Another good piece in the puzzle of our history as a species and the development of religions . I have been watching the Land of Chem by Geoffrey Drumm videos on Utoob with his plausible explanations of the purposes of the pyramids. These also add a piece to the puzzle.

Your ending sentence: "You see, human’s are the SPICE." are sending me back to Frank Herbert's Dune (the book, never the movies). You always make me think and see things in a new light. Your motto could be: Come and have all your answers questioned.

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You do realize that Clif makes it sound like he is presenting facts when it is conjecture or "current thinking"? Evidence may suggest his idea, but I can think of scenarios where it has nothing to do with aliens. Rather evil humans with leftover tech from better days gone by and a lust for domination. We forced them underground until now and the wrap up is now here.

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We all realize that this is theory, conjecture if you will. We are looking at unsolved elements of history, and how the universe works. I would not ever say that because Clif says something it is proven fact. I think of his writing and videos as theoretical based on his research and his interpretations. He does this so we may look as well and may inform our own opinions, maybe coming to better understandings. Knowledge is always a work in progress. At the very least, just have fun with it. Speculation is the starting point of understanding.

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Well said. I consider Clif's conjectures as thought experiments submitted for consideration by his readers for further research and commentary. Sort of a 'peer review' process as they are meant to be, not as they are in current academia.

As an example of expounding upon what Clif says, consider this possibility.

He mentioned that the ones experimenting with PsyEn found that puberty reduces or stops psychic ability, so could that be why they are trying puberty blocking drugs now? In addition to their adrenochrome harvesting.

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Could be advantageous in maintaining boys choirs.

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Thought experiments! What a great term for what this is. I think I will use it somewhere if you do not mind. Thank you, Sharon

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I don't take credit for that term, so feel free to use it anywhere it applies.

It does not appear to be an intellectual property term either, from what I have gathered about it.


Everything is or should be a thought experiment first?

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That is a really interesting proposition about the puberty blocking drugs. If they can keep a being in perpetual pre-adolescent mode that would be a bonus for them. It's my understanding and I believe Clif has mentioned this, that the hormones they give the trannies makes them crazy. I believe Clif called it "brittle." Are the hormones to create "alters" like MKUltra?

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That's a lot of ideas moving around. The puberty blockers are....what? Are they hormones? If so what hormones? I agree trannies are crazed, more hysterical really, but is it the hormones or more blending with a group culture including some non-trannie gays that apparently value sadomasochistic, "campy" behavior and exhibitionist behavior? Where do those behaviors originate? Any of us who have had MALE gay friends know that such behavior is present in gay culture almost as a signalling to other gays. Most gays do it to one extent or another and the campy humor can get tiresome to strait people. Female gays are on another trip, like the "sister" thing and the division into male-ish and female-ish roles. Not being gay, maybe I should STFU, but one does observe this kind of thing. I would really appreciate someone gay clarifying what this behavior is about, if it is a gay culture thing or something else at play. We certainly saw it well on display in recent trans parades, so it seems they want to display it.

Now that I've completely failed to answer your question.....I'm not sure hormones can create alters which seem to be a brain action protective of sanity...that is to cordon off horrible memories of torture of mental and physical kinds into multiple personalities. Cathy O'Brien's book Tranceformation of America talked about the methods. It's almost as if the mind can't take in the horrific experience and remain sane, so it isolates the event and brings in some part of the psyche to occupy that experience. And that part of the psyche is then manipulated to do certain actions at particular prompts by a controller. This can include sexual hyper-willingness, assassination, crimes and espionage ala Manchurian Candidates. It works because after a horrible experience the mind is also very open to suggestion, I suppose out of desperation to deal with the horror. Many believe one of the numerous functions of 911 was to create a situation of such horror and then mind control the population into the need for something like the Patriot Act that was already waiting in the wings, as well as to polarize the population towards the wars the deep state wanted for profit, geopolitical positioning, and expanding central banks into the Muslim world. In a state of fear, hormones do go ballistic, but as to whether they can directly cause the mind to be able to be controlled easily, I don't know. (I do believe there is a conscious mind independent of the biochemical.) But I think the usual technique is to create the terror and then use the resulting mental state whatever the hormonal dynamics may be. It's interesting that frequencies are now used, which O'Brien said are far more effective than torture. If you think about everything as frequency at different vibes, then one could find a frequency for terror and force it on the one to be mind controlled. Cathy said that nowadays the victims are programmed to commit suicide if there is any intrusion into the program, like trying to undo it. This wasn't true in her day and so she was able to be deprogrammed by the MK Ultra CIA guy who saved her. Her daughter was not so lucky.

