COVID is FAKE. $10,000 to anyone that can prove the Covid virus has been 100% isolated. That’s separated from every other thing. Then 100% sequenced. All by itself. Not “STITCHED” together with fake genomic libraries. Been waiting 3 years. Bring it bitches.

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There is no doubt something was going around. Personally, I think it was a late flu thingy. Maybe it was a toxin they spread around...who the hell knows? We will never know.

YOu know they put influenza strains in the PCR...so now we have to say the Chinese had a lab leak.

I am so sick of of the shiny objects that people just turn their attention to...Covid...RSV....Ukraine...etc.etc.etc.

People wake up. Kissinger said a long time ago

Control the Food, you control the people.

Control the Energy, you control the Continent

Control the Money, you control the World.

People so stupid, people so dumb....

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Basically, EVERY illness was relabeled as covid. Every symptom became a symptom of covid (flu, cold, pneumonia, upper respiratory, rashes,e tc), PLUS the false PCR tests and even NO SYMPTOMS became covid. Every symptom could be treated with herbal and naturopathic remedies, foods and/or cheap and effective pharmaceuticals like Ivermectin, HCQ. There were as many, or more, suspicious deaths of docs, nurses, researchers, chiropractors, etc, who were involved in natural healing as there were Arkancides (check out Healthnutnews.com- an investigator associated with Dr. Mercola was tracking them, Erin something). Also, pretty sure they put worse stuff in those nasal swabs than flu- something similar to ethylene glycol, to get it up and through the blood brain barrier and to cause God only knows what kind of problems there.

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So…putting this experience out there. I got the flu shot at the end of the Age of Innocence, Oct 2019. I’ve never had a flu vaxx that I did not react to (aches and pains, fatigue, etc.). This one was nothing. Not even a sore arm. Of course, I was like, “Wow! That one didn’t bother me at all. Cool!” Then along comes all the shit. Got “covid” in June of 2020. Very sick, but recovered at home just fine. Looked back on it later when they started pushing the shots, which raised a huge red flag for me, btw. What I wonder might have happened is the 2019 flu shots were saline so that large numbers of people would get the flu, which they could then narridigm the hell out of claiming Covid pandemic. Thoughts?

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Not only is the Khazarian Mafia pulling this off claiming the fake virus is real. Not only are VAXX Bio Weapons transmissible. There are hundreds of formulations.

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I have come across that info, too.

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Judy - Why do you get a flu shot? I am going on 67 years old and I have NEVER gotten a flu shot in my entire lifetime. I never will. I never get the flu. I don't trust what they call vaccines, especially the ones they want to give you when you turn 65 and get onto Medicare. I won't get many of them. Just wondering why people think they need a flu shot because from what I hear, it makes them sick and it is never for the current strain, whatever that means.

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It means the shit mutates so fast, they can't capture a strain in time to make a vax out of it before it's off and mutated again. Hyper little bugger. So everyone is flu-vaxed for last year's version, which does nothing. I never had one either, nor a lot of others. Polio before they put the cancer DNA in it. I may never take another shot in my life! Pharma/KM want to put mRNA in everything, even chickens! Fools.

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There is no virus to mutate

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Inform yourself with homework: Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr. Kaufman. There is no virus.

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I truly believe that these yearly flu shots are bull shit.

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Interesting premise and nothing would surprise me what pharma concocted. Never had a flu shot and am pureblood. In 6/2020, I bet what you had was flu. (Come to that, we don't even know what "covid" is!) I don't believe anybody got covid until the jab was spread around, and now statistics from super-jabbed countries say, majority of people with covid, especially in hospitals, are jabbed multiple times. Mortality rates soaring in those places. Go herbal and be healthy is my motto!

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First of all, flu shots do not prevent one from getting the flu. I got flu shots back in the 80' and 90's and got the flu every year, plus a cold every winter. After I stopped getting the jab 15 plus years now, I have never been sick with the flu or a cold. Some experts now are claiming that 5G is what is causing all the sicknesses and death. Frequencies have proven to cause illnesses, and 5G is high frequency. Also what they put in the jabs corresponds with 5G to control the body. They even use this technology in wars too. I believe it is the DOD who has a contract with big pharma. They used this technology to bring down soldiers in Iran or Iraq. It makes sense after one does the research. I know people who are always sick now since 5G went up in their areas, many are not even jabbed and are sick with headaches, body aches, rashes etc. All kinds of illnesses and dead animals too. When are people going to wake up and remove the towers?

