit in one area they will continue their war against humanity.
“We know and secretly control all that will be. And no one can stop us. We will have in our hands only the strings attached to the hands of the president. And we’ll pull these strings in such a way as it is necessary to the implementation of our grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, their subordination to our superior nation, chosen by God of Israel.”—Rabbi Mendel Schneerson
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between israel and the Nations, which can only be genocidal and total, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
My friends are all good people who never rejected me for not playing the game. Others are just plain dictators who are going to reap what they sawed! Good F rid!
Clif you gave me a great idea! I have four prolific dogs and they create an endless supply of material for me to hurl at msm reporters and there's a ton of them down here on the border.
Cliff I did find that 13th amendment a while back called the missing 13th amendment of 1809. I found by 2 men who research in the state of Maine. You talked about this a while back on usawatchdog. Digging the 1812 whitehouse fire by the british destroyed records. Very interesting history i printed it out i could send this to you i am not that many *counties* away from you.
You have to dig and look in places on the net to find anything. You have to watch 15 hrs of a lecture by a man to get 5 min of good information. I do not want to give links on here over being banned. Or those places later will be shut down i have had it happen in the past.
The revolution will not be televised. You each need to do your own research, otherwise you won't believe re-make versions. Just like you will have to become your own banker and doctor as these are also collapsing.
I could try i have a ton of information kept from the general public i am better at giving links. But i do not want to throw stuff out there over them being taken offline its happened in the past.
I watched Avi and the rest of the crew from Rebel News approach and question both the weasels and the invited mainstream media on the streets of Davos. It was a sight to behold! They squirmed, walked faster trying to dodge the questions and the cameras, while maintaining their silence in a state of fear and trepidation. The tables have turned...
I don't usually pay much attention to Rebel News, but when Darren Beattie from Revolver put their plea for funding the trip to Davos in the Revolver Feed, I decided to watch some of their clips to see what they could do when uninvited, yet persistent. The crew was questioned at two police check points boldly telling them they would be filming. I particularly enjoyed the walk down the street passing by a building with PALANTIR on the side while Pfizer''s CEO scrambled to evade hard questions until his guide could get him into a building.
Yes, indeed! What a moment! Then in one of the formal sessions, he nonchalantly states that they met their five year goal from 2019 in reducing the population by 50%. A tacit admission of intentional genocide.
Also you must consider infertility of both sexes caused by a signifcant percentage of the jab vax lots, the gender dysphoria of all the WOKE bullshit and SOGI programming of our children which will have profound effects on reproduction over time, anything and everything dealing with destruction of the concpt of family, anything which divides the family of humanity such as WOKE or sane, vaxed or unvaxed etc etc., terrorizing humanity and on and on. This will reduce the population by means of attrition. Then there's the ongoing poisoning of the planet. OK. ENOUGH! It can all be quicky defeated if we UNITE and come together, love one another. LOVE casts out all fear.
He thinks so! He appeared to be bragging or to be acknowledged for meeting that goal, so the projections of 50% of current or coming deaths must be part of his representation.
From his bio “Between 1990 – 1993, while studying at the University of Calgary, he and his two-person team won the best debating category in the Inter-Collegiate Business Competition held at Queen’s University.”
I was working on campus at the UofC at this time and remember seeing his debates, he’s very skilled at it, the left here loves to smear him but they can’t counter any of the points he makes so instead it’s all about attacks on his personality.
He can come across as too blunt at times but the quality of his arguments are always high and difficult to refute.
I lived through a year in Red Deer circa 1977 and I have scars to show for it. We had some mighty brawls. But I remember them fondly. Conversely I had some excellent friends in Alberta. The women were amazing.
There are assholes everywhere. Harper for example. Ontario certainly has its share.
If people like Jordan Peterson are assholes then we need more of them.
1970s Alberta was still very much ‘red neck country’.
I was born in the 60s and raised here but I’m a minority, I had to learn to stand up for myself and take no shit, occasionally it meant talking with my fists.
One thing about rednecks, once you gain their respect there weren’t any problems afterwards.
