I. have been a silver buff close to fifty years now.
Silver as money is actually more important than Gold because it is pocket usable by the common people to buy all their staples on zero credit. The current price of silver & its ratio to gold are entirely fictitious. The true ratio as defined by mother earth inventory is closer to 10 to 1. 10 oz of silver to 1 oz of gold in the ground.
As I recall as a teen back in the 1950s and I recall it very well as the old man was away all week working and on Friday afternoon when he came home I the oldest had to walk ( we didn't own a car ) to the store about three blocks away to get him a package of Players plain smokes and a case of coke for us kids. He usually gave me one metal Canadian 80% silver dollar and off I went. For as long as I can recall along with the smokes and coke I got back 17 cents change as well, which shows how stable prices were back then, Inflation was something that involved tires and balloons not money.
At that time it didn't matter if a paper dollar was used in the transaction the cost was the same, and of course as a young person I had no real concept of money, paper or otherwise all I knew was that the numbers on the paper would buy things... how much depending on the numbers. Not so with the coins though 1 was the most on the coins= 1 canadian dollar coin. The coin denomination was 5c 10c 25c 50c
1.00 dollar.
In the early sixties I was driving a taxi part time in a city out west to pick up some extra money when I received my first life lesson about money. A fellow would show up at the dispatch office every Sunday afternoon to pick up any coins such as dimes quarters half dollars and dollars left in small bags by the drivers who would receive a 10% premium. The smallest amount was $10 worth of coins because he only paid in paper money, so a $10 bag of coins .. dimes quarters half dollars and full dollars would garner $11 in paper. What was he all about, the thinking was it's all the same money so give the guy the coins and enjoy the extra 10% money for free.
Shortly thereafter the US began taking their 90% silver coins out of circulation and 1964 was the last year of minting these 90% silver coins. Canada was still minting 80% silver coins and I began stashing as many 80% coins as I could including the US 64 and prior coins. Canada stopped minting these 80% silver coins in 66 but did some in 67 as well.
With inflation rearing its ugly head in the mid 70s ( Nixon closed the gold window in 72 ) you had to be comatose not to see what was happening to our money and by that time I had picked up a lot of knowledge on the subject of money both practical and theoretical. I understood that Keynesian monetary policy and the abandonment of fiscal restraint would lead to the fall of its adherents mostly in the west.
Around that time I also came across a great book: THE COMING CURRENCY COLLAPSE, by Jerome Smith an advocate of sound money.. in particular silver. From what I have heard and read the Hunt Brothers also read this book and decided to try to corner the silver market and as much physical silver as possible. Well.. we all know how that turned out the Kabal sent Volcker out he read the riot act to the pair and not wanting to be like Jimmy Hoffa they brought all the millions of ounces of silver back from Switzerland. Jim Sinclair supervised the entire affair.
I stopped thinking of silver and gold too especially the coins as possible means of great profit and started looking at these as bad time insurance. The grip on these precious metals is now so done a deal that they will never return as official money in my lifetime. But an economy will exist no matter what all is broken, trade must be done, if not then we are beyond bad times. Survival will be paramount so there are many things that are more important than owning silver or gold.. safe shelter, access to food or growing it yourself, friends family and neighbours close by.
I haven't got into what constitutes real money risk the function of interest and saving, and why you cannot build a nation and civilization without it.
And, believe it or not, even here in Commiefornia under Gruesome Newsom’s dictatorship! Yes, there are a few of us patriots here - born and raised and we’ll be damned if we are chased out by a bunch of communists.
Were it not for voter fraud, which has been happening since at least 2000 if not earlier, CA would be a purple state -- LA, SF, Sac blue and the rest red.
Propaganda makes us think that CA is true blue. Get rid of the fraud, and Trump wins CA in 2024.
I believe that you are correct. Shortly after the election I did a basic analysis of the numbers in the CA presidential election. I do not remember the exact numbers anymore but what follows is close.
There were 24.5 million votes cast in the Trump/Biden election. Biden 'won' by 5.5 million. (Biden 15 million votes, Trump 9.5 million.)
But the number of people in CA actually eligible to vote, according to census data, was less than that; and adjusted for actual participation rates (fraction of eligible voters who voted), there were approximately 17 million people who actually and legitimately voted.
Now presuming that the 'extra' 7.5 million votes were 'manufactured' for Biden, that takes him down to 7.5 million 'real' votes and Trump won by 2 million.
Nobody much discussed these facts (a few did, which is where I got the info to run these numbers) -- after all, CA was 'deep blue' and of course Biden would win CA.
Nobody mentioned either, that if CA flips to Trump then Trump wins, even with the fraud in the six other states that but Biden over the top. They would have been better off looking closely at CA rather than spending time on six other states that the DNC was prepared to defend -- not with facts, but lawfare. They did not expect to be audited (and they were not) in CA, but that would have been the 'soft underbelly' that would have shown the truth to the world.
It is very liberating to know your "money" is going to be kindling, in that the time to spend it is NOW, as Clif indicates. Food and water preps first, guns ammo second ( if you are of that mind- some aren't )
stock up on all necessities meds daily household needs etc. Do inventory, ask yourself what if I don't have/cant get this item that item etc. Again stock up it aint gonna get any cheaper, and stuff like meat will become very scarce/pricey. A 5 cu ft freezer is like $200 fill it now with vac sealed meats will keep 3 yrs easy prob more.
Times awastin'.
I'm a gold guy silver is second best but others think silver. I don't care who's right any excess money put it on one or the other. Can't comment on crypto too ignorant.
I've read comments that say gold is 10x undervalued and at the historical Au/Ag ratio (which is ~30:1, now ~80:1) that makes silver 25-30x undervalued. And that is before TSHTF, just market distortions.
Yeah, historical averages depend on the period of averaging. IIRC that 30:1 was for the period since 1800 or so. But I could be wrong -- silver/gold ratio in the Earth's crust is supposedly 14:1 but that says nothing of the cost to extract it. Most gold is obtained from placer deposits, and just needs to be sifted and separated from the sand and gravel it is mixed with, pretty easy due to density differences. Silver occurs chemically combined in ores with other metals, lead and zinc commonly; and must be refined by smelting. It's actually considered a by-product of producing lead and zinc, which have many industrial uses (as do silver and gold, actually) and are produced in much greater quantities than silver itself. So it's reasonable to think that silver might actually be less common than its absolute abundance would suggest.
Bix Weir, who can tend towards hyperbole at times, says silver is coming out of the ground currently at 7:1 He believes the price will reach 1:1 and beyond...
The combination of the insane current G/S ratio, the current supply deficit, the banks beginning to fold up and require massive bail-outs, the unpayable debt and the ever-growing interest on that debt... the de-dollarization around the world, particularly by the Saudis... the slimy billions thrown away in support of the mega-corrupt filth in Ukraine... and the intentional damage to America by the scum behind the desiccated old liar, criminal and overall shitbag Joke Biden...
Black markets as they are erroneously called will always spring up even when times are really bad. It's called a black market because it is without any control by Governments so they say it is black a negative connotation for sure implying criminality and so on. Therefore such a market is superior in quality to one bossed by Government decree through taxes licenses and permits plus disallowed products and so on. It has what the Government does not have... the stuff that you want and need to survive physically.
In short order as long as people are not shot dead in the streets the BM will figure out the value of all and anything traded. Ask older people from eastern Europe Hungary to Poland. That's because people in localities where they belong will urgently need to swap something they have enough of for something they don't.