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That is some pretty clever thinking there, Judy. Could very well be.

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It was the regular flu going around, but they lied about the numbers of people who had it or died from it. Did you notice there was no mention of the flu or flu shots for three years while the plandemic was going on? I do not think they were giving saline shots either. Flu shots are not suppose to make you sick, so I do not know why you got sick every time you got one. I do believe they were giving saline shots in the first round to the elderly. The next folks in line to get them got the real poison. At least that is what appears to have happened in my State. Now the boosters got everyone with the bioweapon. I know so many that have died. No one I know got Covid until after they were jabbed or swabbed. I hope this answers your question.

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HINT: It's not just one poison.

Full spectrum culling.

You can see them work if you look.

The air.

The food.

The water.

The 'medicine'.

Contact poisons.

No matter how they get it in you, you will now blame the "vaccine". You can't touch them. They are immune to your claims. Reagan made sure Big Pharma is safe, as long as they call the poisons, "vaccines". The "EUA" keeps the government safe--the military owns the hospitals.

They will have their culling.

More people die.

Fewer people are born.

You might want to consider eating only food in the kosher section.

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Or grow your own. Not being a "farmer," I got a season of trial-and-error before I have to depend on a garden (container gardening eliminates a lot of issues that exist with in-ground gardening) to eat. With the Grand Solar Minimum going on for the next 20+ years (it started a few years ago), winters colder and longer. But hey! I live in S. GA. 81F yesterday! I've already planted red potatoes! Well, certain "voices" did warn us about 20 years ago there would be a "harvesting" of souls. We haven't seen the peak yet. Karma is a bitch.

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VAXX Bio Weapons are transmissible AKA going around

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The absurdity of reality; sad but true.

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Agreed, I have been taking D, K and Iodide with a bit of a detox plan. Plus, Chaga every morning., and I have never gotten Covid. I don't believe in this asymptomatic stuff.

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The swabs are tainted too. Some people are addicted to testing and are always sick, the jabbed and un jabbed alike.

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Surprise yourself, viruses are not isolate-able, period: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Li9MO3RfCQ

In the XIX century exosomes were postulated, and later in the XXth cent the Death Industry called them viruses; said they were contagious and blamed on them causing disseasses.

Viruses (exosomes) are made continously by living cells to communicate between them information about the state of the organism and instructions, and as soon as they fulfill this task they dissolve themselves into debris and cannot remain functional out of their medium; they are sort of non guilty witness-bystamders.

Exosomes are chains of the 4 basic DNA aminoacids. These 4 letters: A C T G are the letters which constitute the basic alphabet used by the cells to form their particular language.

Since not a single exosome has ever been purified or isolated, no one really knows for certain the full structure chain of the aminoacid components of a single exosome.

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They never isolated HIV either. There are many doctors out there claiming HIV is a metabolic disorder. They have people on these toxic medications for the rest of their lives costing around 20 to 30k per ":month". I wish someone would have balls enough to go after these guys for lying, just like they did about Covid.

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Hi Mary, For what it is worth, given we have been lied to about everything...


HIV "virus" isolated. I followed this because I was a 15+ year volunteer hospice caregiver.

When AIDS appeared on the scene, I got my state health dept. training & certifications for AIDS care & focused on AIDS patients because very few volunteers were available, due to fear.

A few years ago I came across a lot of info stating that HIV was also a bio-weapon.

I felt pretty heartbroken, but not surprised.

There is some serious Evil out there.

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Bless you, Tejas Vicki. Sincerely stated.

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Thank you for sending link, I too was a hospice volunteer. I believe his work(s) are lies, but I will keep searching for more truths. The truth will be MSM news too, very soon I hope. I can only hope that one day science can be trusted.

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Hi Mary, Sadly, we can no longer trust ANY "science". I too hope that TRUTH will prevail & I think a lot of indoctrinated folks will be in complete shock & denial.

Nothing shocks me anymore. Bless you for being a hospice volunteer! It isn't for everyone, it takes a certain kind of person. I learned so, so much from my patients, primarily not to fear death. I only hope I made that transition more comfortable & loving for them. It was an honor to help in some small way.

