Whenever I search for a book, I use the title and the suffix PDF. It turns up good results for a Freebie a good majority of the time. I was reading the book less than 2 minutes later, ..... And, it's downloadable too rather than the scorned type of pdf's some sites display where you can't do anything with them.
It's just happenstance that as a result I am sticking it to Amazon. lol
Don't know for sure - but have heard that white hats have taken over Amazon, (Bezo was forced to resign over a year ago = TRUTH = & 1000's of workers have been laid off.)
Brilliant! I never thought that I would see as many healthcare "professionals" go along to get along as I did see. However, I have been watching a trend where providers are cowed to curry favor. Often providers are on an international visa, worried they may be deported back to where they were well trained to follow authority without question. The younger generation, who are ill-trained and terrified of cancel culture, kow tow on Xanax.
The young generation of Doctors are not held at a high standard on their grades and knowledge. Can you imagine what kind of Doctors they will be in a practice? The healthcare in our Country will go down the tubes and kill patients that way.
More than doctors already murder in a normal year? Medical malpractice being the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA already...so that is more than 4,500,000 people every 10 years murdered by doctors with precisely ZERO repercussions for them. And now it is going to be absolutely astonishingly high. Pre-COVID "Doctors" killed more people every year than died in WWII over 4-5 the term of the war. It took WWII 4-5 YEARS to murder as many Citizens as Drs murdered through malpractice in a single year.
It is really rare for a doctor to lose their license because they are policed by other doctors (who are all also hiding their own murders). I was serious when I said that the second most intelligent mass murderers in the world are Doctors (the first are 'politicians'). I really vaguely recall that they have to murder around 50 patients on average before they lose their license. Keep in mind that these are the number for totally preventable medical errors....like someone I used to know who went in for a bone spur and the Dr. slipped (ummmhmmm) and severed his spinal cord with the scalpel. He died 10 years later even though he was a young man...turns out the body can't exist very well as a quadriplegic.
Exactly. I was, a while ago, pre-COVID, absolutely fascinated by virus. In fact, I was going to school to get a Masters/Phd in BioChemical engineering (the precursor to learning how to make bioweapons)...anyway...one of the things they teach you is that when you are learning Bioweapons/Biochem, is that the disease and the cure are the same thing...meaning that you master BOTH and simply administer the cure to those who you would save (or in this case, EXEMPT everyone you don't want to [currently] murder as they are aiding you in your agenda until you have finished committing their mass atrocities against the population, like they did with all the Judges, politicians and others; plenty of time to wipe them off the planet later when it is 'more convenient'; I digress)...so the real story of 'vaccines' and all biochemical manipulation is that they already have the cure and they give it to whom they will...but the disease is for all of those who are gullible or innocent or powerless.
There is absolutely NO WAY they are going to let those who cooperated with them live to tell about it. People don't learn from (((revolutions))) what they need to know. The very first people to be murdered when a new regime comes into being are ALL THOSE who were cooperative with the overthrow of the last regime. They murder them BEFORE they murder their enemies as they want their secrets to be buried with them and for it to be forgotten to history. People need to GO LOOK if they don't think this is true. All of the 'revolutionaries' are murdered first. First reason is to bury their secrets and second reason is to ensure that they cannot become disillusioned by the horrors they participated in, willingly or not and counter revolt. The doctors all will live long enough to administer the poisons to more people but they will never live long enough to rat out those who told them to administer the poison since they too were required to take it. It is pretty genius, ngl.
Totally agree. The full liquidation of certain specific populations has been going on a long time...500 years ago Martin Luther warned us all of this and people managed to totally ignore his warnings. Look at the beginning of WWI 'Whites' as an ethnic group were 20% of global population and now we are 4% of global population so the 'unrecognized' killing fields in our own nations are enormous. Lucky us, 50% of 'jews' globally live in White nations.
From Martin Luther's Last Sermon called "Warning Against the Jews"
"If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians -the Borgias and the Medici's - who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month."
