Clif......you're SO WRONG about Bret Weinstein!! First time I'd seen an interview (with Cucker Tarlson), RED FLAGS WERE FLYING!!!! He uses MANY PsyOp word phrases.....for the NEW, up-coming PsyOp! This asshole screams....."I WORK FOR THE EVIL GLOBALISTS!!". Then, go back a LOOK (READ) his HISTORY of wtf he has said!! A SNAKE may shed it's skin.....but it is STILL A SNAKE!

Furthermore, SOME of the people that YOU interact with, Clif, are CLEARLY on the Globalists payroll!! And that ain't cool, Clif!!

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I practice not getting TOO attached or sticking up for peoples reputation because YOU never know! We have all been fooled by many and it would be best if we humble ourselves, drop the ego and just observe.

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Jan 20
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This is a dreary advertisement - yet another scumbucket trying to make money off gullible types

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not all gentic modifcation is bad.. we have apples that a hybred between the spcies of apple when it modified with other shit thats when I say no.. same as dogs cats horses etc we have genetic modification through breeding lets differentiate between the two things what is occuring right now is gene modification using drugs so to speak via vaccinations etc using things such as entering a resstant crop using things that are not found in nature verses using exhisting crops of the same g nome to breed resistance aka dont use shit thats why heirloom seeds that is prone to all of the weather coditions and shit that made them strong in the first place. I think it came from a place that was intended to be good then got corrupted. same with all tech

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A hybrid is not genetic modification

So whose side are you on?

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bananas have changed a lot through history to be as they are now.

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Khazarian! We need to STOP calling Khazarians, 'jews'. They are NOT Jewish!

I also don't like how Clif uses 'THEIR' language/words/phrases. 'Influencers'.....there is NO SUCH THING! Here in the real world, we call them PROPAGANDISTS. 'UAP'.....Mmmmm.....NOOOOO!!......is, 'UFO', for fucksakes! CLIF......STOP USING 'THEIR' MIND-CONTROL WORDS/LANGUAGE/PHRASES!!

Just like 'trans'. There is NO SUCH THING! People need to STOP using words for things that do NOT EXIST! Instead of 'trans'.....the CORRECT words are, 'Mentally Ill individual who pretends to be a female (or visa vera)'. 'Homophobe'.....NO SUCH THING! I know of NO ONE who has an IRRATIONAL FEAR of fags/dykes! By the way......the LibTards went and changed the definition of 'PHOBIA' to mean ONLY 'fear'. NO! A 'PHOBIA' is an IRRATIONAL fear of something!

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you guys are really on here with your panties in a twist over phrases which we all know exactly what they mean, so who gives a fuck whether Clif says 'UFO' or 'UAP', they both mean the same thing, and as a matter of fact, UAP is a much better term for it anyway because it encompasses more accurately what it actually is. Same thing with influencers, they do exist, I'm sorry that triggers you, but reality is reality, get over yourself.

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Wrong. Using the correct words and phrases is very important. They have power.

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Jan 21Edited

Nope. Not Wrong. Words are symbols, concepts. They are not something that exist outside the mind of a person. The only power words have are the power YOU give them.

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Totally misconceived. You need to read up on Socratic forms to get some understanding of concepts.

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good point, I never hear about DWM / correct sentence structure tech or even postal mechanics on this chanel

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Only to those that follow. Power in words is there but you as individual do not have to accept the power 0f their words. Better yet just laugh at them.

Words are expression of your thought.

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I never said they didn't matter, now did I? For something that matters so much you seem to have a hard time understanding them

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Amen Bro !!!

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That is all the truth, and I'm questioning Clif on this now too!

Add these deceptive words too.

'Democracy', no such thing any more.

'For the greater good', whose greater good?

'The experts say', who are these experts, and what makes them experts?

'Zionists', what and who are they really?

So many more deceptions too...

