Many people who have taken the shots or boosters are coming to me with deep regrets now. They are admitting they were fooled into this scam. Tides are turning and events are unfolding around us. The world around us is going to get bumpy.
Unfortunately there are many who cannot admit even to themselves that they made a terrible mistake in believing the government and Big Pharma and Big Healthcare.
Even now the DS are doubling down in the propaganda and the pressure to take even more boosters while announcing they are looking to putting the mRNA technology to work in food animals and other means of delivery.
The evil ones never back off, they always double down and are doing so now.
I tried to warn my sister not to take the shots...she took Pfizer...immediately had a bad case of shingles and 3 months later was diagnosed with lymphoma, up until the shot she had been perfectly healthy and thriving ....she had a followup with her oncologist last month and he said she was doing good but she should be sure to take the boosters and wear a mask! I told her I was shocked to hear this after all that has come out even on criminal CDC site...and then I sent her some articles about the truth about the vaccines..her response was to ask me to please not send anymore truth because she has already taken the lethal shots including booster and I was causing her kidding...for crying out loud. I gave up. You can't fix stupid.
She's terrified. She knows that you are sending her the truth. The "stupid" people in her story are the doctors who have pushed her to get the jabs and the boosters and who refuse to question what they are told by the "higher ups" in the system. Your sister is a victim.
Yes, she is a victim and it breaks my heart....I have never trusted medical "professionals", but so many people look up to them as if they were Gods and will do as they are told....the facts show that the medical "profession" is number 3 cause of death in America...our medical system is the most expensive in the world but with dismal results...doctors are basically Big Pharma sales reps hiding behind a computer, they know nothing about nutrition or wellness and the facts show they are painfully wrong in their diagnoses most of the time...the exception I make is trauma units, triage...they are good at that...amazing even.
The bigger the medical industry gets the sicker the population becomes...people should learn to stay away from them and take care of themselves.
Not all healthcare providers are made from the same wood, please keep that in mind. Most of my colleagues took the vax just like everyone else... they were stabbed in their back also. I lost it all and was expelled from the medical community for declining the vax and speaking the truth... we are not all the same.
They may not all be made of the same wood but if you compared causes of death in the USA pre COVID you would see that medical malpractice was the THIRD leading cause of death in the USA. Medical malpractice has murdered more American Citizens than any war in our history (or all wars combined) and is the most deadly thing in our entire society. Nothing compares in number to the numbers of dead by the Medical and Pharma industry.
I remember seeing one report that showed that you had a better chance of survival if you went to the Gulf War than if you entered a hospital as a 'patient'. Your odds of being murdered by your doctor are thousands of times higher than being murdered by a handgun or long gun.
And because YOU were not of the same wood, you were expelled from the medical community. You were ethical. You were smart. You did not take the experimental jab. Thousands of other smart, ethical medical personnel made the same decision -- and now they are no longer part of the medical community either. It is hard to respect the ones who decided to stay.
I am happy not having to console you for taking the shot under pressure, but also happy that Clif High's tea leaves are finally reading retribution will be coming to those who are responsible. Find a pit-bull of a lawyer who will take them down, or better yet, file a pro se case against all the individuals who harmed you. Make them sorry they took the blood money. Discovery will be hell on earth for them. Best wishes in running your new medical system.
Agreed. I feel like all of the decent medical professionals either got fired or quit because of what they have seen. If someone is still in the healthcare field, I do not trust them at this point. They are going against their oaths by participating in this.
I feel the same way. I do whatever I can to keep myself healthy so I don’t end up in the hospital (otherwise known as modern day death camps) because I absolutely DO NOT trust our healthcare system or the majority of healthcare “professionals.” I’m the only person in my family who has not gotten the clot shot. My mom, who was triple-vaxxed, passed away in October 2022 after a long illness (she became seriously ill in September 2021 after getting the booster shot). I begged my family not to get vaccinated but they wouldn’t listen and now I’m terrified they’re all going to die and I’m going to be alone. Watching my mom get bounced between hospitals, nursing homes & hospice for over a year was very eye-opening. The ONLY thing our healthcare system cares about is money. Period. They basically couldn’t wait for my mom to die. And they did everything within their power to ensure that she did. My Dad has hired an attorney and is currently suing her neurologist.
Perhaps send her information about the progress being made about how to clear this spike - could be a start. To return some hope to her.
I understand your despair - my 3 grown children took these jabs without even discussing it with me(I am an emergency nurse with 50 years experience in this....)
which is why I haven't been involved with the CUT and GIVE drugs medica industry in several decades. No medicines, shots, diseases, NOTHING. For decades. And yes. Take care of myself, via food, naturopathy and accupuncture. AND Cranio Sacral Therapy :)
Not all healthcare providers are made from the same wood, please keep that in mind. Most of my peers took the vax just like everyone else... they were stabbed in their back also. I lost it all and was expelled from the medical community for declining the vax and speaking the truth... we are not all the same.
In the beginning they could be excused or forgiven for not knowing about the effects of these shots.
But to keep recommending and pushing the boosters even in the face of mounting evidence of the severe effects is not only willful stupidity but also knowing malpractice, recommending drugs which have no positive benefit but known severe negative reactions.
I want to hear what these doctors still pushing the vax really think and believe.
There are plenty of doctors who are only in the profession today for the prestige and the money.
And Pfizer pays very well for each shot administered.
Can your "peers" read? Do your "peers" take personal responsibility for the poison they administer because they CAN read and chose NOT TO?
I know many people, far less educated than your "peers" that didn't take it because all of it was in BLACK AND WHITE, USING WORDS THAT COULD EASILY BE LOOKED UP ONLINE OR IN A MEDICAL BOOK OR JOURNAL. This entire scam was perpetrated by medical professionals that have no personal integrity and most of them got paid for participation. Who gets paid for injecting poison into innocent human beings? How could any participating physician ever be taken seriously, ever again? The AMA is a SHAM and needs to be dissolved and every participating physician should lose their license and never be allowed to practice medicine, again. They truly are just PRACTICE-ing. It is so GROSS.
A beer guzzling twat like myself who ticked all the definitions of a 'loser' in the society I am in became one of 5% in the country I am in to remain un-tainted while those who had a fairly comfortable life, hotshot career and a decent car and apartment got it and is probably on a countdown timer.
How was that possible? Even with censorship, with a few clicks, using alt Search Engines, alt-platforms like this and Odysee / Bitchute, and based on a foundation of an extreme distrust and cynicism of authorities one could find information confirming [ I already decided from the start not to get them ] these shots were not safe with their lack of long term safety data and the fact the animals all died.
Plus the coercive methods they were turning up the heat to get people injected was a major red flag.
