I don't know if you read the comments but thank you. You put yourself in jeapordy to get out the truth. If I didn't stumble on to your videos , I would probably be vaxed and suffering now.
Say more about microwave targeting... noticed any invasive thoughts? Some are sensitive, some not. Among those sensitive, some are controllable, some not. Look for squeaks, warbles, whispering internally or in ambient/environmental sounds.
Resist is the first action ...after realising what is happening.
Those who have embraced it are so far down we cannot reach them at the moment.
Those , especially tall males have turned aggressive and single minded, ignoring the wider picture and focusing and demanding on things that will split the group and play into main stream narrative. It is very real and apparent, and yet they cannot see it.
I'm so glad to hear some brave Kiwis are standing firm across the pond. Over here I can confirm that good friends while demonstrating in CBR with Riccardo outside parliament house were bombarded with similar weapons. Reports of burns and awful headaches especially from those in the crowd close to the front.
How lucky was I, they kicked me off of Facebook, and Twitter, for opposing the jab, and calling it a bioweapon, and for calling out election fraud. They even censored my personal emails to my own sister. Bass*tards. I will never forget this.
It was really for the best. I don't think our lives need to be on the internet. The photos of me on facebook were from other peoples facebook pages, and the tag you everywhere. The AI they are devoloping is to have our AI carbon copy. I would like to deprive them of part of me. But, thank you.
I had strong inner knowing and did not mask or vax, and existence still allowed me to drive my car to a job - incredible, really. I never miss a Clif offering - thanks so much Clif for your unwavering loyalty to your own truth! So many of strength live beside us - it is just a matter of unpeeling the shades from the eyes!
I discovered Clif 5 yrs ago thru my brother who knows him and follows him reporting on his data for 15 yrs. Clif reports his data . He’s been around for 20 yrs I believe . It’s funny , this past yr , I have introduced at least 7 people I met who were on my frequency to clif . I stopped because I noticed recently people leave some comment selling their crap here as losers.
Anyhoo … yes , did you listen to his funny cult podcast a few weeks ago , it’s funny .
He didn’t not save me in 2020 but I felt strong that him like me and my brother were on to the BS . Nothing has changed if they don’t get you with the blue washing , they will tax you to death or cut of retirement . You have to I believe be on to it the day you were born . I stopped giving my sources out like clif because it’s too late . There’s a big divide now .
Today’s deep thought; the wizkids of DOGE need to dive deep and weed out every single thing that went into Climate Crisis BS. That includes anything to Al Gore and Greta Thumberg. It’s time to end this war against the middle classes, and stop the “Sky from Falling”.
I have been censored about the Climate Change hoax for nearly 25 years now. It was bought and paid for by our tax dollars and hidden. It has nearly destroyed our economy, industry and infrastructure. Not to mention, robbing us blind. Enough is enough already.
All life takes from the environment and gives something back to the environment. By definition, this produces some change to the environment. Whether or not this change is good or bad, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
It is theorized that a life form came about hundreds of millions of years ago that gave off a something so toxic, that nearly 90% of all life on Earth became extinct. That life form is now known as green plants, and their waste product is called oxygen!
If there is one thing definitive that we can say about the non-human world of life is that it is never static. 'Life' is change, and always has been. Arguing, as modern environmentalists do, that any change is 'bad'. or a 'problem', is an anti-environmental position. It is unnatural.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, an essential requirement for photosynthesis and the existence of all plant life, has been depleted by plant life and the Earth's crust since photosynthesis began.
During the last glacial period, it is estimated that the amount of CO2 almost dropped to the point that all plant life was endanger of becoming extinct. Since plants are the basis of the food chain, the extinction of green plants would lead to the extinction of all life on Earth.
The climate-crisis people are essentially a death-cult. They propose removing CO2 from the atmosphere, which is already close to the level that will result in a mass extinction event. They have demonized putting more CO2 in the atmosphere, which is the single most important thing that humans could do to keep all life on planet Earth from disappearing forever.
The very purpose of humanity on this planet at this time may very well be to put CO2 back into the atmosphere from whence it came by burning (what we call) fossil fuels. If we don't, the levels of CO2 during the coming glacial period will certainly drop to levels that will begin a global extinction event!
What the death-cult calls a 'major problem' is actually a life-sustaining solution to a major problem. The alleged 'climate crisis' is brought to you by the same people who have created and promoted COVID (virology), mass-immigration, Babylonian money-magic, war, BLM, antifa, and so on. All of their narratives are built of lies. All of them are anti-human. They are a death-cult, and their twisted 'environmentalism' promotes death.
Yes 100 % Jim....I find it sad & unfortunate to see/hear..how many people believe total BS & have no idea how & what actually keeps them alive.
If only they would expend their energy on research into micro plastics, heavy metal poisoning, EMF, frequencies, wifi, etc. that are so detrimental to all life on the planet.
So many have drunk the 'cool aid' of lies & indoctrination....it's making me extremely weary here in Australia...let's hope the USA's actions start having huge impacts across the globe soon.
I know everything is going to change in the coming years, which I'm so glad about....however by that time, I may be too tired to give a toss....I've been targeted for most of my life....to the point where 'here' is the only place I can speak...I can only observe & put my energy into envisioning a better, honest & compassionate world for us all.
Two South Africans made a good case that world hunger could be solved by cultivating two plants. Hemp and moringa. They provide all the protein and nutrition needed for a healthy life.
Since the UN has not taken hold of this idea, it is not about sustainability.
