Joe is paid opposition. Just like Alex Jones (AKA BILL HICKS)... all the world is a stage and all Roads lead to Rome. Do you really believe they will release the Epstein files? NEVER... The JFK files? NEVER... it links all the intelligence agencies world wide... CIA / Mossad / MI5 -6 ... and of course Khazarian blood drinking Satanic scum.
Bro, if you're going to call out Rogan and Jones then you should be calling out clif as well.. those guys are sell outs... but clif is worse than both of them. you're stupid if you dont understand this.
There are THOUSANDS of discussion boards on the internet (if you could only use it) were you can feed yourself on this tangent. get to it. go, be an adult and verify something for yourself. it could take days so buckle up, little fool :) But you wont... you love your cult you would never accept something contrarian. profane.
Allow me to understand you... from your point of view Mr. Gump... stupid is what stupid does... smh... I've heard all the conspiracies about Clif being raised as military brat and he's an MK Ultra plant to mislead the sheep (or maybe you refer to them as Goy). I also lived near him and have interacted with people he is good friends with. This goes back well over 20 years of observation of Clif and the information he shares. It's just a Ride... lighten up Francis Gump.
Joe Rogan, as great as he is with his interview skills, is stil a bit behind in his awakening zone so Clif might just scramble his brain with that deer in the headlights moment....LMAO
no. just one. Clif would be shown to be the old fool he is. Rogan knows better. Clif is worthless to talk to. On Alex Jones Clif made a fool of himself.
And so you've come to spam the room and discredit Clif High? Okay then, good luck with that. Your modus is soooo boring and old. BTW, he'd blow Rogan out within 15 minutes of the interview. IMO, of course :D
Get out of here of find someone else to rag on. If you had even one iota of intelligence, you'd never say what you're saying about him. You know nothing of his depth and understanding. You're jealous
Isn't it interesting NARCS call everyone else exactly- and especially-what they themselves are, especially when they are called out? Give him no traction, ("Supply") and maybe he'll go find a deep hole somewhere to bury himself to put his misery to an end.
Bro, people made billions because it was obvious. Clif had nothing to do with it. He even admitted that web-bot was fake years ago. The video is still out there. You drank the Coolaid and simply believed this man when he toted his "accomplishments".
Learn to be an adult and feed yourself rather than saying broccoli doesn't exist unless I got to the store, buy it for you, and feed it to you. how have you not died yet?
you're as stupid as the rest of the internet says clif's cult is. no wonder he gets stalkers... you people are literally retarded.
Estrogen poisoning can be reduced or eliminated by avoiding unfermented soy products. In the meantime, you might find Midol helpful, and extra greens in your diet for their magnesium content.
throw around all the bull shit you want, fuck-o, but i don't believe the grit... the same way i don't believe in a guy named "cliff high"... if that's his name, then my name is "Mountain Tall". you fell for an old fool. you're retarded. you cant even tell that every article he posts is AI written and so is the image. his book was a travesty.
brother, if i was a bot; I'd be a bot that was ten times more human than yourself. Like, for real. my comments are amazing... yours are short, stupid and bot like. i bet you even have Jew blood in those filthy veins.
While I wouldn’t call Clif a fool & he has made some amazing predictions, he does leave out the spiritual which leaves him open to Ahrimanic possession and a deep dive into the material world.
AI ends up being your god and to me, Clif is all in on the AI. So I agree with you.
Calling the Elohim the bad guys is mislabeling the spiritual world. He’s talking about the fallen angels but only 1/3 fell.
A study of Rudolph Steiner might keep him from falling deeper into the sphere of the technology-cult.
Robin. A few google searches into clif being a fraud will pull up a mountain of evidence. Fuck your opinion. the truth is he's a fraud and its not my opinion.
......his predictive programming linguistics "program" and recent research results......sounds fascinating enough, right, if not entirely believable at extremes....doesn't it?
Ken, I rarely, if ever, read a book twice, but while reading it, LOTS of random and sometimes forgotten experiences came to mind. On the second reading now. I can relate, and I can barely wait for his next book!
Uh, Joe Rogan has written books and he can spell words unlike clif not-so-high... Clif is such a coward he wont even use his real name. the guy is an open and out fraud. When clif was on Alex jones they tore him apart. it was hilarious.
Bro, Joe Would rip into clif even easier than the Alex Jones show did. Rogan is smarter. By far. he can even write books that don't sound like they were written by a 12 year-old boy.
Simplecus, you're projecting your own pathos onto someone who's got more guts and presence than you will ever have. Whether he's right or wrong, whether you love him or hate him doesn't matter. He's for real. You're an NPC. Tough luck. Nothing you can do about that.
Oh pleeeeeeease.... I'm not even going to read your comment. you didn't even spell my name right. You're retarded. He spells his whole name lowercase, you fucking moron.
Clif High's book was written by AI. it was super terrible and obvious. Rogan would not let him on. Clif only appeals to normies like you... People with shows know better than to have this dim wit on. Clif is all talk.