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Well, I know that when my daughter gets pre-menstrual psychosis every month, it's due to hormones, so there's that... ;-) Thankfully, she returns to her usual self within a few days.

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There is no such thing as "GAYS" Don't you get it that they created those with gender dysforia in the womb, using DDT and Atrazine, and other toxins on their mothers when mothers were pregnant?? That is a fact now and becoming known slowly to all, even the "gay" community!!

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@ Margaret Louise Thank you for a great response. I don't know what the puberty blockers are made of, but the hormones are primarily estrogen and testosterone. My thought was that for example, males do not have organs and receptors for a ton of estrogen so it winds up floating around in their blood stream. These hormones do have a neuro function, but overload a body and wow, toxic soup. I wonder if they hit them with certain frequencies (like you mentioned Kathy discussed) and they are easier to control. I've read more recently about the suicide rate being high amoung that population. Not sure about the gay behavior. Most of the adult gays I know in stable relationships don't do that. It seems like a cultural thing...remember the movie "the birdcage" with Robin Williams? Like you I'm not gay so I guess I too should just be quiet!

Some of what you described above with regards to trauma could be described as dissociation. Or I was also thinking about Stockholm Syndrome. I actually think Stockholm syndrome started on a grand scale with the assassination of JFK where the public is so horrified by an event and then "big brother" is right there to make all the bad things go away. and apparently it's working because I read a stat yesterday that said 270 million people in the US got the jab.

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The hormones they give the trannies actually kills them, shortens their lives and makes them crazy over time. It is a failed experiment they are using to brainwash and fragment and confuse and cause conflict to suit their purposes!

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In that same thought experiment we must consider all possible outcomes and the 'unintended consequences'. So why would those who may want to prevent PsyEn promote puberty blockers to prolong PsyEn?

What other reasons for them could there be? Maybe Occam's razor comes into play with this?

It's hard to compute all of the possible outcomes along with the possible intentions and agendas of those involved.

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I concur, if one reads Cliff’s writings and are aware of particular chose of words used to bring a thought together. One understands that it’s a free flowing progression of an individual’s ever evolving hypothesis.

My personal knowledge base and gut tends to concur with many of Cliff’s theories that continue to progress.

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Cliff is inviting you to look at what he has presented and intelligently respond!! You have to do your own research and add your own experience and sources for that, .....or you can make it into a "conjecture conspiracy" if you wish! (I think I just made up a new label for those who do not think for themselves but expect others "to hand the answers to them before the test"!!!

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PsyOps seem to all be what started as a thought experiment put into operation for testing?

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Will, these Elohim are self made gods. You are right. See my first comment here and see if you get what I am saying. These power hungry people back in Gensis 6 got it in their heads they were gods. They have decided us for 6000 years. They are laughing at us because we have not figured it out. Anyone can be a God. God means, one who lifts himself above others. Satan did this and invented the position of El, elohim, God and then told us in Gensis 3 that we could become like her if we just followed her teachings, which we did. We because as God's mixing evil with Righteousness or life and death. They have got us so turned around that we don't know what our own scriptures say. I have been studying this for 35 years now. It's all f'd up. They got us so confused we can't tell our asses from a hole in the ground. Take the Strongs Concordance and start looking up the words. MySword is an excellent app if you have Andriod phone to begin learning what they hid from us

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Concordance is great to find all the intricate cone tions . But finding sumerian books that concur with verse mind blowing.

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The Kolbrin “Bible” - the 1st six books of the Egyptian Texts of the Bronzebook, along with the Celtic Texts of the Coelbook which documents the fusion of Celtic & Druid mysticism, Judaism & Egyptian anthropology. Once called “The Great Book,” it was originally penned in Hieratic by Egyptian academicians after the Exodus of the Jews. For research purposes, I highly recommend it.

You just may be surprised at what you find.

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I don't trust them though. I question alot of things. Mainly because I know the gods above are not allowed to come here directly and physically be here. However, they are allowed to mess with our heads. So I go by this, if they teach you don't steal, love your neighbor as yourself for example and they live by that as well, I am more likely to believe them.

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That was a complicated explanation of what’s always been obvious. If you know you know.

