I’m out - as I’m female.. 🤷‍♀️

From my recollection only males have the ability to fly these mind /body types of aircraft!

( with or without foreskin??? Uncertain about that detail)

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Even if you're a girl person like me, you could start studying now, because you never know who you'll be in your next lifetime. Just remember to pick parents who will respect the sanctity of your you-know. Or if there will be a vi-woman-a built speshully for us.

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Women of course, the noble ones, will not need foreskins. :)

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I got the impression from one of Clif’s substack car chats that we are always born the same gender. Hmmm..

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I thought he said 6parts male 6parts female alternating in manifestation. So everybody gets a pop at being vimvam pilot?

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naw - cliffy said that we got the girl and boy in us - but we manifest regularliy as the one or the other...would you rather get good at being one gender?...seems complicated enough already...

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Yeah, I remember being a dude once, too. Back in the American Revolution. Hmmm. Maybe Clif needs to revisit that.

Nonetheless, I’m glad I don’t have to pilot that craft. Ugh

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No that was just demons deceiving you , no worries

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Yeah but there are 11 others of us & 6 manifest as the other gender.

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Not sure. I have at least one past-life memory of being a guy.

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I got that same impression that Clifs subscription to reincarnation is making him a Jack ass

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Of course. Anyone who disagrees with the obvious certainty of undeniable fact is a jackass. If reincarnation was meant to be fact some Jew would have written it into the bible.


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Actually, it is mentioned, and it was (and may still be) an aspect of Judaism philosophy.

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Or you could realize Clif is lost and read the Bible

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Which Bible? New Testament...Old Testament? There are over 1000 versions with different books included and not included. Anyway who wrote the Bible?

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Easy, the one that tells us the savior is on the way to destroy ( more sacrifice ) that evil force of inversion. It’s all so miraculous!

White hats? Naw, Drumph..

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White hats and Drumph is totally garbage hellscape material.

But in my reality, and to each his own, there is no external savior. I have to do the work myself' inside to dispel the delusion to escape the hellscape. In my working with Richard Rose material I find he states it best to me.

Rose noted that, "Christ gave out, what seemed to be, two divergent categories of teachings in the Gospels. On one hand, He advocated that people should believe in Him as the Son of God and the Savior. On the other, He proclaimed: “Seek and you shall find”. Rose considers believing to be different from seeking, and suggests the former was meant as an exoteric teaching for the masses, to make them feel secure and behave morally, and the latter was an esoteric teaching for those who were capable of appreciating the higher road He revealed, and traveling it."

It is a path that takes one to a place of ultimate truth.

By the way, you should read Mauro Biglino's book The Naked Bible. Amazing work! I have found the pdf available online for free as well.

True hell is when you wake up and it is too late.

Boy and girls it's time to get real and get the F out of this soul trap.

Cheer ya'll.

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Thanks! I just wrote down your recommendation. This is how real truth rolls. (Truth is an emotional when sought).

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I will consider reading the Bible when all the lost books have been found and added back into the Bible. That could change the whole gist of the Bible or at least the New Testament.

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Good point

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

From Clif High's previous comments on the subject, you wouldn't want to fly one of those whether you were male or female. If I recall correctly, he said that those that operated them were used up and burned out very quickly, which would imply they had a very short life expectancy. Basically, according to Clif, people who had the innate ability to operate the interface were forced to operate them--it wasn't something done for pleasure.

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Which is why I don’t understand his enthusiasm for this bizarre idea!

Did anyone actually read the “ instructions ? “

I’m open minded and curious enough to listen and learn what I can from a wide range of perspectives, teachers, cultures.. but what’s the actual purpose of this bizarre ancient flying concept?

1) One must study the works of ancient Hindi writers ..

2) one must be male with intact foreskin (- does that grant super powers via nerve endings??? )

3) If only certain people are qualified to fly such devices what is the benefit to humanity at all?