Clif is a bit parasitic times to those he assumes do not get his approach. He will take his knowledge, but never ask if maybe they already know these things by the time they get briefed a few no times. There is no one way to do things without error. Clif is a scientist and really a govt contractor, he's an insider too. I have never kept my eye off that part tho and why he has so much up-to-date knowledge of the military industrial complex. President is supposed to be a minimized govt role. What happened to his Elohim are attacking tomorrow approach? This is very laid back approach. He used to go off on Jewish corruption and worshipping cult. But, doesn't USA (Israel) run or fund all of Cliffs work anyways? you believe Clifs warning to not get the killer vaxx was good advice? Did you see him cry on video in 2020 when he realized the mRNA jab would harm millions and millions?
Just because you couldn't comprehend the message in Clif's book isn't a reason to call it utter trash. Maybe a 6th grade level book would be a better starting point for you.
all the soothsayers are frauds. That's why they are soothsayers. It's easier than having a job. You get to spout off here online and face little to no pushback that you have to act upon. I look at all of them as entertainment. Sometimes there is a nugget of usefulness but most of it is just poorly written reality TV. We are an entertainment centered culture. We will meet our doom seeking to be entertained. I sometimes enjoy his posts/vids. mostly it's 30 minutes of my life I won't get back
Uncle Cliff, this is, in my humble opinion, your most important and eye-opening PC you've ever written. It resonated deeply and I agree with you 1,000,000%. My soul knows all of this to be true.
I was thinking the same. I am behind in my homework. Was fretting "not doing enough" when Universe provides and guides - past (I can see), present (I can feel) and future (I can trust). Serous stuff here.
What the Trumpitos are doing is ushering in the New Control System. Wake up Clif! They are all billionaire technocrats that work for Israel. They are not working on behalf of humanity. Sure they will destroy the old system. But we will not like the AI digital control system they are planning to replace it with.
I was in my routine of doing my 45 minute full body massage in the jacuzzi and then 15 minutes in The Hot Rock steam sauna then a shower and shave so I was missing an action. I haven't come up with a real bucket list or passion for my next painting to start but looks like the local newspaper is going to publish my painting with an article on the prune Blossom tour in Healdsburg back in the seventies
Healdsburg Tribune showcase is a good start. I want a couple of restaurants to display it then it will sit at Hesldsburg Museum til they milked it and then that richy rich from Bay Area will buy it for my bonus check. Canvas framed prints and high quality museum paper prints (30). Universe will decide.
I was thinking about it today and a couple of things came through; websites for a local Chamber of Commerce, wineries, and maybe a large golf course. They would all have the money for your prints.
Hang in there Clif, you are a man that will and can Stand alone. You are bringing many into a New way of seeing and understanding. The likes of the "Trupitos" may or may not See, neither may they not understand, nevertheless, those that do choose to See will find their New reality, regardless, :)
The most elegant solution to a problem is to use the problem to solve the problem. For instance, driving into a mountain curve one learns at a certain point to accelerate so centripetal motion holds the car to the road., or using a full bucket of water to hold down something that would float away in a rain storm. What's the problem with Trump? And how to use that to solve it?
So, if I say, the problem is a lack of human capacity for sovereignty that keeps us in massive control systems that don't serve....that's very very broad. How could we bite off solutions in a problem opportunity expansive enough, while being manageable? Honestly, the idea that ascension is a personal matter feels most successful here. Solution....person to person to person? Thoughts?
Ok, I'm in love with your language, takes a village to save the world. It takes the magnetic impulses of change realized in the physical to attract more change, heart to heart, synchronistic, harmonized, happy....and then others say, how do I get some of that good stuff?
Locating the actual problem is difficult. In my example of driving into a curve and accelerating out of it, using centripetal motion, . . . this takes driving experience. We're all going through an awakening. Our problems may be assuaged.
Also the first step in solving a problem is identifying what the problem is. The problem appears to be the Democrat luciferian Clan has been sabotaging our country to their benefit to become millionaires and sell us out
The de facto is the Dems and Reps that have passed the benevolent form of martial law back and forth since 1860 / 1861. Until "they" turned malevolent on 2020. So far it looks like a different form of de facto. We like it better. Trump likes jew bankers and big bankers; Vance may be a Skull and Bones man like the Bushs. Rubio attempted to run for Pres. Not Constitutional. Bonni (sp) likes the donations from Scientologists. and so it goes.
However, They are all swamp creatures and will happily harm the other but will not damage the habitat. Just alter it a bit for their benefit.
It must go states up from the ARTICLE I Section 1 in a social compact. This is theatre de jure comes from
So, for me, Clif did clearly identify the problem. How do we transcend an old paradigm for a new one in the present unfolding of the current event stream? Essentially, what will it take, from whom, and how, to get to where we want to go? Who is 'we', by the way? Lots of variables...unknowns, delta points, what have you....UNLESS scripted. Is there even room for free will rn? Are we riding a wave of celestial scripting.....if so, why are we trying so hard? Let's walk the beach, instead, right?
The totally destructive forces leading the way have blinders on, but many are using information in comments and conversations to break through to conscious awareness
Universe seeks Balance I think, no matter what happens, so if we can't get our 'shit' together we'll probably end up extinct. And a new intelligent species will continue evolution on this planet.
Everything is yin/yang. We are riding a WAVE and we are hanging on,....but if the majority don't even see the WAVE, they sure as hell can't catch it. I know that was weird. Sorry.
That's Retarded. There is no Yin/Yang; that's False Dichotomic BULLSHITTERY! There Is No Light; There Is No Wave. There is only Eternal Misery. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.