Suzirhae, check out Elizabeth Nickson, (long time journalist) she's been aware of the eco fascists for decades. Check TH Platt's book The Dark Side of Hunger Mountain (fiction written with truth as to the eco fascists)
I understand "gallows" humor very well (smile) I mean...it gets so ridiculous what else can you do?....besides that a good belly laugh releases alot of tension. I have reached a point in all of this that it is like a massive thunderstorm at night.... In a massive thunderstorm at night....you can't do anything about it.....so sitting up and worrying about "whatever" is pointless. I sleep like a baby during massive thunderstorms at night (smile).....because you can't do anything about it and you really have no other option but to just flow with the events. In actual fact it feels really good to let go of everything and just peacefully be in the present moment....So what if your life seems to be falling apart in multiple ways......worrying about it will do nothing for you. This is different than being aware of what is going on.....you do need to be aware.....but worrying about it?....nope. What is going to happen to you is going to happen.... and you will deal with it when it arrives at your doorstep whether you have worried about it or not. Just like the disaster that happened here in Asheville, there was nothing I could do about it.....I just had to live through it and worrying about it does nothing. The problems that surfaced after the disaster ( no electricity, no water, no communications etc) each problem was addressed as it appeared.....and a solution was found for each item.......very little stress at all.....just deal with the problem at hand and move on to the next one. I think that is the key......when it feels like it is overwhelming to you....stop looking at the "big picture" of whatever is your issue. Instead just focus on this small problem and solve it.....then move on to the next small issue and solve it.....and proceed like this until you have established stability in your situation. I have to say that the worst part of the disaster for me here in Asheville was the lack of communications and information....you don't realize how much you depend on the internet for information....this is truly a shock to the system. A satellite phone would solve this issue but it is not in my financial budget.
I appreciate these little pod casts (and the big ones too!) very much.....thank you for this.
Glad you’re keeping such a positive outlook on life after being in such a trying disaster. In that part of the nation, the weather “EVENT”if you want to call it that, should’ve never happened to you good folks. I wish you all Godspeed in your healing and reconstruction!!!😇🌟🖖🧝🏽♀️💜🧝🏼♂️👾🌟🛸#OnTheBigRockCandyMountain
This is something that I have expected for quite some time. When one understands CLEARLY that Zionist Israel is a world-wide problem which needs to be resolved. Zionism = Satanism! How can I say that with any degree of surety? That's really Easy! Zionist Israel's laws (at least most of them) ARE based on The Talmud AND it is easy to prove that the teachings of the Talmud DO NOT derive from God, but from the enemy of both God and men, i.e. Satan.
My family is still stuck in catholic. I really think it is only because they think they will go to hell. Oh scary. It so obvious the evil that is going on there.
What a wonderful point you make. Another absurdity u have to believe to be Christian. That a loving God would burn the VAST majority of every human thats ever lived, for all eternity 🤡
When Rome fell they didn't have an army to collect taxes so they invented the Catholic Church so the brainwashed peasants would bring their money every week lest they burn in hell. Brilliant.
I made the mistake of trying to educate my aunt & uncle. I'm still avoiding visiting them after they left me sitting alone at the dinner table. She's a "Jewdao-Christian" and he's a devout Catholic who ignores their long history of crime. There are some good one's like Cardinal Vigano & some Bishops presently at war with the Black and White Popes and clergy hellbent on aiding & abetting the demonic NWO.
Exactly 💯 The Talmud is simply Satan's Bible with step by step instructions of evil. And why prophets call Satan nothing but a cheap knock off that can only steal/copy God's ideas and turn it evil.
If the Talmud is Satan's Bible, and the Khazarians knowingly or unknowingly worship Satan, couldn't it then follow that the Elohim are actually demons, not aliens?
All by design. The illegals were brought into the U.S. by design for reasons that are clear to us all.
President Trumpstein is following commands to now send them back, on the tax cattle's dime. Examine the jews in government and who is for America first or Israel first. 🙄 Every goy in congress is locked in by the shiny shekels. It's not a swamp its a septic tank.
Ok, let me try. Oh COME ON ZPE, why would the most powerful man IN THE WORLD with the biggest military and space force, bow down to Israel? The man WHO HAS ALL the shiny shekkels now....?
The uni party in the USA are one in the same Donkeys and Elephants -- two cheeks of the same backside. Indeed regarding your reply could it be Israel is America's attack dog in the middle East.
Please do not be deceived into thinking the orange man is the most powerful man in the world, in his world maybe. This kind of delusional thinking is burying the United States looking more now IN THE WORLD as the Excited States, or are you just pulling my wee wee. 😜
Here’s the closest definition that I could find for Woo; “The slang definition of woo, which is the shortened version of woo-woo, is related to the unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.” But in this context, we need to understand that, “Where there’s Smoke, there’s Fire.”
.....more like 'the Woo', not 'a' or 'an'......the invisible, seemingly intangible substrate, the.....'warp and weft' that suffuses the all, the 'etheric template' perhaps, hologrammatic maybe, - 'INDRA'S NET', possibly, if my understanding is correct, (partially correct is the best i can hope for)
- the rippling blueprint underlying the pulsing everywhere field of potentiality, everywhen, immaterial but yet wholly total in its er......consequentiality - the 'inciding' vectors within coincidence, the sychro-mesh behind synchronicities, neither the fabric nor the thread but the motion of stitching, the 360' degree 5th dimensional image of the letters that spell the words when the verbiage runs out of itrs ability to describe.........
Ok, I have to bite. For me, woo is mu, a zen idea...find the Joshus Dog koan. Mu is the pressing of true nature against delusion....best I can do. The result is mu. Woo, too....maybe? Maybe.
That's so wonderful Lovleigh !....ever since we met...which is about 25 years now, my hubby & I have called each other Mu !...go figure...
We're both rather weird & eccentric ....we've been told this by those who cannot comprehend us...either seperately or together......Ehhh...we both see ourselves as normal, nothing unusual....
