Because Clif does not the support the global mafia as the Dems surely do. Trump haters don't show up around here without being paid to stir up shit. If not paid, why waste your time here when CNN has some wonderful programming especially made for the holes in your brain.
Perhaps you should read my other comments and you MIGHT understand where I'm coming from. Just because I understand what trump the snake is up to doesn't mean I hate him. I hope he repents and gets saved, as I do everyone. Insulting my brain when you aren't using yours is rich.
No. Why would you think that?
Because Clif does not the support the global mafia as the Dems surely do. Trump haters don't show up around here without being paid to stir up shit. If not paid, why waste your time here when CNN has some wonderful programming especially made for the holes in your brain.
I don't hate anyone, but Trump is a Zionist and he is going to implement the death penalty for anti-Semitism, or so he says. How can you trust that?
Exactly like Stalin/Bolshevik jews did before he/they slaughtered 60 million Christian Russians.
Stalin was born as Dzhugashvili a patronymic that means 'son of a jew' in Yiddish.
The Holodomor, there are a couple foreign films about that. No Hollywood films.
How many Hollywood films are there about the fake Holocaust?
If the world could only be free of the evil it has endured. I pray that this happens before the whole thing is ruined forever.
It will.
Perhaps you should read my other comments and you MIGHT understand where I'm coming from. Just because I understand what trump the snake is up to doesn't mean I hate him. I hope he repents and gets saved, as I do everyone. Insulting my brain when you aren't using yours is rich.
Maybe SHE is being paid...