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Hi Vicki, You are right , it does take a certain kind of person to work with those who are transitioning to the other side. I also learned so much from my clients about death and dying. I know we made a difference in their lives, and they did ours. too I am thinking about going back and running the program for them again. The plandemic put a major kink in the hospice program and for its volunteers. Time will tell what will transpire for all of us. Have a good day!

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Read Peter Duesberg's book 'Inventing the AIDS Virus.'

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Hi Baregil! See reply to Mary above. I have read some info about HIV/AIDS virus being a bio-weapon. I cannot afford the book either, but does it basically describe how it was created? Sickening. Not surprised, just disgusted.

The suffering of the patients I cared for was horrific. And, with so little knowledge at the time, the '80s, these poor people were ostracized by family & society.

I was even banned from attending funerals of patients I had cared for (after their families disowned them.) I was too well known in my community for the volunteer hospice work I did & for being part of an AIDS awareness/prevention group.

Very sad what fear does to people.

The COVID SCAMDEMIC felt very familiar to me, I knew it was a bio-weapon release.

And...once again, people's irrational fear drove them to division & judgement.

An aside: Luc Montagnier's studies on "Water Memory" are fascinating, along with

Masaru Emoto's studies & experiments.

This led me to the daily practice of making my own, very simple, "structured water".

The basic rationale of the water studies made perfect sense to me.

From filtered tap water that has a chemical taste, I was amazed to find the structured water tastes like sweet spring water!

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It is over $125.00, but MP3 dics is $10.00, I will have to pass for now. Thank you for the information, I will jot it down for sure.

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The fact that no government institution can deliver the virus isolate with its complete gene sequence is no proof that is has never been isolated.

In January/February 2020, I saw a study of an Indian research team that had it isolated and stated that it contained HIV and shows sign of having been manipulated (something about gaps, I didn't get the theory, they didn't say anything about manipulation, just stated its evidence).

The article and study were soon retracted, sure thing, [they] can't have that out there. I hope those scientists are still alive.

Consequentially I wasn't surprised that nobody delivered the data on the many FOIA requests; they cannot deliver because that would prove that the virus was created by humans and served as a bio weapon.

Ever since, I've been laughing every time somebody states that the virus doesn't exist because it apparently has never been isolated, using the fact that [they] never proved it for their own cause.

But that's limited thinking.

The absence of proof for something doesn't prove that it doesn't exist.

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So hundreds of fake studies exist but that does not mean a real one is “hiding out there somewhere”? Really?

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No one can logically prove that something doesn't exist.

Popper showed that scientific statements cannot be proven by way of repeated observations; they can only be falsified.

How many times one must observe that water evaporates, if at sea level its temperature is raised to reach 100º Celsius, _so that the statement that says that water evaporates at 100º Celsius is proven to be truthful_, when one observation on the contrary is enough to deem the statement as not truthful; although if that happens to be the case many 'ad-hoc' explanations will spring forward to justify the exception, so that the postulate is not debunked.

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Nothing more than a disease of "Attribution"

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🤣 Hey there Dick... You're just repeating what you heard someone else say and can't prove it. That always amuses me.

You're pretending you "know stuff" while regurgitating the load someone else spewed. 🤣

You're literally the bitch. 😎

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And Dick? What are you 96 years old? Or just one of those douche bags who uses the word “Dick” to insult people when it’s convenient.

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Don't get your panties in such a wad. Dick is just a nickname for Richard. 😁

See there, Dick?

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Go eat some prunes Grandpa

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I had prune juice if that's okay with you. At my age of 108, it helps me keep regular. 💩

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Put up or shut up asshole

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STOP regurgitating the load you swallowed and pretending you "know stuff".

You should be embarrassed.

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“Embarrassed” Look whose talking

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PROVE covid is fake and I'll give you one billion and one dollars. GO! 🤣

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It’s the onus of the person claiming something is real to prove it. It’s called science.

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I find it odd that people nowadays don't know that Dick is short for Richard.

Of course I never understood how anyone could get Dick from Richard, or Bobby from Robert or Bill from William, but I guess it was just the norm and everyone played along.

Perhaps it really IS a good thing that people are forgetting those things, as it never made much sense to begin with.. Either way, I will likely still use "Richard !!" when meaning the other, even if, or even especially now that most don't remember. lol

Me: Whatever, Richard !!

Joseph: My Name Is Joey !!