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Lord GOD=YaHaVeH Elohim (arch angels)

Now, read Genesis again. No YaHaVeh in chapter one. All Elohim. They didn’t create anything. They formed, said, and let. No creation.

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Yahweh isn't a God and was never a God. Never identified as one. That is a deception that has been made by the gods.

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The YHWH literally means: "Behold the hand" "Behold the nail". God is amazing. Jesus is claiming His bride very soon (this year is my guess). Should get really scary here after the rapture! It's been proposed that after the rapture, there is a 12 hour period where you can drop to your knees and ask Jesus to save you and repent from your sins and you too can join the bride as wedding guests. God bless!

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Try using "one[s] who makes rules for others" when you read g-o-d-s. It will help.

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God means one who lifts themselves up. That means proud and selfish idiots who are after their own gain. That is not a divine title it is equivalent to Lord. To "lord" over people is another way to see it. Those who oppress others for their own gain. Can you truly tell me that a rule like do not steal is a bad rule? Can you truly tell me that these rules the universe operates on are somehow intolerable. We have these rules that operate the universe: Do not Steal. Do not bear false witness. Do not covet your neighbors' possessions. Those right there alone if followed would end most wars and strife in the world.

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Maybe that's why they are trying all this genetic engineering on the population just now

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Our collective awakening is too much for them. They are desperate to reduce our numbers to help balance the scale back towards them. Uh oh, rots o ruck. >>>...

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Clif, as do so many others, fail to even, look at, much less mention, how it is that people lived 300, 500, & even 900 years in the distant past before the Great Flood. The pyramids were built for the exact purpose described in the original Stargate movie. The Sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid was for the soul purpose of renewal & regeneration of life with the power of aether. That's your ultimate application of ancient med-bed technology.

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28khz--is the key, the natural med-bed frequency found in numerous sacred sites and pyramidal structures. Geometry in coordination with energetic points yields this healing frequency.

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Many historical writings talk of people with multi-hundred year lifespans. You appear to be dismissing that out of hand. It begs the question how do you know it wasn't so? On the second point of the pyramids (all of them , not just the Great Pyramid) that the "sarcophagus" was for the purpose described in the Stargate movie, again I ask, How do you know it is as you claim? You may be right, you may be wrong. You are speculating just as you claim Clif is. You need to develop and expand on you theory. Did you look at the Land Of Chem videos? That man has done a great deal of research to support his theories.

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Where can the Land of Chem videos be found? I appreciate the intelligent discourse and debate on most of Clif’s writings. Yes, most everything we believe to be true is theory. And as I continue to investigate different theories and interpretations, my own theory becomes more clear. Let’s keep figuring this out together.

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On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thelandofchem

It is an interesting dive. Another puzzle piece.

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When you can actually learn things you don't have to pertend to know things anymore.


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...or as a Krill Reptilian Hotel? We don't KNOW what the pyramids were used for/built for and what they were used for down the centuries they existed. The med beds will not be MRI scanners which I have seen advertised as med beds. The tech is so far beyond us that anyone who offers you a ride on one on Earth at this time better be telepathically communicating with you or you may find yourself out 1000's of dollars or in some Reptilian sandwich beginning their lunch with ketchup and mustard and sweet relish!!! Sharon

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Which universe 🤔

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Archaix.com can answer that for you and about the pyramids too!

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Actually the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob shortened the life span ... so Um ya

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The vapor canopy collapse might have something to do with it. Where there is more oxygen, one lives longer.

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Specifically, the world changed after the Great Flood because BEFORE THAT TIME there wasn't any rain or an atmosphere that would produce a rainbow. The Earth's atmospheric pressure was about twice the pressure we have now with higher oxygen content. That incrrased atmospheric pressure prevented snakes and insects from being poisonous.


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“And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬

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We shortened our own life span. YAHWEH said he would allow it. We do this shit to ourselves. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We create our own hell because we are so turned by every wind of doctrine. Actually get out the Strongs Concordance and look these words up. It's like a court case. Yahweh is the judge and Yahshua (incorrectly named Jesus) is our attorney and Satan is the accuser. The attorneys say we can't have mankind living this way forever they will me miserable and constantly fighting. We gotta cap their age. Yahweh sees that argument has standing and allows it to be done. So there are laws in the scripture that if you break them actually cause you to shorten your life. It is a cause an effect. In court, Yahweh said I have got to give mankind the rules that all the universe is run by so that they can see what us causing suffering among them. These rules are like if you put your hand in the fire you will get burned rules. If you eat all these animals that actually clean the earth, like pigs, frogs, squirrel, etc you will end up with an environment that does not regenerate itself and you will take on all that toxic shit they ate.into your bodies and it will cause you not to think correctly. Guys, the gods are.laughing at us because we haven't figured it out yet. They think they are winning because they have dumbed us down.

