Good morning Woo Crew! We probably can not stop the craziness out there, so remember, It’s a brilliant fall day outside! Go do something fun and enjoy the sunshine! Love you all!

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Heavy grey sky here with with a bit of rainshower now and then - c o z y. (Well, if you can be at home as I am.) Makes for a lovely long morning. Maybe two cups of coffee! Reading some things that warm my heart. Watching the near visible movement of the change of leaf color from gorgeous greens to reds, golds, brown - aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. The bit of rain makes them more brilliant.

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Fall is coming on fast! All my Goldenrod is finished already! But my deep blue asters are still blooming! We have baby catfish in the pond and the Koi are Jumping! :)

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Leadwort flowers are still in bloom - bright blue.

A water feature in my yard - next year. 🙂

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i am loving these cozy weather, garden and rainy-day indoor activities. it's sunny and warm here in nor.cal, forecast is 90 at afternoon hereabouts, but the windows were open all night and the house will stay cool-ish til around 5 when the sun is low. i've watered all the indoor plants and now am tempted to watch the (just dropped) new season (5) of 'all creatures great and small'...talk about heart-warming. my favorite 'escape hatch' these daze.

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This has been a spectacular year for goldenrod. I've never seen the hillsides carpeted in goldenrod as they have been this year. Beautiful.

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My favorite season, Fall...had enough of the disgusting heat & humidity this summer gave us here!

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Just returned from a drive through the countryside. The leaves are rapidly changing color and it was lovely seeing them through the rain and fog.

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Ha! No sun where I'm at! Pouring rain in the swinging nest state of Pa

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I just moved from PA to Wisconsin and its raining here too.

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How are you finding Wisconsin compared to Pennsyltucky?

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yep, me too (Franklin cty)

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Apple fest Franklin?

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The very one

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Very near there, been to the festival many times ...good time, nice town..

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Hanover scattered showers here.

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HA, i never thought of that...that people who live in the 'swing' states are by definition

'swingers'. so cute.

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Same...No sun, pouring rain & grey skys in the south west of Victoria, Australia.

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It's only marginally better to your north, here in Nowra.

We were enthusiastic and thankful when Spring arrived and the days became warm and friendly.

The trouble was that there were only three or four days like that before Winter returned and the cold blew down from icy Alps.

It's a strange sort of Climate Change.

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Isn't it just ! We've had a mostly warm, humid, sleepless winter mainly with the odd freezing day in between, howling gales & then dead air with no movement whatsoever...Spring has brought some rain, more sudden wind surges followed by naught & generally 5 or 6 seasons in one day !

My body is not impressed & I have to wear layers of clothing, so that I don't freeze or cook when I go out....

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It may be a bright sunshiny day where you are, but where I am it is grey skies pissing down rain. Reality check.

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Perfect day for baking some homemade cookies or bread! Make your own sunshine 😎!

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Making croissants.

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Nice! I used to make those. Lots of time in the frig between Rollings. Rolled up with almond paste almond paste to make coffee ring. Good on you.

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Yes, almond croissants are good. I was looking to make awesome sausage rolls. I did.

Made some plain croissants too. I haven't made them in a couple decades.

You do have to take time to make them properly.

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As a matter of fact, I am making bread today. Like you said, perfect day for it.

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I’m sewing up cycle clothes with really big pockets. And mailing my best friend some of my plant cuttings. It’s the little things that keep us going through these crazy times! Hugs!

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I'm delivering a surprise gift to a new friend. We recently discovered that as she put it, "we are on the same page" with events in the world.

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That is awesome! Makes you feel like there is HOPE.

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LOVE when that happens...it is a bit like falling in love...for a minute anyways.

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so cozy! i'm now doing a rain dance.

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Very true Suzi. I'm sitting here waiting for Hurrican Helene to hit. (Almost on the exact date as Hurricane Ian 9/29/2022) Way too much coincidence for these storms to be accidental.

So, the only answer is to bake some Cowboy Cookies. Oatmeal and raisin. My favorite. Going to try the recipe on the side of the Quaker Oats box. Bake some cookies because we still have electricity.

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I'm Crocheting a long waisted coat in time for the cold days ahead. Work tomorrow. 😁 💇‍♀️💇

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No, eating pistachio ice cream and playing word games..I done cooked a meatloaf the other day. No more cooking! Lol And no more meat for awhile!

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Same here, blah!

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Hi. (24Sep2024) Adults do NOT ignore trouble. Adults SOLVE the problems. Only children are sent outside to play. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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Yes, but adults know how to pick their battles and take the energies away from the problem children. Save your energy for the future fight. You will need it.

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And I am back to the conclusion that we have been Gaslit by the same Sumerian/Babylonian cult for centuries. So this just hit my feed, and it’s still only a misinterpretation of the original text from the Sumerian/Babylonian writers. Clif is probably more accurate in the context of an island was blown out and the planet froze, as opposed to the Noah flood story. But how do we even begin to try to explain this to the “Normies”?


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“Adults won’t ignore trouble.” Hmmm. Read the escapist comments here, ie, “Bake some cookies…” or “Go do something fun.” I understand the reaction, but these people are following Clif, so they’re not even normies. Most humans prefer to immerse themselves in denial. Courage sure seems to be a thing of the past. Humans have to be on the brink of death to fight back and by then, it may be too late. I may be alone in thinking this and will probably get flack for saying so, but I sometimes wonder why the humans of today are worth saving.

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Ah, but all of these happy people (sounds like retired =;-) are creating JOY, and joy is powerful. Beyond the immediate situation. Enough, raises collective. Doing what you love (and loving what you do, different) is healing - it works wonders along with gratitude.❤️

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What I noted was that a number of these folks sound like they may have chosen the self-sufficiency of homesteading, are attuned to their weather patterns, understand the merits of the flora around them, including the therapeutic flora. From previous comments they have made, they seem discerning and capable of developed thought, It is a community worth associating with in general. I'm enjoying an unprecedented second year of summer extending pretty well through September in lat. 47 south of Lake Superior, not typically a mild weather climate. We are literally making hay and scurrying around putting by the winter's food, grazing hens, still watering the trees in our orchard, making strategic decisions about the prevailing planetary traffic. I'll bake when the snow starts to fall, but I can still enjoy the their moments of blissful baking, peaceful rest, their savored moments. We are all alert for the predators stalking in the shadows. Allowing ourselves a few moments of peace is a reservoir that can deepen resilience. Resilience is a very active component of vigilance. In my mind, fear of death is not the same a respect for mortality. Engaging with what might come with a calm center is part of my strategy, come what may.