4) Hinduism is wrought with so much suffering/ superstition

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I vaguely recall Clif mentioning that he had reason to believe that some of those craft might actually still exist, perhaps stored at some military base, if they do. Presumably, he is interested in the possibility of actually using them, which would probably seem like a real long shot to most. (By the way, I read the "instructions" -- a time investment that likely will never pay dividends.)

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I don’t put much stock into obscured , confusing, ancient writings that require a multitude of translations before any meaningful interpretation can be extrapolated.

If there are ancient crafts hidden inside a military base.. I imagine the technology would also be as challenging to understand as the obscured ancient texts are.

I’m applying Occam’s Razor to this particular case. Although, I do understand that simple explanations aren’t always correct!

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While I would agree in principle with your comments, I still appreciate efforts made to elucidate our past, in whatever guise that might take, especially given that it seems increasingly likely that that was intentionally obfuscated. In this particular case, though, I doubt that this will move much, if any, beyond the theoretical.

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Absolutely C Taylor!

I appreciate any efforts to illuminate history and bring the naked truth out in the open for ALL to understand.

Whether this particular information ( the ancient spacecraft ) is useful for future exploration is unclear to me.

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It's all about the Vegas nervous system. The foreskin completes the 'circuit'. When the foreskin is removed it precludes those males from the pilot pool. You may think that is a blessing and in some ways I agree. The males who are incomplete are not destined for a long, happy life!

The comments from and about females in this context are clearly missing the point, together with about 6" of the required antenna.

From Allo health:

"Most notably, the foreskin contains a high concentration of specialized nerve endings known as Meissner’s corpuscles, which play a crucial role in sexual sensation.

In addition to Meissner’s corpuscles, the foreskin also contains other types of nerve endings, such as Pacinian corpuscles and Merkel cells. Pacinian corpuscles are responsible for detecting pressure and vibration, while Merkel cells are involved in the perception of light touch and texture. Together, these nerve endings work in harmony to provide a complex and nuanced experience of sexual pleasure."

So, the 20000 never ending in the foreskin are lost.

I rest my case! 😜

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Hi Paul,

Just a thought here regarding the 6” antenna you mentioned.

As females have a Vagus nervous system as well as males do .. consider that the vagina may be an interior antenna. Perhaps that could explain female INTUITION!

The Vagus Nerve is the” push button “of the parasympathetic nervous system-which is controlled /activated by deep breathing - not by stroking an “antenna!”

This is not the case of “Freuds theory that all women have “penis envy”, but moreover that all human beings have a parasympathetic nervous system.

As most societies do not “ circumcise “ females it could be stated that the female body has a more intact circuit than a circumcised male.

Not certain there is any proof of male parasympathetic nervous system being superior to female parasympathetic nervous system!

So, that particular theory( intact foreskin on a 6 “ external antenna) doesn’t seem to make sense to me from a vagus nerve standpoint.

I’m wondering if it may have to do with hormones and muscular /physical strength capacity rather than just intact foreskin.

Also, as males do not have the capability to give birth perhaps the “powers that be “ (aka Elohim in this case ) considered that males were expendable and females should be preserved as caregivers for offspring!

Just a thought!

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Thank you for your considered and informed reply. I agree with your point on total length of the VNS, I must confess I failed to find any difinitive data to confirm one way or the other.

Truth be told, I am going on information which was derived from ancient texts, from a reliable source, who in turn quotes his sources. I have never found his information to be untrue whenever verified.

Confidence in the information we all filter is paramount. That isn't to say anything should be taken on blind faith.

Your dispensibility point may well be valid. The in-tact males chosen often died in the testing of their abilities or has very short careers as pilots! It goes a lot deeper than that. Too long a story for a Monday morning! 💛

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Exactly why I thought someone's comment that they "unfortunately" could not join in! Seems counter-productive. LOL

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Foreskin required.

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Okay! I’m not going to be available for Pilot duty!

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Me either unfortunately.

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Unfortunately? So you're up for being a space alien slave who will die young of insanity from mind-melding with something alien? Sounds counter-productive - to me.

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Your grasp of logic is amazingly creative.