Which is why I’m astounded that we in this province never took down Justin Trudeau a peg like we did with his father, that is until I realized just how compromised our politicians were by the WEF. It explains why we elected the NDP for 4 years which almost caused me to move out of the province!
I look at them and say I don't give a Excuse my French! Because you are supposed to get into defence mode. Ridiculing them with jokes -à la Babylon Bee- is very good also. Makes them hysterical! Then throw them a mini Teddy Bear!
That is the one thing that annoys me about Levant, he can be a bit too myopic where certain topics are concerned, otherwise Rebel News is excellent at exposing the dirt, especially in Canada.
Trudeau and the Liberals are definitely afraid of him.
I can't recall which episodes as there is some history which needs to be explored for yourself. Do your own research. It'll take some time and careful listening to hear nuances which betray biases otherwise meant to be hidden. You will have to decide for yourself what you make of it. You might hear something else.
He is jewish...of course he only has loyalty to Israel/WEF. That is the way they all are...very much the same way I am only loyal to Whites and feel no need to listen to or bother with non-Whites.
Diversity is a nightmare. It comes out of the Assyrian Empire and its sole purpose was to engineer civil war among people and make them easier to rule. The jews have capitalized on this to foment all types of strife and murder in once peaceful and quiet nations. In fact, just like every last person involved in the COVID murders was jewish, every last person involved in 'multiculturalism' is also jewish. They are trying to destroy our nation from the inside through their 'Qahal' (look it up, it is a private/secret jewish government that operates inside the nation it enters to cause murder, unrest and civil strife that will only benefit jews). That is what 'Q' is short for the 'Qahal' which is why they always talk about 'their democracy'...meaning the Qahal and not OUR REPUBLIC. Qahal's are always a unelected democracy of ONLY JEWS that make the deep state look like child's play when it comes to destroying nations from the inside.
Avi Yemini also is Jewish (Rebel News reporter in Australia) AND HE IS DOING A GREAT JOB! He was interviewing that brat with Ezra Levant (Greta Thunberg, who, by the way, is a rotschild... at Davos. She could not even properly answer a single question! She is a puppet, and a nasty one for that!
Zelenko sounds Khazarian for sure, and he was a Chabad, I don't like those guys as a rule (talmudic, they hate the goyim). But thing is he was a saint! The very reason why I never ever bag up people!
Masterpiece! Using the examples of those above as a precursor for what is to come for those below sets the tone perfectly. If there is an inkling of humanity left in their tiny brains they will heed the warning and repent. Still, I haven’t much faith in the tools of government and agenda they usually don’t begin whining until their Happy Meal is taken away! You are an inspiration Clif. Thanks.
You might want to listen to last week's interview of Lara Logan on X22 report, she is a journalist based in reality and reporting on the crimes of the government and she stated that there is no White Hat military "winning" anything...that indeed our military is not ours any longer...they work for China and the Jews from the City of London..Dave glossed right over her statement and I was surprised he didn't edit it out because he is always and has been for 2 years saying that the good guys are winning and White Hats and Good Military are for real....I think if something was going to happen to overthrow these humanity hating bastards destroying America it would have happened by's clear to just about everyone that Biden is serving the Chine agenda to collapse America for a complete Chinese takeover..
Today’s deep thought: mom and I are seeing Henry Kissinger as the bad guy behind the curtains. He is the man who started everything in China that we are seeing today. You cannot get into this spider web without bumping into him. Love ya sweets! You are rocking it! 😜😎😘😍🎯🔥💯
One day while doing research it hit me. "It's not the same kind of people, it's the same damned PEOPLE!"
They are the same people, and they are all in the same inhuman psychopathic group/club.
Those who know who, what, and where they are happen to be their worst nightmare which is why those psychopaths want to kill the ones who know who, what, and where they are.
It’s funny too because they want to reduce world population if there is that many of us many there’s no place for them to hide 😃
You will probably find this revealing and entertaining scoop from one of my favorite real journalists Johnny Vedmore. They can run but they can't hide.
Kissinger=Rockefeller errand boi
I forgot to add this source too.
Here is an interesting database of connections.
