I have followed Dr. Ardis for quite sometime and I feel strongly that you are not giving credit where credit is due! Chiropractors are often smarter than a lot of regular MD’s in that they know nutrition and how it plays a significant role in the everyday function of the human body! Most MD’s could not tell you squat about the chemical and molecular makeup of the foods that are pushed on us daily! All you have to do is research what he has proposed in this video and see for yourself…. It really is NOT far-fetched as you claim! I would suggest that before you label a doctor a DS, you research their work and follow them for a while! He is one of the biggest, God-loving, God-fearing Patriots I have listened to yet!
I thought the same exact thing until last year when I went in for my usual adjustment and Dr. G came in very excited. We exchanged the usual "How are you" and his response to me was "I am great" with a huge smile on his face. I said, "Well, are you going to tell me what you're so excited about?" He said, "Well, you may not understand my excitement, but the wife and I went and got our booster today during lunch!" I almost fell out of my chair! Needless to say, I've found a REAL chiropractor that believes in natural medicine and is red-pilled.
Parris, Everyone must understand the difference between a corrective Chiro and a regular Rockefeller trained Chiro. Huge difference. Yes, they have infiltrated the Chiropractic industry.
You need to learn to read and comprehend at the same time, like walking and chewing gum. It can be done. Parris is saying the new chiro is red-pilled, not the jabbed one. Duh!
Dr Brook Sheehan is brilliant but does remote work that is mind blowing. https://drbrooksheehan.com/ Sometimes an actual adjustment is needed. IF you have a bone out of place she can tell your bone cracking chiro which one to adjust!!! Sorry if I sound sarcastic, have had more bone crackers that have hurt me more than helped me.
I know a very skilled acupuncturist there in Marin County- she is also a very experienced nurse practitioner and homeopathist. Highly intelligent, and very caring, conscientious. Marie Ongaro. Look her up. Acupuncturists are also well-educated herbalists.
I agree 100% after listening to him for two years I trust him more than a MD. I don’t think he should be written off yet. He has interviews with Ann Vandersteel and Scott McKay that are more informative.
She is amazing, she hits like a cannonball of knowledge. She backs up Bryan Ardis. She says he lacks an exact understanding, but is fundamentally on the right track.
Mike spends far too much time ruminating about irrelevant fluff. My time is limited, so I appreciate Dr. Ardis getting right down to the point. You can chew the cud when you’re visiting with your neighbor over coffee. Mike isn’t my neighbor.
I agree Anita Dr Ardis has been amazing through this crap show of Covid! I would believe him before any of these other corrupt doctors killing people in hospitals. Dr Ardis is putting himself out there to be tormented in order to spread TRUTH! Those are the kind of people I stand behind, not the weak politicians/journalists who bury their head in the sand while thousands die from a bioweapon. Go Dr Ardis!!
KN: too few of my Colleagues have gone against the MSM garbage. THAT is a fact. Their are numerous reasons for this ranging from retaliation by the Medical Board of their State to plain ignorance and stupidity. Most Physicians have very little virology in their training. Those few of us who actually “know” the subject and did stand up to the awesome powers against us have largely been ostracized as “Quacks”.
I wrote an article exposing this sham in January 2020, and I have been ridiculed since then. So…you are correct in your assumption about the majority of Physicians.
That does not have much to do with the lack of corroborated evidence for this article. It also does not negate the possibility this Chiropractor might be “on to something”. We encourage him to try a go at the scientific process to find links to his theory, and yes, there might be a few. For example, the “smoking hypothesis” is interesting and should be corroborated with proper investigation.
>>"The scientifically corrupt narrative is likely to be further nurtured by more and more cases of disease that are likely to occur in vaccinees once they will have acquired short-lived Abs directed at Omicron’s spike protein as a result of previous mild infection. The latter can more easily outcompete innate Abs in vaccinees, the training of which was stalled as a result of their immune suppression by vaccinal Abs. Rapid re-exposure to the highly infectious Omicron variant could then make them much more susceptible to disease."
- GVD Bossche
Omicron is Mers-Cov-2.
To understand what is going to happen next, we need to know more about the Sars-Cov-2 genome:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Helicobacter Pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio cholera and Yersinia pestis), two malarial parasites (Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi) and influenza virus A.
BlastP analysis showed high homology of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein with 12 consecutive amino acids of the protein LytR C, which is a consensus protein unique to Mycobacteria.
"The researchers used an analysis of the protein codes favored by the new cor.onavirus and compared it to the protein codes from coronaviruses found in different animal hosts, like birds, snakes, marmots, hedgehogs, manis, bats and humans. Surprisingly, they found that the protein codes in the 2019-nCoV are most similar to those used in snakes."
This video of Dr.Jane Ruby and her initial response to Dr.Bryan Ardis’ theories resonated with me. She counsels taking the time for everything to settle and not to make up one’s mind until one is able to evaluate all the evidence
The opposite of that is personified by the reaction of Clif High. These comments are from his Telegram channel
SO….ANYONE thinking that Aridis knows his shit is wrong. Ardis now claims they are dumping mRNA from snakes into the water system, he is backing off the venom itself being dumped. Still is absolute BULLSHIT! Look at how much trouble BIG PHARMA has to go though JUST to keep the mRNA alive long enough to inject you. They have to cool it to like -80 degrees! NO FUCKING WAY that mRNA will survive in city water supplies, or any water, at any temperature. PLUS mRNA cannot be absorbed through the gut. it MUST be injected. PLUS the mRNA from snakes would NOT be uptaken by human body. They are completely incompatible.
After that initial response he became even more extreme
Well, so all the Water (being watched) Under the Bridge over these last couple of days has surely made it impossible to interview with Mike Adams or Stew Peters. Ever. They both live on sensationalism. Just not my style. Mike is irresponsible. I don’t roll that way. His language is offensive to me. All of Stew Peters presentations are furious linguistic pressurizing pumps that exhaust the systems of the viewers without leaving any intellectual gain. IMO Stew Peters is dangerous to collective rational thinking. What is damning IMO is that i think it is a deliberate tactic being employed by him rather than merely a personality defect. So, basically, they can go pound sand.
Interesting just how frequently Stew Peters invokes ‘satan’ by sigils & his hand gestures. IMO this fellow is a practiced spell caster.
i am now wondering, after the flurry of videos that Ardis & Stew have done to pimp their anti-venom, just how close Stew & Ardis have gotten to the line for Interstate Wire Fraud that can be reported to the FTC? https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/
By my reading of this situation, IF Stew has any financial interest in the supplements, or was paid to produce the video, it is an info-mercial that is being touted as real news. This crosses 3 lines in the FTC thinking about fraud. One for sure thing is that Stew has to identify that he is paid/compensated. Otherwise it is clearly a case of deliberate fraud. FTC likes those as they get plenty of headlines…. NOW, riddle me this: How long will it take for a prosecutor wishing to make a reputation to piggy back on the viral nature of this video by citing everyone involved with Conspiracy To Commit (Wire Fraud)? i am thinking, given how good a job the Shill Crew did with their pimping, that it will take about 2 more days before there is an officialdom investigation.
Yesterday, Jeff Rense and Erica Khan came up with the following
Snake venom in your tap water… or the latest disinformation psyop
Whatever the truth (or otherwise) of the theories I have a few words to describe their reaction:
Contempt prior to investigation
It escapes me how people can react with instant reactions like that when they can hardly have had time to get through the three hours of interviews and the cited material.
It reminds me of the person objecting to material I posted about people lighting fires in the US.
He opined: “we do not NEED this for our cause”.
He never once asked if it was true or not.
There are, however, people who are more open-minded who know far more than Jeff Rense or Clif High, like Mike Yeadon.
“Another interview with Dr Ardis & venoms. If there really is no connection, there are a helluva lot of coincidences.
One key missing piece was alignment of spike protein with any portion of venom from King cobra or Krait.