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Couldn't have put it better Myself!

Instead I'll just give you " BIG thumbs up"

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I bet you could have Charles!!!

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I just read over that comment I gave. Sooooo sorry for all the missed keys and messed up words. I was riding in the car and typing. We are on country roads...lol

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Your typing was great for bumpy country road typing, and at least you weren't driving while typing! ;)

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Specifically, Um, the world changed after the Great Flood because BEFORE THAT TIME there wasn't any rain or an atmosphere that would produce a rainbow. The Earth's atmospheric pressure was about twice the pressure we have now with higher oxygen content. That incrrased atmospheric pressure prevented snakes and insects from being poisonous.


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LOL by waving their magic wands I suppose!!

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Jul 16, 2023
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What do you mean by that? You think most of us follow Clif without question, nose on his tail? Do you really believe that? Read the comments. There are a few who miss the whole point,....I'll give you that. But the majority of us take what was said and run with it,.....diving deeper from the diving board he sets up, knowing there is always MORE to learn. Don't insult people here, if you don't like it here, you are welcome to leave.

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I would say you are full of yourself and believe like so many ET races that there is no intelligent life on this planet but yourself. Not at all a good idea to be aligned with that bunch. They eat you for lunch if you are wrong!

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Clif, can you elaborate on your findings on the Key to decoding the M2M?

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I don't believe there are any answers. Thought is a electro magnetic operation that is housed in the Earths conjoined electro magnetic field with the sun. The 'Great Reset' is the moment the sun and earth decouple and all thought and all memory ceases to be; humans are totally reset and with this decoupling there is a massive bombardment of genetics from the stars that resets all Life to new forms (the 'old Life' is no longer viable in this strange alien new world). Only those who are actually native (psychic) can survive this decoupling. Which is why they want machines to 'bridge the gap' for them during the decoupling and why they build shelters (Clif's GANs) like CERN to 'protect' them during the decoupling and the erasure of all human thinking. This is also what they are probably pursuing as 'ruling humans' is meaningless compared to 'ruling a planet and sun'.

We Germans are the 'SPICE' (children of God) which is why these jewish fake alien/demon humans want to murder us.

"We Jews[aliens] are going to bring a war on Germany." - David Brown National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934 (subsequently Germany attempted to defend itself from criminal jewery when they declared war on Germany and Europe by extension)

Why Theodore N Kaufman (jewish/alien) published his book, Germany Must Perish and then the Soviet jews that had already overthrown the US Government in 1913 proceeded to try to exterminate both their own German population as well as Germany and all its neighbors.

This is why the Hooten Plan (jewish) advocated the total extermination of all of Germany (true blood Aryans, sons of Aries) and the US Government advanced this agenda as well.

This is why Henry Morgenthau Jr, a jew, advanced a 'plan for Germany' that included the policies of:

- forced sterilization

-forced outbreeding


-territorial dismemberment

-restrictions on militarization

-encouraging non-human immigration, rape and murder of the native population

-and eradication via 'education'

All of these are illegal according to international law as genocidal doctorines.

This is why Louis Nizer, a jew, wrote that the genocide of Germany and its people 'was desirable' to jews/aliens and call for the eradication of Pan-Germanism.

People do not know their own history and mythology but the war between Saturn/Satan(demonic jews; devourer of children) and Aries/Jesus(Children of God; protectors of Life and little children) continues to this very day.

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Here's a thought: the lost sheep could be the 'ewes' and with the J being the sign of a fishhook, could the word jew mean the sheep that have been 'caught'? Or influenced by a malevolent force?

Ashkenazi: ash(star or ashes), Ken(to know), nazi(?) People who know about the star that was turned to ash: catastrophe. The people who blew up Tiamat, and then came to Earth in their Moon-ship.