The value of Silver coins or bars will become evident once the BM has real traders, people who buy and sell but don't necessarily have product on hand to sell or product that they need to buy. This could bring in ware housing but if the net remains intact maybe not. Thats when gold and particularly Silver will shine and the BM will become a beacon of efficiency until the next new Government takes over with all the usual good intentions on the road back to hell.
I buy silver because I can trade it easier. Most can't afford gold but silver can be afforded by most. Also, I am a nurse and I make colloidal silver to assist others with their healing and if you throw a silver coin in milk it will keep it from spoiling. It has other uses also!
people are gonna loose a lot of money in crypto because when the crypto markets crash people are gonna loose a lot of money don’t waste your time and money with crypto currency waste your money on precious metals it will save your life in the long run because when it comes down and the time is almost here for when the currency will change and gold and silver will be the money and people will run to gold and silver and when they do there will be none left and when the supermarkets run out of food just know that the crime rate in this country is gonna go ballistic because you guys better have guns in your house because what’s coming its gonna look ugly for this country
Agree people are going to lose a lot on crypto- but I don't think everyone; and I do think Bitcoin will have a place of safety and trust in the future. My budget doesn't allow for it, though, and I am so ignorant of the ins & outs, anyway, I'd probably screw it up. But have the sense that there are too many cryptos out there and most of them are traps. Clif's ALTA's seem to say Bitcoin is going to do well for those who have it, though. He knows a helluva lot more about that stuff than most of us.
Nice to see Clif jumping on the Silver bandwagon and not digitals. Bitcoin is just a scam to educate the public about digitals which are intended to enslave humanity.
How is bitcoin a scam? Open source, predictable supply, very secure, easier than ever to use. It does require a bit of learning though; no way around that.
Envision, if you will (as *I* do), walking into your local supermarket and holding up your dead phone and saying, "IF my phone worked, you would see I have a great deal of Bitcoin/crypto money... I am hungry, please sell me meat." Yeah, THAT'S the ticket....
Pretty sure that the whole EMP/CME thing is more of a scam- but could be wrong. Given how much of what we know don't know about "science" these days (especially when it comes to anything in space), most of what we think of as 'science" is put out to support their narradigms.
!!! The CME thing is sound as HELL! We've had a couple CMEs recently that -- lucky us -- were pointed mostly AWAY from the planet! The Carrington Event was a not-terrifically large CME -- and electrocuted (so they say) a couple of telegraph operators; and some of the telegraphs were able to send msgs WITHOUT being connected to power, and lots of lines and gear MELTED!
EMPs ... eh, we'll never know how far the govts have gone in developing newer/better weapons -- but, generally, EMP is pretty well known. CMEs are wholly outside our abilities to cause, prevent, or moderate. (see: "the Sun" -- I LOVE the 'scale examples' shown by Suspicious Observer in his opening bits. Give you a VERY CLEAR understanding of JUST how insignificant we are!! Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO990MWkU6w Love love love his reports!)
Yes, I've heard all that. One thing I've learned in the past several years is not to believe everything I hear. And nowadays, with all the CGI, video manipulation and other stuff going on, very little of what I see. EMP & CME f'ng up Earth sounds like fear porn, feels like fear porn, smells like fear porn. I'll wait for more conclusive proof, before I waste my energy on fear porn. Doesn't mean you can't believe it, or that one of us has to change the other's mind. I just don't.
You need to check out Solari.com . Catherine Austin Fitts has explained many times what a CBDC is and how it will enslave us all - what, when and where we can buy something. 10 years ago no one knew what a digital currency was. The banksters then created fictious character Nakamoto and a Bitcoin then ran up the price the way THEY manipulate everything. Now everyone knows how to do digitals on their phone. For me I have no cell or digitals so I still have no idea how to be enslaved. See?
My understanding is that Bitcoin is not the same as CBDB. CBDC controlled by Central Banks, like fiat currency, Bitcoin is not. But it is an interesting theory. I don't have crypto or Bitcoin, and won't use so much as a penny of any CBDC, no matter how much $$ they may put in my account- using it is the same as consenting to it, accepting it.
Not disagreeing about Clif, or Bitcoin- just want to point out, at least where cryptos (I tend to think BC & crypto are not exactly the same) are concerned, that the first ones to invest in pyramid/ponzi always make out the best. A lot of people pushing certain cryptos say they made big money, and maybe they did; but I think most cryptos may be more like ponzi/pyramid. Much like that silver scam that Phraudlewski has been running on people for years. He's bought millions of dollars worth of homes & cars, etc while his victims are losing theirs- that's on top of taking advantage sexually, of a grieving 15 y/o when he was in his 20's (25? 28?)
Just remember it's only worth its weight in paper ... essentially nothing. If I burn $60 trillion in paper money there is no real loss it was only paper with some numbers on it manufactured by a high velocity machine in a very short period of time. It is truly the ninth wonder of the world that people can become totally mesmerized by a piece of small rectangular intrinsically worthless paper. Destroying silver or gold would be a very expensive undertaking and I have never heard of this happening. Leaving it in the ground is of course one option. The power in gold & silver is that even with as little as 10% gold backing paper money inflation will be held in check, any attempt by a government to inflate will require a dilution or elimination of the gold backing sounding the alarm. If all nations are on the same 10% gold backing the citizens of the country inflating will suffer higher prices and scarcity of some goods as foreign trade will become restricted. Silver however has always been 100% in use, not tied to paper. Coins need an alloy to make them resist wear and tear over many many years of use ( usually cupronickel/nickle ) 10% to 20% base over precious metal was fairly standard in silver coins. If the coinage of the land is silver then the paper money is sound too, if the paper is inflated and it costs more paper currency to buy something then the demand for silver will rise and people will buy with silver. This will never be allowed to happen as silver will be withdrawn by the Government bent on using inflation to garner hidden taxes. Thats how it is supposed to work, but as we all know Government is the all seeing all knowing God and good of our time so powerful that it can even suspend gravity by making us believe it.
What happens to your bitcoin with an internet outage (Carrington Event) etc. Chairman Biden has threatened to require a digital id to access the internet. Some of many problems for digitals. That is why Warren Buffet, Charley Munger, CA Fitts Paul Tudor Jones and many others dislike digitals. Yes I am negative on digitals. I just don't want to be enslaved.
People need to stop believing fear porn. Internet outages occur somewhere every single day. I had 3 in less than 24 hours this week. Didn't even have to call tech support for them, it came back within minutes twice, and once was an unknown period of hours over night. We are not going to have a world-wide long term internet outage that obliterates everything. Read a book, walk the dog, plants some seeds, do the dishes- good energy gets good results, and anything productive, kind, helpful, educational or useful is good energy.
Really? Or just joking? Haven't been feeling negative much at all lately- and much of the time, I am pretty much at peace. Occasionally I get more into the Nasty Nanc mode when I get fed up with the F&C's (fucktards and cunts)- but mostly, life is good, I accept there will be a lot of shit to go through, lots of work ahead, and then life will be good again, maybe even great. Must be all the other shit I've been through & survived that helps me keep my peace of mind?
He's always been on 'the silver bandwagon" as far as I know. Decades of his ALTA's seem to support Bitcoin as being of use in the future- but yes, I'd agree that most cryptos are bs. Was a time I thought about buying one of everything, and a fraction of Bitcoin- but sheesh, I spend too much time on puter as it is and most of the crypto folks are just too obsessed with it every day. I managed to get some silver here and there, and that will have to be good enough when they stop accepting FRN.