There are already plenty of signifiers of evil that I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the venom angle was accurate.
Best wishes
I think he gets it where lesser people don’t.
New Zealand’s Guy Hatchard seems to do as well.
Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic Sequences From Snake Venom?
Guy Hatchard
An article in Scientific American back in January 2020 reported:
“Snakes—the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra—may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter.”
The article originated from a Chinese authored paper published in the Journal of Medical Virology on 22 January 2020 entitled Cross-species transmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019-nCoV and said:
“Our findings suggest that 2019-nCoV has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and most similar codon usage bias with snake.“
The essence of the article was the supposition that Covid-19 made its way from snakes to bats and then to the Wuhan wet market, expressed as follows:
“An origin-unknown homologous recombination may have occurred within the spike glycoprotein of the 2019-nCoV….The squared euclidean distance indicates that the 2019-nCoV and snakes from China have the highest similarity in synonymous codon usage bias compared to those of bat, bird, Marmota, human, Manis, and hedgehog”
This idea subsequently gained little traction, because of the improbability of such a train of interspecies transfer, and because public discussion of its conclusions was vigorously suppressed by fact checkers.
The suggestion of the authors to do more research disappeared from view. It has been largely forgotten until now.
Were Some of These Recombined Genetic Sequences From Snakes?
Recent discussion of the origin of the Covid-19 spike protein has suggested that it could be the result of recombinant techniques in the laboratory which joined a number of genetic sequences together as part of research to develop deadly pathogens, and then investigate possible cures.
A paper published in F1000Research entitled “Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine, and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients” in April 2020 concluded that:
“The presence of toxin-like peptides…suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals….The presence of these peptides opens new scenarios on the aetiology of the COVID-19 clinical symptoms observed up to now, including neurological manifestations.”
What are Some of the Neurological Effects of Snake Venom?
A study published in 2002 entitled “Cardiac Involvement in Snake Bite” reports:
“Myocardial involvement is seen on occasions and may rarely contribute to morbidity and mortality. ECG changes are usually transient but when persistent they are attributed to direct myocardial damage due to the toxin.”
Other reported neurological effects of snake bite include:
pro and anticoagulant activity leading to ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke,
muscle paralysis through inhibition of neuromuscular transmission leading to respiratory failure.
All of these neurological, thrombotic, and cardiac effects are similar to reported adverse effects of both Covid infection and mRNA vaccination.
Is Covid-19 a Recombination of a Virus and a Toxin?
mRNA vaccines specifically train the human physiology to produce the suspect spike protein. Did this expose vaccine recipients to a toxin? It appears this might be the case.
In which case, the essential design of the mRNA vaccine would have been a grave error. It was training the physiology to produce a toxin.
These discussions are speculative. We now know that early genetic sequences of Covid-19 appear to have been suppressed by NIH on the instructions of the Wuhan Virology Lab.
Was the genetic similarity between snake genetics and Covid-19 too explosive to admit, whether they came from snakes or not? Certainly, this possibility should have been investigated vigorously.
It might have led to an understanding of the origins of Covid, but more importantly, it might have led to more effective treatments for Covid.
It might also have shed light on the source of the wide range of neurotoxic effects of both Covid and mRNA vaccination.
Whatever the eventual conclusion of further investigative research: biotechnology experimentation to research and develop pathogens and toxins must stop now. It amounts to a ticking time bomb
I think it's important to remember they are called confidence tricksters. And to also remember Alex Jones used to platform Stew and stopped after the things in the vax talk started. Not saying one way or the other but please don't pledge allegiance to ANYONE PERSON! Stay open to other opinions and if you feel defensive remember it's because we all want this to be cleaned up and over. It will be over but not that way. It's US! Ourselves not anyone else. Be on the watch...
Agree I think part of this story is true, you can’t deny the Univ of Arizona study on links/similarities to severe C19 disease using same mechanism as snake venom.
I had an experience my daughter got a flu shot in college 2019 before spring break. she came home and shortly after got ill so did the rest of us within that evening. And ALL the symptoms of covid we had including loss of smell and taste for a couple of weeks. Rob Kirby made mention that he had the same flu and his brother passed away from it that year. She went back to school and told the girl who administered the shots that we all got the flu and of course she said that's impossible. So I'm just saying somethings up. And fear is the mechanism
I completely agree! My wife has had chronic pains for 9 yrs n so dependent on pain meds; none of our MDs, etc able to fix it except thru our DC/Chiro w/ advanced trng on nutrition, sports injury, etc. For the last few yrs, my wife no longer takes pain pills, praise n thank God! I dont discount your article but hope you may find our experience helpful. Also, D.C is also a medical professional way better than RN NP PT, etc why are we buying MDs insecurities n try to discount DC. They are also medical doctor in diff field. im not HCP but i have med knowledge n trng on CV but my 2 MDs friends do not even knowledgeable of CV wellness. Pls dont b fooled by titles. Let their educ backgrounds n actions speak for themselves. Again, DCs are also medical professionals; they are not laypersons. It takes abt 8 yrs of study plus residency
Amen friend, my wife has suffered for 3 years with Fibromylagia and almost 150mg of pain meds and now we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel much the same way as you.
Nutrition/food and clean water is the way to good health and of course the vitamins/nutrients/minerals that have been stripped from our food supply by evil and the addition by evil of glysophate, bpa's and chem trails and toxic heavy metals....these are the cause of all chronic disease.
- Clif High gives predictions about events to happen on specific future dates. He cites "computational neurolinguistics," or "neurolinguistic programming," or some such buzzword that's devoid of substance and cannot possibly account for the predictions.
- Clif's predictions are therefore either made up, or come from some undisclosed source
- In the last few days, Clif discredited information about Operation Looking Glass, one of the few sources his predictions could possibly come from if they are not imagined
- Now Clif is discrediting and downplaying Bryan Ardis
I wonder, who here is the stooge?
There's one other famous Substacker who acts like this, and it's Alex Berenson. Food for thought.
Ad hominem provides another analogy to Berenson´s (viz. Malone). In this instance, it is based on sheer ignorance - Ardis is Doctor enough to have cured his sister where others had failed and predicted her early demise. In fact, that was why he decided to study medicine. Clif High needs to get his information in full before he speaks ill of people he knows not.
Yes, Ardis DID describe curing his sister of Lupus, a really bad autoimmune syndrome with no identified cure.. He mentioned that he discovered she had parasites in her spleen and it took him some years to figure out how to get rid of them. NOTHING since. No info, no hordes of folks suffering lupus clamoring to know how he 'cured' her and how they can try it. No interest on the part of lupus-related groups. Nothing. THAT -- even more than his "look what I found about Run-deathisnear" -- should be splashed all over the web. But isn't. Never mentioned any more. Is it real or Memorex?
Totally agree with you! I’ve worked in healthcare for 26 years and after being sold garbage information for years by Drs who believe the CDC and FDA I went to a chiropractor and a naturopath and they had way more intelligence than any of the Drs I work with.
I agree with you Anita…. There are way too many ideas that I have brushed aside over the decades that now have proven to be true! Maybe this is, maybe not… we shall see
I wonder what credentials Cliff has? Does anyone know? I don't think it matters. Anyone with a superior intelligence, self taught and not brainwashed, anyone who can reason and read.....there you go. Such person qualifies to give an expert opinion. I highly value Cliff's take but I also highly value Bryan Ardis' input as well. What I would like to see are other great thinkers lining up and either verifying this information or proving it incorrect. If it is proven to be correct by highly credentialed independent minds, with high moral compass, it will spell the end of this entire shit show. The whole charade will be proven to be based on a massive lie. Even the less informed, those still wearing face diapers, may wakeup from their mind controlled stupor.
If you have ever followed Dr. Ardis, the last adjectives to describe him would be “fake” or “gay”. God sometimes speaks to us in unusual ways. Like the fortune cookie “Bing”. This was a supernatural move.
