I'm sure glad you have to shop! Otherwise, there wouldn't be time for our lessons!

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I agree!

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Biden has at least 2 stage doubles. That is novelty. There is the "Young Biden " and the "Big Ears Biden". Unknown if they are clones, walk-ins or just plain stage actors. I suspect clones because they can keep them quiet and they won't have to be Arkansided like Obama's Chef on his paddle board for knowing too much inside information.

Hillary had 2 stage doubles. One that talked to the press outside Chelsea's apartment in NYC and another double that replaced Hillary at the 9-11 tower celebration. Hillary suffered from seizures and had a private Paramedic on staff that traveled with her everywhere. Hillary's seizures probably related to spike proteins like Mad Cow from drinking too much Adrenochrome; causing a human form of the disease known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), which is a rare, fatal brain disorder.

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There used to be online posts (https://verumetinventa.wordpress.com/2021/09/30/arthur-roberts-the-crisis-actor-who-plays-joe-biden/) naming Arthur Roberts as the actor impersonating Biden; but they appear to have been taken down:



"Hillary" at the 9-11-16 event:


Whatever it was that was being hustled into the back of that van, it was not a living being.

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IIRC, it was said at the time that one of Hillary's impersonators was her sister or some other close relative?

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The wayback machine is still your fren, but who knows for how long. I'm amazed it is still online... https://web.archive.org/web/20211026091814/https://verumetinventa.wordpress.com/2021/09/30/arthur-roberts-the-crisis-actor-who-plays-joe-biden/

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Oh, thank you. I did try the wayback machine but I guess I don't know how to use it properly!

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ps. the Hildabeast is still with us.

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Kuru disease, cannibalism.

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Seems to me - looking from outside - that it doesn't really matter how many body doubles/cardboard cut-outs there are, providing that on the day, they can all act as if they barely have the capability to read from a teleprompter. This must be absolutely by design, a feature and not a bug.

Equally obvious, and I'm sure all foreign leaders dealing with him/them will also know a lot more than me, is that someone else behind the scenes is pulling the strings. Whether or not the "original" Biden is in the mix is somewhat immaterial, and was from the day they helecoptered him into the position.

Sort-of watching the lead-up to the last election, I recall a report of a "rally" (when he came out of his basement, perhaps?) that got into the low double digits attendees. I wondered at the time if that was too many for a seance (given the target demographic, i.e. the metabolically challenged…)

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How come taking this adrenochrome doesn’t make them look any younger or make them healthy?

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We appreciate these weekly driving podcasts, but we need to hear from you more often, Clif, have you thought about daily shower podcasts?

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Or from the DUnny

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A delegate is one of the people, not a person which has multiple definitions. So, one of the people, with proper de jure bona fides can be a delegate to the Electoral College in a de jure Congress Assembled. That would of course fulfill the Constitutional obligation and elect the President and Vice President of the de jure United States.

So, when we read the Declaration of the 13 Colonies we find we need to remove that which is a vile abomination. The de facto State of Oregon a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. We lawfully removed the executive, legislative, judiciary of the Salem Oligarchy and martial law/Lieber code/FEMA. When we implemented our unalienable rights. As in ARTICLE I Section 1 "Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —"www.orsja.org

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Ripening fruit with time stuff? I thought only the tree can ripen the fruit unless there is enough starch to convert to sugar off tree. Maybe time stuff could grow brains also?

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My mother put unripe peaches on a tray near the window and they would ripen to be very sweet. I think inside the fruit is the starch, which turns to sugar when time ripens it.

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Yes but if picked to early will never ripen.

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my Mom and Nanny used a brown lunch bag for peaches. she used to put green tomatoes on the window sill till i told her to slice and fry she stopped ripening all of them.

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Green bananas seem to…

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Hey Clif, ever seen in your webbot that a new nation rising up in the near future like "Tayos"?

Thanks for your hard work.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee and realizing you didn't get your wife a card for your 37 anniversary and you hear about it 22 trillion times a second. AHHHHHHH!