Yes under orders of Black Sun the 60 y plan to collapse the planet began 63” was a big year
The year I was conceived! Wow
Kennedy’s assignation 🥲I was in kindergarten and remember it well. The world was in shock - Kerth Barker was 9 and they took him to a worldwide luciFEARian ritual for the murder - BEFORE Dallas.
As a child when I would see Kissinger I would say that man is really bad not knowing anything about him
Kissinger and Joan Crawford.
Don't forget Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.
People are finally seeing it.
Me way also.
They are all birds of the same feather.
“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution (the murder of 100 million Christian Russians and the theft of all their assets) – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
—The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
"We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything today is Jewdified. Our senses are alive to all the races. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords; all that is light today is child of our spirit.
Let the Goyim hate us: Let them drive us out: Let our enemies laugh at our physical weakness: We cannot be driven out any more. We have eaten ourselves into the peoples. We have vitiated the races of the Europeans. We have tarnished and broken their power; we have made everything of theirs foul, rotten, decomposed, decayed."
- Dr. Kurt Munzer, The Way to Zion.
He lied. These 'Jews" have not one shred of Israelite DNA in them. They are not Semites at all. They are Ashkenazim, remants of the Khazars who were driven into Europe and Russia by the Mongols in the 13th century, but not before their Emperor adopted the Jewish religion to end religious bickering. Zion is a fraud. The real Semites are treated badly by them... Sephardi, Misrahim, Palestinians.
I don't have any emotional attachment to any jews, fake or real. They are all benefiting through the murder of humanity. I care only about Whites because I am White. I will let semites care about other semites. To me, they are all evil and without a single redeeming quality.
Are you saying George W. Bush and Tony Blair are White Jews? I fail to follow your logic.
YES! Synagog of satan!
YES! 95% of so-called Jews (Khazarian) have no right to be in Israel! At all! They are Talmudic jews, read a bit of the Talmud, they HATE the goyim! A far cry from the Sepharadic Jews. Talmud no better than the Kran. My friend was married to a Moroccan Jew who went to Israel to help build the country, they were very very RACIST towards the Sepharadic Jews. Another Jewish friend confirmed that (she was Jewish from Polish origin)... On the other side, Chart of Hamas says to push all Jews into the sea. In my books, not so! I always defended Israel...
The situation is complicated by people who have settled on an entity to hate, and nothing will deter them. They hate Muslims, or Catholics, or Masons, or Jews, or Communists, or socialists, or capitalists, or Fascists, or Nazis. Yet when I question them, none have any idea what most of these groups really are, or were.. I hate no group, but I will cheerfully kill people who hurt the innocent. All of those groups contain that kind of people.
Dr Kurt Munzer sounds like a real Fucktard
If you don't believe they still feel this way, spend some time in a synagogue...
This is exactly how they feel about us.
Henry Makow is a Jew from Canada and he writes everyday on his website about what satanists the Jews are...they use and abuse humanity...that said I would never condemn with such a wide brush stroke...surely there are some Jews with redeeming qualities and goodness...they just aren't out there with ones we see destroying the general population with wars, disease, weaponized medicine, theft, deceptions, pedophilia and know...all that DEVIL SHIT...
Resounding yes! Poor Henry Makow is not a cheerful folk. Like he carries guilt while he has never hurt anyone, nice guy!
Unfortunately, it's only a minority of them. They've all been brainwashed from birth.
Listen to Brother Nathaniel, a Christian convert who was brought up in a strict Chabbad family. He is factual and does not mince words.
Same here!!
I continue to be shocked HK is still alive. He was old when I was a kid, and I’m a very long way from being a kid, now.
The fact that he is still around tells me a lot about the evil bastard that he is.
Intended normal lifespan ~120yrs. Much has been/is done to shorten that. The evils aren't subjected to those methods & have access to much hidden. Also adr en Oc hR ome.
Lately, it’s been coming to me about the breath and raising frequency my back was killing me one day and I did that and it works
My doctor has patients over 116 y o
And they do everything to keep these evil bastards alive.
the tribe got the Methusala gene, methinks
He will be 100 May 2024
Indeed . . . . and this old vampire is also Schwab's mentor.