So I guess we are both Mu & Woo.......Perhaps like 'One Hand Clapping'.....In the Woo...I have one hand...he has the other...when they connect, they make no sound........Mmm I've just looked up that Koan...Thanks....x
I remember my first major survival situation. It happened when I was 19. I was living in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwui now....kitty corner to the pan handle of Alaska) in a remote logging camp. The only way in or out was via small Beaver float plane and the once every 2 week freighter. A major storm rolled in....a hurricane in actual fact.....and my first husband got extremely sick. He was so sick he was delirious and his fever was unbelievable. There was no access to Doctors or nurses or anyone. I was alone with this situation. The only thing I could think of to do was to keep sponging him off to cool him and try to get him to sip crushed up vitamin C in water. I kept this up all through the night until his fever broke and he recovered. It was scary as hell. This was when I made the resolution to become a healer. I never wanted to feel that helpless again.
Another survival situation happen a little later in my time in the Queen Charlotte Islands. We were in a 16ft boat with another couple. This small boat had a small cabin on it and an outboard motor. When we were out in the inlet a sudden storm blew up and the waves were getting stronger and stronger and it reached a point where green water was crashing over the bow of the boat. It was scary as hell. i am still 19....and the rain was intense...blowing sideways. We managed to make it to a small deserted island and beached the boat. There was a small and very run down trappers cabin just up the beach (in wilderness areas cabins are often left for long periods of time...used for trapping and so forth) We got into the cabin and I took charge. We gathered wood to start a fire in the small wood burner in the cabin and lit the oil lamp that was there and then I went to the beach and dug clams (tons of them) and cooked them on the heater and we all had clams in the warmth and calm of the cabin. We ended up spending the night in that cabin until the storm blew itself out and in the morning we tied a white cloth on the end of a large 12 ft branch and we waved it until we were noticed and were rescued. The thing that saved the situation was step by step handling each small issue....one after the other and establishing a stability in the chaotic situation. This calmed everyone down and it was not so bad. But it was the calming that was key.......doing each of those small survival tasks that brought a sense of stability to the situation was what was key.
So when everything is crashing and burning around you....if you can do these small things.....one by one to establish some comfort and calm you will be amazed at what you can handle. You can do it!
Cathe, you are truly amazing ! ....And at such a young age, having the calm, composure & innate intelligence, to do what needs to be done, to maintain life, mind & spirit.
You are an inspiration...a leader, a healer & a wonderful example of being human...
Thank you for sharing, these stories of your life......x
You make me blush. We all will live through many different experiences in this life....the only difference with mine is that there have been so many more survival experiences where I was alone and having to handle it. People are not born strong. People become strong through the experiences that life has brought to them. This has been my path....strength through adversity. When I was living through these events it was not "fun" but looking back on it all....it has made me who I am.....and I like who I am (smile)
Always nice to hear something of interest from that jewel of the world. The B.C. coat has taken numerous float pilots and passengers, loggers, boat folk and others. As gorgeous as it is it has to be respected. Thanks for sharing.
I have been through a number of survival situations through my life.....some of them have been truly desperate. You can read and watch movies and study....but until you have been through a survival situation you don't know about it.
Each survival situation is different and will have different issues to confront. The key thing is to keep the people around you as calm as you can get them. This is done via you taking control and purposefully doing one little thing after another in a calm and purposeful manner that ultimately produces stability and some degree of comfort to all the people around you. It is also in the tone of your voice and the purposefulness of your actions....Each thing done....one after the other so that the people around can see that things are being done...and that some semblance of normalicy is happening. THIS is leadership. It isn't about barking orders.....it is this capacity to take action methodically and to give those around you that sense of calm and stability. A leader cannot freak out. You have to be strong and this is how you are strong......then people around you naturally will look to you for direction because you feel stable and you seem to know what you are doing. Even if the event is a nuclear detonation......the same rules apply. When the people around you are feeling more stable....THEN you can assign small tasks for them to do.....everyone doing small things to better the situation. This is how it is done.....no talk about the "big picture".....just the small things and the concentration on doing those small things.
We were basically sinking and motor got flooded....it was truly a horrendous situation. We rowed the last 30ft to shore and dragged the boat up onto the beach. I told these stories so that people would gain some strength that no matter how bad the situation you are in is.....if you handle the small stuff....step by step to create a stable space.....you can get through anything....no matter what your age is....young or old.
Love the idea of creating stable space. Thank you. If I can just offer stable space around me, peace energy around me, so that others feel it, that's progress. I endeavr to get better at it. Truth is, we can talk about agenda politics all we want, big personalities moving and shaking, but the only thing that creates change is the energy of change....shared energy, source energy entanglement, infusing the hearts of man. You can say I'm a dreamer....but I'm not the only one.
Remember... bad things happen. Weird things happen. But many times, they will only impact you in your mind. They don't really impact your day to day life that much. Or if they do, it's something like a minor inconvenience. Like shortages.
So get ready to shrug off a bunch of stuff that may not impact you directly and even if it does, you may not be able to do anything about it.
Water had to be extremely cold too. Oh my. How were the class? Priceless teaching and story. I spent the summer of 74' in the heart of the largest most primitive region (aside from Alaska) of the US in Idaho at Cabin Creek aka The Flying W Ranch. Bush pilot was the only way in or out. Shoshone grounds aka The Sheepeaters. Your story reminded me.
You must be close to my age as the Queen Charlotte stories happened in 1973. These experiences we have in the wilderness are wonderful teachers and if I were to tell the truth....I enjoyed living in the wilderness far more than in a city. I have lived all over the place on North America.....each place having its own flavor. Still.....the wilderness is still my favorite.