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❤️🖤🧡🤍turkeybreeder22 .

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I can assure you that you are by no means alone in thinking as you do; we are many.

We can clearly see our steady progress towards the Abyss. Humanity, like Lemmings, approaches the Cliff - most of them blissfully unaware of the sinister manoeuvring that has set them on that predetermined pathway.

And you and I, and others like us, cannot see how any of this can be averted; it already appears to be too late.

We talk to those you refer to as "Normies" and watch their eyes glaze over whenever we step across the line of their indoctrination; their belief in the "new normal".

Their willful ignorance is all part of the agenda of those who would subjugate and rule over us: Divide and Conquer through fear and disinformation is a strategy which has been used with great success for millennia.

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I believe, and I say that knowing that beliefs are not real..., that humans are still here and worth saving because we have a ways to go to develop our thorough humanness and the facets of our amazing pineal and pituitary (and other) glands and endocrine system. That will transform us into real humans, rather than animals.

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we are in redalert heat again here in arizona..........i do appreciatie the thought of the season, up country.......

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No fall here in Texas. Still summer and hot.

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This is a recurrent theme with Clif, that the Banksters are struggling and must come up with a strategy to "take us down."

He says: “When all else fails, they take you to war.” The global bankster class is of a limited intelligence. In fact, quite limited, and prone to repetition. It gets ‘mind rats’ twirling in its mental cages that go on for centuries. The global bankster class is slow moving, and slow witted, as those alive now are witnessing.

On this, he is mostly "full of shit." Yes, the Banksters are the source of war, for at least the last 300 years. Yes, they finance both sides, unless there is some great leader who needs disposing. And yes, they revel in the deaths of millions of common soldiers, and more enticingly, the innocent civilians overrun by all of the violence. And yes, they make money on munitions, then the war itself, then the "Reconstruction." On that, as Smedley has shared and as has become obvious t anyone who has delved into the wars of Napoleon, the Civil War, the War of 1812, the incursions of Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, and of course, WWI and WWII.

But where Clif is off the wall, and he says this often, is that Banksters are stupid, of limited intelligence, slow and prone to mistakes. It ain't so. Currently, Banksters are closing in on their "Final Assault." 80% of humanity is Jab compromised, most are fluoride, food, additive, chemtrailed and media disabled. They are ripe for the plucking. What is any portion of humanity DOING about our fake elections, the ongoing wars, the Genocide of hundreds of thousands in Gaza, massively fake packaged food, obesity, false media reports, the almost universal censorship of speech, and the false promotion and drumbeat of the "Holocaust?" Nothing! Nothing at all! What is more, the "Normie" slaves are PART of the policing of all of this, because they are so entrained by the media.

Why Clif constantly refers to Banksters/Zionists/Kazarians etc as slow, stupid and about to make a fatal mistake, I can only speculate. But it does have the impact of making people - as here - suck up the Hopium that the "Good Guys" are just around the corner to save you. That ain't true, either. If you don't activate to engage the evil Leviathon, it will win.

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please share some of your 'activation' techniques. many of us who 'see' are wondering what exactly a meaningful activation looks like beyond screaming I DO NOT CONSENT at chemtrails or stating that sentiment on one's ballot. not all of us are capable to solely learn and practice common law or learn how to live w/o a checking account or off grid. any other suggestions for 'rising up' welcome.

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Maritha has much of it on point. Cash is King. I have proposed and promote a local "Script" to take its place when the Banksters switch to all-encompassing and perfectly enslaving digital currency. But beyond that, think of these options: Get away from any form of city, they will all be Mad-Maxed when the SHTF; Get to a place where others are like minded; convert your cash to gold and silver (I am not at all enamored of Crypto, because: A) it is Fiat, B) it is run by the same globalists, C) it can be tracked, no matter what they say, and when the Net goes down, so does Crypto); store essential items: guns and ammo, salt, canning materials and equipment, 500# at least of food for each person you will shelter, salt, medicines, batteries, bug-out items, and of course, toilet paper. Consider what, in addition to numismatics, you would trade: alcohol, medicine, tobacco, salt, etc. Store up gasoline and put preservative in it, or buy it without ethanol added. Get in touch with your police leaders and sheriff department and look for groups who will comb the area for marauder illegals and mercenaries who are bound to come by. All of that, one must know, makes tactical differences, so none of us are "secure" in surviving. For that, you need peace, and that means being in touch with your "Higher Self" and your destination away from this prison planet and its recurring Karmic reincarnation cycles.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

I agree with you on all of these suggestions. This is the time of hard decisions. Evaluating friends who would actually fight with you side-by-side is rare. I moved to a rural place 20 years ago because my mom said I'd inherit nothing if I didn't get my boys to the country on well water. So I did. But 20 years later, the city has moved to me. I need to get out farther and am now doing everything in my power to do that. My problems are the exact same as Clif's in that there are few homes that fit the bill, and the prices are so high, and staging my own home has taken me years, and without help, years more. Michael Yon said if you want to move, move now, because Whites will not be able to buy or sell without the mark in the future. As for crypto's, that is the long HODL. When the internet goes down, it won't all over the world. Crypto's will be available if you have to leave country. You can now get debit cards w/o KYC! It is an "International Man" grid down scenario. Live relatively close to an international border in case you have to get out. Few are going that far, but learn to raise your chickens (not easy) get Old Family Red Nose pricy dogs and raise them right from the six week mark. They will save your ass when you can't use a bullet. Dogs will be good with chickens if you train them well. I also have rabbits. Learn to can meat with an All American Canner. I bought mine used at 400.00 on Ebay. Only pressure cooker for canning meat. I work everyday on the homestead, and I am always way behind on chores too. Learn to live in the NOW, with all the work being slowly and steadily done. We also make all our dog food, because that is not steadily available. I feed my dogs raw meat so they have a strong lust for it. No one will get over my fence without being eaten. I am not of military stature, so I needed help, and my dogs are it! Solid muscle ready to go at a moment's notice. They run perimeter all night too. Best investment I have made. They are also trained to eat nothing unless it is from our hands. Bad neighbors will throw tainted meat over the fence, so this is a must training issue.

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Thanks for your many suggestions. Four years ago, I moved from 2 acres to 40 remote, at the end of the road secluded rural acres. It meant staging and selling my home, and then moving, staying in a travel trailer, building septic, drilling a 700' well, mounting 45 solar panels, moving a home on, building a large work, art and wood shop, and then a greenhouse, establishing chickens and having four dogs with a run of the place. Almost no one can see me and there are no residences or businesses past where I live, so zero traffic. I love the peace, the stars, the solitude and the sense of stability with a garden, orchard and vines and berries all along the fences. Is it strategic, impregnable, no. But it is more likely survivable than the cities or the suburbs, or anywhere along the Coast, as Clif is. As a former Seattle resident and wanderer across nearly all of Washington, if there is any place minimally safe, it is 200 miles from Clif and his Coastal Villa.