So in 500 years we have not learned not to pander to genetically disposed serial murderers or throw them out of our nation. If we had learned from Martin Luther some 500 years past, how many lives would it have saved from the COVID genocide? Those of us who READ AND UNDERSTOOD, refused the mass poisoning and tried to warn others of the racial serial murderers in our midst. It didn't really help though. When all of this is done, we may be less that 2% of the global population and there is simply no way we will be able to uphold Civilization any longer. 4% we could kind of swing it...less than 2% supporting all 98% of the rest of the world...probably not.
My Father years ago had one of those Foreign Doctors. He worked in the Coal Mines, but a lot of years in the preparation plant. He ended up with Black Lung. After he passed away in his late
60's, I met a nurse who was working in the hospital when my Father was there. She told me something about the Doctor didn't do something right. I can't remember what she told me. But, now it bothers me that I will never know the full story.
I am sorry to hear that. As someone whose parent was experimented on by doctors until they died I have a lot of sympathy for people who are the families left to wonder after the death of their loved ones. I wouldn't go to a non-White doctor if you paid me. They have absolutely NO genetic incentive to keep Whites alive.
That may be true but Fauci and Biden regime et al recommended and mandated the Covid death plan which was implemented predominantly against whites in the US, Europe, Australia and Israel - Israel having the highest jab rate of all. Africa, and India adopted the jab at less that 30%. Things are not adding up. But the controllers who did this may believe if they can get whites out of the way there will be no stopping the culling of the 3rd world. In essence, something is not adding up - preservation of the elite, perhaps? BTW that is a club and you/we ain’t in it!
It doesn't matter if they have a 'high jab rate' since they are immune to the spike proteins. It was and is a genetic weapon for non-jews. It is race specific to murder non-jews.
Technically you have zero idea if this idea of mass jew jabbing is true (or even what they were jabbed with) since it is reported to you by the same (((media))) that told you it was 'safe and effective'.
Think of all the mothers who trust them and through vaccines they curse their own offspring with a immune response that is so overstimulated (since that is what vaccines do is overstimulate the immune system) that they can die if they are exposed to the dust of a peanut. I mean, if the doctors who were getting rich informed every mother of the real cost, I doubt they would reach 3% of people to take their poisons. For money they murder the future...how is that for the Hippocratic oath...more like the Hypocritical oath.
I grew up in Western PA. I remember all kinds of foreign Doctors working all over our area in hospitals and private practice. From my experience, I later learned a lot of them were not your
Remember the universal code for compliance is money - the cabal steals our money (taxes) used for a "good cause," which is applied to the illegal bribery of complicit players. They either eat or starve. Effective strategy, and used for millenniums.
Move over everyone though...right? This whole experience we call Life...that is your experience with God. You don't need or want (at least I don't) someone to tell you what to think or feel...(Schwab [nee Rothschild, his mother is a Rothschild] can shove his WEF right up his ass). I don't need someone to deny my own legitimate experiences 'in favor of their own' or their thoughts on matters like money, religion, societal issues...(I am not their 'hand puppet'). My life is my experience with God...not with jews or Anal Schwabs or anyone else. ITS MINE and God's. And God is allowed to teach me whatever He wants, but I will never again let some foreigners gang together as a collective and 'direct my WILL (take that you bitch Harari) or my thoughts. Next time someone tries to pressure you to 'think in a way that denies your actual experience' let them have it, verbally.