I totally agree with you! I refuse to have a MD, I have a Chiropractor and a holistic practitioner, because they really do care about keeping people healthy and treating the whole body, not just a symptom. I am more healthy than anyone I know and that is saying a lot as 99.9% of who I know, go to regular MDs trained by the Rockefeller foundation and that training is evil garbage!
I am as big a critic of Clif as I am a fan ... when he's fails to provide references, I call it out. On this one .... I am in his camp. I can tell you ONLY from personal experience, and only about Remdezivir in this context ... I was administered 3 rounds of it in December after getting the Rona pneumonia, and it didn't do shit to me, or for me. It was a REALLY expensive bag of Tang. Yes ... the drink (what it looks like in the bag). It was $3000 a pop, and my hospital got a 22% bonus for talking my stupid ass into taking it. I didn't feel any better, or worse. I'm fully recovered now and running 3 miles a day ... not bad for a fat fuck (im talking about myself).
My friend didn't fair so well from her remdesivir. Many complications to organs and still dealing with it over a year later. I am hopeful now with what Dr ardis is suggesting may be true is that hydroxy and monoclonal antibodies might help her. Sad that you cannot see beyond your one experience to the thousands that have been hurt by remdesivir.
Wondering if you are a smoker or if you apply a nicotine patch? If so, and also if what Dr. Ardis says is true (TBD, right?), then your receptor for venom would have been "already occupied" with nicotine and the venomous qualities of Remdesivir (again, assuming that is the case) would have been unable to attach to those receptors and deliver their toxins. We don't know exactly what other peptides may block venom so there is much to realize about those, like you, who may not have had an adverse reaction to Remdesivir.
Just saying this is a very complicated subject and Dr. Ardis as well as Dr. Tau Brown (mentioned in the Rumble interview of Dr. Ardis by Patriot Streetfighter - https://rumble.com/v10myhi-4.11.22-patriot-streetfighter-interview-w-dr.-bryan-ardis-exposing-the-serp.html). With Dr. Tau Brown being an advisor and trainer for the Dept of US National Counterterrorism and Emergency Medical Services AND the Exec Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, I think we need to slow down and either research by looking up all material presented (which Ardis did a lot of on Brighteon with Mike Adams and on the Rumble interview with Patriot Streetfighter), or we need to keep watching interviews as as each one gives us a little bit more information or stresses a different set of information. The Dr. Tau Brown info during the above-listed interview with Patriot Streetfighter is a fascinating point.
Anyway, glad you didn't suffer any adverse effects and that you are running 3 miles a day - impressive!
I am a smoker and many family members around me got very ill until I gave them all Ivermectin I purchased from Canada. They are all believers now. In addition to smoking, I also took the Zelenko Protocol when they all started getting sick. I lost my sense of smell for about 2 days. Thats all. No fever no breathing problems nothing.
Well, they may help, but they don't keep you from getting sick. I take them every day,....and I have Ivermectin too, but I still got the last cold that went around our Elementary School. We all did. So, I don't think anything is a miracle cure. I was surprised the Zinc, Quercetin, Vit. D, vit C didn't keep me from getting sick at all. Disappointed I guess.
Bro, you wrong. The rundeathisnear drug has killed incalculable numbers of people. It’s a crap drug. Shuts down kidneys, then lungs get backed up with fluid which is diagnosed incorrectly as Covid pneumonia so patients not correctly diuresed. Then they die. Time and time again. Just because it didn’t kill you doesn’t mean it didn’t kill others. Just like the V itself. Get real.
zero proof of any of that. zero. none. not even anecdotal, I know, I've looked long and hard. I don't know if it has any real value, but I know this internet conspiracy theory bullshit fascination spreading about it being deadly is complete horse shit. Complete. Zero ... and I mean ZERO evidence of any of that.
Thank you very much for also proving my assertion that these threads are loaded down with idiots, bots, and low-IQ digitrash
Here's how I know you're either a complete idiot or a liar. You either didn't look very hard at all or you're just making your "zero this..zero that" bullshit up to fit your pseudo-intellectual agenda. Try scrolling and reading a little when you search "adverse events remdesivir". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7784780/
Actually, for about 1/2 it gives you Kidney failure after 5 days (fauci protocol is 5 days of remdesivir!) I wonder why that is? Kidney Failure causes the IV FLUID they are pumping into you to build up in your lungs and around your heart. It gives you what Fauci calls "Covid Pneumonia". Then, since you are following the Fauci Protocol,....since you can't breath any more, they sedate you and slap you on a Ventilator where they force air into water filled lungs. Your lung tissue is destroyed and you die. It's a simple plan really....I hope the sedation really works though, because I can bet that is a very painful way to die! and since they would not let Families visit? They didn't even have to pretend. And the doctors and nurses that watched all this happen and said NOTHING? As if they didn't KNOW what was going on? They are just as guilty as Main Stream Media in my mind. My faith in Doctors and nurses is totally gone!!!
You aren't aware of all the people who were killed and are still being killed in hospitals over false PCR Tests? Are you aware of the fact that HCQ and Ivermectin could have saved 500,000 American's? You must be getting your information from the Main Stream Media still, aren't you? Why do you think they 'isolated' people for a flu that was less deadly than the Seasonal Flu? Why did they refuse to let people hold the hands of their loved ones as they were killed on Ventilators? Why? And now, knowing full well that Millions of people will die from their shots, they are still pushing them on every one including new born babies? Helloooo!
Not 100%! Hospitals make mistakes, that's true. But they never used to kill for money like this! They were paid off by the NIH and the HHS. The KM needed to build their FEAR PORN up. And the best way to do that was to kill people who came in and "tested" positive for "covid". Do you know that people sent in tests swabs with MANGO on it and it came back Positive? They sent in some animal too, it also came back positive. So, any thing can have "COVID" if a PCR TEST is used. They are doing the same thing right now with the Poultry they are slaughtering in the midwest. They are using PCR TESTS to see if they have the "Bird Flu". All it takes in 1 false positive and MILLIONS of chickens are slaughtered. And not humanely either! This "Bird Flu" is their next PLANDEMIC. Just before the Elections they'll lock down the country again, with their fake bird flu,....saying "it JUMPED from a chicken into a HUMAN! OMG!!! We're all going to DIE! Lock the country down again!" I can see the plan already. I wonder if the people will be smarter this time. I fear NOT.
Agree 100% Amanda Wilson. Dr's and nurses complicit in this malpractice. My faith and trust in Dr's and nurses has gone to zero. They are suppose to base medical care and decisions on emperical evidence. But just ignored this vital protocol when it came to Covid and C-19 vaccinations. WTF. Intelligent people going along with MSM, Fauci, CDC, TGA recommendations without making any attempt to do their own reseach. Resulting in harm to many patients under their care. In Australia Dr's and pharmacists have been given exemption against any resulting harm from administering C-19 vaccines. Nurses not. When you speak up, you are ostracised and I quit nursing after 35 yrs, rather than be part of this sham.
I think it was more than just money. I think doctors and nurses are terrified of the AMA and losing their jobs. The KM also has DIRT on any one in any position of power. What do you think Epstein Island was used for? It was used to black male powerful people into doing the Khazarian Mafia's dirty work. They didn't even have to get their hands dirty at all. Killing MILLIONS world wide without having to look one person they killed in the eyes. And the deaths have only started. For the next few years millions will die from Cancers, HIV, Blood Clots, Brain Bleeds, heart attacks, and anything else you can come up with! Even Pfizer's own documents showed 1500 SIDE EFFECTS from the shots and that they KNEW before they started giving them. Every animal in every trial, Cats and Ferrets died from these shots. They didn't die after the shots, they died after they were REEXPOSED to the wild virus. They died from ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). And many more will die because these shots destroyed their immune systems,....more and more evidence is coming out, from Australia, Germany, Israel and the USA. But you won't hear it on Main Stream Media. So, don't bother looking. You also won't find it if you use Google to search! Use duckduckgo as your search engine. So far, it still works most of the time. I'm proud of you,..Clif Supporter, for quitting instead of doing the will of the Cabal. You were brave.
