Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised #4
January 25, 2022
Comes now, before these Worthy Parties, Notice, Knowledge, Facts and Opinions such that may affect their deliberations and behavior.
Recognizing that Rank and Position bring along with them Isolation and Control by underlings and minion via information control, We, the People, present you with information critical to your thinking.
WAR – Enemy of the People!
We, the People, have been too long abused. The breakdown of the plandemic narrative, including all aspects of the 'vaccines', is focusing the Public attention onto the personalities involved. The attempt by the corrupt Biden Regime to focus this attention on yet another fake war is failing. The attention of the Populace and the Body Politic will remain clearly on conditions here in the USA.
We, the People, are experiencing a Great Awakening that is forcing open minds too long asleep to the the Secrets and Crimes of the elected, and Selected, 'leaders' of our social order.
No aspect of the social order will remain unchanged; economic, fiscal, legal, structural...all aspects of your society are evolving under the pressures generated by the bioweapon attack, and the officialdom, as well as the Populace, response.
The deaths, and social destruction caused by the release of the bioweapon an the administrative corruption of the medical system in support of this War with the AXIS of the CCP and the Globalist 'elites' are being seen by the awakening Populace. The Populace is reacting, and remembering, who serves the People, and who serves the Axis, and thus will be labeled as an Enemy of the People.
We have your emails. We have it all. All electronic communications since 2004 have been captured. We have the incriminating evidence of both conspiracy and voter fraud in support of the attack on the West by the CCP. Here in the USA, the fuckery with the voting system, and the bribery that induced it, will be treated by the Populace as an Act of War, thus propelling all crimes against the People, and the voting systems, into the category of Treason with predictable consequences for the guilty.
Money leaves electronic trails. We have the receipts. We have YOUR receipts. All of them. Beware of association with the Guilty lest you be tainted in the eyes of the People, and their Tribunals.
The structure of the planetary 'elite' is being dismantled. Personalities such as G. Soros (personally known to many in your ranks), and B. Gates, among many many others, will be 'retired' from public life. This is happening now as the Crimes of pedophilia, murder, extortion, bribery, treason, and others are being investigated, and cataloged for legal proceedings.
Deliberate malfeasance, and dereliction of duties, by elected officials, even when the election itself is tainted by corruption, will be prosecuted under State of War conditions, which will result in extreme penalties be levied against the guilty. You will be a witness, and a participant to these trials.
The breakdown of the pandemic narrative is exposing all of the Crimes and Personalities that were in support of it. The damage to the populace from the 'vaccines' will be the end of the current state of the USA pharmaceutical industry. Those legislators who are financially tied to these organizations will be revealed to the Public, and confronted. Those legislators who supported the 'vaccines' will be prosecuted.
Remember, it is your ACTIONS, not your feelings, or intent, that will determine if you are seen as an ENEMY of the PEOPLE.
There is yet time for Atonement, though it is rapidly evaporating. Make every moment, and every Action, effective to YOUR future during these troubled times.
THE primary responsibility of the Legislative branch, is the Public Purse, and its use. The Federal Reserve Note (aka Petrodollar) is dying. This will place great responsibility upon legislators. This will be subject of a future email.
Have YOU been supporting the pandemic narrative? If so, YOU are going to be held responsible as the details emerge. You are ADVISED.
The details of the consequences of the plot against the People of the USA, and the World, are being revealed. Are you to be judged guilty for supporting this damage from the CCP?

To aid the gullible, “How to become a professional Con Artist”. ISBN 1-58160-269-3
Read it, maybe you won’t be so easily played in the future.
To download a PDF copy of the DOD LAW of War Manual:
Here is a link to encapsulated description of Devolution that may assist your thinking for the Immediate, and Long term future. We are at War. Every action and decision and Vote will have significant and serious consequences.
BRAVO Clif... you da man! Success is happening with the Surety Bonds you turned us on to also!
Couldn't a friendly DA & PD or sheriff simply file charged for "accessory to murder" against inslee and anyone pushing the vax or a vax mandate? We know it's killing people at an unacceptable rate. The mandate that threatens there job is coercive, and if even one person in generally good health got vaxxed (with the experimental version, because that is all that is actually available) to keep their job and then died not long afterword, and anyone who put pressure on them. Even if some people might think it's sketchy, it's a legit charge, and discovery would be... interesting.