The Universe doesn't seek Balance; that's Retarded Hopium Delusion. Look at the fucking RESULTS! The Universe Seeks Eternal Misery. We exist only to suffer; Nothing Else Has Ever Happened.
Well, YOU are an unpleasant fellow! Do you take pleasure in shitting on people you do not know? If Eternal Misery is YOUR paradigm, then how 'bout taking it somewhere ELSE, and folding yourself around it, as if THAT were something to do.
Isn't it more about the vision of the boot stomping on the human face that leaves the deepest impression? "A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by exertions of better men than himself." [John Stuart Mill]
I never liked the word "hope," because it conflagrates two paradoxical ideas....anticipation and fear. Not helpful. I'd remove it from our language. The only thing we have going for us is fearlessness, genuine ferocity of the Lyraen. Foundational. No fear.
Yes though, Hope and belief are often intertwined, entangled and entertained. A hostage survivor may have an optimistic belief that things can change for the better at any second, And to "keep hope alive".
Yep - things could get better... but they probably won't. "My advice is really this: what we hear the phiosophers saying... and the spirited and noble-minded sayings which are capable of immediate practical application... learn them so well that words become works." [Seneca]
I figured as much over the past week or so reading your critiques.
My take, as someone who is 'slightly inside'is they are aware, I also believe that Musk deliberately lied (very good reasons for that, too) about what he was 'in' on to Rogan. Both John Ratcliffe and Mike Waltz are in the cabinet for that reason, just as Rubio is in for communist involvement in Central/South America.
JC and Janine did the draws on this last night and her take is they are a little 'behnd the 8 ball' on it, which in terms of importance is most likely correct. However, today marks 7 weeks in office. The major issue right now -besides recovering trillions from DS thievery- is stopping WW III.
As you can see, the globalists absolutely must have war to continue their operations and cover their crimes. Israel wants the attack on Iran. Congress is still heavily under their influence although that is starting to wane.
Trump and team knew damn well what the UFO/UAP drone flap over N Jersey was, and tossed the Biden people under the bus. The FAA knows. They all know. Your pal 'JOS' has even spoke of the 'breakaway civilization' in the Antarctic and he is as well connected as any voice out there.
The team has some time to play yet.
Don't thnk for a second that they don't know who you, or the boys at FFG are, either. You can't have a 'golden age' with a fake alien invasion meant to cull the population. He and his people know how many MINUTES are left in his administration.
Things to consider: his DOGE team went to work one minute after midnight on the 20th. The DS thought they had until perhaps 2 pm the next day to erase/delete and other forms of trickery. By the time they got to work at 9 AM all the passwords had been changed and they were locked out of their computers.
This is a very well oiled machine. So; keep up the observations and criticisms; they help build a groundswell badly needed. Oh, and THIS:
Clif, why aren’t you capitalizing your pronoun, I? I know what you mean about the Trumpitos - they get off a good start, then the wheels sort of fall off their game.
I think Kash and Bondi et al realised that there is so much shitfuckery that has gone on, and it's all through every Govt and business in the world ,that they have to be careful and measured in the way of exposing it. Otherwise chaos would ensue if it comes out like a firehose. Eventually all will be revealed ,but it is imperative that there is no world war and people are as safe as possible. The safety of the abused children being the priority.
I love your book 📕, yeah I think they are saving it for last in some weird disclosure . Syria is pushing the envelope, universe provides and guides !I wish it would provide quicker though ❤️
That's Retarded Hopium Delusion. You don't put out what you attract; that's New-Ager BULLSHITTERY! You only get Eternal Misery. Anything else is just lying to yourself because you're Squeamish About Feeling Bad.
The name Will Martin is not this writers real name. He is a boy, 12 years old and enjoys playing these kind of games. Send him Love. Replying in any other way will only encourage his 'Schadenfreude'.
I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard it said that actually NOTHING has ever happened. Except in the meaning machine of the mind. No nothing and no something. Moot.
The curriculum is shit so why wouldn’t the answers be? Remember, T.H.E.Y. control it all. If you want to decapitate it you need to gain its trust in order to get close enough to do the Deed.
When a guy falls head over heels for a girl, his clothes change, and he may very well change his viewpoints, even his political ones, to be closer to her. Or, in the throes of "love," he may realize that his political views were wrong all along.
Now when a man is 65++ falls in love with a woman, much, much younger, well, her sphere of influence will likely be much greater.
So, are we supporting Tim Walz or Kamala in the next election? We need to get behind the right democrat now!
Nah! the Demon-craps are thoroughly wrong and followers of practically everything EVIL that one can imagine! But, you are right about one thing. There's no fool like an old fool, when it comes to women.
... you had me with the 65++ guy falls in love with a woman much younger... you lost hyper-novelty - release-tension bringing-in homo-satanic impressions. WTF?
however, if Clif is angry that those in power do not think the way he does, what will be his next move? how long will it take for his girlfrind to decide that the other party sees things his way?
Not sure ontology is a political view.....I am sure, though, that love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no, it is an ever-fixèd mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. It's a 116 thing.
the majority of the planets inhabitants are immature/young souls,if you will. if we are not connected to nature,the natural world and the rhythms there in, perspective is skewed. blessings
We need Clif on Joe Rogan show.