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We used to be a Constitutional Republic; but the Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871 and subsequently dissolved by The Emergency Banking Act 1932:


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Constitutional Republic? Then why was the Whitehouse built where it is? Do you know the name of the river around the Whitehouse or capitol is? Find those names and who named them . I could tell you but research is good for you. When your mouth drops, you'll be peeved that you've been fooled once again✔️.. just sayin

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Unless you consider the bureaucracy the "mob"...

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Used to be a republic. Now a democracy. Sorry for the bad news.

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You are and so it is

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All Jews are Khazars. You're thinking of Judains.

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I love your name, John Galt. I wish you were Mr Galt so I could join your community and get out of the State-run game.

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Heh, I wish I was too. Sadly I'm just a cheap plastic imitation.

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Not at all. You're a warrior. Be proud!

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I detect body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul digital but not de facto.

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Fake Sewer Jews

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Is there a reason why you are screaming? I suppose you could call them fake Judains.

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no! there are correct definitions.

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Those names are more like descriptors of a mind set,not a race or ethnicity but an archetype,or a religion that is inherently neurotic and adhered to as tribal identity. Their warriors are always on the psycho path!

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I heard something many years ago. All Jews are Isrealites not all Isrealites are Jews. remember that

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Jan 21
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I just looked up Jew in the bible and it is there. Serves me right for taking someone else's word for it.

My understanding is that the Khazars, poisoners and name stealers, were given the choice of adopting one of the Abrahamic religions or being slaughtered by the Czar for being total fucktards. They chose Judaism, but only superficially, they continued their Satanic practices. The Czar, good to his word, sent an army to kill the MFers but they got word of it and escaped. Some went to Spain, elsewhere, they became the Ashkenazis and continued their practice of pretending to be Jews.

They were assholes then, they are assholes now, there is no cure but the obvious one.

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IMO thats where Cliff has misinterpreted it, he, hasn,t applied his "namestealers" to KM ,who stole it from the Real Elohim.

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Jan 21
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That was a good blurb, and relevant. I'll post it here....

- - - - -

Zio-Nazi atrocities in Novorossia are the ethnical cleansing / mass genocide of the indigenous people — Russians — on the ancestral Russian land, absolutely identical to the Zio-Nazi atrocities in Palestine which are the ethnical cleansing / mass genocide of the indigenous people — Palestinians — on their ancestral land.

Ashkenazi Khazars (93% of the world “Jewry”) are fake “Jews.” They are the Turks from the Russian great mother, according to their own genetic research. They are not even Semites (half-black-half-white). Khazar-Ashkenazi-pseudo-Jews have nothing to do neither racially nor historically with the authentic, Negroid Jews of the Tanakh / Old Testament of the Tribe of Seth [Set] / Tribe of Judah from the Land of Seth [Set] (Upper Egypt). Their homeland is Turkestan. The land of Palestine and the land of Rus’ (Russia) never belonged to them rightfully. Both in Palestine, and in Russia, they were invaders and slave owners.

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heard Khazarien decades ago when I was not interested kind of busy working raising a family

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And perhaps more appropriately,

"Heterophobia/ Heterophobically Deranged Sex Addict" etc etc 🤔

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Khazarians name themselves Jews. I'm good with that. The nose knows.

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I agree with the Khazarian comment but there is a T.H.E.Y. (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) group. They are true hermaphrodites with a dominant and recessive side. They think they are superior to men and women just like the Talmud says that non Jews are animals. They are the founders of the MK Ultra mind control tech that has been used on man by the human (sparkless creation).

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Yes, there are too many intellectual infantiles on this Sub now that have jumped on the Jew bashing bandwagon. The whole world has been tricked by this millennial long psy-op(s). Get over the Jew thing! And if we want to take it even further you could even say get over the Kazarian thing, because I'm sure not all Kazarians are mafiosos. To believe so would be absolutely ludicrous. And further, the group that is responsible for all this shit goes back thousands of years to the priests and kings of Atlantis that never let go of those times, and are now batshit insane and think they are gods because of it. That should be lesson enough not to engage in attachment. Discard your attachments to "the Jews are evil and control the weather" ridiculous narradigms, for chrissakes!