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Nazi is short for Nazir (as in Nazirite) or 'one who has taken the oath before God'. Jews can't be Nazir because they are demons/aka they belong here in Hell. There is a reason why Jesus took his disciples up to Mount Hermon and went through the Transfiguration (WWG1WGA as an imprecation). The jews were told that they 'could not go where Jesus went/born again to heaven' since they were 'of their father' (Satan) so...IDK...more name stealing I would imagine. To be 'Nazi' is to be a part of the Nation. Jews are semites and will never be part of the Nation since you can't marry or breed into it, you can only be born of it. I don't think God went through all this trouble for Adam (one who is capable of blushing/White)/Eve just to have the end result of having demons frolic in Heaven. The whole point is that everything goes back to its right place not to continue the Hell and chaos.

21 Again He said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for Me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come.”

47Woe to you! You build tombs for the prophets, but it was your fathers who killed them. 48So you are witnesses consenting to the deeds of your fathers: They killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on My own, but He sent Me. 43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message.

26But because you are not My sheep, you refuse to believe. 27 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

Anyway...They aren't sheep since they have murdered over 2 billion people in the last 6,000 years (from the Spartans who went off the gold standard and paid for it to the 140 million Europeans they murdered in the last century alone to the uncounted hundreds of millions of Africans they have murdered over the last 1200+ years of the African Slave Trade that they keep 'hush hush' so that no one knows about their crimes against humanity). They aren't even Wolves since Wolves are in a balanced predator prey cycle with the prey...they are parasites so more like EWWWWWW's.

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That is an amazing summary which I'm copying for future reference if you don't mind. I should have figured that if a name, NAZI is demonized by the Controllers, then the opposite must be true. Even the symbol is an ancient from the people of the Pacific(peaceful).

My sheep(she--as in a matriarchal civilization?) hear my voice(psychic? Holy Ghost? Conscious?)

I've read that the Christ figure incarnated into Earth from Jupiter where the Kristus beings live. I imagine he was a prince and came to free the Lyran slaves from the reptilians--who appear to still be in power. Imagine people's shock when they realize that Atlantis was the land of the Reptiles while Lumeria was the land of the Lyrans, as shown by the harp on certain flags.

The phoenix is one of the symbols of the people who came from the blown up planet of Tiamat because they came to earth and their civilization was reborn(immigrants taking over from the natives--sounds familiar).

Makes me wonder what they did to have their entire planet blown to bits.

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Just curious about something - The Phoenix is used as a title for the highest ranking human evil doer here (now Obama). How could this be related to your information?

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That is amazing. If the Phoenix represents this group starting over from the destruction of their planet than he must be the top guy in charge of starting our civilization over again. Except he was interrupted by DJT and the group that battles against these guys.

Thank you for giving me more proof of the idea I’m working on.

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War/nuclear weapons/energy weapons and the like. Or was it hit by something in outer space? I believe it was war.

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I wonder that as well, tbh.

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Why is the acronym Nazi included in the word Ashkenazi? I know Nazi stands for the nationalist socialist party of Hitler, but it seems like the creation of that acronym may have had more than one link.

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They hide in plain sight.

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I also ponder strange linguistic and etymology 'coincidences' like that and how words were formulated legally and politically.

Like 'secretary' who are the keepers of secrets.

'Understand' are those who stand under others.

'Subjects' are those who are subject to others.

'Spelling' is casting a spell.

Always in a ship, such as 'friendship', 'partnership', internship, apprenticeship, etc...


Who the real terrorists are according to the Oxford English Dictionary.


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I know maritime law, the law we are forced to follow rather than our own common law, uses many such words to keep secret our real circumstances and position. Jordan Maxwell talked about words as spells and going back to the Bible "the word" was the origin, ie the vibration, frequency of words as causing the universe to come into being. So the words we say have frequency and as such carry meaning beyond the superficial. In Hebrew, the letters have numerical equivalents and if you "spell" a word you get mathematical values that work in some kind of mystical way. I can sort of envision where all this would go in a universe that's a big web of enmeshed, entangled stuff related in mathematical ways. Oh, boy, wonder what Nazi really means.

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Probably the opposite of what they tell us🤦🏼‍♀️

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Abra Cadabra!


Be careful how you end your prayers, since ending them with Amen may be signing and dedicating them to Amen-Ra.


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To be 'nice' originally meant to be a fool. It should still mean that tbh.

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Yes! Another profound statement. 👏🏻

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"Come and have all your answers questioned." THIS!

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We are all contributing to Clif's LLM. Welcome to his AI? I totally enjoy being part of this thought experiment with all of you, and I always welcome having my answers questioned!

I envision all of us putting our brains together in some sort of mind meld similar to this.