Health is wealth- save seeds, and be grateful for what we have. Remember the silent killer of EMF is lurking- why we must drop our phones and make hardwired preparations now: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/emf101
You are correct....Ever asked a crack addict to drop his pipe? Ain't happening until they are forced to, either by circumstance or necessity. Maybe some will, but most won't, they are emotionally attached to them like lovers, and in the same way, "love is blind" so are they. Their devices can do no wrong, and just like an unfaithful companion, they can't see it. They just can't.
Absolutely agree. Most humans adults are more addicted to their smart phones than they could ever be to nicotine (which is supposedly THE most addictive drug on the planet). Saddest part though, is they have gladly, willingly, and at great expense, allowed and encouraged the same addiction for their children.
Notice that the most of these mentally warped young people grew up with smart phones, video games, cable and other digital devices (there is a reason we had to get rid of analog- the programming could not reach as many levels of our minds, as digital). So as intense as the programming has been on the older generations, multiply that by double digits.
I noticed right away how stupid & unsociable people were becoming, once they had that "latest" gadget in their hands- dog park, break tables at work, shopping, walking down the street- so obsessed with goofy games, dating sites, obedience exercises presented as "challenges" (often for bs charities), whatever the latest idiocy was on social media, that they couldn't be bothered to socialize with the person next to them, keep an eye on pets or children, or even traffic as they walked into it. It is a freaking miracle that there are any sane people under 35. I'm thankful there are though.
People stopped using the internet to learn and expand their knowledge & the world, became lost in the programming. I think we are in the process of reversing that- but those parents WILL feel great shame, if they have any conscience at all, for having done that to children.
Thank you so much my fellow Patriot! I appreciate your support. Please let me know if you ever have questions or there is something you may be confused about, or that you'd like me to cover. EmF can be an overwhelming topic.
Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸. I moved from Portland to retire to help our parents in Minnesota. I was a VP of Sales for the Americas, at Fluke Networks in Everett. I loved staying by the ferry. Beautiful country. Minnesota unfortunately is not much better from a social communist state! 🐸
Problem is didn’t Clif say the same thing last year? I got ramped up then because he’s a good writer. Having a hard time mustering the same doomsday fear again.
Clif points to what can be and what will be and there is a grey area in between. But time is another matter. What is predicted for tomorow may take a year to crystalise, and what is predicted for one year may be three. But understand that the shape of things to come is predictible and, if you prepare, avoidable.
EXACTLY. Too many people still want someone else to tell them what to do and when and how. Clif is doing his best to prepare us for both the best and the worst. Anyone who can't see that, still has some part of their brain in the matrix.
He might have, if that was his info was telling then. You are correct in saying YOU got "ramped up then", because you choose how you react to any given thing or information; but incorrect, thinking he is looking to put anyone in "doomsday fear" (lol.. well, maybe the legislators, WE ALL want them in fear ,for a change). The opposite it true, and most of us understand he is giving us the best information he can, right or wrong, and his best ideas to survive this mess.
Mostly, his message is FIGHT FIGHTFIGHT, however and wherever you can- even if that is just getting as prepared as possible to get to the other side of this, or sharing the information that might help someone else through this.
He doesn't pull punches (not much anyway) so of course he tells us the good AND the bad. Doesn't mean you have to focus on the bad. If you get all prepped up, and shit doesn't hit the fan as badly in your area as it does in others- well then, great, you're ahead of the game. If it does, then at least you have some or all of what you need to avoid scrapping and scrounging for very single thing, and may even be able to help a few others along the way.
It isn't doomsday for us, but it might get tougher before it gets easier. Clif is an amazing guy, knows a lot, about a lot- but we all decide what works for us and our situation. For example, I haven't bought even a fraction of a bitcoin, but that doesn't mean I think he's wrong about it, or 100% correct, either.
Very well put. On this particular admonition, I gave a Lady what I think is the sage advice to get her "retirement" out of dollars and into gold/silver soonest. There are so many who really, really just don't have a clue this shit is crumbling at our feet at a breathtaking rate. Simply undeniable , and unavoidable , that fiat currency is going the way of the dodo very quickly now. Having no "retirement" to protect, I'm just buying real goods that are going to become prohibitively expensive, prolly by this summer.
So why does he give very specific dates for his predictions and forecasts? ("Such and such will happen in the first week of May", "banks will be shut down and dollar will be dead by end of summer" etc? He's wrong 100% of the time when his gives these predictions with specific dates and it destroys his remaining credibility. And no, the banks and the dollar won't die this summer.
I make the most beautiful market baskets from poly strapping; have been for 30 years. Waste strapping mostly. They are strong, colorful in design and will be something to leave your grandchildren's grandchildren. I weave rugs. I sew, cut and split wood and grow food. I'm 74.
You and your talent would be very welcome in a rural community, perhaps you already live there. People forget that rural America in all the states is in many areas a sea of calm when compared to urban areas.
Thank you. Americans have gotten used to cheap things and cheaply made things. Things they would struggle to make and or do without. Has amused me for decades now, people want stuff cheaper. An employee at a Trader Joe's a few years ago saw mine at checkout. I always explain them partly for edumacating people. ANYway he says Gee these are nice we'd buy a bunch at $5...my friend quick shoved me out the shute as I started laughing. People bitch if they don't get $25/hour. I'm merely trying to get $5/hr. Now add some shop's %...how can I increase my price. I give away a lot of baskets. Taught a Hooterite woman and daughters to weave; gave them material and now I'm just getting old lady hands...tired and not so nimble. I do sell but hate the commission. When TSHTF and you can't find a cardboard box...people are gonna wish they had some of my baskets with handles. How I came by making them is what I call a God Tap. It's a great testimony.
Glad Clif is in my state. Washington needs all the help we can get to save our sorryass. I'm in one of the counties Cody Hart is getting election auditors to be deposed. Gotta love it. We were defrauded here and Inslee was installed just like Obiden.
There is a bright side to this....anyone with a mortgage, if you know how to twist, that mortgage is toast. It is unserviceable, unenforceable, manifestly, based upon fraud, as evidenced by the collapse of the system. Additionally, those amongst the population of tougher grit will be just fine. It will take some adjustment, and maybe a couple of scraps, a couple of dust ups, but when the smoke clears, there is a possibility of real freedom from the psy-op. Either way, the same POWER that has carried those worthy, will continue to do so. I know this with certitude. The ones who should be worrying are those small fractions of foreign evil, masquerading as FREE WHITE PEOPLE, with clay feet. The body is iron, that's what you see, but the feet are clay, easily shattered. Get your health in order. The Universe wins.
The mortgage ting does make sense. I also remember reading about a case that was won in court that proved the baking industry was built on fraud. Wish I had kept that. Of course, wasn't something you'd find in the MSM or local media.
Been sending my two sisters a silver coin for xmas these last few years... Telling them they should buy some friends for the coins, so they don't get lonely... {shrug} Idiot-libs, not likely to act..
Mormons used to say (1960s at least), one year of essentials. Now they are down to 3 months -- if things are so broken that we can't rebuild in 3 months to at least get by, then a year is just needlessly prolonging the inevitable.
I'm not LDS but have often lived around them, and on this matter I believe that they are right. 3 months minimum, not just food but other things you'll need to survive.