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Tsk. Tsk.

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#ElohimBullshitClif isn't any real source of good information on the subject of ancient anything. All he's found here in the ancient male-only religious cult of old that treated women as slaves. The nutty-fucker-mode Nazi empire was headed in that direction and worshipped the same beliefs from the same ancient texts #ElohimBullshitClif is playing with. The real moon missions were conducted with captured and modified German UFO crafts. There were 21 Apolo missions, not 17. I've seen footage from the last four missions to the moon. One of them reveals the human looking ancient female, dead and frozen, crew they nicknamed Mona Lisa that was found in a battle damaged torpedo/pencil shaped craft the size of Manhattan island. She was perfectly preserved. She was very Egyptian looking with the same type of headdress. Just like the real face found on Mars (not the bullshit edited version changed by NASA). She was covered with a blanket made of some type of organic circuitry technology. #ElohimBullshitClif is just wasting everyone's time with ancient sanskrit shit. The ones who wrote that crap weren't the ones that built the stuff they were writing (second hand fictional stories - like our modern day scifi) about! The real/original sources of real/original information isn't in the bullshit he's been reading. The real facts aren't in public view, yet.

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A little triggered

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A little defensive... That's too culty for anyone with more first hand knowledge than #ElohimBullshitClif and company. Too bad you sound worried that someone might actually know something that Clif doesn't.

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Do enlighten us, O erudite One. We cling to every master bated aspiration and vowel bubbling forth. No really, ye got anything beyond putting him down? Tell us, or STFU.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

Repeat: A little defensive? ... That's too culty for anyone with more first hand knowledge than #ElohimBullshitClif and company. Too bad you sound worried that someone might actually know something that Clif doesn't.

P. S. — Paradigm Shifter to provide a different view for those that have their heads up other people's asses.

I'll still be here when stupid people find out the Earth isn't flat and the Elohim/Jews/??? aren't the real problem.

People like Clif distract from the real pursuit of real information... It reminds me of a real WWII Army Colonel that was being obstructed by shitty men passing on shitty speculative Intel from the front lines. He described them as gnats sprinkling gnat shit everywhere. He gave the best description for the insignificance of gnats sprinkling gnat shit. "Gnat shit won't change the taste of the salt and pepper you put on your scrambled eggs the morning before you go to battle with the enemy."

Why should anyone be bothered by you or Clif or anyone else's gnat shit?!

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See, ye got nothn. Pffft.

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I say know they self...the rest is bullshit you can't prove. It's like saying the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true.

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I agree to the point that everyone should be cautious of group think. We all fall for it, however, Clif has i formations that does seem to be based on sound logic and evidence. For one, his interests in language and translations/ historical accuracy are pretty spot on. You would have to give me specifics you may have found where he was not factual.

Although, I am in the maybe side of the Elohim just due bc it reminds me of Jungs archetypes of the unconscious which I could get into but it would take too long of a reply.

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You sound to stupid to understand why tomatoes aren't smarter than squirrels.

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Thanks for verifying my previous post.What a sissy comeback.

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You prove my point! It reminds me of a real WWII Army Colonel that was being obstructed by shitty men passing on shitty speculative Intel from the front lines. He described them as gnats sprinkling gnat shit everywhere. He gave the best description for the insignificance of gnats sprinkling gnat shit. "Gnat shit won't change the taste of the salt and pepper you put on your scrambled eggs the morning before you go to battle with the enemy."

Why should anyone be bothered by you or Clif or anyone else's gnat shit?!

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"You sound to stupid..."

You could improve your credibility by learning how to spell "too". ;-)

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Then zip it if I wanted any shit from you I'd squeeze your head.

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Does "P.S." stand for "Piss-Soaked"?

Did the "Apolo" missions visit Uranus?

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Repeat: A little defensive? ... That's too culty for anyone with more first hand knowledge than #ElohimBullshitClif and company. Too bad you sound worried that someone might actually know something that Clif doesn't.

— Paradigm Shifter to provide a different view for those that have their heads up other people's asses.