Funny how all these vile, disgusting, creepy, humanity hating pigs are all older than dirt - Kissinger, Schwab, Fauci, Soros....proving the devil gives them long life...which means the one of the worst one of all Bill Gates - crepto Jew - will probably successfully destroy food production so there is never anything ever again healthy for humans to eat...just his bugs and lab grown garbage "meat" and GMO poison plants... heaven forbid the whores & pigs in CONgress ever stop him...
On top of that buying up all kinds of land. Even China has bought up mills in Maine where I came from the Boise paper company sold thousands of acres of our pristine land and Rangeley Maine.
What about feeding them to the crickets?
You probably couldn't force a cricket to eat their sorry old putrid asses....
Yes! Also crickets' rights and so on! Hahahahaha!
Better yet why don’t we feed them ticks lol bastards that’s a bio weapon to its guild off so much of the most population in Maine
Serve them their own dishes! Funny they wanted all of us to lose our freedoms, and they can't even walk down the F street without an army of body guards. Talk abour freedom!
Brendon O'Connell, he's the one who pulled the string on that one and has been on the run for literally decades now in an effort to get the information out there... some limited hangout kid published much of his research in a book that's making the round, obviously he has little recourse given his situation... thinking her name is Whitney Webb, something like that. She's pulled key elements from HIS work and is putting it out there as her own. Probably best just to look him up and take in the content from the source, an Australian ICU nurse from Perth. His channel on Youtube: "Brendon Lee O'Connell"
Yes he is excellent! And yes it is Whitney Webb and The Last American Vagabond who were given tons of info by Brendon in order to take action.
True. And then there WAS d.rockefellow - until he had his 7th heart transplant. I always wonder if they might not have put his brain in a bottle and hooked it up to a computer so he could continue his mishief. The two of them had their fingers & thumbs in many subversive operations. They started many of the worst organizations, etc - under the cover of doing 'good'. haha. The R Foundation is a real pit of those long skinny legless creatures who slither around & bite people with toxic fangs - kinda like vxeens.
I always believed in God. But only searching to learn the truth and finding the abject EVIL made HIM real to me, and answered so many questions, and connected so many dots. And it confirmed to me that what I called 'intuition' was always HIS message If it came in quiet time.
Kissinger and Adolf. The Nazis won, they have been winning ever since, we just didnt know it.
Henry Alfred Kissinger KCMG is a German-born American politician, diplomat, and geopolitical consultant who served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. A Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938, Kissinger excelled academically, receiving his BA degree summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1950, studying under William Yandell Elliott. He …
BornHeinz Alfred Kissinger · May 27, 1923 · Fürth, Bavaria, Weimar Republic
CitizenshipGermany (1923–1935) · United States (1943–present)
Political partyRepublican
SpousesAnn Fleischer (m. 1949; div. 1964) · Nancy Maginnes (m. 1974)
I am wondering if he was also part of “Project Paperclip “? Inquiring minds want to know!
Look up "Brendon Lee O'Connell" on youtube or "KAY GRIGGS MILITARY ASSASSIN'S WIFE INTERVIEW ON JEFF RENSE" on bitchute. Don't think you'll be disappointed with what you find further.
No he wasn’t. But he like many German intellectual types who immigrated to US were existentialists. They brought this depressing philosophy to America and some became very influential. And one, Kissinger, became a fire starter. Much like Soros. Same type.
Existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre treated Simone de Beauvoir horribly, having 3somes with a young girl which Beauvoir also treating badly! But you know, they are above us peons, and do not have to abide by the same rules (it is so passé!!) Hahahaha!
I was never a fan of Kissinger. Why the US has embraced him beyond my rational thinking!
I agree.
I concluded that after WWII, the nazis moved to the Americas. They stole billions and were able to buy their way into USA and Canada - the operation we call Paperclip. Infiltration, continued experimentation and growth in prep for the Fourth Reich . . . and here we are today.
Not sure "the US has embraced him". More like he is a pet of the LuciFEARian cult/cabal/mob/club/group. Notice that a lot of the big players have very strong Nazi accents. And yes, like Lyn says, "Fourth Reich".