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The name of anything is not the thing itself. "Jew" and "Khzarian" are just tags that indicate a very complex set of memes,lore,data,history and emotional baggage concerning the collective of a culture that has a propensity to adapt to any society it encounters with an attitude that all cultures outside their own are fair game to exploit or destroy by any means that works. The ends justify the means in their book. The Business Mind is totally dominant in their culture. They love to change meaning and use language for trickery. Maybe "Khameleons" would be a more honest name tag for that collective.

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Thats pedantic

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Teeeeeechnically some of these “UFO’s” aren’t actually OBJECTS/crafts. They are balls of light, so the word UAP would be a more accurate acronym.

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Agree, but do you actually know where the word "Jew" comes from?. For that matter the word "Jewish"?.. A little more research is needed on your end.. Hint, Judah.. or Judaens'✔️

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Indeed, bear not, false witness.

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Jan 20
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You are straight up stupid

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His dad is C👁A

No question whatsoever

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II'm suspicious about Eric Weinstein. I don't pay much attention to Bret. I do remember the Evergreen stuff. Very strange.

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Eric Weinstein had several thought-provoking interviews about UFOs on YouTube. There was an interesting movie that starred Gillian Anderson and "the Ghost Knife of Callisto" regarding a sighting at an airport and a bright college student's subsequent investigation. I looked up the "Fine Structure Constant" that actually exists and that the student beamed to the aliens and they decided that some of humanity didn't all have their heads "you know where" and sent him another puzzle to solve. It's a good "we're not alone" watch and Dana Scully is definitely a hot but hard math prof.

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I saw Bret Weinstein with Jordan Peterson. He is a creep ball! Severely!

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Indeed, tucker is seen wearing the Kabbalah red string around his wrist. He's controlled opposition like alex jones.

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Bret WeinSTEIN. Ummm hello.

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I'm thinking the same things too Dawnie!

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Polly was right about him !!!!

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Wow. Some individual thought on Clif rant. I happen to agree with Clif though.

Just a question what if the aliens have influenced us since day one. What will your thoughts be, how will u cope. Just a thought and possibility.

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Is he? or perhaps you are just attached in some way

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Speaking in definitives the way you are when we all know you don't know anything is just stupid. Get over your ego please, this is actually making me cringe to read

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Followed Dark Horse Podcast for a while at the start of the Madness. Had to quit though as Bret and Heather went along with the rest of the normies only in that academic way of sawing sawdust which was exasperating. I commented early on that the symptoms being displayed by some were exactly like AIDS or chronic fatigue syndrome (same thing) as I had 15 years experience of it. My comment was deleted! It’s taken them 3 years to begin to smell a rat. I like Bret and think he’s a good man but when it comes to common sense, the over educated are at a disadvantage and even gullible.

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My jury's out on both of them, however when Bret called Roger Waters an "anti-semite" a few months back I lost most of what respect I had for him. No one of reasonable or even average critical thinking skills would call Roger Waters an "anti-semite." That was useful idiot Bret going full tribe.

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Yeah, I watch them if they interview someone I REALLY WANT to hear from... Mostly? Idiot liberal dribble. (HOW they could have gotten through destruction of their careers BY liberals and BLM AND opened a sharp eye on the bioweapon attack and STILL stayed idiot liberals... well, it's just baffling!

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That seems to be what a 'limited hangout' is?

Divulge a little truth while distracting or ignoring the real truth.

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Just as baffling as regular liberals not knowing what a Useful Idiot is, or how that plays out.

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Many folks here might like JJ Couey's videos. Some of them cover Bret and others like him.


