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Why is it that it's always Trump that fks up? Nobody else but, him?

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Clif hasn't really made this type of rant. He is just talking about his data set that finally enabled him to see some details. He calls out lots of other people / groups mostly. So "always" is just something you are perceiving. :). my 2 cents. I've been listening to clif for 4-5 years.

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What on earth are you talking about??? All of those god awful politicians fuck up!!!

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This is simply his topic of focus. If you listen to it you'll have more insight.

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Someone has to be the fall guy .we trust no one but God what other choice do we have at this point

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USA presidents are always the fall guys.

. For their handlers

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Then what happens?

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We have to have faith and patience and prepare the best we canЁЯЩП

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That's for sure +

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you don't really want to know...

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I wish it would happen already!

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the fiet money should be worthless an cast into the street

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MSM has brainwashed us with non stop "Orange Man Bad"

I haven't been brainwashed....

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Trump did not fuck up , these events are needed to get to the end of the path ,,QFS /will bring us to the zpt cliff is talking about ,, but the fuck ups are needed a long the way , events needed. ,

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That's where the buck stops.

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that sounds like Resavelt , ,he is the one that took our real money away, the buck needs to be in the people s hands ,not stoped or picked away at

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I think you mean to say Roosevelt but what you should say is Rothschild.

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he was one of his handlers , used his bi wife to get to him.

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Because we expect him to not fuck upтАжeveryone else is definitely тАШin on itтАЩ.

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Trump the snake is in on it too. It's mind blowing people still stick up for that asshole.

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You prefer Kunta-Kamalala, you dumb broad?

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So you like Trump because you prefer him to everyone else, even though he is a Zionist?

It is possible to look at your choices and choose 'none'.

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One needs to own voting stock to elect corporate officers.

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One needs to withhold consent to deny corporate statutes and codes.

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SoтАж how you doin withholding consent regarding your corporate SSN or those corporate taxes, drivers license, car registration, bank account, etc, etc, etc.? Lemme know if you found success, IтАЩll follow your lead.

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...Trump is not a Zionist. Only jews can be Zionists, although many imbecilic non-jews support those vile lice... while not realizing that the Zionists plan, eventually, for the elimination or enslavement of all non-Zionists.

But, apparently, Trump supports Zionists, which I find to be appalling. I am no fan of islamoturds, but I do feel mass-murdering, genocidal scum should face severe consequences... preferably, imprisonment or death.

Is it really possible to look at the "choices", 4 years under Trump vs the disastrous 4 years of the Biden/Harris (Obama) regime, and choose 'none'?

Only an absolute moron would think so.

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? Are you on the right side?

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I'm on God's side. I don't dwell in the left/right paradigm. Because they are all working together against us. That people can dismiss what trump the snake has ALREADY done to us and still support him, well frankly, they are stupid and just as brainwashed as the normies.

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Trump is the alternative to evil enslavement. If you don't see that you have been watching the View for too long. He is not perfect, and he will make mistakes, but his heart is in the right place now.

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ThatтАЩs funny. Trump is WEFтАЩs official stooge. Nobody in their right mind watches the View; thatтАЩs for the old people who are like statutes, with one foot in the grave...

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You prefer Kunta-Kamala, you moron cockroach?

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I do not favor any of these cockroaches; Trump/Biden are different sides of the same coin...

All Presidents are predetermined before the American selection...

Your vote is an illusion...

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Are you obsessed with the View? I have never watched a single episode. I haven't watched TV in 5 years. His heart is NOT in the right place. Do you think the attempts on his life were real?

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The world is a stage, and Trump is center stage...

He's an entertaining goofball

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So if someone disagrees with you they have been watching the view too long. Is that right?

He isn't perfect, he's a Zionist and therefore not an alternative to evil enslavement. Same destination different path.

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Thank YOU....!

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Trump is on God/Source's side. I wish you could see what I see. It is all good to have different perceptions. :)

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No, he is not on God's side.He is absolutely working for satan I deal in truth, not perceptions. And Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the light.

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411: You are full of crap.

