Thank you for pointing that out. It's amazing people don't get it. 1 EV battery need 90 pounds (yes pounds) copper, 60 pounds nickel, 30 pounds cobalt, 25 pounds lithium and about an ounce of silver, among other things. Oh yeah, don't forget about 400 pounds plastic and steel as well. And how we going to mine all those metals with our solar-powered excavators and schlep those metals all over the earth using our wind-powered ships? Then we're going to charge all those batteries using unicorn farts. Green, my ass.

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Clif, Iā€™m so glad you are on our side, thank you always

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When the people find out what technologies have been hidden from us, they are going to be pissed! Neither fossil fuels nor electric is necessary for transportation - there are patents on numerous cheap and efficient propulsion systems that have been suppressed for decades!

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We might as well keep using fossil fuelsā€¦less earth damage. As Q saidā€¦these people are stupid!

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Can we at least stop calling them ā€œfossil fuels ā€œ? They donā€™t come from fossilsā€¦ instead letā€™s call them petroleum or hydrocarbon based fuelsā€¦ they are a byproduct of serpentinization in the earthā€™s crust!

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There are patents where a vehicle gets over 100 miles per gallon or runs on water or Back to the Future waste fuel.

Let's put these to use. We have great minds out there that can be utilized.

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And the worst part, it's all done by child slave labour.

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As I've said a thousand times,

you just can't cure stupid.

I've purveyed that to the normie/dummie legislators in my testimonies

to no avail on these stupid new green deal/transportation bills, they passed regardless.

Now I say and will say a thousand times-

THEY will have to live with the results of their own stupidity too.

Maybe that will cure it.

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EARTH FIRST - We will mine the other planets and asteroids later.

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In reality, we would eventually be on foot!

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Thank you. I appreciate all you share.

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Roughly a decade ago I read a great analysis that calculated the actual COMPLETE environmental impact from manufacture, including all driving fuel requirements thru expected vehicle life, then clean disposal of a prius. It compared that to other vehicles.

The conclusion was thus:

Driving a prius is twice as bad for the planet as driving the original diesel military hummer that gets 6 miles per gallon . Yes, >>> TWICE AS BAD <<< (I wish I could underline words here)

You could buy two hummers, drive one, tow the other one behind you, everywhere you go for years, and it would still be better for the overall world environment than driving a prius for the same amount of time.

For a year I tried to explain this to people I worked with and their eyes just glazed over, called me crazy. Only two people ever got it. First was a coworker who despite a clandestine drinking problem understood quite a bit, and second the young 8 year old child of a different coworker who turned and asked his dad if they were bad for driving a hybrid. Of course the dad said no.

Anyone who says they drive a hybrid to save the planet is a dipshit.

Just say it's for cheaper fuel costs, that would at least be informed and honest.


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Clif, as it was also pointed out, to me, the energy used up in the process.

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I agree no Electric car for me

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Engine Warranty info on all the Teslaā€™s (8 yrs, 100,00-150,000 mi) - https://www.compare.com/electric-cars/guides/tesla-battery-replacement-cost

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Thank you! Spot on as usual. Insanity, all of this crap.

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