I have been WAITING ‼️‼️‼️👀

Keeps checking phone like a crazed Clif Junkie.

For all the goofy Clif naysayers: Seriously 😒 no one cares about your opinion ‼️

There’s the door👉 🚪.... 🕳️

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I second that !

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I can’t help myself. It’s hilarious to me how many people leave comments in here arguing about Clif’s perspectives!

They get all upset, offended, start sliming people with their sophomoric INTerlectUality opinions and lame attempts at insulting others.

Nanner Nanner boo boo!

Clif doesn’t have time to read our silly comments, but the Tardo trolls keep coming back as if they’re going to change his mind.. haha 😂

Karen boys Inc!

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Are you misgendering them? Isn't the proper term Karen Boi'z Inc. ?? lmao

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I read an article that referred to male Karens as Kens?

Maybe that was just that writer's name for them, but I've been calling them Kens every since then. LOL

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Oh dear, It never occurred to me that I might be misgendering them. How awful.

It’s quite possible they identify as males or females or non-binary persons of multiple genders that alters according to their feelings/mood or outfit of the day!


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It’s tranifa.

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How about they just identify as non-persons?

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There...right there is where we have the right of IDENTIFICATION; it is all about The Claim and who is making that claim; who said we have to be what they are tricking us into being...like the NAME...and this has nothing to do with sexual organs and reproduction; though it does involve INTERCOURSE [check the etymology of that word, has to do with commerce and jurisdiction]

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Um, this is the comment section. That, Karen, means that people get to comment. If you don't like it, why are you here? Do you think you have something to add? Was this post of yours just it?? Perhaps YOU should STFU and find the door if you think this forum is only to kiss Clif's ass. I'm sure Clif couldn't be less concerned with who's kissing and who's not. .

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Hello Margaret Louise ( fabulous name by the way)

Uncertain if you’re responding to me or another in this thread.. Either way.. My point is this:

There is Zero reason for people to continue to comment with the intention of insulting everyone in here. Maybe you’re new here, Maybe you’ve been around since Clif started sharing his views/ insights/ perspectives.. They are HIS views.

Those of us who follow Clif do so for a variety of reasons. I’m not a neophyte nor an uneducated buffoon, nor a KAREN.

Not one person in this chat has the experience, the contacts, the knowledge , the specific skill sets that Clif has . This is HIS perspectives.

Right or wrong or psychedelic gibberish.

No one in here should be wasting anyone’s time by insulting those of us who listen to Clif for productive purposes.

It’s one thing to dialogue with people, Tis another to refer to us regulars as stupid, uninformed, Etc.

My statement was directed at those who chose to behave as goofy little kids in this chat.

Clif doesn’t read these comments.

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Clif's recorded shows are HIS perspectives. The comments are for the perspectives of others. I've been listening to Clif on his various platforms for many years, going back to Half Past Human and the old monthly or so reports on his work. He is sometimes right and many times wrong. Nonetheless, he's worth listening to and commenting on. I don't like mindless or trolling comments either and if I see one I just skip it and go on to more intelligent comments. People who simply don't agree with Clif have a right to give their reasons and I will read them. This is a forum, not a praise fest. Clif does read the comments, at least some of them, and sometimes leaves a Like or something else. He should, because unmonitored forums degenerate over time. Next thing you know people are selling drugs or sex. It's happened several times that I've seen on what were perfectly honest, decent sites.

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HERES JESUS WARNING ABOUT THE “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬ ‭

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ ‭




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Clif doesn't read ANY of these comments.

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Cain't airbuddy git it. Most people are completely incapable of thinking, these days... d;o)

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Start asking questions to them; see what happens next.

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Been doing that since I started telling people a crash was coming in the summer of 1987...and in October, the chances for people to buy $264.00 GOLD disappeared.

Ever taken a 10oz Maple Leaf to the drive-through window and slapped it on the counter just to watch someone's eyes bug out? Funny thing...not a single time has anyone ACCEPT IT FOR THE $50.00 FACE VALUE!!! Now check any online bullion dealer and see what a 10oz Maple Leaf is selling for today.

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Negotiable/written instruments i.e., Bills of Exchange and coinage...mmm they then put themselves in dishonor by not accepting for value the instrument...But then again you are dealing with and INCORP[SE]ORATED ENTITY I.E., a dead fictional being...person/corporation

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Practically nobody understands the "legal tender" concept any more...by design, of course. They stopped teaching anything of REAL value or importance long before we even got into school. d=^/

I feel sorry for all the kids in school TODAY, who are learning even less than we "were allowed to", and having even that pittance replaced with "gender studies" and "everyone's a tranny at birth" and "you need to be imprisoned or murdered if you mis-gender someone" and "words are violence, but ACTUAL violence is OK if it's against someone who used words you hate."