Me: Yeah, I know !!

Joseph: Duuuuh !!

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That pure blood idiot comes from a Filipino troll farm. They are everywhere. Eventually they give up.

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I don't dig too deep into the trolls origins, but I do notice that after a short time, their posts all disappear. It is most notable on Youtube but exists everywhere.

I do observe the most brash and abrasive types disappear though.

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Telegram and Twitter. They are everywhere

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I have never used either of those, but they have been hitting Rumble pretty hard lately too.

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Exactly my thoughts. It's a probability it never existed from the start. It's well established that they make people sick with electro magnetism. That they have now lost the ability to do in mass hence why the jabbed test positive with the bogus test but have mild symptoms

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Virology is a fake science, but "engineered viruses" are a thing?

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It's all a ruse! To take us away from the real perps! No virus.. Just a deadly vaccine by our lovely DOD and friends.

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Engineered something, but not so called viruses.

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Right? Science fraud.

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PS to my previous comment, are you aware of the work of Dr Jessica Rose? I've followed her work for some time now too. Best regards, DaveO

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Hello Sasha, good to see you here. I have enjoyed your interviews and presentations as I've found them recently. I consider you a "go-to" fount for factual information and my hat's off to you accordingly.

I thought you might enjoy this little exchange I recently devoted my attention to. I might even listen to it once again.



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Feb 28, 2023
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Some people never learn; you finally did and stopped believing in the Death (health) Industry (Big Pharma) establishment.

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Mar 1, 2023
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Rather than take all those jabs over a crush, I think I'd rather just turn my head and cough. lol

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VAXX Bio Weapons are “transmissible”. Start there.

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Travel safe, Clif !!!

Lots of prayers and good wishes surround you!

(May your dear old vehicle keep on going, and don't forget to clean the carbon and soot out of your throttle body line. There may be one other line that also needs cleaning with Throttle Body Cleaner. Check out YouTube for people who have posted a "how to" for your particular make and model. Be careful and gentle as you clean it. Might be that simple to keep your old car happy and driving better!) Keep on truckin' Clif.... We love you. God bless you!

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It's going to be DECADES before it ever comes out that there is no such thing as a "live virus" ...it was all 5G theater ....and gain-of-function research was simply them trying to figure out HOW to make it spread magically through the air ....or through a self-disseminating vaccine...or nanoparticles sprayed in our skies. Vaccines have been a scam for 100 years....starting with polio! They've simply been creating a customer base for themselves and helping Big Telecom hide the knowledge that EMF's and RFRs are harmful to the human bio-electric body. They've been injecting us with the cellular toxins we later are electromagnetically triggered to release. Big Pharma needs to DIE!

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humans don't have "decades"

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I agree 7 at best

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It could be all things. A virus, 5G or something else we haven’t thought of yet. Some might be red herrings like airplanes or Thermite on 9/11. Anything to confuse us. Perhaps people are being murdered using a list of those who got a genuinely safe jab! The perfect crime.

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My insurance company just declared bankruptcy and said they are not going to pay me $100,000 in damages from Hurricane IAN. (Today, 02/28, their phones were disconnected.) They are also pulling out of Texas and Louisiana. Two of the CEOs gave themselves a huge bonus and were appointed to a new Board of Directors. This is indeed intense release language...like a punch in the gut.

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I watched I Allegedly say some cars will not be insured because of being accident prone. People are going to have to rewatch Clif's video on declaring sovereignty and knowing your strawman.

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I too watch "I Allegedly" and enjoy him . He is knowledgeable and seems sincere. As Cliff said, we are speeding head-first into the big ugly. The body-blows are coming from every direction... from corrupt government, insurance, banks and medical providers. I never thought I would enter the senior years of my life and face homelessness, end up living in a van. I'm not even sure if I can scrape together enough cash to buy a van after losing my house. Thank you for your kind words.

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I also watch I Allegedly and what he said about the Nissan and Kia is that people are stealing so many of them that ins. won't cover the loss...I'll be getting rid of my Kia, soon!

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Get a Public Adjustor, they may be able to help. We have done that, no results yet, but they are negotiating. Good luck, we went through Ian as well.

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Thank you for the kind words. I will try that.

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You should dox the CEOs so all their old clients can find them. FREE

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I am not a tech person, however, this may happen if enough people get cheated by the insurance companies. Pay endless premiums, then when you need the insurance, the companies give out pittance that won't properly repair the property. Yup, someone is gonna get really pissed.

