BRAVO Clif... you da man! Success is happening with the Surety Bonds you turned us on to also!

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Couldn't a friendly DA & PD or sheriff simply file charged for "accessory to murder" against inslee and anyone pushing the vax or a vax mandate? We know it's killing people at an unacceptable rate. The mandate that threatens there job is coercive, and if even one person in generally good health got vaxxed (with the experimental version, because that is all that is actually available) to keep their job and then died not long afterword, and anyone who put pressure on them. Even if some people might think it's sketchy, it's a legit charge, and discovery would be... interesting.

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Hey Uncle Clif, JFK Jr. retweets me, @HSRetoucherQ, otherwise I call him JJ, John John, or Q for short. Since he IS the S.O.C. you speak about what do your fabulous ALTA Reports say? andyz7@verizon.net I write here too, small world.



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Thank you Clif. Sending out to Idaho Legislators / Senators. Sending much love from one state over.

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"Personalities such as G. Soros (personally known to many in your ranks), and B. Gates, among many many others, will be 'retired' from public life. "

Aw, retired from public life with all their yachts and billions? What a "punisment"!

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Clif is sounding more and more like a Debbie...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfE93xON8jk

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In a free world all opinions should be freely expressed. Otherwise minds don't mature. Like an immune system that is never exposed to pathogens.

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Any evidence of responses from the 'entrenched underlings' ?

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Clif is in paranoid desperation mode. This well intentioned, nice guy is expressing his tortured past with misplaced anger and contempt. Over 51 separate court decisions have ruled against Trump's contention of a stolen election. Clif High...50% right, 50% way off. Here...way, way off.

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Sort a Zen, get out.

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I've followed Clif since '96. There's no tortured past, no anger, no contempt.

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Thank yo for vouching for Clif. I've listened to him since his first appearance on Coast to Coast. Wish I had his equanimity.

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Only PROVES that the court system is entrenched with the deepstate,... are you sort a zen??

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You may be bamboozled...look it up.

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Disinfo agent alert, JFK Jr. & I are exposing you clowns.

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Your comment speaks about you.. in paranoid desperation mode.

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young children disagree like you..."no, you are...no, you are...no,you are...no, you are....."

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funny ... eh? you're just a shadow in a brightly lit room..

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Vox day sucks

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