No, I don't think every one got the same thing, I think some people were treated better than others,....especially any one in the KM Government. Of course they got HCQ and IVERMECTIN. They also did not get shots with anything in them! They aren't going to kill their own people as long as they as useful to them. In the UK they killed all the older people in their CARE HOMES with Midazolam. And sedative that is used to put people to death. The Evidence is out there, but you won't find it on Main Stream Media, they are all working for the KM.
If we don't get the information out there, it will never come out! The people who lost their grand parents, their Moms and their dads to this INCENTIVIZED MURDER deserve to know the truth!!! I can't even imagine how terrified those older people were in those Hospitals insolated from all human contact in rooms,....as if they had Leprosy! When in fact most weren't even contagious, they just had the flu. Without early treatment, with vit. C, vit D, Zinc and Chicken Soup,....of course people got a lot sicker than they normally would, older people always get the seasonal flu badly,...it's not unusual. But doctors being told not to treat their patients at home? Not even vitamin C????? What the hell!!!? That is not NORMAL treatment for any flu ever! Doctors never say to patients, go home, do nothing, when you can't breath, go to the hospital. If you died at home, the hospitals would make nothing! The got almost $100,000 a head! That is Culling on a GRAND SCALE! Hospitals made a nice profit!
25% is definitely 25% too many. Why would anyone ever be ok with use of a substance that kills so many? Comparatively, how many die from ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine?
You Must Look Outside Mainstream Media Look At Your Local Obituaries! Sure Are A Lot Of People Dying In My Small Town The Last Couple Of Years Including Many Young People!
The local Obits is your source? Yeah ... I get it now. Do us all a favor and share ONE ... just one link to any obit that states the dearly departed died from Remdezivir. Just one.
Of Course It's Not My Only Source Quit Jumping To Conclusions About Others & Putting Words In Their Mouths!
I Made A Statement The Obits In My Small Town Are Off The Hook, That Is An Indicator Something Is Wrong!
I Have Put Numerous Evidentiary Sources In These Comments Yesterday & Today!
I Just Put In Several Articles In The Comment Section About NIH Studies into Cobra Venom Therapeutics, CRISPR Technology mRNA Research As Well As Venom Synthesis!
What Have You Brought To The Conversation Besides Vitriol B Schufelt?
Please do not confuse nutritional knowledge with the Scientific protocol method. High is correct here.
This does not mean we don’t have something of merit here. It does mean his presentation of the “facts” were not honest. It also means Stu Peters presentations are all suspect.
The presentation was rather flashy:) It's hard to make a living these days when there is so much competition. Especially when so many truthers depend on their fan base as a sole source of income. Selling looks disingenuous however....the concept should be explored further by science and scientists of high moral calibre. I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest the viral basis for this whole shitstorm is bogus.
The Mike Adams discussion is far more substantive, detailed, and referenced by multiple studies. Mike is no slouch when it comes to science either, and the theory holds together far better without the drama included in the Stew Peters version. I am in touch with multiple leading doctors and they are already validating this. If anything, I think Stew Peters has diminished the credibility of the work of Dr. Ardis through his "hype machine", but the work of Dr. Ardis is passing the sniff test by a lot of folks. https://www.brighteon.com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767
He does. But for many of the idiots out there, who can't read past the headlines or the Meme,.....Stew gets the points across too and he does a good job.
Stew has Doctors on all the time...... Ardis is referring to the commonalities. Thank god for Stew...... He is a "Swatted Warrior" The real devil here is Dr Ralph Baric...... Go to the North Carolina University Website and put his name in...... Got this from Karen Kingston off Stew's show. Stew Rocks mostly!!!
Lol. Yes. Ardis is name-dropping, and presenting himself as one among them. He is not their equal. More a news aggregator and self promoter. He relies on sentiment and word salad. Reminds me of a cheap, smiley preacher who is after a supper at your house.
I have followed Dr. Ardis for quite sometime and I feel strongly that you are not giving credit where credit is due! Chiropractors are often smarter than a lot of regular MD’s in that they know nutrition and how it plays a significant role in the everyday function of the human body! Most MD’s could not tell you squat about the chemical and molecular makeup of the foods that are pushed on us daily! All you have to do is research what he has proposed in this video and see for yourself…. It really is NOT far-fetched as you claim! I would suggest that before you label a doctor a DS, you research their work and follow them for a while! He is one of the biggest, God-loving, God-fearing Patriots I have listened to yet!
I would believe a Chiropractor before I would believe a Rockefeller-trained "doctor."
I have long known Vitamin C combats snake bites from doctor yourself.com.
I have been taking a lot (affirmed by Dr. Ardis) since this whole thing started.
He was right on the mark.
I thought the same exact thing until last year when I went in for my usual adjustment and Dr. G came in very excited. We exchanged the usual "How are you" and his response to me was "I am great" with a huge smile on his face. I said, "Well, are you going to tell me what you're so excited about?" He said, "Well, you may not understand my excitement, but the wife and I went and got our booster today during lunch!" I almost fell out of my chair! Needless to say, I've found a REAL chiropractor that believes in natural medicine and is red-pilled.
Parris, Everyone must understand the difference between a corrective Chiro and a regular Rockefeller trained Chiro. Huge difference. Yes, they have infiltrated the Chiropractic industry.
Obviously 😂
I Would Have Got Up & Walked Out On The Spot! No Treatment No Bill Paid, B Bye!
Dr. G is not red pilled if he got a booster. Such conduct is the opposite of being red pilled.
Learn To Read She Said Her New Chiro is Red Pilled!
Thank you 😃
I believe you read that sentence too quickly, Mr. Leiderman? Try again
You are right!!! I thought you were referring to Dr. G as your new Chiro. I se now that you ditched boosterman and got a new red-pilled chiro. Sorry.
Thanks For Fessing Up! :)
No apology necessary 🙂
The Trolls Are Thick Today!
You need to learn to read and comprehend at the same time, like walking and chewing gum. It can be done. Parris is saying the new chiro is red-pilled, not the jabbed one. Duh!
Chiropractors get the same Rockefeller training as MD's, I have 3 friends who practice it
To a point yes BUT chiros and acupuncturists don't endure the BIG PHARMA curriculum MD's must attend.
Just saying-you go by the person and you're own research. There is an agenda with all the training they receive.
Can You recommend A Good Chiro? Asking For A Friend?
Dr Brook Sheehan is brilliant but does remote work that is mind blowing. https://drbrooksheehan.com/ Sometimes an actual adjustment is needed. IF you have a bone out of place she can tell your bone cracking chiro which one to adjust!!! Sorry if I sound sarcastic, have had more bone crackers that have hurt me more than helped me.
I don't know any chiro in Canada
I am in No. CA, where are you?
I know a very skilled acupuncturist there in Marin County- she is also a very experienced nurse practitioner and homeopathist. Highly intelligent, and very caring, conscientious. Marie Ongaro. Look her up. Acupuncturists are also well-educated herbalists.
Oops. Thought you meant No. Calif, Daniel.
Central Alberta
Depends on which school you go to!
Comparing Apples To Oranges But We Know The Reptilians I Mean R's & R's Infiltrated Everything!
Agree, Dr Bergman is another outstanding chiropractor, patient advocate. I feel they lead the way in speaking the truth
Dr Baker is another.. both censored by YouTube
I agree 100% after listening to him for two years I trust him more than a MD. I don’t think he should be written off yet. He has interviews with Ann Vandersteel and Scott McKay that are more informative.
Not So Sure About Vandersteel Or Scott McKay But I Like Mike!
I just now listened to the Scott McKay interview with Bryan* Ardis (not Byron), and it was very informative.
