None so blind as those that will not see. I don't even have TV, I base my opinion on what trump the snake has done, not what he says or what the media says. You should try it.
None so blind as those that will not see. I don't even have TV, I base my opinion on what trump the snake has done, not what he says or what the media says. You should try it.
Like Adelson,who bailed out the failed businessman? Higher calling? He's working for the synagogue of satan, to which he has belonged his entire life. This country is under judgement, it's not coming back.
None so blind as those that will not see. I don't even have TV, I base my opinion on what trump the snake has done, not what he says or what the media says. You should try it.
As a businessman he made many enemies. He has a higher calling now. You need to see what is good for the country now, not dwell on the past.
Like Adelson,who bailed out the failed businessman? Higher calling? He's working for the synagogue of satan, to which he has belonged his entire life. This country is under judgement, it's not coming back.
God bless you LillyMarz for it is obvious that you need all the help you can get.
I'm fine dude. But God does bless me for sure. You think I'm crazy, that's OK. Just because I'm crazy, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Projection is the left's favorite tool. You are running true to form.
Oh look a black pill ЁЯТй
No, just a realist. The future is very bright, just not here in this fallen, corrupt world.