Below is the first draft of a newsletter that i will be sending regularly, at least weekly, but perhaps more frequently depending on events. This will be emailed gratis to all the legislators in my state, Washington.
It is my feeling that these people are captured by their minions controlling their information flow, thus i decided it would have a big, positive, effect to get news to them that they may not be allowed to see.
In choosing to use legal language of an arcane structure for the introduction, i am altering the conditions of the legislator’s mind by flipping it into the mode that is used when they read proposed laws. Following this introduction, i use blunt, plain, and harsh language, though NEVER threatening. My goal is to shock their monkey mind, not threaten them. The tone will always end on a consolatory note as i will offer some form of aid to them.
As you, a member of the public, will recognize, our legislators are not getting the real skinny on the what, where, who, and other aspects of the current fuckery in USA & the world. i cannot aid the world, excepting by my local actions, and this effort WILL shift minds in my local legislative body.
In this first email to them, i will lead them to Devolution. This will shock most of them as i am confident they are wooless about it.
We will then observe what changes manifest.
These newsletters are going to be bulk emailed weekly. i obtained all the email addresses for all the legislators and their assistants, as it is important to include them, from our local Legislature web site. The addresses were easily exported to a spreadsheet then copied into an email list.
To keep it brief, as they are likely people without strong memories, i will keep each newsletter to my legislators to 10 salient points or less. Better to send them more but shorter newsletters as events manifest as the frequency will give them a sense of urgency.
As a member of We, the People, you may wish to consider this approach for your own newsletter of what is important to you. Bear in mind that i am old, bald, & pissed, so i may not focus on your issues.
Here is the draft of the first of my personal Vox Populi -Legislator Be Advised newsletters. Can’t wait to see yours…
Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised
January 11, 2022
Comes now, before these Worthy Parties, Notice, Knowledge, Facts and Opinions such that may affect their deliberations and behavior.
Recognizing that Rank and Position bring along with them Isolation and Control by underlings and minion via information control, We, the People, present you with information critical to your thinking.
Times Have Changed – .
Time changed when the CCP released the covid bioweapon in 2019. The People are learning the facts.
Fauci is toast.
CDC has lost all credibility. NIH is not far behind.
Sotomayor, attempting to support the covid narrative with disinformation (lies), is costing the Supreme Court in its credibility. The People will not accede to a corrupt decision.
The release of the CDC information shows that WA State had NO pandemic. It can now be established scientifically in court that all the measures taken by WA State government had no positive effect on the bioweapon/disease and were negatively impacting the citizens and businesses of WA State. Litigation en masse is expected as a result, both against individuals and government agencies. Connections to the CCP are expected to pierce the veil of protection for government employees and elected officials. (See Devolution below).
As the CCP released a bioweapon in 2019, the USA is at War. This Act of War changed all status, legal, perceived, and real, on that day.
It is assumed by We, the People, that, as a Legislator, your understanding of our common, shared, reality is controlled by the minions who 'serve' you. Your handlers have likely NOT shared the Devolution information with you.
Here is a link to encapsulated description of Devolution that may assist your thinking for the Immediate, and Long term future. We are at War. Every action and decision and Vote will have significant and serious consequences.
My recent letter to County “leaders”:
January 11, 2022
Honorable Supervisors,
We are writing in regards to the COVID agenda item scheduled for the hearing of January 11, 2022. Please include the following concerns, questions, and recommendations in the official record.
The public remains confused with the ever-changing COVID recommendations.
Biden: There is no “federal solution” to beat COVID-19
CDC Director: “PCR tests are unreliable”
CDC Director: “Majority of COVID death are people that had 4 or more co-morbidities”
Fauci: “Quarantines can be cut to only 5 days”
The narrative seems to constantly shift after being routinely proven wrong. We recommend that the County immediately change course with regards to public mandates and recommendations for the general public. Lots of folks sick these past few weeks with the Omicron variant. We now know that the mask have almost no effect (many many studies now available) and the “vaccines” do not work as intended.
Instead of continuing to push masks and shots, please ask OUR health experts (Dr. Ansborg) for information on medications. Why is OUR approach at the County level limited to reporting the number of cases, number of deaths, and vaccination percentages. We believe that many of OUR health experts
are aligned with big pharma. For reference, we offer the following questions:
❓... how often did the government/media inform us about the importance of an adequate vitamin D blood serum level to boost your immune system?
❓... how often did they speak about the importance of nutrition to fight off pathogens and maintain a healthy weight to reduce the risk to become seriously ill?
❓... to what degree did they promote being physically active, joining sports clubs and leaving the house to enjoy the sun?
❓... how often did they put Covid in relation to other diseases caused by a bad lifestyle?
❓... to what extent did the government inform us about proven medications?
Why has OUR government’s approach not wavered from “wear a mask, socially distance, get the vaccination...wear a mask, socially distance, get the vaccination...wear a mask, socially distance, get the vaccination.” The vaccinations” (gene therapies) show low benefit while causing great harm. The latest VAERs data shows over 20,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of permanent health defects as a result of the shots. It is important to note that VAERs only includes about 10% of actual numbers - so multiply the deaths and injuries by 10. Please ask OUR health experts about the harm being caused by vaccines.
We now know that EARLY TREATMENT is KEY and that there are many medications that reduce the severity and deaths caused by COVID. Please ask Dr. Ansborg about the completed studies as well as the “on-the-fly” results of using Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin protocols. Both have been proven to work with great success throughout the world. Both have decades of use with little to no significant health risks. Both are very inexpensive and readily available. Not recommending these medications seems criminal given their proven success. For example:
Look to the countries of Africa, where death rates are very low. Many immunologists attribute this to their historical use of Hydroxychloroquine to fight malaria. Look to India, Nicaragua, Honduras, etc., where death rates are very low as a result of their government’s widely prescribing Ivermectin protocols.
Of key importance is OUR children - OUR most precious gift. OUR “leaders” are now targeting OUR children. Why are we injecting gene therapies into OUR children’s bodies when all studies show that COVID has little to no severe effect on young people 18 years of age and lower? We believe it is borderline criminal to push “vaccines” upon OUR younger population given that we now know that the shots are causing more physical harm than good. Unbelievable.
Please provide a robust query of OUR health experts regarding the above points and suggestions at the January 11 meeting. It is imperative to OUR public health. Do it for OUR children.
Excellent use of your talents and capabilities, Clif. Thank you for doing this and encouraging others to do the same. As Sir Edmund Burke less-famously said, "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Doing nothing is not an option.