As a retired mental health professional, I must say this is very well done! Excellent examples to illustrate the meaning of a complex idea. The evil bastards trying to control the world have long employed think tanks to formulate their evil plans. The saving grace humanity has is the fact the DS do not all agree on how to do things, thus there is fighting among the ranks. Also, they are so disconnected from the real world they are doomed to fail. Can you believe the DS's front man Anal Swab? What a whack'o suit the guy has. He looks like an extra from Star Trek. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. He actually believes his own BS. Yet, Clif is right, these bastards are going down.
The infighting is increasing as [they] sense impending doom. In the end they will desert the stinking, sinking ship like the rats they are, though (not being the brightest bulbs on the circuit) they will probably wait until it is too late to reach land again. They will drown in a cesspool of their own making, alone and forgotten.
Well, there you go, when a “mental health, professional” refers to the world, economic forum, front man as “anal Swab” just like I do …I shall consider that as my clean bill of (mental) health!!
The guy is a totally perverted freak....saw pictures of him in drag - fishnets and high heels, that whole bunch of KM Jews are made up of the most mentally ill people in the world...sexually confused, humanity hating ugly, ugly people.....anyone who would look up to that demented sack dog shit is a moron ...and he's going to run the NWO? That's pathetic....
Yes what you say is true on one hand , we have all seen the beach photos of Schwab BUT , these people are the high priests of a very dark spell laid onto humanity, they control all the money in the world, and have all the military and really powerful hidden and suppressed tech at their disposal, they truly think the rest of humanity are their cattle /possessions, and hackable animals, and are serving a death cult. It is unwise to underestimate such an enemy or fail to realize just how distorted and sick they are . Another thing to realize is when your dealing with the demonic, they DELIGHT in destruction just for the sake of it and milking its energy not for any rational or really constructive [in their minds] purpose.
Yes, I understand all of that...but what we have going for us are our sheer numbers (no doubt why they are trying to genocide so many of us), if we could amass crowds to boo and threaten anyone of them anywhere they go and made it clear to them that by the millions people will not tolerate them and if they ever got ahold of them they would give them the Mussolini treatment....well, I think the ugly creeps would shit their pants and become so paranoid they would hide...this would work against their evil...think of mechanics "fixing" their private jets.....think of chefs slipping something into their food ....say you were able to pull the Clinton Count on know just a couple hundred of them suddenly being Arkancided....paranoia would run DEEP and finally destroy them.
I wish Clif would start putting out there about what these Satanists are doing to children and how that might be the one bridge too far for normies....and finally get them onboard with fighting back for a change. Would Tucker Carlson ever do a story on what Adrenochrome and pedophilia with these so called world leaders? No, not likely. But that's what needs to happen.
I think Clif made it clear that what is coming is bridge too far for normies and maybe all of us. When the photos and videos start dropping I suggest we all just read about what they are and not actually look at them. Somethings can't be unseen. But for the normies to be convinced they will certainly have to see it. Big Ugly is right and Clif made it clear it is coming and coming soon.
Sheer numbers only work if they act, but then your talking about people on the inside turning on them and mutiny that is something altogether different and WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA , encourage it, and go to your local sheriffs and ex military and DEMAND they deputize citizens to make arrests of all complicit , down to the local level.
I got suspended on Farcebok Twice for posting that Beach Photo of Anal Swab. I contested the suspension by saying "Um, ... It's a DUDE, look at his wee little package, ... not a fat ugly chick with her bare tits out !!" They agreed and they lifted by suspension after about 3 or 4 days, ... so then I reposted it !!! Two weeks later I got suspended AGAIN, for the same reason, for the same photo. lmao they are sofa king stupid over at FB.
They may not be real SEMITIC or HEBREW or Judaic people from the middle east , they are simply converts to Judaism for many reason of being squeezed between expanding religions seeking empire and usury being allowed , and arrangements with Radhanite Babylonians who had controlled banking and trade routes for 4000 years. They are used as scapegoats to hide the City of London banksters , BRIT MONARCHY , Black Nobility families, and Jesuiuts/ Vat role in all these evil agendas . They play their part but are slightly down from the top .