"Politics are a mind virus made to control people below you (not for the people who operate above the politics). They do not exist in the upper echelon that does the controlling. They are simply a way to keep people entrained in a single preoccupied train of thinking that limits behavioral output to something controllable by the people in charge. Their sole purpose is to keep you from being competitive due to your entrainment. It is a glass ceiling of control that you (the little person) are not even supposed to know exists. You are supposed to be ignorant of the fact that there are people who are not 'required' to play the game or that you are not ever to be informed that it is simply a system of mind control for those who are being played. In this way it is very much like the Federal Reserve. The people who can snap their fingers and add a zero to their bank balance have no value for money. Money is just the control system that allows them to play 'puppets' with humanity and obtain a predictable outcome. Same with politics. There are no politics past a certain level, only interests. It is YOU who is supposed to be politically controlled and to never look behind the green curtain at the people who REALLY rule the world." -EAP
"We believe that religion is a communiqué that is written between the individual and God(s) and no one else, over the term of their lifetime. It cannot be shared, translated, communicated or imposed on others due to its complex and personal nature which involves the most subtle play of the material world in every aspect of your experience over trillions of moments that make an individual experience with your God(s) in the material environment. Sharing this 'religion' would take the entire lifetime of minute experiences that are sole perspective of the observer and could never be related with accuracy or understanding by someone outside the observer. As such, we welcome all religions and faiths as long as people understand and respect that it is your own subjective experience and not something that should or could be imposed on another individual. You are not a guide/teacher of anyone outside of your own experience and communication with God(s). As such we have no faith or creed or religious institution that we will be affiliated with since our primary concern is the preservation of the genetics, culture and civilization rather than the interference, manipulation or control of a personal experience that is derived between that person and their God(s). In other words, we believe exclusively that God(s) is the teacher, guide, and head of all individuals and their own personal and subjective experience." -EAP
China is being exposed in Canada by the WEF as part of a series of chess moves, and they’re going to sacrifice WEF lackey Justin Trudeau who is on the hot seat, many Canadians want an independent inquiry into CCP election interference in 2019, 2021. Trudeau is resisting calls to investigate because his foundation is involved as well.
Why is the WEF doing this? They hate China for disobeying their orders and betraying them and siding with Russia over Ukraine, plus they also want Justin Trudeau out since he’s caused more bad publicity for the WEF than any other G7 leader and has become a liability, they want a change of batter but unlike Jacinda Ardern who could take a hint and leave on her own.
Trudeau has decided to follow the Boris Johnson way of doing things, because narcissists can’t bear to leave the spotlight and Trudeau refuses to believe his political life is toast.
The fact that it’s even mentioned in the Canadian MSM means that someone is setting Trudeau up for failure and exposure, this will make the 8th scandal on Trudeau’s watch.
I don't understand what Clif is talking about. Can someone please explain what's going on here?
If this is happening, we will never make it to 2024. I don't see an Election happening. With what
is going on in our Country, we have been taken over by JOEBAMA and his Commies. The Republicans should go after the B. Nuland, idiot Jake Sullivan, and the Panama City, FL Navy Divers. They are
responsible for blowing up Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. The House Republicans again are wasting valuable time on hearings that aren't going anywhere. A 2024 Presidential Election. Are you
kidding me? What a joke. Republicans play along with whatever the Leftists do and get away with it.
We have scum Republican Uniparty traitors. Do you ever see the Leftists cross party lines?
Lynn....you have to ride the wave. You started with, I don’t understand what Clif is talking about. That is a good start, half of us, half the time, only understand half of what Clif is talking about. Know this.....the playbook is ours. We know the moves, this means we have counter punches. We have Clif and Clif is in the know. Go back and read his newsletter. God bless you Clif!!!
I didn’t either - I didn’t understand the codes. But a simple Google search revealed the answers. Basically they are coming after all the people who pushed trans agendas onto innocent children.
Lynn, we got this, yes there are crazy wicked things going on, but we are still here. Much is happening causing the cabal to do stupid FEAR TACTICS - horrible things - bc they are in deep PANIC, they will all be gone, blotted out. These things take time.
Its more important that we all pray for the warriors tb safe from harm and that we give praise to God for enlightening us. Listen to those who are giving us insight and believe with all your heart that we have / will succeed in our endeavor. GOD WINS.