I believe the Hebrews, from the so called Adam and Eve line, were the Neg Reptilian attempt at a hybrid race. There were already hybrids here, as we are all bioengineered by Star Ancestors (the good ones, who fought with the Elohim Reps, but as the reps were willing to destroy the entire planet, they had to back away for some time to regroup as they did not want to see us all obliterated). The Neg Reps were marooned here as they had a lot of damage and could no longer leave our solar System -cue the take over, building of huge homes for them springing up all over the place, the introduction of religion via scribes and propaganda. They sat here and worked on enslaving us all. They divided us, stopped our one world language that the star ancestors taught us and put us to war with each other. They also introduced circumcision so they could separate male from female. The foreskin releases hormones that make a man bond to a woman during sex. They removed this so men would become hostile towards females. They then made their patriarchy, based on false prophets and books THEY had us write. Arch Angels were THEIR soldiers. Arch Angel Michael and Gabriel were awful beings and NOT the true angels. The true angels work with the Star Ancestors. The star ancestors are about to finally take the Elohim reps out for good. Watch for it this year. After that, we will finally get the truth revealed. My 2 cents.
Mauro Biglino's book Gods In The Bible explains what really happened in ancient times as he gives an accurate translation of the stories in the Bible that were plagiarised from earlier times.
ROFL, you paint a lovely picture! I'm enjoying Candace Owen's current series exposing the sidekick of Macron. Maybe she'll move on to Big Mike after that?
This morning when I scanned Telegram and saw some posts about Hamas and the evils of the hostage situation, Trump's promise, and the thought came into my mind about a false flag. How do we really know if the people dressed up with Hamas headbands on are really Hamas at his point? How do we know that those committing the acts are not those who would wish to cleanse the land of Palestine for national reasons with the help of the USA? The scale of deception is difficult to really understand. However, it is all leading up to those dates around 26 Feb 2025.
When I was younger and more naive, I used to believe everything I heard in the alt media. Foolish me. I now believe hardly anything I hear and instead develop my own discernment and intuition and try to help people as much as I can. And these scam artists really muddy the water for everyone. This is why I believe we have never come out of the dark ages. I do believe we will within my life time, but it wont look how most think it will.
Joe, can you post the panic button on the world's largest criminal ponzi scheme, paper gold/silver certificates? A member of the exchange asked the other elohim worship cult, "how long can we perpetuate this ponzi scheme"
Lot's of uhhs and ahhs mumbled as the comment was swept under the rug.
Hey grrrl, we learned to appreciate it here in AK: no migrants. No gangs. No traffic. No smog. Smalltime thieves getaways thwarted by ice and lack of vehicle basics knowledge. Nothing funnier than a criminal trying to leave your rural property spinning out into a ditch with you standing there casually with a shotgun and cellphone calling the Troopers.
I don't know if you read the comments but thank you. You put yourself in jeapordy to get out the truth. If I didn't stumble on to your videos , I would probably be vaxed and suffering now.
I had always wonderd the same thing ( if Cliff reads the chats) -
Yes I think he does, and I agree with you about feeling so fortunate to have found this.
he does, clif has been kind enough to respond to a few of my posts
Me too!
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/uhttQtYkp7
I had my own internal gauge and never once would allow the mask or shot agenda. I definitely got targeted after that!
Clif was/is confirmation that we were not alone in our then defiant decisions.
Here in NZ we soon formed strong groups to share news , ideas, and go on into the future ,
Not one of the hundreds in our area group has ever wavered or relented and got a vax.
Some of us demonstrated with large lettered sinns daily and then weekly until the end of last year.
We think there was 'microwave' targeting on members of that group. Face burns and broken teeth.
Say more about microwave targeting... noticed any invasive thoughts? Some are sensitive, some not. Among those sensitive, some are controllable, some not. Look for squeaks, warbles, whispering internally or in ambient/environmental sounds.
Resist is the first action ...after realising what is happening.
Those who have embraced it are so far down we cannot reach them at the moment.
Those , especially tall males have turned aggressive and single minded, ignoring the wider picture and focusing and demanding on things that will split the group and play into main stream narrative. It is very real and apparent, and yet they cannot see it.
May love be with us all.
I'm so glad to hear some brave Kiwis are standing firm across the pond. Over here I can confirm that good friends while demonstrating in CBR with Riccardo outside parliament house were bombarded with similar weapons. Reports of burns and awful headaches especially from those in the crowd close to the front.
How lucky was I, they kicked me off of Facebook, and Twitter, for opposing the jab, and calling it a bioweapon, and for calling out election fraud. They even censored my personal emails to my own sister. Bass*tards. I will never forget this.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
It was really for the best. I don't think our lives need to be on the internet. The photos of me on facebook were from other peoples facebook pages, and the tag you everywhere. The AI they are devoloping is to have our AI carbon copy. I would like to deprive them of part of me. But, thank you.
For you, Mary:
Good for you .I left fukbook in 2017 . I smelled the bs long ago
I had strong inner knowing and did not mask or vax, and existence still allowed me to drive my car to a job - incredible, really. I never miss a Clif offering - thanks so much Clif for your unwavering loyalty to your own truth! So many of strength live beside us - it is just a matter of unpeeling the shades from the eyes!
I discovered Clif 5 yrs ago thru my brother who knows him and follows him reporting on his data for 15 yrs. Clif reports his data . He’s been around for 20 yrs I believe . It’s funny , this past yr , I have introduced at least 7 people I met who were on my frequency to clif . I stopped because I noticed recently people leave some comment selling their crap here as losers.
Anyhoo … yes , did you listen to his funny cult podcast a few weeks ago , it’s funny .