After all these years of not trusting government and those in authority, educators, doctors,, ect... I find that my mistrust was and is a survival instinct that has served me well. When you dig into history that is taught vs what really happened you find a whole new perspective that there are more than one side to actual events that took place.
I got a call or an email, I don't remember, a few years ago before the scamdemic, asking my impression on society or something like that, wanted to know what problems I had. More or less, can't relate the context fully.
Anyway my response was "I am afraid of the government."
I've always hated their overbearing and unjust interference in our lives.
I think more Americans fear their government than the government fears the people. That paradigm will soon reverse itself IMO. We've already witnessed it on a smaller scale with school boards crying to the DOJ about parents. We are truly free only when the government fears the people. We inch ever closer to that tipping point.
If that paradigm doesn't reverse soon we will end up a colony of China..or worse....
I can't even remember the last time I heard anyone say anything positive about our government ...all I hear is how criminally corrupt they's so obvious and in your face...they steal elections, they steal our money, every politician is criminal in the making....and we will never be free until the CIA and FBI are shuttered....they are the agents terrorizing Americans....
I know this playbook through and through. 30 years a Watchtower slave - One of Jehovah’s witnesses. Exactly the same. One playbook serves every cult. Been there and come through it which made this recent madness (MSBP aptly named) easier to manage.
Agree. I spent 11 years in the JW web and got out with (thankfully) my mind and wits intact. Was brought in by spouse..whom I also dumped. I am a survivor and critical thinker who got duped, and yes it made me stronger and able to see through the current MBP BS being used. Those who use this MPB also use gaslighting techniques on those who oppose.
The religions are all infiltrated by the CIA and turned on the people...I recently read that the FBI is actually run by the Mormons....and that seemed outlandish until you dig into it and find out that FBI agents have filed complaints about how non-Mormons are being passed over for promotions .. and those really big mega evangelist churches....think of that creep Joel whatever ...I read they are huge money laundering operations for the CIA drug running and child sex trafficking rings.....what a world we live in! I pray to God we can set it right with his help. "oh look, some Good Samaritan dropped a couple million in the collection plate"..anonymous , of in the Matrix everything is a lie.
I worked many years ago for a division of a major high-tech company (you'd recognize the name) that had a disproportionate number of LDS members. They were accused of many of the same things. Eventually top management had to put an end to it -- no more 'company meetings' after church, no more preferential treatment of LDS applicants/employees, etc.
Most of the Mormons I've known were decent people, but by the time they rise in the church hierarchy to the inner circles of power, they are so bought in (by salary, power etc.) and have no concept of life 'outside the matrix' that they meekly comply with the evil things done 'at the top.'
In this regard they are much like the Freemasons and other secret societies, as I understand them.
I have many family members in this church and the men are all free masons and boy scout leaders. I wonder why nothing has occurred to bust the top Elders of their church nor to bring down the Temples where the secret meetings and rituals are held, unbeknownst to most of the congregation?
Secrecy. They depend on it. Just as we as US citizens, Canadians, Brits, Frenchmen etc. would never tolerate what is going on in our name at the top levels of our governments, if we knew -- they make damn sure we do not find out.
Basically these groups -- many 'churches,' fraternal organizations, government bureaucracy -- are all satanic at the top. Satan gives them great rewards in exchange for fealty. It is incredibly intoxicating to those in power.
If you haven't seen them, here are a couple links:
Excellent analysis Clif. This high level thinking is required to deflect the massive propaganda to weaponize empathy that has captured the collective west (at a minimum). Much appreciated.
"Hey, man, you don't talk to the Clif. You listen to him. The man's enlarged my mind. He's a poet-warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he'll, uh, well, you'll say hello to him, right? And he'll just walk right by you, and he won't even notice you. And suddenly he'll grab you, and he'll throw you in a corner, and he'll say do you know that if is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you -- I mean I'm no, I can't -- I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's, he's a great man. I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas."
It seems all of Clif's lifelong struggles were done just for this time. God (Universe to him) has prepared him well.
I posted this on Zerohedge under an article on propaganda. It seemed appropriate to post it there. The ten rules of propaganda were only the beginning. Others who know social media well please pass this around.
