Black Sabbath

War Pigs Lyrics

Generals gathered in their masses

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction

Sorcerers of death's construction

In the fields, the bodies burning

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh, Lord, yeah

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that all to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait till their judgment day comes, yeah

Now, in darkness, world stops turning

Ashes where their bodies burning

No more war pigs have the power

Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of Judgment, God is calling

On their knees, the war pigs crawling

Begging mercies for their sins

Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

Oh, Lord, yeah

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It beggars belief the number of people that are falling for this shit from the MSM.

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I know. It's scary to think that we are all fighting for them too! I wish they would help. But the Psyop really worked well,....they all just change the subject if I try to talk to them. I think it's hopeless to reverse the damage. Then you add the brain damage from the shots crossing the blood/brain barrier,....and well,. they may not be dead yet,....but Zombies they are!

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A Song for the WAR to come. WAR PIGS by Black Sabbath! It says it all!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUXuQ6Zd9w

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Generals gather in their masses…

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Just like Witches at Black Masses...

Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne have all kinds of songs that tell the truth.

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I had posted the lyrics of War Pigs on social media platforms back in Sept. when the song suddenly started playing in my head... decades since the last time I heard it. I should repost again...

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Good idea.

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You should. It's more precient now than it ever had been.

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Takes me back to Manson and MK Ult^^

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Thats how they brainwashed all the Liberals! They used a PSYOP. And boy it worked so well! Nothing works better than FEAR!

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I instantly started singing that too.

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We are tired of the bullshit and drama of the globalists. We are not going to forget the massive psyop and gaslighting that we all had to endure for the last two years. No, we don't want to involve ourselves in another war that will benefit the pigs at the cost of our brave sons and daughters. This is a hard no.

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Amen. So many of us feel that way! I hope we are enough. Praying for DEVOLUTION!!!

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It’s time….for TRUTH…wake up the sleepers from their spell casting Satanic bastards at the MSM…

The War Monger Nazi Mafia cannot win this battle…

Time for March Madness….

Bring on the EBS and get CheatinChinaJoe the fuck outta there…

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How do you wake up a sleeper who wants to keep sleeping. That is the million dollar question. I am not even sure the EBS would do it or showing the horrible truth. There are some (a lot), me thinks, that will never wake up.

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Mass Formation Psychosis seems to work best on College and university Educated Intellectuals the most. They must have been made more susceptible by their training in school? It's interesting,....but less educated people, very little college,....and blue collar people, like myself are not as easily hypnotized. Thank you God! My whole family is gone. All 3 shots and can't wait for their 4th one. Breaks my heart, but I don't think they will ever Wake Up. They are collateral damage of this Global WAR.

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Agree with you. Swap out “educated” for indoctrinated. Medically trained seem to be among the most indoctrinated. Makes sense. School system curriculums are compromised. So many minds have been programmed….they’ve been largely successful in their agenda. If we really think about it, those “more educated” actually have had their critical thinking skills replaced with an mentally inserted program. I was an educator, but stopped when I had children. The agenda didn’t “take” with me. I’m 60 & have prayed decades for, among other things, wisdom. Any discernment I have comes from asking for it. The truth matters.

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Very well said!!!

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I have a Bachelors degree, but have been very "Woo" all my life. I have always been the one that doesn't like it when someone "tells" me how to think or what to do. I guess you could say I was never really a sheep, however I really woke up in March of 2020. Been down that rabbit hole too many times to count. Most of my family have had the jab, but not everyone (hubs, brother, sister, etc). My DIL had the shot, but not the booster and regrets it, but had to for work and is redpilling herself. My son, who is a pastor, is not red pilled at all. My kids think I am cray cray. That's ok. We are all here on our own journeys. They are all educated with Masters. LOL Maybe Masters and higher? Universities are dens of indoctrination. Some of us get out without being hypnotized.