I'll still be here when stupid people find out the Earth isn't flat and the Elohim/Jews/??? aren't the real problem.

People like Clif distract from the real pursuit of real information... It reminds me of a real WWII Army Colonel that was being obstructed by shitty men passing on shitty speculative Intel from the front lines. He described them as gnats sprinkling gnat shit everywhere. He gave the best description for the insignificance of gnats sprinkling gnat shit. "Gnat shit won't change the taste of the salt and pepper you put on your scrambled eggs the morning before you go to battle with the enemy."

Why should anyone be bothered by you or Clif or anyone else's gnat shit?!

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was that footage from the cameraman who recorded the takeoff and landing on the moon? I believe a lot of what you say but why the hostility towards Clif? It's obvious we probably have been to the moon and Mars (breakaway civilization?) just not the NASA version but the analysis of these ancient writings literal or not are extremely important. Likewise, with the bible, you lose the importance when it is condensed to literal meaning but those of us who do understand symbolism can take it from there.

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I would like to explore your thought provoking information on the 21 Apollo missions. Especially the Mona Lisa. Where can I find additional info.


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Bits and pieces still make the rounds as it did here on X.


As long as the corporate/fake-government pirates control the internet and YouTube videos keep being purged the information will stay hidden for the most part. The best part is that they can kill everyone that knows about it and that's their biggest obstacle.

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Sounds cool but are you willing to do psychedelics? 😂 Clif is lost

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No I am not willing to participate in psychedelics, and Leo do you believe it is a necessary component in order to delve into such a topic. Just sayin!

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Well, it’s definitely a subject I am 100% ignorant about.. but eager for the truth to be disclosed.

There’s certainly room for as much truth as possible. Personally, I don’t care how or from whom it’s presented to humanity.

Thank you P.S. Bowdi

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Believe me there’s no truth here . Reincarnation and psychedelics won’t being you the truth

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Your welcome.

Bits and pieces still make the rounds as it did here on X.


As long as the corporate/fake-government pirates control the internet and YouTube videos keep being purged the information will stay hidden for the most part. The best part is that they can kill everyone that knows about it and that's their biggest obstacle.

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"Your welcome."

You might improve your credibility by learning how to spell "you're".

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

Well, aren't you just a small insignificant prick that thinks anyone gives a damn about your opinion of anyone's INSIGNIFICANT spelling errors!!! This isn't a place where people write their doctoral thesis studies!! Having nothing more useful to say than two examples of stupid insignificant $#!+ gives you no credibility whatsoever!! YOU TOO can take your tinker toy brain and gnat $#!+ and go play with it somewhere else!!

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Ah, that improved your credibility enormously, PostScript BOWDI. Personal attacks always do. Congratulations. You might consider spelling errors to be INSIGNIFICANT but you are exposing your personality to worldwide public view. People see an angry person who has no respect for others and actually doesn't even care enough to check his/her own scribbles for accuracy. In addition, by slagging off Clif in public to an audience who comprise, principally, his avid followers, you are making yourself somewhat unwelcome.

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So why don't you publish them here?

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Clif is a deceiver

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I don't buy it.

Females have a much longer energy circuit than males.

I know Clif read it as 'only males with foreskin can fly the ships' and I take it that it was recorded like that.

But I sense the ELohim feared females for their creative powers, they weren't as good slaves as the males were so women weren't allowed on the job.

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I sense that Clif is full of shit and a deceiver 😂

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I sense that your content-free judgment says nothing about the person being judged and all about the person judging.

Get lost, agent Smith.

(Sheesh, shill blocked.)

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No worries .. these are the kind of delusions that happen when people subscribe to reincarnation and psychedelics

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Hot dickety dawg. I have just checked and I have enough stuff in my larder and shed to make two vimvams. Eat yer heart out El on Mask -you is just so yesterday!

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Bless you. <3

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That's quite a resume.

They don't make pilots like they used to.

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Sounds like theocratic bureaucratese in translation: redundant, imperious and saving craft-before-face. Who knew?