Even Jesus, Son of God had to respect the free will of mortals. Even with his beneficial healing powers, he asked them if they wished to be healed before proceeding. [ I am polytheistic free-thinker who reads here and there btw. ]
I was one of those who shared this and got nothing but ridicule and ad hominem insults, no social life, below minimum wage income. No pat on the back, no thanks received. It was obvious for decades hospitals were about maximizing profit rather than doing their job to heal people.
I wonder which forest the wood of these healthcare providers came from while us 'tinfoil hatter' Infowars types spreading Alex Jones documentaries on Global Depopulation, Sterilization of the Illuminati New World Order agenda?
Not a lot of justice came of the Nuremberg trials. They sacrificed a few of the people for show--probably the good ones who turned and tried to help. Really, less than 20 convictions. Sound like what you want to happen this time? It's time for all of us to really dig in and KNOW what we know, instead of believing we know anything in a world of lies.
How is she a "victim" if her sister tried to warn and inform her? How is she a victim if (and someone please correct me) ~200 million Americans did NOT take the shot because they did their due diligence or someone warned them and they listened? I think Debbie is the real victim here.
A Victim is somebody that is Defenseless, unable to fight back; either physically/emotionally or intellectually.
Stupid is having the intelligence to understand and decide; but choosing to follow the crowd... Then complaining about the outcome... Always looking for somebody else to blame, so they can claim "Victim" status.
When you've been warned and shown evidence about the experimental injection but you disregard the information and WILLINGLY CHOOSE to take the shot anyway, then you must take responsibility for your actions. The only people who can rightfully be called victims are those who were FORCED to be shoulder stabbed: minor children, adults and children with developmental disabilities, and the confined/trapped elderly. And so are all the #purebloods, who were made to suffer in countless ways--physically, financially, emotionally--by all the harassing chowderheads who are now or soon will be exiting the planet.
Her sister is not claiming victim status. I am saying that she is a victim.
Our society and schools indoctrinate us to trust authority and to mistrust those who speak against those in authority.
In addition, we have been conditioned to believe that a "vaccine" is safe. Why do you think the pharma and government folks decided to call the mRNA injection a "vaccine" when it clearly was not. They have admitted that they lied because they knew people wouldn't agree to it otherwise.
Why a minority (it is said 20%) are able to think and act beyond in spite of majority opinion/approval, I'm not sure. In my case, my mother who grew up in Nazi Germany taught me from early childhood to never go along with a crowd just because everybody else was doing so; rather to look at the situation and discern for myself what is right and wrong.
The media, doctors, teachers, et al, were spreading terrifying information about the virus and the "gospel" that the vaccine would save them. Terrified people were undoubtedly reacting from the "amygdala" (emotion controlling) portion of their brain, which, when activated, "shuts down" the pre-frontal cortex (rational decision-making) portion of their brain.
Yes they lied. But data on what a virus was is available, the data on mRNA and what it effects in the body is available.....just those 2 things if they would have looked.....THEY WONT LOOK!
I agree that they are both victims. Murdering someone in a family makes victims out of the entire family and there is no 'Justice' for them. Meaning that no one can give them back what was stolen from them. I agree on all your points. The only place I don't agree, and you could say this is minor, is how long the indoctrination has been going on for. I believe it has been going on for as long as 'government' or monarchy has been in operation for. I don't believe this is a deal breaker for either of us though it is just that I believe it has been a factor since the inception of the Babylonian system and Hammurabi's Codex which removed the rights of humanity and made people slaves rather than free human beings made in the image of God.
I've read different stats, some claiming only about 160 million Americans took at least one jab, which is why I asked for someone--presumably with links to info--to correct that figure if need be. This is what I find now when I look myself, but I can't speak to the site's credibility. They claim the reverse. I'll include the link following the extracted copy, but if it's right, there are more stupid, gullible sister-fellow Americans than I thought. Holy shit!
"At least 262,908,216 people or 79% of the population have received at least one dose.
Overall, 224,113,439 people or 68% of the population are considered fully vaccinated.
I had almost that exact same conversation with a dear friend of mine - who now has heart damage. She said she knows stress isn't good for your health and please don't tell her anything more. It's stressful for her - and dark.
I hope we've seen the worst, but I doubt it. How are these people going to deal with what's coming??
It was our tax dollars at work...all the way....after decades of the Pentagon and PTB bringing death and destruction across the world in order to loot it for the fake JEWS, it was only a matter of time for them to bring it to our doorstep ...Fauci has been pulling this shit for decades and no one stopped him, the CIA shot a sitting president and no one stopped them.....
Damn right!!! The (s)elected fkkrs owe us shitloads of money. I regularly tweet the confederacy of congressional dunces, telling them we want ALL our money back from Ukraine and from the $7B of materiel left behind in Afghanistan and from the slush funds that cover up their misdeeds.
He speaks of the Kazarian Mafia who are knows as the name-stealers. They were given a choice......had to pick a religion so they decided to call themselves jews....THEY ARE NOT true jews.
Actually, I think Clif is more right than most- they are fake Jews- the name stealers, the Khazarian Mafia; but at this point, it seems they have infiltrated much more than just the Judaic. Every religion, government and organization is now run by them. They have particular hatred, and desire to destroy the Russians and real "Jews" (probably Hebrew, but I'm still trying to suss that out) and the Turks for running them out of their countries because they are the ancient & original pedos, thieves, murders and child sacrificers. Will be interesting to know who (or what) they answer to when all truth becomes known.
They are satanists first and foremost....I don't blame all Jews for what the satanists are doing, I know so many Jews who don't go to the Synagogue of Satan or work for the destruction of humanity...remember the worst satanist of them all Jew Rothschild was happy to sacrifice all those Jews in WW2 and then drove them to Israel which he set up to loot the ME...
Have you seen the video of the young man who is close to the last survivor of an early clinical trial with mRNA 'injections'? Out of 200,000 people only 5 are left alive and most of those 5 have had multiple emergency life saving surgeries like open heart surgery and others. The real issue is not only did they KNOW that it was genocidal BUT they tried to force it on our entire nation AND they knew that the death rate over 5 years was almost total...meaning no one lived. Just like the test animals where none lived either. Think about what this means. And the fact that they are still trying to push it on people. NYC is offering little children $100 in candy money if they will get the bioweapon behind their parents backs in pop-up clinics at their elementary schools. Think about that for a while. This is the depth of evil on an unprecedented level.
Do you have a source for that? I am not aware of it. I was aware of animals in trials, but they said early on they had addressed that, implying we didn't need to be concerned.
That Deagle prediction is sure looking more plausible. I remember at the time thinking it had to be wrong because the only thing I could think of causing an 80% decline in US population would be nuclear war - but other countries were not as affected. So it couldn't be that - and I couldn't imagine what could cause it.
