Good morning all. I have been working on one of my “Deep Thoughts” regarding this issue. I am coming to the conclusion that, the pharmaceutical industry has been prototyping a means of “Planned Obsolescence” via vaccines for the past decade or more. Specifically in regards to canine rabies shot becoming mandatory in most cities. It’s a l…
Good morning all. I have been working on one of my “Deep Thoughts” regarding this issue. I am coming to the conclusion that, the pharmaceutical industry has been prototyping a means of “Planned Obsolescence” via vaccines for the past decade or more. Specifically in regards to canine rabies shot becoming mandatory in most cities. It’s a live vaccine and only one shot is required for a lifetime of coverage. Anything more is cancer causing for the animals. My Veterinarian father spent most of his working life researching this issue therefore, I am very confident in his judgement. Love you all!
Pets can get "vaccinosis" from rabies, sudden unexplained extreme skittishness & scared of everything or increased aggressiveness. Its brain damage actually. Some homeopathic remedies can help, if you can find a homeopathic vet. Probably as rare as hens teeth these days.
Good morning all. I have been working on one of my “Deep Thoughts” regarding this issue. I am coming to the conclusion that, the pharmaceutical industry has been prototyping a means of “Planned Obsolescence” via vaccines for the past decade or more. Specifically in regards to canine rabies shot becoming mandatory in most cities. It’s a live vaccine and only one shot is required for a lifetime of coverage. Anything more is cancer causing for the animals. My Veterinarian father spent most of his working life researching this issue therefore, I am very confident in his judgement. Love you all!
Pets can get "vaccinosis" from rabies, sudden unexplained extreme skittishness & scared of everything or increased aggressiveness. Its brain damage actually. Some homeopathic remedies can help, if you can find a homeopathic vet. Probably as rare as hens teeth these days.