Just yesterday, I saw this excellent interview with Judy Mikovits:
She is amazing, she hits like a cannonball of knowledge. She backs up Bryan Ardis. She says he lacks an exact understanding, but is fundamentally on the right track.
I Love Dr Judy!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/bzPHZgv6pjLf/ Karen Kingston
Interview with Mike Adams gave even more information. He has been right on with most of his work thus far.
I Love Mike Adams But He Could Be More Subtle With The Alarm Bells! Just saying!
Yes, I think Mike likes the drama.
Mike spends far too much time ruminating about irrelevant fluff. My time is limited, so I appreciate Dr. Ardis getting right down to the point. You can chew the cud when you’re visiting with your neighbor over coffee. Mike isn’t my neighbor.
I agree Anita Dr Ardis has been amazing through this crap show of Covid! I would believe him before any of these other corrupt doctors killing people in hospitals. Dr Ardis is putting himself out there to be tormented in order to spread TRUTH! Those are the kind of people I stand behind, not the weak politicians/journalists who bury their head in the sand while thousands die from a bioweapon. Go Dr Ardis!!
KN: too few of my Colleagues have gone against the MSM garbage. THAT is a fact. Their are numerous reasons for this ranging from retaliation by the Medical Board of their State to plain ignorance and stupidity. Most Physicians have very little virology in their training. Those few of us who actually “know” the subject and did stand up to the awesome powers against us have largely been ostracized as “Quacks”.
I wrote an article exposing this sham in January 2020, and I have been ridiculed since then. So…you are correct in your assumption about the majority of Physicians.
That does not have much to do with the lack of corroborated evidence for this article. It also does not negate the possibility this Chiropractor might be “on to something”. We encourage him to try a go at the scientific process to find links to his theory, and yes, there might be a few. For example, the “smoking hypothesis” is interesting and should be corroborated with proper investigation.
Just don’t confuse the issues.
Nicotine has been covered convincingly; from early on in the covid-1984 affair, it was known smokers suffered 80% less than non-smokers. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/332125809/
As for snakes, you may find this comment by Sandokhan (https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/odd-mild-omicron-story-in-south-africa/comments?s=r) of interest:
>>"The scientifically corrupt narrative is likely to be further nurtured by more and more cases of disease that are likely to occur in vaccinees once they will have acquired short-lived Abs directed at Omicron’s spike protein as a result of previous mild infection. The latter can more easily outcompete innate Abs in vaccinees, the training of which was stalled as a result of their immune suppression by vaccinal Abs. Rapid re-exposure to the highly infectious Omicron variant could then make them much more susceptible to disease."
- GVD Bossche
Omicron is Mers-Cov-2.
To understand what is going to happen next, we need to know more about the Sars-Cov-2 genome:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Helicobacter Pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio cholera and Yersinia pestis), two malarial parasites (Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi) and influenza virus A.
In addition:
- M. bovis
BlastP analysis showed high homology of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein with 12 consecutive amino acids of the protein LytR C, which is a consensus protein unique to Mycobacteria.
- Nipah virus
- Cobra genome
"The researchers used an analysis of the protein codes favored by the new cor.onavirus and compared it to the protein codes from coronaviruses found in different animal hosts, like birds, snakes, marmots, hedgehogs, manis, bats and humans. Surprisingly, they found that the protein codes in the 2019-nCoV are most similar to those used in snakes."
- Herpes
http://stateofthenation.co/?p=100633 (proteina ORF10)
- Mers-Cov
Genomic analysis revealed that SARS-CoV-2 shares around 50% genetic identity with MERS-CoV.
- Enterotoxin B
Variant Pi = coronathrax.<<
Further to BLAST analysis: https://www.researchgate.net/post/COVID-19_CCTCGGCGGGCACGT_PRRAR_AA_Furin_cleavage_site_at_23603-23617_of_the_MN908947_Genbank_Genome_Matches_Mostly_Bacteria_COVID-19_in_BLAST
It looks like a veritable Pandora´s toolbox.
April 15, 2022 Admin Comments 1 Comment
This video of Dr.Jane Ruby and her initial response to Dr.Bryan Ardis’ theories resonated with me. She counsels taking the time for everything to settle and not to make up one’s mind until one is able to evaluate all the evidence
The opposite of that is personified by the reaction of Clif High. These comments are from his Telegram channel
SO….ANYONE thinking that Aridis knows his shit is wrong. Ardis now claims they are dumping mRNA from snakes into the water system, he is backing off the venom itself being dumped. Still is absolute BULLSHIT! Look at how much trouble BIG PHARMA has to go though JUST to keep the mRNA alive long enough to inject you. They have to cool it to like -80 degrees! NO FUCKING WAY that mRNA will survive in city water supplies, or any water, at any temperature. PLUS mRNA cannot be absorbed through the gut. it MUST be injected. PLUS the mRNA from snakes would NOT be uptaken by human body. They are completely incompatible.
After that initial response he became even more extreme
Well, so all the Water (being watched) Under the Bridge over these last couple of days has surely made it impossible to interview with Mike Adams or Stew Peters. Ever. They both live on sensationalism. Just not my style. Mike is irresponsible. I don’t roll that way. His language is offensive to me. All of Stew Peters presentations are furious linguistic pressurizing pumps that exhaust the systems of the viewers without leaving any intellectual gain. IMO Stew Peters is dangerous to collective rational thinking. What is damning IMO is that i think it is a deliberate tactic being employed by him rather than merely a personality defect. So, basically, they can go pound sand.
Interesting just how frequently Stew Peters invokes ‘satan’ by sigils & his hand gestures. IMO this fellow is a practiced spell caster.
i am now wondering, after the flurry of videos that Ardis & Stew have done to pimp their anti-venom, just how close Stew & Ardis have gotten to the line for Interstate Wire Fraud that can be reported to the FTC? https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/
By my reading of this situation, IF Stew has any financial interest in the supplements, or was paid to produce the video, it is an info-mercial that is being touted as real news. This crosses 3 lines in the FTC thinking about fraud. One for sure thing is that Stew has to identify that he is paid/compensated. Otherwise it is clearly a case of deliberate fraud. FTC likes those as they get plenty of headlines…. NOW, riddle me this: How long will it take for a prosecutor wishing to make a reputation to piggy back on the viral nature of this video by citing everyone involved with Conspiracy To Commit (Wire Fraud)? i am thinking, given how good a job the Shill Crew did with their pimping, that it will take about 2 more days before there is an officialdom investigation.
Yesterday, Jeff Rense and Erica Khan came up with the following
Snake venom in your tap water… or the latest disinformation psyop
Whatever the truth (or otherwise) of the theories I have a few words to describe their reaction:
Contempt prior to investigation
It escapes me how people can react with instant reactions like that when they can hardly have had time to get through the three hours of interviews and the cited material.
It reminds me of the person objecting to material I posted about people lighting fires in the US.
He opined: “we do not NEED this for our cause”.
He never once asked if it was true or not.
There are, however, people who are more open-minded who know far more than Jeff Rense or Clif High, like Mike Yeadon.
“Another interview with Dr Ardis & venoms. If there really is no connection, there are a helluva lot of coincidences.
One key missing piece was alignment of spike protein with any portion of venom from King cobra or Krait.
There are already plenty of signifiers of evil that I wouldn’t be at all surprised in the venom angle was accurate.
Best wishes
I think he gets it where lesser people don’t.
New Zealand’s Guy Hatchard seems to do as well.
Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic Sequences From Snake Venom?
Guy Hatchard
An article in Scientific American back in January 2020 reported:
“Snakes—the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra—may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter.”