Regarding "Earth is NOT at risk from humanity” and "Humanity is NOT at risk”: In fact, we are at risk from the very DS/KM on both of these counts, via massive poisoning of air (PM2.5 particulate, chemtrails./geoengineering, burning of toxic chemicals, etc), food (GMOs, glyphosate, additives, processing, animal vaccines, “food” pyramids, etc), water (fluoride, lead, chemicals, flushed medicines, micro-plastics, etc), and bodies (via medical interventions, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, iatrogenesis, etc.), the lust for/corruption of power (just witness the disgusting displays at the Congressional Twitter Files hearings, the J6 coverage, blackbox election coverage, etc); the banking/financial system corruption (long-time obvious, but now leading to the M-WEFfers, CBDCs, bugs as food, 15-minute cities, suppression of uber-efficient and over-unity energy tech… and as you point out here, by the social mind control/5GUW which is keeping everyone at each other’s throats. They may be creating all of these, but we have tacitly agreed (by not standing up sooner), and they are all immediate and grave threats.
It just dawned on me that the Scientologists use MBP techniques on all of their members. No wonder their leader is "hiding out". He probably realizes now that even his "flock" is waking up? Why else hide out from those you say you care about and protect? hmmm
The verbal manipulation around vaccine and lockdowns and social family responsibility, were impressive and so so many of us consumed that entire poisoned apple.
I just cross referenced this article to Solution Seeking Substack subscribers as shown below. If you want to join us in figuring out HOW to stop this, please take a look.
This is a great description of what the root cause enemy of humanity and all life on the planet has done, is doing, and hopes to do. It does how discuss HOW to stop them. Do we just hope for the best? Or do we try to discuss HOW to stop them? Have they brainwashed into thinking they are too strong? Do we all have better things to do than do our best to figure out what WE can do to save humanity and the planet from their harm?
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
Can't thank you enough for the above article. As a former TV news producer/writer, I left the industry in 2008. When I entered the profession in 1978, it was markedly different than what we have these days.
Producers are now encouraged to focus on production elements - not content. This is especially true for local newscasts. Staff reductions started around 2005 industry-wide, so a news producer now spends their time creating the "look" of the newscast.
Content is no longer the meat of the show like it was when I entered the field. Back in the day content was king. A producer spent the day writing, reading, making calls to confirm stories - but no longer. Now it's all about the look.
Why is this meaningful?
Now that so much time is taken up formatting the newscast, the producer no longer has time to focus on writing, or researching stories. I believe it's designed to keep producers from paying attention to content - so it's simply a matter of regurgitate copy from AP or the networks.
The change was so gradual most of us didn't give it much thought - we were just trying to get the show together before air time. With staff reductions industry-wide, the majority of local news stations saw drastic changes very quickly. No longer did we have investigative teams, no staff news writers, editors or news photographers. Newsrooms were "streamlined" and this meant no staff or time to check content or accuracy of information.
Viewers of local news are simply seeing a very superficial summary of information, with approved language, approved soundbites from approved persons and usually, with an approved perspective. This is usually whatever the perspective is from the networks. So if your local news station us an NBC affiliate, your local news team will parrot the leftist beliefs and perspectives of NBC News. If you're a FOX affiliate you'll be a more conservative news team, etc.
Opposing elements of a story are usually not included, like it was back when I started working in news. It's not "news" anymore - it's indoctrination. Stories like the Ukrainian conflict, global warming and covid are a perfect example of this indoctrination.
Clif, you hit it just right. The language is key and those who engage in "communications" these days, don't even understand what they're communicating. It's sadly and seriously ironic.
It appears to me, correct me if I'm wrong, that the 'news' changed drastically w the advent of Ted Turner's CNN and we all know what a Satanic pos he is. After all he IS behind the Georgia Guidestones as I did figure out before everyone else. Really wasn't difficult when you read the whole backstory. Karma got his old ass now tho. Hahaha! May he rot in hell.
It is called, "NON COMPOS MENTIS," and it has been socialized into normal life. The entire population of the last 7 generations has been slow walked backwards, deliberately, into a state of helpless weakness, pussification, Stockholm syndrome, and fairy tale land. Its all evil, fake, its all lies and the only way it is powered is by the absolute, generational, ignorance, mis-education, nativity, and trust of the populace of mind washed public school dunces.. Stop listening to strangers, experts, PHD's, scholars, politicians, academics, clergy, doctors, chairmen, counselors, mayors, governors, lawyers, priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, all and sundry, because they are all triangulating against you and your sanity.