And don't buy things you won't (or can't) use on a regular basis. Part of the drill is to cycle your inventory, using the oldest and replacing with new. It won't do to have a year's worth of food that you've had on hand for years, and has all gone bad.
I have the book on Food storage: PASSPORT TO SURVIVAl, published in 1974. Written by Esther Dickie a practising Mormon.
It was given to me hot off the press by a Mormon friend as he and I shared similar views and ideas. He even signed it which I thought was odd, but he rose in prominence within the church so obviously he was a man certain of his destiny. I am not a Mormon and I'm not likely to be a member of any religious group in this lifetime.
As you point out things have changed, this book is a blueprint for food independence for a one year period. It helped me a great deal when I decided to become what I prefer to call it: A Fringe Guy. I loved the city when I was a young man, the food, entertainment, nightclubs, library, sports events, the pretty ladies to admire in many places. This was to me the full social benefit of a civilization. But all this lost its lustre when the cities kept growing up and out.
I watched the city disappear with a twinge of regret in my rear view mirror fully aware that I was making a major change in 1972. Now.. I am not capable of living as a hermit or living in the boondocks only to appear on odd occasions. No, I want Civilization such as it may be within easy reach. No uncle Bens mountain for me. I found a great small village community 2 full tanks of fuel away from the nearest City, with mountain fresh water all gravity fed. Paved roads right to my door and very low traffic. A trip across the border only one hour away. I bought roughly four acres with an older house on it close to the local golf course. The price paid was quite affordable and thus I checked into my rural life as the Fringe Guy.
Sounds a lot like the place I lived for a few years -- Winlaw, BC. In the boonies but with some civilization. Spokane, WA was the nearest city, if it qualifies at a third of a million. (Large enough to have a fairly major airport with connections worldwide.)
Now I'm back stateside living near the Mormons again. At least they are conservative and seem to be pretty competent at running things, once you get used to a few quirks. (But don't we all have some of those?) 😉
They are proper f*cked. Same goes for NZ and for us in Canada. It’s going to get really ugly for awhile until the WEF clowns are expelled...and the commonwealth countries are plumb full of them.
I wouldn't underestimate us Kiwi's. Some of the small communities will do very well. Food will be money and this includes the ability to teach others how to grow it.
Yes ,I wonder about us in little old NZ..... our self ~defense tool laws are a flaming nightmare!. I wish Uncle Cliff would have a look at Aussie and NZ's prospects ,we might get some light on our prospects. Intel is a valuable commodity. But He is a very busy chap.
30% of infinitary and 50% of SAS left during covid. Yes some went to work for blackwater but most are out in the community and a bit disgruntled. NZ army and Fiji army are the same size now lol. We are very very infiltrated but there are still good people in there
To me the most repulsive proponents and enforcers of the C19 Pandemic protocol among the G20 Nations or lets say the developed world where from New Zealand and Australia. Adern (NZ) and Andrews (AUT). I was confounded by the fact that the public was putting up and caving in to the demands of this pair of sick out of line and out of their minds Tyrants. I had always thought of people native to these countries to be tougher and more self reliant having met a good number of them over the years. It was heartbreaking and hard to contain the rage watching their enforcers knock people down handcuffing and dragging them away, even pregnant women kids and all. This pair in particular expressed their disdain for people by going beyond any other Dictator in memory and literally spitting in the eye of everyone with numerous threats in their mailed fist use of words. .
These people.. I hesitate to even call them that cannot be forgiven or forgotten until they have paid in kind what they have done to others.
I think that the best explanation I found on this matter was an editorial written by a writer in a large circulation paper from Australia. He gave his assessment that the problem from a historical perspective was not that Australia had too many convicts but that it had too many jailers. Looking at some of these Goons that surfaced down under as this phoney pandemic spread I have no doubt that this is no theory and has merit. This special breed of two legged Bullies took heed and with the smell of fear and blood raced to the action.
Good old British bully Boy enforcers the kind of creatures that Lord Kitchener would be proud of... Lets lock up all the women and kids until they starve to death that will bring the tough Boer to his knees.
Yes ,here in NZ ,we have a special kind of evil the kind that wears one down with endless sanctimonious laws, pontificating Kindness, 'rispect' while refusing to even meet the people reasonably demanding answers ,calling them a river of filth .And the lies the media spew forth constantly, bending words and their meanings into serpentine abstractions of 'truth" .A frontal straight on attack would have been preferable ,at least all would have seen the enemy .Instead they hide behind their weasel words and half truths......a lot of us are numb right now and tired, bone tired .
The entire planet has been under a mind numbing psyop for decades. Those countries with the toughest and the strongest, historically, were no doubt targeted for an extra measure of the dumb down and numbing, the brutality and all other aspects of it- they had to beat the best down the hardest- to attain their sick goals and agendas. It was awful to see it.
Don't kid yourself... EVERYONE is going to go through the grinder in one way or another. WEF has controlled USA for centuries, regardless of what "names" they were going under.
Silver & Lead stacked!
Food, water filtration, and a wee bit of gold, too.
Yes Silver.
I. have been a silver buff close to fifty years now.
Silver as money is actually more important than Gold because it is pocket usable by the common people to buy all their staples on zero credit. The current price of silver & its ratio to gold are entirely fictitious. The true ratio as defined by mother earth inventory is closer to 10 to 1. 10 oz of silver to 1 oz of gold in the ground.
As I recall as a teen back in the 1950s and I recall it very well as the old man was away all week working and on Friday afternoon when he came home I the oldest had to walk ( we didn't own a car ) to the store about three blocks away to get him a package of Players plain smokes and a case of coke for us kids. He usually gave me one metal Canadian 80% silver dollar and off I went. For as long as I can recall along with the smokes and coke I got back 17 cents change as well, which shows how stable prices were back then, Inflation was something that involved tires and balloons not money.
At that time it didn't matter if a paper dollar was used in the transaction the cost was the same, and of course as a young person I had no real concept of money, paper or otherwise all I knew was that the numbers on the paper would buy things... how much depending on the numbers. Not so with the coins though 1 was the most on the coins= 1 canadian dollar coin. The coin denomination was 5c 10c 25c 50c
1.00 dollar.
In the early sixties I was driving a taxi part time in a city out west to pick up some extra money when I received my first life lesson about money. A fellow would show up at the dispatch office every Sunday afternoon to pick up any coins such as dimes quarters half dollars and dollars left in small bags by the drivers who would receive a 10% premium. The smallest amount was $10 worth of coins because he only paid in paper money, so a $10 bag of coins .. dimes quarters half dollars and full dollars would garner $11 in paper. What was he all about, the thinking was it's all the same money so give the guy the coins and enjoy the extra 10% money for free.
Shortly thereafter the US began taking their 90% silver coins out of circulation and 1964 was the last year of minting these 90% silver coins. Canada was still minting 80% silver coins and I began stashing as many 80% coins as I could including the US 64 and prior coins. Canada stopped minting these 80% silver coins in 66 but did some in 67 as well.
With inflation rearing its ugly head in the mid 70s ( Nixon closed the gold window in 72 ) you had to be comatose not to see what was happening to our money and by that time I had picked up a lot of knowledge on the subject of money both practical and theoretical. I understood that Keynesian monetary policy and the abandonment of fiscal restraint would lead to the fall of its adherents mostly in the west.