Your question is most pertinent. You worry correctly for their sanity, denial of your sage advice stores up a problem for later, if and when it becomes broadcasted knowledge.
There are way too many people like your sister. They don’t ever want to admit they were duped by big government and big pharmaceuticals. Her doctor should and might be hung from a lamppost
I heard from someone that just had a relative die from it that funerals are three months out right now. Just something to keep in mind since you will have to make all the arrangements.
You are spot-on! I used "stupid" because it was used in the comment to which I was responding. I agree with you 100% regarding the mass psychosis driven by the fear and propaganda that affected the public in general. I'm not sure what term should be used for the medical professionals who refused to at least question/research the negative or skeptical information that was being voiced by researchers, doctors, and patients.
Truly one of the worst side effects of the parasitic program called 'Civilization' is the cutting off of peoples survival instincts and replacing it with a domesticated passive acceptance that ANYONE is allowed to do anything to your body that they it or have no say. It is a sort of dissociated fugue state that is like being a zombie or something. It is a humiliation of what it really means to be human, and made in Gods image and IMO criminal.
I agree. I will never victim blame. There is only one group to blame (one race actually since this whole thing, top to bottom was engineered by dual nationals in our country) and it isn't the victims.
My own daughter as well as my sister (both dbl vaxxed) have also asked me not to send any further truthful information about the shots, as it is too upsetting and they don't care to think about it. It is galling.
My dad is the same way, even though he’s finally realizing that my mom was basically murdered by Moderna. He says he’s already been vaxxed & boosted, the damage is done and there isn’t anything he can do about it now. I’ve seen some articles and videos online about ways to detox and rid the body of the spike proteins. Maybe we should just send those to vaxxed loved ones and just not say anything. 🤷🏼♀️
Perhaps we need to send information about "cures"--at least anything non-harmful that might reduce the risk from the spike proteins and nanolipids--instead. The Frontline Doctors and like-minded doctors do have some ideas for detoxing. Perhaps our vaxxed loved ones would at least consider those.
I don’t bring any of the *truth* up anymore to people in my life who have taken the jabs because it just adds to their stress. If they ask for remedies, all I can say is up your game in the best nutritional supplements available (imo and then I just add that there are very smart people working on it! Honestly, only a couple people have even asked!
My friend who took the Pfizer jabs nearly 2 yrs ago hit her shin on something recently…the wound wouldn’t heal and she had a biopsy that diagnosed cancer cells.
I didn’t tell her about the spike protein being found in wounds and just beneath the surface of skin.
I have friends who are conservatives, but when they found out they couldn't travel (they're well off and travel to see concerts??) They both got vaxed twice. He had prostrate cancer last year and she's having pain all over her body, because her arthritis has advanced rapidly in the past 2 years. But, they but think it's normal, age related things.
For many people they see the medical profession as an honest business and would never lie. Truth is many doctors report to administrators who see the $$$ coming from Covid and Covid vaccines.
Unfortunately many of these doctors will be hung first.
Yeah but now all the childrens vaxxxxes are becoming mRNA delivery system. So put them all on metformin or Berberine if you can. Berberine is a liver digestive aide. Metformin is used for type 1 or borderline diabetes.
Yes metformin not good for long term and used for pre diabetes, but will clear out the mRNA. Berberine is better for the liver but the test was done with Metformin.
Hopefully, all these doctors and nurses that pushed and administered the vaccines on innocent people will all be held accountable when the full truth is out and can no longer be ignored. They all need to be charged with crimes against humanity and punished accordingly.
I’m so sorry about your sister. Praying she makes a full recovery. 🙏🏻
Debbie, it's a sad state all over. We have a semi-relative in another state who caught the coof and the hospital immediately put him on a vent (to collect their $39,000). he subsequently died as a result. If his wife had listened to our advice he would still be with us.
Your husband transfers the shot ingredients to you thru sex, kissing and skin to skin contact. These shots were designed to spread this way. You are Infected and should be taking detoxing hot baths. It’s sad that even in situations like this where one member of a family gets the vaccine they infect other members of the family unknowingly. Big Pharma perfected this transfer a vaccine when they developed it for the rabbit overpopulation in Australia several years ago.
As if dating wasn’t already difficult and awkward enough for those of us that are single....we now have to ask prospective partners if they’ve been vaccinated. And if they have, I won’t touch them with a ten foot pole. But, I suspect that a lot of people lie about it and it’ll get worse & worse as time goes on and the truth comes out. I have a feeling that the vaccinated will eventually be treated like lepers.
I only bring it up with my relatives because I am afraid that they will keep on taking the boosters. Maybe I should stop, but they need to come to grips with reality. So sad. I don't know how we are going to deal with all of this.
There are many, many people who have not taken boosters. Saying something might save a life.
And - I keep saying to myself it isn't positively, for sure, a death sentence.
My husband and I, and a nurse friend, are the only ones I know that didn't take the shot. If it's a death sentence doled out to 83% of the population, not having taken it won't make much difference.
I remember 70% seemed to be the number. It was very weird, especially when they kept saying 70% even though it became known that herd immunity couldn't happen because it was non-sterilizing. Creepy.
The evil khazarian mafia lizard overlords never back down unfortunately. We just have to keep exposing the evilness and the lies.
I see times shifting and more events are going to to have to unravel to wake the sheeple up from their slumber…… it’s going to crash and then take a a spiral down to the ugly truth that they have been deceived and manipulated.
I agree…. It’s going to get crazy. I saw how they were going to put MRNA in foods and livestock. I guess it’s time to know your local farmer and learn to grow your own fruits and vegetables.
Poisoning our food is nothing new..GMO food, fluoride in water, chemicals in all food processing, HFCS, etc., at least eating meat and veggies contaminated with MRNA poison will never have the same brutal effect as injecting it directly into the body.
Definitely time to source locally from farmers you know if at all possible.
And how do you know that? When they tell you they’re going to do something in the news they’ve already been doing it for probably years! Time for you to pull your head out of the sand!
how is it I am never sick, and get no diseases? I don't like sand either :) But, yes. I am aware they've been doing it for years, which is why I have been eating what I GROW! :)
Hmmm. I've read that the body naturally kills off mRNA very rapidly - that's why they had to encapsulate it in lipid nanoparticles. It would be nice if it doesn't make it past the stomach, but they're probably figuring out timed release or something even more nefarious.
It won’t survive the cooking process if the recommended temps are used.
The mRNA shots are VERY fragile and have to be refrigerated until the time of use. The vials cannot sit out at room temperatures for very long which degrades the lipid coatings around the mRNA strands.
Even when refrigerated the shots eventually degrade and need to be thrown out, their shelf life isn’t more than a year at most, normally even shorter.