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I recall a wise man from four years back who said the best option was to leave America. This man had left America in 2008 having seen the writing on the wall. America is heading down a dark path he would often say. Unfortunately for this man he had relocated to Ukraine. Turns out his plans of surviving the collapse of America had not foreseen the Russian Invasion. Sometimes survival is more about luck than preparing. That said having a plan is never a bad idea. R.I.P. Gonzalo Lira.

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I would offer a caution on your police and sheriff recommendations. Remember that these public officials are also freemasons. My observation, based on firsthand experience, is that these people are perfectly attuned to serving their freemason masters in their dirty work. They are cogs in the machine and are not aligned with the interests of the ordinary citizen. They are perfectly happy fucking people over as Deep State puppets and as freemasons. I am speaking from experience.

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Lois, this is VITAL information. I live on a dead ender with a Constable, a Fire Chief and another out of county cop. It is a nightmare here. The worst is the dog kennel next property over. Rural yes, but you can't pick your neighbors. They love to light up out of here and scare the whole neighborhood. The out of county cop kept following my visitors to my home to see who was not following "protocol" them bastards! And don't get me talking about all the low flying Game Warden's every 15 minutes. I don't feel rural at all anymore!!!!

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Maritha, I understand your issues. My rural situation is a nightmare here, too. One's head must be on a swivel and be hypervigilant. It's very tiring. I have pushed back judiciously but vigorously. The local cops have paid my neighbors to spy on me. One neighbor, vaxxed four times, died in January and it made my life a little more peaceful for a time.

Another neighbor was arrested last week. She resisted arrest and ended up in handcuffs and shackles. Who needs television? She was a police informant -- she had a rap sheet -- and tipped them off about my whereabouts the week before she was arrested. The cops came out at 1:30 AM to surveil and harass me after she called them.

During the arrest episode I stood in my doorway for 30+ minutes and watched the whole thing go down as the fracas spilled out onto the driveway. Then, I composed a very carefully written "Don't Fuck With Me Again" email to my local police department, subject line, "Another One Bites The Dust" i.e., second informant decommissioned. They have not responded.

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I concur. Glad to see you are still in the fight, Lois! Wishing you light unto the stars!

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Hello Sandy! Yes, I am still trapped in circumstances that are not in my control. I may just be shadow boxing but I am feisty and fully engaged.

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Yes, the fight is REAL. I lost it last week and after 20 years finally belted out yelling at them. Those ungrateful, unkind ruffians who never treat their dogs with love and care. They are riddled with tics and fleas. I wish I hadn't yelled up the neighborhood, but I was also hiving from poison ivy and I just couldn't take it anymore. If they don't start leaving my dogs alone, I'm gonna make another complaint too. And about that spying, they just rolled up an RV right up against my property with a big window overlook. So I wouldn't put it past them to be doing same to me. Being a "Boomer" these city fathers don't make as much money off of us, so they want us gone. There is no more privacy!

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thank you dr. p. i appreciate your time and suggestions. wishing all many blessings.

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Forget the toilet paper. Invest in an inexpensive bidet hose that attaches to the side of your toilet. About $25. As long as you have water in your toilet it will work and you will be much cleaner to boot. If you think you will lose your water buy toilet paper.

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Running water requires wells and pumps to get it to your street, or if you have our own well, into your plumbing. If the grid fails, a lack of running water gets old pretty fast.

We have a hand pumped well. When the power goes out in our neighbors who have indoor plumbing drop by to pump enough of our well water to re-prime their pumps when their generators kick on, if they have generators. We have a nice little privy to satisfy our county zoning office, and a humanure system a la Joseph Jenkins. Our forest provides fallen branches which we turn into wood chips, the wood chips healthfully and unobtrusively rot down the humanure, and we use it to feed our forest. In this situation, a supply of toilet paper is very useful. Dried leaves may be a helpful alternate. . If you are in an urban setting, you might want to have a five gallon bucket with a lid adapted as a seat and enough plastic bags to last for the duration. There are commercial equivalents available. Disposing of the filled bags may break a few ordinances, but after a certain point, the rules will probably change.

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A simple test: A) are you NOT on a municipal water supply system? If so, go to B); B) do you have your own well? If yes, go to C); C) Do you have your own electricity (Solar, wind, water powered) generation? If so, go to D); D) Is your private electrical generation system off grid and you have personal battery storage capacity? If so, go to E). E) have you installed EMP strike prevention to your private electrical generation and storage (off grid) system to assure likely supply WHEN the EMP strike comes? If you made it through to E), then bidet all you like. If not, you'll need to X) find water and electricity somehow, and Y) your butt will not be washed at the toilet, nor will the toilet flush.

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The bidet hose is gravity fed. You need water in the tank but you don't need electricity. If your municipal water or electrical supply is cut, you're effed. But, frankly, if all you think is going to go wrong does, I don't want to live in that world. At that point, make sure cyanide is in your prepper kit. I don't want to prep at the level you're speaking of....when the truth is if it's THAT bad, they will not be long coming into house and taking your prepped ass out.

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I completely appreciate your sentiment. Anything a person does to prepare, is tactical. That is to say, none of us has the complete capacity to anticipate, prepare for and survive through ALL scenarios. My process, while incomplete, does consider some level of responsiveness. If I need to do the OK Corral, well, then, so be it. My suggestion is to get fentanyl, which may be quicker and less painful that other options. (And no, I don't have any. I am prepared to die of "lead poisoning.""

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Learn Monero and how to transfer your $$ to Haveno without KYC. Learn to be anonymous as possible in all your dealings. Cash transactions are King. Stockpile things that will save you when the grocery stores close and you haven't the Right as a White Person to buy gas or ever move again. Get ready is all I can say.

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And get the hell away from the big city asap!

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Well I decided to try student power (asking this group to take the lead). I went to a university that I knew would be vehemently opposed to the USA funding Israel. I have made a leaflet that says

There is a constitutional way to:




then, once I got their attention I pointed out that there is no enumeration in the constitution for congress to vote to send public funds to other countries and stated that every member of congress who voted that funding violated their oath of office and that can be the grounds for forcing resignations or removals and pointed them to ReclaimingtheRepublic.org for the documents.