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My memory is the pilot must be un-circumcised. I would like to draw your attention to Intact America a national organization in the US that along with Nocirc founded in the 1980s have brought the circumcision rate down from 98% in the 1960s in the US to 60% today, and are continuing to work to bring awareness and stop this mutilation without consent of newborn baby boys.

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Well, that explains everything from visions of the holy mother,to green glass in the deserts.

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So my question is (and of course we can't answer this at the moment) who were the intended targets of these aerial warships? Obviously, enemies of another faction who also had human slave-pilots. But beyond that...? Other pilots were not going to be fooled by images of celestial maidens, "thunderous roars," or any of the other showy attacks common to both sides. Possibly, all the good pilots could discern invisibility in another craft. They would all have had good maneuverability, sensing and stealth equipment, etc.. No, these fliers were going after human targets on the ground as well as in the air. Subjugation? Stealing resources/people? General terror attacks? I wonder about these ancient wars that were conducted here. And the pilots, do we have any evidence that they ever revolted? They were pretty clued in to certain things that their fellows were not. If so, perhaps it was a risky proposition to train them. It makes for an interesting line of inquiry anyway.

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There really are only two - subjugation or conflict between Elohim groups. Given how nasty-tempered they are said to have been, seems to me conflict among the Elohim would be inevitable, and we do have those 200 "angels" who revolted. Hindu writings talk about the Elohim war, but I can't recall if it was mentioned that the vimanas fired on each other.

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I agree with you about those choices. But I have to wonder, as we do not think like the El, if there may be other reasons we would have a hard time imagining from our limited knowledge and perspective. It really doesn't matter as this is ALL speculation, but it is interesting to consider. For example, perhaps they have criminal gangs within the El groups. or, perhaps there is interaction with other unhuman groups who have completely unfathomable (to us) agendas. Really, anything is possible from this vantage point.

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All I can say, is my 10 th vagus nerve, ((with antenna, is fully intact!)

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing the government takes so much out of your paycheck you'll be lucky to build one wing of your vyatmana by next Christmas 🎄 . AHHHHHHH!

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Secret 33: Get yourself some PRIMO 'shrooms and take a double dose of Miralax prior to attempting to fly the damned thing!! 🙄

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What sort of arrangement would they have onboard to carry out all this hocus pocus?

And if the vimana is cloaked then there must be a way of seeing it through the smoke and mirrors. Any suggestions?

And no wings for post op prepucees! Interesting Clif_thanks

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If I remember correctly, cloaked vimanas can be seen with IR or UV camera.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your flying your vyatmana and attracting karah for the mirror but mistakenly use kubera and Vimukha ultimately putting yourself in a comatose state while heading straight for hurricane winds. AHHHHHHH!

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

Last week I saw a white spherical object flying fast horizontally in the sky during the day. It had diffuse edges and I thought it was kind of trying to look like a cloud. I shouted to my son to come look at the UAP, thinking it was probably just a balloon of some sort, but as he came to view it, there was a flash of silver in the sky where it was, like light reflecting off a mirror, and it disappeared. I think it was one of these things described here.

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Interesting that some of us don't notice, and some of us notice, but don't always have the context to recognize or interpret what we see. There are skills we were not taught to use, but they can be learned. Keep looking. Let the boxed brains pass you by.

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I had to fight a part of my mind firstly not to dismiss it when I saw it moving in the sky, and secondly to actually retain the memory of it spontaneously disappearing with a flash of light. There was part of me that wanted to just say - "oh, that was weird" and never think about it again. I wonder what else our brains are programmed not to process?

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i'm not big on heights!

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At first glance I recall a movie titled the Navigator which a young teenager was able to pilot a craft that could change shape as well as cloak itself and could travel everywhere

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Looks like ALL SMOKE & MIRRORS to me! 😂 😂 😂

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Cannabis Smoke?

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I used to watch Stargate Atlantis - interesting that someone must have had a bit of this knowledge - referring to "The Ancients" and their crafts.

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