Around that time I also came across a great book: THE COMING CURRENCY COLLAPSE, by Jerome Smith an advocate of sound money.. in particular silver. From what I have heard and read the Hunt Brothers also read this book and decided to try to corner the silver market and as much physical silver as possible. Well.. we all know how that turned out the Kabal sent Volcker out he read the riot act to the pair and not wanting to be like Jimmy Hoffa they brought all the millions of ounces of silver back from Switzerland. Jim Sinclair supervised the entire affair.
I stopped thinking of silver and gold too especially the coins as possible means of great profit and started looking at these as bad time insurance. The grip on these precious metals is now so done a deal that they will never return as official money in my lifetime. But an economy will exist no matter what all is broken, trade must be done, if not then we are beyond bad times. Survival will be paramount so there are many things that are more important than owning silver or gold.. safe shelter, access to food or growing it yourself, friends family and neighbours close by.
I haven't got into what constitutes real money risk the function of interest and saving, and why you cannot build a nation and civilization without it.
Some other time, perhaps
My uncle did that. Saved buckets of silver coins. He also told me "Don't let them get their hooks in you." I listened. He was a good uncle.
THANK YOU CLIF! We are ready out here in upper flyover country!
And, believe it or not, even here in Commiefornia under Gruesome Newsom’s dictatorship! Yes, there are a few of us patriots here - born and raised and we’ll be damned if we are chased out by a bunch of communists.
Were it not for voter fraud, which has been happening since at least 2000 if not earlier, CA would be a purple state -- LA, SF, Sac blue and the rest red.
Propaganda makes us think that CA is true blue. Get rid of the fraud, and Trump wins CA in 2024.
I think that if we could look at it that Trump won California in 2020.
I believe that you are correct. Shortly after the election I did a basic analysis of the numbers in the CA presidential election. I do not remember the exact numbers anymore but what follows is close.
There were 24.5 million votes cast in the Trump/Biden election. Biden 'won' by 5.5 million. (Biden 15 million votes, Trump 9.5 million.)
But the number of people in CA actually eligible to vote, according to census data, was less than that; and adjusted for actual participation rates (fraction of eligible voters who voted), there were approximately 17 million people who actually and legitimately voted.
Now presuming that the 'extra' 7.5 million votes were 'manufactured' for Biden, that takes him down to 7.5 million 'real' votes and Trump won by 2 million.
Nobody much discussed these facts (a few did, which is where I got the info to run these numbers) -- after all, CA was 'deep blue' and of course Biden would win CA.
Nobody mentioned either, that if CA flips to Trump then Trump wins, even with the fraud in the six other states that but Biden over the top. They would have been better off looking closely at CA rather than spending time on six other states that the DNC was prepared to defend -- not with facts, but lawfare. They did not expect to be audited (and they were not) in CA, but that would have been the 'soft underbelly' that would have shown the truth to the world.
And lower flyover country. 😊
Central Standard Tribe
It is very liberating to know your "money" is going to be kindling, in that the time to spend it is NOW, as Clif indicates. Food and water preps first, guns ammo second ( if you are of that mind- some aren't )
stock up on all necessities meds daily household needs etc. Do inventory, ask yourself what if I don't have/cant get this item that item etc. Again stock up it aint gonna get any cheaper, and stuff like meat will become very scarce/pricey. A 5 cu ft freezer is like $200 fill it now with vac sealed meats will keep 3 yrs easy prob more.
Times awastin'.
I'm a gold guy silver is second best but others think silver. I don't care who's right any excess money put it on one or the other. Can't comment on crypto too ignorant.
Gold is good... it will probably triple... silver is an easy 10 bagger... probably even more. Maybe MUCH more.
I've read comments that say gold is 10x undervalued and at the historical Au/Ag ratio (which is ~30:1, now ~80:1) that makes silver 25-30x undervalued. And that is before TSHTF, just market distortions.
Agree. though I have read the historical average is around 16:1
Either way... we are looking GOOD. 😄
Yeah, historical averages depend on the period of averaging. IIRC that 30:1 was for the period since 1800 or so. But I could be wrong -- silver/gold ratio in the Earth's crust is supposedly 14:1 but that says nothing of the cost to extract it. Most gold is obtained from placer deposits, and just needs to be sifted and separated from the sand and gravel it is mixed with, pretty easy due to density differences. Silver occurs chemically combined in ores with other metals, lead and zinc commonly; and must be refined by smelting. It's actually considered a by-product of producing lead and zinc, which have many industrial uses (as do silver and gold, actually) and are produced in much greater quantities than silver itself. So it's reasonable to think that silver might actually be less common than its absolute abundance would suggest.
Bix Weir, who can tend towards hyperbole at times, says silver is coming out of the ground currently at 7:1 He believes the price will reach 1:1 and beyond...
The combination of the insane current G/S ratio, the current supply deficit, the banks beginning to fold up and require massive bail-outs, the unpayable debt and the ever-growing interest on that debt... the de-dollarization around the world, particularly by the Saudis... the slimy billions thrown away in support of the mega-corrupt filth in Ukraine... and the intentional damage to America by the scum behind the desiccated old liar, criminal and overall shitbag Joke Biden...
Welcome to Crazyville.
💯 You're on fire today, Dude! 💖
Come on man. Nobody is more ridiculous than Bix Weir. Absolute clown, that man.
can your seller make change??
IMHO, we won't be selling the silver. We'll be using it directly to buy things.
Like he says, the frn is dead.
Bear Gibbons
Black markets as they are erroneously called will always spring up even when times are really bad. It's called a black market because it is without any control by Governments so they say it is black a negative connotation for sure implying criminality and so on. Therefore such a market is superior in quality to one bossed by Government decree through taxes licenses and permits plus disallowed products and so on. It has what the Government does not have... the stuff that you want and need to survive physically.
In short order as long as people are not shot dead in the streets the BM will figure out the value of all and anything traded. Ask older people from eastern Europe Hungary to Poland. That's because people in localities where they belong will urgently need to swap something they have enough of for something they don't.
The value of Silver coins or bars will become evident once the BM has real traders, people who buy and sell but don't necessarily have product on hand to sell or product that they need to buy. This could bring in ware housing but if the net remains intact maybe not. Thats when gold and particularly Silver will shine and the BM will become a beacon of efficiency until the next new Government takes over with all the usual good intentions on the road back to hell.
Like this so much, I put on my tg & twit- not that anyone really looks at either except a couple of friends/relatives- but more will, eventually.
For junk silver change won't be necessary.
Of course... in goods, services or dollars (as long as dollars exist).
But by all means, if you are worried about it, hang on to your fiat.
WHAT'S IRISH AND LAYS IN THE SUN? Paddy O'furniture... yuk yuk...
For those that "finally get it"... it will then be far too late. Bummer.
I buy silver because I can trade it easier. Most can't afford gold but silver can be afforded by most. Also, I am a nurse and I make colloidal silver to assist others with their healing and if you throw a silver coin in milk it will keep it from spoiling. It has other uses also!
people are gonna loose a lot of money in crypto because when the crypto markets crash people are gonna loose a lot of money don’t waste your time and money with crypto currency waste your money on precious metals it will save your life in the long run because when it comes down and the time is almost here for when the currency will change and gold and silver will be the money and people will run to gold and silver and when they do there will be none left and when the supermarkets run out of food just know that the crime rate in this country is gonna go ballistic because you guys better have guns in your house because what’s coming its gonna look ugly for this country
Gold is a sapling, silver is an acorn, cryptos are clouds.