Interestingly,a middle aged man of African or Semitic ancestry approached me and stated that there were differing interpretations of our constitution. (just wait, he had skin in this game) I told him that the confusion in interpreting the constitution resulted from the fact the existence of the Ratification Debates (where assertions were made of how limited the central government was because if a power was not granted it could not be constitutional to grab that power) was not taught in law schools. There are "constitutional lawyers" who have never read these debates where the meaning of the constitution was clarified. Just as in contract negotiations, these are legal documents that can and should be used, even at this late time, to enforce the constitution.

This man proceeded to vehemently demand I tell him if I thought Jewishness was a race or a religion. Yep, he admitted to being a Yemeni Jew and Chabad. I don't care if he is from the land of etc.etc. we the people are not required to financially support his country, race or religion!

More constitutional approaches if I am asked, especially using the fact That National Debt is fraud.

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You have obviously done your homework. As one who was "taught" Con law 50 years ago, I can affirm that the constraints on the government were not emphasized as a restraint or that it was limited by what was granted by the people. Only recently, I have gone into the role of Alexander Hamilton and his efforts, from the outset and before, to assure an expansive and all-encompassing role of govt. In the process, I also followed his path through our first "Private" National banking system - one funded by the Rothies. And what I came away with is that he was a double agent and functionary of the Rothies from the outset. Washington made him Treasury Secretary, and that is also dubious. While I cannot PROVE it, I think the entire Revolution was funded, not by help from France and perhaps others, but by the Rothies, who were also funding George III. The recent "Hamilton" Broadway show simply adds to my surmise, because these operatives and historical contexts are always romanticized to give the Normies a sense of goodness about the devious plays of the Past. When I look back, "Fiddler on the Roof" stands out as well. Romanticizing the Exodus of Jews from Russia, the badness of the Tzar, the righteousness of the Bolshevik Revolution and all. I am fairly certain that we have been compromised since the outset. And that takes me to our lionized Presidents and those vilified. FDR, LBJ, Ike, Wilson, Lincoln all made much of. Hoover and Jackson excoriated. But Jackson was our Greatest President. Why? Because he saw the game, faced assassination attempt and paid off and terminated the Rothie bankers. It was, according to him, his greatest contribution in life. And Wilson undid it all in 1913. (which even a dunce like him realized before he died.)

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Alexander Hamilton Levine! His mother is apparently buried in a Jewish cemetary. He is documented to be British Spy #7 on a handwtitten document found in the personal papers of a British diplomat so the monarchy and the City of London were probably coordinating. So, what say you, if the constitution was deliberately undermined early on by misrepresenting to the state representatives? Couldn't this conceivably put the fortunes of the British monarchy and the banksters available for restitution due to contract fraud. Apparently Hamilton-Levine bribed someone to keep Aaron Burr out of the presidency. It would be useful if state legislatures required all county and state judges to have a working knowledge of all the Ratification Debates to stand for election, sppointment or retention of their position.

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Once again, you have provided brilliant insight to the exchanges.

I have "Intuited" the treason of A Hamilton for a decade or more. I had no proof, but was sure of it. If you can site me to the link verifying his spy status, that would be a large piece in the puzzle I have put together.

I am pretty sure that Jefferson knew he was a spy. I also suspect that Washington, and likely Franklin knew that the money they got to fund the war was Not from France, but from the Rothies, and that Hamilton was either a part of that scheme from the outset or that he was installed to protect and maintain the debt after the Revolution. I suspect that the Brits may have been cut short on funds once the Colonies agreed to make the Rothie bank part of their new scheme. And recent works I have read put Hamilton in the core of pushing for a strong Monastic central government when the Confederation of States needed replacing. Our Republic is messy and it has taken the Rothies too long to infiltrate and buy off all the parts, whereas a monarchy would have just taken one family idiot.

Your input is much appreciated.

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Information pulled from TruthBits blog, the "work product" of Bill McKibben of Americans4Innovation.com and anonymous contributors plus CAT Christians Addicted to Truth, AIM American Intelligence Media. I also want to acknowledge Michael Gaddy of Republic Broadcasting Network who is checking out George Washington's adventures (forthcoming) in the Carribbean in his teens ( a hotbed of Jewish bankster activity).on TruthBits, which didn't copy, there is an image of the document listing the spies

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The Miseducation of Hamilton: America’s First Shadow Banker Redefines Reality

Truthstream Media Released Sep. 10, 2022

LESSON #1: Rockefeller Foundation (British Pilgrims Society) funded ”edutainment” is designed to rewrite American history to promote the British monarchy and British-American bank debt slavery using fiat currency

NOTE: Alexander Hamilton was British Spy #7

Source: Major (later General Sir) George Beckwith’s agent cipher. Beckwith was the British spy chief during the American Revolution and afterwards; Douglas Brymner (1823-1902), Archivist. (1890). Report on Canadian archives, 1890, 325 pgs., pp. xli, xlii, urn: oclc: record: 262476117, published 1904. Public Archives of Canada.

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Excellent post, and yes Jackson was are Greatest President. Jim Marrs' grandson is named after him for this exact reason. This paragraph is a keeper!

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Dr Phrog, I couldn’t agree more. You are right on target, and I often wonder why Clif thinks the Elohims are about to go down. I see nothing of the sort. In fact, they have just about already captured humanity hook, line and sinker.

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Thanks for your note. I had a YT channel, with nearly 100K subs, It ended 4 years ago, when YT scrubbed everything of mine. As I progressed, I cautioned that it was all, "A Giant Psy-Op." None of what we are told mainstream is true. Clif has that right. And if he were to stay within his expertise, meta-data, cancer research, ancient document contents and seaside living, he would be fine. But, instead, he waxes poetic about things he knows nothing about. Your example, that Clif says the Deep State is failing, is 50-foot-deep Balderdash, to be sure. As a lifetime researcher with multiple professional backgrounds in Law, business and government, I know Clif has no idea what he is talking about concerning courts, laws, finances, the economy or politics. What is worse, and why I post here, because he is so articulate in some areas, he has Groupies, who believe his every word, as though he might know. And sometimes, what he says is dangerous, misleading and perhaps even deceptive. Drumpf will not save us. Cryptos and their founders are not there for us, there is NO WAY to vote us out of this, and living along the Coast while talking about the Elohim/Kazarians/AshkeNAZI/Banksters/Zionists tells me he either has no clue what is coming, or he thinks his rhetoric will somehow insulate him from the hordes of illegals about to descend upon him. There is, in my opinion, NO PLACE on any of the three Coasts, Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf, or in any city greater than 10,000 population, where one can have an ounce of assurance that he will survive. When one combines the digital currency, weather and laser intrusions, the food and distribution destruction, the fragile grid and likelihood it all comes down, for years before restoration, the Jabs and their consequences with 5G that Drumpf spent billions getting installed during the lockdown, the infertility and the complete subjugation and programming of 80% of the populations, along with 30 million roaming and well-paid young single men illegals in this Country, to suggest that: the Banksters are stupid, lame, about to fail or that any "White Hats" are about to save us is stupid beyond any wild imagination. All trends point to the target, and the target is us.