I'm already working on my small version of this and welcome others to join and contribute their brains.

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Archaix has the best answers regardng the great pyramid.

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As I mentioned in my post, Clif sprinkles it with "Stranger in a Strange Land".

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Indeed, I am feeling that myself.

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Have you read Christopher Dunn's Giza Power Plant?

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No. I did not find that title specifically. Do you have a link?

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It appears that the Great Pyramid is designed much as Tesla's free energy tower. He also talks about the staining and chemical components.

This is a YT presentation by Dunn who rambles until about 20 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6SEMpxDS-g

The first 5 or so on this amazon list are Dunn's works on the Giza Pyramid and ancient technologies.

https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+giza+pyramid+by+christopher+dunn&crid=1JFOU3EJU269Y&sprefix=the+giza+pyramid+by+christopher+dunn%2Caps%2C143&ref=nb_sb_noss I

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Wow, thanks for that. I'm going to start watching them. Looks fascinating.

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Hi Clif: Can you do another Podcast? There is so much going on. THANK YOU :-)

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His podcasts seem to focus on Us to stay the course, "Chop wood, carry water" theme. His writings cause me to connect dots of all sorts of study and experiences I've had the opportunity here. I find both very important, but appreciate the writings more.

Clif's thoughts are like from an humanity Founding Father fighting for truth and justice that lives in all hearts.

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Great insightful description of our man, Clif :-)

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And it makes me chuckle to think what Clif would have to say about that!

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Pro-Constitution, Pro-Trump. Live in the South with 2 Westies and 1 indoor and one outdoor Kitty :-)

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I appreciate his health information.

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Me too.

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He's been consistently wrong though with all of his predictions and forecasts. I listen solely for entertainment purposes and I suggest you do the same. ✌️

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We have noticed that, too, lately. He is talking about the Winter coming. I care about what is happening now.

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Yes, I used to think he was a mystic via his vocabulary engine but now I know he is just a man, all the same I enjoy the rambling studies.

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Agreed. I missed the drive to town and back.

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yes lots of truth emerging as the veils fall away- the self proclaimed enemy, choosing to continue their allegiance to the sacrificial blood cult of the psychotic demiurge Yahweh, stole the history of the Isrealites, rewriting ancient texts, inserting themselves into the stories as the chosen ones. Brazen imposters, con artists, grifters. We know them by their fruits- deception, sleight of hand, murder, blackmail and sorcery. They are resolute in their racial hatred of all other tribes and races, they despise us, openly calling us derisive names, they are consumed with a burning murderous envy of our innate connection to the All.

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Jul 16, 2023
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For Christians, tell them there's still Jesus. It's just that the Father he talked about is a different God from the Old Testament....we didn't know and now we do. There's still a Creator in the heavens and all is well. The Jews are screwed.

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May I add a short comment to yours, Elena? Yeschua the Christ (aka Jesus) did not pray to Yahweh, the Elohim god of the Old Testament. In fact Yeschua spoke negatively of Yahweh. He referred and prayed to the Supreme One Absolute as "Father". Absolute Creator is All, within and without, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Oh course you already know this! Love and Peace.

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Right, I've always felt that God as Yeshi presents IT to us is a different entity than Yahwe.

As a child, I perceived the god of the old testament as a child playing with bricks. When it doesn't like its creation, it gets a temper tantrum and destroys it all.

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I like your practical approach, we need more of that, just make it work and move forward.

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It ain’t gonna happen

Those with His Spirit know

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Seems like a two edge sword. Alien did lay down rules which make sense. But have a hierarchical structure. I'm having trouble in that, being near the bottom of the structure, it makes me stronger having to carry more weight.

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T2M UAP control might work after the bugs are worked out; otherwise the pilot would start thinking about that hot green chick in the Orion whorehouse he'd just visited... then it's Roswell all over again.


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Now THAT is funny!!

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Is this also why they are terraforming the planet to be a cold desert? Someone likes it cold and dry, and it ain't us. It does seem that they expect company relatively quickly, and they are REALLY pushing hard to achieve specific goals by a certain date.

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I've often wondered if desertification is a goal. Clearly reducing CO2 would harm the plantlife.

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Ah see that is what I too think. Something wants ultimately no biologic life on this planet because it cant be controlled. Think about those weeds that pop up in the sidewalk after spraying with toxins. Whoever they are, I believe, they are at the apex of our upside down world control pyramid. I know CH believes they are mantids.