Agree people are going to lose a lot on crypto- but I don't think everyone; and I do think Bitcoin will have a place of safety and trust in the future. My budget doesn't allow for it, though, and I am so ignorant of the ins & outs, anyway, I'd probably screw it up. But have the sense that there are too many cryptos out there and most of them are traps. Clif's ALTA's seem to say Bitcoin is going to do well for those who have it, though. He knows a helluva lot more about that stuff than most of us.
Nice to see Clif jumping on the Silver bandwagon and not digitals. Bitcoin is just a scam to educate the public about digitals which are intended to enslave humanity.
How is bitcoin a scam? Open source, predictable supply, very secure, easier than ever to use. It does require a bit of learning though; no way around that.
Riiiight up until the EMP/CME...
Envision, if you will (as *I* do), walking into your local supermarket and holding up your dead phone and saying, "IF my phone worked, you would see I have a great deal of Bitcoin/crypto money... I am hungry, please sell me meat." Yeah, THAT'S the ticket....
Pretty sure that the whole EMP/CME thing is more of a scam- but could be wrong. Given how much of what we know don't know about "science" these days (especially when it comes to anything in space), most of what we think of as 'science" is put out to support their narradigms.
!!! The CME thing is sound as HELL! We've had a couple CMEs recently that -- lucky us -- were pointed mostly AWAY from the planet! The Carrington Event was a not-terrifically large CME -- and electrocuted (so they say) a couple of telegraph operators; and some of the telegraphs were able to send msgs WITHOUT being connected to power, and lots of lines and gear MELTED!
EMPs ... eh, we'll never know how far the govts have gone in developing newer/better weapons -- but, generally, EMP is pretty well known. CMEs are wholly outside our abilities to cause, prevent, or moderate. (see: "the Sun" -- I LOVE the 'scale examples' shown by Suspicious Observer in his opening bits. Give you a VERY CLEAR understanding of JUST how insignificant we are!! Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO990MWkU6w Love love love his reports!)
Yes, I've heard all that. One thing I've learned in the past several years is not to believe everything I hear. And nowadays, with all the CGI, video manipulation and other stuff going on, very little of what I see. EMP & CME f'ng up Earth sounds like fear porn, feels like fear porn, smells like fear porn. I'll wait for more conclusive proof, before I waste my energy on fear porn. Doesn't mean you can't believe it, or that one of us has to change the other's mind. I just don't.
You need to check out Solari.com . Catherine Austin Fitts has explained many times what a CBDC is and how it will enslave us all - what, when and where we can buy something. 10 years ago no one knew what a digital currency was. The banksters then created fictious character Nakamoto and a Bitcoin then ran up the price the way THEY manipulate everything. Now everyone knows how to do digitals on their phone. For me I have no cell or digitals so I still have no idea how to be enslaved. See?
If it isn't under your direct control and possession then in our current broken
down system.. it ain't yurn paadna.
My understanding is that Bitcoin is not the same as CBDB. CBDC controlled by Central Banks, like fiat currency, Bitcoin is not. But it is an interesting theory. I don't have crypto or Bitcoin, and won't use so much as a penny of any CBDC, no matter how much $$ they may put in my account- using it is the same as consenting to it, accepting it.
Bill, the digital coins were purchased with Fiat that is now is being rejected everywhere
when the AandG and the rainbow dollar that is tradible become our new currency/money
it makes digital coin worthless because no one in their right mind will trade (REAL)
money for digital crap and promisises . Easier to use? Just wait ,gold /silver/metals backed
American willbe sought by all again for safety.
You are aware Clif bought bitcoin back in the day and it’s financing his life right now... Clif has been on the silver bandwagon for years now...
Not disagreeing about Clif, or Bitcoin- just want to point out, at least where cryptos (I tend to think BC & crypto are not exactly the same) are concerned, that the first ones to invest in pyramid/ponzi always make out the best. A lot of people pushing certain cryptos say they made big money, and maybe they did; but I think most cryptos may be more like ponzi/pyramid. Much like that silver scam that Phraudlewski has been running on people for years. He's bought millions of dollars worth of homes & cars, etc while his victims are losing theirs- that's on top of taking advantage sexually, of a grieving 15 y/o when he was in his 20's (25? 28?)
Not so sure about that, following the collapse of the petro$.
Over $60 trillion in Fed notes in central banks globally will likely go the way of the confederacy money we played with as young kids in the 50’s.
I have purchased noble metals and am also diversifying into bitcoin.
Just remember it's only worth its weight in paper ... essentially nothing. If I burn $60 trillion in paper money there is no real loss it was only paper with some numbers on it manufactured by a high velocity machine in a very short period of time. It is truly the ninth wonder of the world that people can become totally mesmerized by a piece of small rectangular intrinsically worthless paper. Destroying silver or gold would be a very expensive undertaking and I have never heard of this happening. Leaving it in the ground is of course one option. The power in gold & silver is that even with as little as 10% gold backing paper money inflation will be held in check, any attempt by a government to inflate will require a dilution or elimination of the gold backing sounding the alarm. If all nations are on the same 10% gold backing the citizens of the country inflating will suffer higher prices and scarcity of some goods as foreign trade will become restricted. Silver however has always been 100% in use, not tied to paper. Coins need an alloy to make them resist wear and tear over many many years of use ( usually cupronickel/nickle ) 10% to 20% base over precious metal was fairly standard in silver coins. If the coinage of the land is silver then the paper money is sound too, if the paper is inflated and it costs more paper currency to buy something then the demand for silver will rise and people will buy with silver. This will never be allowed to happen as silver will be withdrawn by the Government bent on using inflation to garner hidden taxes. Thats how it is supposed to work, but as we all know Government is the all seeing all knowing God and good of our time so powerful that it can even suspend gravity by making us believe it.
the common suggestion is that all the US dollars in cash overseas will find their way back to us and cause hyperinflation here
I always thought that!
Negative Nancy lol.
What happens to your bitcoin with an internet outage (Carrington Event) etc. Chairman Biden has threatened to require a digital id to access the internet. Some of many problems for digitals. That is why Warren Buffet, Charley Munger, CA Fitts Paul Tudor Jones and many others dislike digitals. Yes I am negative on digitals. I just don't want to be enslaved.
People need to stop believing fear porn. Internet outages occur somewhere every single day. I had 3 in less than 24 hours this week. Didn't even have to call tech support for them, it came back within minutes twice, and once was an unknown period of hours over night. We are not going to have a world-wide long term internet outage that obliterates everything. Read a book, walk the dog, plants some seeds, do the dishes- good energy gets good results, and anything productive, kind, helpful, educational or useful is good energy.
What happens to your bank accounts?
Consider whatever is in your bank account belongs to the bank. It is a form of loan to the bank. They can use it to do a bail-in to keep from failing.
Or, the numbers of $FRN remain in your 'account', but they are worthless.
There is a saying 'paper is vapor' and you only own what is tangible, items you physically have with no counterparty claim.
Good question, lots of theories. Wait and see. Just don't panic; and "Be not afraid".
b c requires energy vs p m which are stores of energy already expended.