Joe is paid opposition. Just like Alex Jones (AKA BILL HICKS)... all the world is a stage and all Roads lead to Rome. Do you really believe they will release the Epstein files? NEVER... The JFK files? NEVER... it links all the intelligence agencies world wide... CIA / Mossad / MI5 -6 ... and of course Khazarian blood drinking Satanic scum.
Bro, if you're going to call out Rogan and Jones then you should be calling out clif as well.. those guys are sell outs... but clif is worse than both of them. you're stupid if you dont understand this.
What evidence do you have to support this claim?
There are THOUSANDS of discussion boards on the internet (if you could only use it) were you can feed yourself on this tangent. get to it. go, be an adult and verify something for yourself. it could take days so buckle up, little fool :) But you wont... you love your cult you would never accept something contrarian. profane.
Moses 6:6??
Allow me to understand you... from your point of view Mr. Gump... stupid is what stupid does... smh... I've heard all the conspiracies about Clif being raised as military brat and he's an MK Ultra plant to mislead the sheep (or maybe you refer to them as Goy). I also lived near him and have interacted with people he is good friends with. This goes back well over 20 years of observation of Clif and the information he shares. It's just a Ride... lighten up Francis Gump.
I wasn’t terribly impressed with his book either
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
good off already, would ya?
Trying to think how that would go. Many possibilities.
Joe Rogan, as great as he is with his interview skills, is stil a bit behind in his awakening zone so Clif might just scramble his brain with that deer in the headlights moment....LMAO
Joe Rogan is all WFC. Who owns WFC? Ari Emannuel. Joe is controlled opposition.
Oh terrific Rahm Emanuel's brother
no. just one. Clif would be shown to be the old fool he is. Rogan knows better. Clif is worthless to talk to. On Alex Jones Clif made a fool of himself.
And so you've come to spam the room and discredit Clif High? Okay then, good luck with that. Your modus is soooo boring and old. BTW, he'd blow Rogan out within 15 minutes of the interview. IMO, of course :D
his book was written by AI. its obvious. your old man is a fool. anyone can see it. its for sale on amazon.
Get out of here of find someone else to rag on. If you had even one iota of intelligence, you'd never say what you're saying about him. You know nothing of his depth and understanding. You're jealous
Isn't it interesting NARCS call everyone else exactly- and especially-what they themselves are, especially when they are called out? Give him no traction, ("Supply") and maybe he'll go find a deep hole somewhere to bury himself to put his misery to an end.
Clif is a bully and you're his nracassitic supply. im staying right here fag-o
Tell that to the ones who made millions buying bitcoin based on Cliff’s heads up before it was even invented.
Bro, people made billions because it was obvious. Clif had nothing to do with it. He even admitted that web-bot was fake years ago. The video is still out there. You drank the Coolaid and simply believed this man when he toted his "accomplishments".
link to video or it never happened.
Learn to be an adult and feed yourself rather than saying broccoli doesn't exist unless I got to the store, buy it for you, and feed it to you. how have you not died yet?
you're as stupid as the rest of the internet says clif's cult is. no wonder he gets stalkers... you people are literally retarded.
Curious...did you make billions because it was obvious to you?
No. I was a child so i didn't play with crypto. But now i do, and i have hundreds of thousands.
Why are you here? Either you are foolish or just a hater.
He's a Bot. Put him on IGNORE.
Stimpicus is both.
Stimpy is an AI shekel bot.
you wish. this bot just fucked clif's ass so hard he has cancer again. I bet his dead wife is laughing at what a fraud he is.
ho look, two boomers masturbating
Estrogen poisoning can be reduced or eliminated by avoiding unfermented soy products. In the meantime, you might find Midol helpful, and extra greens in your diet for their magnesium content.
May you find someone to love, besides Clif.
Really? So Rogan is your high standard for intelligence? Asking a serious question.
no. learn to read.
Spoken like a true Gritologist.
throw around all the bull shit you want, fuck-o, but i don't believe the grit... the same way i don't believe in a guy named "cliff high"... if that's his name, then my name is "Mountain Tall". you fell for an old fool. you're retarded. you cant even tell that every article he posts is AI written and so is the image. his book was a travesty.
Cliff... Clif... the guy gave himself a fake name as to say he is "high on the mountain"
.... if his name is "clif high" (as he writes it and not as you write it) then my name is "Mountain Tall". couldn't you read the whole comment? lol
get better kung-fu, dullard.
Ha ha. Stimp is an AI Shekel bot.
brother, if i was a bot; I'd be a bot that was ten times more human than yourself. Like, for real. my comments are amazing... yours are short, stupid and bot like. i bet you even have Jew blood in those filthy veins.
While I wouldn’t call Clif a fool & he has made some amazing predictions, he does leave out the spiritual which leaves him open to Ahrimanic possession and a deep dive into the material world.
AI ends up being your god and to me, Clif is all in on the AI. So I agree with you.
Calling the Elohim the bad guys is mislabeling the spiritual world. He’s talking about the fallen angels but only 1/3 fell.
A study of Rudolph Steiner might keep him from falling deeper into the sphere of the technology-cult.
Robin. A few google searches into clif being a fraud will pull up a mountain of evidence. Fuck your opinion. the truth is he's a fraud and its not my opinion.
......his predictive programming linguistics "program" and recent research results......sounds fascinating enough, right, if not entirely believable at extremes....doesn't it?
his program is totally made up. he admitted it was magic a few years back. Clif is a fraud. hes as big a fraud as his name is.