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Just curious who is your insurance company? in Florida. Mine UPC has supposedly gone into “receivership” and won’t give the mortgage company a declaration page. The mortgage company is threatening to make us pay for a full year of their “hazard insurance” even though we have paid for 5 months of the other company.

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Which insurance company?

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The insurance companies he said were Progressive and State Farm for Kia and Hyundia models in certain cities.

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As a mechanical techie Cliff, sounds like your car is in "limp mode" which means it wont go over a certain speed,wont accelerate, and probably will only go for a set number of miles before it shuts off (depending on the issue). Do yourself a favour.

1)Buy an ELM327 OBD2 bluetooth adapter (they are less than $10 usually, come in many shapes and sizes but all do the same thing.

2)buy an app from google play store called "torque" its about $10, and instal it on your phone or tablet (i have it on a tablet).

You can then plug into the ELM327 into the cars OBD2 port (will be on the net where to find it but most are near the fusebox inside the car), connect to the ELM327 to the Torque app, and you can scan the car for fault codes (which will tell you exactly whats up with the vehicle), you can also Reset the fault codes/engine light and take the car out of limp mode.

Then you might find its a simple sensor that you can order off amazon for a few bucks and fix yourself,or you will know your ztransmission is fucked!! Either way it will be the best $20 you spent!

Take care, keep fighting the good fight👍

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Thank you Clif 👋🏻

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IMO, the trans agenda community signed their end when they went after the kids. I’ve noticed that the [KM] does not seem to really understand the ferocity that results when a species’ offspring are threatened.

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Hi Clif -- Just quick note about your car problems .. If you make it home try disconnecting the car battery for 5 mins --and then reconnect it - there its a good chance the on-board computer will boot up correctly and all will be well. You may find the electric windows may not work but if you run them fully down and then fully up the computer will normally find them thereafter. If a tow truck is coming anyway you have nothing to lose. I think you are almost a genius -- keep up the good work -Terry

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Almost? He's a freaking Renaissance Man AND a self- taught genius.

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Terry, are you a network engineer? My experience is that the warning light and the lapse into get you home mode is probably significant. Battery disconnect doesn’t wipe the error codes, so nothing is lost, but the ECU should be scanned to check the issue. Then you can wipe the error code and see if it comes back on starting the engine.

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Sort of what I was thinking. Good to read the codes and write them down, then erase all codes and fire it up and wait to see if it still stays on or not. Sometimes a code will trip randomly and only momentarily, but the light might not self-reset until going through an entire drive cycle which can take a few days to up to a week unless you know the specific process to force a quick drive cycle mode. I ran into this with a dirty catalytic converter, and I ran spirits through it at high revs for a couple hour road trip. When I got back to town it was hot because I had been giving it hell. The next day I drove it about 15 minutes normally and as I was heading up the freeway nramp, it suddenly blinked off by itself. Headed straight for the Smog test, passed, renewed registration. Whew !! lol

But even if it was a temporary short in something that set it off, there is still not much upside. Because even though only a temporary setback, it means it is sure to happen again and again until it is hunted down.

Yes, I'm focusing on simple issues, because, ... well, .... bringing up bigger stuff like engine internal issues or a blown torque converter and other such total drags might be financially insensitive. Like a Gut Punch. lol

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Praying you get home safe!!! 🙏🏼

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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WE'RE HAPPY To Hear You Got Home Safe, Mr. clif !

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So glad you got home safe Clif! 💃

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Uncle Clif - I know you’re really, really busy. If you run across Jason Breahears & ARCHAIX.com, it would be worth a few minutes to investigate. His ARCHAIX (Advanced Research on Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X) chronological history evaluation comes from books mostly written pre-1902. I can’t do justice in explaining it..

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Breshears (sp error above)... Uffda!

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I am a born & raised Californian who left in 1985 for Central Iowa and I always wondered how that was spelled. lol

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Hey Richard and PureBlood....clean up or get out.

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What have I done?

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Let's hope you get home safe. I understand no internet when we drive through mountains. Live in a 2k village. Nearest towns are over an hour away and the coast 3 hours. Let's hope the bad times are expiring soon.

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Bad times will be here for years. Global Revolution is coming

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We hope for the best and prepare 🙏

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