I agree with you GRY; this isn't really anything to worry about - just well poisoning and FUD. Still though, my next beef buy is going to be from a small farmer and his family in KS all the same. ;)
The vials of VAX liquid are kept at such a cold temperature to keep the ingredients inside transparent to the naked eye. When these files warm up the ingredients start to change colors and become very fluorescent. Under a simple microscope an average person can watch the ingredients start to assemble into a chain Which is the Nuro Netwerk that goes through the body attaches to the brainstem and is controlled by the 5G and 60 that is being installed all around the world. Geez people dig dig dig you’ve got to get more research done so many of you on this comment page I barely scratched the surface and that’s evident in your comments
if you don't eat animals, and are vegan, then it won't affect you. However, I do realize a majority of humans do eat animals. All good. Not my place to tell folks what they should eat.
Not entirely true. They are putting mRNA in every single solitary plant and animal on this earth that these creeps can get their hands on them. It’s already in our vegetables. I’m sure it’s already in the meat and certainly all the liquid stuff that we drink. So don’t think because you’re vegan that you’re safe unless you’re growing your own food or you know the person growing your food.
A number of years ago, I read the last thing Assange said before being arrested was that smart dust was everywhere. I also read that you could see it with a black light. I got a blacklight flashlight started checking things out. There were tiny, tiny flecks of bright blue and bright copper flecks everywhere - especially on polarfleece and the lint screen in the dryer. I figured it must be part of the environment that I just couldn't see before. But - I came across some clothes and an acrylic blanket from years earlier that I had sealed up for storage. I opened it and studied it carefully - no flecks at all. So I do think they've been doing things to our atmosphere ( geo-engineering ) and have a sinking feeling growing your own food is not going to save you. At least not from mRNA.
Farmers are very savvy people, they're a lot more connected to nature and their animals than most people are.
I very much doubt they would simply go along with mass vaccinations of their herds simply because the government or some pharma said so.
The farmer's herd is their life, it's almost all their wealth(the land isn't really wealth but a place for their herds) aside from planted crops(which are already genetically manipulated).
The gov't people are doing it when they do their "routine checks". They have already done it to the chickens. They injected the farmer's chickens and came back and tested and had the entire farm destroyed. So much for their business and there were many chickens, not just a few.
Beef in the US is already tainted for decades by not testing for mad cow, which has led to our current "epidemic" of highly destructive neurological diseases: alzheimer's, CJ disease, Parkinson's, LouGherig etc. Even if it is a downer cow (too ill to stand up) it gets processed as food.
It is almost like we are in War of the Worlds and there is a non-human entity that is trying to wipe out humanity...or fallen angels that bred with women to make an alien hybrid race of non-humans who look like humans but are not...who want Ha-Eretz (all of the dry land) all for themselves or something.
The more you know the more insane things really look. There is awake and really AWAKE.
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between israel and the Nations, which can only be genocidal and total, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
It is my firm belief we ARE dealing with at least one and probably more off-world species who have infiltrated the fabric of our society, have interbred with humans, and are attempting to take over Earth as their own in the end. Rogue AI, Satanists, blood cult aliens, and/or hybrids, the key thing is they are NOT human, have no compassion for humanity, and would prefer to have only a handful of us around to feed off of (to be clearer, to eat our children, whom they like to rape and torture first). The pandemic was going to be their grande finale to capture and enslave humanity and rule the world for eternity. This is a battle to the death for either side, and it is astounding that so few are even aware we are in a world conflict let alone against a common foe. Didn't Reagan take a lot of heat for announcing just that?
And Trump is not doing a fucking thing about it. Where the hell is the military in all of this bs? I am so dam mad at these criminals. Most people I know took the jab and are sick. I warned them, but they did not listen. God help us all!
Lookup Derek Johnson on Btchute, Rumble and Telegram before you say more about your wonderful Commander-in-Chief. There's a lot which will be revealed this year whch you mught miss if you keep watching the IDIOT BOX (aka TV). Best to turn the programming BS machine off and read past issues of Cliff's.
Wonderful commander and chief comments? I do not watch MSM news, but if I did, I would think he was the devil and Biden a saint. Every politician is out for themselves. I will look up Derek Johnson . Thank you Lawrence!
This is a complex military operation that has been going on since 2017. To take down an evil empire LITERALLY which has been in existance since almost time memorial? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it's complex beyond human comprehension.
I blame him for continuing to say the jab is safe. He lied too when he claimed to have been jabbed twice. He is a dam liar, and it really angers me and billions of others too. This may be his downfall too to ever being the president. So sad if you really wrap your head around what he and others have done to humanity.
Many people who have taken the shots or boosters are coming to me with deep regrets now. They are admitting they were fooled into this scam. Tides are turning and events are unfolding around us. The world around us is going to get bumpy.
Unfortunately there are many who cannot admit even to themselves that they made a terrible mistake in believing the government and Big Pharma and Big Healthcare.
Even now the DS are doubling down in the propaganda and the pressure to take even more boosters while announcing they are looking to putting the mRNA technology to work in food animals and other means of delivery.
The evil ones never back off, they always double down and are doing so now.
I tried to warn my sister not to take the shots...she took Pfizer...immediately had a bad case of shingles and 3 months later was diagnosed with lymphoma, up until the shot she had been perfectly healthy and thriving ....she had a followup with her oncologist last month and he said she was doing good but she should be sure to take the boosters and wear a mask! I told her I was shocked to hear this after all that has come out even on criminal CDC site...and then I sent her some articles about the truth about the vaccines..her response was to ask me to please not send anymore truth because she has already taken the lethal shots including booster and I was causing her kidding...for crying out loud. I gave up. You can't fix stupid.
She's terrified. She knows that you are sending her the truth. The "stupid" people in her story are the doctors who have pushed her to get the jabs and the boosters and who refuse to question what they are told by the "higher ups" in the system. Your sister is a victim.
Yes, she is a victim and it breaks my heart....I have never trusted medical "professionals", but so many people look up to them as if they were Gods and will do as they are told....the facts show that the medical "profession" is number 3 cause of death in America...our medical system is the most expensive in the world but with dismal results...doctors are basically Big Pharma sales reps hiding behind a computer, they know nothing about nutrition or wellness and the facts show they are painfully wrong in their diagnoses most of the time...the exception I make is trauma units, triage...they are good at that...amazing even.
The bigger the medical industry gets the sicker the population becomes...people should learn to stay away from them and take care of themselves.
Not all healthcare providers are made from the same wood, please keep that in mind. Most of my colleagues took the vax just like everyone else... they were stabbed in their back also. I lost it all and was expelled from the medical community for declining the vax and speaking the truth... we are not all the same.
They may not all be made of the same wood but if you compared causes of death in the USA pre COVID you would see that medical malpractice was the THIRD leading cause of death in the USA. Medical malpractice has murdered more American Citizens than any war in our history (or all wars combined) and is the most deadly thing in our entire society. Nothing compares in number to the numbers of dead by the Medical and Pharma industry.