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Yeah I was waiting too

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Agree wholeheartedly. Lol.

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He is one of the clear voices in the wilderness. I enjoy the conversation in the car going to town to run errands, feel like I'm in the car with him, slurping my coffee! LOL I have not one person in my world with the depth and knowledge that Clif has. Most people give me the dear in the headlights look on most of our topics. So, THANKS Clif for the most excellent conversation, ideas, and great laughs!!!

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Right there with you! Love me some Clif! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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Hello Woo Crew! Love you guys!😘🥰😍

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/wave The "woo crew" - I like it! 😊

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BTW, I am paying homage to the “Wrecking Crew” when I call you all “Woo Crew”. We are the background instrumental instruments for cosmic change. Love you guys!

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Woo Tang?

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Hey Clif, keep teaching the history of the “name stealers”. “Those who call themselves Jews but are not”. In my opinion it’s one of the most important things people need to understand.

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And those who call themselves NAZIs?!

"Were The NAZIs The Greatest Hoax In History?"


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You have the best history lessons, Clif. Only a few people that read your stuff or listen to your interviews know about Khazarian history. Thanks

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@clif. I have come to conclude that there is still TONS of missing ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) from that train over the summer that left Wyoming (I think) and was heading west and parked somewhere overnight and somehow carloads of ammonium nitrate "got missing" by the next morning. The incident QUICKLY feel from the MSM radar and hasn't been spoken of since that I know of, but it is still "somewhere" and has likely been made ready to deploy in multiple locations. I suspect the NH4NO3 will be used by radical middle-easterners that have casually breezed through the southern border and met their contacts/managers in the Clowns In America (purely my opinion from experience). I just wanted to let that bubble around with the word "Ejecta" and the viewings of Dick and his remote viewers.

I have mentioned this in a couple other forums but I fly so low under the radar that my words tend to get little exposure or saturation. I just want to make sure I threw it into your consciousness. Stay on it Brother — you are appreciated! Much love & respect, Troy (Coop) 10.11.23

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When I posted this it appeared that it did not post, so I found another free moment and posted a shorter version to make sure this got some eyes and brain-time. Sorry for those who find the 2nd shorter post and wonder "WTF is his deal?!" Eh, shit happens.

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I remember that story -and the follow up investigation declared it was “just a leak “ . and no criminal activity was associated with the incident. 30 tons of it just leaked from Wyoming to California.. 30 tons . 😳

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Well, I reckon we'll know soon enough. Sure oughta be some really nice growth of vegetation along that track then, but it stinks of lame BS story to me. That was a well-planned and covertly-executed operation... I think we have an idea of what we can expect.

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Thank you for the reminder. Makes perfect sense.

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You're quite welcome. The patsies/perps have been pouring in through the southern border from every terrorist-centric country on the planet — stands to reason that many have a purpose in a plan that the highest offices in our government have hatched. We'll know soon enough. *Not a good time to live in or near a big metro area methinks, but then again, is there EVER a good time for that?!

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I have not forgotten about that either. It is either being stored for elite underground bunker farms or it is being stored for nefarious reasons. I suppose we will find out soon enough.

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Agreed. We will surely find out soon enough.

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You lost your windshield but not your train of thought. Impressive!

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I love Wednesdays! This is the best comment section in the world!

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My theory regarding why the KM is so obsessed with not dying is they know that when they die they begin a massively long, millions of life times karmic journey of rebalancing. In this journey, they must experience many, many lifetimes in which what they have done is done to them over, and over, and over again. Imagine knowing you will continuously reincarnate for a very long time to be tortured and killed as a child. Then as an adult. Then you’ll have to reincarnate with those you harmed, again, and again, and again until that karma’s eradicated. Then, maybe sacrifice yourself to save others. Then maybe learn to love. Then… And on it goes. No more power over humanity. No more massive wealth. No more doing whatever you want to whoever you want. Oh, no. They become the lowest of them all. Probably for many, many more Kali Yuga periods.

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"Hello fellow Clif Junkies"?


Doesn't have the same ring as "hello humans, hello humans..." :)

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CIA and MI6 false flags are becoming less and less plausable. Uvalde and Nordstream pipeline were pathetically unbelievable. Not to mention 911 itself, even JFK, and now Palestein’s “invasion” of Israel. Ridiculous. I imagine that the Rothschilds and Chabad Lubavitch are getting progressively more and more sloppy, because they are panicing as the world “wakes up”, and also because their printing press in Washington DC is irreversablly broken.