Really? Or just joking? Haven't been feeling negative much at all lately- and much of the time, I am pretty much at peace. Occasionally I get more into the Nasty Nanc mode when I get fed up with the F&C's (fucktards and cunts)- but mostly, life is good, I accept there will be a lot of shit to go through, lots of work ahead, and then life will be good again, maybe even great. Must be all the other shit I've been through & survived that helps me keep my peace of mind?
He's always been on 'the silver bandwagon" as far as I know. Decades of his ALTA's seem to support Bitcoin as being of use in the future- but yes, I'd agree that most cryptos are bs. Was a time I thought about buying one of everything, and a fraction of Bitcoin- but sheesh, I spend too much time on puter as it is and most of the crypto folks are just too obsessed with it every day. I managed to get some silver here and there, and that will have to be good enough when they stop accepting FRN.
Health is wealth- save seeds, and be grateful for what we have. Remember the silent killer of EMF is lurking- why we must drop our phones and make hardwired preparations now: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/emf101
You are correct....Ever asked a crack addict to drop his pipe? Ain't happening until they are forced to, either by circumstance or necessity. Maybe some will, but most won't, they are emotionally attached to them like lovers, and in the same way, "love is blind" so are they. Their devices can do no wrong, and just like an unfaithful companion, they can't see it. They just can't.
Absolutely agree. Most humans adults are more addicted to their smart phones than they could ever be to nicotine (which is supposedly THE most addictive drug on the planet). Saddest part though, is they have gladly, willingly, and at great expense, allowed and encouraged the same addiction for their children.
Notice that the most of these mentally warped young people grew up with smart phones, video games, cable and other digital devices (there is a reason we had to get rid of analog- the programming could not reach as many levels of our minds, as digital). So as intense as the programming has been on the older generations, multiply that by double digits.
I noticed right away how stupid & unsociable people were becoming, once they had that "latest" gadget in their hands- dog park, break tables at work, shopping, walking down the street- so obsessed with goofy games, dating sites, obedience exercises presented as "challenges" (often for bs charities), whatever the latest idiocy was on social media, that they couldn't be bothered to socialize with the person next to them, keep an eye on pets or children, or even traffic as they walked into it. It is a freaking miracle that there are any sane people under 35. I'm thankful there are though.
People stopped using the internet to learn and expand their knowledge & the world, became lost in the programming. I think we are in the process of reversing that- but those parents WILL feel great shame, if they have any conscience at all, for having done that to children.
🥲. Yes
I subscribed to your channel. Thank you. Very informative content.
Thank you so much my fellow Patriot! I appreciate your support. Please let me know if you ever have questions or there is something you may be confused about, or that you'd like me to cover. EmF can be an overwhelming topic.
Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸. I moved from Portland to retire to help our parents in Minnesota. I was a VP of Sales for the Americas, at Fluke Networks in Everett. I loved staying by the ferry. Beautiful country. Minnesota unfortunately is not much better from a social communist state! 🐸
Jeeze. from the frying pan into the fire!
Problem is didn’t Clif say the same thing last year? I got ramped up then because he’s a good writer. Having a hard time mustering the same doomsday fear again.
Timing is the hard part. He’s been on this bandwagon since the 2020 election. More time to prep, a blessing.
Patience Grasshopper. I've gone through a similar transition. It's coming.
Cliff is a conduit of information, he is not an oracle, or fortune teller. Information is a wise one's friend.
Clif points to what can be and what will be and there is a grey area in between. But time is another matter. What is predicted for tomorow may take a year to crystalise, and what is predicted for one year may be three. But understand that the shape of things to come is predictible and, if you prepare, avoidable.
EXACTLY. Too many people still want someone else to tell them what to do and when and how. Clif is doing his best to prepare us for both the best and the worst. Anyone who can't see that, still has some part of their brain in the matrix.
He might have, if that was his info was telling then. You are correct in saying YOU got "ramped up then", because you choose how you react to any given thing or information; but incorrect, thinking he is looking to put anyone in "doomsday fear" (lol.. well, maybe the legislators, WE ALL want them in fear ,for a change). The opposite it true, and most of us understand he is giving us the best information he can, right or wrong, and his best ideas to survive this mess.
Mostly, his message is FIGHT FIGHTFIGHT, however and wherever you can- even if that is just getting as prepared as possible to get to the other side of this, or sharing the information that might help someone else through this.
He doesn't pull punches (not much anyway) so of course he tells us the good AND the bad. Doesn't mean you have to focus on the bad. If you get all prepped up, and shit doesn't hit the fan as badly in your area as it does in others- well then, great, you're ahead of the game. If it does, then at least you have some or all of what you need to avoid scrapping and scrounging for very single thing, and may even be able to help a few others along the way.
It isn't doomsday for us, but it might get tougher before it gets easier. Clif is an amazing guy, knows a lot, about a lot- but we all decide what works for us and our situation. For example, I haven't bought even a fraction of a bitcoin, but that doesn't mean I think he's wrong about it, or 100% correct, either.
Very well put. On this particular admonition, I gave a Lady what I think is the sage advice to get her "retirement" out of dollars and into gold/silver soonest. There are so many who really, really just don't have a clue this shit is crumbling at our feet at a breathtaking rate. Simply undeniable , and unavoidable , that fiat currency is going the way of the dodo very quickly now. Having no "retirement" to protect, I'm just buying real goods that are going to become prohibitively expensive, prolly by this summer.
He is just telling us what his reports are telling him and has always stated that he is speculating.
Timelines can move and are moved based on what is being seen by those who control the chess board.
So why does he give very specific dates for his predictions and forecasts? ("Such and such will happen in the first week of May", "banks will be shut down and dollar will be dead by end of summer" etc? He's wrong 100% of the time when his gives these predictions with specific dates and it destroys his remaining credibility. And no, the banks and the dollar won't die this summer.
I guess we will see, then you can call him out right?
It would be more appropriate now than last year.
Clif is an entertaining guy but fuck is he wrong almost all of the time.
I make the most beautiful market baskets from poly strapping; have been for 30 years. Waste strapping mostly. They are strong, colorful in design and will be something to leave your grandchildren's grandchildren. I weave rugs. I sew, cut and split wood and grow food. I'm 74.
You and your talent would be very welcome in a rural community, perhaps you already live there. People forget that rural America in all the states is in many areas a sea of calm when compared to urban areas.
Thank you. Americans have gotten used to cheap things and cheaply made things. Things they would struggle to make and or do without. Has amused me for decades now, people want stuff cheaper. An employee at a Trader Joe's a few years ago saw mine at checkout. I always explain them partly for edumacating people. ANYway he says Gee these are nice we'd buy a bunch at $5...my friend quick shoved me out the shute as I started laughing. People bitch if they don't get $25/hour. I'm merely trying to get $5/hr. Now add some shop's %...how can I increase my price. I give away a lot of baskets. Taught a Hooterite woman and daughters to weave; gave them material and now I'm just getting old lady hands...tired and not so nimble. I do sell but hate the commission. When TSHTF and you can't find a cardboard box...people are gonna wish they had some of my baskets with handles. How I came by making them is what I call a God Tap. It's a great testimony.
Glad Clif is in my state. Washington needs all the help we can get to save our sorryass. I'm in one of the counties Cody Hart is getting election auditors to be deposed. Gotta love it. We were defrauded here and Inslee was installed just like Obiden.
I'd love to have your baskets and even more to have you teach me how to make them. Alas, I'm in SC but at 61, love learning new skills.
Good luck to you, take it easy on the old hands when they hurt.