He didn’t not save me in 2020 but I felt strong that him like me and my brother were on to the BS . Nothing has changed if they don’t get you with the blue washing , they will tax you to death or cut of retirement . You have to I believe be on to it the day you were born . I stopped giving my sources out like clif because it’s too late . There’s a big divide now .
Thank you Clif for all that you do for us.
Eager to know the truth about the world Elle34 is the early bird that caught the worm today 🪱 🐛 🪱
🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 1st comment award
🥰 I hang on his every word.
congratulations !!
Today’s deep thought; the wizkids of DOGE need to dive deep and weed out every single thing that went into Climate Crisis BS. That includes anything to Al Gore and Greta Thumberg. It’s time to end this war against the middle classes, and stop the “Sky from Falling”.
Ok, here’s a quick circle jerk for the money; Soros Foundation, CNN, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda and the list goes on. Buffaloes and protesters…Oh Joy.
We do cause major problems to the environment. You can't ignore that. But WEF taxes won't fix it.
I have been censored about the Climate Change hoax for nearly 25 years now. It was bought and paid for by our tax dollars and hidden. It has nearly destroyed our economy, industry and infrastructure. Not to mention, robbing us blind. Enough is enough already.
Agree, and caust me my family, can not put a price on...this de person ING.
All life takes from the environment and gives something back to the environment. By definition, this produces some change to the environment. Whether or not this change is good or bad, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
It is theorized that a life form came about hundreds of millions of years ago that gave off a something so toxic, that nearly 90% of all life on Earth became extinct. That life form is now known as green plants, and their waste product is called oxygen!
If there is one thing definitive that we can say about the non-human world of life is that it is never static. 'Life' is change, and always has been. Arguing, as modern environmentalists do, that any change is 'bad'. or a 'problem', is an anti-environmental position. It is unnatural.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, an essential requirement for photosynthesis and the existence of all plant life, has been depleted by plant life and the Earth's crust since photosynthesis began.
During the last glacial period, it is estimated that the amount of CO2 almost dropped to the point that all plant life was endanger of becoming extinct. Since plants are the basis of the food chain, the extinction of green plants would lead to the extinction of all life on Earth.
The climate-crisis people are essentially a death-cult. They propose removing CO2 from the atmosphere, which is already close to the level that will result in a mass extinction event. They have demonized putting more CO2 in the atmosphere, which is the single most important thing that humans could do to keep all life on planet Earth from disappearing forever.
The very purpose of humanity on this planet at this time may very well be to put CO2 back into the atmosphere from whence it came by burning (what we call) fossil fuels. If we don't, the levels of CO2 during the coming glacial period will certainly drop to levels that will begin a global extinction event!
What the death-cult calls a 'major problem' is actually a life-sustaining solution to a major problem. The alleged 'climate crisis' is brought to you by the same people who have created and promoted COVID (virology), mass-immigration, Babylonian money-magic, war, BLM, antifa, and so on. All of their narratives are built of lies. All of them are anti-human. They are a death-cult, and their twisted 'environmentalism' promotes death.
Yes 100 % Jim....I find it sad & unfortunate to see/hear..how many people believe total BS & have no idea how & what actually keeps them alive.
If only they would expend their energy on research into micro plastics, heavy metal poisoning, EMF, frequencies, wifi, etc. that are so detrimental to all life on the planet.
So many have drunk the 'cool aid' of lies & indoctrination....it's making me extremely weary here in Australia...let's hope the USA's actions start having huge impacts across the globe soon.
I know everything is going to change in the coming years, which I'm so glad about....however by that time, I may be too tired to give a toss....I've been targeted for most of my life....to the point where 'here' is the only place I can speak...I can only observe & put my energy into envisioning a better, honest & compassionate world for us all.
Thank you Jim......x
I agree whole heartedly
But CO2 has nothing to do with it. And therefore CO2 should not be the measure.
A school-dropout in Africa has built an EV that runs on electricity from the ether.
Also a TV, miles from any grid. motorbike that is so fast it's good for racing.
Says he dreams these things at night.
Africa's solution to the energy problem? Black Tesla. Saw it on Youtube
And all he wants is your bank account number.
Two South Africans made a good case that world hunger could be solved by cultivating two plants. Hemp and moringa. They provide all the protein and nutrition needed for a healthy life.
Since the UN has not taken hold of this idea, it is not about sustainability.
Sorry to say but I feel as tho musk got got by them Z's (ElohimWorshipCult).
Yes. See: Eko on Substack, it is so fun to read it, I posted it in another segment of Clif's, but I guarantee it is worth reading twice.
Suzirhae, check out Elizabeth Nickson, (long time journalist) she's been aware of the eco fascists for decades. Check TH Platt's book The Dark Side of Hunger Mountain (fiction written with truth as to the eco fascists)
Clif for DOGE Leader 2!
Clif for president. A real one for a change lol!
I understand "gallows" humor very well (smile) I mean...it gets so ridiculous what else can you do?....besides that a good belly laugh releases alot of tension. I have reached a point in all of this that it is like a massive thunderstorm at night.... In a massive thunderstorm at night....you can't do anything about it.....so sitting up and worrying about "whatever" is pointless. I sleep like a baby during massive thunderstorms at night (smile).....because you can't do anything about it and you really have no other option but to just flow with the events. In actual fact it feels really good to let go of everything and just peacefully be in the present moment....So what if your life seems to be falling apart in multiple ways......worrying about it will do nothing for you. This is different than being aware of what is going on.....you do need to be aware.....but worrying about it?....nope. What is going to happen to you is going to happen.... and you will deal with it when it arrives at your doorstep whether you have worried about it or not. Just like the disaster that happened here in Asheville, there was nothing I could do about it.....I just had to live through it and worrying about it does nothing. The problems that surfaced after the disaster ( no electricity, no water, no communications etc) each problem was addressed as it appeared.....and a solution was found for each item.......very little stress at all.....just deal with the problem at hand and move on to the next one. I think that is the key......when it feels like it is overwhelming to you....stop looking at the "big picture" of whatever is your issue. Instead just focus on this small problem and solve it.....then move on to the next small issue and solve it.....and proceed like this until you have established stability in your situation. I have to say that the worst part of the disaster for me here in Asheville was the lack of communications and information....you don't realize how much you depend on the internet for information....this is truly a shock to the system. A satellite phone would solve this issue but it is not in my financial budget.