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I will pray for you and your listeners who believe the Bible is not God breathed. I’m guessing you do not believe in our Lord and Savior. The only space aliens are demons who are fallen angels. Had to cut you off at that point, although I’ve followed you in the past. May God soften your heart and incline your ear to his voice. 🙏

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That's very nice of you, but you do know that there are innumerable versions of the bible though right?

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Bingo again

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Creators voice but not a gods voice.. big big difference✔️

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Oh look another space alien cultist

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Clif is brain washed about aliens.

Aliens = Demons. Origin = Satan.

This site of Clif's is entirely visited by a cultists following. They (you) have no critical thinking skills at all !!

The tell is how they will negatively respond to this post.

Clif is dangerous.

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To which "God" (ELohim) are you refering?

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You idiot! Bwahahaha! You dropping acid and talking to little green aliens like Cliff claims he has done? Bwahahaha! What a f*cking clown you are! Bwahahaha! Hippy-0-Tech

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Nobody cares what you post babs.

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I'll clue you in dumbass... You care, you psychotic moron... you're the ONLY ONE responding to my post you clown idiot! Bwahahaha! Bwahahahah!!! You are a clown riot of laughs!!! Bwahahahah!!!!

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Here is your loving god.... According to Ezekiel 23:46-49, this God ordered that Israel be stoned to death because of her infidelity and as a warning to all women.

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You don’t have to pray for us

Pray for yourself

We will pray to our own god thank you

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Jan 20
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The red guys! All the best to you and yours, thank you for the lines.

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Hello Humans Happy Saturday and what a surprise this is! Today I picked up spare batteries - getting a bit more of supplies each day!

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I went to big lots today. I signed up for email rewards but today, tomorrow is an extra 20% off. Christmas items were 75%off so that makes 95% off.. I look for paper plates, towels, candles, anything for prepping at 95% off.. almost free.. 😀

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BS is bull shit

MS Is more shit

PHD is piled higher and deeper

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So true. ✅

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I knew Covid was a Psyop before it hit the mainstream media, I was watching the videos from China showing people dropping dead on the streets, it was bad kabuki theater, it looked so fake, I just tell they were selling fear, so there was that, and I listened to others who knew way more than I on the subject. Also having some medical training, and knowledge of how a virus spread, I knew it was all BS.

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The giveaway was that as the people fell, they stuck out their arms to break the fall.

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Yeah, the George Webb Document Brigade was unturning online info about Ft Detrick and fauci patents in January '20. Refusal to hear + refusal to read = big tragedy....


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Whoi the hell is Brett and heather

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Clif seems to have an obsession with Bret and Heather for some reason... just like he has a weird obsession with Joe and his Bitcoin Dream... too funny! His obsession with "Space Aliens" is on another level, though. While Clif things most people [Christians, especially] will be knocked sideways by the "appearance" of space aliens... Will They? I doubt it. Because they [the aliens] don't exist, except in the minds of the people who DO believe in them. At the most, the "space aliens" will be hologram projections from somewhere, but that's it. The "filmed aliens on hillsides in Brazil" posted on Twitter etc were beyond ludicrous... So far away and out of focus, they could easily have been circus people on stilts, and most likely were. 😃🧐😆🤣

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I like a lot of Cliff’s ideas due to that fact he has studied many topics over a long period of time. The SPACE ALIENS I think are not from outer space but beings that have always been here and have triggered the many resets (what Christian’s see as angels). They are flesh and purple-bloods that have the tech to live longer. I don’t feel there is any moon war but there is probably some kind of tech to make us think we are here on Plane Earth.

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Yeah this seems mostly accurate, although there is a case to be made for our origins having been from elsewhere, see Lloyd Pye on the star child skull, and Robert Sephyr on rhesus - blood type

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They are man and wife and together they are "The Darkhorse Podcast" on Rumble

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Exactly. Just that much less dreck to wade through, I guess....

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It’s mind blowing who and how satan uses people to create deception !!