Don't give any energy into what you can't control, that angst / worry, is LOOSH and the enemy feeds on it / dark energy. Stay up, sing / dance = love is the highest vibration and they can't exist in light and love. Light extinguishes dark.
By "the B. Nuland" do you mean the horrible, vile, evil, fucking scumbag Nazi bitch ??
I don't recommend people go against their sensibilities and soil their vocabulary, ...... But I have no problem taking up the reins and shooting the moon. lmao
Well they are immune anyway since the spike protein doesn't affect their genetics. I mean (((Lieber))) didn't get the Wolff Prize from Israel for anything but this 'great work'
It would take a mind flip (?electroshock), to get people to give up their doctors. I finally gave them up about 15 years ago except antibiotic runs to Urgent Care, telemedicine for covid, and one trip to the ER for a heart check (all tests normal, just anxiety from reading Clif). So it can be done with study. Non Chinese herbs and supplements, an egg or two a day, purified water and daily exercise. Wean off of TV and electronic devices. Get to know your Creator. Prescription for Life!
The doctors don't really determine your diagnosis, that is actually done by the billing department. The doctor just makes a suggestion . The billing agent will perfect, (will perfect the dx on behalf of the DR for the max return). I know this because that is what I did for many years for many doctors and hospitals . One of my jobs was to transfer indigent patients to another hospital.
Wow, Clif really is on a bombing crusade, he’s now releasing cluster munitions of Truth…
Cliff Bombs!! Love your spunk and great knowledge, thnks Sharon
Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America by Liang is a pretty good book. I recommend it to everyone.
Fuck Amazon and fuck Bezos too !! Use this link instead.
lol fair enough
Whenever I search for a book, I use the title and the suffix PDF. It turns up good results for a Freebie a good majority of the time. I was reading the book less than 2 minutes later, ..... And, it's downloadable too rather than the scorned type of pdf's some sites display where you can't do anything with them.
It's just happenstance that as a result I am sticking it to Amazon. lol
Yes, Guido's recommendation is free book too.
Good. Shaft the chinks. The (((publisher promoting this books agenda))) and Bezos. I'm good with all of this.
Don't know for sure - but have heard that white hats have taken over Amazon, (Bezo was forced to resign over a year ago = TRUTH = & 1000's of workers have been laid off.)
Regardless I like your spunky workaround! Thanks.
Brilliant! I never thought that I would see as many healthcare "professionals" go along to get along as I did see. However, I have been watching a trend where providers are cowed to curry favor. Often providers are on an international visa, worried they may be deported back to where they were well trained to follow authority without question. The younger generation, who are ill-trained and terrified of cancel culture, kow tow on Xanax.
The young generation of Doctors are not held at a high standard on their grades and knowledge. Can you imagine what kind of Doctors they will be in a practice? The healthcare in our Country will go down the tubes and kill patients that way.
More than doctors already murder in a normal year? Medical malpractice being the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA already...so that is more than 4,500,000 people every 10 years murdered by doctors with precisely ZERO repercussions for them. And now it is going to be absolutely astonishingly high. Pre-COVID "Doctors" killed more people every year than died in WWII over 4-5 the term of the war. It took WWII 4-5 YEARS to murder as many Citizens as Drs murdered through malpractice in a single year.
WOW....How many of those Doctors lost their license and got what they deserved?
It is really rare for a doctor to lose their license because they are policed by other doctors (who are all also hiding their own murders). I was serious when I said that the second most intelligent mass murderers in the world are Doctors (the first are 'politicians'). I really vaguely recall that they have to murder around 50 patients on average before they lose their license. Keep in mind that these are the number for totally preventable medical errors....like someone I used to know who went in for a bone spur and the Dr. slipped (ummmhmmm) and severed his spinal cord with the scalpel. He died 10 years later even though he was a young man...turns out the body can't exist very well as a quadriplegic.