Hahaha. Yur funny. Then why are you here if you think he's a fraud. This man is a Bot. IGNORE.
Seems Clif has a court Jester that is trolling like a Klingon.
Magic? I'm in!
I don't know. It's certainly as interesting as hell.
Ken, I rarely, if ever, read a book twice, but while reading it, LOTS of random and sometimes forgotten experiences came to mind. On the second reading now. I can relate, and I can barely wait for his next book!
Rogan would destroy him. and rightly so
Rogan isn't smart enough to debate Clif.
Uh, Joe Rogan has written books and he can spell words unlike clif not-so-high... Clif is such a coward he wont even use his real name. the guy is an open and out fraud. When clif was on Alex jones they tore him apart. it was hilarious.
Joe would admit it.
Bro, Joe Would rip into clif even easier than the Alex Jones show did. Rogan is smarter. By far. he can even write books that don't sound like they were written by a 12 year-old boy.
What sincerely good things or thoughts have you given (!) to this world Stimpicus ?
And why the fake name Stimpicus???
Who said it was fake? ;)
What's your fucking excuse? Is your name John Susko cause your mother hated your ugly ass?
I bring you the sword of truth.
The sword Speaks: Clif high is a fraud. Even his name is fake.
Simplecus, you're projecting your own pathos onto someone who's got more guts and presence than you will ever have. Whether he's right or wrong, whether you love him or hate him doesn't matter. He's for real. You're an NPC. Tough luck. Nothing you can do about that.
Oh pleeeeeeease.... I'm not even going to read your comment. you didn't even spell my name right. You're retarded. He spells his whole name lowercase, you fucking moron.
Opinions vary..
His name isn't even "Clif High"... because if it was my name would be "Mountain Tall"
Clif High's book was written by AI. it was super terrible and obvious. Rogan would not let him on. Clif only appeals to normies like you... People with shows know better than to have this dim wit on. Clif is all talk.
I was thinking the same thing! I want to hear him bring up his exposition of religious cattle on Joe Rogan. I bet that’ll stir up a hornets nest. FREE
Joe is one of them
what? one of the people who doesn't buy shungite amulets from some old fart ?
You nailed it - hate to say
That would be okay
Joe would roll with the eye openers.
YES! LET US WILL IT SO!!! teehee 🦋
Ta Ha
You left us hanging. Let us (and them) know what pivots need to be made.
I don’t know what Clif might say but for me, the “pivots” will be self evident if you’re paradigm is correct.
But we know theirs is not. So, even if they were to be seen, they won't see them.
Why do you waste your brain thinking about "them"? you are stuck in a paradigm.
Only our grandchildren would see them
i Know this to be True.
my first reply seems to have gotten attributed to defender of freedom??? which i just now deleted and moved to here as originally intended.
But, he also says their paradigm is incorrect. Try to keep up.
Clif is a bit parasitic times to those he assumes do not get his approach. He will take his knowledge, but never ask if maybe they already know these things by the time they get briefed a few no times. There is no one way to do things without error. Clif is a scientist and really a govt contractor, he's an insider too. I have never kept my eye off that part tho and why he has so much up-to-date knowledge of the military industrial complex. President is supposed to be a minimized govt role. What happened to his Elohim are attacking tomorrow approach? This is very laid back approach. He used to go off on Jewish corruption and worshipping cult. But, doesn't USA (Israel) run or fund all of Cliffs work anyways?
Clif needs two doses of Ivermectin and his parasites will be eradicated
Dude, your comment is smart. Clif is a fraud if you dig a little bit its obvious.
Clif High is not God, and just cause we don't agree with him doesn't mean we need to keep up. you're a cult follower and a dullard.
you use an anon for a name and specify the obvious. Then name another dullard.
Ouch how cutting.... And i suppose ron vrooman is your real name? go get vaxxed. you believe Clifs warning to not get the killer vaxx was good advice? Did you see him cry on video in 2020 when he realized the mRNA jab would harm millions and millions?
yes it is my name easily found.
go get vaxxed is a vile thing to write.
You tell em!
But can the Sheeple handle the truth?
Yeah cause his book was utter trash and none of his "web-bot" predictions came true all month or last month.
Clif is a fraud. get over it.
Just because you couldn't comprehend the message in Clif's book isn't a reason to call it utter trash. Maybe a 6th grade level book would be a better starting point for you.
his book was written by AI you fucking simpleton
You really are a negative Norman aren’t you? What do you contribute other than negativity? You’re a bully and at their core bullies are cowards.
I just told you. Clif high is a fraud. that's my contribution. you're welcome. you fucking simp for the cult.
all the soothsayers are frauds. That's why they are soothsayers. It's easier than having a job. You get to spout off here online and face little to no pushback that you have to act upon. I look at all of them as entertainment. Sometimes there is a nugget of usefulness but most of it is just poorly written reality TV. We are an entertainment centered culture. We will meet our doom seeking to be entertained. I sometimes enjoy his posts/vids. mostly it's 30 minutes of my life I won't get back
As an anon I reject you. You have no standing.
you're fucking retarded.
Almost although you 'rebuke'...
What is your intention for commenting here?
That would require Clif to throw his chi
Uncle Cliff, this is, in my humble opinion, your most important and eye-opening PC you've ever written. It resonated deeply and I agree with you 1,000,000%. My soul knows all of this to be true.