Great expose of the idiocy that is MBP. I feel 50 years of fear programming dropping away like a dark shadow over my entire life, lifting.
Isn't it awesome the revelations that hindsight brings you?
Sometimes your "hindsight" is someone else's scales falling.
Brilliantly stated.
Awesome good and awesome bad, but awesome, yes.....;\
Agreed. Clif High has managed to articulate the problem VERY WELL! BRAVO! By identifying and exposing the problem the solutions become self evident.
I remember doing school duck & cover drills in 1st grade 1950, Boise Idaho because the Russians were going to nuke us.
Yup, Language correctness cages minds and also separates and marginalized People...The World is full of "educated" Derelicts....
As a retired mental health professional, I must say this is very well done! Excellent examples to illustrate the meaning of a complex idea. The evil bastards trying to control the world have long employed think tanks to formulate their evil plans. The saving grace humanity has is the fact the DS do not all agree on how to do things, thus there is fighting among the ranks. Also, they are so disconnected from the real world they are doomed to fail. Can you believe the DS's front man Anal Swab? What a whack'o suit the guy has. He looks like an extra from Star Trek. You will own nothing, and you will be happy. He actually believes his own BS. Yet, Clif is right, these bastards are going down.
To Schwab on his way to Gitmo: ""You will own nothing and you will not be happy!""
The infighting is increasing as [they] sense impending doom. In the end they will desert the stinking, sinking ship like the rats they are, though (not being the brightest bulbs on the circuit) they will probably wait until it is too late to reach land again. They will drown in a cesspool of their own making, alone and forgotten.
You're my kind of poet, Bill! And I agree.
I am reporting you for aggressive marketing behavior aimed at my account. STOP IT.
This comment is meant to link to WB5TTY.
Well said, and especially the nickname, LOL. I think we should merge your nickname with my nickname: Klown Anal Schwab.
But yeah, I agree with your comment, to a "T." The psychotards are far from "superior" to us, they mistake WEALTH for WORTH.
Well, there you go, when a “mental health, professional” refers to the world, economic forum, front man as “anal Swab” just like I do …I shall consider that as my clean bill of (mental) health!!
You think Anal Swab believes his own crap?
The guy is a totally perverted freak....saw pictures of him in drag - fishnets and high heels, that whole bunch of KM Jews are made up of the most mentally ill people in the world...sexually confused, humanity hating ugly, ugly people.....anyone who would look up to that demented sack dog shit is a moron ...and he's going to run the NWO? That's pathetic....
Yes what you say is true on one hand , we have all seen the beach photos of Schwab BUT , these people are the high priests of a very dark spell laid onto humanity, they control all the money in the world, and have all the military and really powerful hidden and suppressed tech at their disposal, they truly think the rest of humanity are their cattle /possessions, and hackable animals, and are serving a death cult. It is unwise to underestimate such an enemy or fail to realize just how distorted and sick they are . Another thing to realize is when your dealing with the demonic, they DELIGHT in destruction just for the sake of it and milking its energy not for any rational or really constructive [in their minds] purpose.
Yes, I understand all of that...but what we have going for us are our sheer numbers (no doubt why they are trying to genocide so many of us), if we could amass crowds to boo and threaten anyone of them anywhere they go and made it clear to them that by the millions people will not tolerate them and if they ever got ahold of them they would give them the Mussolini treatment....well, I think the ugly creeps would shit their pants and become so paranoid they would hide...this would work against their evil...think of mechanics "fixing" their private jets.....think of chefs slipping something into their food ....say you were able to pull the Clinton Count on know just a couple hundred of them suddenly being Arkancided....paranoia would run DEEP and finally destroy them.
I wish Clif would start putting out there about what these Satanists are doing to children and how that might be the one bridge too far for normies....and finally get them onboard with fighting back for a change. Would Tucker Carlson ever do a story on what Adrenochrome and pedophilia with these so called world leaders? No, not likely. But that's what needs to happen.
I think Clif made it clear that what is coming is bridge too far for normies and maybe all of us. When the photos and videos start dropping I suggest we all just read about what they are and not actually look at them. Somethings can't be unseen. But for the normies to be convinced they will certainly have to see it. Big Ugly is right and Clif made it clear it is coming and coming soon.