Bravo! Thank you for laying all of this on the line for these people. It is all coming together and all coming out and we will watch it wither and die. Which side will you be on?
Great read Clif. I went ahead and published the WEF as a new suddenly died. Close enough.
Reading it just now! Very good reading, many thanks! Add Funeral March music in the background! I am crying just now! Hahahaha!
Ladies and Gentlemen
This is not a drill.
Please make your way to your nearest Conspiracy Theorist for further instructions.
Keep up the woo Clif 👽
I have a -lovely- leftie friend who is a green and start waking up to the fact that electric cars and green agenda are a con. Her husband is waking up also. We have to give them time and be nice -unless, that is, they showed intentions to park us in concentration camps for non-compliance! You THREATENED ME? NO MERCY! I give you the FINGERS! Together with my forearm!
So there!
Of course.
We were never looking for conflict
All we wanted was to be left alone.
Absolutely! Read an article 1 or 2 years ago, in the way of Beware of the good guy who just wanted to be left alone. And Beware of the cold anger of good people which builds up and then! BOOM! In short, do not pull the tale of the Fing LION! But it is too late!
Good luck for walking the street to go to your favorite restaurant!
You are terrified! Army and cops!
What if I tell you Mother Wefers that your protection is in fact your jailers. How do you know they are protecting you? How do you know they are not guarding you? They are people like us guys. They know what you have in store for the children...
Have you ever thought about it, that your protection is in fact your enemy???? You can go nowhere without being surrounded by them, yet they may be a threat, cyborgs.... Hahahahaha!
Love it Clif
The days , weeks & months ahead will blow the minds of “ Normies “ we can just watch them turn tables as they were lied to n took POSION jab . I say they created this and they will destroy their works , get popcorn n pillow lay back n watch
I will caution you that they will never give up. Nothing is going to stop them from pursuing their plan for total and complete global genocide of the nations. All aspect of the COVID agenda are is the WEF. Even if they appear to take a hit in one area they will continue their war against humanity.
“We know and secretly control all that will be. And no one can stop us. We will have in our hands only the strings attached to the hands of the president. And we’ll pull these strings in such a way as it is necessary to the implementation of our grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, their subordination to our superior nation, chosen by God of Israel.”—Rabbi Mendel Schneerson
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between israel and the Nations, which can only be genocidal and total, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
My friends are all good people who never rejected me for not playing the game. Others are just plain dictators who are going to reap what they sawed! Good F rid!
Wow - GREAT letter!
Clif you gave me a great idea! I have four prolific dogs and they create an endless supply of material for me to hurl at msm reporters and there's a ton of them down here on the border.
Atta boy!
Pure awesomeness, Clif!
Right on Clif!! once again so spot on…I love your humorous names for these mother WEF’S. We love you!❤️
The Haus of Schwab does not agree!
Thank you for pointing out the complicit MSM as a vulnerable public enemy in this, the 5GWar on the cabal. Or, as Larry Druhall proposes, the Wwenemy!
They will need severe security to withstand the public lashing. See feces fly!
Cliff I did find that 13th amendment a while back called the missing 13th amendment of 1809. I found by 2 men who research in the state of Maine. You talked about this a while back on usawatchdog. Digging the 1812 whitehouse fire by the british destroyed records. Very interesting history i printed it out i could send this to you i am not that many *counties* away from you.
Where could I find your article about this?
You have to dig and look in places on the net to find anything. You have to watch 15 hrs of a lecture by a man to get 5 min of good information. I do not want to give links on here over being banned. Or those places later will be shut down i have had it happen in the past.
can't you put it together as a pdf so people can download and read it?
The revolution will not be televised. You each need to do your own research, otherwise you won't believe re-make versions. Just like you will have to become your own banker and doctor as these are also collapsing.
Exactly right! These idiots have poisoned our languages to the point where they themselves cannot use them.
If one turns everything into a lie, silence is the only remaining truth.
The “missing” 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:
“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the
consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any
emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be
incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”
I could try i have a ton of information kept from the general public i am better at giving links. But i do not want to throw stuff out there over them being taken offline its happened in the past.
