Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023 ~#13
March 5, 2023
Seek Medical Attention Quickly!
You HAVE been EXPOSED to a Disease!
We know this.
It may have been, probably was, deliberate to expose you due to the nature of your work!
There are now 59 discovered secret CCP police operations in USA. Several are in Washington State. The CCP was/is targeting you! You can expect this to continue. The CCP knows where you live, what route you drive, your office. They know where you eat.
The CCP, through their agents, here in America, have exposed YOU to FDIA!.
The ICD-10 code for reporting your condition at a hospital is F68.10. This is used for insurance purposes as well.
Doctors that have seen videos have confirmed that some of you are infected.
It is contagious!
FDIA is Factitious Disease Induced in Another.
It is a group form of MBP (Munchausen’s By Proxy). F68.10 Look it up! It applies to Everyone promoting and victimizing minors as ‘trans’ by ‘inducing factitious disease’. Including parents. There will be psychiatric reviews on this. Likely composed of doctors who have opposed it all along. Politically, the wind has shifted.
Many of you are exhibiting symptoms.
Expressions of FDIA are certain to be reported to CPS, and local Sheriffs. It’s the only way that the populace has to combat FDIA when it infects the political layer of their reality.
Don’t let FDIA ruin your Life! Seek help while you may!
Wow, Clif really is on a bombing crusade, he’s now releasing cluster munitions of Truth…
Cliff Bombs!! Love your spunk and great knowledge, thnks Sharon