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Gloria Steinem was interviewed (see black and white footage on YT) and asked by a journalist about rumours she received funding from the CIA. She said she had, but claimed that they never tried to control what she said. Point missed, of course, was that she was already saying what they wanted, so didn't need to. Her message? Women need to leave the home and get a paid job. That was the wish of the controllers of the world so that they would pay more in tax, push wages down generally and provide a new market for care of children. I reflect today on those commentators receiving funding (e.g. academics) for the same reason. They are spreading the word for the controllers.

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2500 years ago Gautama, on his death bed, said to his companion Ananda, 'Forget everything I taught. Don't trust the sangha, the dharma or the Buddha. Trust your Self.'

And so I'm laughing at the image of the untethered Heathers spinning around. Although what also came to mind was those images of people spinning in some weird way before dying, too. So...

I suspect that B is unconscious of his being part of the cabal's propaganda agenda, as is kirsch and a few, or many others.

Thank you Cliff. I've discounted all authorities, and use your 'authority' to question your authority and everything else without fear! Is that the key, to be fearless in the dismissal of all authority and to see where intuition and curiosity lead? Maybe!

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It's just that Clif presents himself as an authority. Everyone who disagrees is an asshole who needs to be punched. This should tell us something about Clif's true level of understanding.

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Yes, he is aggressive in his 'authority', although I don't find him actually authoritarian in the strictest way. I feel from him that I'm allowed to disagree with him and feel comfortable when I 'feel' compelled to do so. At this time my 'knowledge' of most of what he discusses - except for banking which I dissected myself many years ago and his observations align with those I deduced and investigated - is too limited to be either critical or accepting. They have gone into a holding pattern of 'I'll see. Or I won't.' And I'm very comfortable with not knowing what is or is not true.

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Reasonable people keep an open mind because we can't and don't know everything. So, hurrah for you.

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His "authority" is nauseous !!

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The key to being fearless: Is knowing, what to do, how to do it, when to and Why your doing it. No this is not some catchy saying I read in a book. I was in my home late at night with my dogs in a remote area when an intruder attempted to approach. Because I had all the boxes ticked, I was able to defend myself without making any mistakes. Without fear one grows more time to work with. Knowing clearly what must be done and why is part intuition, curiosity and using our imagination.

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Jan 21
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If you would like to see an interesting look at his place as an unconscious(?) purveyor of the current authoritarian system, I really recommend you visit Conspiracy Sarah's really excellent series looking under the hood of Malone and Weinstein and others. Latest is The Wellness Company as false flag. https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/

I don't think Kirsch is 'bought' overtly. However I suspect that he is fully bought-into the system that has made him wealthy and influential. I think his data and research are valuable and that his approach is still supporting the cabal.

(I have written about that a little, if you are curious, at "Steve Kirsch asked "What are the best ways to red-pill someone?" My answer." https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/thoughts-covid-reset-yogic-and-uncategorised.)

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Jan 21
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Ah. Your expressed concern over the state of trusting 'authority' is well timed. And it seems it is in the air as Clif suggests, with it having been a topic of discussion with another group I belong to: to what extent is the Stockholm syndrome of authoritarianism silently aligning our energy with the cabal and giving it life? Hmmmm.

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I always wondered why Brett did not read the recommendations put forth early on in the Great Barrington Declaration (which I signed as a physician with a background in infectious diseases). Instead Brett continued to talk about lockdowns, even though he does not have a background in infectious diseases. I can tell you that in Canada a number of infectious diseases experts knew that the pandemic and it's response was total BS, but they were afraid to speak up for fear of losing their hospital privileges, which are needed for their specialty. It's for this reason that I concluded that either A. Brett wasn't that great of a scientific intellect or B. He was a limited hangout. It's the same reason I have reservations about Dr. Malone, who claims he took the vaccine but didn't realize the potential dangers. WTF? I only have an M.Sc. in Molecular genetics/Microbiology, and I could tell by the design of these vaccines that they would be an immunological disaster for people who got the shots!