Sheer numbers only work if they act, but then your talking about people on the inside turning on them and mutiny that is something altogether different and WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA , encourage it, and go to your local sheriffs and ex military and DEMAND they deputize citizens to make arrests of all complicit , down to the local level.
Not for long, will they have their money, military and control.
Clif has pointed this out continually..... It's not going to happen.
In my mind and belief, God Wins. Pray that evil is overcome. Believe it.
saying that is one thing accomplishing it another so what is Cliffs plan? I have not heard it yet?
What's yours? Why does he have to come up with the plan?
I got suspended on Farcebok Twice for posting that Beach Photo of Anal Swab. I contested the suspension by saying "Um, ... It's a DUDE, look at his wee little package, ... not a fat ugly chick with her bare tits out !!" They agreed and they lifted by suspension after about 3 or 4 days, ... so then I reposted it !!! Two weeks later I got suspended AGAIN, for the same reason, for the same photo. lmao they are sofa king stupid over at FB.
They are ALSO ABOUT to launch their next wave PLANDEMIC, much higher fatality rate than last.
Debbie, don't sugar coat it, tell it the way you really feel!, you got it right. A straight jacket and padded cell would be to good for him.
"KM Jews" is an oxymoron, they are not Jews.
They may not be real SEMITIC or HEBREW or Judaic people from the middle east , they are simply converts to Judaism for many reason of being squeezed between expanding religions seeking empire and usury being allowed , and arrangements with Radhanite Babylonians who had controlled banking and trade routes for 4000 years. They are used as scapegoats to hide the City of London banksters , BRIT MONARCHY , Black Nobility families, and Jesuiuts/ Vat role in all these evil agendas . They play their part but are slightly down from the top .
That is who they are.
Actually yes he does and GETS OFF on the power trip of it.
Anal Swab hahah haha bahahaha that’s funny
I love Anal Swab🤣🤣🤣
well...if anal swab says it ..he should OWN it and be happy - right? LMAO!!!
There is a prison guards strike right now at Gitmo.
No one wants to body search the walrus! Hahaha!
Too F Fugly! Worse than Big Mike, so they say!
I rather prefer his beach attire. There aren't any words for it!
Weapon of Mass Delusion
After all these years of not trusting government and those in authority, educators, doctors,, ect... I find that my mistrust was and is a survival instinct that has served me well. When you dig into history that is taught vs what really happened you find a whole new perspective that there are more than one side to actual events that took place.
I got a call or an email, I don't remember, a few years ago before the scamdemic, asking my impression on society or something like that, wanted to know what problems I had. More or less, can't relate the context fully.
Anyway my response was "I am afraid of the government."
I've always hated their overbearing and unjust interference in our lives.
I think more Americans fear their government than the government fears the people. That paradigm will soon reverse itself IMO. We've already witnessed it on a smaller scale with school boards crying to the DOJ about parents. We are truly free only when the government fears the people. We inch ever closer to that tipping point.
If that paradigm doesn't reverse soon we will end up a colony of China..or worse....
I can't even remember the last time I heard anyone say anything positive about our government ...all I hear is how criminally corrupt they's so obvious and in your face...they steal elections, they steal our money, every politician is criminal in the making....and we will never be free until the CIA and FBI are shuttered....they are the agents terrorizing Americans....
Our government is being run by ILLEGAL OCCUPANTS.
👍 Same here
I know this playbook through and through. 30 years a Watchtower slave - One of Jehovah’s witnesses. Exactly the same. One playbook serves every cult. Been there and come through it which made this recent madness (MSBP aptly named) easier to manage.
Agree. I spent 11 years in the JW web and got out with (thankfully) my mind and wits intact. Was brought in by spouse..whom I also dumped. I am a survivor and critical thinker who got duped, and yes it made me stronger and able to see through the current MBP BS being used. Those who use this MPB also use gaslighting techniques on those who oppose.
LDS does it too, and to a certain extent (though there are some excellent bishops etc) so do the Catholics. God will sort them all out in the end.