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I agree with your thinking and comments, as well as those of others who have posted. Remote/self-sufficient living is a must but I think that will only postpone our enslavement by the oppressive and tyrannical police state. Remember, they have already told us they will confiscate EVERYTHING and they are right on schedule as I write this. "By 2030 You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy".

After they've picked off the low-hanging fruit and moved them into 15 minute cities they'll come after us. I’m sure they already have hundreds of schemes just waiting to be unleashed as needed. Kind of like tools in a tool box ready to get used. Here are just a few:

Those of us living a more detached lifestyle still have to pay taxes. They will simply raise them to where we can't afford to pay or we say “fuck you” and just stop sending them money. Regardless, they'll foreclose. Same with the IRS. Any of our money that's still in fiat currency will simply be confiscated by the CBDC cradle-to-grave control stick.

Trust the police and sheriff? The 80/20 rule applies to human nature. I’ll bet that more than 80% of that group will choose to keep their paychecks/benefits/retirement so they’ll side with the Cabal. Like the Nazi extermination camp guards, they are “just doing their job.” Maritha mentioned Monero and Haveno. They might work for a while but the Globalists/Deep State controls the Internet. They can shut any part or all of that down with a few keystrokes. They can condemn our property through soil poisoning by chemtrail fallout or any other engineered fake climate/health crisis hoax they find convenient. The possibilities are endless.

So where does all this leave us? It all boils down to New Hampshire’s state motto “Live Free or Die.” That’s a nice “feel good” slogan but won’t be practiced by the vast majority. Here’s a reality check: When you get that letter in the mail telling you that you have 30 days to vacate your property, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? When they knock down your barricade and drive up to your house to evict you or auction it off, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?

Most people will choose to become slaves and live at least for a while to whatever extent they haven’t yet been poisoned or lined up against a concrete wall. Anyone who is single and doesn’t have any dogs that will miss them has an easier decision to make. Non-compliance will not be tolerated…

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You are "Dead On." I have tried to have some of these discussions even locally with preppers, some of whom are sure there will be an underground movement, black markets, and that the big guys will "leave us alone" out here in the boonies.

But they have (as has Clif) vastly underestimated the resources available and toolbox of options they have at their disposal. Your examples are squarely on target, but there are, as you know, many more. Paradise and Lahaina are others. Drought, EMP attack, Grid down, the Net contained. Only chipped and Jabbed with codes able to get CBDC, gas, internet, Social Security, etc.

I would say to you, as you have said, unless those of us resisting "Draw a Line in the Sand" and make the goy complying Cabal followers pay for enforcing their demands, we ALL lose.

Solzhenitsyn informed us of what is possible. It's a playbook. Gulags, freight cars, confinement, ostracization, enforced shunning by others, and the police goons, "Doing their Jobs," grabbing people from their apartments to send them off to Stalin's camps. He also said what would "Fix it," and that was, had the apartment dwellers where a family was being snatched, instead of looking on and yearning for the newly emptied apartment, instead taken clubs and beaten the police to death, the entire 50 to 80 million people lost might have been prevented.

When these soft doubters here think they can escape detection and a comfortable life while the US goes down in flames see what is in for them, and they have done nothing before then, it will be too late. Lenin said the best way to beat the opposition was to lead it themselves. Our controlled opposition on YT and elsewhere is exactly that - the non-existent "White Army" that will never come to save us.

And if people think being self-sufficient and rural exempts them from destruction, they need to study the Holodomor of Ukraine 90 years ago, where all the food, seed, animals and successful farmers were removed. 5 to 8 million starved in little more than a year.

The answer? We either collectively draw a line in the sand and defend it to the death, or all will perish. "Live Free or Die."

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So what's the bad news?????

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LOL, as they say. The bad news is that reality is far darker than Clif alludes. The good news, as Franklin once observed, is that knowing the problem is half the solution. If we are aware, and we hold to our principles, individually and collectively, a few of us can reverse the course of the last 300 years of history. I am both optimistic that a few of us CAN do so, or I would not have posted here. And I wish to encourage us all (myself included) that stemming the tide here is not the ultimate solution. That solution is for each of us to recognize the limitations of this shit show, and to embrace our Higher Selves to move on to better places when we leave here, rather than endlessly returning, especially since, if this experiment fails, there will be no Free Will place to inhabit here.

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Target is all of us, we are part of the culling. Useless eaters/goyim/whatever words it doesn't matter. They are hell-bent on building the 3rd temple and literally everybody else be damned, whether that be Palestinians or whoever....

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i have read this whole thread, not that i can keep up with all the bits and pieces of insight and truth flying around. all in all it is touching that we are innately aware that words, if they do not divide us, leave us at the edge of ineffability. and yet, we desire to connect. 'in the beginning was the word', if that is true then the purity of 'word' can only mean Sound. can we use Sound to connect our energy, our Sound of Spirit? where does our connection not lie? where does Nature fit in? where does our Power to Connect reside? any 'thoughts' lol appreciated. much Love from my aching heart to All of us beautiful Humans. how does the Human Spirit prevail?

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I was one of those nearly 100K subs. Nice to hear from you again.

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It's as the bankers are controlled by others and they are messing up their own existence by not paying karma which makes them very very stupid. At the end of the day what is being stolen is our time, we are being bamboozled away from our very selves and drained.

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I totally disagree. Karma is what we hold onto. If you read "The Law of One," you'll see that the Dark Ones also ascend, but they do so "in service to self." The video game we are in rewards both the good ones and the bad ones. It is their incentive to take us down, all part of the game. They are NOT stupid, or they would not have amassed 100 Trillion in assets, most of the planet, and control of all that matters. Clif purports to use meta data, although sometimes he admits he is mostly thwarted from collecting it as he used to.