Exactly. I was, a while ago, pre-COVID, absolutely fascinated by virus. In fact, I was going to school to get a Masters/Phd in BioChemical engineering (the precursor to learning how to make bioweapons)...anyway...one of the things they teach you is that when you are learning Bioweapons/Biochem, is that the disease and the cure are the same thing...meaning that you master BOTH and simply administer the cure to those who you would save (or in this case, EXEMPT everyone you don't want to [currently] murder as they are aiding you in your agenda until you have finished committing their mass atrocities against the population, like they did with all the Judges, politicians and others; plenty of time to wipe them off the planet later when it is 'more convenient'; I digress)...so the real story of 'vaccines' and all biochemical manipulation is that they already have the cure and they give it to whom they will...but the disease is for all of those who are gullible or innocent or powerless.
There is absolutely NO WAY they are going to let those who cooperated with them live to tell about it. People don't learn from (((revolutions))) what they need to know. The very first people to be murdered when a new regime comes into being are ALL THOSE who were cooperative with the overthrow of the last regime. They murder them BEFORE they murder their enemies as they want their secrets to be buried with them and for it to be forgotten to history. People need to GO LOOK if they don't think this is true. All of the 'revolutionaries' are murdered first. First reason is to bury their secrets and second reason is to ensure that they cannot become disillusioned by the horrors they participated in, willingly or not and counter revolt. The doctors all will live long enough to administer the poisons to more people but they will never live long enough to rat out those who told them to administer the poison since they too were required to take it. It is pretty genius, ngl.
Only the doctors that told the truth and saved lives were attacked. The death jab remdesivir prescribers are still working in the deathcare system
And that’s not by accident but by design
Totally agree. The full liquidation of certain specific populations has been going on a long time...500 years ago Martin Luther warned us all of this and people managed to totally ignore his warnings. Look at the beginning of WWI 'Whites' as an ethnic group were 20% of global population and now we are 4% of global population so the 'unrecognized' killing fields in our own nations are enormous. Lucky us, 50% of 'jews' globally live in White nations.
From Martin Luther's Last Sermon called "Warning Against the Jews"
"If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians -the Borgias and the Medici's - who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month."
So in 500 years we have not learned not to pander to genetically disposed serial murderers or throw them out of our nation. If we had learned from Martin Luther some 500 years past, how many lives would it have saved from the COVID genocide? Those of us who READ AND UNDERSTOOD, refused the mass poisoning and tried to warn others of the racial serial murderers in our midst. It didn't really help though. When all of this is done, we may be less that 2% of the global population and there is simply no way we will be able to uphold Civilization any longer. 4% we could kind of swing it...less than 2% supporting all 98% of the rest of the world...probably not.
My Father years ago had one of those Foreign Doctors. He worked in the Coal Mines, but a lot of years in the preparation plant. He ended up with Black Lung. After he passed away in his late
60's, I met a nurse who was working in the hospital when my Father was there. She told me something about the Doctor didn't do something right. I can't remember what she told me. But, now it bothers me that I will never know the full story.
I am sorry to hear that. As someone whose parent was experimented on by doctors until they died I have a lot of sympathy for people who are the families left to wonder after the death of their loved ones. I wouldn't go to a non-White doctor if you paid me. They have absolutely NO genetic incentive to keep Whites alive.
That may be true but Fauci and Biden regime et al recommended and mandated the Covid death plan which was implemented predominantly against whites in the US, Europe, Australia and Israel - Israel having the highest jab rate of all. Africa, and India adopted the jab at less that 30%. Things are not adding up. But the controllers who did this may believe if they can get whites out of the way there will be no stopping the culling of the 3rd world. In essence, something is not adding up - preservation of the elite, perhaps? BTW that is a club and you/we ain’t in it!
It doesn't matter if they have a 'high jab rate' since they are immune to the spike proteins. It was and is a genetic weapon for non-jews. It is race specific to murder non-jews.