The article originated from a Chinese authored paper published in the Journal of Medical Virology on 22 January 2020 entitled Cross-species transmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019-nCoV and said:
“Our findings suggest that 2019-nCoV has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and most similar codon usage bias with snake.“
The essence of the article was the supposition that Covid-19 made its way from snakes to bats and then to the Wuhan wet market, expressed as follows:
“An origin-unknown homologous recombination may have occurred within the spike glycoprotein of the 2019-nCoV….The squared euclidean distance indicates that the 2019-nCoV and snakes from China have the highest similarity in synonymous codon usage bias compared to those of bat, bird, Marmota, human, Manis, and hedgehog”
This idea subsequently gained little traction, because of the improbability of such a train of interspecies transfer, and because public discussion of its conclusions was vigorously suppressed by fact checkers.
The suggestion of the authors to do more research disappeared from view. It has been largely forgotten until now.
Were Some of These Recombined Genetic Sequences From Snakes?
Recent discussion of the origin of the Covid-19 spike protein has suggested that it could be the result of recombinant techniques in the laboratory which joined a number of genetic sequences together as part of research to develop deadly pathogens, and then investigate possible cures.
A paper published in F1000Research entitled “Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine, and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients” in April 2020 concluded that:
“The presence of toxin-like peptides…suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals….The presence of these peptides opens new scenarios on the aetiology of the COVID-19 clinical symptoms observed up to now, including neurological manifestations.”
What are Some of the Neurological Effects of Snake Venom?
A study published in 2002 entitled “Cardiac Involvement in Snake Bite” reports:
“Myocardial involvement is seen on occasions and may rarely contribute to morbidity and mortality. ECG changes are usually transient but when persistent they are attributed to direct myocardial damage due to the toxin.”
Other reported neurological effects of snake bite include:
pro and anticoagulant activity leading to ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke,
muscle paralysis through inhibition of neuromuscular transmission leading to respiratory failure.
All of these neurological, thrombotic, and cardiac effects are similar to reported adverse effects of both Covid infection and mRNA vaccination.
Is Covid-19 a Recombination of a Virus and a Toxin?
mRNA vaccines specifically train the human physiology to produce the suspect spike protein. Did this expose vaccine recipients to a toxin? It appears this might be the case.
In which case, the essential design of the mRNA vaccine would have been a grave error. It was training the physiology to produce a toxin.
These discussions are speculative. We now know that early genetic sequences of Covid-19 appear to have been suppressed by NIH on the instructions of the Wuhan Virology Lab.
Was the genetic similarity between snake genetics and Covid-19 too explosive to admit, whether they came from snakes or not? Certainly, this possibility should have been investigated vigorously.
It might have led to an understanding of the origins of Covid, but more importantly, it might have led to more effective treatments for Covid.
It might also have shed light on the source of the wide range of neurotoxic effects of both Covid and mRNA vaccination.
Whatever the eventual conclusion of further investigative research: biotechnology experimentation to research and develop pathogens and toxins must stop now. It amounts to a ticking time bomb
See Dr Tom Cowan The Smoking Gun.
Attorney Todd Callender
Dr Lee Merritt
Edward Dowd
The Rothschilds grandson filed patents for the PCR's in 2015/17. Shipped em out in 2017/18.
China bought big shares in Pfizer & Sinofarm before this.
The PCR's were corrupted too. Hydrogel, nanites, lipids, & sterilized with Ethylene Oxide.
Ardis is definitely on the right track Clif Was wrong on this one!
I think it's important to remember they are called confidence tricksters. And to also remember Alex Jones used to platform Stew and stopped after the things in the vax talk started. Not saying one way or the other but please don't pledge allegiance to ANYONE PERSON! Stay open to other opinions and if you feel defensive remember it's because we all want this to be cleaned up and over. It will be over but not that way. It's US! Ourselves not anyone else. Be on the watch...
Agree I think part of this story is true, you can’t deny the Univ of Arizona study on links/similarities to severe C19 disease using same mechanism as snake venom.
I had an experience my daughter got a flu shot in college 2019 before spring break. she came home and shortly after got ill so did the rest of us within that evening. And ALL the symptoms of covid we had including loss of smell and taste for a couple of weeks. Rob Kirby made mention that he had the same flu and his brother passed away from it that year. She went back to school and told the girl who administered the shots that we all got the flu and of course she said that's impossible. So I'm just saying somethings up. And fear is the mechanism
Be Careful Who You Follow & Always Do The Research!
Exactly How I Feel Remote Viewer
I completely agree! My wife has had chronic pains for 9 yrs n so dependent on pain meds; none of our MDs, etc able to fix it except thru our DC/Chiro w/ advanced trng on nutrition, sports injury, etc. For the last few yrs, my wife no longer takes pain pills, praise n thank God! I dont discount your article but hope you may find our experience helpful. Also, D.C is also a medical professional way better than RN NP PT, etc why are we buying MDs insecurities n try to discount DC. They are also medical doctor in diff field. im not HCP but i have med knowledge n trng on CV but my 2 MDs friends do not even knowledgeable of CV wellness. Pls dont b fooled by titles. Let their educ backgrounds n actions speak for themselves. Again, DCs are also medical professionals; they are not laypersons. It takes abt 8 yrs of study plus residency
Amen For You & Your Wife Dear Brother!
Amen friend, my wife has suffered for 3 years with Fibromylagia and almost 150mg of pain meds and now we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel much the same way as you.
Nutrition/food and clean water is the way to good health and of course the vitamins/nutrients/minerals that have been stripped from our food supply by evil and the addition by evil of glysophate, bpa's and chem trails and toxic heavy metals....these are the cause of all chronic disease.
I'm glad she's feeling better!
Hmm, let's see:
- Clif High gives predictions about events to happen on specific future dates. He cites "computational neurolinguistics," or "neurolinguistic programming," or some such buzzword that's devoid of substance and cannot possibly account for the predictions.
- Clif's predictions are therefore either made up, or come from some undisclosed source
- In the last few days, Clif discredited information about Operation Looking Glass, one of the few sources his predictions could possibly come from if they are not imagined
- Now Clif is discrediting and downplaying Bryan Ardis
I wonder, who here is the stooge?
There's one other famous Substacker who acts like this, and it's Alex Berenson. Food for thought.
Ad hominem provides another analogy to Berenson´s (viz. Malone). In this instance, it is based on sheer ignorance - Ardis is Doctor enough to have cured his sister where others had failed and predicted her early demise. In fact, that was why he decided to study medicine. Clif High needs to get his information in full before he speaks ill of people he knows not.
Yes, Ardis DID describe curing his sister of Lupus, a really bad autoimmune syndrome with no identified cure.. He mentioned that he discovered she had parasites in her spleen and it took him some years to figure out how to get rid of them. NOTHING since. No info, no hordes of folks suffering lupus clamoring to know how he 'cured' her and how they can try it. No interest on the part of lupus-related groups. Nothing. THAT -- even more than his "look what I found about Run-deathisnear" -- should be splashed all over the web. But isn't. Never mentioned any more. Is it real or Memorex?
Whoa dude - kindness goes a long way.
Why don't you say that to Clif?
Totally agree with you! I’ve worked in healthcare for 26 years and after being sold garbage information for years by Drs who believe the CDC and FDA I went to a chiropractor and a naturopath and they had way more intelligence than any of the Drs I work with.
I agree with you Anita…. There are way too many ideas that I have brushed aside over the decades that now have proven to be true! Maybe this is, maybe not… we shall see
Or We Could Research It!
I wonder what credentials Cliff has? Does anyone know? I don't think it matters. Anyone with a superior intelligence, self taught and not brainwashed, anyone who can reason and read.....there you go. Such person qualifies to give an expert opinion. I highly value Cliff's take but I also highly value Bryan Ardis' input as well. What I would like to see are other great thinkers lining up and either verifying this information or proving it incorrect. If it is proven to be correct by highly credentialed independent minds, with high moral compass, it will spell the end of this entire shit show. The whole charade will be proven to be based on a massive lie. Even the less informed, those still wearing face diapers, may wakeup from their mind controlled stupor.