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Hi! It's nice to meet you. Get ready! Things are going to fall apart now,....for a while.....I hope you have been preparing? Food and water, and if you aren't against guns, you need guns and ammo. We actually moved from NJ to upper Michigan almost 2 years ago because we saw this coming,.....we bought a home out in the middle of the Country on 50 acres with a well for water....and a pond just in case.....we have lot's of wood and a big wood stove so we could heat our home if the Electric and Gas stop. We also brought our kids, and Grand kids. We are all living together,....in one house. Because if it goes down and thing get scary we thought that being together to protect our home would be best. I hope that you will be ok! Being alone with this Burden of Knowledge is hard! Bless you! If you want to chat, here is my email amanda.wilson73@gmail.com Stay Safe!

Mandy in Michigan.

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Why is it that the smartest, wealthiest, and most powerful people have no compassion or wisdom? They are arrogant and operate on obsessions, greed, fear, lies, deception and anger. Thousands of years of this sh*t ... will the 90% of real humans ever decide to tell these *ssholes to f*ck off?

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Message is right on . Thanks Clif.

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You are so right Clif... they are also know as Straussians Followers of Leo Stauss PHilosophy professor from Chigaco who included the PNAC group : Wolfawitz, Rumsfeld,Kissinger, Biden Blinken, and Jacob Sullivan! Leading the War charge in Ukraine now!

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Damn, now I gotta listen to the whole Paranoid album again. Remember, Fairies Wear Boots.

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Brilliantly stated. 💛🙏💛

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Khazarians are using Russia and China to destroy their remaining resistance in the West. Then they will make peace with Putin and Xi. This is how I see it playing out. This war is all about conquering you.

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I don't think so. Putin loves running his own country, I don't think he would give it up to the CABAL! I think Putin and maybe even Xi are actually working with our White Hats to clean out the SWAMP CREATURES world wide. It just looks like it's wars, but in reality is is simply necessary house cleaning. Look at Kazakhstan! The USA put a HUGE new Bioweapons LAB there in 2015. I think the "civil war" they had recently was really the Good Guys taking out that BIOLAB. There have to be powerful people on our side too! President Trump has to be working with others, like Philippe Argillier from France (https://humanrightsunity.com/philippe-argillier/) and Putin in Russia and perhaps Xi in China....and many others too! We need our President back now! We need to free our Country from this cancer so that we can help others, like Australia and England! Hurry my dear President Trump!!! DEVOLUTION now!

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The MSM must be taken down first

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Imagine all the negative karma the banksters & their evil ilk have incurred during the last century alone (much less thru time). If reincarnation truly exists, the fuckers coming back as shit beetles, in an elephant’s compound, wherein the residents have been suffering from dysentery from too many melons….would still be not enough of a punishment. Thanks Clif, for the tune worm running thru my head. War Pigs-Sabbath, along with Run To the Hills-Iron Maiden & some Disposable Hero’s-Metallica.

Run to the

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Thanks Cliff as always

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Clif , once again you have summed up this hornets nest in your clear succinct fashion. Thank you.

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But Putin has this:

The BRICS are a unity of nations that had been unfairly treated by the Economic and Finance Oligarchs of the NWO bunch. They joined together in support of one another and even formed a bank where they would loan money to their nations without having to abide by rules that determined how they would spend the monies loaned to them without restrictions and red tape. These nations have wealth. South Africa the smallest in the group’s economy had — about $387-billion in 2019, China — $15.5 trillion; India — $3.26-trillion; Brazil — $2.1-trillion; and Russia — $1.68-trillion. THE UNITED STATES AND ALL OF EUROPE TRADE AT THE BRICS STORE. THEY LIKE THE BRICS STORE! DO YOU SEE THIS YET?

So now you know the BRICS STORE.

And now we also see, most of the world nations outside the European Union and the Go Brandon crowd have decided this is not their war. So …. is this the way Schwab had it planned or was he and Go Brandon given a wedgy?

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