I appreciate these little pod casts (and the big ones too!) very much.....thank you for this.
Glad you’re keeping such a positive outlook on life after being in such a trying disaster. In that part of the nation, the weather “EVENT”if you want to call it that, should’ve never happened to you good folks. I wish you all Godspeed in your healing and reconstruction!!!😇🌟🖖🧝🏽♀️💜🧝🏼♂️👾🌟🛸#OnTheBigRockCandyMountain
Good on you, with that kind of attitude. That is exactly the way to live life.
Well said , thank you for writing this Cathe.
asheville is home for all lgbt foooks...i assume u b 1. fook u and die!
Your ignorance is showing dear. (smile)
NO. NO. NO Tyler. NO.
This is something that I have expected for quite some time. When one understands CLEARLY that Zionist Israel is a world-wide problem which needs to be resolved. Zionism = Satanism! How can I say that with any degree of surety? That's really Easy! Zionist Israel's laws (at least most of them) ARE based on The Talmud AND it is easy to prove that the teachings of the Talmud DO NOT derive from God, but from the enemy of both God and men, i.e. Satan.
They are derived from ETS called Elohim.
I wonder if/when Christians will realize Yahweh IS Satan? That they worship that which they're against.
I Don't think they are enlightened enough to figure it out.
Its seems obvious to me if one reads the OT. Seems obvious to me when told in the NT that only a blood sacrifice will please "god".
But, the programming is pretty deep. Best luck to them as they wait for their city on a cloud 🤷♂️
My family is still stuck in catholic. I really think it is only because they think they will go to hell. Oh scary. It so obvious the evil that is going on there.
What a wonderful point you make. Another absurdity u have to believe to be Christian. That a loving God would burn the VAST majority of every human thats ever lived, for all eternity 🤡
When Rome fell they didn't have an army to collect taxes so they invented the Catholic Church so the brainwashed peasants would bring their money every week lest they burn in hell. Brilliant.
I made the mistake of trying to educate my aunt & uncle. I'm still avoiding visiting them after they left me sitting alone at the dinner table. She's a "Jewdao-Christian" and he's a devout Catholic who ignores their long history of crime. There are some good one's like Cardinal Vigano & some Bishops presently at war with the Black and White Popes and clergy hellbent on aiding & abetting the demonic NWO.
jason Breshears proves this. Interesting......
Most of our MPs are that way inclined - then add the House of Lords. Both should be abolished.
Exactly 💯 The Talmud is simply Satan's Bible with step by step instructions of evil. And why prophets call Satan nothing but a cheap knock off that can only steal/copy God's ideas and turn it evil.
If the Talmud is Satan's Bible, and the Khazarians knowingly or unknowingly worship Satan, couldn't it then follow that the Elohim are actually demons, not aliens?
Just another way of looking at things.
Correct, the Q drops refer to Israel is last. The satanists will be destroyed.
The most noteworthy sham thrust upon the world is the oxymoronic mindfuck known as "Judeo-Christian". What a slap in the face!
All by design. The illegals were brought into the U.S. by design for reasons that are clear to us all.
President Trumpstein is following commands to now send them back, on the tax cattle's dime. Examine the jews in government and who is for America first or Israel first. 🙄 Every goy in congress is locked in by the shiny shekels. It's not a swamp its a septic tank.
Thanks Cliff
I would have to agree with you.
Ok, let me try. Oh COME ON ZPE, why would the most powerful man IN THE WORLD with the biggest military and space force, bow down to Israel? The man WHO HAS ALL the shiny shekkels now....?
Oh yeah. De rien.
The uni party in the USA are one in the same Donkeys and Elephants -- two cheeks of the same backside. Indeed regarding your reply could it be Israel is America's attack dog in the middle East.
Please do not be deceived into thinking the orange man is the most powerful man in the world, in his world maybe. This kind of delusional thinking is burying the United States looking more now IN THE WORLD as the Excited States, or are you just pulling my wee wee. 😜
Chabad-Lubavitch rules Trump directly along with others. His son in law Kushner is very involved in Chabad
I guess the question is.... what does Israel have the Trump wants?
In other parts of the Middle East, it was oil. Maybe antiquities.
What does Israel have? Or sit on top of?
Brought in to boost the gdp.
Good morning Woo Crew!
Gwoo d morning!
roman...u b a jew.
I woo d b but im not
Good morning.
wtf is a woo?
Here’s the closest definition that I could find for Woo; “The slang definition of woo, which is the shortened version of woo-woo, is related to the unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.” But in this context, we need to understand that, “Where there’s Smoke, there’s Fire.”
Or those who dare to question the conventional illusion that we have been living for thousands of years.
.....more like 'the Woo', not 'a' or 'an'......the invisible, seemingly intangible substrate, the.....'warp and weft' that suffuses the all, the 'etheric template' perhaps, hologrammatic maybe, - 'INDRA'S NET', possibly, if my understanding is correct, (partially correct is the best i can hope for)
- the rippling blueprint underlying the pulsing everywhere field of potentiality, everywhen, immaterial but yet wholly total in its er......consequentiality - the 'inciding' vectors within coincidence, the sychro-mesh behind synchronicities, neither the fabric nor the thread but the motion of stitching, the 360' degree 5th dimensional image of the letters that spell the words when the verbiage runs out of itrs ability to describe.........
best i can do !