The Banksters he, and you, call stupid, have the most sophisticated predictive program on Earth: Aladdin (Asset, Liability and Debt and Derivative Investment Network)[1] is an electronic system built by BlackRock Solutions, the risk management division of the largest investment management corporation, BlackRock, Inc. In 2013, it handled about $11 trillion in assets (including BlackRock's $4.1 trillion assets), which was about 7% of the world's financial assets, and kept track of about 30,000 investment portfolios.[2] As of 2020, Aladdin managed $21.6 trillion in assets. (Wiki) Between Blackrock and Vantage, they control much of the financial, business and trade on Earth. And they are owned by the Rothies and financed by the Fed. We pay them to take us over.

But more than that, with the most predictive software and AI connections, how many "mistakes" do you think they will make? They have not a finger, but both hands on the pulse of humanity. Unless humans do something unpredictive, they win. Imagine a Monopoly board of the World, and the banker: prints as much money as he wants; loans to his pals; sets up wars, famines, and financial crashes as he sees fit; calls in loans or causes inflation and deflation at will; buys anyone on the table who is useful to him. Who do you think wins? The pinnacle of the pyramid, as we know it, ARE the Banksters. There may be ET Masters above them, but how might we know that?

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Phrog Dave

Excellent conversation and debate.

It is the key draft for our future.

One’s knowledge can only be extended by critical thinking, action and intellect .

Now, have a Beer Gentleman 👊👊👊

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After reading through all of the above comments I’m more confused than ever. I know I’m awake more than the average but I’ve reached a standstill not knowing who to trust, who to listen to or even know what part of our history is true. I only have my intuition to go by and it gets harder everyday. Any advice that might help myself and anyone else who may be in the same frame of mind? I do know I refuse to give up hope no matter what the truth really is. Please do not critique my writing, I’m in text mode lol

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Do what helps keep you centered and strong. I nearly died as a young child and in various ways gotten stretched pretty thin several times over a life that has gone on surprisingly long. I found an effective meditation technique early on. It seems to have kept me in a place of curiosity, adaptability and appreciation. Sufficient sleep and non-toxic, nutritious food will your mind clear and body strong Life is learning.

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More lucid than you think. Correction is you😀👊👊👊

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Keep an open mind and try not to attach any beliefs you have to strong emotions or a sense of identity. That is how I’ve stayed sane hearing the internets conflicting views. I don’t really try to convince anyone to change their mind about something unless I sense they are open to it, it leads to unnecessary conflict with people you love in life. That and we are fallible humans so I don’t think our brains are designed to comprehend absolute truth.

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Thank you that makes a lot of sense and I’ll keep what you said in mind. We do have a lot of different opinions in my family and I don’t really converse about certain topics unless it feels welcome. Keeps us still close that way. I never thought about the human mind not being able to accept the truth but I believe you’re on to something.

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The law of One-sponsored by the CIA. I am telling you it's a woo shit show out there.

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Please provide a link to back up your assertion. Whether it is true or fiction, or channeling from the dark side, the explanation that people benefit from being dark, more than just the rewards here on Earth, makes some sense. We are in a video game, and the opposing forces are here to advance, to test us, and to pre-occupy us rather than for us to seek our Higher Selves - and get the hell outta here. It IS a shit-show. But we lose when we fully engage it and treat it as all there is.

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Thanks. Watched it and it lends credence to your statement. As one who has been out of body, been hit by lightning and has been abducted (no, not my imagination, there is physiological proof) I know there are REAL realms to which we are not readily connected here in the shit-show. And tapping into them, along with knowing we are in a simulation here, gives license to the release from here.

If there is Free Will, then we: A) have a full range of choices, from which we may learn; B) are eternal beings unconstrained except by our own limitations, and C) When we learn that it is OUR guilt and sense of inadequacy here which causes us to recycle on Earth, we can do as Jesus (whoever that was) is quoted as saying, that Forgiveness is the key - of others and ourselves. If we let go of all of these entanglements, we are free to roam about the cabin.

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David Wilcock, you know Clif's mate was pushing that law of one stuff and involved with those people way back then.

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Yes, I am aware that Wilcock hung out with them for an extended time. He is also the interviewer in the Gaia Corey Goode show, and the one who has pandered to every New Age idea for 30 years to gain fame, to have shows and to sell books. As I would say about them all, even NASA, the religions, the politicians and pundits, just because they lie does not mean that all they say is wrong. But sorting it out, just as with Clif's pronouncements, can sometimes be daunting.

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That's called Stockholm syndrome. It's stupid to sell and destroy one own soul for any amount of money. You don't think all these spiritual movements are not corrupted at the core and that they are not just more religion? Humanity has a long way to get itself out of the shit pile it's got itself under!

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It may be stupid to sell one's soul, but millions of people are doing just that - right now. Not just politicians and Hollywood actors, but Medical Doctors pushed the Jab because it paid them off. Same with Pharmacists. Billions spent on "Free Vaccines" and a "disease" that got bucks when it showed up on a death certificate. Docs, hospice, elder care, hospitals, morgues all cashed in, and some followed protocols known to kill or to put lives at serious risk.

Stupid? Sure, and something many will answer for, but our World is filled with people who have sold out. Unless WE provide consequences for their actions, it will only get worse. About that, Clif and I emphatically agree: When fathers begin to hunt down doctors and pharmacists who maimed their children with the Jab, humanity may have then turned the corner in responding as it must - or perish.

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On board with this one.

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We are all given the chance to do the right thing or face the consequences in this life or the next.

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Knowing is the Truth. Believing is a lie.

Never consent to another because of a false title.

Humans are too fearful.

Most are having a spiritual experience in an organic body.

We are the Knowing principle of ALL there is.

Everything else is mortal nothingness.

Only ✨️❤️✨️ Love is real.

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I know,I've had dealing with them. My view,if correct alters the narrative,this is a loosh factory,controlled by ets,the reason I was attacked was because I was meddling with the top boys,in the occult,and they don't like that. So that's the reason why most of what goes on is fear mongering,and doesn't manifest

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You might get along with Bruce MacDonald, he's live on ewtube right now...seenthattinker1 on there and twatter/rumble

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deletedSep 25·edited Sep 25
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That's your take on it. I have been to the void, as the ancient masters describe. We ARE in a simulation. Call it a dream, a construct, a game, or as one sees fit. This construct includes an astral plane, beyond the matrix of Earth, and that includes the "recycling center," or as religious devotees might call it, "Heaven." But Heaven is neither divine nor is it eternal. It's just more of the same, prepping us for another shit show on Earth.

I have chakras. I can activate them and swirl energy into and out of them. I can feel the emotions they generate and capture. They are real, not of some distant elusive planet. Electromagnetism is more of the material limited appreciation some have for the effects that happen to us. There is much more.