I was thinking the same. I am behind in my homework. Was fretting "not doing enough" when Universe provides and guides - past (I can see), present (I can feel) and future (I can trust). Serous stuff here.
Will you say more? Is this the idea of two levels of human consciousness dividing into separate paths? Thoughts?
De facto and de jure is a good start. Black's Law 6th ed pg 416 available at
We are already there….
I say horse s***
What the Trumpitos are doing is ushering in the New Control System. Wake up Clif! They are all billionaire technocrats that work for Israel. They are not working on behalf of humanity. Sure they will destroy the old system. But we will not like the AI digital control system they are planning to replace it with.
Clue - there is a surprising ending coming soon. And it has little to do with the humans in charge.
Very intuitive Rara
And silly me thought the glass was half full
Oh I see you were black pilled by the likes of Max Igan and Jason Breshears too.
Good morning Woo Crew! Love you all!😘😍🥰
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 Great to see Suzirhae take home yet another 1st comment award. You gotta be Light on ur Feet I guess
Hey, check this out about Justin’s replacement …freaking grim!
I was wondering where you were? Are you starting a new painting?
I was in my routine of doing my 45 minute full body massage in the jacuzzi and then 15 minutes in The Hot Rock steam sauna then a shower and shave so I was missing an action. I haven't come up with a real bucket list or passion for my next painting to start but looks like the local newspaper is going to publish my painting with an article on the prune Blossom tour in Healdsburg back in the seventies
Think about how you want it to play to a target audience.
Healdsburg Tribune showcase is a good start. I want a couple of restaurants to display it then it will sit at Hesldsburg Museum til they milked it and then that richy rich from Bay Area will buy it for my bonus check. Canvas framed prints and high quality museum paper prints (30). Universe will decide.
I was thinking about it today and a couple of things came through; websites for a local Chamber of Commerce, wineries, and maybe a large golf course. They would all have the money for your prints.
Good morning! How are you doing today? It’s warming up finally!
Also, just Google it.
Thanks Clif.
💰 💰
Good mornin! Great to see a clif post.
Hang in there Clif, you are a man that will and can Stand alone. You are bringing many into a New way of seeing and understanding. The likes of the "Trupitos" may or may not See, neither may they not understand, nevertheless, those that do choose to See will find their New reality, regardless, :)
Best post of the day
The most elegant solution to a problem is to use the problem to solve the problem. For instance, driving into a mountain curve one learns at a certain point to accelerate so centripetal motion holds the car to the road., or using a full bucket of water to hold down something that would float away in a rain storm. What's the problem with Trump? And how to use that to solve it?
So, if I say, the problem is a lack of human capacity for sovereignty that keeps us in massive control systems that don't serve....that's very very broad. How could we bite off solutions in a problem opportunity expansive enough, while being manageable? Honestly, the idea that ascension is a personal matter feels most successful here. Solution....person to person to person? Thoughts?
Let the herd catch fire and run amok. It's what they want.
Smaller localized intentional communities. It takes a village to save a world.
Ok, I'm in love with your language, takes a village to save the world. It takes the magnetic impulses of change realized in the physical to attract more change, heart to heart, synchronistic, harmonized, happy....and then others say, how do I get some of that good stuff?
Peeps need to see it working.
All they see these days is a bunch of shit not working.
And, like you said in another post, they keep giving their power away instead of owning it and becoming sovereign integrals.
Don't worry about the rest. Activate. Align. Harmonize. Etcetera.
Activate. Harmonize. words are notes to me. Thank you for your song.
It takes baby steps to follow the Light thru the valley of death
Oh yes grasshopper but the sun shines brightly on the valley with hope and optimism as America becomes great again
aniwahya aniwahya aniwahya;
What death, friend?
Locating the actual problem is difficult. In my example of driving into a curve and accelerating out of it, using centripetal motion, . . . this takes driving experience. We're all going through an awakening. Our problems may be assuaged.
I was thinking that. Before. This seems way bigger. TPTB seem to be screwing up. Not sure how we can impact that.
Also the first step in solving a problem is identifying what the problem is. The problem appears to be the Democrat luciferian Clan has been sabotaging our country to their benefit to become millionaires and sell us out
The de facto is the Dems and Reps that have passed the benevolent form of martial law back and forth since 1860 / 1861. Until "they" turned malevolent on 2020. So far it looks like a different form of de facto. We like it better. Trump likes jew bankers and big bankers; Vance may be a Skull and Bones man like the Bushs. Rubio attempted to run for Pres. Not Constitutional. Bonni (sp) likes the donations from Scientologists. and so it goes.
However, They are all swamp creatures and will happily harm the other but will not damage the habitat. Just alter it a bit for their benefit.
It must go states up from the ARTICLE I Section 1 in a social compact. This is theatre de jure comes from
So, for me, Clif did clearly identify the problem. How do we transcend an old paradigm for a new one in the present unfolding of the current event stream? Essentially, what will it take, from whom, and how, to get to where we want to go? Who is 'we', by the way? Lots of variables...unknowns, delta points, what have you....UNLESS scripted. Is there even room for free will rn? Are we riding a wave of celestial scripting.....if so, why are we trying so hard? Let's walk the beach, instead, right?
