Last summer I had a very vivid dream where I could go back and forth in time. It was intense. I was staying on my land in the country camping. Meditating and connecting with the trees. I woke from this dream and went outside to connect to other beings that I was thinking about. I mentally pushed out love to positive entities in the sky. I looked up and there was a round flash in the sky. I know I connected to something because I then felt love... deep love. It was so cool.

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Clif, are you familiar with Courtney Brown and his farsight.org UAP efforts? He's figured out how to photograph UAP's using IR and Ultraviolet light. He has an upcoming online seminar about it this Sunday 2/12 at 10 AM if you're interested. What you're describing here sounds somewhat similar.

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The old Dick Tracy cartoon in the newspapers used to frequently make the statement, "whomever controls magnetism, will control the universe". The comic strip was referring to travel propulsion methods. I was intrigued about such an idea. How prophetic.

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Thanks Clif, always interesting.....lisa

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Our distant cousins going on holiday..some dare to come here like we go to the Serengeti..

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UAP to Major Thom....

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Watch Dr Steven Greer’s documentary Unaccountable for the truth on the full story on UFO contact.

Clif claims himself as an informed source,but he portrays mostly speculation as to what he projects.

Think about it. If these distant civilizations can manipulate space and time as they do, then they could easily destroy us in a very short time. That they don’t shows very clearly that they wish us no harm and we should respond likewise.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, We're Going to test that, Go Away Now, Keep your dick in a vice, See you Tomorrow, God F*ing Speed, God Bless

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Why the speculation? There are many individuals and small groups of people scattered across this planet who are fully aware of what is going on in relation to these objects and their inhabitants and are in direct contact.

The technology being used is light years ahead of magnetic propulsion.

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Art Bell on Coast 2 Coast had interviews with BASE Jumper in the 90s and how their video cameras were picking up thing in the air that they could not see buzzing around them as they fell in the jumps. They called them Rods because they looked like rods or small logs about 3-4 feet long. Star Trex had a TV episode of such ETs that made humans look like they were frozen because they moved so fast.

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'UAP'?? Sorry......I REFUSE to use the words/phrases/language of the Globalists-CIA-Blue Chicken PIGS (sorry for the insult to actual pigs/animals!). There is nothing wrong with the tried and true Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

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A cloud can block light so maybe they're not a solid mass? Particles travel faster?

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All-rightie! Sounds good! This is a video for some background on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlyzEB-9LM4&t=224s

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Sorry for mis spelling and typos Ark Light is the fat Daddy time displacement or the bubble in time

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Believe it or not. One day with a completely open blue sky day I viewed a section of the blue sky that was NOT the same (think a shimmer that does not shimmer) (or a reflection of a reflection) as the the rest of the blue sky on that day. This section WAS HUGE and static in the sky. And ... No I was Not Stoned

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I have no difficulty at all believing any of this. I am a city bus driver in Spokane WA and I am verifiably convinced that at least 1/3 of my riders are aliens!!

You may wish to employ me because I actually feel as though I am beginning to communicate with some of them.

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