Life IS a game. If you take it seriously, fine. If you think it is ALL there is, good luck in your next 1,000 incarnations, until you "get it." Clif has some of it right, that "Time," "Space" and materiality are all part of the construct. Outside this matrix, none of those things exist, except as other constructs.

Study Sitchin and the Sumerian tablets. There were Elohim, but they were related to planets only to the extent that they memorialized themselves as belonging to a star or group of stars. We are not alone in this matrix. We have been visited many times, and are products of those visitations at some level.

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deletedSep 25
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You have sufficiently "defined" yourself. I think you may need the research time. Copernicus proved mathematically, a globe Earth and Heliocentric solar system in 1542. I do math. When the Flat-tardians can produce a simple working model of the solar system, I will certainly pay attention and study it. It will have to include: retrograde motion; eclipses; precession; seasons and the variable sunlight; rotation around both Polaris and the Southern Cross; and some explanation of survey standards that include the narrowing of land masses as one surveys north and south of the equator. Please, no moon and sun on a T-pole with God somehow planting sparkly things on the glass surface of the "Firmament." I was wise to that in Kindergarten.

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It is time for serious nationalists and industrialists to start joint plans for pogroms of Jews and Jewish corporations.

Much like England gave charters to Privateers to pirate enemy ships, we will pogrom all of USA corporations traded on the Wall Street exchange. Foremost enemies are Neocon Blackrock, Vanguard, and Blackstone. Violent takeover of corporations is hard to imagine today, but conditions will worsen and opportunities will arise.

An untouchable entity needs to create charters, give material support, and coordination for Privateers to take over corporations with local force. For example, an industrial plant will be forcefully taken and the board of directors imprisoned. Local businessmen will control this locally. State governors and sheriffs would ideally be involved. But conditions could get so bad that their support is not needed.

These are the ways that we need to push forward nationalism. If we are not discussing violent pogroms against genocidal Jews now, we may fail and die like Christian White Russians did against the Soviet Bolshevik Jews. White Russians retreated and died in the frontiers of Russia. Currently, all of America’s White nationalists are retreating to the Western Redoubt AND they have no plans to take the East and West coasts and no plan to destroy Jewish Wall Street and Jewish controlled corporations. When the economy fails, you will learn that only ONE entity owns all of the publicly traded stocks in America. Your stocks are derivatives, play things. Your stock portfolio is a fantasy football team. You own jack shit until you pogrom the Jews and take back America with blood and spoil.

The victors with create the new industrialist billionaires and family dynasties. Glory, greed, and ambition will save Nationalist America.

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just listened to a recent interview with war correspondent Michael Yon ....

not something to look forward to, ... and get out of the big cities. My gut told me that a long time ago.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Clif is still among my favorite. but agree with you the banksters and the families who own them are a lot smarter . Humans are slaves, and most don't even know it. Imagine the level of ignorance. Anyway, all governments and militaries are sucking weewee for retirement benefits. The aristocracy is also getting rewarded with forever booming stock-markets. Humans are as dumb as a barrel of poo. We don't have much free will on this planet but we do have the free will to want to learn. Enough information is available to make one wake up. But most like sleeping and playing.

Also, I am not convinced the war in Ukraine is organic. I believe the degree of control is so total , those events are orchestrated to fufill the ultimate "Great Work". The good news is that we are also in the midst of a harvest from above. Those who are doing inner work and show potential to be of value will have a chance at starting anew somewhere else. I am under the impression this planet is going to be cleansed once more. To be clear, this experiment is absolutely about seperating the wheat from the chaff.

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Well, if you think so, please share what vantage anyone would have to foster what I say? I am only a shill to the likes of you, who toss ad hominem remarks at people who shake your foundational beliefs, the ones you are unwilling to test for truth. When you learn to think, perhaps you can follow my train of thought, and then, perhaps, learn something. Your comment is the lowest form of response, worthless to any real discussion. Try challenging WHAT I say, not me personally.

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Cliff is an idiot. I gave up waiting for any of his predictions to come true. What is the value of his posts? If he charged $100/yr for his "advice" would you pay for it? I wouldn't. This is my last post because I'm going to stop monitoring Cliff.

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No, as with you, I would not subscribe to his "advice." I am here, occasionally, because I have friends who follow him and I need, it seems to me, to advise them when they buy some of his crap. But I also find his non-political, non-Bankster, non-ET information curiously reflection building. He knows NOTHING about ETs or aliens, nothing, almost, about macro-economics, and is widely deceptive, or ignorant, of the political process now fully digitized and manipulated in all Western countries by the Deep State. That he alludes to a recovery of anything if Drumpf wins (as opposed to Cameltoe) is mind bogglingly inane.

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Just curious, with all your knowledge n an ole associate of Jim Marr u say, why dont u have any posts of your own. I just subbed hoping that u start posting. I find ur comments interesting. Btw, whats ur first name? ☮️💕👼

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Knowing is the Truth. Believing is a lie.

✨️❤️✨️ Love ⚡️ is all there is.

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I know how you feel. His anti-Christian rhetoric is classic enemy. I often feel he is seeding his audience. "You will see more people attacking their doctors." (Like it is an NLP programming hint.) You have to be very careful of this kind of chatter. But if you look at it like a form of 'heads up' and nothing more, than it is worth a listen. The UFO stuff is also over the top Programming. A waste of time, when we all should be stockpiling for war and looking for privacy in every way we can find it.

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peace is a state of mind...

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war, therefor, would be a state of being out of your mind.

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He who attacks

Demonstrates his ignorance.

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I just had a post with that sentiment. ---> On Trust and Trees - trees for urban planting is the subtopic. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/on-trust-and-trees-freedom-to-trust?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Peace is the Prize"

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Peace is an inside job

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I agree and have seen play out so many of your 'predictive linguistic' commentaries over time. What I profoundly disagree about is the nature of our world and our solar system. Aliens or UAE's have been id'd for decades as being something 'other' than our tech ON THE SURFACE of Earth could create, that is not disputable. However, the nature of the world IMO is a SIMULATION, which makes the predictive linguistics work so well, also my opinion. The 'aliens' do NOT come from 'space' b/c 'space' is only a holographic stellisphere and is w/in the enclosed holographic construct which we call Earth. The 'aliens' are real, but come from underground infrastructure that is so much more complex and evolved than that on the surface. These 'ships' are trackable many times to coming from w/in this undergound infrastructure, or from the 'underground' beneath the sea. This construct provides 'proof and evidence' for any strong belief system, b/c it acts as a 'mirror' for that which we project onto it. THEY have known about this for centuries, and have expertise at using it to THEIR advantage. It was created, again my opinion, by 'God', the real 'God' or oversoul or source, but was hacked by the master of AI intelligences o provide ONLY predator vs prey programming until it is eliminated in the future, which is also w/in the programming of the holosphere.