Technically you have zero idea if this idea of mass jew jabbing is true (or even what they were jabbed with) since it is reported to you by the same (((media))) that told you it was 'safe and effective'.
Stop going into the Cult. Who needs more information?
The only standard that matters is that they do what they are told. Healthcare is a dangerous place.
Medical schools are “woke” now, so to get accepted is not based on knowledge or ability, but whether you meet a certain demographic
The medical industry was infiltrated many, many years ago. Wasn’t it like 40 years ago that they even stopped with the Hippocratic Oath?
IDK $40,000 dollars for every 100 children vaccinated is pretty powerful incentive. I am going to say most of it was greed.
Oh incentives of every kind are now overt from insider trading to jab and hospital payoffs.
Yep all part of the unconventional (and unrestricted) warfare against us.
Where did you see that?
Not doubting.
Go down about 5 paragraphs to see the financial breakdown.
That was a good start, but a couple minutes in, got me to these, which are more information and the actual Blue Cross - Blue Shield DELETED pdf.
06/20/2016: How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines?:
PDF: http://www.whale.to/c/2016-BCN-BCBSM-Incentive-Program-Booklet.pdf
lol...how long have Dr's been incentivized to murder us?! I mean it isn't funny at all but I sort of have to laugh. Our whole world is so insane.
I know exactly how long, ..... Too Long.
And you ain't kiddin' !! Sigh, ... just nuts out there.
Thank you, that will be interesting.
I read that too, esp for the vax, doubled if they were vaxing childern
Interesting point in that document was if they don't get 63% of their innocent little patients vaccinated they get squat.
wow, bribery with incentives / disgusting WEFers
Think of all the mothers who trust them and through vaccines they curse their own offspring with a immune response that is so overstimulated (since that is what vaccines do is overstimulate the immune system) that they can die if they are exposed to the dust of a peanut. I mean, if the doctors who were getting rich informed every mother of the real cost, I doubt they would reach 3% of people to take their poisons. For money they murder the future...how is that for the Hippocratic oath...more like the Hypocritical oath.
With what we know to be true about these vaccines, it's a crime.
What do we call it?
An egregious violation of human rights. Emphasis on egregious.
Oaths don't carry any weight these days, across the board.
It would be fun to call out our politicians, our cops and our doctors on the violation of their oaths.
OK, you people are all fired, line up over there behind the white line to receive your prison clothing.
Not you Fauci, you get a pretty black hood with no eye holes.
I grew up in Western PA. I remember all kinds of foreign Doctors working all over our area in hospitals and private practice. From my experience, I later learned a lot of them were not your
top notch Doctors.
Same thing happened in England nearly every doctor is from Pakistan. Try finding a Smith or Miller. This is by design. You have to ask. Who benefits?
Fred.....Are you from PA?
Remember the universal code for compliance is money - the cabal steals our money (taxes) used for a "good cause," which is applied to the illegal bribery of complicit players. They either eat or starve. Effective strategy, and used for millenniums.
Cliff, you are very hopeful, but I don't think there is a cure for stupid people exhibiting the "dunning kruger effect".
LSD and a shaman might help!!!
Cliffy is a shaman.
We will no longer allow 'Someone else's Pets' to make decisions concerning Our lives!
You are 'a captured audience.'
Some of us are tired of 'being nice' - So, that part is over.
"Move to China" if you don't 'like it.'
You were 'on Probation' before - and now you have been 'found wanting...'
Move over everyone though...right? This whole experience we call Life...that is your experience with God. You don't need or want (at least I don't) someone to tell you what to think or feel...(Schwab [nee Rothschild, his mother is a Rothschild] can shove his WEF right up his ass). I don't need someone to deny my own legitimate experiences 'in favor of their own' or their thoughts on matters like money, religion, societal issues...(I am not their 'hand puppet'). My life is my experience with God...not with jews or Anal Schwabs or anyone else. ITS MINE and God's. And God is allowed to teach me whatever He wants, but I will never again let some foreigners gang together as a collective and 'direct my WILL (take that you bitch Harari) or my thoughts. Next time someone tries to pressure you to 'think in a way that denies your actual experience' let them have it, verbally.