The religions are all infiltrated by the CIA and turned on the people...I recently read that the FBI is actually run by the Mormons....and that seemed outlandish until you dig into it and find out that FBI agents have filed complaints about how non-Mormons are being passed over for promotions .. and those really big mega evangelist churches....think of that creep Joel whatever ...I read they are huge money laundering operations for the CIA drug running and child sex trafficking rings.....what a world we live in! I pray to God we can set it right with his help. "oh look, some Good Samaritan dropped a couple million in the collection plate"..anonymous , of in the Matrix everything is a lie.
I worked many years ago for a division of a major high-tech company (you'd recognize the name) that had a disproportionate number of LDS members. They were accused of many of the same things. Eventually top management had to put an end to it -- no more 'company meetings' after church, no more preferential treatment of LDS applicants/employees, etc.
Most of the Mormons I've known were decent people, but by the time they rise in the church hierarchy to the inner circles of power, they are so bought in (by salary, power etc.) and have no concept of life 'outside the matrix' that they meekly comply with the evil things done 'at the top.'
In this regard they are much like the Freemasons and other secret societies, as I understand them.
I have many family members in this church and the men are all free masons and boy scout leaders. I wonder why nothing has occurred to bust the top Elders of their church nor to bring down the Temples where the secret meetings and rituals are held, unbeknownst to most of the congregation?
Secrecy. They depend on it. Just as we as US citizens, Canadians, Brits, Frenchmen etc. would never tolerate what is going on in our name at the top levels of our governments, if we knew -- they make damn sure we do not find out.
Basically these groups -- many 'churches,' fraternal organizations, government bureaucracy -- are all satanic at the top. Satan gives them great rewards in exchange for fealty. It is incredibly intoxicating to those in power.
If you haven't seen them, here are a couple links:
Yes thank you I am a fan of Cliff's!
Glad you're outta there. xo
I'd keep the the Bible and Jesus part though.
Excellent analysis Clif. This high level thinking is required to deflect the massive propaganda to weaponize empathy that has captured the collective west (at a minimum). Much appreciated.
Clif is saddle breaking Chat GPT and I am here for every bit of it!!!!!
Yee Haw!
Love your analogy.
"You vil eat ze bugs!" to save the planet of course from trans warming fossil racism priviledge!
Yeah, except they're killing all the bugs, along with the rest of Creation, with their fucking 5G.
I think we should save the world JUST SO THAT we can re-populate the bug population, and then feed zee bugs to zee psychotard rat bastards.
They're killing the bees. I love the bees.
Thank you for thinking of them.
We put SHUNGITE around our bees and it helps therm survive and overcome the 5g induced navigational difficulties.
Did you use elite or regular shungite? I bought the Elite and we put it in our water carafes in the refrigerator.
The Word Herder
(just having fun with a favourite movie)
"Hey, man, you don't talk to the Clif. You listen to him. The man's enlarged my mind. He's a poet-warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he'll, uh, well, you'll say hello to him, right? And he'll just walk right by you, and he won't even notice you. And suddenly he'll grab you, and he'll throw you in a corner, and he'll say do you know that if is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you -- I mean I'm no, I can't -- I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's, he's a great man. I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas."
It seems all of Clif's lifelong struggles were done just for this time. God (Universe to him) has prepared him well.
I posted this on Zerohedge under an article on propaganda. It seemed appropriate to post it there. The ten rules of propaganda were only the beginning. Others who know social media well please pass this around.
Propaganda --> Public Relations --> Indoctrination --> Munchausens By Proxy.
Regarding "Earth is NOT at risk from humanity” and "Humanity is NOT at risk”: In fact, we are at risk from the very DS/KM on both of these counts, via massive poisoning of air (PM2.5 particulate, chemtrails./geoengineering, burning of toxic chemicals, etc), food (GMOs, glyphosate, additives, processing, animal vaccines, “food” pyramids, etc), water (fluoride, lead, chemicals, flushed medicines, micro-plastics, etc), and bodies (via medical interventions, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, iatrogenesis, etc.), the lust for/corruption of power (just witness the disgusting displays at the Congressional Twitter Files hearings, the J6 coverage, blackbox election coverage, etc); the banking/financial system corruption (long-time obvious, but now leading to the M-WEFfers, CBDCs, bugs as food, 15-minute cities, suppression of uber-efficient and over-unity energy tech… and as you point out here, by the social mind control/5GUW which is keeping everyone at each other’s throats. They may be creating all of these, but we have tacitly agreed (by not standing up sooner), and they are all immediate and grave threats.