You are Beezelbub's bitch.

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So far all I've seen of your comments is you calling people names.

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...Again, you pathetic skidmark, F-0ff... you sound like the typical woke Cis-gender colon polyp.

But keep screeching, if it makes your piles feel better.

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Multiple accounts, eh

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You are a mental meltdown and a lunatic. I pity you, but hope you are sent to some asylum soon so we don't have to smell you.

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Oh look, another one with school yard insults nothing remotely resembling an opinion.

Do you people know how fucking retarded you look spewing this stuff?

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I prefer my truth to yours. тШ║я╕П

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Dec 1
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does consensus make a thing truth or true; and is it true that truth is based on emotion and true based on fact/evidence; just curious as to a consensual opinion;

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Agree... and YOU have no clue.

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Jonah was no saint, yet Yah sent him to get Ninevah to wise up. America needs to wise up.

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OK....Who is NOT doing Satan's work? Look how many religious people have fallen into sin.

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Of people in "power", all of them. The rest of us I don't know. I'm not religious, I just believe the Gospel and rely on Father and Jesus to navigate this corrupt, fallen world. I don't attend a church, seems most of them are corrupt too. When pastors took money to close and set up injection sites for the liquid evil, told me everything.

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Good point. Yes, I remember how many pastors used their churches as COVID injection sites.

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GoodтАжthen how do you fix the problem?

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I don't. You don't. The only one that can fix it is God. And the process has already started. Buckle up and stay prayed up. Read Revelation and 1 Cor Ch 15 Vs1-4 in the Bible. Or don't, your choice.

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I know Revelations very well. But why do current prophets call Trump his David? When did God pick anyone that was perfect? The only perfect person was Jesus.

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Revelation. No s. There are no current prophets. You think God picked trump the snake to save us?

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Then why does it say in Acts

And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;...

Do you think we are in the last days?

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Sorry, I'm on my phone . I think God picked trump to deliver his judgement against us.

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The key is "I think" ...we all think differently. I can't say you are wrong...but neither can you say someone else is wrong. It's an argument. We will find out who the winner is. I never plan to my feet too firmly with regards to such discussions. You can always be wrong when things are this fuzzy.

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it is Good vs EVIL ,,

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when the slave owner has the biscuits and bacon; ya gonna say yes sir and no sir; citizen: citi-slave;

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Nobody is perfect!

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TrueтАжbut he doesnтАЩt seem get the right people to give a bigger picture view of things.

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Bc u expose the darkness to the light and the truth about them comes forward, keep ur friends close but keep ur enemies closer itтАЩs all military strategy! What u are seeing is all done to expose the corrupted and blackmailed by the deep state!!Trump knows what heтАЩs doing heтАЩs not stupid!!

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I see your point.

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What is your definition of right. We won't know why?

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Everything opposite of what the Democraps stand for! There are RINOs on the right and they will also be exposed

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He IS a Zionist.

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There's more than enough FUs to go around, but we didn't elect Trump for more of the same.

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And how many times have we all thought, "why on earth is Trump doing that?", and then later on thought, "brilliant - didn't expect that"?

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MSM has repeated negative on Trump for nine years straight now.

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Anyone who thinks they know what Trump is doing, has literally zero idea what Trump is doing.

I smell bait and switch, big time. And I suspect, Clif does as well. He just doesn't like not being the smartest guy in the room.

For a start, the economic system IS about to fail, one way or another. If Trump doesn't at least look like he is trying to save it, people will say he could have saved it, and didn't. What he does for optics, and what happens in the final analysis, can be very, very different.

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Trump will b the scapegoat for the system collapse get ready many will b pissed at him

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Unless he proves, through his actions, that it was beyond saving...

I think hindsight is going to be the teacher on this one, not Clif.

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Like how?

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100%. The biggest Fuk'ers is your present administration et al. I'm not American but from where I sit Trump at least is saying the right things but a little suspicious of some of his appointments. However, what do you do when you are asked to chose between the "devil and the deep blue sea"?

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B/c he's an idiot at best.

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Who is an idiot?

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