I watched Avi and the rest of the crew from Rebel News approach and question both the weasels and the invited mainstream media on the streets of Davos. It was a sight to behold! They squirmed, walked faster trying to dodge the questions and the cameras, while maintaining their silence in a state of fear and trepidation. The tables have turned...
Rebel seems to cover good stuff and it annoys me because Ezra Levant comes out with the rah rah for Israel from time to time.
I don't usually pay much attention to Rebel News, but when Darren Beattie from Revolver put their plea for funding the trip to Davos in the Revolver Feed, I decided to watch some of their clips to see what they could do when uninvited, yet persistent. The crew was questioned at two police check points boldly telling them they would be filming. I particularly enjoyed the walk down the street passing by a building with PALANTIR on the side while Pfizer''s CEO scrambled to evade hard questions until his guide could get him into a building.
Yes, that's the link I posted. PANIC!
Yes, indeed! What a moment! Then in one of the formal sessions, he nonchalantly states that they met their five year goal from 2019 in reducing the population by 50%. A tacit admission of intentional genocide.
But is that true 50%?
Also you must consider infertility of both sexes caused by a signifcant percentage of the jab vax lots, the gender dysphoria of all the WOKE bullshit and SOGI programming of our children which will have profound effects on reproduction over time, anything and everything dealing with destruction of the concpt of family, anything which divides the family of humanity such as WOKE or sane, vaxed or unvaxed etc etc., terrorizing humanity and on and on. This will reduce the population by means of attrition. Then there's the ongoing poisoning of the planet. OK. ENOUGH! It can all be quicky defeated if we UNITE and come together, love one another. LOVE casts out all fear.
He thinks so! He appeared to be bragging or to be acknowledged for meeting that goal, so the projections of 50% of current or coming deaths must be part of his representation.
From his bio “Between 1990 – 1993, while studying at the University of Calgary, he and his two-person team won the best debating category in the Inter-Collegiate Business Competition held at Queen’s University.”
I was working on campus at the UofC at this time and remember seeing his debates, he’s very skilled at it, the left here loves to smear him but they can’t counter any of the points he makes so instead it’s all about attacks on his personality.
He can come across as too blunt at times but the quality of his arguments are always high and difficult to refute.
I love to get ad Hominem attacks. Just point at them and laugh.
I once heard someone from Ontario remark.
“Albertans are assholes”.
They maybe right.
We produced politicians like
Peter Lougheed who took in Pierre Trudeau head to head 40 years ago over control of the energy sector.
Ralph Klein who called Easterners ‘creeps and bums’, ‘let those Eastern bastards freeze in the dark’.
Stephen Harper, no intro needed as the left hates him with a passion.(Also a U of C alum).
Also thinkers like Jordan Petersen(a Grande Prairie boy).
Here is a further list if the famous or infamous Albertans.
I lived through a year in Red Deer circa 1977 and I have scars to show for it. We had some mighty brawls. But I remember them fondly. Conversely I had some excellent friends in Alberta. The women were amazing.
There are assholes everywhere. Harper for example. Ontario certainly has its share.
If people like Jordan Peterson are assholes then we need more of them.
1970s Alberta was still very much ‘red neck country’.
I was born in the 60s and raised here but I’m a minority, I had to learn to stand up for myself and take no shit, occasionally it meant talking with my fists.
One thing about rednecks, once you gain their respect there weren’t any problems afterwards.
Which is why I’m astounded that we in this province never took down Justin Trudeau a peg like we did with his father, that is until I realized just how compromised our politicians were by the WEF. It explains why we elected the NDP for 4 years which almost caused me to move out of the province!
I look at them and say I don't give a Excuse my French! Because you are supposed to get into defence mode. Ridiculing them with jokes -à la Babylon Bee- is very good also. Makes them hysterical! Then throw them a mini Teddy Bear!
That is the one thing that annoys me about Levant, he can be a bit too myopic where certain topics are concerned, otherwise Rebel News is excellent at exposing the dirt, especially in Canada.
