More like constant censorship thanks to totally compromised media, a pathetic public school system fluoridated water for more than 50 years, vacxines ( I got three Polio jabs 70 years ago-- they were forced upon us at school)-brain numbing seed oils which destroy nerve cells, pasturization of milk& homogenation which alters the fats in milk so rthey are not properly digested-- it goes on and on Every facet of our lives,has been studied and corrupted. No deductive reasoning is ever taught until college ( I really appreciated taking a course in philosophy)
Music to hypnotize,along with television and movies to play with your emotions.
I was however, a bit shocked at Trump appointing Ivanka's father in law as ambassador to France and youngest daugther's father in law( a fellow billionare) as special envoy to the middle east You gotta give the guy the Don, credit for being so brazen -- but hey, maybe these are temporary appointments after all, and once Trump gets everything under control, they can go back to their day jobs. Trump plays more like a mafia boss than a politican because he had to deal with the Mob in NY for years. All the more power to him -- he got raked over the coals first time around by back stabbing republicans and his butt is full of scars.
I screwed up?! I didn't advocate for BS like "Trust the Science." As a pro musician, I attempt to find meaningful exchanges while earning a living. I'm teaching mostly these days, because I can, and there's a market for it @ Boston. I cannot not do music, because that's where my knowledge base is. Finally, it's not for me to say where it ends...if it ever will.
listen to the first ~4min of his talk..
in my opinion the entire world population screwed up, due to lack of knowledge!
More like constant censorship thanks to totally compromised media, a pathetic public school system fluoridated water for more than 50 years, vacxines ( I got three Polio jabs 70 years ago-- they were forced upon us at school)-brain numbing seed oils which destroy nerve cells, pasturization of milk& homogenation which alters the fats in milk so rthey are not properly digested-- it goes on and on Every facet of our lives,has been studied and corrupted. No deductive reasoning is ever taught until college ( I really appreciated taking a course in philosophy)
Music to hypnotize,along with television and movies to play with your emotions.
I was however, a bit shocked at Trump appointing Ivanka's father in law as ambassador to France and youngest daugther's father in law( a fellow billionare) as special envoy to the middle east You gotta give the guy the Don, credit for being so brazen -- but hey, maybe these are temporary appointments after all, and once Trump gets everything under control, they can go back to their day jobs. Trump plays more like a mafia boss than a politican because he had to deal with the Mob in NY for years. All the more power to him -- he got raked over the coals first time around by back stabbing republicans and his butt is full of scars.
You were shocked by jewish nepotism?
Ex-felon ambassador. (Pardoned by DJT in first term.) Same w/Clinton 'Tribe' in-laws. some kind of a Presidential election first there in 2016.
How low can (will) we go? Or will we ever find out how low we have already gone?
oh, sleepy Joe just pardoned his own son! It really can't be better than that!
Trump also honed his business skills having to deal with slavetraders and tax thives. Eggzellent training for becoming covert world chief!
I screwed up?! I didn't advocate for BS like "Trust the Science." As a pro musician, I attempt to find meaningful exchanges while earning a living. I'm teaching mostly these days, because I can, and there's a market for it @ Boston. I cannot not do music, because that's where my knowledge base is. Finally, it's not for me to say where it ends...if it ever will.