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Maybe he worked on developing them so much that he thought they engineered it well enough to be safe? Dipped his pen in the company ink? Perhaps he wasn't fully informed about the rna/spike they were using?

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The people he describes are in fact robotic in their thinking, without authorities to rely on they are incapable of original thought.

Relying on authority is the condition an academic has been programmed into by years of being told what to think. Thus they simply find something to repeat.

This robotic condition is not limited to academics, much of what clif calls "normies" are simply robotic, they do not function in present time unless told how to function. Repeat something often enough to a person it will be accepted as truth and so may not be questioned.

Thus the WEF, MSNBS, Microsoft, WHO, Biden inc., etc. put out their propaganda and those who listen but have little or no reasoning ability go around repeating what they have been told, they can not think with that data and if you disagree you will be attacked. Trying to debate a saw and or a drill press would be as workable.

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"Repeat something often enough to a person it will be accepted as truth and so may not be questioned."

HA! Unless it's "covid was a lie, the shots were dangerous -- and often deadly! Will you PLEASE start learning and taking precautions? Oh and DO NOT COMPLY going forward!"

(My sisters and their families -- DESPITE one's husband dying of turbo cancer... {sigh})

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I am a well educated, ornery rebellious 80 year old. I have never been a believer. Politicians Lie cheat and steal for a living and have been doing that since the first cave man decided he could get others to do his bidding. My last shot was in 1968.

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To all the Complainers about Clif's observations of Bret and Heather- folks, he says in this video that he decided to use them as a bellweather to plot the track of Normies as they start to wake up. He is not promoting them. To him, they are a science experiment, that's all. I think he has empathy for them, because it's going to get very painful for those two, as well as all other Normies. As to if those two are actors playing a role in a limited hang-out, who knows...have at it. I cannot stomach even 2 minutes listening to them, personally.

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Hello fellow humans!

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Never heard of Bret or Heather....

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They're mid-level intelligence, puffed up by their academic peers. They ARE actual biologists; he's studied monkeys of some .... no -- she does the monkeys or some kinda mammals; he does lizards or something. They -- like so many academics -- ARE "smart enough" in their own tightly controlled, very limited fields. But they are ALSO -- and this overweighs EVERYTHING else about their world views -- idiot liberal commies who THGINK because they know 'stuff' about a certain group of animals, that therefore they know everything about everything.

Still they have FANTASTIC cats on the streams... Maine Coonies... BEAUTIFUL animals, who, just like cats, want to (and therefore DO!) sit RIGHT in the middle of the ... computer screen, camera view, keyboard... whatever is going on.

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Well that's some compensation. I might look 'em up, it sounds entertaining [kind of...] 😊

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So you've not seen any of Bret's YouTube videos? You haven't missed anything.

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I've never failed to find him boring. I really don't know enough about him to form an opinion. I think his brother Eric is full of shit.

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He and his wife are so boringly old fashioned, they wreak of something slippery and smelly. Honestly. My first and last take. He is so corrupt these days. Don't listen to him.

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I can buy that. Isn't he a psychologist or similar? Definitely a socialist.

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From what I read about Bret, he is or was a biology professor at Evergreen College, where ever that is.

It seems that he gave up that position at Evergreen for his new position as 'propagandist'. For what that's worth.

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Evergreen College is in Washington state, Clif drives near it every time he goes to town. It is ground zero of woke. My son attended school there, in 2011, and left after 1 year. It's where innocent children go to have their minds melded, and not in a vulcan kind of way.

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I don't think any rational profs lasted through the Evergreen debacle. Don't know how to describe what happened there simply. A fairly violent communist student protest that took over the university. Bret and his wife spoke very highly of the unstructured teaching methods they practiced there.

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Jan 21
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I agree with DawnieR, I listened to the interview went over parts of it and watched without sound. He is one of the "parasite kinds whores". And he knows it. This is not complicated, but some people see it and some can't for many reasons. From here on in travel light. Which for me means alone.

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