That which cannot be named?
Ok, I have to bite. For me, woo is mu, a zen idea...find the Joshus Dog koan. Mu is the pressing of true nature against delusion....best I can do. The result is mu. Woo, too....maybe? Maybe.
That's so wonderful Lovleigh !....ever since we met...which is about 25 years now, my hubby & I have called each other Mu !...go figure...
We're both rather weird & eccentric ....we've been told this by those who cannot comprehend us...either seperately or together......Ehhh...we both see ourselves as normal, nothing unusual....
So I guess we are both Mu & Woo.......Perhaps like 'One Hand Clapping'.....In the Woo...I have one hand...he has the other...when they connect, they make no sound........Mmm I've just looked up that Koan...Thanks....x
I remember my first major survival situation. It happened when I was 19. I was living in the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwui now....kitty corner to the pan handle of Alaska) in a remote logging camp. The only way in or out was via small Beaver float plane and the once every 2 week freighter. A major storm rolled in....a hurricane in actual fact.....and my first husband got extremely sick. He was so sick he was delirious and his fever was unbelievable. There was no access to Doctors or nurses or anyone. I was alone with this situation. The only thing I could think of to do was to keep sponging him off to cool him and try to get him to sip crushed up vitamin C in water. I kept this up all through the night until his fever broke and he recovered. It was scary as hell. This was when I made the resolution to become a healer. I never wanted to feel that helpless again.
Another survival situation happen a little later in my time in the Queen Charlotte Islands. We were in a 16ft boat with another couple. This small boat had a small cabin on it and an outboard motor. When we were out in the inlet a sudden storm blew up and the waves were getting stronger and stronger and it reached a point where green water was crashing over the bow of the boat. It was scary as hell. i am still 19....and the rain was intense...blowing sideways. We managed to make it to a small deserted island and beached the boat. There was a small and very run down trappers cabin just up the beach (in wilderness areas cabins are often left for long periods of time...used for trapping and so forth) We got into the cabin and I took charge. We gathered wood to start a fire in the small wood burner in the cabin and lit the oil lamp that was there and then I went to the beach and dug clams (tons of them) and cooked them on the heater and we all had clams in the warmth and calm of the cabin. We ended up spending the night in that cabin until the storm blew itself out and in the morning we tied a white cloth on the end of a large 12 ft branch and we waved it until we were noticed and were rescued. The thing that saved the situation was step by step handling each small issue....one after the other and establishing a stability in the chaotic situation. This calmed everyone down and it was not so bad. But it was the calming that was key.......doing each of those small survival tasks that brought a sense of stability to the situation was what was key.
So when everything is crashing and burning around you....if you can do these small things.....one by one to establish some comfort and calm you will be amazed at what you can handle. You can do it!
Cathe, you are truly amazing ! ....And at such a young age, having the calm, composure & innate intelligence, to do what needs to be done, to maintain life, mind & spirit.
You are an inspiration...a leader, a healer & a wonderful example of being human...
Thank you for sharing, these stories of your life......x
You make me blush. We all will live through many different experiences in this life....the only difference with mine is that there have been so many more survival experiences where I was alone and having to handle it. People are not born strong. People become strong through the experiences that life has brought to them. This has been my path....strength through adversity. When I was living through these events it was not "fun" but looking back on it all....it has made me who I am.....and I like who I am (smile)
Always nice to hear something of interest from that jewel of the world. The B.C. coat has taken numerous float pilots and passengers, loggers, boat folk and others. As gorgeous as it is it has to be respected. Thanks for sharing.
What happened to the boat to leave you stranded?
I have been through a number of survival situations through my life.....some of them have been truly desperate. You can read and watch movies and study....but until you have been through a survival situation you don't know about it.
Each survival situation is different and will have different issues to confront. The key thing is to keep the people around you as calm as you can get them. This is done via you taking control and purposefully doing one little thing after another in a calm and purposeful manner that ultimately produces stability and some degree of comfort to all the people around you. It is also in the tone of your voice and the purposefulness of your actions....Each thing done....one after the other so that the people around can see that things are being done...and that some semblance of normalicy is happening. THIS is leadership. It isn't about barking orders.....it is this capacity to take action methodically and to give those around you that sense of calm and stability. A leader cannot freak out. You have to be strong and this is how you are strong......then people around you naturally will look to you for direction because you feel stable and you seem to know what you are doing. Even if the event is a nuclear detonation......the same rules apply. When the people around you are feeling more stable....THEN you can assign small tasks for them to do.....everyone doing small things to better the situation. This is how it is done.....no talk about the "big picture".....just the small things and the concentration on doing those small things.
Anthony Hopkins Alec Baldwin movie where grizzly stalking them for days. People die from fear. Need to keep your mind focused
I saw that movie too. It was really good. You are right about keeping the mind focused.
We were basically sinking and motor got flooded....it was truly a horrendous situation. We rowed the last 30ft to shore and dragged the boat up onto the beach. I told these stories so that people would gain some strength that no matter how bad the situation you are in is.....if you handle the small stuff....step by step to create a stable space.....you can get through anything....no matter what your age is....young or old.
Love the idea of creating stable space. Thank you. If I can just offer stable space around me, peace energy around me, so that others feel it, that's progress. I endeavr to get better at it. Truth is, we can talk about agenda politics all we want, big personalities moving and shaking, but the only thing that creates change is the energy of change....shared energy, source energy entanglement, infusing the hearts of man. You can say I'm a dreamer....but I'm not the only one.