I remember seeing one report that showed that you had a better chance of survival if you went to the Gulf War than if you entered a hospital as a 'patient'. Your odds of being murdered by your doctor are thousands of times higher than being murdered by a handgun or long gun.
And because YOU were not of the same wood, you were expelled from the medical community. You were ethical. You were smart. You did not take the experimental jab. Thousands of other smart, ethical medical personnel made the same decision -- and now they are no longer part of the medical community either. It is hard to respect the ones who decided to stay.
Thanks Heike. Please don't let them get to you, there is so much anger floating around that people become nasty but you don't deserve it.
I am happy not having to console you for taking the shot under pressure, but also happy that Clif High's tea leaves are finally reading retribution will be coming to those who are responsible. Find a pit-bull of a lawyer who will take them down, or better yet, file a pro se case against all the individuals who harmed you. Make them sorry they took the blood money. Discovery will be hell on earth for them. Best wishes in running your new medical system.
Agreed. I feel like all of the decent medical professionals either got fired or quit because of what they have seen. If someone is still in the healthcare field, I do not trust them at this point. They are going against their oaths by participating in this.
I feel the same way. I do whatever I can to keep myself healthy so I don’t end up in the hospital (otherwise known as modern day death camps) because I absolutely DO NOT trust our healthcare system or the majority of healthcare “professionals.” I’m the only person in my family who has not gotten the clot shot. My mom, who was triple-vaxxed, passed away in October 2022 after a long illness (she became seriously ill in September 2021 after getting the booster shot). I begged my family not to get vaccinated but they wouldn’t listen and now I’m terrified they’re all going to die and I’m going to be alone. Watching my mom get bounced between hospitals, nursing homes & hospice for over a year was very eye-opening. The ONLY thing our healthcare system cares about is money. Period. They basically couldn’t wait for my mom to die. And they did everything within their power to ensure that she did. My Dad has hired an attorney and is currently suing her neurologist.
I used the very same words: Mom, I am begging you not to get the vaxx!
She and my Dad did anyway.
I agree with your assessment 100% on our medical institution and so-called “health”care!
So sorry for you loosing your mother.
Perhaps send her information about the progress being made about how to clear this spike - could be a start. To return some hope to her.
I understand your despair - my 3 grown children took these jabs without even discussing it with me(I am an emergency nurse with 50 years experience in this....)
Well said!! ❤️
which is why I haven't been involved with the CUT and GIVE drugs medica industry in several decades. No medicines, shots, diseases, NOTHING. For decades. And yes. Take care of myself, via food, naturopathy and accupuncture. AND Cranio Sacral Therapy :)
Those very same doctors will claim the same thing the Nazi doctors in 1946 claimed at Nuremberg.
“I was following legal orders under German Law at the time, I am not guilty of any crimes under German law!”
It didn’t work for them and it won’t work for these doctors today, that’s if they survive the lynch mobs…
Not all healthcare providers are made from the same wood, please keep that in mind. Most of my peers took the vax just like everyone else... they were stabbed in their back also. I lost it all and was expelled from the medical community for declining the vax and speaking the truth... we are not all the same.
In the beginning they could be excused or forgiven for not knowing about the effects of these shots.
But to keep recommending and pushing the boosters even in the face of mounting evidence of the severe effects is not only willful stupidity but also knowing malpractice, recommending drugs which have no positive benefit but known severe negative reactions.
I want to hear what these doctors still pushing the vax really think and believe.
There are plenty of doctors who are only in the profession today for the prestige and the money.
And Pfizer pays very well for each shot administered.
Can your "peers" read? Do your "peers" take personal responsibility for the poison they administer because they CAN read and chose NOT TO?
I know many people, far less educated than your "peers" that didn't take it because all of it was in BLACK AND WHITE, USING WORDS THAT COULD EASILY BE LOOKED UP ONLINE OR IN A MEDICAL BOOK OR JOURNAL. This entire scam was perpetrated by medical professionals that have no personal integrity and most of them got paid for participation. Who gets paid for injecting poison into innocent human beings? How could any participating physician ever be taken seriously, ever again? The AMA is a SHAM and needs to be dissolved and every participating physician should lose their license and never be allowed to practice medicine, again. They truly are just PRACTICE-ing. It is so GROSS.
There are many in the medical profession now doing natural medicine. Good luck . It is growing daily.
A beer guzzling twat like myself who ticked all the definitions of a 'loser' in the society I am in became one of 5% in the country I am in to remain un-tainted while those who had a fairly comfortable life, hotshot career and a decent car and apartment got it and is probably on a countdown timer.
How was that possible? Even with censorship, with a few clicks, using alt Search Engines, alt-platforms like this and Odysee / Bitchute, and based on a foundation of an extreme distrust and cynicism of authorities one could find information confirming [ I already decided from the start not to get them ] these shots were not safe with their lack of long term safety data and the fact the animals all died.
Plus the coercive methods they were turning up the heat to get people injected was a major red flag.
Even Jesus, Son of God had to respect the free will of mortals. Even with his beneficial healing powers, he asked them if they wished to be healed before proceeding. [ I am polytheistic free-thinker who reads here and there btw. ]
Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory Season 1 Episode 5 warning about depopulation using a bioweapon disguised as a 'vaccine'. Aired 2009 CE.
Only thing that was different was it was predicted to be a nasal spray.'Vaccine'-TruTV-2009-CE:0
I was one of those who shared this and got nothing but ridicule and ad hominem insults, no social life, below minimum wage income. No pat on the back, no thanks received. It was obvious for decades hospitals were about maximizing profit rather than doing their job to heal people.
I wonder which forest the wood of these healthcare providers came from while us 'tinfoil hatter' Infowars types spreading Alex Jones documentaries on Global Depopulation, Sterilization of the Illuminati New World Order agenda?
Sorry to hear that Heike,......did you visit, Go for long walks......take 200mg B1 before bed. Take care 🥰{{ }}
Not a lot of justice came of the Nuremberg trials. They sacrificed a few of the people for show--probably the good ones who turned and tried to help. Really, less than 20 convictions. Sound like what you want to happen this time? It's time for all of us to really dig in and KNOW what we know, instead of believing we know anything in a world of lies.
And then the US govt hired the rest of them.
How is she a "victim" if her sister tried to warn and inform her? How is she a victim if (and someone please correct me) ~200 million Americans did NOT take the shot because they did their due diligence or someone warned them and they listened? I think Debbie is the real victim here.
A Victim is somebody that is Defenseless, unable to fight back; either physically/emotionally or intellectually.
Stupid is having the intelligence to understand and decide; but choosing to follow the crowd... Then complaining about the outcome... Always looking for somebody else to blame, so they can claim "Victim" status.