Trudeau and the Liberals are definitely afraid of him.
Ezra is a great guy! Been following him for years!
Yup. Makes me wonder as well.
Can you point out the rah rah for Israel I seemed to have missed it.
2 hr ago
I can't recall which episodes as there is some history which needs to be explored for yourself. Do your own research. It'll take some time and careful listening to hear nuances which betray biases otherwise meant to be hidden. You will have to decide for yourself what you make of it. You might hear something else.
No, with the volume of information there is to sort through that's not important enough for me to save.
He is jewish...of course he only has loyalty to Israel/WEF. That is the way they all are...very much the same way I am only loyal to Whites and feel no need to listen to or bother with non-Whites.
Yes. Diversity isn't anyone's strength. When someone tells you that, ask them why that is. I'm still waiting to hear.
Diversity is a nightmare. It comes out of the Assyrian Empire and its sole purpose was to engineer civil war among people and make them easier to rule. The jews have capitalized on this to foment all types of strife and murder in once peaceful and quiet nations. In fact, just like every last person involved in the COVID murders was jewish, every last person involved in 'multiculturalism' is also jewish. They are trying to destroy our nation from the inside through their 'Qahal' (look it up, it is a private/secret jewish government that operates inside the nation it enters to cause murder, unrest and civil strife that will only benefit jews). That is what 'Q' is short for the 'Qahal' which is why they always talk about 'their democracy'...meaning the Qahal and not OUR REPUBLIC. Qahal's are always a unelected democracy of ONLY JEWS that make the deep state look like child's play when it comes to destroying nations from the inside.
Avi Yemini also is Jewish (Rebel News reporter in Australia) AND HE IS DOING A GREAT JOB! He was interviewing that brat with Ezra Levant (Greta Thunberg, who, by the way, is a rotschild... at Davos. She could not even properly answer a single question! She is a puppet, and a nasty one for that!
She has a lovely laugh, yes, I saw that.
I never bag up people, and I trust Ezra... :-)
But you DO delete comments. WHY?
Zelenko sounds Khazarian for sure, and he was a Chabad, I don't like those guys as a rule (talmudic, they hate the goyim). But thing is he was a saint! The very reason why I never ever bag up people!
I tend to watch True North instead as they have more in depth dives in their stories and not just a brief sound bite.
Don't see him on Bitchute, Rumble or Gab. Maybe try to convince him to mirror?
I recognise Andrew, I've seen him in interviews lately.
I despise Youtube.
Here is the rumble link, it’s not always reliably updated but recently seems to be on track.
Thank you.
Funnily enough, they were quite surprised to be followed by non-lapdogs... They will be even more shocked at Nuremberg version 2.0 ....
Well put Clif! "Boula Pfizered"..... Hahaaha! Run WEFers run!
Masterpiece! Using the examples of those above as a precursor for what is to come for those below sets the tone perfectly. If there is an inkling of humanity left in their tiny brains they will heed the warning and repent. Still, I haven’t much faith in the tools of government and agenda they usually don’t begin whining until their Happy Meal is taken away! You are an inspiration Clif. Thanks.
SecDef Lloyd Austin put bounty on General Berger’s Head Captured CIA Spook claims
The war is real . . . It's the News that's fake . . .
Wow, how convinced are you of authenticity?
IMHO Rumormillnews appears to be a reasonably safe bet so far . . .
You might want to listen to last week's interview of Lara Logan on X22 report, she is a journalist based in reality and reporting on the crimes of the government and she stated that there is no White Hat military "winning" anything...that indeed our military is not ours any longer...they work for China and the Jews from the City of London..Dave glossed right over her statement and I was surprised he didn't edit it out because he is always and has been for 2 years saying that the good guys are winning and White Hats and Good Military are for real....I think if something was going to happen to overthrow these humanity hating bastards destroying America it would have happened by's clear to just about everyone that Biden is serving the Chine agenda to collapse America for a complete Chinese takeover..
Deep State Strikes GITMO on Christmas
White Hats Disable Amphibious Cruiser that Attacked GITMO
Soldiers deserve soldiers . . . Military is the only way . . . Dark to light . . .