While I'm at it, I agree wholeheartedly with your Elohim Worship Cult description. It is the THEY that I reference frequently and those that infiltrated the Biblical texts, writing themselves in as 'God's chosen', sometimes fabricating whole books (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Otherwise, they co-opted other mythologies and rewrote them to support their continual victim status and enable their continual perpetration upon the rest of Humanity. I believe their 'god' is the one that they depicted as the voice from the burning bush.

Thank you for all your work over the decades. I have implemented your CV and other protocols into my work as a naturopath and for the most part, they have proved quite successful with a few individualized (for the client) needs to correct terrain imbalances and nutritional deficits.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Very interesting take. I for one do not necessarily believe that the Earth is hollow. However, I do believe there is a very good possibility that there may be voids far underground where life may possibly be able to exist that we are unaware of. How far down did those Russians dig? 40,000 feet or so? That’s probably about 7-8 miles. That’s not even scratching the surface. Well one day we will all know what it is about. However, when that day does come, we won’t give a shit about it anymore… lol. Stay Woo friend.

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Interesting post. Almost like it is written by a sage of the ages - someone that has been around for centuries, perhaps, to absorb so much data and categorize it. Curious graphic as well - a man in his underwear, a naked alien, and "a bald, old guy who is also a martial arts specialist." You volunteering to be the mediator, Clif?

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Sit, and talk softly and carry a big Katana.

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Was able to get a Japanese fighting sickle for cheap , now I need a proper chain to ensnarl the katana. In a ancient peasant movement.

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That's why the peasant villagers use pitch forks.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and contemplating the info Clif gave the other day and all of a sudden, wham, Clif hits ya upside the head with more info, and your brain feels like it's inflating like one of those Grey space aliens 👽 dudes. AHHHHHHH!

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One skill I've always admired, not only for its rarity but for its aesthetics, is being able to maintain a relationship with someone with whom you are in conflict. I've lived with a few masters of this art. Abusive relationships aside, where its far better to walk away, being able to hold your position while being in conflict at the same time with someone with whom you need to maintain a relationship is a high level skill. Contention repelling within a relationship that attracts. Perhaps there'll be some relationship counselors among the aliens about to show up who'd be able to help. Or maybe our alien visitors have some such vacancies that they think we can fill for them. Hmm! The small print on that contract would need to be looked at very closely.

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How do The Jews, Elohim Worship Cult fit into all of this? With their vaccines, contaminated foods and all the rest they seem to be killing off as many non-Jews as they can, esp Black babies with their 50 years abortion push? They seem to comprise most of the Deep State/banksters. Founding feminist leader, Gloria Steinem was CIA agent and Betty Friedan (author 1963 Feminine Mystique) was CPUSA. Both Jews. https://henrymakow.com/180302.html

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so what do you suggest?

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live life

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without hate.

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Huh? What’s this stuff about aliens? They’re already here. The entire planet is composed of alienated beings.

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Time for war against the Archons.

Bring your plasma blaster!

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not space aliens...illegal aliens...we are already there, invaded. and they're not fake.

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"Space aliens" in Clif High's colorful construct are here, too. Their craft are visible overhead on clear nights. Time for Clif High to be more specific.

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where's the entertainment value in being specific? :-D

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Personally, I find Clif's colorful construct of "space aliens" to be very, very frustrating. I moved to a rural area, straight into the crosshairs of the Deep State -- totally counterintuitive. So I am very eager to understand why both factions, Deep State and our alien visitors, would have any interest in me. The Deep State operates from the shadows, as do the alien visitors. I'm just not that interesting, frankly, and I appear to be a pawn in their game. I do not want to be entertained and I find Clif High's circumlocutions to be very frustrating.

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What says they would not make anywhere as much money under a military form versus our current structure? Au contraire, they would take control of all the money by force or coercion. And would their criminal activities be so much easier to disguise under the apparent chaos of our ‘free market’ system? No, the players and the deeds would be disguised under "national security," during a continuous state of war and preparation for war.. Secrecy is far easier around a state of war.

Is there some reason the energies involved in achieving a military junta would exist only at the pinnacle of the emergence of those energies? No, there's no reason for that. The Soviet Union kept a basically military regime for 70 years. Mao has done it for longer than that, with no signs of weakening and many signs of strengthening CCP control. Tanks, tanks, tanks. Starvation and abject social control work too.

Are we facing a real alien invasion? I'm afraid that already happened and it's those aliens and their hybrids we're talking about. Are more coming? Who knows. Will they be the same ones or different? Who knows. Is wisdom on the side of peace? Ultimately, of course. Does it manage contention? Sometimes. The Prince of Peace tried it in this materium. They crucified him, you may recall.

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Why is it so difficult to get rid of the war mongers?.. I watched the "Beekeeper".. we need more of him... 🐝🤗

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The "War Mongers" are all captured, blackmailed, or under that spell. Guys like Lindsey Graham are completely puppetized. Only the Bankesters and their minions are for war, and with good reason. But that means you are expendable and that you WILL be extricated, when the time comes to downsize the planet for their needs. You will NEVER convert them, re-educate them or vote them out of office. Rounding them up for full execution of the law of Treason is our only potential option. They control and govern us, or the opposite. There is NO compromise.

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I don't think Lindsey ever saw or heard of a war he was not for

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Indeed. The little worm is good with other people dying. I might suggest that I get a half hour with him in a cage match. I'd love to beat the fight out of him.

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They reflect our inner turmoil. Is that a movie?

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People are willing to kill for either money or their religion and that's about it.

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Humans are trapped by fear. Ingrained from Birth.

When you fear nothing and consent to nothing, you are a sovereign human. Knowing is Truth. Believing is a lie.

✨️❤️✨️ Love ⚡️ is all there is.

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Except when crossing the road then fear keeps us alive. Belief from the first breath constructs our reality but it can be changed. Women get away with being the goddess but men would never say such thing as they are a god so we are different, why? But yes love is all there is, all else is potential. But define love? It's cool as all these words we say can be elaborated on so what we are attempting to communicate can be conveyed more meaningful. Then we can find common threads of thought that actually help our existence and experience enriching it. Demons I can go after them but they are still my friends yes?

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…maybe more of US….?

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Yes.. let's all train to be like him.. 💪

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I wonder how many humans will root for the Space Aliens thinking they couldn't be any worse than the Banksters.

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Another Rubicon?

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So, now we have space alien banksters?

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