Watch for it. Just as with the democratic rats currently hurling themselves over the partys railings for the shores of ‘retirement & time with the family’, local legislative rats will start bailing from their posts when the pitchforks & torches of transparency come into view. Cant happen soon enough. Great work Clif. Keep the pressure on them.

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Love it. That's got some good bite to it. Thanks, Clif.

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Justice= every local,state and federal politician held accountable for what they’ve done. Every single hospital administrator, Dr and nurses that have blatantly killed people hung in a public square. Those at the very top exterminated.

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Imbued seer Clif High has seen the exacting beginning of 11.3 and military ramifications of section 18 DoD Law of War Manuel. HR departments R accountable for vaccinated siblings UNDERSTANDING MILITARY COURTS HAVE NO DEALS OR MERCY . Black Horse of revelations brings justice. U maritime admiralty law beast system siblings have used up racketeering fraud Heavenly Mercy.

JUSTICE for Belligerents in Robes and Badges is here. A GREAT WEALTH TRANSFER WILL RESULT . The legal system will begin punishing crooks insurance fraud, bank fraud, legal fraud, racketeering fraud, title company frauds, irs frauds, university frauds, medical frauds...it takes months and months to jail hang eradicated frauds protected by Maritime Admiralty Law Beast the Dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns revelations 17...😘John Q on ...

Babylon is the Whore sitting on many waters. Antichrist corruption without a God Conscious Signal Or Moses obedience. Godfather III internationally.

The Dragon gave Babylon kings queens Presidents Senators Banksters. Supreme Court DRAGONS 🐉. 🇨🇳 China is powerless to steal elections without Supreme Court maritime admiralty law beast system MSM CENSORSHIP AMA CIA FBI THUGS.

HR department u will tried hung or jailed . Enjoy ur coffee ☕️.

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This advice should be sent to the 535 Congress!!!!

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Travel at last!!! We never got vaxxed, poked & prodded with a fake test, or maaaasked (...don't kill my granny, you selfish oxygen demanding git!). Best of all, throughout the whole sh*t show I never felt a twinge of fear and we carried on as before. David Icke fans (me, since the nineties) don't easily fall for WEF lies and terror.

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Mar 7, 2022Edited
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It's terrain theory for me. Keep the fish tank clean and the fish will be just fine!

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Mar 9, 2022Edited
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Try chlorine dioxide - you can make your own. Go to Dr. Andreas Kalcker's website for more information. Avoid big pharma as much as you can!

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Mar 10, 2022Edited
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MMS and CDS use different activator acid - citric acid for MMS, hydrochloric acid for CD/CDS. I recently successfully treated a nasty infection with CDS. It works.

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OTHER THAN THAT MRS. LINCOLN...HOW DID YOU LIKE THE PLAY???? Sir WooClif knocks it out of the park yet again. HOT DANG FOR THIS!!

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The giant cake of corruption is about to be eaten by We The People!!

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Yes Sir!

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You've given me hope once again.

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Bringing it again this week. Thank you clif ~

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Thank you Clif. Love your work and insights. 💓

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To Sort of Zen,

Look how slowed and methodical Putin is moving when he could literally roll over the country, it's infrastructure and citizens in a nanosecond with an invasion. Clueless Western General (ret.) talking heads are scratching their bald heads. Clif is not. He's on point. Now practice your sanzen some more until you become enlightened to this point. Back to my Daimoku.

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I am so thankful for this essay, as it was personally timely for me. I had a talk with my sisters nursing home caretakers an hour ago and told them kindly, but in no uncertain terms they could never again test my sister for covid in the same way as they've been required to do! I further explained that although she needs medical help right now, it's just not safe to walk into a hospital. I know that they are underhanded in their covid complicity and won't hesitate to step over their oath to actually "Do Harm." Your strong stand, Clif, has been so helpful. Thank you so much!

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Ukraine is the center of untold corruption, biowarfare, money laundering and god know's what else. It's been my position the push to hate what the Russian's are doing is wrong. I believe their main motive is to reveal to all the filth that has been going on for decades. The fog of war is thick and murky. Navigation is imperative to survive and build anew.

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Really good and well stated!

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