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Maybe that's why, long ago when I was a small child, my father sent me to the corner store to get an anniversary card for my mother from him. My mother wouldn't have badgered him about forgetting, but she would have given him the silent treatment all day. In complete innocence, and because my mother often jokingly called him "you old goat", I thought I was being helpful by signing the card for him too. So I signed it, "the old goat" before handing it to him. He was not happy about that...

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Hey, thanks for all the information, here at home (Azores) , tonight, the temperature is now 26 Celsius which is 78.8 Fahrenheit, always amazed by knowledge you provide, congratulations !!!!

Kindest regards

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They’re already cloning humans. Haven’t you seen all the hollyweirdos, male and female, that look exactly the same? Space is a lie too. You’re losing touch with the woo dude.

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simon cowel aging like a clone.

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Something very weird about him, what/whoever it is.

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Si mon at .55 mins Clown Planet # 329

Clown Planet You Tube Carl Vernon

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Yes, weird!

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That’s Botox.

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Those aren't clones. They're robotoids.

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What are robotoids? Robot clones? Fembots with machine gun jubilees?

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Do the fembots have machine gun jubbilees? Katy Perry is doing the fembot thing with her eyes. So now we not only have to watch out for chicks with pricks, but we gotta watch out for fembot with machine gun jubbilees too! Mike Myers is a prophet.

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Leave Your Body and Soul At The Door.

it's Dead Mans Party, Who Could Ask For More!

Oingo Boingo played at our wedding reception-(before they were well known) youtube.com/watch?v=yhN8SdulOF

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Damn, you are so brilliant brother, Clif. I play Sudoku, when I listen to you because I need to absorb your words through my DNA, and NOT through my 3d human mind-controlled brain. I loved these last 2, taking 40 min instead of 30, too. I know my human brain has been hijacked, but my heart and parts of my DNA sequence can't be touched by those nefarious creatures. It's why they used a frequency fence within our own codes to prevent even us from being awakened to our personal, secret codes. These false progenitors pretending that if they can't have it, we can't have it either. WRONG!!!! Too many of us have caught them with their hands in the cookie jar, so to speak.

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Thought I'd mention this as it seems relevant to Clif's topic, and some of my subscribers follow him.

I'm currently writing a series of articles on my Substack titled.

"Your Creator is Real & Jesus is from Outer Space"

Intended to help the Christian community through this transition.

It is a very different approach. Novelty?

there is a "companion study bible" (1 page) and a glossary. More chapters ahead.

I have been told this is good read (not by my mother).

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Appliances don't last like they use to..

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A day without Clif is like having your coffee maker go out 3 days after purchased it and you just woke up. AHHHHHHH!

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Always enjoy your stroll through the countryside. Wonderful to stretch my thought process through a different viewpoint than I have been operating under. Both tightens up one point or another and sometimes a previous viewpoint or thoughts have been discarded.

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Same with me WC. 🤗

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So Elyon was/is a female?

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The Elohim are androgynous and created us in their own image: "male and female created he them." Early humans were androgynous, like Adam, who produced Eve on his own. Some cultures, eg, the Zulus, have a memory of when humans were divided into separate male and female sexes.


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Rant of the day. ChatGTP and AI is DumberThanABagOfRocks. No originality. Just more fakery and regurgitated junk masquerading as ‘creativity’. Nothing original or unique. Just rehash of existing centralised existing stuff.Clones, Music, writing, most news MSM and alt news. No thinking, creativity or novelty.

Fear not. It will fail because it is anti-novelty.

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Hmm. Early in my programming career, I read a newspaper article about some "expert system" that was going to do what I was doing. In best Bart Simpson voice: Uh Oh!

Wind forward 40+ years, and they haven't replaced me yet, I expect to at least retire before any of that stuff becomes a credible threat. That, or we'll appreciate that the last stone-age didn't end because of a shortage of rocks - we might be needing them again before too long…

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