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To kill the microbiome essence of pristine human origins which gives us guidance, protection, manifestation power and blessings, I believe.

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Good stuff but as always with the cliff agenda smeared all over the interesting parts. Over the years yhis hasnt changed so much ... be that as it may , it is well to note that those born after 1947 didnt have the Neptune / Uranus trine ... and that is why they so easily got traped by the cocaine dead end ... and couldnt really get off on lsd... but its true that all the organic psychedelics like mescaline were worked on deeper levels.

As i remember cliff . you were freaked out bt a mantis from another dimention like many 50's kids. Most alien and interdimentional encounters have been pretty benevolent as well as interesting for the pre roswell beatnik types.

You ( cliff) should consider Edgar Casey as much as Boskovich.... Maybe the mantis was just your pre maligant cancer body talking to your electromagneticly tweaked mind... Many shamins that i met took lsd etc and said it was an interesting mental show but still cyclic existence

... Dzonzar K rimpoche is 64 this week.... ask him.

Anyway i like it when you ramble ....

Check out the coming venus (Myan) retrograde combination with the mercury retrograde coming very soon...

This is the fifth hit in the cosmic criss hairs since 2017.... and extending to 2039.

Maybe ill mahe a bitchute video to bring you all up to speed...before it starts next week...

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or maybe you should bring it down a notch or 2 'starseed'

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Clif never 'rambles'. He's like a Wizard, he only says what needs to be said when it's necessary to say it. "Rambles" indeed!

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By the way the video is not allowed on Brasil

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Thanks Clif. Now I finally understand why we whites are so persecuted and why the Jews want to exterminate us, while taking our last names, doing plastic surgery on themselves to resemble our appearance, and detesting us whites so deeply. In my family we have psychic gifts, and I am convinced that these could have been developed if society had not been so hostile to psychic gifts. You told us a while ago that we whites are the most genetically engineered. I could not understand in what way and for what purpose. Now I understand. Thank you for the detailed and educational explanation. Everything is falling into place now. Love and gratitude to you Clif.

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The Oera Linda -Jan Ott explains much of this if you haven’t read it yet

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I've read Jan Ott's book about Freya's people and I think I've seen every single interview and video he's in. I don't feel like the Oera Linda book explains this. I am deeply taken by the story of our people, but how do you think the book explains why our people are so persecuted? Do you think that our hereditary enemy that we had even then is the same as now, and that that is the explanation? If you have the opportunity to develop how you think, it is much appreciated.

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I'll have to read this tomorrow with my, slurp, coffee fest with Clif.

But, Christopher Walken was great except he needs more cowbell.

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Is "cowbell" code for adrenachrome?

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Nah, it's literal. Cowbell is from a skit on SNL a long time ago with Christopher where he insisted that a band needed more cowbell. Now see, you made me explain the joke. That's terrible.

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Wow Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, God Bless

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Bless: be less

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What “gOD” are you using to bless?

Just wondering there are so many

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Back in February, As waves of energy increased, it enveloped me like an energy suit. Like i was wearing energy. At work I told my friend about this energy suit. There were small resistors, diodes and capacitors sitting on the table in front of us. I reached my hand out a few inches away. Enough so that I clearly could not touch them. Then I made different ones move back and forth, spin. He was shocked, I told him to try, but the key is you must believe that you can do it. If you have any doubts it will not work. Focus your mind and believe without thinking about it. Just do it. He too could move parts, not like I did but he could move them too.

Once I started thinking about it, that was it, the connection was lost. The energy suit lasted 18 to 20 hrs and has not returned.

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Do you remember the post on Truth Social Clif made when the GAMMA Ray Burst showed up?

He SAID: "And you thought i was just bullshitting about the Strange Energies from Space that were going to be 'activating humanity' over these decades as we slip into the Ice Age

Is that the energy you are talking about?

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I'm an engineer, researcher. I also have some psychic abilities, not controlled and quite random.

Prior to strangle energy topic, I was shown that we have sleeping abilities. Mind were shown to me and I focused first on learning to fly, like Superman. This occurred several nights in a row. Then right after came the energy that enveloped my body like an energy suit where I could feel this energy and move these objects. That energy resonanced with my body, a connection between my life force.

For me it seems all tied together and a very real connection with Clif.