The fortune cookie was soooo MOSAD! Fake and gay!
Did You look Up The Name on The Fortune Cookie Liu Bing? Or Would That Be Too Much Research?
The Fortune Cookie Was Coded Comm's But Here You Go I Did The Research For You!
Fake But Not So Gay, Kind of Sad Actually!
Dead Research Biologist's Gather No Moss Anymore!
It Is The BBC, Read Between The Lines!
You did the "research"? This is a big part of the trouble with the prevailing mindset, thinking reading MSM Articles is "research".
Making A Statement Or Intimating That My Research Is From MSM Only Is An Assumption On Your Part!
Those That Listen To Or Read MSM Only Are Truly Deceived, On That We Agree!
Just Because I Post An MSM Article To Get Somebody Else On The Research Path Regarding Bing Liu Does Not Make It My Only Source!
In Fact I Added A Caution Because It Was BBC, Fake News!
However Information Can Be Gleaned From All Sources & Collated To Discern The Likely Truth.
I Was Red-pilled When I Witnessed JFK's Assassination Live On Television On Nov 22, 1963!
I Have Been Reading Anything I Can Ever Since!
What Research Did You Share?
Only An Assumptive Criticism!
Do You Believe Newtown Was A False Flag 390?
Show Us Your Research On That Please!
"Do You Believe Newtown Was A False Flag 390?
Show Us Your Research On That Please!"
What the Hell are you talking about?
I have no idea what part of history your trying to highjack now.
If you have ever followed Dr. Ardis, the last adjectives to describe him would be “fake” or “gay”. God sometimes speaks to us in unusual ways. Like the fortune cookie “Bing”. This was a supernatural move.
Yes Supernatural As Well As Coded Communications! Liu Bing Was Looking Into The Venom He Had Found in Vials! He Was A Molecular Biologist!
Like as in "Mossad" (Isreal secret service)?
Really, you know nothing of synchronicity obviously.
Did You Mean Mossad & Happy?
Agree on that point. It sells the story. That was the sole reason for it
Plus Ardis started studying Allopathic medicine and swapped it out. I’m wondering if my hero @clif_high may be missing some pertinent information
Missing your “point” here. Neither allopathy or chiropracty gives one the scientific method
I totally agree with you! I refuse to have a MD, I have a Chiropractor and a holistic practitioner, because they really do care about keeping people healthy and treating the whole body, not just a symptom. I am more healthy than anyone I know and that is saying a lot as 99.9% of who I know, go to regular MDs trained by the Rockefeller foundation and that training is evil garbage!
I am as big a critic of Clif as I am a fan ... when he's fails to provide references, I call it out. On this one .... I am in his camp. I can tell you ONLY from personal experience, and only about Remdezivir in this context ... I was administered 3 rounds of it in December after getting the Rona pneumonia, and it didn't do shit to me, or for me. It was a REALLY expensive bag of Tang. Yes ... the drink (what it looks like in the bag). It was $3000 a pop, and my hospital got a 22% bonus for talking my stupid ass into taking it. I didn't feel any better, or worse. I'm fully recovered now and running 3 miles a day ... not bad for a fat fuck (im talking about myself).
My friend didn't fair so well from her remdesivir. Many complications to organs and still dealing with it over a year later. I am hopeful now with what Dr ardis is suggesting may be true is that hydroxy and monoclonal antibodies might help her. Sad that you cannot see beyond your one experience to the thousands that have been hurt by remdesivir.
>>"Sad that you cannot see beyond your one experience to the thousands that have been hurt by remdesivir"
One, I'm pretty sure your 'friend' had many issues that you blame on R.
Two, show me other than internet chat board bullshit like this one proof of 'thousands' hurt by R.
Typical non-thinker
Wondering if you are a smoker or if you apply a nicotine patch? If so, and also if what Dr. Ardis says is true (TBD, right?), then your receptor for venom would have been "already occupied" with nicotine and the venomous qualities of Remdesivir (again, assuming that is the case) would have been unable to attach to those receptors and deliver their toxins. We don't know exactly what other peptides may block venom so there is much to realize about those, like you, who may not have had an adverse reaction to Remdesivir.
Just saying this is a very complicated subject and Dr. Ardis as well as Dr. Tau Brown (mentioned in the Rumble interview of Dr. Ardis by Patriot Streetfighter - https://rumble.com/v10myhi-4.11.22-patriot-streetfighter-interview-w-dr.-bryan-ardis-exposing-the-serp.html). With Dr. Tau Brown being an advisor and trainer for the Dept of US National Counterterrorism and Emergency Medical Services AND the Exec Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, I think we need to slow down and either research by looking up all material presented (which Ardis did a lot of on Brighteon with Mike Adams and on the Rumble interview with Patriot Streetfighter), or we need to keep watching interviews as as each one gives us a little bit more information or stresses a different set of information. The Dr. Tau Brown info during the above-listed interview with Patriot Streetfighter is a fascinating point.
Anyway, glad you didn't suffer any adverse effects and that you are running 3 miles a day - impressive!
That may be why people who smoked did better than those who did not!
Meanwhile the Shills Were Saying Smokers Were Vulnerable!
Kind Of Like Apotex Barry & Honey Sherman Went Similar To The Way Of Liu Bing Too! Except That Was A Statement!
Protocols Are Very Effective! See Zelenko Protocols!
I am a smoker and many family members around me got very ill until I gave them all Ivermectin I purchased from Canada. They are all believers now. In addition to smoking, I also took the Zelenko Protocol when they all started getting sick. I lost my sense of smell for about 2 days. Thats all. No fever no breathing problems nothing.
Protocols Work!
Well, they may help, but they don't keep you from getting sick. I take them every day,....and I have Ivermectin too, but I still got the last cold that went around our Elementary School. We all did. So, I don't think anything is a miracle cure. I was surprised the Zinc, Quercetin, Vit. D, vit C didn't keep me from getting sick at all. Disappointed I guess.
Bro, you wrong. The rundeathisnear drug has killed incalculable numbers of people. It’s a crap drug. Shuts down kidneys, then lungs get backed up with fluid which is diagnosed incorrectly as Covid pneumonia so patients not correctly diuresed. Then they die. Time and time again. Just because it didn’t kill you doesn’t mean it didn’t kill others. Just like the V itself. Get real.
zero proof of any of that. zero. none. not even anecdotal, I know, I've looked long and hard. I don't know if it has any real value, but I know this internet conspiracy theory bullshit fascination spreading about it being deadly is complete horse shit. Complete. Zero ... and I mean ZERO evidence of any of that.
Thank you very much for also proving my assertion that these threads are loaded down with idiots, bots, and low-IQ digitrash
Here's how I know you're either a complete idiot or a liar. You either didn't look very hard at all or you're just making your "zero this..zero that" bullshit up to fit your pseudo-intellectual agenda. Try scrolling and reading a little when you search "adverse events remdesivir". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7784780/
It kills one in four. So 25% kill rate. 75% survive.
Actually, for about 1/2 it gives you Kidney failure after 5 days (fauci protocol is 5 days of remdesivir!) I wonder why that is? Kidney Failure causes the IV FLUID they are pumping into you to build up in your lungs and around your heart. It gives you what Fauci calls "Covid Pneumonia". Then, since you are following the Fauci Protocol,....since you can't breath any more, they sedate you and slap you on a Ventilator where they force air into water filled lungs. Your lung tissue is destroyed and you die. It's a simple plan really....I hope the sedation really works though, because I can bet that is a very painful way to die! and since they would not let Families visit? They didn't even have to pretend. And the doctors and nurses that watched all this happen and said NOTHING? As if they didn't KNOW what was going on? They are just as guilty as Main Stream Media in my mind. My faith in Doctors and nurses is totally gone!!!
Hospitals Kill Almost 100% Stay Away From All Medical Practitioners Put Them All Out of Business Except The Honest Caring Non Demonic Ones!