"Politics are a mind virus made to control people below you (not for the people who operate above the politics). They do not exist in the upper echelon that does the controlling. They are simply a way to keep people entrained in a single preoccupied train of thinking that limits behavioral output to something controllable by the people in charge. Their sole purpose is to keep you from being competitive due to your entrainment. It is a glass ceiling of control that you (the little person) are not even supposed to know exists. You are supposed to be ignorant of the fact that there are people who are not 'required' to play the game or that you are not ever to be informed that it is simply a system of mind control for those who are being played. In this way it is very much like the Federal Reserve. The people who can snap their fingers and add a zero to their bank balance have no value for money. Money is just the control system that allows them to play 'puppets' with humanity and obtain a predictable outcome. Same with politics. There are no politics past a certain level, only interests. It is YOU who is supposed to be politically controlled and to never look behind the green curtain at the people who REALLY rule the world." -EAP
"We believe that religion is a communiqué that is written between the individual and God(s) and no one else, over the term of their lifetime. It cannot be shared, translated, communicated or imposed on others due to its complex and personal nature which involves the most subtle play of the material world in every aspect of your experience over trillions of moments that make an individual experience with your God(s) in the material environment. Sharing this 'religion' would take the entire lifetime of minute experiences that are sole perspective of the observer and could never be related with accuracy or understanding by someone outside the observer. As such, we welcome all religions and faiths as long as people understand and respect that it is your own subjective experience and not something that should or could be imposed on another individual. You are not a guide/teacher of anyone outside of your own experience and communication with God(s). As such we have no faith or creed or religious institution that we will be affiliated with since our primary concern is the preservation of the genetics, culture and civilization rather than the interference, manipulation or control of a personal experience that is derived between that person and their God(s). In other words, we believe exclusively that God(s) is the teacher, guide, and head of all individuals and their own personal and subjective experience." -EAP
Wild theory:
China is being exposed in Canada by the WEF as part of a series of chess moves, and they’re going to sacrifice WEF lackey Justin Trudeau who is on the hot seat, many Canadians want an independent inquiry into CCP election interference in 2019, 2021. Trudeau is resisting calls to investigate because his foundation is involved as well.
Why is the WEF doing this? They hate China for disobeying their orders and betraying them and siding with Russia over Ukraine, plus they also want Justin Trudeau out since he’s caused more bad publicity for the WEF than any other G7 leader and has become a liability, they want a change of batter but unlike Jacinda Ardern who could take a hint and leave on her own.
Trudeau has decided to follow the Boris Johnson way of doing things, because narcissists can’t bear to leave the spotlight and Trudeau refuses to believe his political life is toast.
The fact that it’s even mentioned in the Canadian MSM means that someone is setting Trudeau up for failure and exposure, this will make the 8th scandal on Trudeau’s watch.
Mulclair: Public Inquiry into Chinese Election interference needed
Those CCP police stations are also in Canada,
“ This brings the total number of CCP police stations illegally operating in other countries to 102.”
Pull out the popcorn as the WWF equivalent of a cage match is being setup.
Your "theory" has the ring of Plausible Acceptability to it.
Self implosion
I don't understand what Clif is talking about. Can someone please explain what's going on here?
If this is happening, we will never make it to 2024. I don't see an Election happening. With what
is going on in our Country, we have been taken over by JOEBAMA and his Commies. The Republicans should go after the B. Nuland, idiot Jake Sullivan, and the Panama City, FL Navy Divers. They are
responsible for blowing up Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. The House Republicans again are wasting valuable time on hearings that aren't going anywhere. A 2024 Presidential Election. Are you
kidding me? What a joke. Republicans play along with whatever the Leftists do and get away with it.