The consciousness energy connection is real for me. I understand this energy as I have experienced it a few times and now can recognize it when it happens. The most important key when using thought energy, consciousness energy, do it without thinking about it, don't question it, just do it. Once I started to think about it that ability to manifest lost. Our mind seems block the connection. Blind belief that you can do it, without thinking about it.

As a person of science, it has been quite journey to understand what is happening.

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I too have psychic abilities that are related to specific events (all but the first, at a very young age). I have never worked on how to use this ability and kept it to myself (subconsciously knowing I had zero trust to seek help from someone). During my lifetime, on three separate occasions, I have been approached by complete strangers who all said the exact same phrase. These people acted like they were in some sort of trance the entire time and these were the words they spoke, “Be very careful how you use it.” Each turned and walked away without answering the question- use what?.

Took me awhile to realize what they had been referring to and since I hadn’t told anyone it frightened me a bit.

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Shoshana, 13 years ago for 6 months i had those and my more abilities. I doubted my abilities and my worthiness to possess them. Abruptly they went away after 6 months of proof and unworthy doubt. They have never returned.

I wonder every day if i will ever have any of them ever back. I do know they worked only when i was not trying and when my mind was not in the way. When i would think, they would go until finally they did. To this day i do not know what to make of it. I never have understood what happened to me.

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It’s all a mystery to me. I have thought about it throughout my life and tried to connect the dots, in so many ways- I have come up with zero.

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All i can say is to try to be open to what the universe is saying to you. Once when i had to speak “my” truth. I found myself saying something i had never imagined or even thought of. When i was put on the spot and had to speak what came out of my mouth was “authentic self.” Over the last 13 years i have found that this is my compass. I never new this until it spilled forth. I say the spirit is in you. Find your calm/peace and let it speak to you.

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Fascinating, Clif. I am in Mexico and wasn't able to view the video. I am white and psychic.

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The video is Fatboy Slim's song "Weapon of Choice."

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The 1986 children's UFO movie "Flight of the Navigator" explored the T2M (thought to machine) connection - the human child was needed for the UFO 's computer to interface with in order to navigate. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091059/

Nice connection to why the KM hate Europeans so much - we have a more innate capacity for psychic abilities than other races Could this be why psychic abilities are poo-pooed in academia? The KM covering their tracks...It explains why gov't research into woo is clandestine, too.

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I was also thinking about the series Farscape with Moya as the sentinet ship who talks to the navigator. Was that predictive programming? It's audience seemed to be focused on children and pre-teens.

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I fancy myself to have psychic abilities, not bragging, because while those who would call them a gift, which they are, but they are a pain as well. I don't actually know when I'm being viewed upon, but it's like a reflex action that I automatically look at who's viewing me, if they are looking at me in the mirror, I will look them directly in the eye in the mirror's reflection, At times I get a glimpse of their thoughts when viewing me, this ability has grown strong with time, I would also say that I'm an empath, however I'm not effected by others emotions as most empaths say they are, I'm seen it explained as being a Dark Empath, I do have great empathy for Animals as I care most for them. I've peered into the future at time mainly in my dreams, but a few times being wide awake, there again not bragging, just stating.

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I even can tell if I'm being looked at through a security camera, or by a drone, I've done both.

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Yes. I have the same experience and can read people's thoughts and intentions within a split second. Through the eyes, as you say. Irish, Scottish (maternal) and Ukrainian/Russian on paternal side. Many psychic experiences since childhood. Not bragging or bs'ing.

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I'm Native American on my mother's side, and Irish on my father's side myself.

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I totally loved this- I could actually feel the truth in it affect my cells. I don’t know how you access this level of information, but I’m so glad to be a beneficiary.

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I have tremendous respect and admiration for Clif High, and imagine his name will make its way into our history books before all is said and done. But if there was one thing I could ask from Mr High, it would be for a little more transparency and accountability. It is not always clear where he is getting his material from, the ALTA REPORTS or his many and varied other investigations. But more urgently, I think, is a need for him to confront and address his predictive record, acknowledging and detailing both his many successes and also his numerous errors. He is a phenomenon, to be sure, and is clearly an inspired visionary of a very high order, but some objective self-evaluation would, I am certain, be welcomed by many.

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Thanks Clif! This makes so much sense. I've always wondered why they have such hate for the Chosen race, stealing identities, surnames, and the entire cultures of the white races. And, they go so far as to alter their appearance with plastic surgery to emulate those whom they despise. Historically, it appears they are driven to genocide what they cannot achieve or become.

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