Remember... bad things happen. Weird things happen. But many times, they will only impact you in your mind. They don't really impact your day to day life that much. Or if they do, it's something like a minor inconvenience. Like shortages.
So get ready to shrug off a bunch of stuff that may not impact you directly and even if it does, you may not be able to do anything about it.
Water had to be extremely cold too. Oh my. How were the class? Priceless teaching and story. I spent the summer of 74' in the heart of the largest most primitive region (aside from Alaska) of the US in Idaho at Cabin Creek aka The Flying W Ranch. Bush pilot was the only way in or out. Shoshone grounds aka The Sheepeaters. Your story reminded me.
You must be close to my age as the Queen Charlotte stories happened in 1973. These experiences we have in the wilderness are wonderful teachers and if I were to tell the truth....I enjoyed living in the wilderness far more than in a city. I have lived all over the place on North America.....each place having its own flavor. Still.....the wilderness is still my favorite.
I believe the Hebrews, from the so called Adam and Eve line, were the Neg Reptilian attempt at a hybrid race. There were already hybrids here, as we are all bioengineered by Star Ancestors (the good ones, who fought with the Elohim Reps, but as the reps were willing to destroy the entire planet, they had to back away for some time to regroup as they did not want to see us all obliterated). The Neg Reps were marooned here as they had a lot of damage and could no longer leave our solar System -cue the take over, building of huge homes for them springing up all over the place, the introduction of religion via scribes and propaganda. They sat here and worked on enslaving us all. They divided us, stopped our one world language that the star ancestors taught us and put us to war with each other. They also introduced circumcision so they could separate male from female. The foreskin releases hormones that make a man bond to a woman during sex. They removed this so men would become hostile towards females. They then made their patriarchy, based on false prophets and books THEY had us write. Arch Angels were THEIR soldiers. Arch Angel Michael and Gabriel were awful beings and NOT the true angels. The true angels work with the Star Ancestors. The star ancestors are about to finally take the Elohim reps out for good. Watch for it this year. After that, we will finally get the truth revealed. My 2 cents.
Mauro Biglino's book Gods In The Bible explains what really happened in ancient times as he gives an accurate translation of the stories in the Bible that were plagiarised from earlier times.
Hi Biddy....I like his information too....more accurate than the one that's been foisted on everyone, as 'the word of god'....
Still...it was written by someone....so the reliability of what he is translating in my humble opinion, is still in question......x
Yes,all will be revealed(soon). Trickle trickle disclosure...
Hillary in prison for life will bring Joy to the World. Come on doge team. Big Mike deballed would be awesome too
Hillary is a wonderful woman and America owes her a debt of gratitude- DJT 2016. Spoken at his inauguration party, which the Clintons sat at.
Come on folks, wakey wakey!
And all we've seen of her since then are body doubles.
Mmmm.... Body doubles. Maybe that explains how a high powered rifle round leaves no mark going thru someone's ear?
The mark is there. But was it done by a bullet or a subsequent plastic surgeon?
Holy Toledo Orange Guy!
ROFL, you paint a lovely picture! I'm enjoying Candace Owen's current series exposing the sidekick of Macron. Maybe she'll move on to Big Mike after that?
This morning when I scanned Telegram and saw some posts about Hamas and the evils of the hostage situation, Trump's promise, and the thought came into my mind about a false flag. How do we really know if the people dressed up with Hamas headbands on are really Hamas at his point? How do we know that those committing the acts are not those who would wish to cleanse the land of Palestine for national reasons with the help of the USA? The scale of deception is difficult to really understand. However, it is all leading up to those dates around 26 Feb 2025.
I sincerely hope murderous Netanyahu does not live to see Gaza ethnically cleansed. He should not have his long-held repulsive wish granted.
When I was younger and more naive, I used to believe everything I heard in the alt media. Foolish me. I now believe hardly anything I hear and instead develop my own discernment and intuition and try to help people as much as I can. And these scam artists really muddy the water for everyone. This is why I believe we have never come out of the dark ages. I do believe we will within my life time, but it wont look how most think it will.
Getting rid of all Elohim-Anunnaki-neg reps influence will be a huge start. Imagine all of the Abrahamic faiths proven as ET nonsense. What joy!
Sort of a paradox....proof and faith.
idiot yee r!
I think all of us Woo People can feel what has been and will be coming at us. I plan on being on the winning side. How about you Woo?
Your optimism seems optimistic...but I like it.
It's almost over-the-top optimism....I'm optimistic he'll realize that.
Joe, can you post the panic button on the world's largest criminal ponzi scheme, paper gold/silver certificates? A member of the exchange asked the other elohim worship cult, "how long can we perpetuate this ponzi scheme"
Lot's of uhhs and ahhs mumbled as the comment was swept under the rug.
You mean like one of those red 'no' buttons you can buy at Office Supply? When you push it, it says 'no.' No? No? No?
Yep, that's the one
Woo Hoo..... cautiously optimistic and it's OK to be on the winning side.
TY Clif for all the information and truth you teach us🤗
Cold? It's 12° here! 🤣
Minus 4 in Missoula but will be in the 20s by Thursday. Not going out in it today though.
Minus 19 in Great Falls this morning at 0400.
The AC is needed today in south Texas, 87 degrees…
Does that include wind chill?
I have-24…Ugh.
Hey grrrl, we learned to appreciate it here in AK: no migrants. No gangs. No traffic. No smog. Smalltime thieves getaways thwarted by ice and lack of vehicle basics knowledge. Nothing funnier than a criminal trying to leave your rural property spinning out into a ditch with you standing there casually with a shotgun and cellphone calling the Troopers.
Same here in Maine.
Hovering around 100.4 in Victoria, Australia & 82.4 overnight...AC on overtime !