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What are US aircraft carriers powered by? Neocons use the blood of 25 year old girls who are on peace missions to Gaza to power US aircraft carriers. The Israel military and Mosad have the best intelligence operation in the world, much better than the US. They knew the Israel attack was coming for weeks. They let it happen. Hammas fighters coming in on hang gliders and the Israeli intel agencies had no idea is ridiculous. US and Israel globalists and neocons needed this false flag. War in Ukraine is washed up, neocons can't sell another nickel of money laundering in Ukraine. Next, Israel will be the sink hole for a new traunch of wasted money from the US tax payers to pay for the latest false flag operations.

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No, not Israel. The real target this time is Iran, the same Iran that recently joined The Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Crazy!

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I read NYC has the largest population of Jews in the country...I find it very funny they are crying about all the illegals shitting all over NYC now -that was ok white Christian Texas but NOT NYC...what a mess it is, and for a bonus those Jew Democrat supported illegal invaders are bringing in all kinds of diseases so the hospitals in NYC are over run with them...one bonus is some awful rare strain of TB.....I sure hope all those NYC Jews enjoy their new neighbors....they can thank Klaus Schwab and his UN for that....

Clif might differentiate from KM Jews to other Jews...but it's really most all of them...they are almost all treacherous, devious, greedy, evil bunch .....exceptions..of course...but all and all ...

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NYC has the HIGHEST jew population AFTER ISREAL!!!

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Oct 12, 2023
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There were claims made that the FEMA detainment centers were going to be used for the illegal invasion, but it doesn't look like any of the invaders are being sent to any of those FEMA camps, so that claim was apparently false.

I don't remember where I read that, but it was probably some propaganda or just someone's guess.

That would definitely make more sense than building new buildings for border patrol, but when has the government made any sense anyway?

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An example of the Khazarian POS mindset is the "military guy" Stricklean in the movie, "Shape of Water". Stricklean assures the cleaning lady that he is 'the guy' who washes his hands before he takes a piss and never, after.

Rothschild has funded hundreds of thousands of young high school and college teen Jews by affording them an all-expense paid trip to Israel to "understand their roots". They must have a Jewish mother to get the trip. One of them, years later, is now busy working for a Soros' NGO helping to house and fund the illegal militants in this country, right now. She admits that many doors opened for her after "claiming her birthright" during her trip to Israel.

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Wouldn't it be great if Cliff would write the software for a an "everlasting" computer program and then convince all and everyone associated with the WEF to come "live forever" as the Jew transhumance in a machine ...with the likes of Klaus and all his inbred, ugly humanity hating freaks showing up to have their brains downloaded for "eternity"....then he could lure them in, download their fucking hateful shit for brains and trap them in the computer, incinerate the hideous putrid bodies they inhabited here on earth and then take the "everlasting" computerized transhumans and simply PULL THE PLUG FOR ETERNITY....no plugged no ugly Jews to deal with!

Lure all the Jews in and be done with it....end of story....everyone else could live happily ever after with no Jews poisoning our food, water, air, harvesting organs in Tel Aviv, poisoning our medical system with Big Jew owned PHARMA...no more stealing all the money and all the killing...end of perversion being pushed on children...in other words. HEAVEN ON Earth .

Otherwise they are like cockroaches and ticks...you can drive them out of one country and they show up somewhere else bringing all their devil shit with them...

Heck, maybe America would even become a Republic again instead of this Bolshevik Communist Jew run nightmare we have today....

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It is not so much the Jews, remember the Khazars steal the identity of all people; they are NAME stealers and want us to hate each other...they are many Jews that do not go along with this and there are many that do; the ones that do have made an agreement and a reservation for the Lake of Fire.

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Yeah, in the past 6mos+ "all of a sudden" everyone is trying to shift the "blame" over FROM 'the jews' to Khazarian mafia, Khazars, Ashkenazi, etc. etc. -- anyone else except the ACTUAL JEWS who actually WORK to destroy us! Cabal, elite, illuminati, banksters, etc. etc.

LOTS of names (ha! stolen?) for the top-tier of the jews! Yeah, yeah, they've used lots of names going back through time even back to "Babylonians" and ba'al worshippers... It does not matter if the KM are "fake" jews. The "real" jews are 100% onboard with them and are drilling holes in our hull, everywhere, throughout the West!