Long walks on a moonlit Beach to witness the full eclipse of the blood moon on Thursday Friday
The totally destructive forces leading the way have blinders on, but many are using information in comments and conversations to break through to conscious awareness
Yes and thank God we have President Donald Trump to clean up this democratic sell-off of America
They are the ones ripping us off, are they killing the goose that lays golden eggs and shooting themselves in the foot?
Nice to know we're like-minded Peggy
Look who authorized Warp Speed.
This is better than Joe and Kamala for us.
you must do it for yourself; no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone.
Ye have little faith my son
That's a retarded Hopium Delusion. Why would anything good ever happen when it can just Get Worse Forever?
Universe seeks Balance I think, no matter what happens, so if we can't get our 'shit' together we'll probably end up extinct. And a new intelligent species will continue evolution on this planet.
Everything is yin/yang. We are riding a WAVE and we are hanging on,....but if the majority don't even see the WAVE, they sure as hell can't catch it. I know that was weird. Sorry.
That's Retarded. There is no Yin/Yang; that's False Dichotomic BULLSHITTERY! There Is No Light; There Is No Wave. There is only Eternal Misery. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.
The Universe doesn't seek Balance; that's Retarded Hopium Delusion. Look at the fucking RESULTS! The Universe Seeks Eternal Misery. We exist only to suffer; Nothing Else Has Ever Happened.
Ashes and Echoes
Uncle Clif High Pure Sleep; maybe ya need some;
Sounds like bullshit dropshipping White Label Bullshittery from China. No. Rejected.
Well, YOU are an unpleasant fellow! Do you take pleasure in shitting on people you do not know? If Eternal Misery is YOUR paradigm, then how 'bout taking it somewhere ELSE, and folding yourself around it, as if THAT were something to do.
Uncle Clif High Pure Sleep; maybe ya need some;
Isn't it more about the vision of the boot stomping on the human face that leaves the deepest impression? "A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by exertions of better men than himself." [John Stuart Mill]
Lol, whatever Hopium Addict.
Sort of translates to "stay in your lane, normies" as well.
We're about to lose about 1/3 in accelerating circumstances.
I never liked the word "hope," because it conflagrates two paradoxical ideas....anticipation and fear. Not helpful. I'd remove it from our language. The only thing we have going for us is fearlessness, genuine ferocity of the Lyraen. Foundational. No fear.
hope implies that things are not good enough now... i hate that word and would also remove it!
Hope is fear gone bad. Best to face the fear and move beyond it. Hope holds fear in abeyance.
Yes though, Hope and belief are often intertwined, entangled and entertained. A hostage survivor may have an optimistic belief that things can change for the better at any second, And to "keep hope alive".
you say the dumbest shit. you speak to hear yourself speak.
Wow your right. And so do you !😊. But begrudgingly, you are actually right as I just realized I wrote that as a message to myself.
You are a different are held hostage and programmed by a demon.
Yep - things could get better... but they probably won't. "My advice is really this: what we hear the phiosophers saying... and the spirited and noble-minded sayings which are capable of immediate practical application... learn them so well that words become works." [Seneca]
Clif is a massive fraud. get over it. do a little digging. figure it out yourself. clif is not as smart as you think he is.
When I read your words I hear the Star Wars movie theme music.
That's because I'm a Jedi. duh
... make friends with the other inmates in the asylum you will.
That's interesting my dad's last airplane was the Seneca 2
My Sister was a pretty good swimmer.
My brother always reminds me that he had a batting average of 864 in peanut league as a youth
.... I suppose your Mom did your homework for you?
avoid the ignorant and dis- cover better;
Nice qualia
i am generous and universe is pre-serving;
OMG agitated 🐒 shit slinger
You go occultism Stimpicus shill
Oh Stimpicus, where for art thou in the willows of thy blythe? 💩
wrong. It only goes that way until you stop acquiescing to evil.
That's retarded. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened. Oregon is a libshit hellhole and you're never fixing anything on the Left Coast.
Excellent timing Clif! I just got home from walking the House Wolves!🐺
I figured as much over the past week or so reading your critiques.
My take, as someone who is 'slightly inside'is they are aware, I also believe that Musk deliberately lied (very good reasons for that, too) about what he was 'in' on to Rogan. Both John Ratcliffe and Mike Waltz are in the cabinet for that reason, just as Rubio is in for communist involvement in Central/South America.
JC and Janine did the draws on this last night and her take is they are a little 'behnd the 8 ball' on it, which in terms of importance is most likely correct. However, today marks 7 weeks in office. The major issue right now -besides recovering trillions from DS thievery- is stopping WW III.
As you can see, the globalists absolutely must have war to continue their operations and cover their crimes. Israel wants the attack on Iran. Congress is still heavily under their influence although that is starting to wane.
Trump and team knew damn well what the UFO/UAP drone flap over N Jersey was, and tossed the Biden people under the bus. The FAA knows. They all know. Your pal 'JOS' has even spoke of the 'breakaway civilization' in the Antarctic and he is as well connected as any voice out there.
The team has some time to play yet.
Don't thnk for a second that they don't know who you, or the boys at FFG are, either. You can't have a 'golden age' with a fake alien invasion meant to cull the population. He and his people know how many MINUTES are left in his administration.
Things to consider: his DOGE team went to work one minute after midnight on the 20th. The DS thought they had until perhaps 2 pm the next day to erase/delete and other forms of trickery. By the time they got to work at 9 AM all the passwords had been changed and they were locked out of their computers.