It just dawned on me that the Scientologists use MBP techniques on all of their members. No wonder their leader is "hiding out". He probably realizes now that even his "flock" is waking up? Why else hide out from those you say you care about and protect? hmmm
He is hiding from the White Hats if he is hiding because this church has ruined so many lives for the CABAL!
Example language: “Take the shot(s) to protect granny”
Emotions manipulated: guilt, fear, responsibility, family love/connection
Intent: create urgency, frame as moral imperative
imply immediate action necessary to avert catastrophe, frame not acceding as immoral murder
Designed goal: Enforce acceptance of gene-therapy shot
The verbal manipulation around vaccine and lockdowns and social family responsibility, were impressive and so so many of us consumed that entire poisoned apple.
The Sick Rose
O Rose thou art sick,
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
by William Blake
The Worm is visible for many of us and many will follow.....if it will safe them that will be a other poem.
I just cross referenced this article to Solution Seeking Substack subscribers as shown below. If you want to join us in figuring out HOW to stop this, please take a look.
This is a great description of what the root cause enemy of humanity and all life on the planet has done, is doing, and hopes to do. It does how discuss HOW to stop them. Do we just hope for the best? Or do we try to discuss HOW to stop them? Have they brainwashed into thinking they are too strong? Do we all have better things to do than do our best to figure out what WE can do to save humanity and the planet from their harm?
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems
Can't thank you enough for the above article. As a former TV news producer/writer, I left the industry in 2008. When I entered the profession in 1978, it was markedly different than what we have these days.
Producers are now encouraged to focus on production elements - not content. This is especially true for local newscasts. Staff reductions started around 2005 industry-wide, so a news producer now spends their time creating the "look" of the newscast.
Content is no longer the meat of the show like it was when I entered the field. Back in the day content was king. A producer spent the day writing, reading, making calls to confirm stories - but no longer. Now it's all about the look.
Why is this meaningful?
Now that so much time is taken up formatting the newscast, the producer no longer has time to focus on writing, or researching stories. I believe it's designed to keep producers from paying attention to content - so it's simply a matter of regurgitate copy from AP or the networks.
The change was so gradual most of us didn't give it much thought - we were just trying to get the show together before air time. With staff reductions industry-wide, the majority of local news stations saw drastic changes very quickly. No longer did we have investigative teams, no staff news writers, editors or news photographers. Newsrooms were "streamlined" and this meant no staff or time to check content or accuracy of information.
Viewers of local news are simply seeing a very superficial summary of information, with approved language, approved soundbites from approved persons and usually, with an approved perspective. This is usually whatever the perspective is from the networks. So if your local news station us an NBC affiliate, your local news team will parrot the leftist beliefs and perspectives of NBC News. If you're a FOX affiliate you'll be a more conservative news team, etc.
Opposing elements of a story are usually not included, like it was back when I started working in news. It's not "news" anymore - it's indoctrination. Stories like the Ukrainian conflict, global warming and covid are a perfect example of this indoctrination.
Clif, you hit it just right. The language is key and those who engage in "communications" these days, don't even understand what they're communicating. It's sadly and seriously ironic.
It appears to me, correct me if I'm wrong, that the 'news' changed drastically w the advent of Ted Turner's CNN and we all know what a Satanic pos he is. After all he IS behind the Georgia Guidestones as I did figure out before everyone else. Really wasn't difficult when you read the whole backstory. Karma got his old ass now tho. Hahaha! May he rot in hell.
It is called, "NON COMPOS MENTIS," and it has been socialized into normal life. The entire population of the last 7 generations has been slow walked backwards, deliberately, into a state of helpless weakness, pussification, Stockholm syndrome, and fairy tale land. Its all evil, fake, its all lies and the only way it is powered is by the absolute, generational, ignorance, mis-education, nativity, and trust of the populace of mind washed public school dunces.. Stop listening to strangers, experts, PHD's, scholars, politicians, academics, clergy, doctors, chairmen, counselors, mayors, governors, lawyers, priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, all and sundry, because they are all triangulating against you and your sanity.
👍 yep