I don't. Both are innocent. The only ones who are guilty are the people who knew it was a bioweapon and pushed it on people to murder them.
When you've been warned and shown evidence about the experimental injection but you disregard the information and WILLINGLY CHOOSE to take the shot anyway, then you must take responsibility for your actions. The only people who can rightfully be called victims are those who were FORCED to be shoulder stabbed: minor children, adults and children with developmental disabilities, and the confined/trapped elderly. And so are all the #purebloods, who were made to suffer in countless ways--physically, financially, emotionally--by all the harassing chowderheads who are now or soon will be exiting the planet.
Her sister is not claiming victim status. I am saying that she is a victim.
Our society and schools indoctrinate us to trust authority and to mistrust those who speak against those in authority.
In addition, we have been conditioned to believe that a "vaccine" is safe. Why do you think the pharma and government folks decided to call the mRNA injection a "vaccine" when it clearly was not. They have admitted that they lied because they knew people wouldn't agree to it otherwise.
Why a minority (it is said 20%) are able to think and act beyond in spite of majority opinion/approval, I'm not sure. In my case, my mother who grew up in Nazi Germany taught me from early childhood to never go along with a crowd just because everybody else was doing so; rather to look at the situation and discern for myself what is right and wrong.
The media, doctors, teachers, et al, were spreading terrifying information about the virus and the "gospel" that the vaccine would save them. Terrified people were undoubtedly reacting from the "amygdala" (emotion controlling) portion of their brain, which, when activated, "shuts down" the pre-frontal cortex (rational decision-making) portion of their brain.
Yes they lied. But data on what a virus was is available, the data on mRNA and what it effects in the body is available.....just those 2 things if they would have looked.....THEY WONT LOOK!
I agree that they are both victims. Murdering someone in a family makes victims out of the entire family and there is no 'Justice' for them. Meaning that no one can give them back what was stolen from them. I agree on all your points. The only place I don't agree, and you could say this is minor, is how long the indoctrination has been going on for. I believe it has been going on for as long as 'government' or monarchy has been in operation for. I don't believe this is a deal breaker for either of us though it is just that I believe it has been a factor since the inception of the Babylonian system and Hammurabi's Codex which removed the rights of humanity and made people slaves rather than free human beings made in the image of God.
Are you able to provide a link to the stats that 200 million refused? Thank you.
I've read different stats, some claiming only about 160 million Americans took at least one jab, which is why I asked for someone--presumably with links to info--to correct that figure if need be. This is what I find now when I look myself, but I can't speak to the site's credibility. They claim the reverse. I'll include the link following the extracted copy, but if it's right, there are more stupid, gullible sister-fellow Americans than I thought. Holy shit!
"At least 262,908,216 people or 79% of the population have received at least one dose.
Overall, 224,113,439 people or 68% of the population are considered fully vaccinated.
Additionally, 108,806,974 people or 33% of the population have received a booster dose."
I would really like this too. I would be surprised and really encouraged if it was that high.
I had almost that exact same conversation with a dear friend of mine - who now has heart damage. She said she knows stress isn't good for your health and please don't tell her anything more. It's stressful for her - and dark.
I hope we've seen the worst, but I doubt it. How are these people going to deal with what's coming??
I believe we are going to see massive awakening to the horror of this truths very soon. Just like Clif says.
Music to watch when it falls by Zero7.
Enjoy Tower 7 by Thievery Corporation too.
It was our tax dollars at work...all the way....after decades of the Pentagon and PTB bringing death and destruction across the world in order to loot it for the fake JEWS, it was only a matter of time for them to bring it to our doorstep ...Fauci has been pulling this shit for decades and no one stopped him, the CIA shot a sitting president and no one stopped them.....
Damn right!!! The (s)elected fkkrs owe us shitloads of money. I regularly tweet the confederacy of congressional dunces, telling them we want ALL our money back from Ukraine and from the $7B of materiel left behind in Afghanistan and from the slush funds that cover up their misdeeds.
I agree.
I mean...those are actual jews doing this just like their mass murder of 60 million White Christians in Russia. There is nothing 'fake' about them.
He speaks of the Kazarian Mafia who are knows as the name-stealers. They were given a choice......had to pick a religion so they decided to call themselves jews....THEY ARE NOT true jews.
Actually, I think Clif is more right than most- they are fake Jews- the name stealers, the Khazarian Mafia; but at this point, it seems they have infiltrated much more than just the Judaic. Every religion, government and organization is now run by them. They have particular hatred, and desire to destroy the Russians and real "Jews" (probably Hebrew, but I'm still trying to suss that out) and the Turks for running them out of their countries because they are the ancient & original pedos, thieves, murders and child sacrificers. Will be interesting to know who (or what) they answer to when all truth becomes known.
They are satanists first and foremost....I don't blame all Jews for what the satanists are doing, I know so many Jews who don't go to the Synagogue of Satan or work for the destruction of humanity...remember the worst satanist of them all Jew Rothschild was happy to sacrifice all those Jews in WW2 and then drove them to Israel which he set up to loot the ME...
No ----Kazarian Jews.
BINGO ^^^ Just follow the Khazarian Mafia. They are going down. Radical changes coming.
Have you seen the video of the young man who is close to the last survivor of an early clinical trial with mRNA 'injections'? Out of 200,000 people only 5 are left alive and most of those 5 have had multiple emergency life saving surgeries like open heart surgery and others. The real issue is not only did they KNOW that it was genocidal BUT they tried to force it on our entire nation AND they knew that the death rate over 5 years was almost total...meaning no one lived. Just like the test animals where none lived either. Think about what this means. And the fact that they are still trying to push it on people. NYC is offering little children $100 in candy money if they will get the bioweapon behind their parents backs in pop-up clinics at their elementary schools. Think about that for a while. This is the depth of evil on an unprecedented level.
Do you have a source for that? I am not aware of it. I was aware of animals in trials, but they said early on they had addressed that, implying we didn't need to be concerned.
That Deagle prediction is sure looking more plausible. I remember at the time thinking it had to be wrong because the only thing I could think of causing an 80% decline in US population would be nuclear war - but other countries were not as affected. So it couldn't be that - and I couldn't imagine what could cause it.
I can post the video for you or did you mean the news article about the candy money?
Your question is most pertinent. You worry correctly for their sanity, denial of your sage advice stores up a problem for later, if and when it becomes broadcasted knowledge.
There are way too many people like your sister. They don’t ever want to admit they were duped by big government and big pharmaceuticals. Her doctor should and might be hung from a lamppost
That’s how much my brother and sister in law are….. they totally trust the government with their lives. They openly admitted it.
I think deep down (like your sister) they are scared. My mother in law got shots and boosters and is now actively dying from heart failure.