Don't worry about not being too nimble there is no rush , you have been
compensated by possessing a nimble and lively mind.
Sincerely, WBJ
There is a bright side to this....anyone with a mortgage, if you know how to twist, that mortgage is toast. It is unserviceable, unenforceable, manifestly, based upon fraud, as evidenced by the collapse of the system. Additionally, those amongst the population of tougher grit will be just fine. It will take some adjustment, and maybe a couple of scraps, a couple of dust ups, but when the smoke clears, there is a possibility of real freedom from the psy-op. Either way, the same POWER that has carried those worthy, will continue to do so. I know this with certitude. The ones who should be worrying are those small fractions of foreign evil, masquerading as FREE WHITE PEOPLE, with clay feet. The body is iron, that's what you see, but the feet are clay, easily shattered. Get your health in order. The Universe wins.
The mortgage ting does make sense. I also remember reading about a case that was won in court that proved the baking industry was built on fraud. Wish I had kept that. Of course, wasn't something you'd find in the MSM or local media.
The Storm Is Now Visible. Trump said our dollar is done in his speech.
Nobody hears it...
Family included..
Heavy sigh
Been sending my two sisters a silver coin for xmas these last few years... Telling them they should buy some friends for the coins, so they don't get lonely... {shrug} Idiot-libs, not likely to act..
If we keep our eyes peeled...we might just find a lovely Keylime pie floating by.
Thank you cliff.....you have helped me to see over these many years !
Ken from Connecticut
Man in America's Clif High interview 03/26/23 toward the end discusses positive ways to handle the death of the FED. https://rumble.com/v2evt76-clif-high-the-cabals-collapse-will-begin-this-summer-and-cbdc-will-fail.html Do what you can. I'm thinking for the next 2 years to keep 2-3 weeks food, meds, essentials on hand.
Mormons used to say (1960s at least), one year of essentials. Now they are down to 3 months -- if things are so broken that we can't rebuild in 3 months to at least get by, then a year is just needlessly prolonging the inevitable.
I'm not LDS but have often lived around them, and on this matter I believe that they are right. 3 months minimum, not just food but other things you'll need to survive.
And don't buy things you won't (or can't) use on a regular basis. Part of the drill is to cycle your inventory, using the oldest and replacing with new. It won't do to have a year's worth of food that you've had on hand for years, and has all gone bad.
Wild Bill
I have the book on Food storage: PASSPORT TO SURVIVAl, published in 1974. Written by Esther Dickie a practising Mormon.
It was given to me hot off the press by a Mormon friend as he and I shared similar views and ideas. He even signed it which I thought was odd, but he rose in prominence within the church so obviously he was a man certain of his destiny. I am not a Mormon and I'm not likely to be a member of any religious group in this lifetime.
As you point out things have changed, this book is a blueprint for food independence for a one year period. It helped me a great deal when I decided to become what I prefer to call it: A Fringe Guy. I loved the city when I was a young man, the food, entertainment, nightclubs, library, sports events, the pretty ladies to admire in many places. This was to me the full social benefit of a civilization. But all this lost its lustre when the cities kept growing up and out.
I watched the city disappear with a twinge of regret in my rear view mirror fully aware that I was making a major change in 1972. Now.. I am not capable of living as a hermit or living in the boondocks only to appear on odd occasions. No, I want Civilization such as it may be within easy reach. No uncle Bens mountain for me. I found a great small village community 2 full tanks of fuel away from the nearest City, with mountain fresh water all gravity fed. Paved roads right to my door and very low traffic. A trip across the border only one hour away. I bought roughly four acres with an older house on it close to the local golf course. The price paid was quite affordable and thus I checked into my rural life as the Fringe Guy.
Sounds a lot like the place I lived for a few years -- Winlaw, BC. In the boonies but with some civilization. Spokane, WA was the nearest city, if it qualifies at a third of a million. (Large enough to have a fairly major airport with connections worldwide.)
Now I'm back stateside living near the Mormons again. At least they are conservative and seem to be pretty competent at running things, once you get used to a few quirks. (But don't we all have some of those?) 😉
Great story... much like what I am aspiring to- but with my pups.
If I were them I would be running!
What happens in other countries like Australia?
They are proper f*cked. Same goes for NZ and for us in Canada. It’s going to get really ugly for awhile until the WEF clowns are expelled...and the commonwealth countries are plumb full of them.
I wouldn't underestimate us Kiwi's. Some of the small communities will do very well. Food will be money and this includes the ability to teach others how to grow it.
I think it is going to take more than expulsion to rid the globe of these motherwefers
Hah I liked that 'they are proper f*cked'. If we could get rid of the WEF clowns as you say, that would be a start. That and the WHO
WHO is another name for motherWEFer's.
Yes likely they are the same.
Yes ,I wonder about us in little old NZ..... our self ~defense tool laws are a flaming nightmare!. I wish Uncle Cliff would have a look at Aussie and NZ's prospects ,we might get some light on our prospects. Intel is a valuable commodity. But He is a very busy chap.
30% of infinitary and 50% of SAS left during covid. Yes some went to work for blackwater but most are out in the community and a bit disgruntled. NZ army and Fiji army are the same size now lol. We are very very infiltrated but there are still good people in there
A thought.
To me the most repulsive proponents and enforcers of the C19 Pandemic protocol among the G20 Nations or lets say the developed world where from New Zealand and Australia. Adern (NZ) and Andrews (AUT). I was confounded by the fact that the public was putting up and caving in to the demands of this pair of sick out of line and out of their minds Tyrants. I had always thought of people native to these countries to be tougher and more self reliant having met a good number of them over the years. It was heartbreaking and hard to contain the rage watching their enforcers knock people down handcuffing and dragging them away, even pregnant women kids and all. This pair in particular expressed their disdain for people by going beyond any other Dictator in memory and literally spitting in the eye of everyone with numerous threats in their mailed fist use of words. .
These people.. I hesitate to even call them that cannot be forgiven or forgotten until they have paid in kind what they have done to others.
I think that the best explanation I found on this matter was an editorial written by a writer in a large circulation paper from Australia. He gave his assessment that the problem from a historical perspective was not that Australia had too many convicts but that it had too many jailers. Looking at some of these Goons that surfaced down under as this phoney pandemic spread I have no doubt that this is no theory and has merit. This special breed of two legged Bullies took heed and with the smell of fear and blood raced to the action.
Good old British bully Boy enforcers the kind of creatures that Lord Kitchener would be proud of... Lets lock up all the women and kids until they starve to death that will bring the tough Boer to his knees.
Yes ,here in NZ ,we have a special kind of evil the kind that wears one down with endless sanctimonious laws, pontificating Kindness, 'rispect' while refusing to even meet the people reasonably demanding answers ,calling them a river of filth .And the lies the media spew forth constantly, bending words and their meanings into serpentine abstractions of 'truth" .A frontal straight on attack would have been preferable ,at least all would have seen the enemy .Instead they hide behind their weasel words and half truths......a lot of us are numb right now and tired, bone tired .
The entire planet has been under a mind numbing psyop for decades. Those countries with the toughest and the strongest, historically, were no doubt targeted for an extra measure of the dumb down and numbing, the brutality and all other aspects of it- they had to beat the best down the hardest- to attain their sick goals and agendas. It was awful to see it.
Don't kid yourself... EVERYONE is going to go through the grinder in one way or another. WEF has controlled USA for centuries, regardless of what "names" they were going under.