Dr Lee Merritt and our own Clif describe the khazarians as 'wrapping the jews -- whom they are not (actually) a part of -- around themselves like an expendable cloak to be sacrificed over and over while the KM escapes.' The problem with that is: the (actual) jews always belong to, support, pay for, teach their offspring (teach OUR offspring!), to participate fully in the damage and destruction of White Western Christian civilization! I occasionally whine over at Vox Populi (because Vox Day, too, excuses "the jews" and points us towards the control and planning of our destruction to 'not the jews'). (That's not any consolation! It feels like blaming -- but not acting against -- the generals and excusing the foot soldiers.)

I have partly accepted, albeit not happily, the position that: okay-yes, the regular normal-people jews are not doing this to us **on their own**; they are AS brainwashed and misled as (it seems like) half of the U.S./White Western Christian population is. However. They PARTICIPATE FULLY! It's not KM out on the streets marching with "We will replace you" signs! It's not KM pushing pols to disassemble the Constitution; e.g., DeSantis: clearly wholly, willfully owned! Trump partly (?) the same! It may very well BE the KM forming several hundred immigration orgs and NGOs and buying boats and airplane rides to swamp us with millions and millions of unassimilable destroyers -- but it's the *regular jews" who are happily, willingly doing the WORK!

If "we" cannot fix our own commie-lib-destroyers, despite them being part of our people... why in the HELL should we give a pass to 'regular jews' who are subverting and destroying every (White Western) people on purpose? We don't give a pass to BLMantifa -- WHY would we give a pass to "the jews"? To the very people whipping up the fury and burning and crime and attacks and murders and rapes against our people, by the not-us THEY have brought here! These termites may not be KM, but they sure as shit ARE gnawing down our 'house' as if they were!!

And certainly not every sold-out craven pol in all our positions of "power" are not KM -- they are certainly bought out BY them.... but how many thousands of "regular" (dual-citizen!) jews are working constantly to destroy us?

Excuse the jews? NO WAY in this ongoing hell!

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Ah Debbie, I like how you think...

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I’ve never seen that film! Will definitely check it out!

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Belfour Declaration...you might find this interesting;

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Rothschild set up Israel as a position in ME they could use to make war and loot the ME. And yes, for the right number of shekels Jews will slaughter Jews....

Israelis ARE NO ONES FRIENDS...LEAST OF ALL AMERICANS...we are the Golden Goose they have been stealing from forever...

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Jews i.e., KM

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Is this differentiation you attempt to make useful? Real? Accurate? PROTCTING some group?

WHY do you keep pointing to some other group?

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Oooh PDF, my fave.

06/21/2023: The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb PDF. (130 Pages)

A book written about the scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt.


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oh be careful swimmers swimming with those sharks in the WATER [jurisdiction] of COMMERCE and don't forget your negotiable instruments ! Interest taken by these K Mafians is the sustenance of fire...

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This is a very interesting read:

"The Palestine Israel Conflict Was Started with the Classic British Double Dealing"


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I found it interesting that 23andMe was hacked and the first data was Ashkenazi....

"California-based DNA testing company 23andMe has confirmed the authenticity of personal information relating to its customers...

The first inkling of trouble appeared on Monday, when a hacker advertised “one million” lines of data pertaining to Ashkenazi Jews."

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I vaguely remember the (jew-owned, jew-run) testing co. had to ADMIT in court that they were ADDING ~5% of negro genes to ALL the '100% White/Euro' reports... to 'take us down a peg'... Jews lie. This is some kinda of surprise?!

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Any more details, please? I can't find this story online.

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Forget the SOC, forget the White Hats, forget the "good" military.........those are all fairytales pushing hopium on upset American who have seem our country taken down from within with the help of all those dual Israeli citizens in the Democrat Party...and the RINOS - always happy to help them if the payoff is right...

We just need all good military trained snipers and Navy Seals to come out of retirement and decide to save the Republic...stealthly....put together the list...put a bounty on them....you know the American people after being robbed of trillions of dollars by our British Crown/WEF controllers would be happy to pay a bounty to be rid of them....

We've almost all had men in our family lines who gave up their life to fight wars for British Crown and Rothschild under the banner of Uncle Sam NEEDS YOU..... but this would be the first ever war by stealth and those Navy Seal could honestly say is a war to restore and save the Republic.....

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“Biden’s” got the fucking border wide open for all terrorist of all types to waltz across with all kinds of weapons to man Soros’s UN backed army of animals within the US.

Maybe a 911 style mass terrorist attack within the US that the US is "waiting for", may just be the stimulous that propells the US to finally puke up the entire "Biden" nightmare and finally reclaim the nation.

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Or use it to attack Iran,which has been their goal for years

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The MSM news narrative is already implicating Iran for orchestrating or supporting the recent attack. So their plan must be to either attack Iran or get Iran involved somehow, as well as Lebanon And Saudi Arabia to start the ME conflagration.

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