Martin Armstrong says 3 years. But I would try for 6 months and figure out what you can eat outside your normal diet. I understand cat tail roots are nutritious.
I would go for 3 years as well. You will have to wait through the collapse, the starvation, the cannibalism and then the recovery. That is going to take a hell of a lot longer than 3 years...but 3 years will get you past the collapse and the starvation.
Storable food, water and ammunition if you prefer.
How long is anticipated for stock of food and water tho? 6 months-1yr
Martin Armstrong says 3 years. But I would try for 6 months and figure out what you can eat outside your normal diet. I understand cat tail roots are nutritious.
I would go for 3 years as well. You will have to wait through the collapse, the starvation, the cannibalism and then the recovery. That is going to take a hell of a lot longer than 3 years...but 3 years will get you past the collapse and the starvation.
Pellet guns and silencers.