That is the stupidest thing posted on the internet today
What Constructive Did You Bring To The Conversation?
You aren't aware of all the people who were killed and are still being killed in hospitals over false PCR Tests? Are you aware of the fact that HCQ and Ivermectin could have saved 500,000 American's? You must be getting your information from the Main Stream Media still, aren't you? Why do you think they 'isolated' people for a flu that was less deadly than the Seasonal Flu? Why did they refuse to let people hold the hands of their loved ones as they were killed on Ventilators? Why? And now, knowing full well that Millions of people will die from their shots, they are still pushing them on every one including new born babies? Helloooo!
Not 100%! Hospitals make mistakes, that's true. But they never used to kill for money like this! They were paid off by the NIH and the HHS. The KM needed to build their FEAR PORN up. And the best way to do that was to kill people who came in and "tested" positive for "covid". Do you know that people sent in tests swabs with MANGO on it and it came back Positive? They sent in some animal too, it also came back positive. So, any thing can have "COVID" if a PCR TEST is used. They are doing the same thing right now with the Poultry they are slaughtering in the midwest. They are using PCR TESTS to see if they have the "Bird Flu". All it takes in 1 false positive and MILLIONS of chickens are slaughtered. And not humanely either! This "Bird Flu" is their next PLANDEMIC. Just before the Elections they'll lock down the country again, with their fake bird flu,....saying "it JUMPED from a chicken into a HUMAN! OMG!!! We're all going to DIE! Lock the country down again!" I can see the plan already. I wonder if the people will be smarter this time. I fear NOT.
Agree 100% Amanda Wilson. Dr's and nurses complicit in this malpractice. My faith and trust in Dr's and nurses has gone to zero. They are suppose to base medical care and decisions on emperical evidence. But just ignored this vital protocol when it came to Covid and C-19 vaccinations. WTF. Intelligent people going along with MSM, Fauci, CDC, TGA recommendations without making any attempt to do their own reseach. Resulting in harm to many patients under their care. In Australia Dr's and pharmacists have been given exemption against any resulting harm from administering C-19 vaccines. Nurses not. When you speak up, you are ostracised and I quit nursing after 35 yrs, rather than be part of this sham.
I think it was more than just money. I think doctors and nurses are terrified of the AMA and losing their jobs. The KM also has DIRT on any one in any position of power. What do you think Epstein Island was used for? It was used to black male powerful people into doing the Khazarian Mafia's dirty work. They didn't even have to get their hands dirty at all. Killing MILLIONS world wide without having to look one person they killed in the eyes. And the deaths have only started. For the next few years millions will die from Cancers, HIV, Blood Clots, Brain Bleeds, heart attacks, and anything else you can come up with! Even Pfizer's own documents showed 1500 SIDE EFFECTS from the shots and that they KNEW before they started giving them. Every animal in every trial, Cats and Ferrets died from these shots. They didn't die after the shots, they died after they were REEXPOSED to the wild virus. They died from ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). And many more will die because these shots destroyed their immune systems,....more and more evidence is coming out, from Australia, Germany, Israel and the USA. But you won't hear it on Main Stream Media. So, don't bother looking. You also won't find it if you use Google to search! Use duckduckgo as your search engine. So far, it still works most of the time. I'm proud of you,..Clif Supporter, for quitting instead of doing the will of the Cabal. You were brave.
P.S. Follow the money!!!
Right Amanda - it doesn't kill everyone but one has to ask if everyone is getting the same thing...
No, I don't think every one got the same thing, I think some people were treated better than others,....especially any one in the KM Government. Of course they got HCQ and IVERMECTIN. They also did not get shots with anything in them! They aren't going to kill their own people as long as they as useful to them. In the UK they killed all the older people in their CARE HOMES with Midazolam. And sedative that is used to put people to death. The Evidence is out there, but you won't find it on Main Stream Media, they are all working for the KM.
Thank you so very much for the information with zero proof or references. Show me one single LEGIT publication that states that.
This is the kind of shit that makes our movement look like idiots.
Complete internet quackery.
What would you consider "LEGIT"? CNN? MSNBC? FOX NEWS? Really?
Thanks this is educational much needed
If we don't get the information out there, it will never come out! The people who lost their grand parents, their Moms and their dads to this INCENTIVIZED MURDER deserve to know the truth!!! I can't even imagine how terrified those older people were in those Hospitals insolated from all human contact in rooms,....as if they had Leprosy! When in fact most weren't even contagious, they just had the flu. Without early treatment, with vit. C, vit D, Zinc and Chicken Soup,....of course people got a lot sicker than they normally would, older people always get the seasonal flu badly,...it's not unusual. But doctors being told not to treat their patients at home? Not even vitamin C????? What the hell!!!? That is not NORMAL treatment for any flu ever! Doctors never say to patients, go home, do nothing, when you can't breath, go to the hospital. If you died at home, the hospitals would make nothing! The got almost $100,000 a head! That is Culling on a GRAND SCALE! Hospitals made a nice profit!
25% is definitely 25% too many. Why would anyone ever be ok with use of a substance that kills so many? Comparatively, how many die from ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine?
Zero ... and I mean ZERO evidence of any of that.
You Must Look Outside Mainstream Media Look At Your Local Obituaries! Sure Are A Lot Of People Dying In My Small Town The Last Couple Of Years Including Many Young People!
Look & The Known Side Effects Of These Drugs!
Open Your Eyes!
The local Obits is your source? Yeah ... I get it now. Do us all a favor and share ONE ... just one link to any obit that states the dearly departed died from Remdezivir. Just one.
Of Course It's Not My Only Source Quit Jumping To Conclusions About Others & Putting Words In Their Mouths!
I Made A Statement The Obits In My Small Town Are Off The Hook, That Is An Indicator Something Is Wrong!
I Have Put Numerous Evidentiary Sources In These Comments Yesterday & Today!
I Just Put In Several Articles In The Comment Section About NIH Studies into Cobra Venom Therapeutics, CRISPR Technology mRNA Research As Well As Venom Synthesis!
What Have You Brought To The Conversation Besides Vitriol B Schufelt?
Where Does Dr Fasci Work? NIH/NIAID!
Please do not confuse nutritional knowledge with the Scientific protocol method. High is correct here.
This does not mean we don’t have something of merit here. It does mean his presentation of the “facts” were not honest. It also means Stu Peters presentations are all suspect.
The presentation was rather flashy:) It's hard to make a living these days when there is so much competition. Especially when so many truthers depend on their fan base as a sole source of income. Selling looks disingenuous however....the concept should be explored further by science and scientists of high moral calibre. I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest the viral basis for this whole shitstorm is bogus.
The Mike Adams discussion is far more substantive, detailed, and referenced by multiple studies. Mike is no slouch when it comes to science either, and the theory holds together far better without the drama included in the Stew Peters version. I am in touch with multiple leading doctors and they are already validating this. If anything, I think Stew Peters has diminished the credibility of the work of Dr. Ardis through his "hype machine", but the work of Dr. Ardis is passing the sniff test by a lot of folks. https://www.brighteon.com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767
Stew Does Have A Flair For The Dramatic But Dr Ardis Is Corroborated By The List Of Dr's He Referenced In The Documentary!
He does. But for many of the idiots out there, who can't read past the headlines or the Meme,.....Stew gets the points across too and he does a good job.
Stew has Doctors on all the time...... Ardis is referring to the commonalities. Thank god for Stew...... He is a "Swatted Warrior" The real devil here is Dr Ralph Baric...... Go to the North Carolina University Website and put his name in...... Got this from Karen Kingston off Stew's show. Stew Rocks mostly!!!
Lol. Yes. Ardis is name-dropping, and presenting himself as one among them. He is not their equal. More a news aggregator and self promoter. He relies on sentiment and word salad. Reminds me of a cheap, smiley preacher who is after a supper at your house.