I heard from someone that just had a relative die from it that funerals are three months out right now. Just something to keep in mind since you will have to make all the arrangements.
I don't think it is stupid. It is mass formation psychosis driven by the fear and propaganda spread by the criminal media.
You are spot-on! I used "stupid" because it was used in the comment to which I was responding. I agree with you 100% regarding the mass psychosis driven by the fear and propaganda that affected the public in general. I'm not sure what term should be used for the medical professionals who refused to at least question/research the negative or skeptical information that was being voiced by researchers, doctors, and patients.
Truly one of the worst side effects of the parasitic program called 'Civilization' is the cutting off of peoples survival instincts and replacing it with a domesticated passive acceptance that ANYONE is allowed to do anything to your body that they it or have no say. It is a sort of dissociated fugue state that is like being a zombie or something. It is a humiliation of what it really means to be human, and made in Gods image and IMO criminal.
I agree. I will never victim blame. There is only one group to blame (one race actually since this whole thing, top to bottom was engineered by dual nationals in our country) and it isn't the victims.
My own daughter as well as my sister (both dbl vaxxed) have also asked me not to send any further truthful information about the shots, as it is too upsetting and they don't care to think about it. It is galling.
My dad is the same way, even though he’s finally realizing that my mom was basically murdered by Moderna. He says he’s already been vaxxed & boosted, the damage is done and there isn’t anything he can do about it now. I’ve seen some articles and videos online about ways to detox and rid the body of the spike proteins. Maybe we should just send those to vaxxed loved ones and just not say anything. 🤷🏼♀️
Perhaps we need to send information about "cures"--at least anything non-harmful that might reduce the risk from the spike proteins and nanolipids--instead. The Frontline Doctors and like-minded doctors do have some ideas for detoxing. Perhaps our vaxxed loved ones would at least consider those.
I don’t bring any of the *truth* up anymore to people in my life who have taken the jabs because it just adds to their stress. If they ask for remedies, all I can say is up your game in the best nutritional supplements available (imo and then I just add that there are very smart people working on it! Honestly, only a couple people have even asked!
My friend who took the Pfizer jabs nearly 2 yrs ago hit her shin on something recently…the wound wouldn’t heal and she had a biopsy that diagnosed cancer cells.
I didn’t tell her about the spike protein being found in wounds and just beneath the surface of skin.
Your approach is kind and caring. Your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives.
And Thank You for your kind remark
I have friends who are conservatives, but when they found out they couldn't travel (they're well off and travel to see concerts??) They both got vaxed twice. He had prostrate cancer last year and she's having pain all over her body, because her arthritis has advanced rapidly in the past 2 years. But, they but think it's normal, age related things.
For many people they see the medical profession as an honest business and would never lie. Truth is many doctors report to administrators who see the $$$ coming from Covid and Covid vaccines.
Unfortunately many of these doctors will be hung first.
I told my vaxxed and boosted relatives - O.K. if you don't want anymore info. O.K. just don't take anymore vaxxs, NEVER, EVER, NO MORE.
Yeah but now all the childrens vaxxxxes are becoming mRNA delivery system. So put them all on metformin or Berberine if you can. Berberine is a liver digestive aide. Metformin is used for type 1 or borderline diabetes.
Berberine not Metfor... former is very effective for glucose lowering. Latter is still big far ma.
Yes metformin not good for long term and used for pre diabetes, but will clear out the mRNA. Berberine is better for the liver but the test was done with Metformin.
Apparently either are good to take for the igG3 receptors so stopping the vax......that is on GreenMedInfo.
Hopefully, all these doctors and nurses that pushed and administered the vaccines on innocent people will all be held accountable when the full truth is out and can no longer be ignored. They all need to be charged with crimes against humanity and punished accordingly.
I’m so sorry about your sister. Praying she makes a full recovery. 🙏🏻
Judy Mikovitz said Dimethylglycine is the antidote. Watch Dr. Judy Mikovitz talking to Stew Peters on Rumble.
Thank you…hadn’t heard about dimethlglycine yet and I try to catch Judy Mikovitz interviews
highly respect Dr. Judy!
Debbie, it's a sad state all over. We have a semi-relative in another state who caught the coof and the hospital immediately put him on a vent (to collect their $39,000). he subsequently died as a result. If his wife had listened to our advice he would still be with us.
You're not alone with that reaction.
I've had a similar story here and I just can't believe the sheer stupidity!
At least we know that we tried.
True. No use even talking about it.
Well she wants to’d be surprised how many people are very apathetic about their lives. She knows.
Your husband transfers the shot ingredients to you thru sex, kissing and skin to skin contact. These shots were designed to spread this way. You are Infected and should be taking detoxing hot baths. It’s sad that even in situations like this where one member of a family gets the vaccine they infect other members of the family unknowingly. Big Pharma perfected this transfer a vaccine when they developed it for the rabbit overpopulation in Australia several years ago.
As if dating wasn’t already difficult and awkward enough for those of us that are single....we now have to ask prospective partners if they’ve been vaccinated. And if they have, I won’t touch them with a ten foot pole. But, I suspect that a lot of people lie about it and it’ll get worse & worse as time goes on and the truth comes out. I have a feeling that the vaccinated will eventually be treated like lepers.
I only bring it up with my relatives because I am afraid that they will keep on taking the boosters. Maybe I should stop, but they need to come to grips with reality. So sad. I don't know how we are going to deal with all of this.
Sheesh. Explosive relatives and a spouse who isn't romantic. Sounds like you've got a lot more to deal with than simply refusing a jab.
There are many, many people who have not taken boosters. Saying something might save a life.
And - I keep saying to myself it isn't positively, for sure, a death sentence.
My husband and I, and a nurse friend, are the only ones I know that didn't take the shot. If it's a death sentence doled out to 83% of the population, not having taken it won't make much difference.
I remember 70% seemed to be the number. It was very weird, especially when they kept saying 70% even though it became known that herd immunity couldn't happen because it was non-sterilizing. Creepy.
The evil khazarian mafia lizard overlords never back down unfortunately. We just have to keep exposing the evilness and the lies.
I see times shifting and more events are going to to have to unravel to wake the sheeple up from their slumber…… it’s going to crash and then take a a spiral down to the ugly truth that they have been deceived and manipulated.
I agree…. It’s going to get crazy. I saw how they were going to put MRNA in foods and livestock. I guess it’s time to know your local farmer and learn to grow your own fruits and vegetables.
Poisoning our food is nothing new..GMO food, fluoride in water, chemicals in all food processing, HFCS, etc., at least eating meat and veggies contaminated with MRNA poison will never have the same brutal effect as injecting it directly into the body.
Definitely time to source locally from farmers you know if at all possible.
grow my own food. Read labels, and am vegan.
nope That was fear porn. No MRna in livestock or in foods.