This is a very well oiled machine. So; keep up the observations and criticisms; they help build a groundswell badly needed. Oh, and THIS:
'Is it time to play the alien invasion card?'
- Hillary Clinton on her loss in 2016
I most certainly hope you are correct!
Pretty spot on … Future has been verifying past and JOS is in deep…
Clif, why aren’t you capitalizing your pronoun, I? I know what you mean about the Trumpitos - they get off a good start, then the wheels sort of fall off their game.
I think Kash and Bondi et al realised that there is so much shitfuckery that has gone on, and it's all through every Govt and business in the world ,that they have to be careful and measured in the way of exposing it. Otherwise chaos would ensue if it comes out like a firehose. Eventually all will be revealed ,but it is imperative that there is no world war and people are as safe as possible. The safety of the abused children being the priority.
I love your book 📕, yeah I think they are saving it for last in some weird disclosure . Syria is pushing the envelope, universe provides and guides !I wish it would provide quicker though ❤️
Poor poor negative Norman opening his mouth and proving once again his ignorance is exceeded only by his stupidity.
Who's norman?
I think there’s something really wrong with him . Oh well he chooses his own hell . Each to his own .
That's retarded Hopium Delusion. Nothing Good Has Ever Happened. There are no AYYLMAOs, only Demons who feast on our suffering.
Ok go run with that , what you put out you attract . I agree there demons everywhere I just don’t like their company
That's Retarded Hopium Delusion. You don't put out what you attract; that's New-Ager BULLSHITTERY! You only get Eternal Misery. Anything else is just lying to yourself because you're Squeamish About Feeling Bad.
The name Will Martin is not this writers real name. He is a boy, 12 years old and enjoys playing these kind of games. Send him Love. Replying in any other way will only encourage his 'Schadenfreude'.
Ok curmudgeon grumpy butt robot . Hehe you’re funny . I like fucktard better , you should switch it up a bit !
No, I will say it how I say it and that'll be how it is. I'm not funny; Stop Lying.
Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.
Each breath we take, is good.
You need to eat a more natural diet . My friend had your outlook. Ratting more animal protein cured it. Vegetables are not your friends
you are a bampot and cannot be helped...waste of space
I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard it said that actually NOTHING has ever happened. Except in the meaning machine of the mind. No nothing and no something. Moot.
Uncle Clif High Pure Sleep; maybe ya need some;
🤣🤣🤣 "Demons".
Bless your heart
Uncle Clif High Pure Sleep; maybe ya need some;
Supporting trump?
Because he says he'll drain the swamp when he has aligned himself with the HERITAGE FOUNDATION and PROJECT 2025?
To think trump could actually thing OUTSIDE of the GRIT is hilarious since he indeed is the GRIT.
Lets face it.
IF trump was as BRILLIANT as people suggest, why are his Wharton college grades kept under wrap?
You expect a genius to share his brilliance with the world......wouldn't you?:)))))))))))))))
Being successful in our current Education system is the opposite of Brilliance. Grades are meaningless.
Patrick. He destroyed that connection with project 2025 MONTHS AGO.
Have you been 'out sick' or something?
Please catch up.
AND PIGS CAN FLY NOW:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No he hasn't, he cucked out to Peter Thiel the Buttfaggot Don of the Alt-Right Gay Mafia.
You're a retarded Hopium Addict.
Real Estate 'Developers' aren't businessmen they're grit.
The curriculum is shit so why wouldn’t the answers be? Remember, T.H.E.Y. control it all. If you want to decapitate it you need to gain its trust in order to get close enough to do the Deed.
So why don't you outline some off those missed opportunities for us?
Because that's not what Grifters like Cliff do.
When a guy falls head over heels for a girl, his clothes change, and he may very well change his viewpoints, even his political ones, to be closer to her. Or, in the throes of "love," he may realize that his political views were wrong all along.
Now when a man is 65++ falls in love with a woman, much, much younger, well, her sphere of influence will likely be much greater.
So, are we supporting Tim Walz or Kamala in the next election? We need to get behind the right democrat now!
you're fucking retard. clif is a fraud. like a glaringly obvious massive fraud.
This is the most insane comment I've ever read on substance to this point.
Nah! the Demon-craps are thoroughly wrong and followers of practically everything EVIL that one can imagine! But, you are right about one thing. There's no fool like an old fool, when it comes to women.
That’s Retarded. You can’t reference Muh Brownoid Hillary as an excuse.
... you had me with the 65++ guy falls in love with a woman much younger... you lost hyper-novelty - release-tension bringing-in homo-satanic impressions. WTF?
supporting Kamala/Tim was sarcasm.
however, if Clif is angry that those in power do not think the way he does, what will be his next move? how long will it take for his girlfrind to decide that the other party sees things his way?
Clif knows the truth about the uniparty narradigm - it's not Righty Vs. Lefty - it's the state vs. You.
Not sure ontology is a political view.....I am sure, though, that love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no, it is an ever-fixèd mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. It's a 116 thing.
If you were going for "the most obtuse thing ever typed into a comment system", I think you're close to first prize.
I was thinking the very same thing. Not merely obtuse, but incomprehensible as well.
Thank you! ❤️
the majority of the planets inhabitants are immature/young souls,if you will. if we are not connected to nature,the natural world and the rhythms there in, perspective is skewed. blessings