We have scum Republican Uniparty traitors. Do you ever see the Leftists cross party lines?
Lynn....you have to ride the wave. You started with, I don’t understand what Clif is talking about. That is a good start, half of us, half the time, only understand half of what Clif is talking about. Know this.....the playbook is ours. We know the moves, this means we have counter punches. We have Clif and Clif is in the know. Go back and read his newsletter. God bless you Clif!!!
I didn’t either - I didn’t understand the codes. But a simple Google search revealed the answers. Basically they are coming after all the people who pushed trans agendas onto innocent children.
Lynn, we got this, yes there are crazy wicked things going on, but we are still here. Much is happening causing the cabal to do stupid FEAR TACTICS - horrible things - bc they are in deep PANIC, they will all be gone, blotted out. These things take time.
Its more important that we all pray for the warriors tb safe from harm and that we give praise to God for enlightening us. Listen to those who are giving us insight and believe with all your heart that we have / will succeed in our endeavor. GOD WINS.
Don't give any energy into what you can't control, that angst / worry, is LOOSH and the enemy feeds on it / dark energy. Stay up, sing / dance = love is the highest vibration and they can't exist in light and love. Light extinguishes dark.
By "the B. Nuland" do you mean the horrible, vile, evil, fucking scumbag Nazi bitch ??
I don't recommend people go against their sensibilities and soil their vocabulary, ...... But I have no problem taking up the reins and shooting the moon. lmao
Thanks for calling out Nuland. I Love It :-)
The Nutzie Witch B reminds me of Pugsley Addams :-) I'm with U.....
Thanks for the links. I remember it said that Rubio went way to soft
on dear Nutzie in that hearing. She knew right well where the
bioweapons were.
Maybe there is a vaccine the Legislators can take for this disease
There is one. It is made from hemp, or so I am told.
That's a twisted use for a lovely plant.
But OK.
I believe the reference is to old-school rope ?
On that note, I am going to blaze a bowl of the other right now. lol
You mean, twisted hemp fibres?
The same one they have been pushing on us should cure them nicely.
I suspect this is how it shall be done
It isn't fast acting enough, ... and it's not messy enough either !! lol
Well they are immune anyway since the spike protein doesn't affect their genetics. I mean (((Lieber))) didn't get the Wolff Prize from Israel for anything but this 'great work'
The sarcasm is nice and crispy. .... I like it. lol
I think they need the hemp based one, since all of them are immune to the poison they pushed on us.
Cyanide ??
Not green enough. You know these guys love their green agenda and hemp is a renewable resource.
Well, ...... Add Food Coloring to it ?? Can be as green as they want it to be. lmao
F the treasonous bastards!
He may have won- but he's not your savior ...
Never claimed that, ever! I am, and have been doing my part and then some for a long time now. It’s called WE THE PEOPLE for a reason.
Quite! And as Clif constantly reminds us ‘In my opinion’. Therefore I adopt the old French saying. Pas de lieu Rhone que Nous
Say it til you hear it -blessings
It would take a mind flip (?electroshock), to get people to give up their doctors. I finally gave them up about 15 years ago except antibiotic runs to Urgent Care, telemedicine for covid, and one trip to the ER for a heart check (all tests normal, just anxiety from reading Clif). So it can be done with study. Non Chinese herbs and supplements, an egg or two a day, purified water and daily exercise. Wean off of TV and electronic devices. Get to know your Creator. Prescription for Life!
Here is the text of the Hospital Code:
Recent action by the AG of Washington suggests the Vox Populi is working. They are getting scared.
Your courage is contagious! Thank you!
Beautifully written. Love it.
The doctors don't really determine your diagnosis, that is actually done by the billing department. The doctor just makes a suggestion . The billing agent will perfect, (will perfect the dx on behalf of the DR for the max return). I know this because that is what I did for many years for many doctors and hospitals . One of my jobs was to transfer indigent patients to another hospital.