And how do you know that? When they tell you they’re going to do something in the news they’ve already been doing it for probably years! Time for you to pull your head out of the sand!
how is it I am never sick, and get no diseases? I don't like sand either :) But, yes. I am aware they've been doing it for years, which is why I have been eating what I GROW! :)
Oh crap......that’s how they are going to ruin the beef. #%@//*#.
The good news is that unlike the shots, the mRNA technology cannot survive the cooking and digestion process.
The bad news is it could kill large numbers of food animals causing mass starvation.
Hmmm. I've read that the body naturally kills off mRNA very rapidly - that's why they had to encapsulate it in lipid nanoparticles. It would be nice if it doesn't make it past the stomach, but they're probably figuring out timed release or something even more nefarious.
It won’t survive the cooking process if the recommended temps are used.
The mRNA shots are VERY fragile and have to be refrigerated until the time of use. The vials cannot sit out at room temperatures for very long which degrades the lipid coatings around the mRNA strands.
Even when refrigerated the shots eventually degrade and need to be thrown out, their shelf life isn’t more than a year at most, normally even shorter.
I agree with you GRY; this isn't really anything to worry about - just well poisoning and FUD. Still though, my next beef buy is going to be from a small farmer and his family in KS all the same. ;)
The vials of VAX liquid are kept at such a cold temperature to keep the ingredients inside transparent to the naked eye. When these files warm up the ingredients start to change colors and become very fluorescent. Under a simple microscope an average person can watch the ingredients start to assemble into a chain Which is the Nuro Netwerk that goes through the body attaches to the brainstem and is controlled by the 5G and 60 that is being installed all around the world. Geez people dig dig dig you’ve got to get more research done so many of you on this comment page I barely scratched the surface and that’s evident in your comments
if you don't eat animals, and are vegan, then it won't affect you. However, I do realize a majority of humans do eat animals. All good. Not my place to tell folks what they should eat.
Not entirely true. They are putting mRNA in every single solitary plant and animal on this earth that these creeps can get their hands on them. It’s already in our vegetables. I’m sure it’s already in the meat and certainly all the liquid stuff that we drink. So don’t think because you’re vegan that you’re safe unless you’re growing your own food or you know the person growing your food.
A number of years ago, I read the last thing Assange said before being arrested was that smart dust was everywhere. I also read that you could see it with a black light. I got a blacklight flashlight started checking things out. There were tiny, tiny flecks of bright blue and bright copper flecks everywhere - especially on polarfleece and the lint screen in the dryer. I figured it must be part of the environment that I just couldn't see before. But - I came across some clothes and an acrylic blanket from years earlier that I had sealed up for storage. I opened it and studied it carefully - no flecks at all. So I do think they've been doing things to our atmosphere ( geo-engineering ) and have a sinking feeling growing your own food is not going to save you. At least not from mRNA.
I AM GROWING my own food. :) I DON"T EAT ANIMALS! :)
hate to break it to you...
Fear porn. I grow my own food and know my soil.
But thanks ! :P)
Well are the farmers going to allow it?
Farmers are very savvy people, they're a lot more connected to nature and their animals than most people are.
I very much doubt they would simply go along with mass vaccinations of their herds simply because the government or some pharma said so.
The farmer's herd is their life, it's almost all their wealth(the land isn't really wealth but a place for their herds) aside from planted crops(which are already genetically manipulated).
I wouldn't think so either....BUT I never thought farmers would cave to Gates or China and sell off their land to them......IDK
The gov't people are doing it when they do their "routine checks". They have already done it to the chickens. They injected the farmer's chickens and came back and tested and had the entire farm destroyed. So much for their business and there were many chickens, not just a few.
Beef in the US is already tainted for decades by not testing for mad cow, which has led to our current "epidemic" of highly destructive neurological diseases: alzheimer's, CJ disease, Parkinson's, LouGherig etc. Even if it is a downer cow (too ill to stand up) it gets processed as food.
Buy kosher meat. They don't allow sick or downed cows (or chickens or any other allowed animal) to be used for food, not even the milk from one.
It is almost like we are in War of the Worlds and there is a non-human entity that is trying to wipe out humanity...or fallen angels that bred with women to make an alien hybrid race of non-humans who look like humans but are not...who want Ha-Eretz (all of the dry land) all for themselves or something.
The more you know the more insane things really look. There is awake and really AWAKE.
April 2003 edition of Israel Magazine, Dr. Itzhak Attia, Director of the École Internationale de l’Institut Yad Vashem, made the following highly explicit remarks, with a degree of clarity uncommon among jewish intellectuals, probably because he was writing for a magazine reserved exclusively for the jewish community:
“Even if our reason cries out with all its force of the absurdity of this confrontation between a little people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity…no matter how absurd, how incoherent, how monstrous as it may seem, we are indeed engaged in an intimate combat between israel and the Nations, which can only be genocidal and total, because it is a matter of our respective identities”.
It is my firm belief we ARE dealing with at least one and probably more off-world species who have infiltrated the fabric of our society, have interbred with humans, and are attempting to take over Earth as their own in the end. Rogue AI, Satanists, blood cult aliens, and/or hybrids, the key thing is they are NOT human, have no compassion for humanity, and would prefer to have only a handful of us around to feed off of (to be clearer, to eat our children, whom they like to rape and torture first). The pandemic was going to be their grande finale to capture and enslave humanity and rule the world for eternity. This is a battle to the death for either side, and it is astounding that so few are even aware we are in a world conflict let alone against a common foe. Didn't Reagan take a lot of heat for announcing just that?
And Trump is not doing a fucking thing about it. Where the hell is the military in all of this bs? I am so dam mad at these criminals. Most people I know took the jab and are sick. I warned them, but they did not listen. God help us all!
Lookup Derek Johnson on Btchute, Rumble and Telegram before you say more about your wonderful Commander-in-Chief. There's a lot which will be revealed this year whch you mught miss if you keep watching the IDIOT BOX (aka TV). Best to turn the programming BS machine off and read past issues of Cliff's.
Wonderful commander and chief comments? I do not watch MSM news, but if I did, I would think he was the devil and Biden a saint. Every politician is out for themselves. I will look up Derek Johnson . Thank you Lawrence!
Yes. I'd say 90 percent of all politcians are sold out and involved in some degree in pedophilia.
This is a complex military operation that has been going on since 2017. To take down an evil empire LITERALLY which has been in existance since almost time memorial? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it's complex beyond human comprehension.
I blame him for continuing to say the jab is safe. He lied too when he claimed to have been jabbed twice. He is a dam liar, and it really angers me and billions of others too. This may be his downfall too to ever being the president. So sad if you really wrap your head around what he and others have done to humanity.
Why do you think he was never jabbed?
As far as l